SPORTOPmCS By Frank Mohun 4=3-7234 SHOULD SHOW WULL It would be micc te be able te say that Bowmanvlli Junior "C" Whiz Kids made an auspicieus debut i the 10 team Suburban Junior League. But - they lest their home opener te Milton 11-5. And the locals face twe away gamee this week, whIch doesn't exactly make their chances of .Winning any easier. Hewever, judging from what we saw i Sunday's attrac- tien, Bowmanville should give a good account of themse1ves hi the junior hockey campaign that lies ahead. Certainly anyone who saw the St. Mary's Cement Ried. men wln the Ontario Juvenile champienship this spring can't doubt the spirit of that team - and many of those players have moved up te the Whiz Kids. yIn their first start, the locals kept coming back firsitc tic the score in the first after being down 3-1, then after two quick early second period markers bad them trailing &gain, tbey came on In the second baîf of the perlod. It looked like a third period rally, reminiscent of the juvenile finals, was In the offing. Nearly everyene we talked te between the second and third was confident the "Kids" would cerne back - but 'nstead it was Milton sbowing that things won't be quite the same In Junior "C", as the visitors fired four unanswered goals te break It wide open. But one game dees net a season make, and under Ray ,Preston's coaching, Bowmanville Whiz Kids should show well. e ti. t 1* t i MUST BE MORE! Aftcr two practice sessions at the High School gymnasium yeu begin te wonder wheme al the baskctball playens are Ihiding. In order te fonm a four tcam town league a lot more ptarticipants are ugcntly necded. If the oîd scribe could drag his weary bones eut on the court last season after being away from the sport for more yeans than we came te remem- ber, surely thene must be quite a few young guys around - or old geezens like us, who would like te play basketball. If you are interested contact cither Tad Dadson or Don "Pop" Martin lmmcdiately or be nt the Higb Scheol gym- rialuni Tuesday nigbt aI seven o'clock. Regulan double- headers are slated for eveny Tuesday at seven and eight p.m. t t t t t STILL GOLFING Afler the ain stepped Saturday mamning and before the cool air moved ln Sunday afternoon, the weathcr was still ,excellent for golfing this past weekcnd needless te say, the sports editor was happy te take advantage. Even birdîed the par five fourlh bole bath times around on Sunday, although we needed a chip mbInthe cup te turn the trick second time anaund. Requlred nine strokes on the game bole during aur firsl nine Salurday though afler smacking our second shol inte the raugh on the edge of the woods. Only a few inches off the falrway but il took three .7wipes te get the dumb little white thing back mbt play. -- Whlle we wcre out golfIng during the week (snuck away îôor an afterneon) the buzz of the power saw was much ln1 evidence. Talked with Bob MacDonald, owner of the Bow-i nianville Country Club, and ho lnformed us that within a i çouple of weeks only the lSth and l6th fairways will remain ýo be carved out for the second nine. Then the bulldozers will meve in te remove the stumps, fairways will be seeded, and greens will be constructed. It ~expected that the second fine will be avallable for some jplay late next summer and the entire 18 holes In full opera- ilon for the entire season of 1970. The new ninth green and apron Is coming along welI &s the newiy planted grass Is growing weIl. A new third -lèa is ready to be sodded In the spring, whtle other tee-off s .wi1rl be constructed. Meanwhlle it looks like curling is set for a banner season ,mad anyone wishing te jein the Bowmanville Country Club ,:Ïhould contact manager Larry Heffering before the schedules .'Sre drawn Up. Before the season ends, we've got one more golf story - ..iaybe you could make that two. At a Toronto club, a golfer was rendered unconscious .fter being hit by a baîl. When he recovered, the first face :be saw was that of a member who Is an undertaker. z And you've ne deubt heard of animaIs and birds steallng .golf balis, although I've neyer had that problem, most of >iine end up under water or in the rough. But at Toronto's Cedar Brae they've got a squlrrel who retrieves halls from .-he woods and drops them on the fairways. One member 'Cists that the squirrel has been joined by a chipmunk. -When It was suggested that could net be true because the .chpmunk's mouth was tee small, the raconteur mentioned -that the animal deals in onay the smaller British baîl. t. t t t t JGOOD BOWLING! George Marshall', a 19-year-old bowier In the C.O.F. ,:Jeague Friday night, registered a 408 game, the highest single at Liberty Bowl so far this year. George started off with six consecutive strikes, took eut :> three pin in the seventh and then proceeded te pull off the tough spare. Then he went on from there te rack up five -inore strikes for the tremendous effort. MEMORIAL ARENA - S BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th 8 - 10OP.m. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 4 - 6 p.m. Admission - - - - - - - 50e HOCKEY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th Double Header - 7:00 p.m. - BOWMANVILLE MIDGETS vs. TRENTON - 9:00 p.m. - BOWMANVILLE JUVENILES vs. OSHAWA Admission - - - - - - - 50e A dWOt ! JR.4"C" HOCKEY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th - 1:00 p. - BOWMANVILLE vs. LINDSAY Admission $1.00 studeuts 50e Midl Itn 25e MX M e n S Milton Spoi@ls Wh iz Kids Mixed League Bowling 'Major Lge. Jr. C Debuf With 11-m5 Win n Octoberi18, 1968 Bowmnanville Whlz Kida had in thc second stanza notchl.ngi minutes It was Milton coming Prout defeated Brunt and E. Fou bwles rasedthc their debut into Junior "C" the go ahead tally after a on with a strong tac teBck csetvl o ee 800 mark this week. Bilan hockey spoiled, Sunday after- minute m 6cns and pu te am o cI nh.Pler sbre Martyn was tops with a big noon at the Memorial AMena, runnning the 1margindte-, an ondwtputwe' three a 1ponsaH. Pmrck Otbking ie >894 triple also the high single lesn 1mri o53 ln ihTckelstreadH rc aigfv rgame of 378. Martyn's other s _g 15 te Milton. only 40 seconds later. Rogers goals, Grahanm Hemn, aulipoints, leaving M. Etcher, egames were 276-240. The visitors were neyer fired bis fourth straight goal Kitchen and Marty eedsiGlanville and Perfect with SiTrwnth rindyheaded, but the issue wasn't at the 7:07 mark, but Keith each notched a pair, withtwo points ecd. O. Etcher groerwasnext witb 883y decided until the final period, Tuckwell triggered bis sec- Keit~h HgsadBar lbeating Lobb four te three. Tmoervi's as wrc 3.:wben four unanswered goals ond and third goals of the liott supplying singles for the icePot old 1 o 244. The South Ward Kid Put it out of reacb. pcrîod, within two minutes winnems. VnePotbwe 1 o iHoward Bromeil had 830 <223. Milton opened the scoring and 15 seconds at thec mid- It was a rugged contest tht men's high Single and Larry 373-234). The old smeothie early in thc game, and after way mark. threatencd te dcvelop into aPie bowled 821 for the bigh Dave Reynolds had games of the locals bad tied it, twe tai- After Tuckwell's third, full scale war at varieu triple. Larry holds high av- 297-268-259 for a total of 824. lies 80 seconds apart made Dave Wright took over the times as the two teams col- Lrg wt 63<rrabu Eleven bewlers bit the 700 the count 3-1. But the Whiz goal-tending ch or es from lected a total of 31 penalties, ast week, Larmy). Mary Ann plateau. Russ Oke had 798 Kids came back te tic it be- Doug Hayes, and the Whiz good for 67 minutes in the Richard3 got the ladies' bigh (309-261), Deug Carter 798 fore the first period ended, Kids began te apply the pres- sin bin. single with 278 and 745 for (294-267), Russ Hately 785, as Kim Rogers completed a sure. They were finally re- Bowmanville bas two road high triple. (299-276), Walt Hately 771, hat-trick, his three goals cern- warded 20 seconds from the games this week before play- 700 Triples (297), Russ Haîlman 768 (320): ing in little more than nine end on a dazzling sole rush ing theïr next home game on Don Oke 732 and a big 356 minutes. by Mike Donaghue. Sunday, one o'clock at the M. A. Richards .745, L. Welsb single, Mike Murphy 729 The visitors struck quickly However, ini the final 20 Memorial Amena. 818, L. Piper 821, F. Bradley (266), Bill Luxton 727 (252), 723, S. Dav'is 710, V. Prout Dr. H. B. Rundle <715) 268, Co m rilHo ky Ia u 764, A. Osborne 753, D. Per- Commerciai712Hockey Cleagneefect 703, R. Etcher 772. Oke 706 (246). 25Gie Bob Williams bad a real big 215 G- - single game 357. Ron "Fat"5~f/ ~ - R.- Etcher 269, 254, 249, 0. cm 286, George "Snub" Piper la tors e tM & G .5 o2 Piper 249, 233, T. Millson 230, 278, Elton Breck 273, Bob-A L. Connors 256, P. Yeo 232, Baon Art oba nd26, FankP I PIS C1 'P IH -21 . ra 2327, ,>.Perfect LBon Art Row28,e an 271 5A. rock 227, D,. PBrun Mohun 260. kB ys n E g B oo s 5 240, 269, A. Osborne 252, 286, The Jury & Loveli team bhad Matt Harrison 267, A. 'Wise- high triple 3526 and W. Frank man 250, B. Glanville 267, Real Estate had bigh sngle The 1968-69 Commercial singles going te "Winnie"I Steve Burns and Tim Prout 241, H. Moore 229, V. Prout 1279 Hockey League season gel Vanstone, Grant Flintoff and picked Up lhree points apiece 289, 313, H. Palmer 273, F., Ai Osborne bas 248 average undcrway Sunday morning at Tomn Wilson. B ot h Shellifor Bryson's on a goal and Bradley 242, 257, A. Blan- for top position. Dr. H.Ie Mroil rnwt markers came off the stick two assisîs, the other win- chard 241, S. Davis 274, 270, Rundie Is second at 246. The teMmra rnwt of AI Guernsey. iners' marker going te Joe G. Wilcox 292, M. Etcher 232, Doctor eturned frorn bis Walter Frank Real Estale de- The second game saw Balson. J. Davis 234, L. Smale 229, B. moose bunting trip without feating Mutton & Gould 5-2, Brooks register the only goal Brian Bradley clicked for a Leamnan 244, M. A. Richards seeing one. The bowlers at and Bryson's Smoke Shop of the opening 20 minutes, pair in the losing cause, Lar- 269, 278, C. Wiseman 251, L. the alley are wondering if Dr. coming up witb a pair of laIe the score tied 3-3 after two ry Permis and Bob Hellam Welsh 284, 244, 290, L. Piper H. B. R. knows what a moose goals te, edge Brooks' Super- and Brooks regaining the lead adding singles. 250, 284, 287. looks like. Deug Carter is test 5-4. early in the final session. Il er tnig third at 238. In the season apener, stayed that way until George Teain Standings The food beys from I.G.A. Frank's fired three unanswem- Sainsbury netled. the equal- W. L. Pts. e, tnig are still on top with 13 % e d second period goals te izer aI 16:13, and with only W. Frank R. Est. 1 0 2 Total points and they really de came, break a 1-I first period tie. 48 seconds left on the dlock, Bryson's S. Shop 1 O 2 Teamf Pins PIs.1 Jury & LoveIl and Nels Os- Ray Crombie led the way Ted Fairey scored the win- Brooks' Supertest 0 1 0 Osborne ___ 21294 371 borne's Insurance teamn have wilh twe goals and an assist, ner. -Mulon & Gould 0 1 0 Prout ---. 21111 371 13 points, just 1/2peint off tepc.Palmer_____ 21431 350 The date of the Christmas iperfIraV 'S-___ 22099 331 party Ibis year is Dec. 28th 1-1A.Ij . Brock 20026 23 AvrgsYugA utBowling __ Name Gaines Ave. 1 rut 2315 221 Averges Bo.wing LBuI ___ 1549 22 AI Osbornei---------21 248 ----M Dr. H. B. Rundle - 21 246 Deug Carter 21 238 Dave Reynolds - 21 233 Russ HaIely -- 21 233 Brian Martyn - 20 233 Russ Halîman - 21 232 Ernie Perfect - 21 232 George Bebee 21 232 lien Etcher -- 21 231 Si. Trewin ------- 21 231 Howard Bromeli 21 230 Don Bagneli 21 229 Larry Piper 21 229 Russ Oke -- 21 229 Don Oke --- 21 228 Elton Bneck ___ 21 227 Clarence Oke . 21 226 Luke Annaert - 21 226 Frank Mohun - 15 225 Lau Wiseman - 18 221 John Carter -- 21 217 Ed Leslie ------ 21 216 Maurice Annaemt- 21 216 Ted Bagnell 21 216 Bud Henning 21 215 John Gould --__ 21 214 Matt Harrison 21 213 Mike Murphy 21 213 Hap Palmer 21 213 Jack Parker ___ 18 211 George Piper 21 211 Don Jensen ---_ 18 211 Bill Westlake 21 210 Maurice Rchards - 21 210t Murray Tigbe - 18 209 Roly Ceombes - 21 209 Art Rowe---- 21 209 Bob Konopaki 21 209 Harold Michelson 21 208 Jack Bond 21 208 Walt Hately 21 208 Karl Piper 21 205 Bob Kent___ 21 205 Ab Sarnan 21 205 Bob Smith____ 21 205 Boh Lawton___- 21 205 Ron McLean 21 202 George Stephen 21 202 Bill Luxton--------- 21 200 Team Standing Teain W L Pts, I. G. A.---- - 131/271/ 13 1, Jury & LoveIl 13 8 13 N. Osborne Ins. 13 8 13 Lander Hdwe. 12 9 12 Pepsi ------ 1 10 il Mutton & Gould ---- il-- 10Io i Beaver Lumber 10 Il 10 Selby Grant - 10 Il 10 W. Frank Real Estate. 10 Il 10 Fnank's Varielv ____- 9 12 9 1 Dykstra's - 9 12 9 Ken's Men's Wear----- 4 'A16% 4½' New'ville -Starkville Thursday, Oct. 17 Averages Malene Stacey -____206 Marg MacDonald ____194 Dorothy Stark _____183 Gall Milîson -_____182 Marie Trim --______174 Margaret Wade _____174 Doris Tompkins 171 Joyce Stacey -____169 Bernice Hendenson - 164 Dale Fonan ----------160 Olive Hendersen ____160 Shirley Mantel_____159 Grace Farrow -_____155 Lynda Nickerson ___140 Dorilda McCarron 126 Bamb Ingraham -____123 Ellen Farrow_____11 Freda Jeffrey .-___ 8 200 Gaines G. Milison ______293 M. Stacey - 275-217 M. MacDonald 234-206 M. Wade _____-223 S. Martel _______219 O. Henderson -_____200 Gaines Won Peony i Phlox 10 Iih- 8 Aster 7 October 20, 1968 Teain Standings R. Selîeck J. Bennett _____ J. Smith - -_____ R. Beauprie- K. Cobb H. Moore----- - High Sni G Colleen Peebles...----- High Triple (G) Sharlene Cain ------- High Single (B) Ted Harrison ------- High Triple (B> lion Selleck -------- Averages R. Selleck___ T. Harrison -_ _ K. Cobb -__ B. Crearner______ J. Tucken - S. Cain ----___ R. Beauprie G. Marshall YOUTH E Bantain Girls Taylor 5, Yeo 0; Sellers 5, E>. Piper 0; K. Piper 3, Car- ter 2. Team Standing Taylor 1 Carter -_______1 Sellers -- 1 Yea le_____1 K. Piper le__1 E>. Piper ----- --7 High Single S. Brooks------ ------.- - 152 S. Bond ------------- - 140 Hdgh Double S. Brooks ---------------_244 E>. Sellers ----------------243 Bantain Boys Welsh 5, Coombes 0; Wood- ward 5, Brooks 0; Sudsbury 3, Cook 2. Team Standing Coombes ----- 2C Welsh 18 Sudsbury 13 Woodward--------12 Cook ----8 Brooks -------- --- - 4 High Single L. Bisbop . - - 176 T. Vanstone --- ----- 167 High Double L. B'ishep - --319 T. Vanstone ---------- 307 Junior Girls Bmrnell 5, E>. Dadson 2; G. Dadson 4, BrunI 3; Tîce 5, Mountjoy 2. Team Standing Tice -26 ___________19 BrunI ________-16 D>. Dadson ______.16 G. Dadson ______16 BoelHigh Single 1 W. Mounljoy ----- - -- 211-227 P. Almond ------------- _224 High Triple W. Mounljoy- 589 P. AIniond _ _- 552 S. Whiteheed 534 Junior Boys Simpson 7, Coonibes 0; Preece 7, Jenisen 0; Roberts 5, Marchant 2. Team. Standing Simpson _________31 Roberts ________19 Coombes _______17 Preece -_______14 Marchant -_____13 Jensen ------ _ _ _ Hlgh Single B. Preece----- - 211 Hlgh Triple B. Preece -______539 Senior Mlxed League Brock 5, Selleck 2; Brad- ley 5, Bromell 2, Goodwln 5, Chittick 2; Bouwmeester 5. IL. Woods_____ C. Peebles B. Sm ith - -- J. Bennett -__ P. Luglenburg D. Anlauf - -___ H. Moore J. Luffman___ P. Jordan- M. Sierbuis J. Smith --- __ __ H. Mitchell____- P. Westley-______ V. Tennant -____ L. Pattenson-_ __ R. MacPherson____ B. Murphy ___ L. Judge R. Saller . ___- D. Chilvers F. Luxton ___ S. E>evorski-____ S. Arych.- B. Cubbage 30WLING Etdher 2; Lewis 5, Goed 2. > Team Standing Brock . ________ 29 Goodwln _______21 Selleck ______ 21 Go-od ------19 Bouwmeester 18 5Chillick ---___ 16 )Etcher _____ 13 )Bromell -_______ 13 7Lewis _______ 13 Bradley - -..12 R. Burley- 222-254-338 E>. King 300-207-219 1R. Selleck 261-243-275 G. Palmer --------- 230 S. Fi.rth -___ 231-227-228 -M. Bradley - ------- 226 E>D. Brock --- - 213-228-205 G. Edmondson --------- 235 E. Cowling 218-236 )R. Knighl ---- ---- 263-220 E>D. Bradley - 297-282-204 C. Ayre ___ 244 >S. Cain ---------- 255-241 3R. Bouwmeesler 230-279 1R. Etcher ------ 200-291 W. Lewis____ 258-219-241 1R. Leal - --______ 234 R. Gnod 222-225 High Triple R. Burley - - 814 R. Selleck _______779 E>. King ________ 726 W. Lewis _______718 S. Firthl _______ 686 R. Etcher -_____669 D>. Brock -_______646 E>. Bradley ____;__ 83 S. Cain --------____ 680 R. Bouwmeester 663 St. Joseph's Mixed October 20th Teain Standings Rejects _______ 36 Hustiens _________ 30 Tigeroos -_____24 Separtisîs 21 Go Gellers - - 191 The Larks 17 High Single - Men Bruce Soeos - ---- 265 Riorh Triple Men Jin Fair -----652 High Triple- Ladies Rose Venasse 578 Hligh Single- Ladies Betty Charland ----- _ 2221 Over 2001 Bruce Soeos - 2651 Bull Orme _-__-__2461 M1ike Kennedy - 2351 Jack Brown ______234( Jimn Fai.r - _____ 2321 George Charland -___226 Betty Charland ____2221 Banner Passant -- 2211 Rose Venasse __-___213e October 16, 1968 Team Standings 3K. Campbell 19 3J. Mairs _ _ __-16 J. Shearer ___15 1W. Nesbitt ________14 1S. Gay _____ 10 jB, Wiibur _____1 3 High Triple 7J. ROwe -------- --- 674 IHigh Single 7 . Shearer --------- 258 Over 225 J. Shearer 258, J. Rowe 253, 227, F. Bruce 251, S. Gay 228. Averages J. Shearer 210 S. Gay 192 F. Bruce ______192 J. Rowe ____-1 9 1 W. Nesbitt -______ 8 K. Campbell _____176 1. Wri.ght _____173 J. Mairs _______-1,.,j F. Jones -_____ 173 C. Bate. 170 B. Wilbur ____169 M. Ovendon ___164 D. Kelly -_______163 A. Larusso _____ 163 D. Ogdeai 163 P. tagnell -- 162 D>. Cochrane ___-162 D>. Gibson 161 D. Sallows 160o F. Land - ______160 L. Coombes _____158 B. Charland -____153' W. McNeil -______153 E. Coombes ____-15r,1 L. Burgess 150 A. Burgess - -149: A. Perfect _______146, M. Brinklçi 14.9 K. Raîston ______145 A. Glaspeli ____._ 144 C. Marchant _____143' P. ]Broome l137 B. Nimidgon 136: D>. Peters- 128: Y. 'Young 124 MIXED MAJOR October 14, 1968 Our Whistling President Rossie Wright really hit thel target when he rolled 811 i (307) for high triple for thei evening. "'Rossie, too many scares like that and our man- ager will be completely gray." One of our new bowlers, Keith Yeo took high sin gle with 325 and rolled a beauti-' fui 794 triple. "Let's see you keep, it up, Keith." Pete Dobbins rolled 7921 (308). "Pete, those *** pins are really falling for you." Ernie (Plumbing & Heat- ing) Perfect 778; Dave Rey- nolds in the target again 756; Mile fireman Murphy 743:, our Orono Boy Jim Brutoni 737; Championship bowler Doris Joli 721; East End Mana- ger Don Wright 719; our IGA girl Bernice Buday 709. The other 300 game was rolled by Our «little tiger'I Linda Crossey with 305. Tbanksgiving was really good te a lot of the bowlers. Team Standings Joli- 16 19915; Dunn ____ 15 1854,11 Coole ____ 13 17540 Biekeli ____ il 17931 Reynolds 10 18054 Buday -___ 8 18901 Crossey 8 17601 Buttonghaw 8 17592 Colwell _____ 6 17858 Haynes e_____ 8 17482 Pattield 5 1716 Samia ___-__ 2 16767~ E. ±srocic M. Etcher __ Glanville 0. Etcher __ Perfect - 19685 19860 19478 19745 20079 Averages L. Piper- A. Osborne E>, Perfect H. Palmer___ Ab Saman V. Proutl- M. Richards - M. Etcher ___ E. Brock____ G. Wilcox ___ Gea. Piper O. Etcher S. Davis --- Malt Harrison A. Lobb- L. Welsb A. Wray ---- M. A. Richards- F. Bradley P. Yeo ýA. Blanchard__ Arn Sleep E>. BrUnt ___ RSPORTOPICS Don't forget the Town Senior Le:ague Softball banquet' and dance at the Lions Centre on Saturday, Novemer 9 i. t t t t WITH HOCKEY The team doctor for the Toronto Maple Leasscf the National Hockey League has some advice for professIonal coaches. Doctor N. Tait McPhedran says that players with pulled muscles should be sent back Into action just as soon as they can stand the pain. Doctor McPhedran said when a player Is kept eut for the usual period of four weeks, fibres in pulled musees shorten. And the firgt time he plays again, the muscle injVty recurs. He says a player wouid be back playing Ini a weelc to 10 days If he keepi moving as soon after the Injusy as possible. t t t t t. HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST The annual horseshoe pitching contest was held Sunday, 1October 20th, 1968 wlth approximately 24 persons competing. The final piayoffs were between Mort Lake and John Carter versus Ross Wright and George Piper with the latter pair being deciared champions. They received the prize money plus gifts £rom Labatt's presented by representative iWally Farr. Ladies Major Bowling League Hlgh single of the night 272-235, H. Donaghuie 266-233, was bowled by Mabel Lewis D. Brooks 265-236. 0. Etcher 277, while h'igh triple was 261. P. Durand 258, J. Ten- taken by Hazel Donaghue 736. nant 250, B. Terry 249, G. Over 650 Triples: H. Dona- Kichko 247, D. King 241, C. ghue 736, W. Nesbitt 722, H. Bowers 238, M. King 238, S. Depew 651, and O. Etcher 650. Brown 232, G. Shearer 232, Good rolling, girls. E. Whitehead 232-229, H. De- Team Standings pew 231, O. Patfield 231, J. Team Pins Pts. Baker 228. 0. Patfield 13,614 10O'2 Top 12 Averages 0. Etcher 14,021 9 o. Etcher 230 L. Crossey -- 13,751 9 S. Davis .--- --216 M. King --- 13,485 9 D>. Brooks -------- _215 H. Donaghue. 13,287 8 D. King ---------------_ 212 H-. Depew - 12,892 8 B. Buttonshaw 21) D>. King - 13,415 8 C. Bowers ------ --207 D. Bond - 13,123 7, E. Etcher --.--- 201 S. Davis 13,718 11/.Tenn . 0 D. Brooks- 13,576 à H. Donaghue 200 H. Reynolds 13,477 5 0. Patfield 198 B. Buttonshaw 13,947 5 *K. Steçphens -------- 197 225 Games amd jp . aIrnnb 01~..a M. Lewis 277, M. PerrCry- James Baker. Harold Leach. 272, H. Donaghue 266-249, V Jim Steven Forsey, Bob Harness, Nesbitt 230-226-266, E. EtchedneY Randy Cunningham, Chris me. 262, G. Ellis 259, H. DepeZerry Tavlsh. Rick Jones, Lance 254, M. King 251, D. Brooý'ayne Livingstone. 243, C. Bowers 243, L. Cro Eric sey 238, 0. Etcher 237, 1 Bob orCismsdlast Sheehan 236, L. Hazekien 23 ' Your ChrianSmave dollars t O. Patfîeld 231, K. Bdggs 23' Bob TeCnda aeteC d L. Cole 227, S. Davis 225. !netrn udwilbngoyo Top 12 Averages )ark- chlld somewhere in the world. 0. Etcher )3enes, A child Who needs shoes or S. Davis ___r o n food, a child who needs hope. D. Brooks _______2lDen- Purchase their Christmas carda D. King ____ 2, con, by wrlting CANSAVE, Box C. Bowers -1 2 eitt, 757, Adelaide Street Post 0f- W. Nesbitt 20' fice, Toronto, Ontario, for a B. Buttonshaw ____ 20 ' - card brochure. J. Tonnant ______20 H. Depew - 19 H{. Moore _____ 19F E. Etcher Iîw BOWMAN VILLE 0. Patfield----------------- - 191 October 14, 1968 High single of the nigh was bowled by M. McKnigh, 291, while high triple wa- taken by H. Reynolds 751. l Over 650 Triples: H. Rie nolds 758, B. Buttonshaw 751 D. Brooks 699, H. Donaghu, 698, K. Stephens 694, S. Da vis 687, M. McKnight 662, Pln t l m n Duad660, E. Whitehea I salm n 656, E. Etcher 650. Team Standings OF Pins Pts. 0. Patfield 16,299 121/ 0. Etcher ......16,820 12 r ". M. King 16,327 il D. King __16,366 10 t. Donaghue- 16,211 10 t' Depew 15,504 g9'DUE S. Davis - 16,503 71/2 H. Reynolds- 16,196 7 D. Bond --- 15,597 7 1 6 D.Brooks ...16,418 6I 1 1 6 B. Buttonshaw 15,655 6 225 qames and 'up rY GEBOERS, M. McKnight 291, H. Rey- nolds 288-256, K. Stephens Tax Collector. 279-246, M. Cole 278, B. But- tosishaw 276-274, S. Davis --. -~ = ~ - i Iý bi 6, 0 0 m L D H H S. H D 2j ALCAN - UNI VERSALI ýHOMES - AT - CENTRAL ONTARIO HOME BUILDERS Ltd. Sue-DI VISION Saunders Avenue, Bowmanville STARTING AT $21#,913.00 for a 1289 sq. ft. home with hot water hydronic heating, 5 major appliances, froc standing furniture, Iandscaped lot .*. only $3600.00 down Despite Liberty Street construction the sub-divislon is stili accessible by automobile. Corne and se. these homes anytirne 8 arn. to 5 p.m. daily Monday through Friday . . . or moae an appoinfrnent with our sales agent:z PETER KOWAL Jr. Phone 623-2453 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle A 'I à 1 Ili - mý ý rrg