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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1968, p. 5

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____________ - -..; 1~TAVVTfPV ILynne BLACKSTOCK and a, V. Da% Several chairs lied to be A CIVIC SERVICE OIF Club brought in to accommodate weeka the congregation attending Alldrea the anniversary service in the', United Church Sunday morn- 5 8 UrMr. ing. Rev. J. D. Ormiston, ui lNEpand s jM.A., B.D., Toronto, was guêst li A. IlBeoto speaker and gave a very in- E MEB'Mrs nt; teresting and informative ad- 'j ShaR dress on the work of Opera- w'illb. hel tion Crossroads Africa. The wl eh l tadS choir rendered two fine an-iv illeon Wonderful" and "The Great-wrS est Miracle." BowmanIILIII 4eIILJILIJjI itue1 In the evening the C. E. Mr. Centre was crammed for a -on- spent Forum on Crossroads Africa. Mrs A, The Rev. P. Romeril opened m m Mr. with prayer and introduced ý IU W .WL b ton, M P Mr. Ormiston who spoke on uuornu u ~ u FMrs. wisorigin and purposes and' a7111 N v m b r t were future of Operation Cross-y of Mr. roads. Miss Lamna Piercy of Mr. Rockdale College, Toronto, a, 10:45 a.m. visîted Crossroader in Nigeria in Toronto 11968, gave a fascinating ac<' and Mi count of hier experiences, il-: Grove. lustrated by pietures. A col-; Ail veterans, service clubs and organizations, 1 Mr. lection for Crossroads opera -; '~LToronto tions was taken. Altogether and the general publiAc are invited to attend. We of Mr. a very successful evening. Mr. The Sacrament of Holy respectfully request that all merchants will co-operate ders~on, Communion was administered evening in the Anglican Church Sun-, in closing their place of business during this special Mrs. T. dav morning. Rev R. C. Rose R me brnc.Srvce from AIl is not Sweetness and e nir c S vc. supper Light; Establish Righteous- Gordy~n ness as the Wav of Life. In the event of rain this Remembrance Service wiII be held In toba I Several memberF of the tt.' 'i Anglican church attended the the Town Hall auditorium,.îitr ecumnenical service in the 'Nnwtrn Anglican Church, Port Perry. Teto Sunday evening. Ivan M. Hobbs, vicern Mr. Brian Rabb. Counsellor "Aiceisi of the local Venture Pack, Mayr, ,invt was guest speaker to the lst aaoit n a Cartwright Boy Scout Ladips Town of Bowmanville. an Auxiliary. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. _________________________________________ Marie Crawford. Nestleton,________________________________. G with the Pi-esident Mrs. Jean the home in the village v.FOR Adams i n charge. Plans were thie, uchs from the es- madefora secil eenig in tate of the late Mrs. Lesli 'the Township Hall in BIack-ý Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. E.J In the D im stock for Nov. I 9th at 8 p.m.iMeuleman also mr.ved Satur-' for the communitv, vhen day from Newcastle to theý Keith Davidson, the Uxbridge home vacated by the English's.ýan florist, will demonstrate ar-, Mrs. Cecil Hamilton and; rang'ing flowers and will dis- Mrs, J. Venning spent the. cuss care of Christmas gi't. weekend with Mrs. Joan Mott, D istant Pa1 sI t4~ plants. The group enjoyed a ýWhitby, and ail went to Tom-i baking contest conducted- by ot n a Mn fGen From the Statesman Files * Mrs. Gwen Malcolm, beforeý Gables", Saturdav._______________ lunh. studenîts of Cartwright' Mra.Grnt riht 25 YEARS AGO 'High School held their Sadieiadbb obe omn Hawkins Hallowe'en Dance! ville, visited Mr. and Mms. (Nov. 13, 1919) (Nov. 11, 1943) October 25th. The m usic was, Osmond Wright, Sunday. providedf by Rick MacMillan's' Mrs. Harold Kyte attended Ms.D alW. r.JT. eboneUo Band. We enjoved pop and the Oshawa Preshyterial Re- Shearer have postponed their Park, Ont.., with his s'isters, donuts for refreshments. Pre- gional Rally in Greenwoocl on.tpaSctln beusof MsAneWloread partios re owundrwy Mndy, ct 28h.the difficulty of obtaining Mrs. John Ross, Oshawa, i paatins re ow ndeway Moday Oc. 2th.return passage. Mr. Shear- were w'eekend visitors with for Comencmen whch r ad Ms. amvy Yl-er has secured a position Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fos- :will be held Saturday, Nov. '.owlees and family, Solina,i wîth' the National Surety ter and family, GlennLarra, '23, 1968. visited Mr. and Mms. Emnesti Cmayo e okCt igS.E uners tthe auspce of the r. ao ndray ' and Mrs. Shearer, (nee Irene Bowmanville Lawn Bowl- . undr te aspies f tel r. nd r. ayLarmer1 Holland) left last week to lng Club held a card pamty ' Women's Institute on Wednes- ,and baby Daniella, Pickering, join her husband. i New In the club house, Oct. 29th, day iiight were: High lady,' visited Mrs. G. Fowler, Sun- York. They will reside for with President C. B. Keyes Mrs. Carl of Oshawa; secondday. the present In East Orange, In charge. L. J. C. Langs ~ highest, Mrs. Frank Bailey; The families of Mr. andi New Jersey, won the $50 War Bond and high gent, Mr. Walter Law-:Mrs. Wilbert Toms and Mr.ý The Royal Minstrels have Mrs. F. O. MeIlveen and Mlsq rence; second highest, Mrs. Courtney Grahami organized for the coming Mabel Borland won War . Charles Smith; lucky draw, celebrated bheir parents' 40th' season and wîîî put on a Savlngs Stamps at cards. IMrs. Wilbert Werry. ,wedding anniversamies quietly serbes of entertainments dur- Ten dollars was also sent to ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rut- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing the wlnter months, the the British War Victbms. ledge, Bancroft, spent last'iGerald Kelly on Sunday. first one to be hield about Fund. The ladies served iweekend with Mr. and Mrs.; Mr. John Larmer attended Decemnber l5th. The Club refreshinents at the close. Carl Wright, and Mr. and lthe Winter Fair in Ottawa, has a membership of 24 Reeve C. R. Carveth of Mrs. Norman McNally, Col-, Friday and Saturday. John wlth officers: President, Day Newcas'tle was pmoudly dis- borne, called one evening. from Cartwright and threel Warnlca; Sec'y-Treas., Wre- playing on Monday a 23- Mm. and Mrs. Keith John - others fmom the county were ford Souch: Manager, Gold- pound turnlp, whlch was ston, Belleville, visited hisý guests of Durham Milk Coin- win Anderson. grownr by William Lake, mother, Mrs. J. A. Johnston,' mittee on this 4-H trip. Fmi- Enslgn Gertrude F. Ilol- Newcastle. IWednesday. day, Oct. 25th, John was. a land of London Bethesda Charles Osborne, R.R. 2, lastmemer f te 4H sineHosptal lis ben romted Bowmanvllle, lost four of Mms. J. Wotten spent atmme ofte4H sieHsialsbenpmtd his herd of 15 cattle on Sat- - week with hiem sister-in-law, ,judging teamn that competed to adjutant and leaves In Mrs. Harvey Strong, R.R.' at Guelph University. the next week for Nova struck y aiht we tev we Bowmanville, w h ile Mm.1 Mm. Ted Glover and Miss Scotia, wheme she will be C.uck.btrainowtetboun Strong was in hospital. Maijlyn Scholz, Oshawa, wexe Matron of a new hospîtal, CNR ri ntetak RE M.Dlton and Miss Hazel Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrs. whbch she Is being sent theme w famm.thouh h 1 English noved Saturday ioto Harold Martyn and sons. to organize. Mse nt remr _____________________ m. nd rs.StvenNeay, Miss Reta R. Cole was In and Kathryn O'Neill, staff Brian, Peter, Michael and Di- Brighton last Sunday assbst- wmltems with The Canadian - . vid of Downsview, a.nd Mm. bng the choir at the anni- Pes ootsette R and Mrs. Elmer Archer, Whit-I versamy In the Methodist weedwt ao n by, were Sunrday guests of Church, singing solos at both Mm.JeOebl ....~~ ~ ~ ,~, ,Mr. and Ms ibm rhr services. She was v'ery Ms lyo îw n Mr. lato Bow, n .-~..... .~Mrs. V. Ferguson, Bowrnan- pleased to meet hiem for-mer terprise, and Mrs. A. Walk- ville, and Mr. and Mms. Char- pastor, Rev. John Garbutt er, Toronto, are visiting j R les Andrews, Prince Albert,i who delivered two excellent their brother, Mr, G. L. R *.J ..visited Mr. and Mms. Fred sermons. Wigar. - Dayes on Sunday. Mm. and Mms. Hembert R. Miss Thelma Schlievert E .~ ~ Sundav afternoon 14yon Tilles'. Mm. and Mis. A. N. spent the weekend wiltier . people [rom Prince Albert Mitchell and Miss Marlon parents at Bellevilîle.hhe and Port Pemry held a Walka- Tllley, Toronto, weme In Miss June Douglas, Toron- RE . ... ... 1 thon to Blackstock and back. tonwn ofh-dya te twa usto isAln hmonther-in-law, Mr. and Mms,. 'Frefd Camemoni, Sir] Ecyeoga, Plijhlr School was so1d by' Gen. Fpegg. ýMms. Edna Vivian, Mm. Otin aurtion with Mm. Grenville Cled to report M. LloyvdMadsen. The 90-50 draw was Bymhi13h îhetbd Beaeock ix showing a littlt.!won by Mms. Edna Vivian. dem. improvernent in Genemal HoIs-' Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Hammner m.Gor Al REi Spital. jand family have sohd their dread weme Sunday visitor.q of' 1cr.adck, dpbrtBa-one and mnoved to their famm ,Mm. and Mm%. Harvey Hardy. ekView Lake, visited Mmi. home noth of Bowmanville. Bowmanvillp. Mms. Alldmead Li ! Lloyd Beacock on Monday. ' Sympathy is extended tn attended Trinity United church 1Mm. and Mrs. Art Rusten'Mr and M .rs. Alfrcd Knowiton annîvemsary service. RE( and Donald, Port Credit, werelon'the passing of his fmother, Mms. P. McCoy atteîîded the S ~Saturday visitors and Mm. andMr E R. Knowlton, Ennis- 50th wedding anniversamy of Mm.1 b or rWhow- killen, R.R. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Oliver. dale, were Sunday %riqitorsl Mrs. V. E. Mîhîson, Tomonto, Fenelon Falls, on Satumdayi with Mmi. R. Ford Sm. is spending a few days at the'and was overnight guest of RE( Mr. and Harold Hoc.!home of Mm. Leon Moore. ýhem daughter. Mm. and Mrs. Ken, Port Perry, visîted Mm.I Mrs.JE. Grifin, MsJark Olver, Fenelon Falls. C L IN I jandMns. Leith Byems, Sun- Lauma Grifin, Mmi. Peter Bry- Mm. and Mmi. Walter Parký 1 ~ L -.-- haro. Haydon. weme Saturda 'y!and Mrs. Chas. Murney, Peter-' RE 13 th R'Memorial Hos pital W. Rahm. andMr. and Mms. W. Falladown, Mm. and Mmi. H a ry Hath- Bumington. spent Friday with - VVeklv Reort rly and Karen, Mm. and Mmi. Mm, and Mms. E. A. ite Fank Hathemhy, Toronto; Mm. Mrs. R. Alhaway eturned i For the w".k of Oct. 28 i and Mmi. Jack Haihemly, New%>-,hem home in Dartmouth, N.S. to 900 .m. ov ~neusie: tonville, were Sunda,\ guests last week. to 900 PM. ýov incusiv: !of Mmi. Annie Hathemly. 1Mm. and Mrs. Bob Wood and' Admissions -._ -- 1 lMm. and Mmi. Tom Pleasance PChristine, Oshawa; Mm andi ua v ll its, 4 ale,4 e. l 8 8Iad Sv M. and Mi. RaphGlennD.vbierdeno Sn a wi Bov ll irths,ml4alle 8711ad SsanM. and Mm.Ray Mmi. D. Mviihlrdeohbndy ie a 'Major opemations 18Bnwers. attended the Pleas-[Mm, and Mmi.. R. Maynarl and. I 623.010Minor operations . 6,ance-V'anhavemhekr '"digaI Mn; W. Miller. Emnemgency treatrnents 107lSt, Paui.- Ch'îrch. Allistonn, Mr and Mr,-, Heumxv Stabn-ý jV±ating ours 3-8 pan. daily.ilOnt., October 26th. Steven ton visited their daughter' !in Tornnto on Sunday-The Cariadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 6, 1968 so vislted Mr. and Mrs.____ ienport. Richmond Hill . Sî 2720 o mL b49 held a quilting thisFo nIv BJ 'ngt2,B.Gde at the home of Mrs. G- o n r o ln .MrraiAdams239,0. Gl ld. MwII u rryAas20 and Mrs. H. Wonnacott Team Standings High Triple - Men rn Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Aileycats 1 7 22,741 GayWoer75 mnett and David, Tor-:Soreheads 33 21:'991 Smith 640. M1rs. C. Shaw, Mr. and Screwballs ----- 22 21,776 Hlgh Single - Womeii R. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Headpins-.- 20 21,182 Stisan Alloway 223. Bei i, Sharon Marie. Cathy Averages Woolner 212. Eve Woolner .îe Ann,, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Cowle - 231 Gloria Smith 203, Marg Sr iLeslie, Oshawa; Mrs. Frank Smith ___ 225 201. Crossev, Bowmanvjlle Frank Drinkie ___- - 218 High Triple - Women Saturday evening guest, B-ceS---- 207 Bonnie Woolner 583, M4r. and Mx-s. E. A. High Single - Men i Woolner 572, Susan Aileo G. Woolner 247-288, Bruce 1 547, Sharon McKnight 515 and Mrs. E. A. Virtue Sunday with Mr. and ýEvans. Oshawa. and Mrs. Stuart Pres- [apte Grove; Mr. and M'/ae Short, Hampton,I A Saturdav evening guests A x l n to and Mrs. J. Rowan. _________________________ and Mrs. T. C. Dodd Mrs. Betty Hood of 'at the home of Mr. Irs J. Marcelle, Maple rm Y u Ph mait l and Mrs. Jack Bain., fyuv vratmte ohv rsrp o, wcre Saturday guests I o'eee tepe ohv rsrp and Mrs. T. C. Dodd. tion refilled and had your pharrnacist refuse, and Mrs. Burton Hen- SOrillia. were Saturdav there's an excellent reason for his refusai. g visitors of Mr. and md Mrs. . S'keTr Some prescriptions may flot be refilled with- wereSundy evningout special authorization front guests of Mr. and Mrs. rBren t. your physician. Your pharmn- W. R. Wilkes, Manl- [r. and Mrs. H. C Hal- acist is safeguarding you and Trenton, were recent of Mr. and Mrs. N. y'our health hy folloving will be a special ser- otrodes on Suntday, it bein£ &:ýt oco' res lice." You-are cordially À Sto attend this servicee m. Sunday school at 10 i tT CAS11 TODAY OLD APPLIANCESF.C IPNB>S ,- throuth STATESMAN 67 King St.E. 623-2546 Bowmanville qLI.Am M1rTl'fle Phone 623-33031 5 ' 220, 3ruce onnis r208. mlnth Ece' oway S PECIALS! - WED. - THURS. « FR1. - SAT. NOVEMBER 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 IOY'S SPORT SHIRT $1 .8 8 EG U LA R $1.99 ................ ......... 4IYLONS .3 prs. $100 EGULAR 49c pr. .............. 'ARBAGE BAGS.5 c EGULAR 79c ...................5 isses lannel Pyjamas $1.37 :hiId's Leotards 3 prs. $ 2.00 zes 1 to 3 Years - REG. 99c * FREE DRAW kCH CUSTOMER WHO CASHES A FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE OUR STORE DURING NOVEMBER IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN A VOUCHER WORTH $25.00O TOWARD THE PURCHASE 0F MERCHANDISE IN THIS STORE. 'iraw W'il BRe Made November 26th WED. THURS. - FR1. - SAT. NOVEMBER 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 ris' & Boys' Jeans ~prs. $5 GULAR $1.89......$5 UILOW CASES $1,017 .GULAR $1.59 ...... ...... ADIES'f BRIEFS 3 pr 10 :GULAR 49c ......... ..... IAIR SPRAY ..ý.,.66C! ýOOTHPASTE ...88C WULAR $1.25 ............................. COME IN AND SAVE THIS WEEK AND NEXT ÇG ST. W. BOWMANVILLE for,411 Occasions efau ]gou r (Respecls ~1~~A J/o wers Ckeinein rance Day Grace the cenotaph or the final resting place of your dear departed with a floral memroial. Choose from our large selection of sprays and arrangements. I)aily Delivery to. Oshawa, Howmanville, Newcastle and Orono. Van Çf3d'11 ar( c/ens N ew Jo4wer S/20 p PHONE 623-5757 Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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