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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1968, p. 7

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................~ 1 Beehive Rebekahs Instail New Officers for 1968 - 69 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jack-ient, Hampton, and Mr. and1 ,son, Qucen Street, holidayedl'Mrs. Norman Clemens, Scar- last week in the Ottawaborough, *were dinner guests Valley. 'on Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. John Preston!with their parents, Mr. and y - of Toronto and Mr-. and Mrs. Mrs. Aibin Clemens, Conces- Irwin Voden, Oshawa, were!sion Street. Sunà, guests of Miss Mildred' r n r. o atr Wiln~t.and sons John and David, *Mrs. Joseph Junget of Tor- Collingwood. spent the week- onto and Mrs. Wm. Phillips of end with the former's parents, Pittsburgh, Pa., were guests'Mr and Mrs. A. Masters. and With Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roen-! visited Mrs. Don Masters' igk. King St. West. !mother, Mrs. E. Varcoe, who Mrs. Clarence Hall, Liberty is in hospital. s St. North, spent the weekendý Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Payne ' with her daughter and son- and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Erxc;attended the l5th anniversary Coomes ad failyOak-service last Sunday evening of .-- " ". ville. the Metropolitan United Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland,: Church, Toronto. Three more ::e.. Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs.1 ;pecial programs are to be1 Stanley Turner, Oshawa, were: held, beginning next Sunday, Sunday dinner guests withi in connection with the anni- 'ff Miss Elsie Oke, Temperance!versary. Street. A recital by the prize win Miss Tamrny Preston, Park-'!ning students of the Oshawa Way Crescent. was hostess for, Registered Music Teachers As- party last Saturday, attend-sca' o ashl at the ed by several littie girl friends, Oshawa Public Library on' In celebration of ber seventh!Tuesday, October 29th. Miss ý On Monday, Oct. 28th, the Odd FellowVs-Rebekahs birthday, !Cindy Ayre, daughter o! Mi-.!Centennial Hall on Queen St. was packed for the Miss Mary Jean Billett. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, appear-1ana ntlaino fieso ehv eea :king St. East, bas enrolled inied on the program as winner Ld No 5.Thy ncuddfrntro, eft ah atechnologist course at thelof the Grade VI singlng ex.IogeNo12.Te nld ,frtrw ett ig, aOshawa General Hospital. Thelaminations. She is a pupil of'Recording Secretary Sis. E. Paeden, Lef t Supporter course studies commenced in'Mr. Ross Metcalf. ýof Vice Grand Sis. E. Richards, Vice Grand Sis. V. Sepembr.On Sunday. October 27th., at Gay, District Deputy President Sis. L. Harper of Port If you have been out o! St. Paul's United Church, the'Perry, Noble Grand Sis. J. Youngmnan, Lef t Supporter town visiting, or have had> guetshiyou hme wewoldminister, the Rev. Harold A. of Noble Grand Sis. E. Kerr, Right Supporter of getinyuhoe ewudTurner, baptized the following- ___________________ appreciate the information for children: James George Law-,Lti n -Y a - I publication in this column.,rence. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dial 3-3303. Donald Adams; Patricia Marie, ite n -ea - l Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Find- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John! lay, Susan, Sheilagh, Douglas'id.RnaysoofM.nd and Michael, Etobicoke, were Mrs. John R. His; Guy Rob-ý recent visitai-s with Mrs. Find-, ert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert lay's parents. Mr-. and Mrs. M. Marjerrison; Kari Jane, daugh-ý S. Dale, Wellington Street. ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Robertý Mr-. and Mrs. G. F. Jamie-!Smith; and Carole Maureen. son, Wellington St., spentldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Wiseman. T. Rosie, Willowdale, an with tbem visited the McMich-, XX. Conservation Collection of N IL Mr. and Mrs. George Lever- Mran Ms.Fe Sms Ington of Dauphin, Man., areand Albert Samis visited Mr. holidaying with Mr. and M-. ad Mrs. Fergus Abernethy, Leonard Dodds, Orchard 'View Mnilla. Mr. and Mrs. Don, ]Blvd., Town, and also at Port Gifno Oshawa accompan- Hope with Mr. and Mrs. J. ied them. Clark. iMr. and Mrs. A. A. Emmett Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-, spent a few days in Montreal. Bean o! Sarnia, were weekend guesa o Mr. MBea's îs-Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and ter, Mrs. Margaret E. Work- Mr. Donald Taylor visited at Ina an o!be nice ndMr. Keith Taylor's Janetville. husband. Mr. and Mrs. F. .Mi-. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott Hellyar and Bill, Beech Ave. accompanied Mi-. and Wilbert...... aotSmith of Oshawa on an eight Christmas is onlyabu day trip recently. They visited seven weeks away. with just with Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, 41 days to get your shopping Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Ross completed. It's difficult, though Smith, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. to get on witb Christmas gift Mra Prescott, St. Cathar- lists and addressing cards, Mra wit th clmat moe lkemes, and relatives at Palmers- withtheclimte ore iketon, Arthur, Mt. Foi-est, Hol- Spring. stein, Dundalk and Conn. En 'Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- route they enjoyed the scenic drive along Lake Erle to Windsor, Niagara Falls, Jack ~.OO' 2' Miners' sanctuary at Kings--"-- REHOBOTH ville and Point Pelee National Christan Reormed Park. . Christan Reormed Mrs. Keith Davey wasa Church delegate at the councîl for . Cbildhood Education held In S Scugog Street Windsor Friday and Saturday. Phone 623-7216 Mr. Eric Bowman attendèd the 4-H Provincial Inter-club - '-' ulster: Competition and Banquet at . Rev. A. VandenBerg, Guelph, recently. B.A., B.D.,M.Th. rs oyNchols Worship Services 10 amn 7:30 p.m. 11:15 amn. Su.nday Schooi Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 6:30 p.m. I«Everyone WeIcome" Part Carling, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Samis en route ta their winter home in Florida. Also at the Samis homne werp Mr-. and Mrs. Neil Smitl Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laddie of Holland, Micb. Mr-. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and Miss Marion Prescott were weekend visitors at Mr-. Jim Harris', South Managban. Tbey attended the Commencement, exercises o! Presswood Sec- ondary scbaai where M iss Mariene Harris was among, tbe graduates. TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rey. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, NOV. lOth, 1968 11:00 a.m. "Peacemczkers or Peacebreakers ? 8:00 p.m. - Discussion Meetings at Homes CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 arn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 arn. - Beginners 11:20 a.rn. - Primary and Kindergarten Lis ten Everybody! COME TO BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Sunday, Nov. l7th 1:00 - 4:00 p.rn. Monday, Nov. lSth 7:00 - 10:00 Tuesday, Nov. l9th 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. to try out for a part in ""THE BOY FRIEND" a musical to be produced by the Bowmanville Rotary Club and the Bowmanville Drarna Workshop, February 5, 4, 7, 8 - 1969 i Social & 9Çersona/ 1 Phone 623-3303 - ~ - - - For Convention At a poiicy meeting at the 55...4~ '-~ home a! Gerry Oltbof on Mon- ~UZY~.. r- "'v'- day, October 21 delegates ta the New Democratic Party -iProvinicial convention worked out proposais ta become part . . . . . .. . ... of the policy a! the party. 3,_ The delegates, eiected by -party members at the last membership meeting, are Dnald Archer, Janetviile; Frank McLeilan, Courtice Henry Veenhof, Courtice; Daug Mof!att, Elizabethvilie; Fran Noble Grand Sis. G. Murdoch, J. P. Noble Grand Sis. Moffatt, Ellzabethviile, Gerry L. Farrow; back row, Conductor Sis. P. Alldread, J. Qîthof, Courtice. Alternates: Gjuardian Sis. R. Griffin, Calai- Bearer Sis. M. Goudy, Wilmei- Hill, Hampton; Tina Oho!, Mai-g Veenhof. Chaplain Sis. I. Smale, Musician Sis. A. Waods, Finan-.Te elats ilate t cial Secretary Sis. E. Byamn, Treasurer Sis. R. Hutchin- ta have the party adopt poli- son, Warden Sis. K. Michelson, O. Guardian Sis. Y. cies which caîl for the impie-, Ccx; absent, Right Supporter of Vice Grand Sis. R. mentation o! guaranteed prices Mitchell. for farm products at the be- gin ning o! each crop year. ________________________ _____ _____________The policy committee wiii cal for government assistance in calai- film an Nancy Green, setting up "di-ect- to-consum- ýharm er Canada's autstanding skier, ci-" marketing autiets for farm products. Anather resolution who as wn nne Wrldcails for legisiation banning Cbampionships wvas also pi-e-. non-returnabie b e v e r a g e sented ta the Rotarians. This bottles.,1 film was praduced for Gen- A third resolutian, If adopt- crai Matai-s of Canada, Lîmit- ed, would require "Service- ed.1 Centres" on limited access _______________________ Nancy Gi-cen was depicted bighways ta provide facilities in World Championship races. for overnight camping and be- One sequence soe e cause of the exclusive nature flasing own hed berll ftei rnhie hseetb side and between the flags at lishments sbould be requi-ed Grenoble, France. There were ta honar credit documents o! alsoscees ! br ca - other gasoline companies. asipskiing iof ber hmpbis-Te delegates also intend to shi skinginherhom hilspress for legislation wbich at Rossland, B.C., and at wjîî guarantee that Ontario's HeavnlyValeyCalfaria.Provincial Parks be reserved At the conclusion o! this as wilderness areas by pro- calored film Miss Green stat- hbiting the cutting af timbex-. e d that as she hiad reacbcd mining a! mineraIs or remov- the goals she had set in skiing al o! water in these territories. that she is planning ta retire The last proposaI fi-r Dur- as an amateur in order ta bam calis for legisiation i-e- share ber knowledge with quiring industries ta train ap- von dCanaiinonhnoare ad- .nrentire, in a fair- rtin n tl.the 40 ,' SOFTIQUE -~ 14',~4BATH OIL ..:..: Sgg. The sweet littie girl with the lovely eyes in the above photo is one-year old Leigh-Anne Cale, daughter of Alan and Linda Cole, George Street. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baker and Mr-. and Mrs. J. E. Cale, and great-granddaughter of Mr-. and Mrs. C. E. Morris, ahl of Bowmanville. ___ ________ _________ Photo by Astor Studio L EX Rot arians Hear Details of " O1shawa Ski Club History "ec55 iThe joys of skiing for men, th.e same year, and one of~ are active members. You willý Swomen, and childi-en, and your Rotarians, Stewart Mce- be interested to learn that the fine facilities for this, Tavish was a Charter Mem- Stew McTavish is one of oui-, spart available in the Kirbyl ber. best members as he bas been area were delineated by Ivan i "Mernbership in the Osh-. for years. Now his wife and the Oshawa Ski Cluib. in iii.5 the next few years. At thewith hirn. address at the Bownanville' end of the first yeai- there ' Skiing is a faînily sport.! L t H M Rotar-y Club luncheon held un were 44 members and by 1939 This is one reason that the' theFlin Dtcrnn ati-we had a membersbip o! 575. Osbawa Ski Club bas flaurish- 1! P InnonThusdy.Mr-. Richards said that sev- ed. Oui- club bas one of the l6OZ Attendance Chairman Bobý eral people who lived near finest recreational areas ini g 7 Dykstra presented a One Yearj Bowmanvifle joined the club. Ontario. There may be bigb- 1 sugg. ýist 79ec 7 C I Perfect Attendance Pin ta Jim'"Then Art Hooper of Bow- er huis, like those uni thel Eli-ick. The birthdays of A.imanville joined and soon in- Canadian Rockies, and ane a!: O. Dalrymple and Bill Wil-i terested a group o! other pea- your members, Rotai-ian Tcdý son wcre ce]cbratcd by thei.- ple from this town wbo also Samuel likes ta, go to Swit-: fellow Rotarians. 'became members," Mi-. Ricb- zerland to ski, but yau will Guests present at the ion- ards stated. find enarmous pleasure la cheon meeting were John B.' "At first the club used the the excellent skiing facilities' lWood, AI Reed. Dick Sno;v- his east of Enniskillen. Dur- we have available herc. S C E den, Bill Alger, and Ed Plew- ing the war years there was "Borne say that they are taa man, al of Oshawa. rather a slump in the sport, odt k.Ihv rcd oio edrn The guest speaker was in- and the total number o! miem- ae7,ws ki viy Sat- troduced by Wilfred Mc- bers was reduced. uay and whosuisday and a Mecanwhotold the club, Soon after the war I1sa Mecanwho is at nlythevale o th hu sao Wednesdays. One is nevcr! Large that Mr-. Richards i o nytevleo h il ato too old ta ski. * awa Ski Club but is also one lkindly allowed us touse his Th euisoftewnc ug.lt9e o! its founders. His daughter,1property. In 1946 ai- 1947 teae b 'apeite ysk- 7 Elaine, was one of the stars Osbawa Ski Club moved ta ers. The Ganaraska Foi-est o! the Bowmanville Figure his bill. bas 15,000 acres. One can skil Skating Club fao- some years.i "We made an errai- in the for 50 miles and neyer caver1 Mi-. Richards told the Ro-iname o! the club. Instead o! the saine place twice. tarians that skiing first start-Icalling it the Oshawa Ski "We would be happy ta ced in this ai-ca in 1921, but it!Club it should have been bave more people fi-cm Bow- R was flot until 10 years later ,named the Ganaraska or Port manville take advantage of that organized skuîng in the! Hope-Oshawa D ist r ict Ski the çxcellent skiing offered s district had its inceptian. He!Club. fin the Ki-by area and o! aur said that in 1935 an Oshawal "A lot o! people feel that fine skiing facilities there. ,man xvent ta France and it is only an Oshawa Club. invite ahl local Rotarians ' learncd haw the sport was On the contrai-y many Bow- and their families ta enjoy taught in Europe. manville and Port Hope pea- the really nice Sundzy enter- "On bis rcturn he taughit ple belong to it, and we tainment a! a drive out ta skiing in the Oshawa area, sbculd have more members Kirby ta oui- club at the footý Scuthern Ortario Ski Zone surrounding them. s kiing," Mr-. Richards said XIn lwas forrned. The Oshawa Ski! "Today there are 2,5001 closing. Cliub was organi2ed 4urngiembers an our listsanad all A graphic and excitingi- MODESS Sof t-for (LEARASI L WILKINSON Allln's Meat Market Bathe and MeLelian Bolahood Sports Haven Bowmanviile Cleaners Ltd. Bowmanville Fîbries Bowmanville Lockers Bowmanville Canadian Statesman Breslin's Shoppe Ltd. Bryson's Smoke Shop Burley Bus Lines Carnation Florlst Coiliss Electric Coronation Restaurant Ellis Shoe Store Ferguson's B.A. Service Station Four Seasons Travel Frank's Variety George's Men's Wear Gini's Hair Fashions Goodbrand Fabries R. M. Hollingshead Ca. of Canada Ltd. Holroyd's Record and Music Store Stuart R. James Insurance Ioe's Pet Shop Karn Drugs Ltd. Ken's Men's Wear King Kahn Launderette F. A. Kramp Ltd. Land and Lakes. Matai' City Lid. Lander-Stark 011 Ltd. Roy Lunney Insurance Alex McGregor Drugs MeGregor Hardware Ltd. MeMullen Hardware Ltd. Myles TV Olympia Restaurant Pveston Transport Ltd. Rickaby's Ltd. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. Smart's Esso Service Station Stephen Fuels Strike and Strike A. H. Sturrock & Sons Ltd. Vanstone Flour and Feed Mill Vlrtue's B.A. Service Virtue's Fuel 011 Service 1867 Restaurant for your support of our recent BIAFRA - NIGERIA WALK-A-THON Refreshments were provided by the ROTARY CLUB and GLEN RAE DAIRY Students' Council Courtice Secondary School Sugg. Iist 55C Medicated 5kin Ointnient Sugg. list 84c tube Super Sword Blades 10's, Sugg. list 1.39 -- ESCRIPTIONS- IDA REMEDI ES ALEX McGREGOR 0 DRUGS e KING ST'. W. - - PHONE 623-5792 : vancing ln skiing and other The Canadia.n Statesman, Bownianville, Nov. 11, 1968 7: sports. Dr. H. B. Rundie moved a number o! tradesmen employ- vote o! thanks to the speaker, ed. It was felt that far too Mr.Richars,5 for bis inter- often tradesmen are trained in s urN BU S estng ddrssand tc Wilf technicaî courses at public ex- FoiaMtroc MeMechan, a member o! the pense and are then dcnied jobs 5 winter lrd Mtroc Special Events and the Inter- because they lack experlence. tours plus optianal Club Committees for secur- TeNDP ovninwl aiba rie ing the colored motion pic- b elT n chenverno.wile a ribe o an Cruisec ture on World ChampionbehlinKthnroNo.Peewieorcicoic Skier Nancy Green. Presi- 15, 16 and 17. Provincial con- FrdD ueTo s dent Thieshurger a]so expres- ventions arc held every two rdDn eTo s sed bis personal appreciation years. One intercrting feat- LIINDSAY, Ont. to Mr. Richards and to Mi-. ure o! this year's convention (705) 324-5836 MêMechan. appears to be the leadership~ or Your Local Travel Aient challenge by James Renwick.' NDP Delegates Work on Policy A4 il AQUA VEV rg ls 1. 19 (RESI Toothpaste Sugg. list 1.59 -13 49C 69C 1.17 ib

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