Ms. and Mss. M. Stalntien's. Ms. and Mrs. S. R. Péth1ck spent the weekend with Ms. and Mrs. F. Pethick, Scarbor- ough, and called on Mr. and Mms. E. 0. Pethick, Toronto. Ms. and Mss. C. Stainton and girls were Sunday tea guests !at Dave Bothwell's, Maple Grove. COpoaio hsappsoved the 0~ Mss. E. Page and Miss Clara .f$1200o for a new I U AE *,~ Page wese Sunday taget lnusrywhd according ta LIeLL Civ>swaiik JoegJu at Mr. and Mss. Rose Page, Alex Carruthes, M.P.P., is to1 Solina. be established ln the Village Ms. and Mss. R. Rowan and Further details of the pro-;t ln W f Rowan at Yeiverton and alsoi Jecl will be released later inl o M IVLecL ChMMMMen visited Mr. and Mrs. A.: the joint communique wth! Rowan.i the own e-. Newcastle-During Saturday :fali, and this week is tcaching Mr. Tom Hockin, Port Perryl morning, members of the the children the proper way te and Miss Gall Stainton spent Newcastle P.U.C. erected acrs yteueoth i. udywhGal itrD'1 crosswalk sign as a safety cosb hueoftesg udywi HoisspistarlDois Joan Frith measure for the children cross- Once they have become ac- spet tierli h ostal;asou ln te .11an RbetStreet utmdt using the sign Mr.str at the hospital. Accept Seatte and freini shool. It's Murray may well return te the s andMss Cil seen fsom the south or north1 er as Crossîng Guard for the Don visitors o . adMs for a great distance. Driversichildren crossing there. Theirsý Mr. Lyal Brock, Bowman- O n Coufl coming along Mill Street can't is a very busy corner, andivîvlle; Mr. adMs o possibly miss it. and therefore whlle aur own residents know Mr.Gill were Sunday dinner Newcastle - With Jack are warned weîl in advance the danger of this particular get fM.adMs et Adams decining to accept the that children will be crossing. corner, some tend te forget,. McGiiI, occasion of Dale's vacant seat on Council. a reg- at this particulas spot. ýwhile strangers aren't aware birthday. Istered lettes was rnaiied by Crosslng Guard Jim Murray and it does make crossing a1 Mrs. J. Kinsman, Lisa and the Clerk te Miss Joan Frith,: has heen stationed there since dangpr ta the childsen cross- Royn r. and Mss. Ray Van- next in line. the return te school ln the Ing there ________ rob nd fM iy ovene Miss Frith reported ta The Ms. and Mss. Sam Piper andf Statesman on Sunday thatAIj 1 girls, Maple Grave; Mr. and' she seceived her letter, and ' I JC 7 ,PiIlM IV Mrs. Herman Haass and fam- will accept the seat. ew cas ieV ib ar lly, Bowmanville, were Sun- day callers at K. cils S Ms. and Mss. Howard Miii- Newcastle Ha:ayN wB o~ Mrs. John Siemon on Sunday Newcstle- Nw boks n La s he Mgicat a dinner pasty ln their Newcstle_ Nw boks o!Lois; he MgieAnimal,'honor to celebrate their 25th Person ls folibar sshlvs reas WylePhilip, Foxes of Beachy wedding annivrsar.Other Newcastle - Remembrance! Adult:. 1 Owe Russia $1200, Guilt, Black Eugene; The Sen- timore, Tysone, Oshawa and Day will be observed at theBob Hope; Ace af Aces, Trno Cenotaph here ln the village: Fonck; Do You Saîemnîy'atTre earsonDrew; NoDfadaTaront on Monday, November ilth. A"Swear. Heller; The Magnifi- ýly Drug, MacDonald; Dia-' Th e Saraent of aptmon church parade and service wiIlf cent Failure, Lutz; The Heirfilogues with the Devil, Tayl was , clrted S ndahenhomen- be held an Sunday, November1 af Starvelings, Berkman; As-!CaldwelI; Conquest ofYîng Oct.ndZOth in awheno e o 3rd at which time ail ex-ser-isasin, Levi; The Search for1 land, Linkietter; The Eng- . an Mr. arec vioemen from Newc astle duke, Asnold Michael; igArlWe'arn. Rev. A. M. Dougherty ate r ad the Girl with the Blue Eyes I igg riiated. Mr. and Mss. James the surrounding araar n- S 'arn; End of the Road, B : than a Breadbox, Allen Steve.lSwain, Toronto, were godpar- vited ta attend. The parade zel; The Jury Returns, Nazes J uv e nil e: Tales fromýents, Baptized wese Raymond wil frmup t heJ. ndr-Shakespeare, Lamb; MythsýRass and Theresa Yvonne, son Smith factory at 10:30 arn. lage followîng a visit in Every Child Shauid Know, chiidren of Mr. and Mss. Eivin and teMc io n Street dfr iWaterdown. 1Wright, He Went with Vasco Pettifer (nee Lamna Wearn) west t Miii treet nd tra Cubs of lst Newcastle "A" Jde Gamna, Clark; Hucklebery __________ ther tethe nitd Curch, Ly 1Willowdale. thee t th UntedChuchand "B" Packs heid theis' inn wi;Tm Swe vbis hopad ed ht mny s ie-,Parent and Award Night Mon- : Ciemens; Black Fox of Lorne,J ES LE O day evening, with a large at-iDe Angelo: Hull D'own for, wiiltak pat atthisevic, tendance of mothers and fath- ýAction. Sperry. Boy Scout Apple Day hasers comîng to watch the, This community was shock- just been held. and with the Investiture of new boys and; co-operation and generous the awards of badges or Sixer. ~~TCTTT-1 ed and saddened te hear of donations made by many la theo5 eirSrie on a LI UiIjL N the sudden death of Mrs. Newcastle area, thiis Apple Day oldes boys. Parents were i George Heaslip at her home has once again been a success-Iwarmly welcomed by the, The Sunday mornIng church' on Thursday, October 24th. fui one. The Cubs, Scouts, andîleaders, who explained the service was doubly significant Sincere sympatby is extended Venturers were kept busy all many ways boys earn badges as At included an Ordination ' ta her husband, sons Lloyd, day Saturday and part of the and ways ta complete projects ceremony for four eiders ta1 Kenneth and Gordon, daugh- evening as weli. One Venturer toward their five point star increase the rnembersbip la; ter Helen, the grandchildren, and some of the Senior Scouts system. In "A" Pack, boys1Session and it was also theJ and ta ber sister Ruby. agai wee pste atthe401were invested by Akela, Mrss. "fareweli" sermon from aour Ms. Gilbert Marlow, Brook- service centre Sunday aftes-IBsuce Tilison, assisted by1minister Rev. M. A. Dough- lin, was a Saturday supper naon and evening. These boys'Balaa Miss Cathy Blaker. The!erty who is leaving our Pas- guest with his mother, Mss. and their leaders say "THANK boys were Mike Waiton, Mau- tarai charge for another field Nelson Marlow. Evening rail- YOU". The final total reaiized sice Allun, Tommy Aluin, Allan of service for God. Rev. ers were Ms. and Mss. Hectos r Arom theis sale was $244.61 Gianville, Marty Lawry and Doughesty conducted the Ord- Staîker, Toronto, and Ms. Ai- tere ln Newcastle. Other don-f Ronald Couvier. Sixes stripes ination ceremony supported bv, vin McGill, iÀndsay. r~ "sion ar stll omlg i. Jwere presented ta Tom Couch, eiders viz: Clesk of Session,l Ms. Nosman Samells enjoy- -1.The new Scout psogsamn urg- Gordon Cochrane and Tim ,Mr. Ross Ashton and Messrs. ed Sunday afternoon and es the boys ta leara by experi- Nichais, seconder stripes ta James A. Werry, Russell OrC evening dinner with Ms. and ence in doiag things themn- Jeff Lowry, Danny Haopkinsiiston and John Siemon. Rec- Mss. George Samelîs, Scugog selves. This includes ovesnightiand Donald Wilks. Akela Mrs.ieived into eidership were, îsland. eamping, which can ho fun at Ed Nesbitt, assîsted by Bag-IMessrs. Lawrence Wearn,, Ms. Orton Bradburn, Peter- any time. Recentiy fous mem-lheera Mss. Pete De Jong, of Ke."th McGiI and Allan J.,ýorougii, spent a couple of bers of the six forming thel "B" Pack then invested her Wesry. A fourth member, Ms. days last week ihM.Mr GIQden Eagle Patral set aut fboys, John Troy, Joseph Reîg.. Clarence Stainton was unable l ihM.Ms W their own ta fix up agen- er, Douglas Morgan, Dale ta be present due ta Illnes.q vin Nesbitt and Ms. Ted Len- cral campsite on Drm nMlîlson, Tim Carvoth, Robbie This Impressive ceremony was ad Rudeii's property. Setting uPf Glanville, Rodney Dancey and 1a csowning toucb to compieto Miss Lenneke Verwey and rieas the ravine the boys did Tim Malkewicz. Presented four years of faithful service Ms. Tom Smith. Lindsay, an excellent job. Sleeping1 with Sixer stripes were Max- in our rhurch by Rev. Dough- visited Satusday evening with tents were put up and a kit- 'well Burrough, Robin Duetta Iesty. Wo wish for ber God's Msr and Mss. Frank Glasber- chen area cleared out. Vj5jijflgiand Gardon Blaker. Secondersjrichest biessing in her new gen. On Sunday the Glasber- the camp site area on routine were Harold Couvier, Robbieî work. The vesy relevant topîr gens wese dinnei- and supper inspection tramn time ta time, Kidd and David Row le y Fol-I for the sermon was chosen guests with his sister and Scoutmastes Roy Hopkins se- lawing the closing cerernony,I fromn the iast book of the Old' brotbes-in-law, Mr. and Mss. ported that the boys wereî sandwiches and cookies wese'Testament, Malachi, a messen- Auke Vandermeer and fam- having the time of theis lives [served, with freshie for the ges wha talked ta his nation,1 lly, Ajax. and had donc a very gaad jabjboys and coffee for the adults.lwho were ln a similar state Ms. and Mss. Henry Trick,j àil on their awn. They experi-i Thanks were expressed ta the te our world in this 20th cen-'ý Lindsay, wese recent oves- enced somo sain one night. butîmembers of the Scout Moth- 1 uyadpaie hmta îh usswb s n were able ta dry out oves their i ers Auxiliary who donated though man may do bis wosst. Mrss George Bowors. campfire. When it was time to and servcd the lunch. On leav- yet God shahl neyer cease toi Ms. and Ms s. Chas. Briggs break up camp for home, theyling the Cub Raom, Cubs se- love mankind and His way, are spending a week in their pleaded for a lîttle langericeived a box of Smarties and and purpose shows no proes- Toronto home and are aiso time. The boys on the week- bag of potato chips as a Ha!- ence and is aiways bhe same viiting their son and daugb- end outing were John Rudell,llowe'en treat. Cubs will meet!to everyone and l continues ter-nlw r n r.hs Ron Lowsy, Grant Hendry andinext Saturday mornlng atIto be us today. The choir's ri-aM.adMs hs Robin Rickard. aine o'rlock in front of the anthem wvas "Now I Belong tai Briggs and family, Kitchener.1 he Newcastle Girl GuideslCommunity Hall where they Jesus." Durirlg the churchi Mr. Eli Mais. entered Prin- Inform us that they will beiwil go by car ta the Lavekîn service the Messongers met incess Margaret Hoapitai, Tor- seiiing chocolates door ta doar Home. Drivers will be needed. the S.S. soom in the casre of! onto, this weck for a sosies witbîn the next few days, and laI Memorial Hospital this their leaders, Mesdames R.' 0 f tseatmenbs. tbey ask for your cooperabion ,week are: Mss. Janie Bergsma,1 Rowan and A. J. Werry for' Mr. and M-ri. Jas. Mont- in helping them out. *Mrs. Aima Bowen, littie Pauia'their bi-monthly meeting. gomery, Bexiey, were Thurs- Mss. Easl Walton has se- Chard, Mrs. Margaret Farrow,1 Our annual turkey supper ls, day aftesnoon and evening turned te the village atter'Mrss Mary Foster Sr., Mss.!Wed., Nov. 6th. jsupper gueRts with Ms. and enjoying a few days ia Tas-11Rhea Gray, Albert Hamilton,j Pleaso order your subscrlp-IMss. George Johns. Ms. and onito. f Len Lambert, Mss. Casai Mos-ition for the United ChurchIMss. Percy Preston, Lindsay, Mss. Lawrence Gaines haslJtest, Mss. May Robinson and Observer tram Mss. L. Ashton wese Sunday callers. recently returned ta the vii- Ralph Wright.- __- soon. Msin s. itnSe Ms. and Mss. Thomas Dick-iphenson, Miss Pearl Steptien- son. Bewdley; Ms. and Mss.1 son and Mr. and Mss. Clarke Donald Tordit! and family,1 Williams vîsited Friday even- LO-AN forbitsiessf Oshawa, were Satusday visit-; ing with Ms. and Mss. Mel- 1 lrs at R. Howe's. iboume -Middrletn, Lns expanci, or modernize a business anywhere in stock. was Sundav attermnn f Uic rsut of his recent acci: Canada, perhaps ID B can help you. caller mt Ms. and Mss. R. dent. Griffin's. 1Mss. Ceci] Wilson returned' Mr. Hasold Spry, Rochester, Monday from a pleasant NY.. bas been a visitas wlthf week's vacation wltft her ais- INDUSTRIALMs. and Mss. E. Wright andites and, Ms. MID S RA family. ; and Mss. Clifford Hetz, Foir. Ms. and Mss. C. Avery were 1 view, enyvna visibors at Ms. and Mss. Irvin Mr. and Mss. Weylîe Mc- DE EO M N A KCook's. Ajax. Keown and Mr. and Mss. TERM RNANCING FOR CANABIA SUSINESSES Mr. and Mss. Rosa Rowlands, Lionel McKeown, Mono Road, Scasbosough; Mrss Howardivlsited Thursday with Ms. Bradley. Maple Grave, wereland Mm, Bruce iïeaslip. Sun- TORMNON0T.: 2"0 Utwnity Awouse - T60m: 3U-145'Saturday visitors with Mrs. E. Iday callers were mra,. Frecj Pa L'p.Bradburn. Mrs. Ceci] Brad-. ~ 8a, m<ner guesta atjLWn LaLwao. Lidue 1 Mm. Bmm sTIIIon, Editor PIum 741 AdP FEATURE PRICE1 9 TO Il CHOPS MN A PACKAGE PORK LOIN QUARTERS 1z9< PORK BUTI ROASI MEA"TEY 9 CHO"E & 2 ROASTS - 10 TO 12-LBS PORK LOIN Combination L%79< SIDE SPARE RIBS FROZEN, PO«K L59< PORK LOIN RIB PORTIONCMT rM 69<- PORK TENDERLOINUXID409A PORK CHOPS SHOULDROR KM w59< PORK LOÔIN TD3NPORflON 79< 2O0 20< 3W< 20,é 30,1 10<d 20,e FRESH Fmueh, Donae.,,Dy the ie & rijgs "r "ePork Shoukier Roast sH-aESL49< 10< PORK SIDE L 59< LOIN PORK CHOPS CEU. 9< 0 Froth, Boneleti4 Slic.d Savings per lb 100 PORK SIDE u69< MINCED PORK FRESN L69,é< 10< Jae akrBkdFos 1 JANE PARKER ANGEL CAKE Norge 17-oz si». ocich3 9 Rg. Price ».ch fto - SAVE 20o 1 Vaue-Pdced Leaver Bran*I. Pi.6em & Stemas FEATURE PRICEl Aylmer, Wax or Green MUSHROOMS 3nowozhfsls.00 CUT BEANS Ment Tomderizer Re. Plio.n - SAVE 90 A & P Frozen Crinkie Cut ACCENT 4-oi bu89c POMMTES Seo"t Reg. Prie. 59c - SAVE O. Golden Dale TOILET TISSUE Pkgof4roos 53c MARGARINE A&P Brand - INSTANI SULTANA Beef, Chicken, Tui COFFIE PIES (Propr,..d) noz 1.19 APPLEJI $AV£ lot AIL PRICIES IN THIS j POTATO ES PEATURE P"ICE! 2 Ibs. 49c FEATURE PRICMl Im -4m...- - "-.-WAr% An A&PQua!lty rkey Masple Laf, Mild Nippy or Omin B UV 3 - SAVEil* . Pi'oduotl 4 8-o2. 99c CHEESE SLICES 3 8-ozplcgs .00 SAIL DEURGINT IUICE AM Z 48FLOZ TN2 7< KG Iir AD GUARANTEKO TI4ROUGH 8ATIJRDAY, NOVEMSER 2r4, l1M BAVE 10D 50IBSdG$119) CUoroiaLSoe CWOgnaFresK Groen,>M. 1rade ) uu MG $,81 9 OCCOLISUE, u ICH29 New Newcastle Industry Rçceives Loan of $122,08 3 The' Ontario Development' The Canadlan Statesman, Eowmanville, OCt 30. 1988 i eOs uwus IAwhich are now avallable tb Victoria County. and num- Wo ,te re-tralning and re-alloca- made from the floor te hoýr- Àr tien If necessary by their sented te the Ontario WelUaru branches. Officers Asciation for lte "The afternoon session was next executive meeting. M ee ing He d i Or noincreasing rate f dessertIon other would be arranged b; M ets eld à O r juoand separation cases. This sub- the association ln the near tiàqYject received considerable de- future. I wish ta thank coun- Viola Plkey. wife of Oshawa' brief opposing the recommen-: dance will be held at the bate and argument. but there cil for affordlng me the op- MLA, Cliff Pilkey, spoke todations of that 17 or l8-mem.ILions' Centre in Port HopeLvervnoedutat I osoa hav enpruiyo tedobgti the Durhamn Womnen's Organi-lber committee. and are hold- on November 9th. 'jiery ummrn ih uhifrational orst. sIhaot ie zatIon of the New Democraticýing a panel discussion on taxa-! Mrs. I Gould reported .n igTsheis m eeti ndghwer proe Infrion" elatwAd Party, nt their October '15th'tion in Oshawa at the Credither week at the Women's ive yM.R .Mrymnitao es' eotcn meeting held at the home ef:Union Hall on October 23rd." day Workshop held at Port; irectoyr.RSocial S rvices for 'cluded. reortcon Mss. Carl Wilkins, Orono. Shei Mrs. Pilkey mentioned moreiElgin ini August. She advisedl DrcoofSiaSevesocld. congratulated the group on the!Ireforms that should be made,ithat Joan Lestor, MIP fromý work that was being done,lincluding governiment - run 'London, England, spoke on i with dances and social even- automnobile insurance and aý"The Quality of Life". Tommyl ings, sales, Informative discus-ireview of the minimum wageiDouglas spoke to the womenl sions and speakers. laws. She mentioned the Prov-ialso and there were discussio.n eSpl "Woen re îayng lag-incial Convention te be heldigroups and speakers on speci- Yu ipr o :errol i poitcs nd n rg-inKitchener in Nvme nýi topics sueh as womeninYu aprfo ýanzaton.We should ail work was advised that seven dele- politics. and public pakn. to bring other Canadian gates will be attending fromI An election of officers willî ito 01Your Protection. wmen into active menibershtp Durham Riding. ýbe held at the November lgth i1n the New Democratic Party.i Two dances and a cardmeeting at the home of Mrs.1 I Ideas on social reform shouidýparty were planned for Nov- Wilmer Hill, Hampton. 11 'be passed on and discussedjember- and December. The firsti --- -Mss. D. Moffatt, Sect.1 Women can assist the Party in iiy t eeroruh. Mr nxany ways: raising funds that r Bassett weicorned ail on be- are needed for necessary prog- flhili strator Ihalf of the Ontario Welare Report Officers Association.ý ing election campaign organi- Mr Weesh rss ot tha zation, committee room work, ';ies Re o theis sekrwam.G danvssing, srtelephoing, d- Cheseborough, Welfare Direct- RLXWT dresin, sruirierig: Welfare Administrator R. or for Oshawa. who spoke on Mrs. Pilkey mentioned theUfj Welsh reported to Town "Intake Documentation and 20 N.D.P. MLAs in the Provin- jCouncil on Monday evening. the Importance of Follow Up". i Legisiature and the work October 21st, on a one-day The next speaker was C. S. PEL DIAU'LK SERVICE ty were doing on problemnsIgeminar held at the VictorialBailey, Regional Administrat- facing Ontario people, includ-. County Home for the Aged In or, Department of Social and ing the rising cost of living, LIndsay. The theme of the 'Family Services, Lindsay. His o . . pollution, lncreasing taxes, and! seminar* was "Services Avail- topic was "The Family Bene- the need for a Prices ReviewI able to Municipal Welfare". !fits Act and Services Aval- CALL Board to Investigate large "In view f this being justiable". Informative question 6 8 4 7 price increases, and a Renti an area conference It wasland answer periods followed W I B Review Board. gratifying to see such a large both these addresses, Mr. W IB She mentioned the desire turnout. There were approx- Welsh stated. for a capital gains tax as op- imately 60 delegates ln attend- "We then had a very Inter- 6 8 4 7 posed te an unfair sales tax ance. esting presentation by Mr. W. on food and children's cloth-I "The welcomning address Hammond, manager of the Serviced Areas Include: ing. "Two N.D.P. members, was given by E. A. Cameron, Lindsay Branch of the Depart- COURTICE - BOWMANVILLE ORONO Pat Lawlor and Cliff PilkeylWarden of Victoria County, ment of Manpower and Immi-NE ASL HA PO sat on the select Committee on who afterwards turned the gration, Canada Manpower Di-NE CSL -HA PO taxation this summer and they meeting aver to M. B. Bassett I vision. It was interesting tea- are presently submitting a Welfare AdminIstrator for the note the numerous services FRESH CHICKEN CUIS WHfOLE BREAST QUARTERS WHOLE LEG QUARTERS ~49i SAVE SeLU JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE fuil 8" sixe ach 49< Reg. Price each 56C - SAVE Oc JAN£ PARKER WHEA1T Pr*9 . ou .f 27. - SAVE e 1 - - -- MUR 0 %q ý -000oeigce -Mbi