High School Bd. News! A. the meeting of Durhamr cnntinued for the schoal termi co ty District Hgh School"' 1968-69 ncluding the scornsZ %oI, held at Clarke Hlgh!o! S.T.E.P. Tests by the Eto-i Sc 1O recently the Plannlng'bicoke Board of Education. 2. Committee reported that the!That approval be granted ta. Iflterlmn School Organization establbsh a pilot program Iný Commîttee wbll recommend to the Eng lish Department at ' the new County Board of Edu- Port Hope High School using cation the early implementa-; 8 millieter camera for stu- i tion af plans for a Library!dents to make mavies similari Resaurce Centre at Courtice ta using pen and paper tawriteý Secondary School. an essay. The cost would be: The ISSOC wîll al.o recom - approximately $300 and funds mneidMe need for a doubleïare available for the projecti gYnl.fum at Courtice Se<'- in the Co-ordinating Educa-; ondary School, and that funds tion budget". The report was, be Included in the 1969 budget'adopted by the board. for one portable classroom att The board approved the! Clarke Hlgh School and foriappolntment of E. F. Wittyý two at Port H~ope Hîgh School. 1 as associate head of readingi the Planning Commîttee's re-lat Port Hope High School. ItI port stated. was pointed out that Mr. The Management Commit- Witty was the only tl under the chairmanshbp who had followed trough Of J. T. McCreery advised the with the readbng programI board that aIl scbool groups started by a seminar In l96î. r handllng funds sbould keep Since then he has taken cours-! proper records o! aIl financial es in reading and courses ta transactions, and have theve upgrade his category, it was records available for audit atIstated.i the endi of the sehool year.ý The robe and powers o!i Chairman McCreery pointed principals in the secondary1 out that raffles in schools are Felhool system become the ne longer allowed. 'top;c o! a closed door discus-, A. H. Strikçe, Chairman of sion by the board at; this the Co-ordlnatîng Educatioii meeting. Principal James E.,r Committee, submitted the fol- Speers, Courtice Secondarylý Iowlng report and recommend- School. brought up the mat-' ed ts adoption. 'I. That the, ter o! a prbncipals jurlsdiction present Testing Programn be and respansibilities, when he Z/Oa lUAe gfnvtecl!1 Yes . . . we would love to have you corne in and see our beautiful selection of: Jewellery, Diamonds, Watches .- plus 100's of charrning gifts for Christmas giving. We will be glad to put your selection away 'tii Christmas. J(«oper's geuie/1ery. 13OWMAN VILLE NOTICE Interested persons or groups are lnvited1 present Briefs concerning the combining of t] Roman Catholic Separate School Boards In t] four counties of Peterborough, Victoria, Nortl uniherland and Durham. Briefs are to be prt pared and 30 copies mailed to the SecretariF in care of the undersigned. Closing date for th receipt of Briefs i% Noveniber 8, 1968. Th Secretariat shail make arrangements for spokesman to present the Brief. 200 Simeoe St., Peterborough. G. B. Hickey, Secretar: Interim Com'mittee IC.N.I.B. Card of ______ $1839 RECEl VED TO DATE * ?JOU citizens of Bownmanville and Newcastle for your hearty response to Our Blitz Campaign held Monday, Otoher 2lst. Sincere appreciatian to al canvassers. Send late donations to - L. J. C. LANGS, Treasurer 155 High St., Bowmanville Rural donations will be acknowledged when returns are conipleted. BOWMANVI LLE WEST DURHAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cou rtice S On Satus-day mornîng, Secondary Schaol mas-ched tosium to Bowmanville's 1 from sponsors for aid ta marches-s carry placards as drew the board's attention taý an open lettes- which was ad- vestised by the Ontas-io Sec- ondas-y Scbool Teachers Fed-, eratban ln Toranto newspapers the prevbaus day. The OSSFT's letter polnted out that the attempts o!' parents ta carry out theis- responsibilities ln an Increas-' Ingly permissive socety are meeting wlth resistance fsrn a !ew Irresponsible persansr withbn education and fsrn' outsbde pressure groups. The lettes- asked that as a gcoup chas-ged wlth the s-e-' sponsbbility for educating the youth o! Ontario the memn-1 bers o! the arganization solic-' Ited support o! ail citizens of! their efforts ta educate s-e- sponsihie citizens for a derna- cratic society. Chus-oh ses-vice at 1:30 p.m., and Sunday school at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday.i The ohilds-en wili be out on' Hallowe'en nigbt with theïi boxes for pennies for UNI-1 CEF. They will gather at the! schoolhouse whes-e theis- pen-' nies will be counted. Ms-. and Mrs. Walter- Black- bus-n and Jim, Don Milîs, and Ms-. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn, Newcastle, wes-e suppes- guests o! Ms-. and Ms-s. W. S. StudentsStg Walkathon for Bar M.ndMrs. Frank Glas- Margaret Mon k. M a«n vers A speedy recnvery is wbsh- bergen Sr. have moved fs-om Twsp. a aal represen-e for Ms-s. Muriel Aibin who * their former farm home south ed in the cast hy the Bowen irecent]y underwent surgery of Yelverton ta their newîy familY of Viewlake, Jim! in Menioriai Hospital. Mus-iel - acquired residence in Orono- Bowen making bis debut as' is naw living on Veterans >«a change f-rn rural ta us-ban1 an actor, Riosemas-r oe AeBwavle living.Tebetwse of'i cast and stage designer, and Little Miss Saily Simpson this community go with thej their fathes- Kari Bowen as, celebrated her fous-th bis-the Glashergen family in their stage manager. day last week: ber pRrty was new abode. L.ocal members of the Sang. held on Saturday. Ms- ad Ms.Aro Ca po!Spinners participated in an Ms-. and Ms-s. Ras!Boyd evening o! sang on Saturday and Ms-. and Mrs. Ru.ssell adjacent Gray line have re-, evening in Lindsay with!rPowell attended the Horse- cently sold their farmn (theý many local supporters attend- rman's Banquet last weekend *.former Howard MeMullenin i concert. at Rockhav'en, Peterborough. * Prpert) asid mved ack t în carlds of Yelverton' Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrm. EUls. the city. Inited Church members at-i worth and EMaine, Mrs. Cecil Our ommnit wa depiytended a special meeting o! Mallev and Mrs. W. T. Brunt shocked and saddened thnîs thàs zone of the United Chus-ch attendied church service last week at the sudden passîng in Queen Street United Sunday mos-nîng at the o! two local residents who Church inLindsay, on Wed- Church o! the Messiah, Tor. hav ben asocate wih'nesday evening, ta assess ta onto, at whicb service the Deepest m thy te m degree how the tr-ends dedicatâon of a Sedilia prayes- gee eslip o! estonrjo! today will affect the chus-ch desk in loving memos-y ni Lloy o!OttwaKeneth0frstructure of the future. Aexne W.MLdwa 1 made. Ms-s. W. Butler and Lindsay, Gardon o! Port Cre-1 Mrs. H. Lovekin wes-e also dit and Helen (Ms-s. Maur-ice iR W 5 p resen t. Ail visited a while Nesbitt o! Nestieton) in the Iatrad ihM-.MLo suddn datho! adevted Belated congratulations go! and daughters. Farnham Ave. wife and mother this week. ta Mr. and Ms-s. J. Cus-son Sri Mrs. D. Van Asyltine, King The Heaslips lived for many who recently celebrated theirt ston, visited with Ms-. and Ms-s. years in ur comrnunity and golden wedding anniversas-y. George Stephienson, and on Mss Heaslip had aver the' Glad ta report Ms-. StanIWednesday wbth Mrs. Ste- ~. jyears won the deepest respect!i Couch is coming aiong well phenson's parents, Mr. and i .4' . I land lasting friendship o! al'in the Oshawa General Hos- Mrs. Hillier, We nt wo rt h '-- ~ pivilegel d ta, know ber. Ipital whes-e he has been a Lodge, Dundas. They also en- SWe also extend the heart-I patient for two weeks. joyed a day at Niagara Falls. '.. elt sympathy o! this com-r- -________________ '~Žmunity to Mc. and Ms-s. Vin- cent Jackson and Ronald o [Bethany and their immediate1 203 students from Courtice of the highway. The group was stretched out over araive and elt Msslnda fsrn Oshawa Civic Audi.- f ive mile area. 'Bowmanville Rotary Club provided tragie death o! Ms- John1 r'own Hall ta raise funds hot dogs and hot drinks for the weary walkers on1 Jackson, their son, brotber, Biafra. Here, some of the their arrival in Bowmanville.r and fiance. John, with bis, they trid alon thesidegenial disposition and frîend-ý fo rjlkc rsp ~ th ey trid alo g th ,sid outlyng m anner, bas been i fo te adesRSWel 3 rcent popular part-time' ,- forththeinladies as uswellunch.the, addition te aur community J lu ,sa uc.and we wes-e anticipating bis 95yJou ( espects Fo th o in M ria eMnda H. Thick.son sPentibeing a full time ebr Modyat the Medical Clin'ic The untimely death o! this in Toronto. yýouth wili leave a sad vacuium vI EJ'w s Mrs. A. McNally is back Iniin the lives o! those closely: Cobourg hospital but exPectsr associated with him. The tab oeagi on Bethany Bail dance, cancelled Mr. F. Doucette had his out off respect for the deceas- ken m b a c Place o! business at Bewdiey ed will be held next Satur-' ei tn a c broken ino twice in the last'day, Nov. 2nd. two weeks. Ms-adMs. George Stili- Anniversary visitors weî-e: 1 man of Oshawa were Sunday Ms-. and Mrs, Stonehouse,! guests of the James Grays. a Mc. and Ms-s R Mr. EllitT- Ms.Ela Patterson o! Lind- I onto, witsh Ms-. and Mrs. R.i say spent a !ew days this Ms-t. adMs .Batwe ihteAtRwn Grace thle ceno(aph or the final resting BetjMcr and Mrs. Aida Nasato paen orda eatdwt Port Hope, Rev. Piercy, Mc.1 and «family were weekend ploalem oural. eare wt I and Mca. Bickle and Margaret,1 visitras at Malconia wihes-tadts-... iA Choose from our large selection of sprays Mr. and Ms-s. E. Elliatt, erborough on Satucday was and arrangements. Mrs. B. Elliott, Miss Freda mos t successful with a few 'White, Oshawa, and Mrs. choice steer lots going avec Daily Delivery to: Prouse and Cbas-ley, Port, the 35 cents per- lb. Local 'Hope, wes-e with Ms-. and' buyers purchased s e v e r a Ohw, omaveNwcsl Ms-s. Quantrill. Otawuckloads. Necatl Mr-. and Ms-s. D. Whitbred A number from this corn- and Orono. and girls, Oshawa, wes-e with munity attended the presen-! Mr. and Ms-s. L. Muldrew. rtto !te"Msca"a - ) Ms-. and Ms-s. J. Dekoker, the Academy Theatre in Lind-i /fi Mr-. and Ms-s. William E. Rathwell of Owen Sound eseue- !Bwavî,ee-ymnto!t.Ms.a--i V'an . e l a d n wes-e with Ms-. and Ms-s. gas-et Mitchell as leadin'g lady, wish ta announce the fosthcomning marriage of theirlIThickson, did an exemplary job bathi daughter Muriel Frances ta Mr. Edwas-d James Kowal, i Mrs. Greta MoMillian, Port in acting and singring. Mas- B.S.A., LL.B., University of Tor-onto, son of Mr. and Hope, was With Ms-. and Ms-s. gas-et is well known ln the'iP w (ýjlo e Ms-s. Peter Kowal Senior of iR.R. 2, Bowmanville, K. Trew. BtayadYletnaePO E 6355 Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday:i:BMrs. H. Beatty, Miss L. baving spent some of berl B eatty Port Hope, with Ms-. holidays with f'riends andreOpn9.m o8.. November l6th at 2:30 p.m. in First United Church,- and Ms-s. V. Peacock. latives as a child - forme-lyOpnSa .to8pm Owen Sound, Ont. a_-____cI . ce-t= Blackburn on uitnUdy. ____ Mr. James Graham andý M Gregory, Valleyfield, Quebec, ' r t o e B .o r were oReHope Bd.esof oTrade da1atrayad u-eceives $7,50 Grant idynights. Mr. and Mrs. James Gra-, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., ig of the Foundation's Dire- ham, Garfield, Gregory and Durham. announced t o d a ytors that such a stîîdy might Gordon, Valleyfield, Quebec,i that the Ontario HleritageiweIl serve as a pilot projecti Mrs. Rona]d Scott, Bowman-1 Foundation has made a grant' for other Ontario communi-ý ville, were Sunday evening t h otHp or f is to vitrsoMran Mr.eS- Trade ln the arniunt of $751).! The funds are being pro- leGraham. I The Foundation was re-!vided on a matching grant lie j Sympathy is extended to quested sometime ago to pro- basis on condition that addj- Mrs. Ronald Scott in the pass-ý vide assistance for a survey tional information regarding lie ing of her sister, Mrs. W. of early downtown buildings the terms of reference of the Macdonald, also to Mr. and in Port Hope. It is the feel survey will be forthcoming. Mrs. James Graham and fam--___ e- ily in the passing of Mrs. 1 T u it iGraharn's mother, Mrs. W. S ecretaries T u he Mr. a nd Mrs. Cecil Wood, Oshawa, were Saturday even-! ie ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs.1C l e e F c lt e aMr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar-ý Personal lnvestment does'question and answer period rard, Barry and Lori Ann, 1not require a large amounit of! whlch finally came to "CorI and Mrs. L. Griffin were Sun-! cash, so explalned Mr. A. F.! es at the Coliege" started an day supper guests of Mr. and' Haywood of Durham Collegze.linteresting and Informative S Mrs. Charlie Garrard, the oc- who conducted the tour of the talk on "Personal Investmen t". Y casion, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred College for members and IlMr. Hayw'od's summation Y'Garrard'q l2th wedding anni- guests of the Shoreline Chàp- l'Canada needs your Personal versary and Mr. and Mrs.'ý ter, National Secretaries As- Investment as much as you Charlie Garrard's 46th wed-' sociation. need the Personal Investnient" ding anniversary on Mondav The Collegi s here to fulfil Ilf us ail wlth much food for, Congratulatýions! the educational needs of the t.hought. that will prohably E.R.conir-nunitv and Is always materialize in a course of ac- Mvr.R. Thompson and, striving to mieet, those needs tion very shortly. - ýda ughter Cynthia, Bowman-. as requiîed. However, Mr.'- ville, were dinner guests of Havwood said. the communltyI j hi moher Mr. Tomponalso should let the Co liegeELZA T 1TT' on Tuesdial. know their needs and Inter- E IA TH L E i M rs. Thompson attendedests. By working both ways the christening of her great-,the comrnurity will benefit' Anniversary services were hield here on Sundaxý, an ex- granddaughter, Carol Maureen and the College will serve the ce n rw bt onn iWiseman, at Bowmanville on community in -the best wav n vnn.Rv ila Sunday, and was overnigh possible.an evng Rx Wllm :,guest of her daughter and The nenibers and guests o! ;Piercy o! Bethiany Unitedý Ison-in-lam,, Mr. and Mrs. F.1 the Shoreline Chapter, Na-, Church was the speaker. He A. Osmond. itional Secretaries Association spoke on "Man's Real Need" *Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, were met at the College byiand "The need for a quiet. -and family called on Mr. and Mr. A. F. llaywood, and taken! pla'e." In the morning our 1 M[ . Ted McLaughini, Fene-. ihrough the many differentichoir under the direction of1 ilFalls, on Sunday.rooI which had the bestUVlrs. McAlli.,ter and Mrs.: Mn nd rsClyto Rpd.eqîiipment avallable to help Wheeler, and Jim Muldrew, Mr.andMrs Clyto n'dthe students ln their subjects.. s4loirt, provide the music.1 Robbie and Steve-n, Bnwmln- 0Of speria! Int.erest, was the; In the evening we hiad st. ville. Mirs. Jim Madore, Dar- Data Processlng and Com- Paul's Anglican ohurrh choir,' rin and Joanne, Toronto, werp merciaI Departments. The ýPerrytovin. uinder the leader-' b Sunday visitors nt Mr. and Ship of Mrsg. E. Wilson. Mas-i Mrs. Arthur Read's.ter Neil Pope was the soloist.ý Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lynns LaMON7 On Wednesday evpning the! and Cheryl, Toronto, wer, '!United Church Women met, i Sunday visitors at Mr. and1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fish- ai the hasement for their Oc-i IMrs. M. Pollard's. er, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. tober meeting. President Mes, rMr. and Mrq. Earl X'okom, Allan Figher attended the K. Trew presided. M.i -s.H1 Ca van, were Sunday evening funeral at McDermot-Pana- White read the minutes. 'Thel visitors with the Pollardlbaker Funeral Home, Port business took place nt the! family. Perry, of Mrs. Fred Ormiston, beginning of the meeting. We! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Brookîjo, on Saturdav. pledged $50O te tihe M. & M. lI' Tyroe, r. nti rs.Tom Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stain- the chirch. Mrs. M. McAliis-î 1 ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stain- ter conducted the devotional * ats er Sndy uperton' atended the Electrical part of the meeting. Our guesti Graha fm - and M rsy. R.oy Maintenance Dance at Osh- speakers, Mrs. Edgar Buttars,i r Grhamandfamly.awa on Saturday hight. Plainville, leader of Citizen- inbPts.~ having a walk- The CubF, Scoutq and Voya- ,hip Deveiopment of the Co-' turned to srhool. Also, Kyle Da, " on Saturday. M.Wlkrs oke lis oný 1aham lx ab lonbe bark hi anMr* and Mrs. Rny Thomias China, our new study suhiecti school for two weeks through visiteti at Russell Staintin' an interesting talk and dlis- esi.on Saturav cussion. Mrs. G. Morris pri- The Auction Sale on Satur- Mrs. DelhPrt Flintoft's fam- sented a smiall gift to Iu r day night sponsored by the ily gathered at the home o! gu1estsq, in apprec-îation.Ms-s. Haydon Church stewards was Mir. and Mrs. Wes Cameron Greer of Campbellcroft wa3, we U atterided and prices were on Sunday ton<elebrate Mrs. also presented with a gifti. l good. The stewards wnuld like Flintoff's 75th birthday. She had brought to us an Px-i ,to extend their thanks toalal Mr. and Mrs. Fredi Cameron cellent report on the June, ! Who rontributeti in any wav were at Peterborough on RalIN, at Albert College Parlieri 'tmakp thi!; sale a succls Tupsdiav ia,;i week. in the vear. Lunch was, serv-1 alauctioneer Clifford Pe- Mr3. Tom Sobil had theled. Mrs. L. Muldrew had pre- Chick. ladies in to quit on Tuesday. pareil a deliclous jeliY de55ertý Announcement! PRESTO-N MOVING & STORAGE LTD.1 Bowmanville Ontario announce the purchase and change of name of McELROY'S VAN & STORAGE to PRESTON MOVING & STORAGE 1 (LINDSAY) LTD. 220 Lindsay St. N. The new company wilI be operating as a branch of the Bowmanville operation which has !,een established as~ a weIl knnwn trucking and storage company in the Bowmanville area for the past 25 years ., . now meinhers of AIIied Van Lines, PRESTON MOVING & STORAGE ARE NOW LICENSED TO SERVE DIRECTLY:- BOWMAN VILLE - COBOURG - PORT HOPE OSHAWA - WHITBY LINDSAY AREA ALSO DIRECT SERVICE TO: QUEBEC - MARITIMES WESTERN CANADA AND U.S.A. The new company can offer over 15,000 sq. ft. of household and commercial storage &ptte ln hoth Lindsay and Bownianville. Mr. Walter Jackson, who will manage the Lindsay branch, will b. residing In Lindsay, and brings many years' experience in thie noving and storage business with hlm. * i .~- t Lindsay 1