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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1968, p. 2

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†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††~ ~f ~ 0 ~T 4'~q~.jw ~ 2- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 30, 1988 Religion; anmd Freedom of thef "Today the nftd of tour Guest Preacher fromi Cobourg 19"I other freedoma provide an. important chfflenge toa ai re- sponsible citizens of thc de- mocracieg. These are: Free- ci Triity Ch rch Wl! M rkdom ta Have Faith; Freedom w Trinty hurc W ii M a k 1t Project or Propbesy; Free- T~ dom to Excel; and Freedom S ta have Integrity." Dr. Stew- tc art bold his large audience. tr Its 1 .3rd nnive sarylst Vice-President Don Mas-w toD.Stewatrt hsece-t W it Sp cil S rviesThé Golden Legionnaires, ac W ith Spe ial ervceswbe bave won recagnition as On Sundoy, Nov. Srd, Trla- specia music by bath the Womcn of Trlnlty will servee of the provng lacpvedaubs ity United Church wili observe Senior and Junior Chairs of refreshmenti at a fellowship ondterf procegr idente r Its il3rd Anniversary with the Church. The Organist and hour ln the Church Hall. tainment. hey r ofeintfie-T ispecial services at 11:00 amn. Choir Director Mr. William Friends and former members icne nd sanga nuere fe< and 7:00 p.m. The guest M . Flad.lay, hA.. A.C.C.O., of Trinity Church are cardialiy vpua sc'ton udr hej preacher will be Rev. E. C. A.T.C.M., wull present a recital invited ta share in the wor- pdir efRoCtton , e theM Kelloway, B.A., Minister af at 10:30 arn., assisted by bis ship and fellowship of this ciredcto fR. uCto, hi Trinity United Church, Cab- son, Mr. William A. Flndlay, Annlversary day. ollucowig hedine0h ourg, Ontario. Mm. Iellaway Principal Cellist af The Nat- Floigtednr l w. la a former President of The lonal Ballet of Canada. This lnthue banquet hall an Satur- pi Bey cf i nte Conference, The recital wiU Include the Organ d arbeershopgroupfiro sh-lss Unitd Curc ofCanada, in Voluntary la D by William K n m n Brego ru rmOh which Canference he bas serv- Boyce. the Violancello Suite ingiawa oentertale othe r ed continuously for the past No. 6 In D Major by J. S. group was memorabie, and C 30 years. and la very much ln Bach, the Organ Voluntary on IFIPM m.i uhcj db bd i-sh. demand as a preacher for spc. "Old Hundredth" by Purcell.i, noe b hd i-N dm1l occasions and a luncheon and the Prelude la G by Pur- <PROM PAGE ONE) teners. i ue.ioer. His sermon topic forIceli. Mr. Findlay and his so tie morning boum wll be "Thelwill msa perform on the orgi Wards of Men and the Word and the celao durlng the morn of God", anmd ln the evenlag ing service. Their selectic lie wf.l peak an the subject.1wdilb.' the Adagio by J.S "Criais and Challenge." f Bach . There will be an orgai The services will be con-Irecitali e 6:40 p.m. prior f ducted by thc Mlalster of-the evenlng service. Trlity, Rev. George K. Wrd,f Follawlag the evening ei B.A., B.D. and wti feature of wôrship the United Church DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PAETNERS: GORDON W. RIERL. C.A., RIA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. 728-7527 Membai': Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation at SCOTTY's BRAND NEI4 FAIRLANE HARI FuIIy leu ,wlth V-8, automatlc transmission' Po radiowhecavers, body aide moulding, white Wall LIST pIuCE $ 3 48 ouSAVE *1968 FAIRLANE 2-DR. HARDT( ALWAYSJ ON M.cDOIN FORD 815 KING st. THE! OI'flMKing W. and TI OSHAWA AREA'S ONLY1 9,78-1800 51 ddbu [nc lCneto ob ed etiigt col nthe r inCornwall late ln this coil- city were discusaed. %osa T a h r 1 A ccid ent R ound-U Ig a.He al s afr election Metcaif, 'A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M.. iw Fi p thathe wil sta d Vi-r e s. io R.M.T., Director of Music for At 6:02 a.m. on Saturday a Street North, and Gary James Winners la the Special Draw the DarlingtonTOfwnship Pub- car driven by Howard Max- Lane, 48 Simpson Avenue. Were Jack Mantie, Bowman-, lic School5 was the Clinician Ck weil, 70 Spadina Rond, Damage to Mr. Barclay's car ville; Lamne McQuarrie, Bow..jfor the Music Workshop. O n S>m ok ' Toroiito, went out of control amounted to approximately manvile and J. Lakis, Osh-1 on Highway 401, near New- $400, and there was aisa ap- aWa. FOllowing the adjourn- M r. Metcalf's subiect for The Cia r ke - Newcastle tnville. The vehicle left the proximately $400 damage to Ment of the meeting the pro' the mnornlng was entitled "Let Teachers met lni Kendai Schooi traveiled portion of the road- Mr. Lane's car. ceedlngs were concluded with Us Sing Correctly". He had for their October meetine, way and crashed alongside it. A car driven by James the singing of "God Save thelwith hlm 25 pupils from the Mondy Oc.2.Rreh Damage to the car amounted William Mitchell, âge 38, 513 ue" M. J. Hobbs Senior Publie da, Oct. 21. rv e fres hé tabout $450. Constable G. Emnerald Avenue, O sh aw a,ý School, along with their te8adme thee sradff.t Kozak, OPP, investlgated the went out ot control onCut cer, Douglas Dewell. oladies thestff. buins acien.1Road 57 at Gaud'a Corner On ea s Many lacets of the school the Inop s timtte g There was a two car col-. Sunday at seven p..T. r n e m uic rg laInrduigwYtaspke h&TM lmori on Saturday at 8:33 a.m. car went off the road. Dam - sOl o V Kla' methods McLeod had arranged th on No. 35 Highway, at Kirby. age amounted 10 about $900. sd sesuc:ssuy it he u sng akeroDa.speaker of, eMNt Th rvrso h cr n ontbeJ.LgtOPP, ,.W inn-ne ugain schools were is- O.H., showed a fiimstrip on voived were Ross Heasman, vestÀgated. li i1 1 used and demonstrated by the dangers of smoking for age 38, R.R. 4, Omemee, aid~ A car owned by Nevilleffel MrMetcalf. adult viewing and then out. hn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H l T.Screte ae22 os, 6Bic Sret llned her school program. J oh n T . carl tte ag 2 2 , R os , 6 6 B ir h S re et T h rn -In th e a ftern o o n M r. M et- S h e an d b er assistan t w ill Maple Lodge, Deep River, hill, was parked ln front ofl On Wednesday, October 23, caif introduced and led the be visiting pupils of Grades 4, Ont. Damage to botti vehicles No. 57 Third Street whea it'ail the Grades five to eight teadiers through the new 5 and 6 ln this area sometime was minor. Constable C. Ste- was struck by an unknown classes of Clarke Township choral music. Mr. Dewell act- ln March. Her presentation phen, OPP, was the Investi- vehicle between nine p.m. met at Kendal Park to decide cd as bis piano accompaniat. Includes a film on smoking gting officer. and Il o'ciock on Sunday the Township's soccer and Mr. Metcaif was introduced geared for this level, discus- On Saturday at 5:20 Damage to Mr. volcybail champions. Aiter a by Tom Park, and a vote of sion re the film and pamph. LWO Cars oollided on the 10th ROse's car was fortunately gmuelling contest, the girls of thinks was extended to him lets for students and parents. Cncession 'of Manvers Town- only minor. Constable Ron Kirby "A" met the girls o! hy Herbert Knox. îThe meeting then adjourned. 3p, about four miles east of Parker is invest'igating. Omono "B" for the champion- M. 35 Hlghway. 'Tle driversq ship volleyball game. Orono Ithis accident were Raiph "B" teamn came out the win- robxiston Rowan, age 54, R.R. nr 2,Behay ad une Legion Hosts In soccr the boys from TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE rhomrpson, age 36, 31 Engle. etnil School met the irood Drive, Toronto. Damage DI boys from Omono ««A" in the on the Rowan car amounted Raliyfinal game. Orono "A" took ýo approximately $800, and the championship. here was about $1,000 dam-I Branch 178 of the Royal' Congratulations to the ige to the Thompsori car. Canadian Legion was the host teams from Orono and their 3onstable D. Holdaway, opp, branch for the Zone Raliy held coaches. îvestigated. at the Legion Hall here on- This toumnament, which was At severi o'clock on Satur- Sunday. Zone Commander organized by Mr. Bob Proie. lay evening there was a two John Maw, Port Perry, pre- Of Newtonville Sehool, was a T e 4 h I s a lm n ar collision on ýNo. 2 High- slded. President Ab Mavin ongreat success. Strong school vay near Walton's Restaurantbhloftebac ecmsprwihltly a en !est of Bowmanv.ille. The e ail those attending. He falteming, was geatly ln cvi- Irier o te crsinoiedannounced that there would be idence. W. hope that this wiîî 0F riers of.the Mcas invol48efree refreshments after theltUfli out to be an annual event 'er C A MDonld ae 8.meeting, and the local branchifor the Clarke Townshipo 49 [Liberty Street North, and was accorded an ovation for Schools.IL ilin Young Cunningham, age its hospitality.* ~ 3, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Dam- With Zone Commander Maw 198TAE ge to Mr. Mcl3onald's car at the table were Pres. Mavin, R"~ ras apout $400, and there was Dep. Zone. Cmdr. K. Ferguson, RossJ eI'alf U pproximately $300 to the Dist. Cmdr. G. Simpson, Brigh- DUE u.nni tngham ar. Cnvstie on, Dep.-Dist. Cmdr. E. Hogg,Im .'n Ct. Lao,1,inet- Peterboro, Zone 5 Cmdr. Tony, s li ica CotabeBc.Tlso Basenanjo and Zone 2 Cmndr A N O V . 1ste 1968 Constable Bruce T iLvingstone, also other zn1 t \ / r s o PP, investigated a two car officers. ýýn1 t W r s o 'Ilision which happened at District Commander Simp- ýA TO YGBES ý30 p.m. Saturday at Lamb's son in an interesting* addressp1 The Oshawa Teachers In- A TO YGB Es nad and No. 2 Highway. The discussed some of the prepara-istitute held a day long meet- TiCletr ivers involved were Paul tory work that must be ac- jing on Friday at Lake Vista TxCletr hn Barclay, 10 Lberty complished prior to the Prov- School and many subjects1 2 ti t) a on Whyte, bath past presidents.1 an ist Vice-President Don Mas-' ,n- tersan, 2nd Vice-President1 onKein Chlpman, Registrar j'/ orI d Vision S. Phil Vowes, and TreasurerI an Coming o'clock oni Friday afteimnoon T i S n a urThere was a gala dinner n hs S da -h Fmlday evening. Business ses- sions coffmenced on Saturday One nI wanld Vision's new- morning and continued after est releases, "The Least Ones". a lunceon in the aftemnoon. is bo be shown this Sundny There was another festive evening in the Bowmanvilîe din'ncr on Saturday, Pentecostal Church, 75 Libcrty and thc No. 8 District Council st. S., at 7:00 p.m. Recently concluded with a breakfast filmed by Dr. Bob Pierce "The on Sunday morning. Least Ones" will bring Inspi- On Fiday evening afler ration and misslonary chal- diner, deliglilful entertain- lenge. ment was provided by twol Fift..ytw inutes tI Iengtb, talented local musicians, Glen il is a sound color document- Virtuje, violinist, an ad m im showing current Welsh, gultarist. They were heart-rendlng needs beirig met joined by two gifted local by missionaries and nalionals1 Kinsmen, Lloyd McRobbie and in Korea. World Vision ofi AI Osborne, In a pogram oi Canada Is an Interdenomina- most enjoyable aid lime mu- tional missloriary service org-g sic. Kin McRobbie played bis anization ministering in Can- banjo and Kin Osborne bis ada, U.S.A. and around the guitar. worid, perbaps most well- President Alec Wiseman known for the Korean Orph- presided at the luncheoin beld ans' Choir. at noon on Saturday. Alsa at the head table weme His Wor- ship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, wbo officialiy welcomed the visit- Cna mbe.r ang Kinsmen te Bowmanviile,p Govemnor McClure, thc Rev. st Dr. Findley Stewart Kitchen- em, Imrnediate Past District (PROM PAGE ONE) Govemnor, C 1 a r k e Pepper, year'F membershîp, It was e- North Bay, District Ca-ordin- otd atior Barry Green, Toronto, oThed.abrofCmec National Director Ken Hacker, bas been approacbed by thc Ottawa, Executive Director of Bowmanville Kinsmen Club Uic Association of Kin Peter regarding a Snow Queen Con- Hanly, Toronto, District Dir- test ta île In wîîh thc club's ector Dave Cabtree, Toronto, Snowmobile Competition ta be District Reporter Fredi Pumifi- heid In February, 1969. It was cati, Toronto, District Treas- agreed that President Lawton tirer Bob Hepburn Toronto, wili contact George Mutton on District Secretary Wa yn e the subject for more informa- Tompkàns, alsa of Toronto, lion before a decision Is made. and Treasurer Harvey Web- President Lawton reported ster aI tbe local Kînsmen that it bas bccn drawn to bis Club, attention by a local citizen that Treasurer Webster introduc- tbere Is no marning bus serv- cd thc guest speaker, Dr. tce available from Bowman- Stewart, a Past Moderalor of ville to Toronto. The secre- the Presbyterian Church in tary-treasumem, Mrs. Frank, Canada. Dr. Stewart gave a was asked ta write ta Colonial witty address wîih many Coacb Lines ta ask if the bumorous touches, and aisa camrpany bas any plans tai providcd an laspiring nies- provide this service In the near sage. future. Mm. Mackenizie tld the Dr.. Stewart spoke of the meeting that be bad received four Important f r e e d o m s approval cf the "Weicomne" whichnican sa nmuch to pea- rigns fram the local Lions ple in the western warld: Club, Rotary Club, and Brmnch Freedom. froni Want; Frec- 178 ai the Royal Canadian - heard as yet froin the local irismen Club or tbe KiwanIs Get Cash Today Club. It was suggestcd that Mr. For OId AppliaaCel Mackenziec96-ahead wîththe thOUghtary-Treasumcr Frank was ask- ST A T ESM AN ed to write to the Canadian C L A SSIFP1E n 9 Chamber af Commerce ta see Phone 623-3303 If a crest is available for the local C. of C. and ta ask what _______________________the cost ai ibis would be. The subject of litter an the streets oI the dawntown amen was again discussed. Il was suggcstcd lImat a quantity of 3 waterproof posters be pur- cbased and piaced abovc the garbage receptacles anid tni db- V cm places Ini tawn to rrnnd the public ta place litter In tbesecoties twsao suggested that a reminder tI th oca newspaper would be effectv tr this cannection. Presidennt Lawtori wns ask- cd ta tInvestigate the cost of these posters, and Secretary- Treasurer Frank was Instruct- ed 10 contact Clcrk-Controller D T O P Robert L. Byron ta inquire If ~TPtiere la a By-Law eadn an Anti-Litterlng By-Law, passed rccently, and the muni- cipallty had an officiai notice cancemnirig it published In the Statesman). Mm.. Frank as treasurer pre- aented the foliawlng financlal report. Banik balance as of January ist, 1988. $1,100.52. Total reip4t t date $1,542.75, Octoer 1thTh@ trtesrèr' repot wa &doted E$69 on moton b , secned bYMrs,. neamp cr di c w di 'w 24 53 ai wl Ci K. ci 7:' dr JO SAEONPe S(RPI - WE SCITONPIe S Y 2 KING STREET EAST Corner of TIMPIRANCE STREET 80 WMAN VILLE REXALL DRUGS Uc -7 LOVELL 623-3361 s PHONE Scotty -ri 1 SVII UPT 2*48 VI ï RY

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