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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1968, p. 15

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Notices Myles Rasilo & TV will hc Closeti from Nov. 4 - 9 fai holidays.. __44-i4 Dr. Anfosi's office will hi closed Oct. 30th - Nov. 5th Inclusive.- - 44-1 Brbp's 1.t Cuba anti Scouts Grou? Committee meeting. ov rd. 8 p.m., at Haroli. Hughes' rositience. Election ni Officers. Unlesa parents show More interest l wili ho acces. sary ta discontinue Cubs and Scouts. 44-1 TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE CLERK'S NOTICE OF FJRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voaters' List, 1968 Township of Clarke ln the Connty of Durham j. - I. r !Real Estarte for SalReal Estate for Sc Jack R ICAR D Ltd., RealTto George Blyleven REALTOR Phono 623-5300 or 623-52, '1 -- -Like new is this 5-year-c 3 bedroomn bungalow, situai 623-2503la a nice quiet location la r* Wods nd Cee :village of Newcastle. Pric f Wods nd Ceek at $19.900. Must be seen to v25 acres, smre woodet iarea., appreciateti. - ornoe cleareti. Wide, flowing1 1 stream. 20-25 mina fromi 7 roomn older brick hci !Oshawa. AskIng $15,000 -I with large treeti secludeti, Terms. fin the centre of Bowmanvil * 10AcreLotsAsking price $15,900. Weê Beautiful retreat propcmty .oe o fes wvith strcams and springs. Close to Oshawa, 7 roomn Oniy a couple left. Pricedtia storeY frame home with g. sell. age anti large lot. Suital Hobby Farm for V.L.A. Aakiag price $18,9( 15 acres of iànd with 3 bcd-! Vemy goot Iinvestmeat room home. Drive sheti plus1jthis two.,acre lot with lar Notice is hereby given that tw o ther small buildings. 1 have complieti with Section 91 Onlv $11,500. Easy terma. of the Votera' List Act, anti I Income Bungalow that I have posteti up at my1 office et Orono on the 3oth I Attractive modern bungalow day of Octaber, 1968, the list jla a gooti area o? Ritsoa Rd. of ail persans entîtîcdti t votej Four-piece anti two-piecc bath. Ia the munîcîpalîty nt muni-!i Let the ent from the base- cipa elctins ad tat uchment apt. help to pay for your cipa elctins ati hatsuc home. Askiag $18.000 - Terms. liat romains there for Inspec-1 tion.i V. L. A. Anti 1 hemcby cali upon aIl ý 9 year aid frame bungalow, voters to take Immediate pro-,ý forceti air ohl heat. 3 pce. bath. ceediaga to have any omissions I 'This home is in nice condition or errors correcteti according1 anti the 159' x 180' lot would ta 1mw, the iast day for mp-1 qualify for V.L.A. - $14,900. neýa1 beiag the l3th day of November. 1968. Burketon - 4 Acres Dateti thig 3th day o? Three betiroomn home with October, 1968. 4 -pce. bath. Forcod air o11 H. E. MILLSON. fumnace. $17.000 - Terms. Cierk o? the Brick Bungalow Township o? Carke 3 b etiroom home, cozy living 44-1 'room with cathedral cellings. ______________________You wili finti an attractive Hollywood kitchcn with built- Lost la lunch bar anti cogking fa- GRAY kitten, part Pers]an. cilitica. Bath with vanity to Phone 623-3187. __ 44-1 match. $21.900 - Terms. kEEPSAKE. golti "Grand-' Commercial Bldg. nother" bracelet, three tokens I King St.. Bowm an ville. Drug with names anti dates. Phonei store, beauty salon, tientist 623-3208. - - 44-1loffice Plus 3 apts. Over $700 BLACK anti tan ciog, around1 monthly Income. Picase cal Ganaraskm Forest, tattoo on 'o rc, emec left ear. hantisome rewari.! Close to Shopping Phono 728-8572 or 939-6861 or' Contre St., Oshawa. Bunga- 885-6334. 44-1 'ow of attractive brick veneer. -_______-_______Gooti nighborhoad. House1 Nursng ome anti lot la goati condition - ~ Hmevcry well kept. $18.500. Gooti1 LYNTONHURST Manor has terma available. accommodation f o r Senior Sunset Blvd., Newcastle Ceize.Ros eome mate, Tireti of city living? Try 9e83oner39. l 43.Oron this attractive 3 bcdroom 983-563 43 10home. Attacheti garage anti roc. roomn facilities. Extra FINE QUALITY ýlarge lot 66' x 200'. $21,500. MONUENTSANDMortgages Arranged MARKERS Gamnet icard 623-7397 i, Ma eonald 623-39111 0F STAFFORD Wilf Hawke - - 983-5274 BROS. LTD. Lloyd Atchison - 786-2959 J'ý1JW 1 Wayne Marchant 623-2945C r1 w um -- 1Dick Metcaîf - 623-5293 i Stafford Brothers monuments LIMITED Box 133 38DundatsBt. E. - Whitbly Phone Whltby 668-3553 Helen McDonald -6331 44-1 Personal HYGIENIC Supplies-(Rubber gooda) mailed postpai in plain seaieti envelope with prico lilt. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00. Mail Ortier Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91. Hamilîton. Ont.. 1-52 barn. Ualy $3,900 - cash. jRaglan area: Building j 100 x 150 on paveti Ro. ,Priceti at $3.900. Give us off or. 4. Pefer Kowal, Jr. REALTOR ad GENERAL INSURAN( 52 King St. W. Bownsanvil 623-2453 Brown Street!! 1 Excellent 3 bctiroomn sen detacheti home with garal Excellent condition throug out. Asking $13,000. Tert arrangeti. Country Living Near Town 6 room. bungalow on hi acre lot la Newcastie's nor end. Truly a gooti homo bi at $19,500. Temmas. Parkway Crescent Il! .3 Bedroom brick bungalc with paveti drive anti su deck. In excellcnt condithi throughout. Has a vcry niý gartien. Asking $24,000. Tcrr arrangeti. Building Lot! Centraiiy locateti near stari anti schools. $5.500. Torm Newcastle !!! One of Newcastle's prestig homes Is lookiag for n ne, ownem. Beautiful 10 roor with 2 fireplaces. somo hroa( loom, balcony anti many otl er fine featumes! Priceti1 sel. Courtice!! Oltier 5 rooxa homo on ha' acre lot with stmeam. Recen- ly rewired anti ncw fumnat installeti. OnIy $17,900. Term i<eadal !!! 15 Acres of landi with goo pond sites. Asking $7,50( Open ta offers. Parkway Crescent!! Immaculate 3 bcdroomn brie] bungalow with mec. room an paveti drive. This home 1 ahsolutely la fimat class con ition anti would suit thE mos1 discriminate buyer. Pric ed ta sou. Terma available. Alfter 8 D. A. MaeGregor - 987-4261 Peter Kowal Jr. - 623-5861 44-' of MISES WMAN VILLE CLINIC rrained Servicemen !MAN VILLE) LER OWNERS ought) IURSDAY ýth, 7th il1y a Haif Hour 1 UUU mTir i* I I i ln Celebration OUR NEW PREI 219 KING ST. E. BOIy W. Are Holding a 0 0 a FREE SERVICE'1 17 Service Ba's . modern Equipment - Factory7 TRENT AMBASSADOR (BOW FOR ALL AMERICAN MOTORS RAMBI (No Matter Wbere or Wben You Bot TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THL NOVEMBER 5th, 6- Complet. Inspection of Your Car By American Motors Takes C1 Factory Service o Representatives. o NO CHARGE FOR CLINIC INSPECTION DURING THIS PERIOD American Motors factory experts inspect and test the operating condition of your car according to performance standards developed by factory engineers. They know your car from road to roof. NO WORK PERFORMED ON YOUR CAR during this period You receive a complete clinie analysis report.. . estimated costs on needed ser-'i'e work . . . make a date for designated service work at your convenience. You are under no obligation whatsoever Cali Don Harnden - Service Manager - 623-3305 for Appointment AUTO SALES LIMITED <Formerly MacDonald Ford) 219 Kinig St. E. T-eLargest Americain Motors Dealer Bitween Toronto and Montreil Bowmanville 4E NXD-CIA*IFIEDL ______________________ Th loest r ay tederabout 8:30u a.m. September 2nd anese artces, such ?as doîls, not necessariy accepted. fo OsaaPlc Dprt[parasols, pictumes, sandais. sake 'ment that they were holding ijar, pearis and rice bowl. INotice ta Creditors 3. R. Smith, Manager ithe two accused for theft ofijMs K uesod at NOTIE TOCREDTORS AdinItrtve 0 er7vice. gasolhne. The thieves adunItted Mra. Ward wome Japanèse NOTIE TOCREITOR ATSe ( ev. 0/6. 44i 'teallng the chickens in Man- kimonos as diii also Mrs. W. Ia the Estate oi JOHN HER- _____________ vers Township. With Con- Wilson, whu, led a wcxrshipý BERTROGRS, ecereti stbleJames ho pmoceeded toiservice on "Brotherhood", and' Ail persans haviag cdaims Oshawa where they founti theMrs. K. Siemon, who gave a agier heRoers. ate of Jthn 13 fowl in Reiti's car and plac- rtalk on Japan. jet them la a crate ta be re-' This concludes an intemest- Town rt of ersowmale, on the [turned to the owncr. The twa. ing year's stutiy on Japan. Co1 y luradcasd T R Jyouths were representeti . by ______ 1 who died on or about the lO0thýAthoRussi HaMrphy , Rhawa t day of July, 11968, are hereby OSAWAOFICE RAnethoSny arrin obert t NNIKILLEri ' notifiedti tasend In ta Strike & ifRobM enet rts uSaieduianowicz, SSytorpotBrc Ri [Strîke. Solitcitors for the 30 l uusjAlo i.3 KnehDudkatiaiv'Sry1 rpr rc et Estate. Box 7. Bowmanvilie, OFp4j ,K , enle were remandeti untl1 lail Memoriai Hospital, Bow-ý Ontario, on or before the 27th I November 26th following a' manvilie, with the cati of the partcuarofN heibr d. Diec9T68,oLisf22u90l charg, of theft of ,a cash reg- firat finger cut off with a' ýparicuarsof hei clim. DirCt oroto ne 22-970Istr fom Grenadier Restaur- lawn mowom. We ail wish him' Immediately after the saîidjant August 8th. Pattrîck Har- e speetiYrecavory. 27th day of November. 1968, Listings needed by a Firm 'ness, chargeti with obtaÎning the assets of the deceaseti will I gootis hy false proteases from~r be tiistributed amongst the wha renRcdofal.IWalter Hale of Halc's Auto IIhlI.ULTSI COUNTI parties entitieti thereto, hav- Call for courteous service. Wreckers by means of a Ceamuît a Mlember of the Ing regard enly ta dlaims of worthlesa cheque, was me- which the said solicitors for Lecal Representatlves: mandedti t the same date. the Estate shail then have les Hall, Bowmanville 621-5211 Tim Brooks, Scugog Street notice. pleadeti not guiity of aissul DATED et Bowmanvilie, Fred Deaucage. Bowm&nvlll. couhing hodily harm October thia 2Mt'hdey of Oct.oher. A.D. 623-3711 Sth. Crown ovidence was herd 1968. October 151h in wlhNiek STRIKE & STRIKE, Oshaws. Are& Office 2 Comneai, Oshawa, complained UULTIFPLSI 111SE IC Solictors for the Esta te of North 401 Park Rd. Cloverleaf that ho had receiveti a brokea Joh Hrbet ogesnase outside the dance hall a Osha a & District Box 7. Manager - Frsnk Smith. ýWest Beach duming the Inter- Bowmanvllle, Ontario Oshaws 86-310., mission o? a Saturday night 1Rocl Estate Board 44-3 ______________daace. The defendant asked for, i The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanvifle, Ont 30, 1988 15 Big Anniversary Prizes An ef BUICourt.J ale ale Estate foMfl lcdEtd o October 29th. 1988. Magistrate R. . Bexter pre- sided with Crown Attorney G.i i W. Frank Real Esiate John F. DeWith actnyas dteMern el l LEMED REAL ESTATE LUMTED Legal Aid. His Worshipwe. 265 REALTOR REALTOR comed à number of Millbrook I iHigh School studerits who eit. -oid!21 King Bt. W. Bowmanvile 1l4 Frank St. - DowmanyilIet.ended this week as observer. 62-33Murray Gordon Amaro, 54. .-' ated6233 Phone 123-3111 Windsor Avenue, Ajax, plead - the Member Oshawa and District led ntgit terlg r ccd iEAST 0F BOWMANVILLE. ltgît tcr1~dî .. I Real Estate Board ore oe 1 td ing September 4th. Conviction 18 ceShi lae wlth 3-pce. bath. Garage brought a fine of $50 and $111 160Ace wpce Asking $12.900. Oniy $4.400 Cosa, or seven days. He was Omeý Village of Enfieldl, near down. Caîl:GereVnik granted seven day. to pay. ~ lot Oshawa. Stately 2 storey Gog Vny.Constable Ron Parker was lu.I [le, brick home, large barns, ponds, BOWMAN VILLE, 4 bed- vestigating officer. are, excellent soil. Corner farm. roomn bungalow with 2 bath- Jimn Rickard told the courtl This productive farm must ho rooms. 011 heated. Recreation he and his wife were north- Si,, seen. $85,000 - Terms. roorn. Garage. Paved drive- bound on Manvers Road at ar: 12 Areway. Asking $25,000. Caîl: the town limita when a west- able Dar am fie bound car shot acrosa the in- 10)0.1 10 miles south of Peter-tescinadrm d s borough. 10 maim brick home CASTLETON.: 64 acre Îarm tersheo nd ramm ted hia lnew barns, silo, stream. X with 2 homes. Barn. Stream ditch against a Hydro pole. 3rge real buy at $49.000 - Terms. and pond. Asking $35,000. The weather was good and it i Terms. Cali: office. 73 Ares Netonvllewas stili daylight. Harold 73AreotNwonll DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Hannah was a passenger in Dad. , 3 tobacco kilns, 2 cottages, with Iovely modern living the Amaro car whlch was on anlgood trout stream, good gard- quartiera. Excellent turnover. the gravel concession road and en soul. $36.000- Terms. Priced at $65,000. Cail: office. did not stop for the stop siga . I Teodor Kuiczycki, R.R. 1 141 25 Acre Parcels- Oshawa STORAGE BUILDING: New Newtonvjlle, who pleaded not Scenic wooded parcels on with 7 acres. eaeofc. guîîty of careless driving Julv l Shirley Road north of Osha- Priced to sell. Cail: George 26, was represented by Law-1~ ,~ wa. $15,000. $5,000 down. VanDyk. rence Mandell. 15 Acres - Kendal STORAGE BUILDING: 7,800 John Noonan told the courtý 8 romhoebanterilcsq. feet on hlghway. Asklng he was eastbound about 10; 8i viw. oo ho rse farm, $12,000. Ask for Jan Oud- p.m. on Highway 401 on a '10ve. Gaadhrefr.shoorn. motorcycle on his way from! $22.900 - Terms. 70 ACRE FARM: Lovely 10 Toronto to Ottawa ahead of ai 50 Acres- Newtonville roomed home. Large barns. car driven by a friend. At' Good stream, 7 acres bush. Asking $70,000. Caîl: office. Waverley Road overpassa e ni- Only 12ml rm 0.$500 was amnazed to see a car stop-I a/giefrm41e$500 MAPLE GROVE: 5 roomed pied in the driving lane in ge. Terms. home with oul furnace. 4-pce. front of hlm. with the parking r0AremsClrtc bath. Asklng $13,700. Caîl: lights on. Travelling at 60 ~ I1,000 ft. paved road front- Jan Oudshoorn. miles an hour the cycllst bare- . ag.Woenan!donn 150 ACRE FARM: 8 roomed iy missed the stopped veh cie . al1good homes. $30.000 - $10.000 brick home. 011 heated, 4-pce. by swinging onto the south Pe;- Wafldw. bath. Large barn. Stream. shoulder. The parked car start- k eh 120 Acres - Taunton Rd. Asking $40.000. Terms. Cati;« ed up and drove past him. and bUY Near Hampton, pond, woods. Jan Oudshoorn. again stopped on the highway Cornr popery. ood nvet- 0 ACE BILDIG LTS:straddling the centre line. The Corerpoe.Gdlnvtst $04ACRE0UILDING2LOTS:cyclist saw an eastbound sta men a $$4,00- $2.00Suitable for 1200 sq. feet tion wagon try vainly to mniss1 ow down. homes. Only $1,000.00 down. the parked car by driving off,1 ,n 193 Acrei - Kendai His Balance at 6 %. Cail office. onto the south shouider.Latwewhnt !n TerrIfic view of Lake On- MINK FARM: 2%- acres. Gary Reinblatt, driver of Birthday Sale there woi cp tario, 3 gond springs, 50 acres Loveiy 3 bedroom. bungalow. the station wagon eastbound Vivian Corbett, 22 Mill Ins bush. 8 roomn home, large Allinma d e r n conveniences. with his wlfe and a frienddnt b Ca daPc barn. $48.000 - Terms. Ask for Phyllis McRobble. said that ho braked hard t~ onae .CaaaPc 96 Ares- Nwtonill PATLY EW:9 romemiss the car but slid into the nine-year oid daughter w es i ero imnmsdn Incomne home wth two bath- side of it. winner of the beautiful p. ns. hom ero lmnmsdn Constable D. Martin, OPP, backgrudaeteon jhmbarn 40 x 140, strearr rooms. C e n t r a 1. Askîng ivsiainofcr siae rudaeteon rises on property with pond $17.500. Terms. Inamatgat$100. o nfc stiaedT an excellent anniversary gesite. Two new concrete silos, LOVELY: 3 bedroom brick Boyce, OPP, on routine pat- w automatic feeder. Can handle bungalow with attached (heat- roi, westbound, observed the a romand until this week t ns 170 beef cattie. $60.000 - ed) garage. Hanover kitchen two vehicies and stopped on bring two witnesses. He we Rd- Terms. with bult-In stove and aven, the north shoulder to seie what represented by E. R. Lovekii th- Newcastle oil heated. 4-pce. bath. Patio, had happened. As he stepped Newcastle. Ne1 etc. Cail: Jan Oudshoorn. fromn his cruiser another Brooks maintained that Coi 3n biexrometaîae brick bungalow RIELK:4 cefr smash took place in the east- neal, who played ln th vyear old custom buiit home brick home. 011 heated, 4-pce budln ate ettanbntl l owsbi bath. Terrific lake view. the first one. areinte wksn lff hnîshed recreation rain with Paved road. Anxlous to seli Magistrate Baxter reservod bragged. about having hi nt- br broadioom In living room, judgment until next week and browa beit in karate. He sai ce bult-in stove and hood In ORONO AREA: New 6 adjouraed a case of dangerous that Corneal agreed to meE ns. kitchen. Asking $23.500 - roomed brick bungalow with driving agaînst tho accused hlm outside during Intermiç Terms. lovcIy fireplace, broadloom util the saine date. sion. There a scuffie ensue od Scugog St., Bowmanviiie floo r coverlng. A t t a c h e d Stanley King, 28 Pengarth from. which Corneal emerge, 00. double garage. Cail: George Street, Toronto, faced charges with a brokea nose. No hold 3 bedroom bungalow, atach- VanDyk. of breakiag and entering wvere harred and others joine ed garage, lot 60 x 200. good BOWMANVILLE: W es~t Goode's Hardware, Newcastle, in punching and kickini garden land. $18.000 - Terms Beach, 5 roomed cottage with and McGregor's Hardware, Brooks demonstrated one o k arranged. bathroom. Only $1.000 down. Bowmaavilie. and unlawful his holds convincingly on th d Orono Ask for Phyllis McRobble. possession of house breaking crown attorney. His witnesseý ls equipment. Ho pleadod guilty Jim Thompson and Wayn, n- Spacinus 2 storey double BOWMAN VILLE: 3 bed- to ail three charges, elected Wright. told essentially th, ie brick home, centrally located room brick bungalow with fin trial by magistrate and was saine story. In Omono. This lovely home ished rec. room. Nicely dec- represeated by V. W. Targon, "This is disgusting anc is modemn and In excellent omated. Patio In back yard. Cobourg. shockiag behaviour," statec condition throughout. Features Askiag $20.000. Ask for Corporal J. Wood, OPP, atat- Crown Attorney Bonnycastie large family room. eiectrlcally Phylis McRobie. cd that the accused was ap- "Another alarming aspect i: lihin.F7A 1 heati eld and IndcterfusPes a preheaded in Goode's Hard- the fact that Mrs. Comneal re lighing F.A. il eatng nd fte Hors leae Cll: ware at 4:15 a.m. October l5th ceived an anonymous threat 88 many extras. Priced to seli Don Mountjoy 6 23-3614 by Constable G. Kazak and ening telophone cail. Howevei -1 Nea ate $27,80P0,i MRbbe 2-75 Constable W. Stevens. They there are three defense witý Newcstl - 91gway2 Pylls MRobie 23-159found the premîsea hati been nesses against anecrcowr 2 yar id ric ~n atneRos. Davidaon - Bethany 30R2 entered by a rear window and witness andi we can only gc rch bungalow with large Wesley Anderson- 349-2669 the accuseti, who was hidiag b h vdnepeett. attahedunder a desk Ini the office, was Magistrate Baxter concur. atahdgarage. Brick fire- George VanDyk 623-7437 wearing work gioves andi hati reti and dismîsseti the charge place. Lot 100 x 150, largeDoadSecr30Slr famiiy room, broadloom la Hlarold Cautts 725-2649 a set of boit cutters, a screw Dnl pne,.0Sle I mot roma May etra. In Odsloor - 23.950driver andi amail fiashiight on Street, pieaded guilty of lm- mostroos. anyextas.JanOudhoon 63-35()his persan. Near the doorway paireti driving October 4th. 1!$29,700 - Terms. h a ie ubro ie ovcion bmought Ien I Orono WeW@LMat Photo M.L.B. h$5dp0e umeao ir-C ndctsto a fivne ol Oronoarma collecteti from the store.$5 and alcosesu rseenionays Customn built split level brick and Exclusive A search of the Pengarthanialcse upnio fr bungalow on 13/ acres of lati 44-1 Street residec a oonosx months. Constable J. Bird Ina Orono area. Fireplace, large - reveaieti 36 tire-arma stoien laid the charge followiag a hedroonis, partial atone front -e from, McGregor'a Hardware motor vehicle accident on patio. attachod garage, hard' Tenders 'N ne the night before. These rifles King Street, East, la front of wood a nti Trnoýl f1oors-antiAndsogu-wrevlet tthe driveway ta the Leg-%ion F000 Boys, WHITE SLICED BREAD DIX TTC MARGARINE vas announced that during Dykstra's Food Market Othi .uld be big prizes, they certainly weren't fooiing. Mrs. Lane, right, was the winner of the huge Baloo the Beax' cers. It was almost as big as the winner. They have à vho probably wili have great fun with il. Second prize )op up toaster was Mrs, Claude Paterson, R.R. 6. In the irs of the f irm, Claude and Bob Dykstra, who repde~ 1sale. 'I -ZZ as he g! id id ,d s ýd of le es le is SWIFT'S PREMUM ,,<eWIENERS 49ib FRESH GROUND BEF- PR EAL 69 FRESHR - LEAN GROUND 69 CHUCK D6 1. FRESH - CRISP FRESH PACK (ELERY SPINACH. 2for25c 2P kgs39c- TOAST MASTER RASPBERRY sAVE J E L LY 150 OLLs2 for 75cl STOKELY'S OLD TYME CREAM STYLE C OR N Table Syrup Tin :39ott7 e AVE 14o AVE 12o POST BAVE (RISPY ~ .L CRITTERs 2Pkgs. 67C CEREAL J AVEXROBIN HOOD JAVEXPOUCH PACK CAKE MIX LargeK 77C 128-o 'l 23 c, SAVE 12@ Assorted Plavours SAVE lOc FINE QUALITY JIWPORTED SAVE SPICE 49 4-0& J --Je

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