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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1968, p. 2

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i The Canaclian Statesman, EowmanvMle, Nov. 6, 1968 Bawmanvjlle's Jr. "C" Whiz XÎds continucd their winning 'iays on the road, defeating Georgetown Raiders 5-3. Sun- day aiternoon in Georgetown * ta make if fliree wins in as -Inany starta away from bomne. * twas the iirst Ioss aof thc ýcampaign for the hometown -gaiders. SAlthough the Whiz Kids t eld an edge in territorial lay, ftic lotie goal ofthie first riod was coared by the lidesis' Jim Muir. John 'OYler ied it tfa open Uic sec- ônd, but Ray Inglis rcgalned flic lead before thc period ended. SBawmanviIle turned it on tu hflinal sesion, complete- Two Groupsi (FROM PAGE ONE) .rePreSentingfthc Draina Worit- .shop. .It was announccd that Roy 211lggIns director of thie Great n1~ine Ridge Festival aif thc -Arts lat summer, has agreed Io be fthe averaîl directar and .that Ross Mctcalf, famous for -hi contribution La music r 'this arca, wIll undertake thie ýmusical direction ai thc show. -The musical wilI be produc- ed February 5, 6, 7, 8 - 1969. The casting dates were an- 41oLimccd as fallows: Sunday, ,'Nov. 17, 1 to 4 p.m.; Monday, :ov. 18, 7 ta 10 p.m.; Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7 ta, 10 p.m. The casting wil be held in Jbc Town Hall auditorium and -%Ul b. open La anyone inter- With theme terrifie Intcrest rates ... SWING UP TO .. . ACCOUNTS (minimum nsonthly bal.> 4 14%L7 CHEQUING (Law service charge minimum 1/2 yeanly bal.) GJ.C.'s 1-2-3-4-5 VEARS SWING DOWN TO . Iower cast PERSONAL LOANS and MORTGAGES Swing Youn Account NowInta CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Oshawa Mon tc.Thum a to 5:30 711. S te 8 wmu moed Wedn.adayu ly dominating play as they rid..way in. the periad, be- out-shot Georgetown 18 - 6. fore Phil Jestin counted the Kim Rogers put the Whiz lasers' third tally with one Kids on even terms. at 1:52 of minute reinaining. the period, and John Taylor The same two teams go at scored 39 seconds later ta it again tonight (Wed.), eighi send Bowmavile in fronyt for o'clock at the Memorial the first fime in the game. Arena, when the Whiz Kids Rick Woolner ran the mar- will be looking for their firsi gin ta 4-2 at the 5:41 mark victcry of theseason on home and Qyler netted is second ice. Rotary Presents First Travelo gue In Current Series The first presentation ai streams af N.S. wilI be among the Rotary Travel and Ad- sights. Climnaxing it ail willl venture Third Series will be be a tour of Cape Breton tomorrow evenlng, Thursday, Highlands National Park with November 7th ln the Town its inviting beaches and com- Hall Auditorium starting at fortable camp grounds set eight o'clock sharp. Bill Ken- against the wild highland nedy, New York, wll present beauty af the rocky coast. ln persan a remarkable color International Service Direc- motion picture, "Nova Scotia". tor Chairman Stewart Mc- There wlll be an enthrafllng Tavish, Co-Chairman George account af this picturesque Vice, and this cammittee's province, the home af master rnembers Colin Coake. A. H. ship builders and the great Strike, Rex Walters and the racing schooner Bluenose. The Rev. A. VandenBerg are In stately city of Halifax, also a charge of the Travel and Ad- garrison, the highly automat- venture Series. Tickets are cd steel miil at Sydney, beau- obtainable fram this commit- tiful and hlstoric Cape Bre- tee or any member of the Bow- ton, and thc supcrb trout manville Rotary Club. Town Buys <FROM PAGE ONE) required for them La be con- versant wlth Uic business La be deait wifi, lie cxplaimed. Councillor Prout. seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle, maved that copies ai Chief Kitncy's report lic provided for evcry counicil member. This was carried. Councillor Fry. seccnded by Councillor Leslie Coombes, nsovcd that Lie Clerk-Con- troller be autlionlzcd ta ad- ventice for two probationary constables for January 1, 1969. Mayor Hobbs askcd flic moyen and seconder if they infended to have only pro- bat ionary constables hired. Councillor Fr-y, Chairman ai flic Protection ta Persans and Property Commiftce, replied that yes, tîhis was the inten- tion aiflice motion. Mayor Hoblis said that he anly drew council's attention to flue aspect aiflice motion because if would mean that if a mais witbauf any police ex- peience at ail and anotheri an cxperienced p olic ema n should bofli apply only flic incxpcnlcnced man cauid lie hired. "Wliy cannaf we bave an cxpeericcd man considencd for a joli?" Counillor Prout asked. "Because flic Chief Constable pref ens La bave enly probationany consfables1 engaged I amr nspccting bisj suggestions," Councilior Fi-yj stated. "Wliy did thc Police1 ,Chef change bis opinion? Wc hired cxpcnienced constables before," Councillo)r Prout as- serted. Mayor Hoblis point cd ouf g DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W, RIEHL, C.A., RIA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 FOR FILLING We are as near as your telephone... PHONE 623-3361 PREE DELIVERY W. make aims for: Blue Cross, P.S.4. and Green Shleld Drug Plans and D.V.A., Compensation and Wefare Prescr'iptions. Jury & Loveil Ltd. à xbIg st. E. wanie tiat Corporal McGuey liad came bei-e from flic Toronto Police, and, fliat former Con- stable Hart was an expericnc- cd policeman, but Constable Smitli, although be iad been cohntiscd wifh auxiliary pol- ice, lad naf previously served as a police constable. III think Chief Kitney should be allowed ta get pro- bationary constables. We have a wonderful Chief and he could train men just as weil as anyone could," Reeve Oke proclalmed. "As Chiéf Kitney is presen' couid he not himself explair his vlews," Counillor Shac- keltan asked. Council unani- mously agrecd. Chief Kitney stated tha' accao'dng ta the Ontario Po- lice Act al canstables musti be hired for a probationary period ai one year. "What w e do in that period le aur busi- ness," he said. He added that Constable Hart had flot been hired on hbis recommendation. Councilior Roy Nichols said: "We are flot quaiified to tell the Chief what he should do regarding policemen." He was informed that council was not interfering in that regard. The motion was carried. CouneillOr 'Coombes epoke ai the sad lass sustained by Cauncillor Dykstra in the death of bis father, ' Hendrik Dykstra. 'II think we should put aur sympathy on record," he s5aid. qympathy. Mayer Hobbs agreed, and said that he was going ta speak ai this himself later in the meeting. 'II think it is desirable that a letter be sent expressing council's sympathy ta Councillor Dykstra and the Dykstra family in their sor- raw," Mayor Hobbs stated. This was movcd by Councîl- lar Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundie, and carried unanimously. ,Whiz Kids Top Georgetown 5m3 for Third Straight Wi n on Road ýy re ýe il :e it n it A letter ai thanks tram flic Santa Claus Panade Commit- tee thanking cauncil for flic excellent co-operation if liad given tLatflicocmmitfec's ne- quests, was receivcd and filed on a mýotion by Counrillor Pi-ouf and Depuf y Reeve Run- dle. Eroion A communication fnom tlie Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Aufliorify mention- cd that Morris Lewis is ai the opinion fliat an eracion problem bas been allcviated somewhýtbafly flicdumping thaf lias occurned behind Sel- by Granf's. The autharlty's lelfen stated fiat Mn. Lewis further sug- gested fiat additionai protec- tion oouid ha obtaincd by ne- maving large baulders fnom Bowa.nvilic Cz'eek ta give a shicld dunlng hlgi watcr and bad icc conditions. "The best solution would ha use ai rock fillcd wirc baskets, calicd gabions, ah- though this method of contraI involves a large capital cx- penditure IL should pi-avide adequafe protection,"Uth ef-et ter- suggested. Cauncillor Prout sald thaf lie thougli thUiclest mentianed metliod wouid ha fao cosfly an affai-. Mayor Holibs' view was that a layer ai boulders would lie economnical aisd practical. IClerk-Controller Byron said that thie Public Wonks Corn- mnittee hldieînsected tflic place and thauglit thaf a largel bulldozer couid do Uic work at a coaf a« about -$10 or $1 5 an hour.1 Cauncilion Praut moved,1 seconded by Councillor Coombes, that this miatter lie referi-ed ta tic Public Wonks Committee witb power toacat. This was caniied. Council Not Liable A hetter from Robent A. Edinunds, P. Engincer, st afcd that cauncil was completely free ai liabiiity regardingý Mel Burgess' drainage prob-j lem an Liberty Street. i "Mi-. Stewart anid I loaked' at thc site taday and 1 came fa te c iliowing conclusions. (1) Mr. Burgess bauglif a lot on thec east side af Liberty Street North i n a law ai-ca wbere water naturally flows. He sbould bave been aware af Uic road culvert whien he yChai-ch Signs e Council on a motion 1 Councillor Prout. seconded 1 Depufy Reeve Rundle, gran ned permission fa flic Penti 1costal Churrh fa instaîl Lv 1signe indicating flic addrc ai ofltischurch, anc near fi 0sautlieasf corner of King an s Liberty Streets and the oth( snear flic corner of tie Ba, Line Road and Liberty Stree Advicc fi-rn Uie Lake Or f anao Regional Deveopmer yCouncil Stated fliat an clabo eate full colon brochure an cmap ai Ontario's Seven liai 1day Areas is ling prepare for flic 1969 tounist ceacai and fliat individual communî fies arc permiftcd to, publie. colon pisotograplis anly at epecific emaîl ice, Clerk-Confroller Byron gai fiat tlic Bowmanville Zoo ha staken an advertisemcnf 1 flice brochure. "A municipal ity sisould only promofe any thing specially if it is prc m.oting fouriet activif les î Lie loraiity," he explaincd. This matter was referre, ta, flicIndustrial Cammitie an a motion by Councillo Coambes, scconded by Cour cilla- Prout. Overthne Work jReeve Oke stafed fliat ther lias licen a lot ai overtimi wark donc neccntly by muni cipal employece. "Dcpartmen of Works men have workc quite a bit oi overfime. S( bas Clerk-Controller Byron There lias hacis aventime secI netanial work, and we ai know fliene bas licen polire avertîme. I would like fi know flicreasonfr ion ahtii extra '.onk. "l'au will have a capy o1 flic Police Chicf's report and this will deal witli overtimi in the police depantment,' Mayor Holili told lien. Clcrk-Confnolîer Byron in- iormcd Reeve Oke thaf Mrse Gaul, Mrs. Hurst, and Mns, Dcpew had all worked aven- Lime In connection witli the voter5 lEst. "The voters list ehauld be prepared and prnt- cd 30 days aiter flic asseess ment rail is receivcd," lie ex. plaincd for lien benefit. "Tis ilthfli irst time thal tic United Counties assessors have preparcd Uic aseesmenl roll, and iL deals witi cveny man, wamnan, and chuld in~ Bowmanvilic. There wec n numerous errons fliat requin. cd cherking. lIn addition pen- sons who by virfue aiflihe Ontaria Municipal Art are en- titled to vote i Municipal Electians had ta be lisled scparalely. "AU lue isrequlrcd mucli additional work. If avertime had naf licen invalved a vot- ens 11isf would flot lic ready now and revised. If will lie postcd on flic cixf h afNovem- ber, six days aiten flic due date, but I assure cauncil that iL will nof lic invalidated,"l Clerk-Controier Byron stated. Couneillor Nichoasinfonni- ed Reeve Oke thaf flic Wonks Dcpartment bad been aven- hauling and repa.lning cqulp- mient on SRturdlays, and t1hat thils lad licen thc reason for necessary avent ime. MUSTANG STOLEN At 7:30 o'clock this mcm-. mng AllierfP. Kerekes, 88 Higi Street, reported to Bowmn- ville Police that his car, a 1966 red Mustang, had been stolen dtaing Uic nigli friom tlic back ai his bouse whene if wae parked. Police are in- vestigating. MaLof the greater snow trec in iront ai Ricard's Rea1 geese fliat gather ecd year at Estale Office, 99 King Streetf ar e ro'va - Cap Tourmente, Monfmagny East. Damage La flic car a g C - anid elsewlierc aiong the Sf. iîmaunted ta appnoximately Th Bomn Lawrence a iew miles east of $350. Constable Ron Parker Thfowavlic Depart- *Quebec City came from Byhof was the invcstigatIng officer. ment ai RecreatIan Country & Island, a major greater snow, _________ ' Western Jamboree show lield *goose nesting gnound. af Lb. Town Hall Auditorium Credit card coverage anc "DurIg ther fie-daystaylast Sunday evenlng attracted potection for home ownei "Dunng teir lveday tay IflI~ S ven 400 people who wcre on flua Island, flic biologiste Tulmnut treated La anotier fine show to $1000 coverage on lostc discovered two goose calony sites and examined 77 nesfs, oi their favorite music. Plus more home contents r ai whlch 32 had been destroy- 'S e VIo S The guesf artist was Mike cssmr orpaet cd on abandoned. They found Zuppan, an accordian player, an average af oniy 3.4 cggs (FROM PAGE ONE) formerly witb the Andy De State Farmn... number ci per neet, a fart whlch fore- In flic evenîng a plcasîng Darlis and bis Calgary SetLiers, h ewesIsrne tchadowe a decrease In snow quartet compased ai Mrs. Ltbrilled the audience wifh h lemewes nurne goose repraduction. In fart, W. VanDniel, Mrs. S. R. James' renditions of boedown and rates Iower than most 1 can according La flic report Mr. Mrs. David Aihdread and Mns. polka Lunes. o kigszhrnwes Heyland submitted ta flic Russell Oke sang "Lord O pecri Jac Bothiwell and bis part- YO kngizhoewe WlldlIfe Service, Pond Inief Thou Our- Eycs" by Oakley, ner Ron Luxtan brouglit the erage and probably eave Eskimos aira natlccd a sharp and flic anthem, "Non Noble, bouse down with a variety of vinoney. Cali me. decrease this year, appancntiy Domine" by Quitlter. Cauntry and Bluegrass songe causcd In part by spning corn- done La perfection as always ing two or fb-ce wceks late," Mr. Kelloway In tefl orn' by this duo. - conrluded flic article. lng fook as hie thense "The Gead liotan i Mn. Heyland's father also Words af Men and flic Word Grl iioLadHsHoe- RAE F taid The Statesmnan that bis af God" based on flic lext dawnens, flic Jamboree bouse eau* son lias spent a considerable Isalali 40-8: "The grass witli- band, piayed a numben ai amount ai ime In flic nortli erefh, flic flawers fadiefi; but lioedown reels wItli Master aof ecd summer, helplng La, band the Word ai God chahl stand Ceremontes J. C. Coyle callng fiocks ai Canada geese In flic forever." He poinfed ouftfliat flic hocdown. ' ' J 1 H arca. Tliey use a 'plane La spot during tic 2th Century, mari Jamboree regulane J a a n 1 I flic large birds duning their bas lisfencd ta buman vaices Harper, Richard Harper, Ivan moultlng season wben they in modern science, knowlcdgc, Wannamaker and Ted Hall- 'R.] can't fly, then brIng in a bell- and tclnolagy. But fliese mn kepf flic show rallng capter to lierd tbem Into a net vaices have flot guided him to witli a variety ai sangs. tra< , wlire Lbey are banded flic attainmenf ai the better The Bob Carpenten tria, Zfreheased, --Ill*11e for whlch hoe Lad hoped, withi Larry Goodwin on leadi bought the lot and ho doubit got the lot cheaper ti thc surrounding land becà it ix a natural depression. "(2) He filled in the and altered the location the watcrooursc. The alte waterway does not appegr lie properly cleared or à quitte to carry the spring r off. By altering the draine Mr. Burgess must legally -sume the legal liabilty edamiages ta the road or af e property caused by thc teratians. "(3) Mr. Burgess may ttition the local municipa icheTown af Bowmanvil sfor a drainage works in tcordance with the Draini Act," thc cngineeer wrotc, Councihior Prout statcd t despite Mr. Edmnunds', the1 gineer's letter he icît1 Burgess had obtained a p mit to buiid there. "Where ail the water cdmlng fror lie asked. Councillor Cooml said the water camnes fýrom far as the Middle Raad a ail thc sub-divisions. "Perbaps there could lit schemc whereby flic saniti sewer would take some this water, and be uscd conjunction with the etc sewer ta help salve Uic pr lem," Cauncilbor Prout si gested. He moved that1 matter be referred ta Public Works Committee dnvestigation and report thie Board of Works. "We bave ta look ta pi sible flood conditions in t sprîng. That waterway le t drainage system for Libei Street and the Middle Roi I sympathize with Mr. Bi gess. He le in a bad positi, for a real flood," Coundill Coombes said, and he m onded the motion. Mr. Burgess, who was pi sent, asked council if lie respansible for damnage ta t. roads caused by flood. I d not know I rcstricted t waterway when I dug," added. Mayor Hoblie told Mr. Bu gess that he should seek opinion from his own ici adviser. Councillor Nichi pointed out that it takes qualified engineer to ti wihich way the waterwi shouid go. "Change !n t] layout three or fouir inch~ will send it somewhere else Councihlor Nicho].s stated. Clerk-Controller Byron tc Mr. Burgess that ie lias oopy af the Drainage Act, ai after he studies it could su, gest ta hlm what procedu, he should follow. hant Dep arting Admînîstrator Union Ho!c of ee oHonored by Hos pifai Bd. To Honor age, Hospital Adiinistrator Ber- pitai Auxillary, wboa loa e tor eresince November, as- nard H cd d n. w ho le iaving rem ber of the board, and D r. 1961, an r f rr d ta hl r. a d 4r 8 ha c YM n for for Trail, B.C., before the end and Mrs. V. H. Story. anreerdt is ercathe gu.Chets aonr- lier ai Uic montb, and bis wife1 Tom Cawan and Mrm. Rudeil knowledge. cfficieney ,mad at a banquet and dance held ai- wcre flic guets ai honon atihcaded the cammittee in charge splendid ca-operation. Baard by Local 2375 ai the United a dinner given by the Boardi arrangements for the event Chairman Jackson presented Steel Workers Union i the pe- af Directors ai Memoriai Hos- and other members ai Lhis Mr. Holden with an ornamen- Legion Hall on Saturday even- pital at the Bowmanvilie committee were Mrs. Lloyd tai and practical desk set ing. Mr. Marris rctired recent- Lle) Country Club on FrIday even- Ayre, President ai tbe Womn- bcaring a sultable Inscription. ly alter completing4 er ne ing. Mr. Holden lias been Ad- en's Hospital Auxiliary. and the git ai the board. with the Bowmanvile Foun- lage ministrator ai Memorial Hos- W. A. Kilpatrick. A beautiful Dr. Kcith Siemnon on behalf dry Company, Limited. pital during the hast seven corsage ai red carnations was ai the Medical Staff congratu- Preeldent Hugh Coutts on atyears. presented ta Mrs. Holden by latcd Mr. Holaen an bis ncw behali ai the members ai! tht Board Chairman Xcith Women's Auxiliary Immediate appoiritment and wished him Local 2375 presentcd Mr. Mor-! E-n- Jackson presided. Others at Past Presîdent Rudeli. ail1 succeuo and bappiness ini ris with a sultably inscribed. Mr. Uic bead table werc Mr. and The ýbest wishes ai the board the future. Dr. Allan B. SY4-scliver tray and a mantie radio, per- Mrs. Hcdden, tlic honored wcre extcnded ta Mr. Holden veeter preeented Hospital Ad- and Mrs. Marrie reccived a, e ' guests, Mrs. Jackson. Dr. and by Board Cliairman Jackson. ministrator Halden with a lovely corsage ai white rases Mi?" Mrs. Keitli Siemon, Mrs. W. M. He aise paid high tribute ta silver tray and a set ai crystai with Mrs. Tolly Reid making Lbec Rudel, the Immediate Past the hanored guest's achieve- tumbîcre, the gifLe aiflthc the presentation. 1as Preeldent oi the Womcn'c lias-1.ments asHospital Administra- Medicai Staff. Mr. 'Morris was made the and reciplent ofai hlandeome Wall. D laque from the Internationali e M à ~eadquarters af the United LflyC oose C a k l y r Steel Workers Union ln Pitts- aof b I J~~lurgh. Penn., and a matchinig r .r m aIIfl ment as Honorary Financlaiý ,-For D ab inais Nov,. isriton ihitppit gutrand Jake Bernia oni the lark PlaersDrama Club base with Bob Carpenter sing- forr was chsn rmI contcst- ing a number af Buck Owen to lng Clubs ln Belleville on Sun- songs wcre weli rcceived by L arg C ro d E n oys day ta enter the finals af the the jamboree crowd. 05- I ~*Eastern Ontario Drama League' Master af Ceremonles Cayle then a ~ 5 lf~ at Belleville on Navember 15. introduccd wne mmbr t'héO i n aien The anc-art play wae en to tlic town bail stage, Marie rty ltld " Mery Dath l- Anderson and Terry Jackson îad. The Oriental Dinner heid delicate miniature trees, prctty~ Nichoias Evrelnov; cast In-whoîn ubra le ur- rcccntly liy the Joanna Group minute biossoms, a Samurai c]uded Leslie Anne Steplien- grass songe. ion ai St. Jolin's Anglican Church sword. icît crests with ilîken son (Columbîne); Georgîna Bill Cale, base guitar play- haor in tlic Great Hall was certainly marking dcnoting secte Of Simpson (Deatli); Donald Mc- er of the lioedowners band, cc- enjoyed by thse large number Shintoism and Buddahism, a Kenzie (Harlequin); Keith brouglit something new ta the ai people who attended. Mrs. woodcn musical instrument Allun (Pierrot); Murray Twist Jamboree by slnglng several re- David MacKintosli, the Presi- with tapered keys af ivory and ai Bowmanville (The Doctor). yodelllng sangs. j5 dent, welcomed the patrons, bamboo, a figurine of a Karate The director was Kenneth The next Jamboree show lie and flic co-convenors were fighter in perfectly detailedl Stubington; assistant director, will lic hcld on Sunday, Nov. did Mrs. Harold Lake and Mrs. costume, and other figurinesiMarjorie Murphy: liglits. Fred 17th. Town Hall, 8:00 p.m. Aie Ailan Steel. ai men, wamcn and children Buntîng; sound, Bill Caldwell. lie Upetaire on arrivai for the in the picturesque costumes oil- first sitting cvcryone was the East. Dainty Japanese Mr. Kelaway explained. r-greeted by an Impressive Chin- parasols were suspended fromI Man lias been aut ai touch' an. estadrnhceei m er-f ceiling, and miniature onesiwlth God and le finding that glsanated by Len Lucas, who adc rtytulIatethe only truc and sure guideý loaked majestic i a long many tables each of whicli hadjis the Eternail Word ai AI- e biack brocaded silli mandarin a atclrylocycetemiglity God," Mr. Kelloway:1U140 acoat onwtth traditiona] plece depicting a miniature tLd the large congregation.1 teround black mandarin cap top- Japanese garden witl i tnviTW O O lic pd with an imperial jade but- trees, exotic flowers, smalYi the evnng Mr. KeIo- OW F O iton.a Hie hirsute adornment pagodas, tiny figurines and a'i srmnantte les 1 Cris and Challenge" based e,1wasa long and narrow black littie bridges, aon the tcxt St. Luke Chiap. 21-' C er ' mustaclie, and hic eycs had The menu was composed ai'.v 28: "When these thinge l r ' become almond sliaped flirougli the following deliclous dishes: I(trials and tribulations) liegin,, :>Id lmperceptalie makc-up. David CliungKing Chieken, Indian ta came fa pase, then look up. F r3 a MacKintosh red the sec-,Curried Meat Balle, Korean adIi pyu ed;fr is o nd ond sitting arrivais. Kum Clii, Thailand Turkey, your redemption draweth g- In flic upper liallway two Tibetan Jellied Salad, B urn- nîgh' re large scrolls bore beet wishee sc enS d osd aaThwafoaicmrsIeegnCi-Slcd M ts Hme ie sermon aa stirring V t r esc characters. col- Rails, Plain Rire, Burmese chah nou hris tnopl Vtes'Lst 168 by orful Japanese lanterne effcc- Cocoanut Cake, Hawaiian Gin- 1ihnarcuce acm County of Durham. by tively ligbted the entrance ta' gerbread witli P in ea p pl cmit themsecves ta the causei oiei eeygvi t- flic Great Hall. Cream, Lemon Chiffon Pie ai Christ and His Kingdom in. oie shriygv c- he mmeiae Pst res -Jellied Fruit Saiad witli Whlp- these days ai crises with the with section 9 af The V te-a h det.Mc. Le Luas wlio spcd Crcam. Cherry Cream came dedîcation that flic com-ý that I have posted up at in ffoden, Ms. enLucs, ho asCheese Tarte, Caffee, Tea, AI- muniste have given ta flicir, ýss in charge ai tickets, looked mond Cookies, Pecan Pie and cause, ville, on the 6th day cf li lovely in an artistlc costume Rum Squares. An informai social haur waes lis t of ail persans entil nd ai the Fan East. She was as- i edi h hrhhl feý mncplt tmncp ýer sisted by lier little daugliter, Serving these tacteful dils he di h hrl a e nncplt tmncp se Vaienie, wlia gave each persor at the buff et were the îoldow- the evening service. Refresh-, such 11sf remains theref ~t.a bakiet onainng ecîeslng ladies aîî in attractive mente were servcd by Trlnltyl et- foalflde ctablg edishes Oriental costumes: Mrs. Rab United Chuncli Women. And 1 hereby caîl up ni served at flic wonderiul din- crf Hornigold, Mre. George lmmediate proceedings fi r- ner. The recipe booklets had Marris, Mrs. Alex Anonicliuk, ~ , or errors correctcd accori d been made by Mrs. J. O. Down. Mrs. Bruce Mimne, Mrs. Victor S aw s H day for appeal bcing the Z l- Mrs. James Biggs wlio was Snider, Mrs. Fred Thamas, [0l 1968. d the decorations convenar, and Ars.chr.s n Ms.E ~in Mrs. Ken NichaIs usliered. rhr i lo ee ae hs6hdyo i- Tlicy worc attractive Japanese Mrs; William Staccy ande lDtdhsfih ayo Ai kimona costumes complete Mrs. Elwood Shackîleton scrv- The annual Hallowe'en a with ilîken obus. Young Mies cd tea and caffee. Mrs. Shack- party was held ThuredayClt Sheila MacKintosb presenfcd elfon wae aalisl charge ai Oct. 31st, at, Shaw's School. Id everyone with a Japanese fan dessert servers. Thoce who The judges oiflihecoostumes as as a favor wlien Lhey entcred assistcd in senving desserts werc Mrs. Clare Allun and n flic Great Hall. wene tlie Misses Linda and Suzanne Barkley and deserve l- The spaciaus hall Iteeli liad Canol Bedford, Karen Marris, special thanke for their lielp. y- been transiormed inta a lux- Lînda Grace. Mary and Helen The prize winnens wcrê as o- urlous oriental scene witb Bridges, Wendy and Cathy follows: Best dressed girl, pre- in cubdued lîgliting from ornate MacKntosli, Kim Hannan, scliool, Shbaron Hendricks; trd Japanese lantcrns. Beautiful Chnistine Biggs, and Lynne Beet dressed boy, pre-school, ýdhandpRîntcd plaques depirting Staccy. Three littie girls, Mary John Dow; Besf drcssed girl, e Fan Eastern landscapes and Ellen Frampton, Michielle Mor- Ist Karen Dow, 2nd Carol r figures cnhanced flie Waals. ris and Carolyn Steel, scrvcd Pocock; Beet dressed boy, lel îThese plaques werc flic wonIk cookie from bamboa baskets. Stephen Wood, 2nd James te k l ai Mrs. Fred Coty. The walis Pocock; Girls best cliaracter, werc aiea adorned wlth rirli lst Wcndy Ayre, 2nd Janet tapstiesfrm te ar as.i 'Bag osbetcaatr An amazing dlspiay ai cx- Ald n 'st John David Killeen, 2nd quisite fans fram fthc coller-I Ronald Hendrirks;, Girls besf t ion ai a lady In Port C redit Roun Hallowe'cn costume, let Rase- werc arranged on flic aven-' R u dmary Killeen, 2nd Dnraren d 25% More contenta 'a at no extra CUoL Up or atolen credit carda. acoverage because It thinga today. Only at Dne ln ln give 's COV- w *e y'OU SR M BRINKMWAN'e R. 1, Scugog Street Bowmanville i Telephone 623-3621 ds Banquet Secretary ý (rs. Service ._Secretary af Local 2375. Te Spresentation of the plaques ta dMr. Morris was made by In- dternational Representative Mr. eGrant Taylor, Oshawa. ':C. E. Rehder, Presidji of the Bowmanville 1F, dry SComnpany, Limited, afid hi& sons Tom and Lawrence, corn- pany officiais, were also pres. * ent and extended congratula. )ttions and best wishes to Mr. ':Morris. ),Frank Woolner was chair.. aman of the committee ln ýcharge of arrangements foè, gthe event. Other members at this committee were Fran< eBlunt and Murray Adams. Thé* ýBowmanviUe Ladies Auxlliary« Ilat the Royal Canadian Legioi4 jcatered for the delicious din-' ner. After dinner, dancing wa genjoyed during the balance a -the evening ta the mnusic ai UKen Somerscales' orchestra. 1 c Il lotice of sting of i' List rown of Bowmanville, n that I have complied Voters' Liste Act, and My office at Bowman- 1November, 1968, the Ïtled to vote in the )a elections and that for inspection. ion ail voters to take to have any omissions 'ding to law, the last 2Oth day of November, 4 Noveniber, 1968. DBERT L BYRON, Ierk. .1 ýWMANVILLE

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