t -........ ..- - .4 - r ..4. . . ..... of the latter's passengers, Daniel DesRosiers, 24 and Grant McNeely, 27, bolh of Carleton Place, were re- moved and taken to Memorial Hospital by Bowman- ville Area Ambulance. DesRosiers is stili in hospital here with leg injuries, but McNeelv sustained internai injuries and was tî-ansferred to Toronto. Invesligating officer was Constable R. J. McLeod, OPP. The smashed front of the Gardiner truck is shown in tbis photo.----- ~~~~ once again that dinners, seny- morrow. Won't you buy, andi ed e fie, sx ad seen .î weaI' witb pride, a poppy from i"1ew castle unerstadtot srn ead to W The regular Hockey ohr wunersolnd t outvcyearlyea urexseviemn be turned away, and for those:meeting wes held in the Lions who were, theyll probablv Rnom on Monday evening with heed for the tnp et the îis't only a few members attend- th ing, It is boped a langer aI- goodreprts bou thelovly:the meetings once the hockey Newcastle - On Monday the firemen urge everyone dilhnnr.No nexntaa practices and games gel n evnnNvme ta help hr make the îOhungny.D derway. Il was reported that eveing Nvemer 4th thm anvss Tue Remembrance DaYthe sale of draw tickets was Public Utilities Commission e big success in their fight Cburcb Serviice and Parade poinlg welî, and et this meet- meeting was held et which against this disease. Time isla edo Suaywih ,é time, Edmund Majer was pre- nunning out for thousands of'wshl nSnawt ing boxes of chocoletes were sented wiîh bis Senior Water-lhelpless victimis who eweit ag urin o x-evce- disti-ibuted for immediate sale. work Oprelrs Crliicae cue. ourdonaionhowvermen from Newcastle and sr The first aid kits bave alI been ýJ1rom the Ontario Water Re-ýIarge or small will be apreare e a. evc, ecekd the Nenasle iitie ms bnd-d !ources Commission. H.S. ciaîed. The village, soulb ofbe bl t b c easl d et thi iewr aded l»_ a Chira-o teMilI Street has yet tb be cen-, Cenotaph %vil]ibhofield on ard these have been purchas- Nc-wcastle P.U.C. presentedIvassed b ut will be donc e 1 innaybthnen!e 1,1ed. With only a small number tbe certificate witb words of very near future. Meenwblle, ar..Cubs. Scouts. Brýownies, present, the decision ta pur- congratulations on Mr. Mai- there are Muscular Dystrophy Gd t e n V nrs are as-chs ane dokfrte en's achievement. :boxes placed in approprieteie acrei nfrn arena has been held over fori On aîuda, smeof heplaces lhroughout the village'oe ha ncagi arg nother meeting. Il was decid-, Oinae savased by thefoyurcvein. representation from the vil- ed to try and bave botb the villge as anvssedby heýor our onvniece.lage will be present when \VC Hockey Mothers Association ,ýewcastle firemen, who were! Members of the Newcastle take Ibis day to remember. and Recreation Commitlee llecting donations for Mus-'United Church W.A. held theiriwitb sadness, those who gave work together by appoinling culer Dystropby. This is chiid- annual feul turkey dinner on1their lives ta make this a bel- a member fram each ta sit In hood's cruellest disease, andiSaturday evening, reportingiter today and a bigbter Io- on either meeting. Mrs. Dor- oîby Whitney was appointed from tbe Hockey Mothers ta I sit in et the Rceto et DO N' GIV IT' WORH 1 ngsand e leller wilI be sent ____ a Mrs. Cathy Ruten inviting mU ff'~ one of Ibeir members bo at- Y OR L tend the Hockey Mothens. In this way they hope te avoid CAR AW AY! :have came te light during other years. wheneby one as- saciation feels the other is ex- WHENi YOU TRADE -Up ATI ected te pay certain fees' or purchase certain cquipment, and eiîber end up with nelîher dning anytbing, or Ihene are mîxed feelings about any one T 0 gioup sîepping in and doîng whattheysholdn'. Bthe grous ar wokîngforthey I..E 5hope in this wey ta do a better ob by knowing a 11111e more A L S o wha theother group is daîng or planning te, do. The next regular meeting wi1ll be hield on the first Monday 219 .~ung St. E of December. An In- 219 K ng S . EeBowm nvile viation is cxtended tlaae] 1964 FORD 1963 S-TUDEBAKER members and new members te attend. Custom Sedan, V-8, standard, radio. 2-Dr. Sedan, automnatie, radio, 6 cyl.Noie Lic. L8360. Lic. L3136.Noie Sale * b' y ONLY $11.00 MONTHLY 1963 STUDEBAKER Or. Sedan, standard, 6 cyL. Lic. K86212. Sale * $,583 ONLY $11.00 MONTHLY 1962 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Sedan, autoinastie. - Lie. K87 592. Sale * $333 OINLY 533.00 CASH PLEASE 1962 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible, aufomatlo, radio. Lie. K92991. Sale *$693 ONLY $14.50 MONTULY Sale * $548 ONLY $10.75 MONTHLY 1962 RAMBLER 4-Dr. Sedan, standard. Lie. 6796614. Sale * $583 ONLY $11.00 MONTHLY 1962 MERCURY Convertible, V-8, auto-maibe radio, wbeel covera, power brakea and steerlng. Lie. 927824. Sale * $795 ONLY $18.00 MONTHLY 1962 CHEVY Il Convertible, radio. Lie. 753945. Sagle *$693 ONLY $14.50 MONTHLY *ABOVE MONTHLY PAYMENTS are based on $309 DOWN or YOUR OLD CAR. . . plus 36 monthly payments et 6.5% interçst. Open Friday "Till 9 p.m. - Ail Day Saturday TRENT AUTO SALES 219 Kig St, E., Bowmanvills Phone 823-3305 16 Lansdowne St., Peterborough Phone 745-4695 Newcastle Remembranoe Day Servicer uvlil be held at the Cenotaph Monday, Nov, il Service to begin ai 10:40 a.m. If weather net favorable, service will b. held in the Community Hall D. J. CUNNINGHAM, leeve,! Village of Newcastle VOTEES' LIST 1968 VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE1 COUNTY 0F DURHAM Notice Is hereby given thai I have compiied with Section 9 of The Voterai' Lista Act and that I have posted up ai my office at Newcastle on the SOih day of October, 1968. the liai of al persens entitled to voie in the municipaiity at muni. cipal elections and Ihat such list remaina ihere for Iupe.. tion. And I hereby eall upon ail voters to take Immediate pro. ceedinga to have any omissions or errors corrected aecording j ta law, the last day for appeal beint the i3th day of Novea-1 ber, 1968. Dated thh a3Oih day et' Ociober, 1968. GLENHOLME NUGES rierk of Newcastle. Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor ehNo .ou* Abot. hs G e.r u Tulip LUNCHEON MEAT Baker's (hocolate Drink JI1F FY SJ4MRIFF LUS14US - 8 YARtIETIES f4OCKEY COIN PROtMOflON) ,?~ImM-M- 1" Ch.cken-of-the-8.a Reg tin 3-t' TUNA ~% CHUNKS J 3i 3 20e OFFr 2-lb. Tin 79e WHEATIES (EREAL log. Puim 4b - fqw4 PKG 37y- SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS RIB ROAST BLADE STEAKS EXCELLENT FOR BASN SHOULDER POT ROASTBNLS GROUND CHUCK 25% b4WCED PORIÇ 25% YWICED VEAL, 50% GROUV#I MEAT LOAF PACKAGE FROZEN CHKK«ENwWINS FROZEN FRESH MINCED DCI4IJK SUPER-RtGHT QIJAUTV-, SLICED .b79., BEEF LIVER SX B»AND,8" MM1EPIC-CE â39< BEEF BOLO( MAPLE LEAF, SKINL.ESS, PURE CHICKEN LIVERS PORK SAUS SUPER-RIGHT BR M4O, PtCt4tC STYLjE, SWOOSD, U9 E RZNIPRE PORK ASHOULDER '£ 57< *fLAEME LEGS WHOLE - 4 704-LU -.l LAMB LEG --41 1 rutson egeiQesl 41 -4.op GNA eAGE à491i 1b351 1b591 869e q .I -i..I. ac: 1-M Il AU p-k i tha agmaneed tlmeugh Saftnduy, Noeveimr9ti, 1968 Two in Hospital After Trucks Collide Phono9874218 Early Saturday morning at the Highway 401 - 115 cutoff west of Newcastle two transports collided in a rear end collision in the eastbound lane, injuring two passengers in one of the vehicles. Driver of the first Vehicle was Malt Cullen, 27, R.R. 1, Bradford, driving a Mel's Express transport. He was not hurt nor was the driver of the second truck, Kenneth E. Drumnmond, 29 of Carleton Place, in a Gardiner Transport. Two FANCY RED SOCKEYE A&P SALMON 71k-OZ S KIM MILK POWDER A&P 1N STANMT 3-LB PKG $ 1 19~ SWEnETNDER M >O GSOWNMM 1 GRADE Carrot s 1Q F4ir, New Cmp, W" rP *. orMe. 1 Grad GRAPEFRUIT 5 fw49e Plor4da. Lanm 84s w, No. i Grade, ideml for Setade pEAISn A VOCA JANE PARIKR FULL 8-bNCH 24-OZ S17-E 2 fh79< Reg. P ie. u.oh 40, - -BUV 2z SVE 10 jette Parkce, Spenih i eu.Pl «h e. a,3.- UUy 8,AW BAR CAKE 19-oz im349<8 Y E L V E R T O N the Champion Pee Wee andwilNo.8 18 Senior em.W express the'1 Miss Marguerite Wilson and Bethany. appreciation of those involved 1 Mr ad rs Knn Wlsn r.an Ms.Ji Poueto Johnny James for takini O IJR T IC E spen lat wek t Gulphforerl of roolinare,ýth tie ot t bepresent to Uniersty.moved into their newly ac- record the event pictoriallv . C. W. unteer workers are most wel.. Mr. Ralph Foy %pent a few quired faTrm home this week-' President Wally Reid madeTemnhymeigo h cree h osCnr i days last week with the Art end. A hearty welcomne Vo aur;the officiai presentation of Courtire U.C.W. was held on Bawmanville where banda« Rowas. ommuity the jackets and kept the baliOctober 24th wlth severaland dressings are made. Master Carl Johnson is re- As per usual the C.G.I.T.I rolling throughout the even- ladies from Maple Grove and' The meeting resumed wtth Icovering from a severe bout and Explorers sponsored a;ing. Congratulatios t'OY ,'Eeee tedn.iMr.D ol ttepao Iwith the measies. Hallowe'en Party in Yelve.r- 1 'erton's Vaughian McGill On, The President Mrs. E. War- Hymn 16 was sung. The Norman Wilsons were ton Church Hall with pro-I being chosen Bethany's Srs,. burt-on opened the meeting and! Mrs. Audrey Johnson gaý Sunday evening dinner guests ceeds of the evening going toimost valuable player - a good'introduced the guest. speakerýthe secretary's report followéâ O ôf the Vincent Jacksons of UNICEF. A larger aggrega-I choice.- Mrs. G. K. Ward of Bowman- ed by the trensurer's report b]O' tion than usual of assortedi In answer to an invitationj ville who gave a very Inter- Mrs. L. Courtice. oddities was present for the to attend a meeting of Janet- esting and instructive talk on' The Fall bazear was discus. Com uniy occasion. Judges for the oc-: ville Athletic Society to dis-* cancer and ils 53'mptoms vhich1 ed and îs toi be held near the y ca~sion were Miss Penny El- cuss the possibility of a new was followed by pictures re-! end of November ln the after* a.liott o Grandview Pýublicskating arena for that loceli-ilating to the same.j noon, and Is te be opened bY* Bowling School, Mrs. Ted Spenceley, ty, around 40 interested men, Mrs. Ward mentioned the! Mrs. Somervllle of Bowniau. Reeve Wilson Heaslip and w'omen, teenagers and child-ibus trip fromn Bowmanville. ville. Mr. David Staples. Prizesl ren converged on the Janet-' usuelly ln March, to Pnincessý The first card party e ~ Ladis -200 nd ver were awarded as follows:1 ville Community Hall (until!Margaret Hospital, when you sao st ehl hsmn Ruthan uh------n-. 223 Best dressed gent, Marti Mal- recently the Janetville For-: are taken on a tour Of the, "The Young At Heart Group Jeanth Ale - 206<col-m as à soldier; Best dressed resters Hall) on Wednesdayl hospital, ornitting seeing any te meet in the church hall l Dorothy Mrcer 2')6lady, 'Miss?" Clare Robinson;, evening to seek more infor- patients.seodadortWenda Alta Langstaff--------- --- 2051 scnfoufurhWdnsar KahyMeceu~r youngest dhildren in cos-! mation and discuss the pros! Mrs. Harold Graham thank- at. 1:30 p.m. for a social after.L Vick Bliht ý tume, David Moore, Gilford and cons of the situaton. TIheied the guest speaker for her:noon. Men 225and ver Quackenbush, Clifford Wrightu present arena, the formerivery tnteresting talk on cancer The devotional was takeu Bob Mure-25y noe 54~ and Lana Malcolm-, BestiJanetville United Ch ur ch1 and how it can be helped. by the Fidelis and Friendsh1lir Waye Fintf! ___ ~ matched couple, Darlene Mal- shed. despite the fact that it Each Tuesday afternoon vol- Groups. Mrs. P. Dalby gave Gayre Sipn24clm an Cnd3Mlc1mundeirwent a few most neces-' -ey neesigredn Grd pon od - 2d37ny Mlclm (both ends of a horse);* Bestl1sary repairs last year, has de- Township of Manvers secured titled "Ghosts at the Door%,~ Ron Good -----------2 comic couple, Ray McCul-1finitely a limited life expec- over 10 acres from the Depti!The offening was received and Newtonville Ladies !Ilough and Wilbert Malcolm tancy unless given a complete of Highways at the junction 'dedlcated by Mrs. Black arict L 1n75utenand 250r 1 (who livened up the proceed-Ibody transplant, ýof '7A and 35 on which to Mrs. Osborne. LindaSuthrlan __.----_ 25îings considerable): Best Hal-! The evening's discussion erect a township garage to! Mrs. Chumbley also gave'à Jean Hall -------------- 2491lowe'en costume, Miss Cheril culminated in the formation house the present two m1ain- reading titled "In Remem.- Maria Vogels - - 229iHamilton: Best city slicker, of a committee to get Prices tainers, two large trucks and bac fYu olwdb WylneRah -209 MkeGeiselman; C ou n t r y on a néw rink with. or with- half-ton truck as well as sta-! Bible scripture by Mn. EUi. Liz Willems __ . -- 20-1 Bumpkin, Roger Gould; Best out artificiel ice. The sug- tionary equipment. We bc- Hymn 301 was sung, follow4-6 Mldred Bln'ghamn----- 180: character p o rt r a ya 1, Bob, gestion that a new rink should lieve that this would be an'ed hy the Mizpah Benedlctioft:> Frlday Mixed - 200 and over Whitney as a Buccaneer abe a total Manvers township ideal location for a townshipý The meeting closed anct Ron Good -------------- 321 high price for cern); Best project and situated in the rink, centrally located and a'lunch was served by 'thé Gord Gray --------- 238 Grannie, Valerie Malcolm'. centre of the township met stone's throw away from!Friendship Group and FideUi* Merril Henry-------------- 233 The balance of the evening with maîority approval. At Grandview Public School foriGroup. Albert Pearce...........--2291was spent in games followed present Manvers twsp. bas no easy accessibility te urju- Tracy Embley ----------- ---2221 by lunch. A nice nest-egg ice surface of officiai hockey ior citizens. As a township' Ge Patricia Kidd - -- -------- 211; was realized for UNICEF. size with the resuit our young rink, a provincial capital cost Ge Cash oa Larry Pearce . -- --------- 205 Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-ence people must trevel many grant of 25% would bc avail- L .. Myrtie Pearce 201 Steples attended the three-,miles to get ice hockey time. able fromn the province. We F1or fld A.lan..a Boys - 175 and over day convention of the Co-op It is unfortunate in our would be opposed to such a; Paul Barchard --------- 218 Medical et the Skyline Hotel opinion that our young peo- building being erected direct-' Wes Forget----- ---2 15 in Toronto this pasi week. ple must 'rely on the good ly from tax rnoney but pre- through G. Murphy .---------185 Several from this com-! graces of neighboring rinks fer by public subscription. A S T A T E 8 M AeN Tim Wallon ---------------- 183 munity attended the Betheny1for an opportunity to play greater appreciation is always8 Don Huber 176 Athletic Club dance in Beth - hockey in an organized man- experienced when volunte*eri C L A 8 1FIE D Greg Forget----------------- 176 any on Saturday evening.1ner (frequently at most un- self sacrifice is involved. Any Phone 623-3308 Art Dubeau ------------- 175 Highllgbt of the evening was godly hours). This year thejopinioris? lui11 12-os. IrInfi %%4%