TOWNSHIP 0F DAR.LINGTON NOTICE Nomination and Election A meeting cf the electors cf Tii. Township cf Darlington and Tiie Town cf Bowmanville will be iield in DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDlNCG, HAMPTON MON., NOVEMBIER 18,1968 from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. for the. purpose of ncminating candidiates for the position of: REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, and THREE COUNCILLORS for The Townshiip of Darlington, ' and at th-e same time and in the. same pilace, nominating (3) THREE TRUSTEES ta the Northumberland an.d Durham County Board of Education to represent the. TOWNSHÎiP 0F DARLINGTON and the TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE. Polils will b. open, if required on MON., DECEMBER 2., 1968 from 10:00 a.m. untif 8:00 p.m. W. E. RUNDLE, Returning Officer NOMINATION MEI Zion (Hope Township) (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Menail- ley and sons, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneilley and family, Port Hiope, had Thanksgiving dinner w i t n their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.ý Meneilley. With Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Raby for Thanksgdving din- ner Monday evening were Mr. Harry Traver, Fenwick, Mr. Fred and Miss Hilda Raby,, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley. Miss Inez Landesrs, Mrs. Arthur Germond, Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Latondresse, Wau- baushene, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley. Mrs. Jack Parker returnied home Saturday after spend- ing several days as a patient at the Port Hope and District Hospàtal. Mrs. Peter Kessler, Bow- manville, spe't Fnîday after- noon with Nv. Hilda Raby. Mrs. Norman Gerow andl son David spent the weekend with relatives in Wellington and Picton. Mrs. Elsworth Caswell and daughter Elaine motored to Toronto Sunday morning ta attend the uinveiling o! a me-J mûnrial to Mrs. Casweil's un-ý cie, which took place at one oft he Anglican churchesi there. The U.C.W. o! the Welcôme' eharge heid theii annua] meeting at Wesleyviile United Church Tuesday evening, Oct1 22nd. There was a good at- tendance.i Mrg. T. A. Wilson, presi-, dent of the Wesleyville group, opèned the meeting wit.h hymn and prayer. The Wel-1 corne group were in chargel o! the devotional. Morrish I group arranged the program.1, Wesleyville and Zion provided: lunch. The guest speaker, Mrs.I Minifie. spoke on the prob-ý lems the U.C.W. May meet witlh following re-alignment. The meeting was broken up into groups which held a s;hort discussion period and presented their lists of ques- tions to the speaker. These were answered to the best of her possibilities; to some questions asked she said itl was impossible for ber in I give a fuIl, correct answer at the present time. Lunch was served at the close and a pleasant social period was enjoyed. Those attending from Zin were Mrs. E. Caswell. Miss Elaine Casweil, Mrs. R. Ge- row. Miss Hilda Raby, Mrx., E. Ruthven. Mrg. M. lrwîn, Mrs, Cormen Irwi.n, Mrs. C.1 Meneilley. i NOTICE Notice is hereby given that meetings of Mur wili be held as follows: 1.A meeting cf the Public Sciiooi supporters cf tiie municipalities cf BOWMANVILLE and Darlington Townshiip fer thie purpose cf ncminating persans for the. office cf Trustee (3) te b. elected te tiie Northiumberland and Durhiam County Board cf Education for tiie years 1969 andI 1970, will be iield on M@ONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968. in the Municipal Building, Hampton at tihe ur cf 1:00 o'ctock in tli. afternoon until the. heur cf 2:00 o'clock in tiie smre afternoon. W. E. RUNDLE, Returning Off icer 2. A meeting of the. Separate SchoéI supporters of thé. United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham (includes BOWMANVILLE) for the. purpose cf nominatîng persons for the office cf Truste. (1) to b. elected te the Northumberland and Dur- iiam County Board cf Education for the. years 1969 and 1970, wilI be iield on M@NDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 in the Town Hall, Cobourg at tiie heur cf 7:.30 o'clock in tkie afternoon until the heur cf 8:30 e'clock in the. same afterneen. B. BAXTER, Returning Officer 3. A meeting of the. Separate Scii'oc supporters cf tiie municipalities cf Po rt Hope, BOWMANVILLE, Millbrook, Newcastle, Cartwrighit, Cavan, Clarke, Darlington, Hope and Manvers for tiie nominatioti cf Trustees (1) for the. Combined Separate Sciioci Board for the Ceunties cf Peterlborough and Victoria, the United Counties cf North- umberland and Durham, and City cf Peterboroughi te be held in the Towrt Hall> Port Hope, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968, at the heur cf 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon until the. heur cf 8:30 o'clock in the. same afternoon. T. HUNT, Returning Off icer R. L. BYRON, Returning Officer, Town cf Bowmanville IThe Orono News-I Mr. Allan A. Martin, of by the recently formned Orono Port Credit: Mr. and Mrs. oead eolAsscain Arthur Martin, Barbara, Allan atothe I.O.O.F. Hall on FridayI and Brenda of Thornhiil: Mr.i evening. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough The Orono U.C.W. six meet-: of Wesleyville were Sunday 1Iings were held on Tuesday, evening dinner guests of Mrs. Nov. 5th as follows: Unit 1, ln Geo. Morton.î the Main Hall at 8 p.m. Unit'I Mr. and Mrs. Frank White; 2, a the home of Mrs. Win. of Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 1Aýrmstrong, 2 p.m. Unit 3. Hogg and son Vern of Fraser-i supper meeting at the home o! ville were Sunday dinner Mrs. E. Millson, 6 p.m. Unit. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 4, at the home o! Mrs.J.' Robinson. Williams, 8 p.m. Un it 5, at' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chat- home o! Mrs. Everett Brown, terton of Lakefield; Mrs. John! 2 p.m. Unit 7, Upper C. E. Chatterton o! Havelock spent'Auditorium, 2 p.rn. Thursday of last week with Mrs. Marshall Chatterton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter and son Robbin were ln Otta- her parents Mr. and Mrs. David .H S Fleury celebrated their 55th a Wedding Anniversary. U E Mr. Platt Robin Mallory, Barlow. passed away sudden- ly at the Cobourg and District Bi, Barry Virtue Gencral Hospital on Tuesday,, This Is a reminder o! the October 29th. Funeral was ifl Guidance a n d Counselling, Cobourg on Friday. Inter- Services open to parents every ment Fairview Cemetery, Tuesday evening from 7:30 to Grafton. 19:00 with Mr. Kennedy. This Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson can be arranged by appoint- Ieft last Thursday to visit Mr. ment. and Mrs. Archie Watson at 1 On Frlday, Nov. lst Bow- Waterdown and together plan-1 manvînle had a very suces nedto pen te weked wthfui dance with entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fergiùion'being supplied by the fine tal- and tarni at Rochester, N.Y.' ented "Reign Ghost". Mi-S. Cecil Robinson was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. There will be a programn on D. Stapleton after attending friday, Nov. Sth with the the Newtonville Anniversary school getting out for half an Service on Sundav morning.' hour ta participate in the Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- services. Monday, Nov, il; lice, Donna and Denise were will be an officiai school holi-l Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. day. and Mrs. Harvey Aitken and The Santa Claus Parade is' son Tom at Millbrook. ýgetting dloser and It has been Mrs. G. Thompson ot Fort rumoured that some studentsi Francis district Is visiting ber are making a float again this sister Mrs. Hector Bowen. year. Hope you hurry 'cause MVr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones time is running out. and Mrs. Alex Ritchie visited Mrs. Robert McHolm, Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Jones ln Port Hope ;on Tuesday, UR E O Mrs. Orley Chapman, Mr. i ,and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. K. Roblîni 'Ron Hancock with Mr.. and have been visiting in Orillia Mrs. Orville Chatterton at- recently. tended the funeral of their Service in Burketoni United nephew Mr. Donald Broome Church was in charge of Mr. In Toronto last Friday a!ter-IDeakin, a minîster in train- noon. ýing now teactiing in Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Robin- High School. with Mr. Frank son spent from. Tuesday to'P-omery at the piano. A good Friday of last week with Mr.1 congregation was in attend- and Mrs. Kenneth Syer at ance. Service as usual next Cavan.! Sunday at 11:45 aj. Sunday, November lOth, the Mrs. W. Bryant is home regular service at St. Saviour's fromn Port Perry hospital at- Anglican Church at 9:30 rn. ter spending a week there. A very successful euchre Welcome home. partyo! 16 tables was held 'Mr. and Mrs. David Gat-i cheil, Oshawa, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. A. C. Stephenson on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Strong, 'omn ville, a former resident oci Burketon district, is i Osh-ý awa hospital. We wish. her a ETINGspeedy recovery. ET IN GMiss R. Greer, Oshawa, and Mrs. P. Gatcheil. Mr and Mrsý. Leslie Taylor and family motored to Cooks- town on Sunday and visited 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Power and family. Mrs. Grant Carnochan en-! niap l Eect rs osptallast Friday. We wish uciph Eectas p etedy eoe dele q à **eii i *o A àtdifle-Iii tle FREE PARKING Prices Effective ni Closing, Saturday, Nov. 9, '68, in Bowmanville Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 1000% Satisfaction WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES OpenThurs. and Fri. Nights 'il 9 p.m. DOMINION King St. end Simpson STORES LIMITED k Ave. (Highway No. 2. East) k... ~ 4... A [ T' MINY E U E O H ET fflO, SAIISFACTION CUARANI 1 1.1Y