in unis-in. Minutes ef previous Aufum w ed in gmeeting and financial report A utu n W ddin 1 were given by Secretarv- Treasurer Mrs. T. Henderson Three "get-well" carda were signed by al, ta be forwarded; ta three members now In hoi pital. Donations were voted ta the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blnd, as well as! the booth ta bie held at the' Area Convention, and another to the Church Board for thei use of the Sunday School hall.1 Plans were made for attend-i lng the convention In Toronto1 on November 7th when at least two car loads hope ta go. An ýInvitation ta visit Morrish Branch on Oct. 29 was read, iadtodrivers again volni teered their services for the occasion. The program, In charge of Convenor Mrs. G. Stap1eton opened wlth a readlng b, Mrs ýW. B o ughen, "Autumn ~~ / Leae" The motta, "The, '~«~ """p'Canada we enjoy was notA brought to nationhood by tim- id citizens was discussed at some length by Mrs. P. GîT- mer, closlng with the follow- ing quotation: "We are architects of fate, Working In these walls of Some with massive deeds, and great. iSomne with ornaments of rhyme. For the structure that we Time Is with materials filled. Our todays and yesterdays Are the blocks, with which Readings by Mrs. T. Hend- erson and Mrs. M. SamIs were followed by the Roll Cali. "An item or quotation an citizen- shlp". Mrs. Stapleton Intro-J duced guest speaker Miss' Ruby Bragg of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harry Worden, who are shown who toik her topic from the. I the above photo, were married in Enniskillen United, Book of Genei describing1 Church on Satirdav pvpîi Octoer 11968.RR t 7:30 lthe life of Abraham. .Ap- l ô'clock. The bride is the Ashton, daughter of Mr. .Ashton of Enniskillvn, and 6f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wc Reports fr Women< s NEWTONVILLE W. 1.1 Regular monthly meeting of the Newtonville Women's Insti- tute was held Oct,. 16 nt the home of Past President Mrs. ONCE AGAIN Bowmanville Rofi NOVA A FULL LENGTH THURSDA' at8:00 p. - ADMISSION $1.25 s [ Buy Your Tickets NOl JOHN F. C wishes to announce thal tbe partnei DEWITH and INSURANCE was -dissolved and m in the fut DeWilth Genei Ageo Any person Iiaving don with the former firm in please cc John F.1 14 Frank St. Phone 62: Autu mn Wedding in St. Joseph's Church ame residing at 191 Nonquon The Cmanadian Statemnan, Bowmanville, oct go, 1988 Rd., Apt. 703, Oshawa. A Registered Nurse, Public Health Nurse and Social R Waokr, the bride attended R cently M arried iBowmanville and Courtjce' H i gh Schaols, Nightingale, School ovf Nursing, University, of Western Ontario. The1 groom attended S.S. No. 4 Dar- lington Public Sehool and1 Bowmanville and Courtice High Schools, and is a Gen- eral Insurance Agent in Osh- aWa. Out-of-town gueqts attend- ed from Sundridge, London, Ottawa. Willowdale, Temple- ton, Quebec. Toronto, Bir- minghamn. Mich., Cleveland, Ohio, Ashburi% Kingston, Sunderland, Cobourg, Osh- awa, Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Solina. The bride was guest of honor at many parties prior It e marriage. Mrs. Wm. Bragg and. Miss Janet Bragg were hostesses for a crystal4 and miscellaneous shower at the former's home In Bow- manville. Mrs. D. Napiers., Willowdale, Miss Eva MitchellI and Miss Nancy Mitchell gave a china shower at Mrs. Na- piers' homne. Mrx Allan Down. Sunderland, and Misses Elsie. Carol and Margaret Downi held a kitrhen shower at Mrs. Down's home. Mr. and Mrs. - jAllan J, Werr3', Enniskillen held a pantry shower and A bathroom and closet ac- cessory and C.G.T.T. shower. was held at the home of Mrs.. '"' Allan West, Oshawa, wjtbi Miss Laura Griffin co-hostess., w held a buffet and social ev- Ms yd hreeGaduhe fMs ening. Enniskillen Commu ni- Ms yd hreeGaduhe fMs ty held a presentation part). Lilliari Gray of Oshawa, and Mr. Robert William' Another presentation party Brown of Oshawa, son of Mr. an-d Mrs. W. H. Brown: was held bv the staff of the of Bowmanville. were miarried i St. Georee's An-li. precianiinren eAideSociety. Port - ----~-*- ~ prclaionwasexpessd t -i.~(Hope. Mr and Mrs. Stanley former Miss Lois Mayrenelthe speaker, and other, the ýF Love]], Oshawa. entertained and Mrs. Orville Charles meeting was dismissed with1 d the bridegroom is the son the Mlzpah Benediction. and W t buffet and social even- odRR.,Bomni.1 lunch was served, following a Mr. an-d'Mrs. Francis Charles Langton, shown in the above photo, chose ing. Open bouse was held at Phot byRobrt ldsort ! ontest by the convenor. Prize Saturday morning, October 5, 196, at il o'clock for their wedding in St. b'erilod hom e om 0c PhtobyRoer Adso !hfor the latter went ta Miss Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss many friends and relatives. Bragg and one to Mrs. S. Lan- Shirley An n Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mvrs. Francis Montaque Williams___ caster for having the nearest -weddlng annîversary. of Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Ruby Langton of Belleville rori .- -and the late Mr. Francis L. Langton. Photo byMary's Studio LONG SÂULT STA KVLL IIl Krkbride of Oshawa was Mr. and Mrs G. Bernardi ro mna\va 4leaanc hostess for a kitchen shower. 1 aîyvîie e in tt t sMrs. Lillian Tliompson, A miscellaneous shower was ther on Sundav,, r. ys îast'e given by Mrs. W. Stephens ofFri a «hr rwood London, spent a few da Toont. Mss arln Vn- ooklitteSusno Gala. w eek wlth Mrs. L. TdanToot.MsMainVn hyto ileSa Gl- 1M. Samis wlth an attendance: dUri:ng her visTodd aoder stone held a personal shower. ghier homne; she bas beeri with o! 24. Pe etMs roddne usswlth Mns. B.A presentation partv, attend-1 ber un ne and aunt for sev- Wade welcomed ail, and opnloiely otHp.ed by neighbors. was held at .eral weeks. :ed with the Ode. Mary Ste\w-1Mr~. Keith Henry, Vancouv- h oeo r.tu o- Mr. and Mrs. Rlobert, Cam- .art Collect. and Lord's Prayer evstda r lwHlo lison, Bowmanville, who was ernad uhnn erF. well's, Saturday. assisted by Mrs. L. Dewell andl and atrygutso Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Van day, October 2nd, Mrs. Wil- M.And Mrs. Harold Trivett, Drunen. Oshawa, were Sun- liams was bostess for a trous- Toronto. Tbey visited with TRAVELOGUE TIME ' day guests with ber parents, seau tea in bonor of ber daugh- Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett and 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. . family, Janetville, on Sunday. ary Club presents' Mrs. Hazel Farrow, Oronn, :____ Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson spent Sunday with Mrs. ec SCOTA FarowWORDEN - ASHTON SC T AMr. and Mre. A. Gnîy and' mother. Mrs. G. D. 8entley,. I CLOU MOI'Michael, Orillia, were guesnts ' mrna o!Mis oi Port Perry,an eywr __ at Mr. Sid Hallowell*.. yene Ashton, daughter of sJPr - Sun-day afternoon Rev- -c'4 Mr. and M'rs. Orville CharlesaidMnsnCor NOV . 7 Ashton,,Oongaea ie ie Basil Lng. Oroo, gaveatfineEnniskillen, and Mr. tc - TOWN HALL message on "The Church In Ke' . Harry Worden, son of Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. Jack Crisis" at Shiloh. The anni- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Johnson, Oshawa, Mr, and SEASON'S TICKET $6.00 versary was weIl attended and ~ R.R. 2, 13owmanville, was sol- Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Linda, frm n RtrinaIl enjoyed the lovely music emrnized in Enniskillen United Janetville, were S un da y frr n oainby Orono Choir under the Church, on Saturday evening, g uestS o!f their parents, Mr. ldirection o! Mrs. Richard Mor- October 12tb, 1968 at 7:301and Mrs. Bert Johnson. ___________________ton. j o dock. For the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Allan ar Mr. nd Ms. . Ruhven . . .. .gold and green tapers in cao- and Michael, of Waterdown,i * Zon atened ericean 'delabra cast a soft glow o spent the weekend with Mr.', iwere guests wIth Mrs. A. arrangements o! rust, orange, and Mrs. G. Baker. Mrso.anMs.CaecBa, gold, and green colored wheat, Mr. Paul Allen. Oshawa,, 1 E Mr.arnd Fas Mrs. lre c-al cattails and autumn leaves. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker' EW rTHIsKnt, Peteborouh, wr ami Mrs assisted by Rev. Wmn.1Mr. Keith Goble and Brian.' tI as of Sept. 9, 1968, annlversary guests with Mrs. Wells, and Mrs. Carmen Bar-lCourtice, were Sunday gupper, L. Todd. rett played the wedding mu-I guestS o! Mr. and Mrs. John rship of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sav- '~SIC The soloist, Mr. SamuellBaker. MONJO ery. Oshawa, were guests s :',jPankhurst, sang The Weddingý Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Van- with' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Prayer and O Perfect Love.1 eyk and Mr. and Mrs. Wm1 iAGENCY Savery. The bride, who was givenlIVaneyk were Sundav suppeni ~vl1becrred~Mr. and Mrq. Larry Sin- Ain araeby erahrgutsfM. and Mrs. Gil-ý wilb are nclair, Newtonvllle, were with- wreafo-eghgwn ! bert Langerak, Oshawa. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl sikranafhond ita A family going-away party' turc as 'Todd after service. i~"4 , short-sleeved, empire bodire, was hed a EiniGl Miss B e u 1 a h Hallowell.Io!saopdim rtd wssCue Saturday eveing for of scMr anedMrs. Wm. Vaneyk. a In rnCe Toronto-, Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Guipure lace. The semi-fitted ThMre adM -W .Vny Reai OononanuMis gown was enhanced witb a MTos atedig were Mr. and Hallowell were dinner guests' ~ acigde odro u-Mrs Paul Vanhnink, Whitbv,; n lowel :fter service. "puelcarunthsc lp1and fam'ilv, Bowavle ed skirt hem, and a chapel.. onanil1 Mrbn Ms . Peck and Mr. and Mrs. John Charles McFeeters, shown in j Mr. AndM5 Jo ho Vaneyk I ne insurance business LyndR, Newtonvllle, w er e the above photo, exchanged marriage vows in Kings- dered with Guipure lav-e, feuVae and famil, T ronePau he atthe es, guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. RonI view United Chut-eh, Oshawa, on Friday evening, from beneath the empire lac,,e vkadfmlTrn Roofnson. Mr* and ,ontact Rev. Long read fromth October 11, 1968, at 7 o'clock. Foi merly Miss Dianne hodc.11rhadpieceo w rsphs ewr thd h short re and family and Mn. and third cbapter a! Philipplans. a MarY McLel ian, the 'bride is the daughter of Mr. and' sîlk roset tes hî l ~ MsWle aek n1bridai veil o! Engliih -silk: r.Wle ayk e v iupart o! Paul's Mess;age £n the Mrs. Victor Hl.MeLellan. and the groom is the son' tulle, aond she carried a sien- DeW i antl1 Church. We had a lovely of Mr. and Mrs. William C. McFeeters, ail of Oshawa. der cascade bouquet o! amn-1 ti adta hst 'Srlh, and eI I 16 e arsesInce Photo by Robert Aidsworth l her-golden roses clustered rhanging wonld, but the bun- 3-3111 belng --- with stephanotis. The bride's gen and poverty o! millions-;o! oiily jewellerY was a cameo it children neyer changeý.1 ___________________ -brooch, gift o! the groom. This battle must be waged and Mrs. M'm. Wells of ondon. by buying Christmas cards Young Adult Lge Ont., was matron o! honor and from The Canadian Save the the ridemais wee MYoung1drnAduitvu Lge.b ~ 1 I JE ~ T 7 - Il lI h n b i i e s m a i d s h w aî' e r s . h l i d nF u n yo u h e a i s t -b u-iîgrsingleE oA the -I ,I w ..tdi -rt.' All a idWest to f Ot-wa an epngao vidl eessist- _______________ Hgs bogle o! the nighoods tawa'3Mr. Daiss Fanet Bao! 01- anccANSovitll ecessxary. 114 ]OME a uff 408,wasbow g rpl e yn Waos wmnil adMssE 'AeieStetPtOfc, take bvRonSellck 97.Brier of Enniskillen were Toronto. Ontario, for a card 22.5 ames nd up- R.junior bridesmaids. The sen-,brochure. Selleck 395; S. Harrison 248, 4 io attedants ore frmaa. 2.36, 225; K. Cobb 255, 234,ior ttendanotsleeve ore fora 257; G. Palmer 250, 239; b. letungtsotsevdgwso L Woods 408: D. Anlauf 241; B. aulm-g1e!vlvt144ias Creamer 225.A-line styling, and the junior ~' Crmr 2. attendants wore identicall. - Teami Standlngs LAN~GTON W 1ILLIAMS j yellow floral headdressrs with styled full-length frocks of î~ Name Pins Pt:;!veiling, and their bouquets golden velvet. AIl wore head- Ron Selleck - . W; 11 St Joseph's Roman Catholic were o! yellow 'mumns with 'dresses o! golden chrysanthp l tJ, Bennett----7995 7,Church, Bowmanville, enhanc white carnations, mums n d sr theii- houquet J. Smîb - 17 7ewith arneet ! Mn. Douglas Scrlmshaw o! Jwere of chrysanthemnums and R. Beauprie 7932 41 white usadpn ld Oshawa was best mian and the wheat in bronze and golden H. Moore 75"80 410o1 was the setting for the uhr eeM.Bl ol ftn.; K. Cobb - '771 3 imarniage o! Miss Shirley Ano seswr nBh ol !.tns K.Wllias dugher7!1M Belleville and Lieut. Robent Mr. Dean Worden, brother Lte o ( uf Average@ Wlanms aF trani ofntaqu Oliver o! Trenton, brother-n- !o! the groom, was best mano, R. SeUk - -. 248Williams o! Bowmanville, and ia ai ebid.and usherng were Mn. Char- T. Harrison----------Mr. Francis Charles Langton,I The reception was held at les Ashton o! Enniskillen ," 7 .Coh- on of Mrs. Ruby Langton of!. the Nightingale Centennial brother o! the bride, and Mr. ewa i atru B. Creamer-----------214 Belle,1lIe and the late Mrn. Tmptlr eweve tha coade's Gay own o! Bowwmaoville 1- Woods ------------------ 211;ý Francis L. Langton, on Satur-. te eevd naca n cousin o! the groom. W mn S. Cain ---------------------- 206dymrinOtbr 5, 1968,;dress ensemble o! blue sllk' oe J. Tucker 206 ati!'cokShantung. The groom's math - Arcpinad ac S ' love to look pretty. 0 G. Marshall- -- 203 FatherF. K. Mlan 1er assisted ta recelve and chose Coudnt Cu hr th évil R. Beauprie------------. --198 tear . an 5 a three-plece, gold dul-Cuty Cu hr wilI give you a PEI' C. Peebles . 19 of!iclating clergyman and ki wo ui.Bah w rbide's mother received ina D. Cramer - .. 187the wedding music was played ut n tln D. CreamMr.-A-th---Co-lison. corsages o! white carnations. :Wedgwood bIne. symphionv - . cng adsyigt B. Mr.iArthr 183lbyo, velvet dress with matching ~ Given In marriage by ber' h opehnyonda bat and silver accessanies J. Bennett-- ---- 180, father, the bride wore a farm-'1 Atlantic City, N.J., and for Tegomsmte sitd ~- P Lgtnbug - 76al length, A-line gown o! white taeln h rd oea to receive and chose a fIa- ' . . . WE SE D.P& ERSl: u----------- 75 satin with angel-styled lace peacock-bue wool crepe dress minga-pînk silk dress witi,! L. udg - -------------- -- , Hoer shoulder-length. bouffant patent accessonies. A corsagecosgs fwht r FRAl rne in and sec these J. Smith 160. veil feIl from a white floral o! yehlow roses complementedwoecraso! hte r FO AP J. Luffman 1601 headpiece, and she carrlcd a ber ensemble. They are resid- cis ,Valpaper Samples !- I r n n elvle stecopelf nter P. Jordan-------------- .-. 5bridai bouquet of white rose n nBllvle s the iopleletin theire UCED T CLEARH. Mitchell 151 and carnations. A stenographer with Guar- weddingtp to heNw a M. Sierbuis - -- - ---- 150 m-s oetOie !Te-at rsBleil, teEgadSae n h a . I ca-n Church, Oshawa, on Friday evenirig, August .2,' 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The bride anid groom are shown in- the ahove photo as they sign the register following the ce remony. .ùry %Cleaniers C/,ucýUe. 1i A doormar: à genlus who cati open the. door of your car with one band, help you ln wlth thse other, and still have one left for the tUp. CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Moth Damage will flot occur tui your elothes Il they are cleaned regularly . .. have those summier garments cleanecl before storingr. BIBLE SOCIETY CANVASS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th BOWMANVI LLE CLEANERS CLEANER «"Wa Specializo In Shirt Laundering" Special! AT- MARRS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 39 King St. W. Phone 623-5463 Bowmnanville PRODUCT 0F INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. SALAD SET %, À# SAUCE SET $150 Sauce Ladie with à" Glass BowI $395 Cold Meut Ferk & Table Serving Spoon with Il0" Glaus Iwl a i 94 KING ST. W. 623-5520