10 The Canadian Statesnm, Bownianvile. Nov. 4. 1968 MacDuff Qttawa -Report Jus Socle y" OTTAWA - Canadians have been living under Prime MinIster Pierre Trudeau's 'just Society" for four months and already some are becomlng just a'bit dis- 1li4sloned. *The swinging Prime Min- 1sWer with panache, who campalgned coast to coast' and won election with a ma - jority Liberal government lias become something of a recluse. He now tries to avold the small crowds that stJl collect outside the East Block on Parliament Hill1. He has devised an exit by another door that enables hlm to escape the autograph hunters and young ladies seeking a Trudeau kiss. He works long hours through- out tbe week and ln the beautiful autumn months often escapes to the Har- rington Lake country estate set up for Prime MinIsters ln Canada. H1e runs a "'tight ship" in Cabinet. H1e bas a strongi grip on the wheel of the ship of state. Veteran Cab- Inet Ministers speak with admiration and some awe of bis method of conducting Cabinet meetings. .However, whIle he bandies the Cabinet well, his foot- work ln Parliament and bis off-the-cuff comments out- side of Parliament, as weil as tln, have left Liberal sup- porters alarmcd over the Iimage he is now projectLing among the electarate. Mr. Trude au handling o! the Biafra affair lcft much to be desired as fac as Liberal backbenchers were concern- ed. There bas been a great swell o! public sympathy i Canada avec the poor 1 re!ugees o! Biafra, report- edly dying by the thousands each week, as civil wac rav- ages their country. Cari- adians wanted to sec their Liberal government led by a new Prime Minister step in and send aid to the starv- Ing people tri that un- fortunate country. Instead, Canadians heard External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp giving his typical slow bureauccatie approach to a problcm that demanded fast action. Mc. Sharp, long a member of the Civil Service and trairied as a dcputy under t.he late Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, i' cauttous and carefuilntri is assessment o! such problems. He wants aIl the "I's" dotted and the "T's" care!ully crossed. Canadians became Impatient and exasperated with bis cold careful atti- tude. They became incens- NOTICE! Nomination and, Election in the Municipalities of Township of Clarke., Township of Hope and Village of Newcastle Pursuant to the provisions of The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments thereto publie notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Public School Electors of the Municipalities of Clarke, Hope and Newv-, castie will take place in Township Hcall, Orono Monday, Nov. lSth 1968, commencing at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon and continue until two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of Two Trustees for The United Counties of North- umberland and Durham Board of Education for the years 1969 and 1970 If more than two Candidates are nominated, and a poîl is required, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, Dec. 2nd 1968, when a poli shall be open at ten o'clock in the morning and continue until eight o'clock in the afternoon of the same day and no longer in each Polling Subdivision of the said munici- palities herein named: The Corporation of the Township of Clarke: POLLING SUBDIVISIONS - No. 1 - Community Hall, Newtonville No. 2 - Brown's School House in Lot 21, Con. Il No. 3 - Lockhart's School House in Lot 30, Con. III No. 4 - Orange Hall, Kendal No., 5 - Township Hall, Orono No. 6 - Leskard United Church Hall No. 7 - Residence o! Frank Harris in Lot 23, Con. VIII No. 8 - Residence of James Stark in Lot 8, Con. V No. 9 - Township Hall, Orotio No. 10 - Township Hall, Orono And at said Election H. E. Milison, Clerk, shal be Returning Officer The Corporation of the Township o! Hope: POLLING SUBDIVISIONS - No. 1 - Residence of George Watkins in Lot 3, Con. Il No. 2 - United Church, Welcome No. 3 - Community Hall, Canton No. 4 - Residence of Charles Meneilley in Lot 31, Con. 111 No. 5 - Residence of Basil Bell in Lot 10, Con. VIII No. 6 - United Church, Garden Hill No. 7 - Residence of Clarence Beatty ini Lot 28, Con. VII And at said Election W. W. Lord, Clerk, shall bc -Returning. Officer The Corporation of the Village o! Newcastle: poLLING SUBDIVISIONS - No. 1 - Community Hall, Newcastle No. 2 - Community Hall, Newcastle No. 3 - Community Hall, Newcastle And at said Election G. Hughes, Clerk, shall be geturning Officer Also Take Notice that Nomination Meetings shahl b. held for the election cf School Trustees by separate school supporters on Monday, November l8th, 1968 at Port Hope and Cobourg. Further details concerning these Nomination Meetings May b. yequested from the Returning Officers -1 W. E. Hunt, Clerk cf Port Hope and B. W. Baxter, clerk of Cobourg. ed when Prime Ministei Trudeau, taking lits cut Ifrom the Foreign Minister adopted the same attitudi anid appeared very resentý fui off demonstrations calink for more hclp for Biafra This did flot seem to fit Ir Iwith the Image of a "JusI Society"'. Wheri Mr. Trudeau tln à fit of pique' likened the hunrigc Biarfrans to the Nazis stacvirig outside af Stalingrad in the Second World War, hie went too far. There was a roar of outrage from the editartal pages across the country and the average Canadian .vas disheartened by the weak-kneed resporise o! Mr. ITrudeau and his Govern- meinnt to the plight of piti- ful people caught up ln the repercussions of civil strife. Mr. Tcudeau in a moment of annroyancc had suggested that if Canadians wece go- ing to Insist on feeding the Biafran.' then Canadians should have fed the starv- ing Nazis lni Russia. The Prime Minister knew better thari ta make such a comn- parisori. 1-e dcserved the condemnatiori hc brought down on his head. Finance Minister Edgar Benson did flot improve the image of the Government xvhen he introduced bis flrst budget. In it he lmposed a two per cent additional tax on the persorial taxable In- cames of Candiaris. But what really stirred up a stocm of protest was that the Finance Minister saw fit to, Impose also a maximum of $120 for the tax. Under that ceilirig the person carri- ing acourid $10.000 a year will pay as much tax as the person earning $20.000 or $50.000 oc even $100.000. Letters poured Into editars across the country protest- ing this form o! a "just society". The writers sug- gested It was a "Society just for the rich - flot the poor". The Prime Minister did not improve inatters when lie flew ont to Halifax late in October to address a meeting of the Nova Scotia Libecal Association. H1e dropped hirits that he was consideririg easing the tax load on the wealthy next year. This received a big play tin most reports of the meeting. Questions were asked in the House the fol- lowing week and Mr. Tru- deau explaincd that he bad only put forward the Idea ta promote discussion. A wealthy mari, Mc. Tru- deau told his, Halifax audi- ence that the rich in Canada 'are more soaked than in ariy ather Western nation". He noted that the Carter Commission had found tax- ation in upper brackets was too high. Liberals groaned arid thariked their stars that they would not be facing a gerieral election. for four years. Earlier ln the House Mr. Trudeau carried forward bis program ta introduce the French language into the governmental services tin Ottawa. In a press conference he served notice on a il would-be civil servants that If they jain the Federal Govern ment service an d show na desire to learri French they could be assign- ed to opcrating elevators. This stirred up controversy and aroused members o! the public service to warn that insisting on goverriment cm- ployees knowing French would endanger the over- aIl standards a! professional campetence within the Serv-j Lce. Most Canadians recognize that the introduction o! bilingualism is a good thlng for Canada. Many are pre- pared ta make the major effort ta try and learri the other language"l. Howevcr ta bave the Prime Minister suggcsting bhat those who can't or OBJTUARY JOIIN VINCENT JACKSON i'The funeral service for John Vincent Jackson o! Betbany Iwas held from the omstock on Mondav afternoon, Oct. 28. Mr. Jackson, age 23 years, %vas killed instantly ti a two- car collision near Peter- borough on Saturday, October 26th. Rex'. William Pieccy o! Beth- any and Rcv. Harold Stobbart o anetville had charge of the service. Borni in Bethany, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son. he xvas educated at Beth- any Public School and Lindsay Collegiate. He served with the Canadian Army in Ger-many and since teihad been employed with the Pterborough Lumber Co. He was a member of the Unit- ed Church and the Bethany Athletie Association. Immediately surviving arc bis parents, a brother Ronald and bis grandmother. Mrs. Thomas Jackson, aIl of Beth- any. Burial was tI St. Mary's Cemetery. iPalîbearers were A li a n Smith, Ray Porteous, John jNeals, Charles McGiIJ Keitla Baker and Terry Malcolm. Goodyear Officers Tour Local Plant Russell DeYoung, chairman af the board and chief who conducted DeYc executive afficer of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Also listening are L Company, Akran, Ohio (secand fromn right) an a visit president and H. G.1 ta Goodyear's Bowmanville plant, is seen here listening Goadyear-Canada's G ta a point being made by manager, J. T. Taylor, left, Royal Winter Fair Metro P( Color fui The stimulating skirl of the pipes and the precision of milit-ary horsemanshiîp will thrill visitors to the Royal Agricultural W in te r Fair when the Mounted Unit of the Metropolitan To ro nt o Police Department presents the latest version of their famed musical ride in the arena. of the Coliseum. Formed as late as 1966 the mounted unit has already achieved fame as one of the Ieading exponents of this spectacular form. o! formation riding. The police musical ride is unique in another respect, for the varjous formations are carried out to the skirl of the pipes o! the Toronto Police Pipe Band rather than the customarY rmilitary band as has been the case in the past. The ride is under the direc- tion of Inspector E. S. John- son with Inspector Sandy Johnston as Pipe Major of the band. Apart from the precision of the ride, and the immaculate lroo0ming o! the borses, added color is given the perform- a e ti PI' in b( tE T ti ai m 1 ce: TI pf o fir tii o!] La c art pr fin li a ste es te kei gup hur lani tei off Laî ME? CHOOSE FROM 18 5 SIRES ?? Yes Arabella, you can be a real coquette when you cali United Breeders Inc. You can choose from the variety o! bulîs form- erly used by our three parent breeding units - CENTRAL ONTARIO, WATERLOO and LAMBTON CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIJAT IONS Worried about picking the right bull ? Your friend the local techni- cian can help. He has catalogues and aids for choosing the right sire, based on the latest find- ings o! the information gathering services. Sorry if this sounds like computerized court- ship, Arabella. It's al aimed at helping you to produce better calves, through the services of - N ITED beders imc. Ia 1'm.. j ýoung an a tour of the factary. L~. E. Spencer, Goodyear-Canada MacNeil 1, right, vice-president of General Products Division. Feature and Mrs. Paul VaririnkWhit- Varieyk called and on Tuesday a!ternoon Mrs. W. Vaneyk and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vaneyk called ta visit the Gea. Van- Van Weiringer familles, Ponty- Pool, and Mc. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk, Tyrone, and then Mr. ance by the smart uniforms the police stable of 42 horses' Tuesday supper guests o! the o! the riders. Tunics and a.nd 52 men locatcd in the' C. Penwacdens and on their breeches o! navy blue con- Toronto arca.1 return from the airport Thurs- The "ride" is not ail for day evenirig Mc. and Mrs.1 trast efcctively with the fun and show. It serves a real 1 Walter Vaneyk were supper1 white belmets of the riders purpose in caising the stand-I guests of the John Vaneyks,, and the white insignia and ard o! borsemanship and dis-î Tyrone. shoulder "aglet". B a m b o o cipline on the part o! bath Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, lances aflutter with red, blue man and beast. i Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. and gold pennants. compîcte "The Royal" is proud ta Ted Kidd and Melody, Mrs. the mosaic o! color. pay well-dcserved tribute ta1 Ethel Kidd, Goodwood, were The ride unit, compascd of! the men of the Toronto PoliceI Sunday supper guests o! the1 sixteen horses, eigbt blacksiforce for their contribution Smiths. SaturdaY sup p erc and cight bays is dcawn frornita the succes5 of the fair. *gct wr c nd Mrs. J. ------C. Cook and Mr. and Mcs. Don Stainton. La nds a nd Forests Novembr mladiesglllho the home o! Mrs. G. Baker, Tues- Weeku"Reportday cvening, November 12, Weelly R portwith Mrs. Baker and Mrs. W. Vaneyk as program convenars. Safe Gun Handling Crown Cottage Lotg, 1 Mrs. John Baker was hast- The following is a reprint Wc have ceached the p oint e ss foc nine o! ber girl fricnds, fcom a recent news release ti the Lindsay District wherc Sunday a!tccnoon, wben they publlshcd by the Ontario the dcmand for Ccown land held a baby shower for Mrs. Safety League. cottage lots fac excceds the Paul Allen. Oshawa. "The only way ta make a supply. This is due ta a num- Mr. Gcrry Cornish, Kempt- flceacm completely harmlcss ber of factors - proximity ta ville Agricultucal College, is to unload ItL The Ontario large centres a! population' spent the weekend with bis Sa!cty League dlaims there improvcd roads anid transpac.: parents, Mc. arid Mrs. Sidney are ce rt a in circumstances tation facilities, tncreased leis- Cornish. wherc this is the only safe way ure time and diminisbing to handle a Sun: amounts o! avallable Crown BLACKSTOCK 0. F. UT. In any bouse, cabiri or lanid. The Incrcased demand Blackstock Local 73 o! the dlwellng. for land for all types o! pub- Ontario Farmers' Union held In a motor vehicle or boat, lic recreation bas also increas- a meeting Oct. 29 at the home exccpt when securely anchored cd the need for careful plan- o! Mc. and Mrs. Dan Gould. n a blind. ning, ta ensure that the public The Annual Convention o! Wben climblig fences or interest Is scrvcd to the best the Ontario Farmers' Union othcr unusual obstructions. advantage. will be held Nov. 25th, 26th When crossing unusually Befoce disposing of any and 27th ti Kingston. Mr. rougb or uneven terrain. Crown land the Departmcnt Dan Gould was the unanimous Wben running or even trav- now prepares carc!ully plans choice ta go as a delegate from ellng fast through the bush. o! cach area wbere such land Local 73. If any member Wben i the act o! bunting exists, reserving first those would be Intercsted tI golng with a loaded firearm, keep portions corisidered suitable for as a delegate, please contact ;he sa!cty "on" uritil ready ta public parks, buntlng, fishing, your President. pull the trlggec. And before skiîng, hiking, canoe routes,'JVMc. Lloyd Hasson was you pull the trigger: and ail forms o! outdoor re- prescrit and dtscussed "Col- Posltively Identlfy the ob- creation. Following this, lakes lective Bacgalning, National", ject i your sigbts as the game corisidcred suitable for sub- He also answered m a n y you are buntlng. division are noted, and a lake questions on Union Pollcy, and Be sure there is no possi- devclopment plan prcparcd for a National Farm Union. Dillty o! a fcllow bunter com- each. Sections o! the shorc- Mc. Hasson also meritioned rig into your line a! fire. line containing the best sarid the meeting in Coldsprings, Be sure there Is a protective beaches and moderate slopcs Oct. 30 for the election o! ackdrop of land or woods are rescrvcd for the use o! District Officers, arid the hat will prevent your bullet the gencral public for park- Bcauty Contcst. ccoming a stray if you miss ing, watcr access, etc., and This was a very Ilecestingl ;he target. then the portions corisidcred and informative Meeting, a'- Be careful that the bullet surplus ta the public need are thougb not well attended. ulîl not bit rock, bard earth, divided by reglstered plan ro! Come out and support yauri vater or ather objects that subdivision and offercd for îLocal. !ould make it ricochet, sale as private cottage lots. Al - -___________ The Ontario Safcty League new subdivisions tI the Lind- tates that firearm accidents say district, wbcri approved, vould be eliminated if every are o!!ercd foc sale by publice )erson who bandles a gun auction. nade these rules an habituai At the present time we bave vay o! living." fia backlog of available lots, Dangerous Game but we do have survcys going Do you know the most on as follows: langerous game ta bunt in Eel's Lake, Cardiff Town-l ntarto? . .. Wolf?.. . Bear? sbip, 15 miles N.E. o! Apsley, ..No. Rabblts! Rabblt 38 lots. ýunters are Involved In 26 per Raveri Lake, S herb ori e ent o! hunting accidents. Township, 3 miles south o!f 'hat's more than the bunters Dorset, 23 lots. fwolf, bear, dccc anid moose Coori Lake, Burleigb Town- ombticed. But, don't be afraid shirn. 15 miles N.E. o! Lake- frabblts. Learn to bandle field, 29 lots. 1y u Irearms safely. For Informa- Moncock a nd Buckskinl ffice o! the Department o! 7 miles south o! Wilber!orcc, ,ands anid Focests. 40 lots. Hunters Weish Lake, St an ho pe! Huriters shoot thcmsclves tI Township, 15 miles nortb af! o v e r 1 per cent o! the bunttng Minderi, 31 lots. ~cldents tI Ontario. 31 per Ariyone who Is Interested tI rit o! the gurishot wourids a cottage lot on any anc o! 'e self-lnflicted. Foc the these lakes, anid would like rotectiari o! yourself anid further Information on whcri ce' l-o oI bhers, Icarri bow ta handle tbcy arc ta be of!ercd for sale,Wedotlieo t 'cacms sa!ely. Foc Informa- sbould supply the District!I a sinle Ibeavy bM1. C on apply ta the nearest Office at Lindsay with bis 1 enecey by as] fiee o! the Dcpartment o! name anid address, and the' ands and Forests. name o! the lake in wbich he; to pay with each de] Huriting is a colourful sport ls intèrested. Further infor-'Ouwa osp -and It better be-ta prevent miation may be sccurcd from Orwyi oaf looting accidents. Wise bunt- the District Forester, Depact- haigcs oe 1 s weac brlght orange, the ment of Lands and Forests,:haigcseoe fl that is casiest ta see I 322 Kent St. West, Lindsay. mfofthly payments ie field tIariy weathec. Dcab G. Simons. II.egjn in September bad. Bright is right. Wear Actirig District Forester. Igbt orange. Be secri ard i year and end in Jun Ssafe. No Trespass 1 LflTNP. ATTT nexi, l % way, thi Tbat's the sigri that goesI a.nd more coSty mm~ iwben a hunter makes a nM. rd Mrs. Lenard Glov b1n- b h i isance of himsel! an some- Cc anrd !mily movcd ta theli ie else's property. Wise ne-w home near Neca f-'a 1420 People Served ut CWL's Turkey Supper The turkey supper beld by Michael Heenan, Martin the Catbolic Women's League loy. Norman Hannan, and si: ln St. Joseph's Auditorium, eral other men of the coi. Bowmanville, recently, attract- gregation. ed a large crawd. The canven- Those who assisted in serv- ors were lst Vice-President ing were Miss Marie Heenan. Mrs. Michael Heenan. Presi- Miss Debbie Haynes, Miss dent, Mrs. Delbert Hendsbec, April Heenan, Miss Mona Mrs. E. J. Rand, a past presi - Heenan. Miss Debbie Boyer, dent. and Treasurer Mrs. Bert Miss Joan Castonette, Miss Payne. Gloria Chisholm, Miss Bonne This annual event bas be. Chisholm, Miss Doreen fIas- come sa well known for de- welî, Miss Pat Nowlan, Rdlsi lictous food, excellent service Betty Anne Wihlidal, uMis!l and an attractive setting that Wcndv Wihlidal, Miss Ailcen each year It draws more and 'Wall 'Miss Laura Sherry and more people. This time 420 Mrs. William Joîl. delectable turkey suppers with!i _________ ail the fixings and an array1 o! delectable desserts were' served. 1 K D O President Heenan on behaîf of the four convenors express- Intended for last week) e d appreciation for the widc- Rev. Fraser Lacey o! Har- spread Interest taken by 'monv United Church was the the public. and ta the many Iguest preacher at the anniver- people who attended. She 'sary service of Kedron United *also said ahl the C.W.L. mem- Church on Sunday morning. bers regret exceedingly thatiThe soloist was Miss Carolyn several people were unable to:Tmlin, of New Toronto. obtain tickets at the door be-, cause It was not psil a Mr. anid Mrs. Ross Lee accommodate thcm because of ýspent several days this week the large turnout. Plans wîîî i'n Stratford attending a Con- be made ta serve an even vention o! Ontario Reeves. greater number o! people ati The Hi C entertained young t.he turkey supper next year, peoles' grups o! several she added. ifnearby churches at a Hallowe. The stage was bcautifullyi'en party on Saturday evening. decorated with a backgrou'di The community was sadden- o! overlapping streamers Jn1ed to hear on Sunday morri- autumn colors o! gold, rcd, ing of the death o! Mr. D. A. green, bronze and fawn, bung Robertson of Prince Albert, vertically; large ferns and be-4te father of Mrs. Grant gonia plants. Throughout the Hunter, Ocganist and Choir spaclous hall white wckeridirector at Kedron. baskets filled with pretty flowers ln pastel shades wcrel suspended effectivcly from the, CtC s oa celling. GlCs oa Th otse eeitVice- For OId Appliances Presient eena andMrs. J. T. Scott and Mrs. Rand look-'f throiigh ed after tickets. Assisting tIn 8 T A TE S MA N the kitchen were the C.W.L.ý C L A S 81FI1ED 5 members, a number o! otherý Phone 623-2303 women of the parish, also Tom Masterson. J. J. Cudahee, ___ ______ T'alk to the animais Bring the whole famnily and enjoy the biggest and hast of *verything. See Canada's Gold Medal equestrians compote vWth Britain, Australia, the U.S.A. and Brazil when the Olympic teams meet again at the Royal. Smack your lips at giant displays of prize-winnirig fruit vegetables and dairy products. Sec livestock champions beirig shown and judged. Enjoy the auctions and the sale of stars.. . cooking demanstrations with prizes and givc-aways ...- the latest farm equipment .. . the food show and the magnificcrit flower show. Sec Rex Harrison in a film short siriging 'Talk to the Animals-' witlh the featurette, "Dr. Dolittie anid His Friends" atthe Royal Theatre. Enjoy the fun and excitemerit of the greatest agricultural fair of al. Corne to the RZoya1 Winter Fair November 15-23 Coliseum Building, Exhibition Grounds, Toronto 8 a.m. ta 10 p.m. daily, 1:30 to B p.m., Sunday, Nov. i 7th Spread leati"ng costs 10 months!i yon with Or incon. ,ng you iivery. ,ad your 10 equal a. They rof one ne of the ke colder nths are [der, lms expensive heating pmode. And there's no charge whatsoever for this extra service. Our Budget Payment IPlan la only one of mny ways that make oeir Home H-eat Service a superior service. And we'd like to tel you more. Cali us anytime- today, for instance. BILL SKELDING FUELS NE WTON VILLE, ONTARIO Tel: 796-2502 YOoa nmnt Tae"acoDisbfibuto 'I l