S~iocia/l& kersonai Ph-one 623-3303 ,à Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Prout prosent ta help hlm celebi spent last weekend ln Hall- the ha ppy occasion were1 burtan. and Mrs. Ted Faley, Mr. Di Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Diling 1aid Faloy, Mrs. Pearl Hoci vlslted witb Mr. and Mrs. IMaple Graveý Mr. and IV. David John and family, Scar- Paul Mclntyre and Broc borough., Miss Ginny Smith, Osha' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coombo s Mrs. Ernest Faley and N~ SMt the past weekend witb Bannie Polley. town. Cangr M a nd Mrs. Peter Auch, ltosM.Fly Belle River. On Wodnesday eveni Mr. and Mrs. Bort Olsen of October 16, Bawmarivillo Scarborough wore rocent visi- ,District Hoticultural Sacli tors witb Mr. and Mcs. For-: weco guosts af the Bowm« est Dilling, Queen Streot. ville Museum Board when of the Sacioty's mombors toi Mrs. J. H. Alldread and Mrs. ed the Museum priar to M. Byers spent Tbanksgiving' tending their meeting in1 at Lake Placid, N.Y.. and on Libcary auditorium. The in returning visited in New- tatian was an expression market. thanks and approciatian ta Mrs. Peter Auch and'Society for the attracti daugbter Cheryl. Belle River, flower-filled urns at t spent a week with ber par- Museum entrance, the f10 ents, Mr. and Mcs. Leslie'ers across the front of t Coombes. vocandah, and the colori Miss Karlyn McDonald has: flowoc bed on the lawn 1 returned ta Montroal aftor altween the Museum and1 week's vîsit with ber parents,irbrary. provided and cared1 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald,;by the Horticultural Sociel Brown Street. iThe flawors have added groý Miss Bannie Palley, Mrs r lv ta the boauty of the Museu Bert Colwoll and Mr. Irwir , Fitting. On bebaîf af t, Colwell spent the weekend Museum Board, the gueý wlth Mrs. Annie Bradley and iwere welcamed by Mc. A.1 famlly, Bond Head. i Thompsan, chairman, a] Mr.an Mr. onad all ýmembers Mrs. Roy LunnE Cahm,. and MsonaldHllMrs. I. Munday and Mc. Fc Taylor, Toronto, were week-________________ end visitars wlth Mrs. James Hall, Liberty St. North. Master Darien Nowhall hall-ýu co e N W dayed last week with bis UC . N W grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tihe October meeting Maurice Prout, whilo bis par- ' Tcinity U.C.W. oponod wi ents were in the United! Mcs. ýK. Sumersford, Pro: States. dont, giving uis many reasai Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frank1 for being thankful at th recently attended the 25th Thanksgiving seasan. TI Annual Canadian Association minutes of the last mootir of Real Estate Boards Con- were accepted as read. Tl ference held ln Niagara Falls, Itreasurer's report disclosf Ontario. '»tat we must work a liti - ...dL "rdrder if wo are ta keE itcaughlin - 15 232';rato as ersgvn <C. Brunt ---- 18 2241 lAbrea st lasyare vne ,D. Taylor 18 218 ' mitu pasaeud L. Wean 8 2i ay for Navember wben ai L. Slemn - -8 2176, E'ank-offering Tea wlll 1 J. SBagni 18 216: eld. A lettor will go out1 !'B. Botbell ___ 18 212: i ladies of the congcogatic nE.Dlcey ______18 06 quainting them with t] B. Crswll 20 Ilcts of our United Cburc J.~~~ Come 1 0'omen s work. Ladies wl J. ood -s 18 202ave blpod in former yeai T.~~ ~ Plaac 5 22yteir attondance at ai TR. PLeaîr c____-18 20211 ll Fair are cordlally invite eR. Cambsd __ 18 219 : attend and assist by makir 13. Roels 18 199 contribution at thîs Thani C. Meyls- 18 1998 fforing Tea. Please jain t C.Bmeil ----- 12 197 n makîng this tea a real tini A. Mrtin----- 18 196 f thanksgiving. A. CoMrti 18 19, Variaus secrotaries reporte( 13. ennat 18 195hawing that the summE D. Tnnat 18 195nonths bave been active 1 Ray Davey 15 195 nany lines. Used stamps ai Galphacaeo 18 193 .till in demand. Mrs. Ra.p B et 18 191 3ragg received a letter frai JF. Boert 18 191 ho Leprosy Mission ln whlc C. Carswell-------- 18 190 'ho secrotacy reports tba C. Russell ------__ 15 190 hrough the sale of use L. Tlnk -___ 18 189 tamps tai European agents ,F. Wotten 18 186 'um of $2500.00 bas bee B. Mlls 18 86 ealized in the first si: B. LeMilîs --- 18 181, oonths of this yeac. Ta datE L. Leamnnr18 18 ur contribution bas been 1 L.~~~ Skne 8 s., sa keep Up the good war] ~urr nd leave your used stamp ir the S.S. Hall for Mrs. Bragg trho will forward them ta tbi i 'entral Depot. Int. L e. FiThe worship service an( fnit 12 wlth Mrs. D. Alîdreac (end Mrs. A. Billett taking pari TEAM STANDINut, Vrs. K. Billett presided at tbg Fra ulano for the bymns. A Bibl( Frnk's Variety e - --ading and prayer concludec Chartran's Men's Weaehis devotional period. Whytes Upholstering _- Miss Hazel Barrie, oui Ellis Shoes------ speaker of the afternoon, wa! ------itrod.ueed by Mrs. Arnolc TEAMI BATTING Lobb Miss Barrie who ce. called very pleasant memorie, fof Bowmanville, used as hoi WhTlytes theme "Time". How thankfu: F"-inks we should ho for time. Eacl, Chartransday we have a new chance tc Chrras--------- tise time as we seo fit and tc ....i....-.-..--.-.-.the best of aur blt.W Trînity Unîteil .ailt.u Mare, augter0f c. ndmust budget time ta use It Mrs. Donald R. Austin: -John w inth the tmost efcec The only time we have is to- David, son of Mc. and Mrs. day so we must eacb ask aur- James B. Dllling, and Doanna sovs"bthv edn Jae Ie aube c.adI toevs"Havehaveuse dotie Christian Reformed Churci, Scugog Street Phone 623-7216 Minister: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 amn 7:30 p.nr. 11:15 a.ni. Sunday Schoo) Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 6:30 p.m. "Everyone Welcome" ýWalnut Shelis HeIp Goodyear To Clean Molds Goodyear Canada's uce4hane foani products plant at Owen Sound bas no pcoblom dcean- ing its molding equipmnent. It bas the answor in a nutshell- in a walnut sheîl ta ho exact. Finely ground. the walnut 'heils are blasted by corn- pressed air from a nazzle ta remove the foam which sticks ta the molds. Walnut Fheils are used ho- cause anything harder could r pit the metal molds and affect the finish of the product. The plant manufactures seat I cushions and padded dasbboard panels foc cars and trucks. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organlst - Mr. Williain M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27tb, 1968 11:00 a.m. ""THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD" CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermediste and Senior 11:00 a.m. - Beginners 4 120 a.n. - Primary and Kindergarten fwere Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Oct. 23, 1968 WESLEY VILLE !l ~ N ~ J D IClark and EMaine, Tweed.7 Foi aoppotrtiy for 'ge ert 'O ne - ear O - ji Ll l e Mr.ba and Mrs. Verdun Tht REC Ent the Bowmanvlle Public* fail weather ~~~~~~~ were Sunday supper gt.ests of-A I N Lbayfo :0utl93 holidays and others to work fi~~M.adMs al lr. ~u .u a .. hsI ucsino later on construction. Veget- Mr nr. alCak Ti sasucsino ables, even tomatoes, are stili GJUla to know Allian Vivian> K V L Y monthly art lessons. usinit __being used from the gardien. i progresslng favorablv after different media and subject -The birds seem to have de- 7. ,~ . i eetacdn n ln Mr. William McLean, teach- matter. The first lesson on rate -layed their departure also, toreur hm fo"w'ora er o f nlght classes ln art at October 25th will be on por- Mr. robins here stili, congregate inl optl omniltj Heospitheo manvilveHlghSchoo traits. Those lnterested are on- ~Lades fos cmun Mr. and Mrs.K. Black and for the past two years, recent- print and conte' crayons. qrs. supplied baking and fruit ;F' daughters visited Mrs. May!r lY taught a weekend course in' These classes are not ta ho ida, Ijams for the Golden lo Black, Harlowe. art at the Public Library to confused with the weekly wa;lbazaar last Saturdaan Mrs. Annie Hatherlv visited members of the Aduit Art cassi r t h liss these were picked up and ~ ' Mrs. Ethel Bryan, Buretn.,Groip. On Friday night lie ightchlsnowaunder the 'a-delivered by Mrm. Thos. Wil- ., Tyrone friends send lheir taught water color painting. direction of Artlst Eileen Van Sýson. est wishes to Mr. and Mrs. lOn Saturdav hie gave twO Nest. .ng, Cuc service was at W. - Jack Hatherly of Newtonville! lessons in oils, with theorv ______________ and corne on the 2th when the who celcbrated their 3,5th r olor rnîxing and a color chart. ety held their thankoffering. Love-1 wedding anniversary Saturdav He taught a five-color palette,!N B lan- ly roses, more evidence of a t evenmng, Oct. l9th. His mother, alizeron crimson, cadmium: J VU 26!gentle season added their ý ..AneHahry tend- red light, cadu )u- beuy o h srvcead woaed the celebration. light, viridian green and' ur- baty taofth svind wo r ~~ >'The xploer Group of ultramarine blue. On Sunday~ r lsotoa t-athemois of thnkiing wr -. ~ Tone United Church \vas the class did some silk screen-ý Caribbean Cruises vi-! Sunday school attendance b of iresonse o e e j o ofwa u n unaym rn eoaigtecuc o h People interested in futureý Fred Denure Tours the here with the weîcome retr 'Tn ankoffering Service on Sun-i art lessons are remlnded that r ive Of several who had been n da.edRev. D. Northey wlM eenwî eun t LINDSAY, Ont. th wy o om eks oe the guests. Special' Bowmanville for a series of' (705) 324-53 )he awafreneso we e s> thanks was extended to Rcv.1 seven winter lessons on the or Your Local Travel Agent s- Clrnene Ntinheate Lute - and soloist Mrs. J. Eas-i fourtlh Friday of each month ,ful Of superintendent George , -k den. Rev. Donald Lute, Brad- be- Tufiord. -----~ ford, a former minister of thisý Li- Mrs. C. Dickinson, Mr. and ~ <~ charge, delivered a fine imes- for Mrs. E. Barrowclough. Mr. saeo-SmtigByn ýty. and Mrs. M. Irwin ofZo9,- --- sgeo SmtigByn at- atedd h at uhm - nX Thanks", giving aIl much food ui Historical Society meeting at ~- Mrs. James Easden of Oshawa,' he the home of Mrs. Rena San- t < - sang two numbers, Le S, sts derson ln Janetville on Wed- "'X t Break Bread" and "I Will' M. nesday night, Oct. 16. ~' - ~--- Sing New Songs.'l Our seniorý ind Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nlch- t choir sang an anthem "Praisei ey, ols visited with Mr. and Mrs. -- - 'n" Our God and King" witb org-! o-Stanley Nichols at Port Carl- ~- ~ - - anist Mrs. Gordyn Brent. ing on Saturday and Sunday, . Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Mrs.' Mr. nd rs.Garb Jggis ~ , -g. -Everton White, Mrs. Ralph LEGION HALL, QUEEN ST. stayed witb the rest of the % Glaspell, Mrs. Edna Wood, 1family till the parents return. Mr.Jh -'l n r.A Mr. Allan Martin of Port l~Knowlton attended the U.C.- I' ) IfCredit called at Harold Bar- -- .Prehtra etn t o tr a , I oe vr91,16 rowcoug's o hi wayto he ..~.Zion United Church on Mon-, th Golden Plow bazaar on Satur-4s>4t day, Oct. 2lst to hear Miss' s- Ms. E ar w l u h a d--~ . ~ . arca C a k , a tn edito1 R eception 6:00 p.m . Supper 6:30 p.m . ils Mrs. M. Brw o Ziondm t-'~ .of the U.C.W. Observer. hes plted. thIrtrin o iarono. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan, ALFRTW RD ARV SAE 'lie pleted their training at 0ronoDonald and Janet, Enniskillen;'1 A LFRTW RDW RV T R ng last week for the Durham n Mr. and Mrs. AI West, Osh- he area of the special census test i awa; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Short. ' N IE TOA E DASB NC ;ed which will begin on Tuesday, Hampton, attended a surprise, USST EER T H I Je Otobr 2nd.birthday party at the home of: e. ohcoe anAlfed Gon frins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan on 50TH ANNIVERSARY r-. bore conteir ay ome f .rom .. - Friday nigbt hoiloring Jim's. - hee o thir wy hme rombirthday. LrIthe luhnmaconT rs On Saturday evening Mr. andi PHONE 623-3609 or 623-3221 pedy flugin mtchonThrs The littie blonde girl in the above photo is Stephanie Nîckerson, daughter Mrs. Jim Rowan attended al rbfr oebr n sw utko tO Mr. and Mrs. Allan Holda- of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nickerson, King St. East, who was one-year-old on October barbecue at Keenc; also Mr.1 on o eoeNvme n sw utko on way returned this past week 3rd. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickerson of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martel of' how many plan to attend. ie after a week's holiday in adMs .Roeo orie ht yAtrSui Hampton. ch Sabula, Iowa. and__ _J.______o_________hot______r Sudi A surprise party was alsoý ho aihoer e coutrysstidearg ai , held at Mr. and Mrs. Jim'1 SPECIAL SEKRAND ENTERTAINMENt s ad esRw theraunrTsi areRowan's on Sunday bonoringi urasdreminder of their form- heevà w r YOEler mother's birtbday which' Scn ol a esadOhrVt eer beauty. To cut themn down wsMna.Toetedig ig is a difficult and expensive job, - Friday night 10 and a halfiwith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Day- was Mo.nd.Ths e attending kso last week George Best '1 tables played Euchre, with1 ies, Mkb w re M and rs.ere Bell, us burned a huge one ini the -prizes as follows: Mrs. Nelliel Last Friday overnight guests Rcand ShPeerboLrougrh an'r. cnrofa cultivated field. Clark, Mr. John Broome, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark land Mrs. Mac Short,Hmtn. Dynamite had failed to dis- Arvilla Barrett, Mr. Gordon dlodge it, 50 tires, and railroad Richards, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mr. er ties piled around its base were v Richard Clark. 50-50 draw wasi nused ta start the pyre.- It fel-wnb r.Hrt re on the third day, but took a Congratulations to Mrs. Ilong time to completely burn. « . Edith Murphy on bier 80tb m 01 birthday, Oct. l7th. Th ursday b evening she was taken by sur- it AIT'rTT Wd YV INGI'I prise when hier children and cd~ grandcbildren deligbted hier byý a McFEETERS - McLELLAN - having a birthday cake, ice, Themarriae o ~ iane ~creamn and a number of gifts, e, Mary McLella.n, daughter of flowers and cards and thel 7 Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Mc- birthday song outside byA -k Lellan, and Mr. John Charles neigbbors. s McFeeters, son of Mr. and Miss Vera Carr, Toronto,' g, Mrs. William C. McFeeters, ..holidayed with bier sister,Ï ie aIl of Oshawa, was solemniz- Mrs. E. A. Virtue and Mr. ed on Friday evening, Octo- Virtue.EF CTV Éd ber 11, 1968, at 7 o'clock ifl Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahi PRICES EFC IE TO S T R A , N V Y Kingsview United Church, 1fùrketon RR. visited Mr. and! d Oshawa. The soft glow of Mr . .Rabm. t. candleligbt from two candel-CnrtlaCnrtltions to Mrs. _________________________________________ _______________ Le bras enhainced the church for MrBetohto Luther Hooey on bier 84th le thevL Weesey Herert.asBocalLon o ifnsuancebirthday, Wednesday, Oct, 23.,1Super Discount Special1 - 9 Oz. ýd R .Wse ebr ad omal ony rpree ntaîv.rec- The Tyros and leaders gath-__L NI A the officiatin'g clergyman, adCmayrpeettvrc ered two and a haîf tons of _____CA ir the wedding music was play- ently received the National Extra - dry" lsppr which netted t- Exredy"___ d e by Mr. Rhyddid Williams. Quality Award. This Is paper$5.5. Deodorant The bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. sented by the Life UndPr- $15l5er - MUQinwdii wad Ah.witrsAR Uiaio ad 1.98 value for 1.79 1 1 IU K U LL -Peter McLellan, wwas thein'writers Association Under- ER OM ETE ýsoîoist. given in recognition of the was beldon Tudy OeUtedth r 'Me bride, who wsgvnhg uliyo evc -Chngrhtonlaturday, Octi.ltb ___________________________________ wa gvn ig uaî~ f erieie Oral or Rectal Type hin marriage by bier father, dered by the salesman.* This is Cong ratatins oni e. t wore a forrnai-length, fitted the eigbth time Mr. Johnston1sMvrs. Perys McCoyie spent:- 0A-lino gown of imported bas received this award. seerran dy sihNbrmaughx Bottie of 25 white Frencb crystal stylcd tr, vilr.anMr.oma eth theequrt î ength 1SMr.vand Mrs. H. BCox, A kmSg.Is 9 C60 Itsevsand bigb mandai 1'A E Oshawa, were Sunday supper 60czr .g.lit79 -5 renc crya.Aplista osetptes l [ 4 l-c Aplqe imot guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sugg. list f Frenss laceaccentete skirlSalem Tbankoffering.service Phare. and helie antd athel- wt,,ill heho bld next Sundy- Oct.Mr. and Mrs. JameszEasn or MiMntAmm sen oseLe. f sei rosivî r. '..acîîe Vanstone's cot-lH-all. wmners of prîzes îor. also nestled at the bigb Gre- tage at Haliburton. high scores were Mrs. In For sore throats due to colds Sugg. list headdresses were of poms *n Mrs. S. Butt.ery, Mrs. E. Ple n mr mt;N cian ~ ~ i neceinonhei flraiIeE PL J ----------------------9 the dress shade. and their Twist. Mrs. A. Stephen. Mrs. second pEsi1.s0to ---s--Walter------Icq.3.3 bouquets were o eîwK. Shackleton, Mrs. Geraldi Neals and Robert Brown. -- Sugg. list .4 sigl pin ad f elowShackleton, Mrs. Bob I ______Harold__Whitewon__the______ pon addeeper yel- craig, H rdie wntelcy __________________ __________________.. low poins with wheat in Mrs. L. Welsh attended the door pr tize nd M ________________ green and yeîîow. Regional meeting of Oshawa GusswtPc.adM. Mr. John Burr was hest Preshytery U.C.W. at Zion on!Wm. Piercy during the week- SMonday.j end were Mr. and Mrs. Robert man, and ushering were Mr. ________ Pieccy of Cooksville, Rev. and AEI A V l SZ R Steven Lakatos and Mc. Her- Mcvis. Frank Brisbin and fan- T M DV T SZ R man Hesselink.BE AN ily of Toronto. MranCem The reception was beld at B T A YCongratulations to RnMriamn.& MneasaondaerSa the Credit Union Hall in Osb- Mrs. John Payne of Porîty- rm RisVta n M ealCodW e S p âwa. The brido's mother re- Friends will be pleased to pool, whose macciage took ceived wearing a stceet-length know that Mc. Thomas Mor- place in the United Church at dress of celery-green nubby ton bas ceturned home from Pontypool on Saturday, with Sugg. list E A oAA Sg.lstA silk with beaded hlgh rouind Civie Hospital, Peterborough. Rev. Wmi. Piercy of Betbany * 4 4 c tight sleevos also adorned man and family of Seagrave ui-e of attending their wed- 1.794apsues 4 * 959cg st4 with beading. Sho was assist- wero Sunday guests with Mr. ding reception at the Legion ed in receiving by the gcoomn's and Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Hall at Millhrook on Satur-'___________________ mother who chose a dress of Mr n r.Ni anv day evening. F'rench silk brocade in peacb Cannington, were S un d a' Rev. Frank Brishin of Tor- PECIPI N D.. R M DE colar witb fitted, long tigbt guests with Mc. and Mrs. EarI, onto was guest speaker at thePRS ITON .A EM D S sleeves highligbted by bead- xveathe-iît. lUnited Chucch Anniversary ed cuffs and styled witb a Cifr ar oevle services in Bethany on Sun- campletely beaded r o Il o d Cifr ar oeilday. ntemrigh pk turtle-neck. Bath wore cor- Micb. is visiting wit.b Mr. and on "nThe Powring hek sages et yellow sweetheart Mrs. Ross Carr.Chr',adnteevig rom nd abercarntion. M. an Mrs Haly M-tiWe Are Already One Fam- As the couple left on tbeir Mabon. Peterborough, spent ily" Special music was pro- wedding trip, tihe bride wvas tbe weekend witb Mrs. Ina vicled by bath senior and e DU S weaî-ing a dress and jacket Palmer. JontoPte- jno carsudr h dre ensemble of turquoise wool Mrs. Rboda JhsoPtr tion of organist Mrs. Wm.1 I G S. A HO E 6 35 9 wit black accessorios. Mr. borough, Mrs. Douglas Gra- Piercy. Many visitors from 5 KN T .P O E 6 35 9 and Mrs. McFeeters are re- bam, Omemee, were guosts outside points attendod bath~ ~fig in Oshawa. with Mrs. Mildred Bristow, services. gi