- * -' .*-*.* or F[i r [[I r 423-7[M OLYPICS fn As we watched the Olymapica via television on just about evèrY opportunity we could find, this sports editor indulged i the wlshful thaught that we m.1ght b. there. And If we had played our cards right - who knows we Ju#àcould have been i press row at the Estadio Olympica. It Vas only two years ago that tis reporter was i the Mexidco City area where we wefl remember the canais of Xchimlilco, where the boating events were held. Chapultepec Park, site of another portion of the games, la a mnust for any tourit, and as the TV cameras took i some of the Univeruity City buildings, these tao were readily recgnizable. W. had the opportunity of seelng several of the Immense Stadlurns, smre already built and athers nearing compietian,c but we just can't remember which ones were slated for Olympie use. And we are reminded that we have a few coiumns i our desk which we thik might b. ofIinterest ta aur readers COnCernlng Mexican sports, bull-fightlng and on the way home - a tour of the Houston Astrodome. How were we to arrange te get press credentials for the Olympica? During our stay Ini Mexico, It was aur pleasure te spend a lot of thie with Angel Sanchez, an officiai oi the Mexican Department of Tourism, whom we had met on aur first night I Mexico City. Angel teck h on hlmself ta make sure we saw everything there was ta see In the capital and Acapulco. and ai course lihe was determlned that we should corne back for the Olym- pics. When we pointed out that we couldn't be visiting Mexico every two years, Angal replied, "Keap In touch, I'1,1 manage somethtig." We dldn't, so we'll neyer know. The 1968 Olympics would have to rate as right up there with the best ever staged, and cartainly ta the proud Maxican -people this will give them something ta include when they tell you ai their nation's history. Mot Mexicans we met knew more about their country than anaei ten Canadians would about aur own land. But without trying ta revive any debates - didn't Yeu thik It was nice that Canada had its own fiag and national anthem? And how about Beverley Boys ai naarby Pickering - she put on quite an exhibition ai diving ta earn a fourth place finish. When Oshawa is fortunate enough ta hast the Central Ontario divlng competition again - dan't miss it. We taok in the championships earlier in '68, and with divers the calibre ai Beverley and In the xnen's division - Bob Eaton and Ernie Meissner, it's somthing te sac. Although their victory was achieved at the cast ai anothar country being disqualified, we must admit that we1 wera glad ta sec the Danish tearn win a gold medal In cycling. At laast the Danas must have been used ta the high * altitude, becausa they have spent hali of the past three years living i Mexico City. Those good-laoking athietes stayed at the saine hotel as we did i 1966. Wa would encounter them1 * quite regularly In the dinfing roam - and whila they cauld eat planty - as most athletes can, thare was little ar no restriction on their drinking af alcaholie beverages.1 Good thing they didn't imbibe during the Olympics, or1 they might have had their medals taken away as happened Ina case. Parsonally we thInk It's a greater feat ta perfarm, whlle undar the influence than when cold sober. Of course we aren't referring te thase nuts who drink and drive. * As was the case In the winter Olympics - the question * was revlvad as ta whathar saine ai the athîctas were being paid or neot. Sa why not forget about the so-called amateur Sstatus - and let evaryone have a go at it. And we just ~happened te think - wouldn't that give Canada quite a hockey teamn for the 1972 Olympics? When you sec those dalant gestures made by seneoai the United States' black power athlates, you must realize1 the self-control that Jackie Robinson must have had. Ha was a man wha was leading the way - and neediess ta Say Jackie wauld have had more provocation than Carias and ýeWhiie we admire Jackie Robinson and view distasteiully the actions ai the two runners, let us not forget that everyone does nt react in the saine manner. Whlle It's very hard for Canadians ta answar the aid question about "How would « *you like ta hava a negro living naxt door?" - whlle we hear how they create their own slums (we saw a iairly new apartment building ruined In St. Louis aver vcry few years) - whlle we say how happy we ara that we dan't have a negro problein, let's think af the negro (in the south particularly). * Na human being should be denied rights - such as being forced ta drink from a water tap beneath the ragular drInking *fountain, belng denied schooling and baing refusad admission ta restaurants. This corner daesn't condone the actions ai the two negro egion Ladies' Bowling, rOctober 31 G. Murdoch - 23 143 Averages D. Richards - 27 137 B.Pantner - 27 204 R. Bathgate 24 128 FBruce _____2 8 . Dilling 27 125 M. Blake ____ 24 183 B. Williamfs 6 115 Rt. Venasse 2 179 High Triple-B. Partner 647, y. Perris____ 24 171 High Single-B. Partner 253 N. Sheehan ___ 27 170 Over 200 Games M. Gray 24 159 B. Partner 253-203, F. Bruce L. Adair-____ 21 158 250, V. Venasse 235, J. Bur- W Qm'el 97 1iRA4 tnnf1R (Z Ulrl.- 9....f D ~ Burton~ Bate --- -__ McNulty Nickersan Dawney____ Team Standings Pts. 2-Bruce ________18 1-Partier _________16 4-Venasse ________14 3-Bate 6 95 KNG ST. W. Men's Majlor Lge. Maurice Richards ha. been on a hot streak iately and this week had the high triple 841. Richards' gaines were 274-266- 301. Russ Hailman had 765 (284), Don Oke 761 (300), Ed Leslie 754 and tihe hlgh single game 313, Larry Piper 746 (286-271), Ernie Perfect 744 (273), Elton Brock 722 (270). AI Osborne 706 (264), Luire Annaert 704 (253). Brian Martyn had a 298 single, Bruce Milne 286, Bill Wastlake 274, Doug Carter 273, Harold Bennett 272, Bill Luxton 260. Nais. Osborne Insurance teamn won high single, 1251 and high triple 3458. AI Osborne ieads Dr. How- ard Rundie by ana point. Os- borne has a 242 average, Rundle 241. Larry Piper is 237 for 3rd place. The sympathy ai the Men's Major League Is extended ta Howard Bromell and family ln their ioss ai a wife and mother. Ahl the bowlers will be glad ta know that Larry Piper Is home aiter spending a few days ln Oshawa General Hos- pital, due ta the resuit ai a car accident last Thursday night. Larry Is anc ai the out- standing bowlers ln Bowman- ville as well as thc district and It is hoped that Larry will soon be back ta thraw his high hard one at the pins. Larry has a bad cut an his bowling hand and his wife Gall tells us this Is the ana thing that Is worrying hlm the most. Averages Name Games Ave. AI. Osborne ----- 27 242 Dr. H. B. Rundle - 27 241 Larry Piper - 27 237 Ernie Perfect - 27 234 Dave Reynolds - 27 234 Don Oke--- 27 234 Doug Carter - 27 234 Brian Martyn - 26 233 Russ Halîman - 27 232 George Bebee 27 230 Luke Annaert - 27 229 Si Trewin ___ 27 229 Russ Hately--- 27 228 Howard Bromell 27 227 Russ Oke --- -__ 27 226 Elton Brock ___ 27 226 Don Bagnaîl __ 27 225 Ron Etcher____ 27 223 Bud Henning 27 222 Lou Wiseman - 21 -221 Clarence Oke - 27 220 Ed Leslie- 27 220 Maurice Richards 27 219 Frank Mohun - 21 218 Hap Palmer ___ 27 217 Ted Bagnell 27 216 Jack Parker 24 216 Maurice Annaert- 27 213 John Gould __ - 27 213 Murray Tighe - 24 213 Bill Westlake 27 212 Matt Harrison - 27 212 Mike Murphy 27 212 Art Rowa - -__ 27 211 Don Jensen --- 21 211 Harold Michelson- 27 210 John Carter 24 210 George Piper 24 209 Walt Hataiy -__ 27 209 Roly Coombas - 27 208 Bob Lawton-- 27 208 Jack Bond--- - 27 206 George Stephen - 27 205 KarI Piper 27 205 Bob Kent -- - _ 24 205 Bob Konopaki - 27 203 Bob Smith 27 203 Bill Luxton. 27 203 Ab Saman --- 27 202 Lowell MacDougal.- 27 201 Lau McFeetars__ 27 200 Teain W L Pte. I. G. A -------- 17% 91/ 17% Jury & Loveli 16 il 16 Nais Osborne Insurance --- 16 Il 16 Lander Hdwc. 16 il 16 Mutton & Gould ----- 15 12 15 Selby Grant Heating 131/ 131/ 1312 Pepsi ----- 13 14 13 W. Frank Real Estate- 13 14 13 Beaver BOWMANVILLE 'I Cheerleaders' Charm Wasn't Enough This group of attractive Senior Cheerleaders from Bowmanville High School led their football team to victory in the first game over longtime rivais from Henry St., but were unable to pull out a win in the second and deciding encounter. Henry St. once again inflicted their jinx on the BHS seniors to win the series by one lone point. The cheer leaders did their best to encourage them to greater efforts and more scoring, but apparently it wasn't good enough. The girls are, front row, lef t to right, Karen Davis, Maureen Tighe, Nola Raby; back row, Sheila Hooper, Wendy Anderson, Sally Prout and Jennifer Saunders._ McNVultys Pick Up 1 sf Win Toppling Crystal, Dairy 7-5 Lockes Take Robsons 6-4 by Jim Clarke ing a 4-3 margin. John Fawl-i LastThusda ev thsear made his return to the aset-husdinysavetegoal-tending wars for the antqueoutbuldiga ere'tDairy club and, despite the the only tihings upset. Thel-Hai- loss, showed well. The rapid- lowe'en twin bill saw Rab- îy impraving McNulty tribei son Motars and Crystal Dairy turned in a solid teamn effort topplad. McNulty's S po r ts in racording thair first vic- picked up their first win oi tory. the campaign, with a 7-5 first Robson Motors were deait gama win over C r y t a . their first setback by Locke's Locke's TV deait the Motors TV in the avening's other squad a 6-4 setback in the game. Larry Perris and late contast. The dafeat was "Bucky" Hughes headed the the first in threa autings for winners' 6-4 triumph with Robsons. two goals eaoh; Bruce Ogden McNulty's turned on a pow- and Barry Oliver added sin- erful team effort in ragistering gles; George Salnsbury click- their victory. George BaIl, ed for a pair for Robsons with Paul McCabe and Andy Mur- Bill Crossay and Grant Fln- phy lad the winners. Bail toi! supplying singles. collected thrae goals, McCabe Locke's took a 3-0 first two and three, and Murphy period lead on goals by Per- added three assists. Garth ris, Hughes and Oliver. Sains- Linton turnad in another com- bury, at 1:02, and Crossey at patent cage-cap chore for the 9:20 of the second, hit for -winners. Phil Bragg and Robsons who trailed by a Steve Burns had two goals single goal. Ogden's tally at apiece for thbe lasers, with 10:24 put Locke's ahead 4-2 "Butch" Cale supplying a and Perris widened the gap single. with his second goal at 14:50. Crystal's Burns opened the Despite only eight men in scoring at 10:02 ai the first. their lineup, Robsons out- The lead lasted 48 seconds, scored the winners 2-1 over before Larry Hellarn beat the final 20 minutes. Sains- Crystal's Grant W r ig ht. bury and Flintofi scored after Burns' second goal at 3:03 of 2:45 ai the third. Hughes' the second moved Crystal In- seoond goal for Locka's at ta a 2-1 lead. Don McMurter 16:31 proved the insurance and Ted Fairey drew assists. marker for the winners. McNulty's drew aven at 10:09, Locke's draw two of the with Bail connecting on pas- three penalties In the game. ses from Ray Crombie and This Thursday night's ac- McCabe. McMurter was off tion has McNulty's meeting for cross checking at the tim'. Robsons in the 7 p..m. match, The winners' Bail strucl] vhi1e Crystal and Locke's again, giving themn a 3-2 lead tussie at 8:30. On behaîf ni at 18:43. the Town League and ail his The two clubs erupted for friands, we'd like ta wish saven goals in the final 20 "Archie" Crossey a speedy minuites. with McNulty's hold- and complete recovery rom Commercial Hockey Brysons Beat Franks Brooks Take M&G 4-2m Steve Burns collected five points on two goals and thrcee assists ta lead Bryson's Smoke Shop ta an 8-6 win over Wal- ter Frank Real Estate, in the first game ai a Commercial Hockey League double-head- ar, Sunday marning at the Memorial Arena. In the sac- ond encounter, Brooks' Super- test edgad Muttan & Gould Shaîl 4-2, in a bath. ai the service stations. Tim Praut added twa goals ta Burns' point production for, the first game winners, sin- gles going ta Barry Oliver, Dan MeMurter, BiU Cole and Ted Fairay. Bill Crossey was the bigý gun for the Realtors. account- ing for half their total with a hai-trick. Winston Van- stone, Lloyd Hamilton and Bob Fairey coflected thi others. Scoring for Brooks' in the second game was Brian Brad-, ley, Larry Perris, Joa Reader' and Bob Hellain. AI Guernsey, who hasn'tý missed sooring I the threel g&mes since the scason start- cd, counted once for Mutton & Gould. the other going ta Jack Stevens. «'H-elp children ta help themn- salves" ia the unwritten haw ai The Canadian Save the Children Fund. You can halp achieve this aim amang poor and deprived children living Ini underdeveloped countries. Buy their Christmas cards by writing CANSAVE, Box 757, Adehaide Street Post Office. Toronto, Ontario, for a card brochure.1 recent knea surgary. Another~ ai the town's good sports, Larry Piper, involved in a recent accident, has the 'wish- as oi many for a rapid mend- ing job. L Rural Bowling October 29, 1968 Hampton -- Mapie Grave- EnniskIllan Srs. Salem ___ Solina ___ Hi C'a Ennisklllen Int. Tyrona -- - --- Points 19!/2 171/ 17 15 10 9 5 3 Total Pins 25320 26217 24695 24284 22219 228171 227501 21561 H. Single- Dave Reynolds 345 H. Triple- Dave Reynolds 873 Low Single- C. Coombes 119 Low Triplae - N. Tink 408 Averages Games Avg. Dave Reynolds - 24 253 K. McGill -- 24 231 R. Twist----- 21 224 H. McLaughlin- 18 223 E. Dickey 24 218 D. Taylor 24 216~ J. Siernon - 24 215 L. Wearn 14 215 C. Brunt 24 214 D. Bagneli -___ 24 214 T. Pleasance - 21 208 D. Wood----- 24 207 J. Coombas ___ 24 204 B. Carswell 24 204 D. Reynolds - 24 202 R. Laird -___ 24 199 A. Martin____ 24 199 B. Coombes - 24 197 J. Moshar ___ 24 19.5 C. Russell 21 195 Ray Davey ___ 15 195 D. Tannant 24 194 C. MilIs __ 24 192 Ralph Davey 24 191 L. Coombes - 24 190 G. Shackleton . 21 190 St. Joseph's Mixed Bowling League Team Standings Rej acts .-________43 Tigeroos 31 Hustiars -________ 10 The Larks --29 Separtists 28 Go Getters 28 Hlgh Triple - Ladies Do-rathy Passant - - --- 660 High Single - Ladies Rasa Venasse .---------- 254 High Triple - Men Jim Fair ---------- -----651 Hlgh Single - Mcn Jim Fair -------252 Roe 200 Games 24 RoeVenasse25 Jim Fair -- - - 252 Bob Poste ___-236 Tony Horstman 234 Garry Conway .___234 Dorothy Passant ____231 Jack Brown ____21.9 Allen Maclean 217 George Charland --211 Stu Chisholm 210 Bill Orme - ___-209 Don Cowle ____208 Eilean Hickey --201 Mary Brinklow 201 Agnas Maclean --- . ---200 The Canadian Statesman, Sowmanvlfle, Nom. 6, 1908 Night Hawks Bowlingr Team Standints K. Campbell 23 W. Nesbitt ________21 J. Mairs -________20 B. Wilbur _______17 J. Shearer _______15 S. Gay 12 High Triple-J. Rowe- 674 High Single-W. Nesbitt 258 Over 225 W. Nesbitt 258, F. Bruce 246, J. Rowe 236-233, D. Cachrane 225. Averages J. Shearer 202, F. Bruce 194, J. Rowa 193, W. Nesbitt 192, S. Gay 188, K. Campbell 179. JT. Mairs 174. B. Wilbur 171, C. Bate 170, 1. Wright 169, F. JTones 169, P. Bagneil 166. M. Ovendon 165, D. Sallows, D. Ogdan 163, D. Gibson 162, D. Kelly 161, D. Cochrane 161, A. Larusso 160, L. Coombes 157, F. Land 154, B. Charland 153, E. Coombes 152, W. McNeil 151, L. Burgess 150, A. Burgess 147, A. Glaspeli 147, M. Brinklow 147, K. Raîston 146, A. Perfect 143, C. Marchant 141, P. Broame 141, B. Nimi- gan 135, Y. Young 127, D. Peters 124. New'ville -Starkville Marlene Stacey -___195 Marg. MacDonald ____190 Darothy Stark _____1861 Gail Milison 1771 Marie Trim -___1751 Joyce Stacey17 Ruby S'haw _____ 172 Dale Foran ______162 Olive Henderson 159 Bernica Henderson 159 Grace Farrow - -____156q Lynda Nickerson -____140 Dorilda McCarron- 125 Isabel Trim ___124 Barb Ingraham - 118 Ellen Farrow 115 Fr.-da Jefirey------93 200 Gamnes J. Stacey 244-228 M. Trlm __...____ -243 D. Stark_______ 224-204 G. Milîson _______212 M. Stacey 206 D. Foran 204 Gamnes Won Phlox le_______1 Peany -_______13 Iris il Aster - ~-.--9 mi SATURDAY, NOVEM13ER 23rd Tickets On Sale OSHAWA: Auditorium Box Office Bishop's Sporting Ooodu Boiahood's Sportshaven The Dise Shop The Record Villa BOWMANVILLE: jury & Loveli Travel Agency WRITBY: The Whltby Arena AJAX: The Centre Smoke Shop Ticket Pries Aduits - - - $3.00 - $2.50 Chlldren--- -- ---15 40 OUNCCJUMBOGREAT 18 O SIOOUNC49,! J4UNCE 069 VALUEI 75 2-2' 5O' CAN 1.1Iol RADIATOR FLUSH - removes rust froni cooling sys- terniandImi- proves circulation. 8 UNE CAN 0f70 5-Way Conditioner - prevents and stops îeaks iln the cooling system. Retards rust toc,! ÈRush!é WasherAnti-Freeze - protects wlnd- shield, even at 35* belaw, when miixed wlth water, Windshield Washer - features ½/ gallon capacity; nozzle, jets, foot dame -and hose. 16 OZ. 6 OUNCI ç ifflERSOL1019 7 AEROSOI. *0 .A.rROME GUARD clear plastic spray protects chrome from harmful raad chemicals. IGNITION SPRAY - waterproof s Ignition systeni wlth a clear plas- tic coat. Arctic Wip.r Blade 0 RADIATOR PURG - de-ices as It jà--quickdy purges wlpes for blizzardamd cdeans chok- storms. For curved ed, hot-runnlng windshields. radiators. 20 OUNCE 98 #I 1.85t02,30 GUM-RID 'perkis- u p » carburetor; cleans and re- moves freezeable water from gas lines and pump. THERMOSTATS - a winter miust for pressurized cool- ing systems. HEATER NOSE for wlnter From 189 OUR ANNUAL TOY SALE STARTS MONDAY CONENEN BUDGET BUY ROTARY TRAVELOGUE TICKETS AT CANADIAN TIRE STORE FIRST SHOW "NOVA SCOTIA" THURSDAY, NOV. 7th Closed ii Monday Novemberl 'REMEMBRANCE DAY Operated by Brewers Warehousing Company Ltd. Mni1(r)MeLf trâkest&£Lt SEE rR EAIL NEW 69 C5*b-SkiUNE NOW!1 McGREGOR HARDWARE LTD. 'wm ETAI ASH aCARRY Bonus coulpoNs iinninn IREi1 160 Church St. Bowmanville ý 1- -1ý 1 jaý ÉMEDIES. FOR HEý.%COMMON COLDf -V'% r-&ý