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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1968, p. 3

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- ~ ~ ~ - - -~ w~~ine carnatton,. ~~~~hls sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ron The Canadian StatemnbomnilNv ,16 Mn. Rae Burns, wearing Rogers and famlly. dark green, was matrori of Exchange ows in rono Unitd C urcii Seventeen members of the hoo.The bridesmaids, Miss a g U.C.W. met en October 17th able player on tesno uno binsn u Sonja Kahn and Mrs. Wm. ini the church hall. President team was presentedt a-Yugan at acl Burns, were in autuznn gold. Mrs. W. H. Brown opened the ghan McGili. Their identically styled, full- meeting withi a poem Tans Senior Team Metbr:Vu an arihno ent Memoris". Sveralghan McGIIl, TerryMlo, aiCIl.KoperRs:h qolength gowns were of heavy giving Bb eyolorRo Sot, obDoma Byc JenoDoal ijnported ottoman and were ladies indicated they would B e ynldm o fashioned in empire style accept thé invitation ta hear E tnids, GeorgeSctBh imsWanTi sD gh with three-quarter e n g t hMirs. Ward of~ Bowmanvil Smelt, Harry JakeaBbGeeLryWateit a sleeves. They wore matching speak on cancer at Courtie Smelt, ChristopherWodAIcaeSmhGnWatri, Ian Smith. Howar cil a utoDrelRbn headpieoes trimmed w i th aImr. theMfoail oralaye at 'n Levi McGüU; with JmKop o.SehnMGlGog veildng, and their elongated Mon.S. Mrton gavena reprt~ cascade bouquets were ai gold on.STe wrship dsesMaagrBbcelyMccoagchD.eMcuad and bronze 'mums. ting. Th woship evice Ms.Peewee Team Mem7 :EnstYugaMngr _________________Mr. Emerson Ellis, brother CtheferwasThasgivilt ng.MsdavyMaclca -1 ELLIS - BURNS of the groom, was best manC.ery Mrs. J. Wo ods tby an OUDCC Miss Brenda Marlene Burnsad B ur shend r Mr. m.uRns, charge. A meditation "What1 ILu grn sane daughter of Mrs. Thomas Buors andfMthe .B urns giving thanks does for youi" The Rh c d Lo.wa eda The study book of Japan was cam sPls and Mr. Kenneth Russell El- eal, oya an ian ionr th ably presented by Mrs. Wm. lis, son of Mrs. Sylvia Ellis HlBLavflweeteIaird. This monbh we looked of Brri. wre nîtd ~bride's mother received the m f.r " m d « .marriage on Saturday after- gueta. or tecasionse . .u .# --a Teacher in Depth .Lunch noon. October 12, 1968, at 2:30 wr w-ic uto qa*., and a visit concluded the ev- À rmmwnsd rSmerch inoütute hm o'clock in Trinity united re eslnpisewthmtc-. . fowd aunin.healing mnjtanoe Church, Bowmanville. igsos eg a n c «. ~ . ~, _______ Vi"tJiim a» itto shrmnk hemar- Rev. G. K. Ward was the'csoie.Aylwadwht. ihoids painle.eIY. It relieveu itchino officiating clergyman and the cose cmpeened hr bleOBTU R and iacmfot inmintessudwedding music was played by An emnployee of the Voya- q edm UP healing Of the i njnred.!Mr. Wm. M. Findlay. geur Restaurant, Bowman- ARI D G.O In am a-to ees jaie enJy The bride, who was given1vlethbrdatnedBw ariage by ber stepfather, manville Central Public and ' The death of Arie De Groot ~irinkagsk place.Mr. Thomas Lodge, wore a High Schools. The groom re- .aet35eaoCuTdtte I nlge ok lc.formal length gown of white ceived bis education in Prince ' orta Geneerai osetl on Meu imortnt f 3l-fsflt8~silk peau de soie. The fitted Edward Island schools and is MnaOtbr2 98teBIGTI OPNT U TR uueohrngtatiiprove- gown was styled with long an employee of R. M. Hol- resuitofaaciettGn-NDS EONCRTMS IF ! ent waamantaiedoeraP ~sleeves and was highlighted lingshead of Canada Ltd.,oferalaMoioest Osbawa. Thswby a full-length, détachable Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Son__of__the_______John__An. im s v n 2 with a train edged with scalloped Elis are residing at 22 King Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brian MacDougal, shown in the above photo, excag drew De Groot and Adrianna sw Mawg.i.ance (Bic-Dn) Alencon lace. Alencon lace St. West, Bowmanville. x'ag Johanna Visser, he was born Wbiic= I heips heal injured also adorned the siceves and Out-of-town guests attend- ed marriage vows in Orono United Church, Orono, on Saturday afternoon, in Holland on June 23, 19331, --" ~ 0" u atimillates growthbof new bodice. A floral cluster of ed fromn Toronto, Barrie, Osh. October 5, 1968, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Jean Frances Tamblyn, and attended schoosinH- NwBue. »i ffrd nOnt rsilkanlac, nrute iti w, eeroruh Coricof Mr. and Mrs. James C. aby of Onono, and the bridegroom is the land. On November 5, 1955, THIS COUOCI lt NowBo..yneaoferednoit- rysalsand seed pearîs, Hampton, P.E.I., and Portuagtrambnhe aredtefmrSunM. J O F MSt nd X form caMlied caught ber shoulder-length Hope. son of Mn. and Mrs. Laurence A. MacDougal, Bowmanville. Ve a Bee wo srvies IzW R Pipamm j Ak forit ata&Ûdrag veil of sihk tulle, and she Photo by Ed Mothersili Thn elleceahsed ravive. jj W miens Ss * O W ~emo.Y carried an elongated cascade FRThReRLLC Oon fr ee ans, beisn ______bouquet of ned roses and FERE HLIE MacDOUGAL - TAMBLYNn ±M a r d sidence bedng on Main St. on aià ecads ucae A pretty candle-llght service Onono United Chunch, en- R" enly " D efrot lveing HaptonM. i u tr ui we In Orono United Chunch, hanced with baskets of white He was emphyed imton.he Ca October 4th, 1968 at 7:30 p.m., gladioli, yelow poms and whiteManiane eptmtoffNombr6holih ( iwas the settlng for the pretty carnations, was the setting for aGe nneral Motr ndhd eno n fs u ifall weddlng of Dahe Challice the marriage on Saturday yeea oos n a servc itit en0 ~JJry G eaners ?#4uc4i and~~a1d Ferier. Th brideaftennoon, October 5, 1968, at mme"~dcae a isteduhe fM.and 3 o'clock of Miss Jean Frances pany. Tedcae a VpueU our Home for andthe romis t hie, Orono, Tamblyn, daughter of Mn. and mme fteCrsinRe- and heuroomUp heanhy son Mrs. James C. Tamblyn of fre hc, Bowmnanville. the Hoidays o f Mr. and Mrs. William Fer- Orono. and Mr. Gary Bnian Sunviving, besides bis wife, rien of Bolton, Ont. Rev. Basil MacDougal, son of Mn. and are three daughtens, Jo-Ann, * Bring your: Long officiated and Mrs. R. Mrs. Laurence A, MacDougal Wilma sud Debby, and a son, DRPS LNES .Morton was the organlst. Mrs. of Bowmanvîîîe. on Assrviviflg are two BESRAS T.the guest soloist, rendering Rv .K ad omn ter (Co) of Bowmanville and BESRAS T.three lovely solos, "Prayer ville, officiated, and the y Mrs. Cor O. Bos (Tnuus) of to us for expert ~~~~Perfect", "The Wedding Pray- wedding music was phayed by ' -Tedcae etda h IGS.E O~INIL er" and during the signing of M4 RbetIambyn0fSTne dry-cleaning. the regIster "Oh Perfect Love". Creek, cousin of the bride. eaMor suer Ch ape, Bw-__________________________ Given In marriage by ber W& avlwt uea o- The bride, given In marniage father, the bride wore a floor- mvie, in eoth hnilsian by ber father, looked lovely In length empire gown of antiquet: vc inRhbh rsàa RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC a formaI gown of French lace.,ht ai rcd n ac-Rfne Churoh, Bowman- WENSANVME 3hsalpd neckline, el1b o w ng jacket with lowered neck- vile.o Th sic as con- WEDESAY OVMBElache sleeves and featur-lUne and wrist-length sleeves. 2t.Tesriewscn Igaflac S ptanatah h ake a cetdwihdce yRe.J um n ed to the shouldens. The head- loop-and-button sîceve and interment was in Bowman- EIL ~~~ADA*A UP dress was of four-tien nylon back closings. Her headdress vleCmtrr PIJ VlY~ N I L E wthpeaîs ndrbiesone fo shirnmering white organza Pnallbearers were DMessrs. The bride carried a bouquet ptlatce to a white vel-ladrEnlngih ry Y~J... A I ~ Co ndrss n hte baby vet bow, held ber ful floor- l ***' Gi..ý:, bnerg Ear n, Td Mh, an CLEA ERSMums. length veil of nylon tulle. and The attendants wreMrs Gcascadeebouquet of ghan 84 IN S.,we62-5e0jab er csaebuutwas ofand Leo Teengs. 4> " 41IGSTW6mi50Ja.MKa Itchener, sister yeîîow garnet andi crystal white ~ We Specialize In 'ShÎrt Laundering"o the groom, as matron of roses wîth Ivy.UI CLEANER honor and Doretta, Donna and Miss Marilyn Tamblyn ofB TH N Denise Challice, sisters of the Orono, sister of the bride, was BET AN ___________________________________________bride as bridesmaids and flow- maid of honor and the brides.- er girl. Their floon-length maiti was Miss Faye Nicholson A Members of LOL, 1022 gowns were ail alike, In of Orono, a fiend of the bride. heFnd a prigresPie fo reg Italian Peau de santung; Mrs. They were aftireti In sheeve-,,.- party in the Orange Hall on McKane In orange apnicot and less, formal-length empire - .4 Fidyn- -dliesfo hg the af-bers In jade green. Allil .o dep lu sainbr- scores went f-o Mrs. Mlldred canied baskets of shasta yel- cddwt mrl re u eei- rso.Wl lwsdboz'mm. flowers, matching f-he brocade rZStMS.BueMGl The best man was Mn. Rch- design on thbe bride's gown, - nzst n.BueMGl ar PcyBotn ni -b sb ighlighted by long matching ften Neals won f-be luçky door ens were Donald Challice, sf-oIes. Tmey carnieti small Orno bohe 0 hebrd, bandbags of fhein dress ma- Guests with Mr. and Mrs.' and Douglas James, Bolton, tenial, and their headpieces MnadMs ent usl lisonsgnig Frank Whit-e thnough the fneti 0fteoom.s el In were of shimmering green anti the register in the above photo, were marnied in week were Mns. Percy St-ew- 'the nucephallnwwas helti blue organza pue ef-l ndtulles Trmîity Unit-ed Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday Mrs Cark Williams of Nes- W. caferlng. The bride's moth- Theirboqet wr 0 el-on October 12, 1968, at 2:30 o'clock. The bride Mntnt r. oept a en ylneci -em iertedn low anti white carnations with is f-he former Miss Brenda Manlene Burns, daughter Smets' of Bramalea. aI luenyln mbrideedgold wbeat and green tvy. of Mrs. Thomas Lodge of Bowmanville and the late Ray Finney is in thbe inten- ailace, cihurch ba wlthf-be and r.AchetitlumeelofbOs.aMtrNoormn Brs n h rdor s theson sfle-or it o anerorug Bowmanville Country Club Th gom' ote chose a ing were Mr. Gardon Bunnhain, Of Mrs. Sylvia Ellis of Barrie. l a ED NOV. i 3h fions. Dougal of Bowmanville, broth- N ES rLE O Nopie.aîgaOr îkn e, Gesfs eneprsen fomer of f-be groom. H53oPdECEee- SERVICEie8 W EDO'f Boltn, hGueon ef-owesnTofrota The reception was helti at Thurstiay evening, Octoben fors with Mr. sud Mrs. Sadi- in Oshawa General Hospif-al. 5 o'dlockWiodae Prb, saa.tedtFeosHalnOon.3 was a gala Hailowe'enl1er were Mrs. Robent Sadien Mn. Green hati his hant inlf- "NLS"b ono Wilowaile andeMthbOokawa Following f-be reception f-be event for huntiretis of little andi Miss Vivian Sadler, Bow- junet i le af- bis work af- ENLIH UAD* Mn llance Glodmpf- bride anti groom leff- on their folk, Nestleton bad its usual manvlle, Miss Janice Sadler. Newcastle Box Factory. anludes: Sugi n Cem wetdin f-ip a O-taa atiMuot wîb rngig fom shaa, n ati rs.Ian Atheti Pltte -n Veet-le1is showrwasgiven by Mi's. is quite grafifying when* the Pettit and family in the Ios r 4'-I Menvyn Engîish anti Mrs. paf-nons rmr "hf a fbsadat a-e --'- -- Bo m a v ll M a M rk tLowell MacDougal at f-be lat- goond supper. We'1l be bc The Stewards anti Elteso ter's home in Bwaville. again." al Goe chrb w:Ni-,-- <F RM RL F IG D OC ER )ess fan a linen shower at ber eti T urstay visifi m >in f-buedcurceh.e ig a 71RNGS. . TLEHNE63-58BO MNVLE home In Oshawa. Miss Donna Gordon McLean, Bowmanvilîe. Mn. H. G. Freeman gave a * -ic Str eda shower at ber Miss P ea rl Stephensonsor esm oiGnraa * - Oshawa home, wbere girls from Janef-vîhe, spent Wednesday Council, also a hf-fle on f-be lAI1,Genenal Motars. ca-wonkers of aftnnn anti evening with R.S.V.P. pnoects for f-be Unit-~ Di~r fi f-e bride, presenteti ber witb Mn. anti Mrs.Goe Johns, cd Cburcb. The choir rentier- iu - jair aDii~ V VeeI ~i silven water. juice anti brandy Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Jobns and cd f-be antbem "My Promises" r" s S p e îa i th s Wekgoblets anti a Spanisb wougbf- family, Makam, wee Sun- wifh M. John Hubanti takng y Sfw'wVwWEl.iron fruit basket. day evening dinnen guests. f-be bass solo part. ~ Greet the gala holiday season ahed A L b T ~ K - -8A miscehlaneous showen was Mn. anti Mr. Bert Bowens, Mr. anti Mrs. Robent Vic - MisFaye Nicholson, Mrs. Alan ing with bis parents, Mn. anti Douglas Tbompson, Mt. Den ROUND STEAK Plummer andi Mrs. Floydi Mn. George Boweirs. nis, Mrs. J. R. Mactionald-, ::, plus free cutting and styling. Nicholson anti was helti in f-be Mn. and Mns. Bud Virtue Weston, were Wetinesd-ay, Oct. SIRLOIN TIP RO A ST - - lb. 8 c Otit Fellaws Hall. Orona. andi Donna, Bowmanvil]c, 30tb visitons with f-he former's Oueprthisyltswldsgn or Mrs. Wilfreti Bowman was spent Fritiay evening with niccc, Mns. C. Greenbam. u xethi tlsswl ei LA Il l a ~hostess fan a crystal sbower at ber faf-ber, Mn. Ehi Mairs, anti Mrs. W. H. Brown is a dele -~ H A evuB 'i - - - - i I s. er home In Enniskillen, whIcb Mn. anti Mns. Ivan Mains, gate f-is week f-o the Wo - eranent to flatter your features! was attendeti by relatives of CIakoweeSna visi- men's Instif-ute convention ,sS LL RO N CU S - lb 69f-e bride. A trousseau f-ca was tors. heldi in Toronto. couple an Saf-urday. Septem- bergen attendedth -e Westgaf-e were Sunday visitons with î . . . WE SELL AND SEICEWG ber 28f-b from 2-4 anti7-9 Speed-way dinner anti tance fhein cousins, Mn. anti Mrs . - - - W C wbich was attendeti by many ~.~ Pressw oods BA CO N ILb. . ~ fii f-bt te Labour Centre, Peter- Rada Joncs, Scarborough . - FOR APPOINTMENT PO E6323 fens and reaves borougb, on Saturtiay even- On Saf-urday Mns. Allan - BO LO G N A - - - - (3 lb. pieCes) 90c S ta. daMrmacn.o anti Mns. Richard Da- sister, Mr. and Mrs.Reg .: G Sl M f J I L II ~~ lb. ~~ may learn f-o speak. a crippleti vison were Wednesday over_ Taylor. Oshawa, visif-edtifhein EU A D T A~~Uft~ Greek girl may learn 4.o walk nigbf- guests witb Mn. anti mothen Mrs. E. H. Wilkins, .li , FRYantila.K37canAbaby may ne- Mrs. Douglas Davison, Blen- Pont Hope. On Suntiay Mn CENRA SIT HAF ALON coven fnomn tubenculosis, Tbe heim. anti Saf-unday vng anti Mrs. Len Gootimurphy ENT'A SMTHCanatilan Save f-be Chiltinen dinnen guesf-s wif-b Mn. anti anti daugbf-ens anti Mrs. Allan .33 KING ST.W. AI Fundi neetis your belp. Please Mrs. Carl Flliof-t, Davd anti Snowtien visif-e th -e Iatter's I' E R E A M - - - 7.5'c buy thein Christ-mas cartis. Kim, Leaskdale. daughter, Mn. anti Mm. Bihl lWrite CANSAVE. Box 757, Fnientis anc pleasedth -at, Davitison anii sons, Wes-oni. COME AND SEE THE DELICIOUS MEAT WE HAVE FOR YOU AilieSre-Ps fie n Raloh Sadien was home! Mn. Harry Snowdcn antid Toronto, Ontario, fon a candi from St. Michael's Hospi tal two daugbtcns, Oshawa, were brochum~. for the weekend. swiday vM. ÀSunday aupper guesti w:thî - ,- -. ..-. ~ .7 -"vP«mý

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