mo-i. - v-. ,Foundry Union Honors Reti red Member ToWADuy e&n Town Council on Monday eveniing at the meeting held in the Court Building. Church Street, passcd By-Law 68-43 authorizîng purchase by the Corporation of the Town of Bawmanville of 70 acres of land fromn Mary Ann Short, LeRoy Burke Short. and Rus- sell Blake Short at a total price of $150,000. This property, whirh is ln- cated on both sides of Simo- son Avenue in the Broken Front Concession. is to be used for the establishment of industry. A few years ago council bought 40 acres oi land for industrial purposes, aIl of which has been sold. The decision lo buy the 70 acres of land, the major part of the Short property, was made at a special meeting of council last week. Council announced that the Remembrance Day Service will be held this week on Saturday, November 9th at the Cenotaph commencing at 10:45 arn., and not on Novem- ber 111h as had previoiusly been planned. Reglonal Government Clerk-Controller RobertT. Byron, A.M.C.T.. was appoint- ed by council ta represent this municipality with His Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs on the delegation from tiie Area Regional Governiment Committee, which is ta meet the Minister of Municipal Af- fairs and the Ontario Minister of Revenue before the end of November ta discuss mutual problems of regional govern- ment and its boundaries. This was moved by Dcputy Reeve E. J. Rundie. seconded by Councillor Glenn Fry. PouIce Business pertaining te the Police Department was brought up for discussion. Mayor Hobbs pointed out that before giving consideration ta police matters he bei-ieved. it advisable that each member of council be given a copy cf the extensive report present- ed by Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney to the meeting of the Protection to Persans and Pr'operty Committee. T h i s would provide ail members of council with the information (TURN TO PAGE TWO) branabîrn %tafrt1n4u VOLUME 114 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,- NOVEMBER, 6, 1968 150 Per Copy NUMBER 45 On Saturday evening at the Legion Hall, Queen St., Charles Morris, long- time Secretary of Local 2375 was hono red by the membership and appointed ]lonorary Financial Secretary. He and Mrs. Morris are pictured above with his gifts including a plaque from International Headquarters of the United Steel- workers, a silver platter and a mantie radio. The presentations were made by International representative Grant Taylor of Oshawa, lef t rear, and Local 2375 President Hugh Coutts, right. _________ _______ Challengîng Messages Presented u' t Trînîty's 1.33rd.Anniversary Services The 133rd Anniversary of ence. The Rev. G. K. Ward,' chestra. They also rendered a ity United Church was Minister of Trinity Ulnited selection, "Adago" by J. S. erved at morning and Church here conducted both Bach. Igseakier n w as erv ictem nrg rirtot eia ng serve by the m ginst sevcsankndyer steR v Ic te. Spgprorot e cia anhemri ung tthe m NellwayMinister of service therewag a piano and bined Senior and Junior an aChurdh,'Cob-fvioiincéi1o vec'ital by William Clioiisg Wère 1,NÔW ThbfiR We oiirg,ana former President IM. Findlay, 9.A., 'A.C.C.O., Ail Our God" by J. S. Bach, of the Bay of Quinte Confer- 1A.T.C.M. the church organist, and "0, How Amiable Are and his son William A. Find- Thy Dwellings" by R. Vaughan lay, principal cehist of the Williams. hinin c Pl:Iv National Ballet of Canada Or- (TU RN TO PAGE TWO> .&liaI JICIY ItOSSA Final s Here. Friday Bowmanville High Sehool Juntor football team, eoached by AI Woadlack, deteated Norwood yesterday atternoon to advance ta the C.O.S.S.A. finals. The score was 30 ta 14. Bath Paul Slemon and Terry Russell counted 12 ,each on two touchdowns and Daug Crough tallied six The big final game willl be held here Friday at 2 3a agafingt Madac. Two Groups Combine To Produce Musical Early in February The Bowmanville Drama .n was chaired by Margot Workshop and the Bowmran- Samuel who will be the pro- ville Rotary Club have joined ducer of the show. On this forces ta produce a musical, committee are Eric Whyte,I "The Boy Friend." !Tom Rehder, Keith Slcmon, On Monday evening, Nov-iand Ted Samuel, representing ember 4th, a meeting of theirl'the Rotary Club, and Helen joint pclicy committee was Ne.lS, Jean Evans, Jean held at the home of Mr. and Sheridan and John Amesbury, IMrs. Ted Samuel. This meet-ý (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Couci W IIHallowe'en Treats Found Do AwayWith ~. Board of Works. At councîl on Monday night, ever we want to do se. The Counilor K e i t h Shackel-1 press and the publiecacn be . . ton moved that council ds-'asked te leave the Councîl ~*4 pense with ail Board of Chamber for 15 or 20 min- Works meetings as of Novem- utes, or longer if we desire," ber 4tb. This was seconded Councillor Shackeiton de- by Councillor Fry. When clared. Ceuncillor Mauxice Prout ask- When a vote was calied on ~ ~ ".,'...~ ed the reason for this pro- this motion, it was passed posai to do away with th-e with Deputy Reeve Rundle Board of Works, Councillor and Councillor Prout votmng Shaekelton replied that some against it. larger munidpalities do al _________ their work at two council meetings e of th BoAto meetings o eaarmontfAtR emembrance Works there are some things handled at open council meet-Sevce H r contheend asta solde evc coting isd handl atThis Saturday Board of Works meetings1 hs nncn-perngrc rsi rascl that does nlot come o ut pub-I The Remembrance Day etT senoctapergrce rsperasco licly as the minutes of thei Service will be held under lced by youngsters out on Hallowe'en night were Board of Works have ta be the auspices of Tawn Caun- broken open and found to contain razor blades. One approved and adopted by cil, the Bowinanville Minis- was picked up in the north end of the town and the counoil," Mayer Hobbs stated. terial A ss o ci atian, and other in the south section. Later, police received an Branch 178 of the Rayai "Oshawa holds closed coufl Canadian Legion this Satur- apple with a needie in it and-a candykiss with a pin cil meetings at the eall of the day marning, November 9th, chair," Councillor Shackelton satn t1:5ocok declared. Councillor Prout sata aB04 acok then skdif th main reason Tnh B:wmanville Le:lon F r e o m n il fo dspnsngwith Board of Pipe Band, members ofFo m r B wa vel are not public, is hat wthey Canadian Legion, and the be he iferecewhat would Bowmanville Ladies Auxîl- cillor Shaekelton advocates in te RoalCii anH as Ms n e e t n close counil meting ion wIll parade tram the Ms n e e tn thoer plceoucîlorrotinsnLegian Hall, Queen Street tepas e ?"d.nilr ru ta the Cenotaph. Other or'A asked.ganizations and private in- that he saw no reason for a ta take part in the service.s meetinsave been goîng on successf ully for years. Ail de- cisions made at such meetings are brought Up publicly at oouncil meetings for appro- val. What point is there in altering this. procedure?" he inquired. Councaflor Shackelton as- serted that doing away with the Board of Works meetings would expedite things. "Any particular mattcq-s that arise could be deait with the same night at a council meeting by excluding the press when WILL STAGE WALKATHONý This Saturday morning, starting at 9:30, students from Grades 7 and 8 of Vin- cent Massey Public School will hold a Walkathon to raise money for Biafran relief. Drivers Injured in Three Car Crash Near Courtice Two eaztbound cars and one westbound on High- No. 2 collided west of Courtice shortly after 6 ~..on October 31st, with the three drivers being Iured. Nellie Westerrnan, 20, 400 Grenfeli St., Osh- -wsuffered a fractured arm, lacerations and multiple jises. Ernest Sch weizer, 48, R.R. 1, Hampton, is stili LWQham- wivi rigpd rihs And internai jnuries. Tiue tliii !aiver, Larry Piper, 26, 43 Ontarioj St., Bowmanville, sustained face and hand laceration, a sprained ankle, bruiijd chest, and a fractured cheek bone. As of yesterday', he was still having haemor-, rhaging problems. Ail the injured were taken to Osh- awa General Hospital by Bowmanville Area Ambu- lance. The vehicles were total wrecks. OPP Constable! Tchin Legate investigated. This photo shows the Piper ÇI8ts andi '9 Diec es LITTER - Although Town Counicil has passed an Anti-Littering bylaw, there is really only one way this community's streets are going to be kepi dlean, and that's with the co-operation of every citizen. We urge YOU to lmpress upon your children how much nicer the town will look if instead of dropping their litter on the street or sîdewalk they place it in the receptacles- provîded. All adults should take note and set a good example for the younger citizens to follow. BLOOD - Dan't forget the Red Cross Blood Donar Clinic next Wednesday at the Lions Centre. Your blaod is urgently needed ta save lives. t 1- t i t t SAFETY - Teachers at St. Joseph's Separate Schooi are organizing a Safety poster contest open to all grades, to be completed during the month of Novem- ber. The project was started when it was discovered that many of the youngsters paid littie heed to traffic signs when they were going to and from school. They hope some of the merchants will agree to show the posters in their windows when the con- test is over. PROJECT - Final returns f ram the Waikathon held. by students and teachers af Caurtice Sec- ondary School ta raise money for Biafran relief, show that it was wcll warthwhile. Total collected to date is $1,009.10. That's a mighty fine result from such an endeavaur. Those wha arganized it and participated should be ver.) prouid of themselves. , t t t t COURAGE- The sudden death on Sundav of Hendrik Dykstra concludes a life of faith and cour- age that will be difficult to equal. He and his wife brought their eight small children here from the Netherlands after the war, to make a new if e in this country. Our sympathy goes out to the wîfe and family of this Christian gentleman who will be sorely missed. + +. t t. t VOTING - Electors wauld he well advised ta read ail of the advertisements connected with the forthcoming nominations, electians or plebi- scites in this edition. Then, if you are as confused as mast of us, make certain you see next week's Statesman in which our reporting staff will try to simiplify and clarify the situation. It isn't going to be e asy to understand. FIND - Brian Ferguson, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, has an interesting and possibly valuable reminder of the first President of the United States. While near the creek west of the Hol- lingshead plant, he unearthed a silver medallion com- memorating 'the Presidency of George Washington. WHOPPERS - When it cornes to giant potatoes, Clifford Swallaw of Maple Grove bas what must be almost record sizes. He brought tbree of the big ones to The Statesman office on Tuesday. The largest weighed 3 Ibs. 1 oz., the next one was 2 lbs. 7 ozs. and the third 2 lbs. 6 oz%. Any one of them would have been a fair- %ized men] for an entire family. Tbey were Kennebecs. JEditor's Note: His former Montreal Gazette provides a school friends here will be small insight into some intcrested in learning that aspects of his occupation. J. Douglas Heyland, son of Excerpts fram, the article Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heyland, 10110w: R.R. 1, bas a most interest- "Early this summer a census ing and unusual occupation. was taken af the greater snow He is Wildlife Service Biolo- goose population on Eastern gist with the Quebec govern- Arctic Islands. Between June ment, a position he had held 19 and July 9, J. D. Heyland. for the past five ycars. A Wildlîîe Service Biologist, and recent ciipping framn the bis assistant R. H. Annett -____ -covered more than 2,500 miles NEWS HELD OVER by 'plane, of which 1,900 were A last minute rush of ad- over territory suitable for vertising connected with greater snow goose ncsting. tarthconiing n a ru i n a ti1 o n "Census flights lasted six meetings bas made It neces- days, leaving Resolute Bey on sary to hold over some of Cornwallis Island and cover- the news iatended for this ing Devon, Ellesmere, Baffin, week. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Discuss Ab. to Contain Razor Blades stuck in. Fortunately, no youngster was injured as parents had been forewarned to check all treats very carefully before they were eaten. Police are continuing their investigation but to date have been unable to, obtain sufficient evidence to prosecute offenders. Kiwanians Donate New Film Projector On Monday evenlng ;t 8 o'clock ln the Library audi- torium there will be &; speclal shawlng of the Ontario Gov- ennment's award - whnnn film "A Place ta Stand". There is no charge and re- freshments will be served. Everybody la lnvlted. The occasion marks the presentation of a 16 m.m. sound projector, screen and other accessorles frntm Bow- manville Klwanls Club t. the Llbrary Board. DRAW WINNERS Kin Invcstmcnt winners for the flfth draw in the current series were Murray Locke and Don McBain who won $25 each. In the Little NHL hockey draw, Elgin Brummdil and Richard Per- fect aiso won $25 each. ýstracts on CBC Television Wôrld renowned musîcian, writer, producer, Arty Shaw (left) and T.V. per- sonality, Alex Barris, (right) discuss abstract photography with Neil Newton of Enniskillen (centre). Both Arty Shaw and Neil Newton were guests on the T.V. show 'Barris and Company' last Saturday evening on C.B.C. T .V. when Mr. New. ton showed a wide selection of his abstract and experimental photography. For local interest the photo shown was ta1<en outside Pethick's auction shed at En. niskillen. It is an enlarged detail of cracked paint On an old door., Resident Occupation nut -Biologist 1 1