14 The Canadian Steaman, Ucwmanvffle, Oct. $0, 19#U - LLRN-SA-HR SYSL-ESWP--q RE-Su -S: m --SWP-HR c'] SIFIEU ADI eir REIDITS Births I Memoriam ComingEvents Articles for Sale Ariclesfor Sale 1 Livestock For Sale1 Help Wcmted For RentW r W ne GIR-AsD to annd c tebRth thher, MaryIn I V ictmeori a py Grove monthly card 1STORM windows. Telephone PIANO, GrhardHëin-tzman, C-OMMERCIAL range ewes FEMALE. Apply CurvplyFAM house. PhoneBak GIRAId I-Dean n d Ruth rt ar Bof WN-In oaryvlngme ora y , November 2, 8 o'clock.1987-4201 after 5. 441 10_Phone 986-4786. 44-1 and rams. R. H. Dow, 623-5817.' Wood Products, Orono. 43-2, stock 986-4326.441A B A A R S or their deughter Nancy Brown who passed away Prizes and lunch; 75c. 44 1_WEDDING dress. size 10.!TWO wooden combination!--- 43-2,RGSEE us rPyi ML toeo fiesae lm ig&H~ Lyne, ls. 0 za. onOc. Otoer 8. 96, ad athrChartered Buses to Royal' 623-5788 after 1 p.m. 44-1 doors. one Fury 7 U Skilsaw.! REGISTRDHe-od ul Therapist to help wlth daily main street. Cali 62-38- 24, 1968, at Memorial Hospital, Wm. Henry Brown, who pass-! Winter Fair Saturday. Novem- BIEarotse1,lI Phone 623-2037. 44-11 serviceable age. Telephone 'therapy treatments. 623-351'.4-f ~ Poe6372 Bowmanville. A sist.er forled away Dec. 5, 1967 1I ____ 6car-274 Nelson14,t. Bo-wmanv-lle Pftula and.Andrea. Our thanks We will always remnember the 8rlt n Oh eehoenw hn_2-32 44-1 CORONET set of drums, ne.. f~~ . _4- 44-1 IApARTMENT, centrli dls___ 8t mnaternlty staff. 44-1* 1 The way they spoke and -U! C hsleeps 4 aduits, $375. 623-5159. PM 4-1 olti~jn hefercales, 4e6i perlenced preferred. Phone i St.atesman Office, KEgS.W PTRL UV smiled, NsetnUn1t d hùréh-44-1SOTlntso I4Ï months oll. Phone 263-2284.1 or apply yin person to Dyks- 4-fCNTUTO Forthcoming The ittle things they sald and Womnen are sponsoring their off-(SockSHOT lng 4 a moouîdîng,-.- 44-1 tra s Food Market, 77 King VEY - _ dld Hot Fait Supper, Friday, Nov. SAKRETE Ready-Mix Sale- 3-6 feet.long, 4e a foo. Phone . ng two bedroo pr-Bik lc tn ordrsonv>Beaver_623-3388. _ 44-11IHORSES boarded, central la- S.WBomnile1hn ment in quiet builig h iVarriages Are with us ail the whit.ie lst, from 5 o'clock onl. Adulti! 0%off_(toc___ __ cy) 1ation, large box stalîs, hay . 623-354E1.__44-1 srie upid euivd-IadFrpae M.r ad Ms.SideyBtFor down the latte of memories I $1.50, students 75c. 43-2! Phone Beaver 623-3388. 44-1 LARGE upright freezer, goo and ae,$5pr ot.WIRESS od sal ies- sit$2.Phoe 63588,Psi2325 M.and f ro widnetoarra-i~ The light is neyer dim, Thankofferlng Service, New-, No. 1 POTATOES, $2.00 75-lb.' condition. Mrs. Neil Màlcolm, Phone_987-4406. 44-1* ladies, experienced or Inexpert-!4-fNs dR..3 omnll bâI o Oon wshteanouce1,Until the stars forget te shine tonville United Church, Nov.,'bag. Joe Bouma, 623-2847. Blackstock 986-4246. 44-1* the ortcomng mrrige flle wil rmemer tem, 3rd JOa.m.Speker0Rev R.4O SpEUXEkmpraltwi neele WO P cos, ue oveber nce, wnted foreriays' SEI-dtee!d hmecen- ______ ___ 9-t Pther daob er L n dof Mr.and i Lovingy remnembered bY C. White, B.A., of Oshawa. TWO car wheels, will fit '57 1 Zg-Zag sewing machine with n dDember ; .B.onlfr.Rdue andorSanstu a tioand/o Su- rl oae, nw frae E mT N Petr Rbet, onof r.andGorge,, Pearl and family. Maie Quartette will assist the Ite*'68 November.8R.0B. Br3n71R3R daonsoTranportationopro987d-Possession 16 Nov.GuLe Mis.I. . Mcullugh f iChev, $.00.6237183 cosole $10. Pone9874214 . 6, Bowmanvllle.___ 'c4_.1d when and If necessary. .Blanc Real E st ateLd, TýD>P 44-1 --J.Mculug o i441_ ho_ 3--1t Good wages. tips and workingl644-192 NewcatleOntaia, n' Stur- 4.1*Choi 43- 44- 100 HEREFORD stock calves 'conditions. Phone 983-5560 In,63242 day, November 30. 1968, in MOORE-in memnory of a loy- Ayn lhnt g oiWTRfrsaeaddlvrd COMPLETE oit burner with ail: and 1i/2 -year - old stocker Ooo4- ETT M KN Orno Unte Curh t ngfather and gran dfather. ordl lzao ononil [ehek 2-33 contraIs; 12" forced-alr blow- steers and heifers. Private --vantea to en o'dock. 44-1*H.Mowh Toronto, Monday, October Z8, 1 3-t er and contrais. Telephone sales every Friday and Satur- JMITNNEPITRPoeNwovle7625 ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ lla m as ed î N ovem ber l,1 61 r w it o e t h. tel A e nhone ODD size Inside doors - ý,2 '98.3-5355 O rono. 44-1 da y at farm . G eorge A . M e- w th several years experience G A RA G E, near F e t a dC î ol e D e th S a y hNemb e h 96. r rie ow T av l prie. Phone Beaver 623-3388 Gowan 778-2213, Havelock I x ei r an n el r p in- S u ha1re e a l . C l D a hsS anytigahv hpee 885-2527 Port Hope. 42-3: 44 SPECIAL n Dashwood sid- We deliver. 144* ng, ta assist In general main- 62.1-5984. DET Ense-tMecy, 44.1* wr ale aa, -aarS..AdewsPes NE-h 30-tf-o--i- OO okal DENT, Ernest - At Memorlal Dad, îing, windows. insul glazed with tenance painting in a varlety 'GODwral am l R N RN Hospital, Bowmanvllle, on' Simneyou wgse cae waiiy, Baza hr r, t.A dw PesoNv hlsoronple 3-pre. grilles. List less 20%.. Phone 100 WESTERN and Ontaria 0f buildings. .5 day. 40 hoiirwith or without bidns Saturday, October 26, 1968, Somn hnst hr ihbtra hrh rdy ov. it size 2, good condition.' Beaver_623-3388. 44-1 stockers, sold privately every week, $2.87 per hour. Apply ta Phone 78-7218.4t recl Ernest Dent ni Orono, belov- Hadut st from 2:30 - 5 p.m. Fancy 162.3-2344. 44-1 - - Thursday. (anytime by ap- .oe~- ed huband f Milred ad Hadyou been Ieft to stay.1 work, home baking, afternoon -_ - ____2-8 K3SEVN pite h Sprnedn ed us an o Mldrd nd Every day In so mne mal way tea. Everyone welome.. iELECTRIC m ot or, single 1 - 8 K 3 H LV N p t mený[ t). Ivan Johnson,'T e S p rne d n ONE roam or bachelr a atqE T C T N toIai ,C r s a a à L r n ý M m re f Y u c m u 44-1 phase, 3 h.p., like new . bW ., a p re i tatHas.a'o t M onaghan, Bailleboro P n i ge S h o m ent for single i e i h iI S A L T O d e a r f a t e r o f G a d o n , B r a p - M e m o r e s o f y o c a m e o u 4 3 - 2 p a i n t . S p e c i a l p r i c e a t 1 5 % 9 3 9 - 6 8 5 5 , 1 5 m i l e s n r h o B o w m a n v i l l e s c h o o l t e a c h e r . P h o n e Oht . . 6 OMN I L tonDaldChist ad Lre wa: --- Rowe,_Orono. _ of4it-r2e Pon eaerPrtHoeonHibay28f at home, aged 59 years Rest- wy ofls pie hn eae 'tHp o iha 8 44-1 j72-97 Orotno. Seri washel hog ane, YeTae Hev r OSAY INGOS e' cperofGIS fir ply- I623-3388. 44-1 miles east. - - t glvlngca gh extra moneylIYOUNG couple, G mi- 2-70 nedrat Lang Memorial C8hapelo kwood, 1eprsq. ft. Phone ----_-__--_---__- -OUc S e r v i c e tS eeva n c e e m p lahe elr e q u i r e Monday, October 28. t 2r p m iîd2sd.îv, was aear6 Camberof ComerceaI omtiE Zg-nag potab_ anted to Buy your neighbars and friends. lean oeeet-twobdomBU G S 4nt4-1tOrnoLovngy remembered by hiF JUBLEE PAVILION la d used pa ts. G h ' s eing machine. Regular $99.95 BOX stove in - - Gon t ob i o open Bng nproft, Dur 8- 57apa rtmen 8b 7 o-30P o eC In god nondtioMhmriontv Bndproit.gas,'98-579 o 987434.AWA1*8.88.RNRS -FURACE 44- ~ iîy M rll a d eg, Esi O S H A A 8-tf Garage, 416-263-2233. 43 - --Now $3 8.8 P trorough: reasonable. Phone 623-5180. te_______Ful_______________--- a nd Floyd and grandchildre. _- - - ---_-__-_-_-___---_-_ -:745-6661. 44-2 t tat FI (Om ti ne - Memrla SptaSel 4ndPlan_ te came and have 'ODD lots of shingles (brokený- - 44-i spîces, medîcines. vitamins, CLEANEDn ____ bosialo Mnay'reakfast of bacon and eggs or bundles) 1.98 ea. bundle. Tele- FEED corn. ait types, ground I PUREBRED-and -Grade Hol- waxes. polishes, disinfectants- PH ERA TN cstow nle nber 87th 96,J a an- - - cakes and sausage at Cen- phone Beaver 623-3388. 44-1 cob meal, high moisture or dry'stein heifers for expert, first and food products. WriteI Auction every We'V dy ya.Wfofthe late Joseph ;ysneetak oDs.BwavleSna 'ONE only, Slant-O-Matie sew-!ered or picked up at Brow- '986-42_46 Blackstock. 42-4 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- !A uction Barn. Cal 7810,MalAde year.Wifeaf Nvem-ing machine, was $550, mwiIllvlew Farms, Newcastle.ClPOP1YWNTDPi real. 44-1 723-0976. Doug G(wr i ..Bx4 omnii W. Hynds, dear mother of Mrs. Hubbard and Sproull, nurses ber 3, 9 a.m. - I p.m. Every- letakeal200. Caîl 623-2962 afte L.,ni Hln)adM..and staff on Third Floor, aiseo one welcome. 75e per persan. 4tWodacines Kent (Mollie). Rested at'neighbors and friends for cards' _ 44-1 .6. 44-1 44tfate buyer wants small farm TREPA -TM i, with bouse or minimum 401 T- ___T-IM w as stayctt In M e m oriall -16 7 __ -0' 40 o w C u se , in iiR E P R E S E N T A T IV E SW o s, u t o n rs3 4 f3 0 t t Nrtcut llot Fnealand favors recelved durlng my Woodview Community Centre O.C.no Crse.i SKI DOO aicres ta bulld country home. lEUIE iIEEKLY Home.- Funeral service asyInMmrl Hospital, good condition. Caîl Ivan, Bowmanville - Orono area.PUBN ETN hl t2o'lc ensa wmnll.Sneeyyus ONSTER IN O Maunt.jay, 986-4737, Black-Sle adSevc Rolling, scenlc with vlew of Can you spare 2 haurs a day? LIVESTOCKSA ESLS&SRVC afternoon. Interment Bow- 1 John Martensen. 4-1 tNext4-2 stantidSericem ou nt t aneyina DramCait Sls rna 4H nianilleCemeery. 44-1Mx44 Mstck. 4-2lake. No agents. Cash settle - Do yauuwaat a bank a sub ________ .Cmetern.a44- ODD lots a! lumber, specially' D A V I S ment. Write Advertlser 936, tatalaout fmoe i LUNNE-At Mmorla Has-f ait ~frîends, relatives, 7:45*P.M. prlced. Phone Beaver 623-3388. in n Rna ' aada taemnp"68? We have openings In thei Orono - Every Thurs.7:0pî. ure Srvc LNE-tMmra o-neighbors for flowers, cards, RDB R x11 owavle oo lu il ihhg Sellinz HorseCteSi, pital, Bowmanvtlle, an Wed- and Rev. Mr. Ward. Dr. Ewert. comissns. CotatMr iRad Acton and Pro- TILE BEDS Shepet nesday, October 30, 1968, Bruce;'Dr. Sylvester and nurses aï O S Hl A W A MILD table turnips, $1 and 728-55615 WE BUY gommsrantee onew actrnewa!aReid, AShioeeec iale SPI AK N ______6-tt $1.35 bushel unwaxed: $2.00 SeatTomn ..I prietor.23fPHN o!~~~I 5he5lteIMrGaiyTEdiEe.teir are.REter ________ ofrrshea athe r0 rv dteey. Mr. Henry Watchorn. Group from Phooug62o3-27416- Nestleton, Phone 986-4760 alter jTROE2-60 atr6441Oshawa and Area'5 Oldest and AND 6:001 p.m. weekdays or anytime Auction sale at Streat'___ - dea so a!Cliton brthe I44-1* Skiint In Switzeriand '30 ODD sheets et constructionJ Largest SKI-O ELRonweed.4- 3 Auction Hall. 33 Hal of Morgan, Toronto; Roy and -- Jan. 25 - Feb. 14, 1969 1 plywood, from % ta lý thlck- __ 35-tf TIMOTHY SEED Strhaw,, TEUPHOLSTE etoh, Morrms nville. Ren . wudliet akMY St. Anton, Zernmatt, Cham 1i 'ness. 50.00 lot. Phone Beaver WSENOTRIPlease Bring Sample The Corporation or the 7O3hawa, T hrsaterl eVanvle thoMrrisnervicelon. relative-; and friends for visits For further details write 623-388. 4-1 EI.T-SN ONTARIO "CARNATIONTw fBwavii ahn ahnscre u-O HAR reEtmt owanilefo srvceanand weIl wisbes received dur- Bob Mann, 142 James Street SPECIAL--O dd size aluminum Mieaboai o L VJRS O nm lfiar, step-tbl ccsion - 325 ay :3 p.. IterentI ig m sty i Mioril Hs- oar . eleisin. amporr- A Friid a t:0 CoboIterg, OntarlostayIncomb.al odoCorsrgOcompoletedors15.00ete 1 o00,1-FDalryHO nand fiBeefor Catttble Bowmanvllle Cemetery. Leglon pital. The nurses an third 43-4 each. Complete w/hdwre Hgs ar n'Be ate Formerly Stewart's Seeds Clonarstrolmo i-rvice In the Chae nfloor were slappreclated very -- The-Oaw an Ditrit-Phn- 23-388 re PFIZER PRODUCTS C-tro Officer alcir. anmrertls.I htes ph ser ,ursday at 7:*30 p. .4-Iruch. eOhw n ititPo6338. 44-1 33 Division St. Bowmanville Terms cash. Myles Kîg1 u ~Kn -Lloyd Snowdlen. 44-1 Coin Club Annual Show, Sat- BUYING or Èelling furniture T DerrmciPrnibl 41-4 . Applications will be receiv- tioneer, 723-0501.44h.E-Bwavfl k4ACDONALD, Elizabeth-At'- urday, Nov. 2 fram Il a.m. - or appliances, eall Elmer, _______rmbe d yte nesindfo h biernoria ptalBowmýan- Iwould Ikevery m Ge(Pcail Ro) onodsa sdece263-2695. 3-f 111, ED1LD _____Of *ile on Tbursday, Octobel 2,thank ail my rdlativesî j bsiness12329 at::Bi HOP SEEDS LdaîTCîD. NîTheoveeimbductoner8,tUB1968. o W68, Elizabeth Stewart o 17friends for cards, fi modem s or rze.Amison1IPred a Mixturestqrqir x-1Dalngo Tws t~berty Street North,. vlfe o 12 frene.stsreeve dr 1condition; g 1 a ss shome In Oshanawa Scng lehaoBordtahe y pb-pn rie late Wllam J. Macdonald. Ilng my stay In Memorlal Ho- ýCame and bring a frlend. ion yooe98-.91.nr lot canowavileaea Hv at 4411o aiPieow unsig n p by-Iaws regulatlng the keep- and land on Saturdymon HYBRID SEED CONopliances. Wiling ta sign lase J liig o!tegDranH.animaI in the44ng, Nvember 2nd at 0 uppiy fuliy ervieaddN.H.A a B rce, B w aVsh lei eld, a d De he v r . Srnu ll, 1UN YSI >E A R Kp les and 1" pressure W r i k - P i e - U ie and pay $200 approxim ately m unicpalities of D arlngton, 'cock. M re particu a s o et the Northutt Elliott on Surgical Floor. 'ePhonR I G O ýt e e avumer. 623-3388 . W r44-1 fie nie Phone 623-7026 Bowmanville Newcastle and Bowmanville. day of sale. Cliff Pethlk u- P r w y C e c n L r B r Fue a lle th y nien urse ±44-1p 1nr t et e lumb 6.3 Cot338 e. -1 J. A . R o sev ea r and leave m essage. 44-1 1J The su cessful applcant w ll tioneer. Phone 623-23 . 4 -1S B D V IO e was held at 2 o'clock Seat-v Trea .LLursUay .L'Eght LARGE liv-inatar refi-Igai-- 6320l e able ta make reports, keap nday aftarnoon. Interment1 ol ketthn la 7:45 ator. 50 lb, freezer section, gaad 23- r9 Help _ ane-Ï records, give evidanca In court The undarsignedautoerLbtyS..-Bomvig awmanville Cemetery. 44-1 tivas and frlends for gifts and condition. Phone 986-4711. BOWMANVILLE R.R. 1 and be presentable In appear- has bean authorizadtasIbyLw DnPymn carda which helped te make RED BARN 44-I1__ 44-1I FEMALE housecleaning staff.. anca. public auction for theetteBlneo ovnetNRA For appointment telephone; State age, maritaI statua, ex- o! the late Mrs. MayAl1TrV.i ny8% neei gYMfOUR - At Strathaven my stay In bospital mare OSH A WA .tGREENHOUSE, 40', boitar, JUST ARRIVED I 623-3373, FIylng Dutcbmanipertence and education. Sal- dread, ait bar bousehl ! Zursing Home. Bowmanville,ipleasant. A speciai thank 6tfpipe, tank. heating cable. ribsS.aa-In 41tiycmesrt lbablt etI h ilg !Nw i ER On Frlday, October 25, 1968, you ta Dr. H. B. Rundle, Dr. i-fglass. Caîl 623-5511 alter 6. SeerlM___In.--_4-__ __________h bliyfets n hevllg thel Seymour, aged 76 years, J. Rundle, nurses a! Memorial The Goodyear 25-yaar Sarv-, i and experlence. castle. Clai-ke TownsbiNrhPo*63-23 omnll car sister of Maggle (Mrs. A. Hospital and staff for their Ice Pin Banquet wiIl be hald - - FEMALEFulrneoepîyebc-!stpgtonWmtSret____i-f rtatOrr Lake; Alire and gond care o! me. Nov. 2, 1968 at the Royal!FROM tbe growar ta you- 2-pc. Kroehler Fulrngf_____ ee o tplgtonWl Ifttie (Mrs. Fred Armstrong), Laurie Bothwell. 44-1 York Hotel, Toronto. Ai el ous swaet coi-n, tomatoea, ET RFE D CAFETERIA fita In effeet - uniform sup- on Saturday, Novaman 9h AIl le ERNIEpled.1 pmPEisRofartcl Uwmanville; Alexander, nf J- Service Pin Holders who have, applas at Fred's Fruit Market mpclfad.Seview s~ oud ik o xtndmvlnictd ha teywlhtea Highway 35, south o! Orono. DlcnnudSle CASHIER R. L. BYRON. waak's paper. Norsrv- 36-tf Clarkervie -Controîd lieere, HomeM sold.td tTarmey wscashcotHeedtSylg eId In the Moi-ris Funeral1 sincere thanks and appreciatii attend will be suppllad with ___ yonFbie AmCps PrtTe n ul ue4 eCnleraSa,LarneH-lCrkCl! Ph hapel, Bowrnanville, on Mon- ta ail relatives and frie'ids for transportation ta and fi'0m the TYPEWRITERS, no0 $ dii,$ BwavilOnai. Pathick, Auctioneer. 4- lyat 2 o'clock. Interment the Inquirles. carda, flowers, banquet. Two Burley Bus wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, CvrdDcu For appointment telephone 441 78 ONTARJOnSTriEET »owmanville Cemetery. glfts and visita during niy fll- passenger coaches willI leave tarrns, rentals, service. Bill Foani Cushions The undersignad autoarf BWA IE 44-1 nesa. A speclal thanka te front the Goodyear parking, Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. More than $100.00. Savings FLYING-- will salI by public auconte____38t _______doctars and staff o! the surgi- lot at .1 p.m. sharp and return 12-tf Dual O~pporunity hoaolafetfrteeste- - TEPENS- A Meo cal floor. Beehive Rebekab from Royal York Hotel at 1lOE211C V,1hg Reg. $579.00 DUTCHMAN ho th la ta ora 1nho $EHN -AtMmalLdge and n'y co-workers et p.m. sharp. 43-2 ONcair,1 "plA pa, 1erib. 1rckthe./l.LLL.NormanL Hospital, Bowmanvillle' o chir 1 larpei 1crb, HacklnrN.tyling., u arget a ts. ag9,ed 80ii's Gwesn G. 4~* C L E O R and bounca chair. Apply: 147 for $449.00 MOTOR INNInN.2igayjutEto! E A AT G Vauet . Wactser 9, 198, GI Te Van elle4Gi-dansNorth idaURS Liberty Street South, Bow- F .VD1i V62-33RelLLteSls a reale DarintoNToshpLADN-TRNHO :gears, wife of the late William Iwudliet haknyFL RD anville, Ontario. 444-1 an A.aturday623No73mberl2nd,' SaSalesoravel, Ton SoU and John Stephens. dear mother1 frd iandse tanm ig- NSUATON blwlg 4t4-LMIEAre you saeking that un-' I p.n'.: 21" Admiral T.wck 11D1iee Au.stin, grandmotber a! Mai- osfrgfs lwran ICET U S owtrck l.Wk- usual situation whlch pro- ai- rocker, platform rok,2 Erlerd aet esig at sa anvpgarne Fe 7 1KngS.E AUTO SALES vides the dual pportunty ta easy chair, captain's chitoleorWTE EVC rsFunaral Chpl 1 ada received during my tymnhpgrate. Fc In a rta opia.J -- S etmts.HryL.Wdmake monay now and thelfcampleta badroom suitsba-RaoblRte w M oris hapfor erpitae. Spe a n . 11th - F eb . ls honst Nmat as tleHan - 51. W dBOW MAN VILLE We require two addîîonal ichance ta grow into a top- iding. pllows, rug 9 x 1,d a 6 35 5 O M N I L V i a t ,ri n er e t thank a e M r . J an M unday A DPh n44-ate13 f - __ _ _ frw m nvlh e, f r se vice on t MrND87 43.44 Sales. trainees for oui- ex- ilvai m anagem ent position? Ifihead, guns and ra , n day aCrnte p. Intementfor cr gfr our daughtar M r -t---n'RC-DTONDTVtwesATETIN.panding American Matons so, Yeu owe It to yourself tal tables, coffea tables,2tal erg ato oowhiebth my wifc and I wcncMa. iih- pr. 5h1EODTOE Vtwr deaiership in Bownanville. caîl BOWES AND5 COCKS lamps, 2 foot-tools, mrorsead i o fined ta hosp ital. T hank s n o o s ( r d -n ) 4 , â M L O W E S P i-avion s is experience li L T D ., R a t r i h s d i h s ?p In Mvem oriam 1t D .Ewert and nurses on Excellent Accommodation and 60 foot structures: ail In' I ..utSle Realtor. ithe tbl a __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _,__ __: tai-. e qqeiktcntbe n c arsa WRTEOUS-In ovIng me-Srial Floor. SIGHTSEEING excellent condition. Oshawa !SMALL TRACTORS.Wniî ae u ersnaie loa- as ilr hebro, plac evc *ôyof a dear wife and math- Erie Barr. 44-1 Phone TV SM lii PO d P 73-811.ie hY ulbt nb Ce- Oi-rpes. . iagoe- adn ilrwe 1.ncy- a rs Po y a d e s heifu i unt na ec- JOY these bnefits: Accident gardpn tools. carpent.a' o l, C nheca n o isi oRhoda, who passed away ~ ~ n' 50-tf Motinted Cuitivator to succeed and need to earn and sickness group plan payasaw nh oa anmw hn ETSE qctober 25th, 1958. 1 wlsb te tbank Dr. Me- 62-365or OL2 U.- J 00 LNEAL ee ! dr pop$7.000. ta %S10,000 annuali.uptl$0 welyfr aw berond ,powner abl n as -6357 poase whom we love go out Kenzle. Dr. J. Rundie and the 10 A e o r o- International Cub and Oi rga nlds a-JY.ue 100raup l fonsrana, carsundwi I azyssnI ihs.633 a! ofslght o m, nursing staffa!f Memonial Hoc.- COLMER Iani pol 12axns, ea oroar0Mo0rary, Incentive commission, fO.H.S. and P.S.I., ample park" ide Ohratcls os neyerpital, Bowmanviîle, for thair Mining pale bai-ns, etc.c20 i'Btnee uto in.rD l' 'T c o r l-ýcitrus boxes, sialafr Massey-Harris Pony demnstirati- ronp nu - rncffea . non', niva f sî.N eev.Timscs adrH rw r tge, ara_ cberisb-ad-i-n. th-e__kînd atntonw a asain.n 1- SR IC plaeha. 8-45.aidM@e acTndhs-tl lnsls ies opws sd lctin LwecaHrrs Cak CiforLETI Lovingly renembened bv: menlrtaî vifts to thc Heant- tae raO, i-, ug. 44~U-1 ilu cepoeiecs1prlorlty levels for Inco-p-râo- la (Brown), Flonida, and Fund, on the necent passung o! TO RS -9743.1-1tno hne nt rdcinN fiesae u ïandya*gherH a h r blnvd hsbad nd athr, herolt hlf-onUnes. Dtermine mrdts of vendor-requeted deviation. hap? Cleical wok, tpn ~d d n hH a a 44h ,1i- Ra pe rtv d h0 b nd nd at en, N ov 8S - Ice C apades B O 'W V M A N V IL L E O N 1 63 he rol t aîf to g and proeensing des ign a laterations. P i-vide liaison P a n e u p6n g-an5a4o m .,*antso eIlnoi.y ciltruck ln good condition. Talc- anddScheduiindne thanks ta Rev. P. Rai-eil, the v.1- cCade FRIGID LOCKER phone 983-5689. 44-1* with Production, Order ContraI, Methodu and Purchasing- _- 31t . U.C.W. and the MeDermnott Sunday Afternoon '62-AI-ANE-_w-do s- i DePt.UN RC A IRONG--ln oving rmemory Panabaker Funeral Chapel. Performance SYSTEM dan,260 IbRLXe, speedood'- jther. Eshc, wh gansd- n.R er adFm.Nv 16 - Royal Agricuitural Let us suppiy your home condition. Phone 623-7536. bu Two ycars Production engineering experience desirable B WM N IL ORATNO !May October 26, 1967. 1 1 wlsh tb take this i~-Winter Fair freezer w'ith 44-1rungBoWinter Weather BO Y*Okung back w1th memnories tunity tn incelytan y aury4 FhuryIan RINFD EF '66 FORD __Fainlane --2-door hne637 '_Upon the path you trod, Irîtvs redath nd ngh- Mar 1. eNury 16 an.dof ail sumer BEhardtop, V8, automatie; one i MINIMUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION PREFERRE» hn 2-71 I& blasa the haurs we had1bons for gis, fiowers, carda Fun and Sun ln Fiorida oth. Eeuga6334 44ArigpurCr aNW o '*Ad eae henei ii!Ga.dri my amyIin Meol o Rsrvtin adSIDES - - - 520 aeofn 4IApy wAdiav h s ith10d- imd i sta hin I rceived ForRsrain n RNS .-4e '64 DODGE 2-door hardtop, V8, D. J. FOR FALL TUNEU ~broke aur hearts tb lose 'Hospital,.8usa many thanks o Information HNS --6e excellent condition, low mile- Hîlckvo &LieStoneheie ~ oDr. MikIos and Dr. J. Rundie Phone 623-3182 SPECIAL - % a PIG, 440e44age, .ywl ~Al CnrlL Firrlace »tyou di.dn't go atone, 'and ta the nurses on the mcdi- CtWapdadFoxn 13 LMUHcopsn-20BSELN ODESrplce 1îRýday God called youikIndricas. Special thanks to JURY and LOVELL ufor your convenienee !blasted, 312-250 b.p. Mene., BOWMANITILLE, ONTARIO. OFR RCLYR #0home. ; the Rev T. Snelgrove, New. - VEFAwmn i Fnanclng Ternis Avallable '3-speed LaSalle, o/a tires. Re- OXFOD STONE MAOS 8 IgS.W omnl vingly remembered anditnvIllp United Chun'h.forhisGENCY wne it.4bna oly li. minsed by son EanI.ivisita. 19 Kin& St. East, Bwavle Phone 623-5578 Tutn neir etofn .elepÂone: 63-33 PHONE ORONO 983-50 hn 243 1fand grandehfldren. 4«-ij 'MUn. Eleonors Adamis. j44.-143tf 623-7296 after 5:30. 44-1 44-1w .. DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIEI Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. -qw- -99F- 1- ad& 'AL Lq * sh-