The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 6. 19# ONTAlq1o RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE THE MUNICIPALITY 0F Public notice is hereby given, that in accordance with the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, and in pursuance ofabyawpse hy the municipal council of the Town of Bowmanville on the Third day of September 1968, 1 require thie presence of Ih oesa h Town Hall in the Towni of Bowmanvulle on the Eighteenth day of November, 1968,# at one o'clock in the afternoon, Sadr ie at which time 1 wiIl announce the names of the persons appointed to act for the Affirmative and for the Negative rstiveyuo t aik a ha *a lj naIn soiiel a rfiaft n71 A # Là% I * I !..aàmà .&..A-- i me 01 %Rew Liquor LICeDW MuC, Upon the ionowung question: vou p u vegullI Vi*mcluuuvur iuyi you in favour of the sale of1 liquor a lounge lience for consump ion Iicensed prem ises? And Notice is further given that the t., be opened on the SECOND E vote will he takeu, upon the >AY from the hou.' of 10 o'dlock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock iii the afternoon(Sadd M -- - lam ma a un a saine question, in the man ner provided by Iaw at a poli Mme 1 u t the t@lowing places: LIST POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 1 - WEST WARD ComÉrising ail that part of the West Ward, west of the centre line of Scugog Street and Middle Road te, the north limit of the Town and north of the centre lin. of King Street to, the westerly limit of Town. POLL - LORD ELGIN SCHOOL POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 2 - WEST WARD Comprising ail that part of the West Ward, east of the centre lin. of Scugog Street and Middle Road, north of the centre lin. of Second Street and west of the centre lin, of High Street extended to, the north limit of the Town. POLL - LORD ELGIN SCHOOL POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 3 - WEST WARD Comprising ail that part of the West Ward, east of the centre lin. of Scugog Street, south of the centre line of Second Street, west of the centre fine of High Street, south of the centre lin. of Concession Street te Beech Avenue, west of the centre lin. of Beecb Avenue, north of the centre lino of Lowe Street, west of the centre lin. cof Temperance Street to Wellington Street and north of the centre lin, of Wellington Street to Scugog Street. POLL - TOWN HALL POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 4 - WEST WARD Cornprising ail that part of the West Ward, south of King Street frorn the westerly linit of Town, east of the centre line of Scugog Street, south of the centre lin. of Wellington Street, west of the centre lin. of Temperance Street extended south to the centre line of the unopened road allcwance of Scugog Street and West of the centre line of the unopened road allowance of Scugog Street extended south to the southerly iniit of Town. POLL - TOWN HALL POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5'- NORTH WARD Comprising that part of the North Ward, east of the centre line of High Street extended to, the north limit of the Town, north cf the centre lin. of Concession Street between H igh Street and Liberty Street and east cf the. centre lin. of Liberty Street te the north liniit of the Town. POLL - LORD ELGIN SCHOOL 0F POLLING PLACE POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 6 - NORTH WARD Cornprising that part cf the North Ward, east cf the centre uine of Liberty Street from the north limit cf the Town te Church Street, north of thé centre lin. cf Church Street, east cf the centre lin. cf St. George Street and north cf the centre lin. cf King Street te the east limit cf the Town. POLL - 48 CHURCH STREET POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 7 - NORTH WARD Comprising that part cf the Ncrth Ward, south cf the centre line et Concession Street, west cf the centre lin. cf Liberty Street, ncrth cf the centre lin. cf Carlisle, west cf the centre lin. cf George Street, north cf the centre lin. cf King Street to Temperance Street, east cf the centre line of Temperance Street, south cf the centre lin. cf Lowe Street and east cf the centre lin. cf Beech Avenue te Concession Street. POLL - TOWN HALL POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 8 - NORTH WARD Ccmprising that part cf the North Ward, east cf the centre lin. cf George Street te Carlisle Avenue, south cf the centre lin. cf Carlisle Avenue, west of the centre lin. cf Liberty Street te Church Street, south cf the centre lin. of Church Street, west cf the centre lin. cf St. George Street, and north cf the centre lin. cf King Street frein George Street te St. George Street. POLL - 48 CHURCH STREET POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 9 - SOUTH WARD Ccmprising that part cf the South Ward, east cf Teniperance Street extended south te the uncpened road allcwance cf Scugcg Street, east cf the centre lin, cf the unopened road allcwance cf Scugcg Street, north cf the centre lin. cf Durhamn Street extended te the uncpened rcad allowance cf Scugcg Street, west cf the centre lin. cf Brown Street te Queen Street, north cf the centre Une cf Queen Street te Liberty Street, west cf the centre lin. cf Liberty Street and scuth cf the centre lin, cf King Street te Temperance Street. POLL - ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL S . POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 10 - SOUTH WARD Comprising that part cf the South Ward, west cf th, centre lin. cf Liberty Street, scuth cf the centre lin. cf Queen Street te, Brown Street, west of the centre lin. cf Brown Street te, Durham Street, scuth of the centre lin. cf Durham Street extended westerly te the unopened road allowance cf Scugog Street, east cf the unopened rond allowance of Scugcg Street and ncrth cf the centre lin. cf Park Street extendd westerly te, the uncpened road àllowance cf Scugog Street. POLL- ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL POLLING SUBDIVISION'No. il1 SOUTH WARD Ccmprising that part cf the South Ward, east cf the. centre in. cf Liberty Street, south cf the centre lin. cf King Street, west cf the centre lin. of Simpson Avenu, and north, cf the centre lin. of Scuthway Drive. POLL - MEMORIAL PARK POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 12 - SOUTH WARCD Comprising that part of the South Ward, south cf the centre line cf King Street te the east limit cf the Town, east cf the centre lin. cf Simpson Avenue, scuth cf the centre lin. cf Southway Drive, east cf the centre lin. cf Liberty Street to Park Street, south cf the centre lin. cf Park Street extended te the unopened road allowance cf Scugog Street, east cf the centre lin. cf the unopened road allowance cf Scugog Street te tthe South unmit cf the Town and north cf the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway. POLL - MEMORIAL PARK POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 13 - SOUTH WARD Ccmprising al cf that part cf the South Ward, scuth of the Macdonald.. Cartier Freeway. PL EOILPR And further that at the Town Hall on the Third day of December 1968, at the hour of 12 noon (Standard lime)Isaloe the ballot boxes, add up the votes given upon the said question and declare the result of the said vote in the saidMnciatyo the Town of Iowmanville. 0f whîch aN persons are hereby required to take notice and govern accordingly. Givon ioder my band at Bowmanvill, this 2lst day of October, in the ypar 1968. GOD SAVTH QUEEN. ROBERT L. BYRON Returning Officer. -t ~-. .L.*.L.~.I Are under on OF DECEMBER 1 lb 1968 1