12 The Canadlan Stàte«man, gownunvMle, Oct. 30, 1;88 Hollîngshead President Drops First Puck Ruth Osbornm ____1401 iWhiz Iide !n frcimt betmrf Helen BlckIe_____ 1411I m session ended, and they J. Chapple 1111Lde Major Bo ln League serond, b ieDn Rose Morris -3n1301and Larry Devitt. Ann B3erry 124. October 21, 1969 2'00 Gameq and Up The third was all Rowi Anne Piper 120 Helen Depew bow~led the H Depew 272;H. Donoghue !ville as they rapped in lizabt Graham - ihigh single of the night writh i271-*201, G. Kichkn 263: D.more to complete the Lia raam113 'a22game.w eBT Bt ros216.24P. DurandIDonaghue notcheci his se T-n Trtoln haw ook te.Bhigh tr 50 J Tnnn2547-3;Cndtid RieEldaidgae ----- 04iwith gamnes of 238. 198 and:1Bowers 242-219: D. Bond 242:IR1ick Woolner Nine ldrige - 239 totalling 675. Nice bowl- M. Lewis 240-200-209; B. But- ing leader, E CarRer -20an Oe ing, ladies. tonshaw 238-2,39; J. Bakerý Devitt led Glie Stack200 an Reyn- Over 600 Triples !215-236; K. Stepheius 234-23l:[with R goal ols2-1 3.Jea ack 226. Helen Reyn-63. 'TenJ.Shearer 223- 232; J. Rragg!while WilIiar olds222213 Jen Lbb 22, . Bttosha 67. J Te-1 2lii:0 Patfieid 226; C. Bruce[ pair of assis Marlon Foster 213. 0111e Pat- nant 663. C. Bowers 659, H.124 Cwn22;S ai-wî i o field 209. 'Donoghue 657, K. Stephens,22l: . olr21S.Gen Team Standing 51 M. Lewis f349, J. Baker .Folr 2:1.Gre-the big gun. i~647, D. Brooks 640. H. 'Depem-'ham 221: M. Perris 216; G.'trick and evei Gibsn --- - --- is.623, J. Shearer 617. and C. 'Ellis 215; E. Bragg 211: Ijearn a rua, 13 Brue 602.Mountjoy 211: L. Crossey 208;1fighting. Geyobson M- 0 rc 0.0 EtchPr 208; D. King 28 Patfleld 9 Team Standings !M. McKnight 208: S. Poirierý Foster 8 Teamn Pins Points 206: E. Whitehead 205; D. Mitchell . dm 2e o Richards ~0. Etcher ------ 19,24:4azeden 14 0. Patfield -18,1980 1,11, JAlmond 202.- Stack-----------2 L. Crossey . 19.256 ýil, Top 12 Averages _____________ M. King 18,995 il1 O.EtBhe H. Depew 18145 il 0.Ece ------ 2 (01oln . King - 18,9.94 10) D. Bro>oks--------215> v ng H. Renolds- 18,932 10 B. Buitonshaw -- .--- 212 ,B. Fartner (OF Bowl" [H. Donoghue- 18,90n 10 :S. Davis . - ---------- --- 211TF. Bruce - Ocoe 5hD. Brooks 19,184 9 ýD. King ---------------209 ýM. Blake---- Octobr 25h hýB. Buttonshaw 18,607 9 ýC. Bowers .----- -------209! M. Perris--- Ray Westlake took high D. Bond - 18,378 9 'J. Tennant ------- 203 'R. Venasse-- triple with 718; Nick Zonder-1 S. Davis 19,096 ½H. Donoghue -------------- 2021 N. Slueehan van rolled 708, with RonK )phnsio!--.20H. Simnick -- Brock rolling 705. Jim Rob 1I.Sehn ------------ erîonhadiughsînlewîtips E. Ficher--------------- 1991M. Gray 288. Betty Weghsikeoled uýý shawa T ps J.Baker--------------1j99 L. Adair 288 Btt Wstak rlld O Patfield -.1981 M. Westover high triple with 720. Pat Pot 5 M. McNulty ter hadi 270 for high single.' o al St. iyarvs: !A. Bale toc 'mAStaidsings urton---- Tem 1adi;G. VfIZDowney PI ls!edmen 9I to 2 A. Nickerson 6. Clayton Morgan 38 22296îT LI! ~IG. Murdoch 9. May Alldread __ 33 21953' Bowmanvi11e's defendi ngl[IorflIi 8 O 10 D. Richards 3. Ron Brock---- 32 21350 Ontario Juvenile champions,:' R. Bathgate 7. Gord Ritter -_ 31 21537 took il on the chin in exhibi- Bowmanville Whiz K idsi A. Dilling 1. Bill Nicholson_- 29 21841 tion action Saturday night at bounced back after losing! A. Gibson On Sunday afternoon, Bowmanville's Junior 'C' Whiz Kids for the first 5. Betty Westlake- 27 21812 the Memorial Arena, bowing their season opener at h11meýHiîh Triple-- time wore their new uniforms, donated by sponsors R. M. Hollingshead Corp- 2Bbtohll 2 10 ~2t saa wallop Thornhill 8-1, in --ih -1e ortinofCnaaLiied Teprsdetofte omay .L.Knnd ws10. Ray Westlake- 24 219:23 Dennis Ashton, Lee Para- suburban Jr. 'C'" contes týHg lj oraio ofCaadaLinied.Th prsien ofth copay . L Knney as 8. Gien Prout 22 198'0 dise and Lawrence Wry scor-f playVed last Wednesday nighi over V present to drop the first puck, flanked by Howard Corden, lef t, vice president Of 4. Geo. Marshall 20 21568 ed two goals apiece to1,0 Iuain Thornhill. F.0BrA.e ~Bowmanvil]e Hockey Association and, right, Michael Puk, the president. Cap-1 On Oct. lRth -.- One of our tîhe visiting Motor City crew, The louais spottedi Tho'rn-î 215, 25 .1 tains John Oyler of Bowmanville and Jim Willis of Lindsay faced off. The localsj bowlers rolled 892 for triple singles godng to John Bathe, hilI the first goal. coming ail Team ý tried bard to win the battie for their sponsors, but couldn't quite make it. Lind- j and 408 for high single. Gerald Tanguay and Craig the 15:40 mark of the firsir say ookthehonrs to . -- - ___ - We would like to congratu- MeDougall. period, off the stick of Paul No rc _______ 1_ lte George Marshall on hiF Warren Aider and DIvid Lethbridge. No. I Parîne Don Wright .. 241! great bowling. Keep it up Lee replied for the St. Mary*s Goals by Jne Hircock and No. 4 --Venaý.s Anart -Geoirge. ___ Cement Redmen. Harvey Williams sent the No. 3-Bale aaeM A *Maurice .An235 -_------____235 IMixeci Major Leaigue [RssWright -----224, EnePerfect 224 October 21, 1968 ihigh average with 249, follqw- Shirley Bickell---------. 222 Ou.r smnifing East En d Mned by Pete Dobbins 247, Doris Lucien Annaert -----222 agr onWrgt oped h!o in the lead for the girls Bernice Buday...........--- 220 bowlers whe'n he rolled 783,244, Don Wright 241. lMike Murphy ..- 215 for high triple Monday even-! bI the Team Standings, Jolli Albert Samani,----------- 212 irig. Don must be bowling[ is way out in the lead wiih Norm McKeen ---- 211 under flue sign of Scorpion,! 19 points, Dunn 16, ickellKarl Bickell -----------. 206 *'which brings good luck."!: ansif Coole 14. [ Linda Crossey........- 206 Keep it up, Don. Maurice! Over 300 Gaines Jîru Bruton ------- 204 Annaert. one of our Orono' Norru McKeen --------- -332iKeith Yen --- 203 boys, 778. "Maurice. day s'hift Lucien Annaert ..------329HetrBlein -20 seems to agree with you, or,! Over 250 Garnes Peggy Hanes -----200 js it the competitinin?" Nornu'Maunice Annaert ----293-281 Leon Connors 200 MeKeen. Our Taunton Road!BHelen Duno - 2008 store manager-owner, 770, aI- iShirley Bickell -----273,Helen Dunn-------- 20 so rolled higlu single for the Doris JolI . 271' evening 332; hot rodder Lu- Mike Murphy ------- 271-269, St.~* cien Annaert 742 (329); Mike'Hector Ballentine -- ---- 266' J oseph1s ivixed firemnan Murphy 737; DorisliRusq Halîman ---------265 October 27th Champion Jo11 370; happy-go»,Don Wright - 264-261-258 lucky Russ 'Hallman 722; Helen Reynolds -- 256-252 Team Standings Helen Reynolds back in the Stu Collins ,. ---- 252 Re jects --- ---------- . 6 target 713; and last but not. Over 200 Gamnes Tigeroos ----- .....----- 31 least Newtonvilles Shirley Dave Reynoldg .- ----. -249ý Hustiers --------- ---- -30 eickel1 706. ýPete Dobbins - ------- -247' Go Getters - 26 Dave Reynolds is holding' Doris Joli - 244 Separtists ------23 The Larks -- ---- 22 Uigh Triple EuItiply Buy a highest-interest-yet Canada Savings Bond at the Bank of Montreal and in 1 4 years get back 2!% times what you've put im~ $250 fc every $100 ivwested! And youcen buy by istalmonts The Bank of Montreal selfs Canada Savings Bonds by instalments as weIl as for cash. You can buy yours for 5% down, balance in easy payments over a year. D(WN DOWN FOflA FSRA TSRA $100»0o $500,00 $1o000o BOND! BOND! BOND! Get your Canada Savings Bonds now at the Bank of Montreal Bankof Montreal CneW'sFm a" Jim Fair Hligh Single John Ford High Triple La Brenda Leddy -- High Single La Fat Walker Over 200 267 556 -216 'John Ford .2f Jiru Fair ~20 Bill Orme 2( Jack Brown 2. Ray Venasse---- - 2 Garry Conway---------- 21 George Chanland 21 Arnold Biinklow 21 Mike Kennedy 21 Fat Walker ----- 21 Brenda Leddy------- ------ 2C Ron Munro ------2( Averageç .,m Fair ---- - - -- Bill Orme--------- 2 John Ford ------ 2( Mike Kennedy -- Arnold Brinklow Garry Conway----- 1 Banner Passant - - Elleen Hickey George Charland--------- In Jack Brown I Allen Maclean 17 Ray Venasse 1- Rose Venasse 1 Don Cowle-.i fi Brenda Leddy -------- 1 Paul Laprade -------1 Molly Horstman-----------1<ý Bruce Somners ------ I1 Betty Charland------ --- 1. Barbara Groen --- , Pat Walker , - 1, Mary Brinklow --- ------- , Ron Munro 1.5 [Rose Marie Conwý%ay 14C Mary Somers -... 14 1Dorothy Passant --------- 1 Tony Horstman -1- Gloria Munro 14 Stu Chîsholm -- - ------ 1 Mary Chisholm - ------- Dot Fair .~ Louise Orme 12 Kathy Ford ---- --- 1 Isobel Laprade 12 Lionel Hickey --12 Agnes Maclean___ .i Ruth Cowle -- --I Liberty Belles Bowling October 22 Averages Helen Reynolds -,---- ' Marion Gibson 1 iMary Heat~h- 18, '0111e Patfield. 181 ýMarlon Foster la Ruth Mitchell -1 'Marie Leamnan 1 0111e Slack ------ 17' Wîlma Coombes ------- 161 Audrey Rate . --16, [Marg. McDonald 16ý Nina Oudshoorn -- 161 jMuriel Crough 16- [Marion Colville -____16: Betty Locke - ____ 5ý Marg Gilpin .15, Ellen Coombes 13g Rae Shockleton ____141 Ruby Hutchinson ___14ý Molly Horstman 141 Nellie McFeters IV_____1 Mary Blunt ____141 Emma Clark ____14, Elsie Richards _____141 RECREATION ROOMI DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE$$$ TO RE HFLD IN FRFI*JFTF CHURCH HALL 1 (DIRECTLY EAST 0F C TWO NIGHTS ma l DUR CÉlIDP T<M rWnAMINrlAT 7J1fl D M a %opVEV~U ~ THIS COULD BE YOUR BASEMENT IYess1 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS can help you convert your basement into a beautiful RECREATION ROOM... You wili receive instruction in aIl phases of construction . . . plus new methodis of framing and applying plywood and wallboards 9taalso you wilt b. shown the newsst materieIs available I REGISTER NOW , PHONE 728-1611 or PHONE 728-1617 1 ~ ' »Acý@à % %fML% . m à à * u am COURTICE SHOWROOM -NOV.4ll - DOOR PRIZES I OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS LTD. L (OURTICE OSHAWA SHOPPING (ENTRE MALLUATm (Hg NAM ro BUIlD 0ttN b' TII 'P he others gnir r and team Kim Rogers. the point, pa and three as ams pickedi sts to "go a]. Donaghue racking up a ,n taking tinr n Ladie 'erages -- 21 - 21 18 - - - 21 21 -188 15 21 18 21 -- - - - 2 1 ----- - 21 --- - - 2 1 18 -- -- 21 -- - - - - 2 1 200 ParIner Bruce Ga me' 257, B. Par Bate 214. Standings ier se -the j i -Mao REGISTER NOW FOR* * r 1 a& Mm a - m m a .. ---i i heý INigrht HawkcsBwlnl rman-October 23 L0on Whiz Juniors T.Cmbl -Beat Oakville - ha. ri arale Second Win S. Ga up Se ond in 1Hlgh Triple-D. Sallows 627 Up jHigh Single-D. Sallows 260 along The name of West and Over 225 waslorono has long been Synony- D. Sallows 260, J. Mair13 ihat- mous with hockey. and FK. Çmpel 38 . BrucR27: ne to day night it was Steve West Averagres for <he is Junior's son) scorilg J. Shearer - ~202 thrce times to lead Bowman- F. Bruce ------ 191 ville Whiz Kids to an 8-4jWý Neshitt 190 victory over Oakville. It wasýJ. Row e-- g Sthe second straight victory on! S. Gay ______188 '~the rond for the nevkly formn-'K. Campbell 17q ed local Jr. "C" entry. J. Mairs . ____176 As was the case Wednes- 'B. WlIbur 170 da n Porhll 1wa- Wright ----- 170 dinTonil omn C. Rate 170 ville gave up the first goalil Toile,, -- 169 iand then camne roaning back. D Sîows 6 203j In faut the host club openedM Ovendlons1 q 189 the scoring in every period. p*M.Bagnell 16(3 182 . Banell164 Ï42 Mike Bryan gave Oakville A. Larusso 163 171 a short-lived lead after only,D) Ogdien - 1 f2 169 two minutes and 40 seconds D. Gîhson 162 1.of the first period, with Har- D. Kelîyy 162 154 vey Williams tying it up on D. Cochrane 161 1,54 a play* with Mike Donoghue F. Land 159 1.5 and Kim Rogers at the 4:29:L. Coombes -- 17 1,50 mark. Less than a minute B. Charland. 15 1 49 Iater Rick Woolner gave E. Coombes ------- 15() 146 Bowmanville the lead and L. Burgess ..~~ 149 14,> West rapped in a pair before W. MuTNeil 14f) 141 the period ended. A. Burgess--------147 139, The teams shared second;K. Ralston 146 138 period goals, as Hienry Hunt- M. Biinklow ------14r, 125 ing scored at the 37 second A. Glaspeil 145 124ilmark, with Donoghue making A. Perfp.ct 144 112 il 5-2. C. Marchant 142 iP. 1Broome -1,38 5881 Only 20 seconds had elapsedý. Nimîgon 15 2,5-4 in the third when Tony Ever-! y. Young 12,5 shied narrowed the gap tOiD. Peters .-- 124 tnrtwo. Kim Rogers got that one,_______ erback before Charlie Burton, put Oakville back loto con-ý GET CA51R TODAY tention with five minutes re- FOR OLD APPLIANCES Pts. maining in the game. througb 15 West completed his 1at- STATESMAN 1,1 trick to put it out of rearh and LSIID q Woolner added lus secondCLSIED 5 tally to make sure. _ __-_Phone 623-3303 1 1 0%0%0 e. M.