*- ~' r.. IMTe Canadian Statearnan, Bowmanvlfe, Nov. e, 108 SPORTropig.5 87 Fiank Mohun M-37234 NOVICE AND PEE WEES PLAY SATURDAY The Little N.H.L. Lakeshore League opens up at the Mernortal Arena on Saturday with Cobourg meeting Bow- manvifle at four o'clock la a Pee Wee encounter, and Oshawa playing the local novice entry at 5:30. In a pre-season exhibition novice contest, Friday night ln Cobourg, Bowmanvile downed the hast team 4-2, on goals by Joe Burns, Barry Shackleton, Brian Martin and Barry Brunt. This year the novice entry will b. sponsored by Preston the Mover, while DeWith Real Estate wil be picking up the tab for the bantams. However, pity the poor Pee Wees who are looking for a sponsor but so far haven't beeri able ta corne up with ane., Anyone Interested ln helping the Pee Wees out could contact this reporter and we would be glad ta pass your offer along ta the hard-warking coaches and managers. A complete schedule of ail Lakeshore Leagues will appear ln next week's Statesman. Incidentally, the Little N.H.L.'ers are once again running the 200 draw which proved so papular last year. 1t t t t t DAVE IS BACK As some of our readers have aiready noticed, a new reporter has joined the Statesman sports division, lni the person of David Goheen, who will be heiping ta caver the Junior "C"l Whiz Kids. Dave Is no stranger ta the sports scene, having written up hlgh schooi sports and the Town Soitball League, a few years back. Wth the assistance of Harry Oyier, pubiicity dfirector of the Whiz Kids. Dave wili cover ail the home games, whlle the sports editor will report the lbeal' encount- ers on the rond. In addition ta Dave, the Town Hockey League is heing covered this year by Jim Clarke, who bas been writlng for the Statesman for many years. During the summer season, Jini wrote up Intermediate basebail and Intermediate Town League softball. AI Cole is continuing as the Junior Town Hockey League reporter, whlle our unsung hero is Peter Stacey. Anyone p who has been associated with sports must know Pete - and S( alt.hough his narne doesn't appear as a sports-writer, Peter lE is the guy who has plenty of information. S: "Tim" Cox is another of those guys who do a tremendous E amount of work along the statistical Une. The varlous- leagues cannot do without Tim and Pete, and neither can we. Headed by the Statesman's veteran sports reporter, AI Osborne, there are quite a number of people who submit various bowling league reports - and we couidn't manage without them either. Howard Corden is another of aur unfailing hockey contact mien, who keeps us inforrned both at the radio station and at the Statesman, as to the midget and juvenile hockey B. picture. B. t t t t t PROFESSIONAL AT COUNTRY CLUB It was our pleasure on Sunday ta meet David Zink, the niew golf prafessional at the Bowmanville Country Club. Whi.le be cornes with excellent credentials, the thing that Impressed us most about the young pro is his tremendous enthusiasm. Dave expressed the thought that he wouldn't likely have moved frorn one of the top courses, if he didn't firmly believe that we are destined ta have one of the best eighteen hale lay-outs ln the area, right here. He mentianed something that we have been saylng ail along - and that is - the fact we are fortunate ln having a man such as Bob MacDonald, wbo is providing Bowmanvile and area people witb such excellent facilities. We certainly have no doubts that Dave wili be more than a big asset ta the Country Club, and when aur readers meet this personable young man, you will sce what we mean. David Zink is a 26-year-old, born ln Halifax, Nova Scotia, 5'9" tali and weighing ln at 155 pounds. For the past four years he has been an assistant pro at the Bayvlew Country Club in Toronto, under Jack McLaughlin, head professional and past vice-president of the C.P.G.A. Dave is weil qualified ta teach, baving attended the1 Professional Golfers Association sehool at San Antonio, Texas, and University o! Maryland, In 1966 and 1967 respectIvely. Mr. Zink lu also weil versed la running tournaments,1 looking after club repairs and ail other functions which are offered by a well-equîpped pro shop. Dave bas been a teacbing professionai for four years and for the past three seasans bas supervised the winter curling actIvities at Bayvicw.V He thlnks that bcing a golf pro Is the best Job In the t world, he believes the course ls heading for big things, and perhaps It gaes without saying - h. Is a great admirer of Bob MacDonald.c We welcome Dave ta the local sports fraternlty, and the4 Ëowrnanville Country Club, whcre h. joins owner anda grnerai manager - MacDonald, manager Larry Hefferingb and greens-keeper Jim Youngman. f Jim Is a young fciiow whom you don't hear too much 81 about, but the Kcmptvillc Agricultural College graduate IsT one o! the main reasons why the greens and fairways have c been la the best shape ever. a MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC' *SKATING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th 8 - 1Op.în. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 4 - 6 p.m. 50SC to 5:20) HOCKEY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER gth Double Header 7:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE JUVENILES vs. PORT HOPE 9:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE MIDGETS vs. PORT HOPE Admission - TOTS SKATING- TUESDAY 3 Admission - Admission JR. "C" HOCKEY WWDNESDAY, NOVEMBER l3th - 8:00 p.n. - BOWMANVILLE v& NEWMARKET Adults $LOO Admission Students 50e Children 25e Beth any Pee Wee Softball Champions Presented With Jackets at Dance On Saturday evening, at a dance held to honor them, Bethany Pee Wees were presented with colo *rful jackets in recognition cf the softball championship they had won. Team members were, from lft to right, front row, Quentin Robinson, Darryl Robinson, Michael Smith, George McCullough, Wayne Timnms, Glenn Weatherilt, Max Buxton, Stephen McGill and Dwight Green; back row, Ralph Douma, Goodyea r Bowling October 31, 1968 Averages 3.Martyn - J. Lnxno J. Luon -___ J. Goe --______ M. Thompson A. Lobb __- K. Piper _ _ _ _- S. Carson ___ E. Greenham ___ R. Wright W. Hately - - M. Murphy ___ H. Bromeili ____ G. Brewster J. Coombes_____ M, Weirsma_____ L. Heard_____ J. Carter ____ J. Piper J. Brown- R. Campbell - F. Blackburn -___ R. Westlake____ F. Smith-___ T. Haliman R. Slack ---- Beits -_-_-----43 Machine Shop - - 38 Mill Roorn _ _ -38 Banbury .______35 Power House ?,____ 1 Crackers ____.29 Fan Beits _____ 29 Molded Goodâ _____ 29 Millwrights 23 Office 20 Last week the Machine Shop baunced back Into, forin with a 7-0 win over the Mill- wrights. Tbe Mill Room also took the Fan Beits 7-0. The Belts and Power Hous. bad 5-2 wins over the Banbury ,and Molded Goods, while the Crackers shadcd the Office 4-3. Roy Siack returned ta form i.fter a slow start and led al] bowlcrs with an 813 triple foilowed closely by J. Brown 805 and M. Thompson 801. red Tice got the word and came up with 749 followed by T. Milîson 734, B. Martyn 731j and R. Wright 730. M. Tbompson carne up with a396ý singie ta give those 'g cod' bowlers something ta shoot for. They seem ta think t was _luck but I know it 3( in was skill. R. Slack 30 A. Camneron 301 were 300 gamles. Brian Martyn is sti.i in front with a 233 avE Liberty Bell Bowling October 29, 1968 Helen Reynolds Mary Heath ---___ Marion Gibson Oll-ie Patfield Marion Foster Edna Fraser .- Marie Leamnan Ruth Mitchell-___ Jean Lobb Audrey Bate ___ W'ilma Coombes 0111e Stack Nina Oudshoorn - Marg McDonald Marion Colville___ Muriel Crough Betty Locke Nellie McFeeters Ellen Coombes,---- 200 Games Mary Heath... Helen Reynolds Emma Clark 0111e Patfield Marioni Gibson Tesm Standing Pts. Gibson ____15 Reynolds il Patfield ~10 Poster 9 Richards6 Mitc-hel___ 5 Lobh .5 Stack8 Wayne Martichenko, Donald Timms, Larry Weatherilt, Chris Kloep- fer, Bryce Jimmo, Dale McQuade, Kenny Cain, Marti Malcolm, Dale Youngrnan and Coach Ernie Youngman; at rear, Assistant Harvey Malcolm, Athletic. Association President Waliy Reid and Assistant Bill Smelt. Honor Bethany Senior SoftbaII Champions Bethany's Senior Softball champions were honored at a dance on Saturday night in the church hall, where they were presented with jackets in the traditional red with attractive crests. Team members are shown here, front row, left to right, Association President Wally Reid, Harry Jakema-n, Chris Wood, Bob Smelt,1 Bill Smeit, Allan Smith ai Most Valuabie Player Vau Roy Scott, Jim Kloepfer, Anne Sorensen and Bob Bob Edmunds, Howard Mv Junior League Hockey Bis Take League Lead Downing Kens Men 6-5 Legion Loses to Nichois 07 aýnd by AI Cale 13:39 mark when Bill's again minars ta Ken's and five other OiSna vnn w took the iead on a goal by minors and a major ta Bill's. On Sndayevenng to Mlntyýre, his second of the In the second game, with ilwell exciting ad fast, closeiy scoi'- night. At the end of two and third place an the lin. and 7erage. cd games xvere played. in one rcmaining the score stood bath clubs looking for their - the first game it was to de- 4-3 for Bill's. fi.rst win, Nichois aut-scored termine who would become Ie league leaders, and in the In the third, it was Bill's Legion 4-2. In the first per- second, with bath clubs tied turn ta score quickly as iod there was no scoring un- for the ceilar, this game de- Hughes put tbem ahead by tii the 9:28 mark and with termined who wouid climb twa. At 4:08, with Bill's short- Legion a man short Nichais outofthecelarino tir handed with a man in the went ahead 1-0 on a goal by spot.pealty box, Ken's again mav- Cobblcdick. With only 10 spt.ed ta witbin anc goal as seconds remaining in the per- In the first game, 13111's and Burns scared bis third o! Uic iod Legion tied it up on a -194 Kcn's, tied for first place, night. A minute later Ken's goal by Mutton. The period -11battlcd to thc finish with had it ail tied up again on a ended in a tie. -189 Bill's coming out on top 6-5. goal by Maynard. The way In Uic second period' there - 188 In the first pcriod, Bill's these two teams began ta was no scoring until the 11:27 186 knowing they had to press play, the score looked like it mark whcn Legion moved Z178 bard right from the start. was going ta end in a tic as ahead on a goal by Virtue. -.175 opcned the scaring at t he .39 the minutes ticked off on the Legion hcld onto the lead un- 174 second mark on a goal by clock. But at 12:08, Homcnuik tii thc 19:08 mark whcn Nich- -174 Mclntyre. Lcss than two min- found thc mark ta put Bill's ais tied the score on a goal Z 69 utes latcr with Ken's a mani ahead 6-5. At the cnd of the by Cobbiedick. At the end 169 short, Bili's capitalized on game this goal stood up and of two periods the score stood Z168 this apportunity %vhen Leaver Bill's became league leaders. tied 2-2. 15made it 2-0. A minute later In this game there werc nine In the third period Nichais 165 Ken's bit the score sheet ta minor penalties and anc ma.sordeal in the period t -159 narraw the margin one on a jar penalty being called, four take tb. lead on a goal by 158 goal by Tabb. At this early Cobbiedick, bis third o! the z156 stage a fthe gamne with the j night. At the 15 minute mark 153 score 2-1 for Bill's, the teams1l JOHN F. ILegion had a great chance o! 15 tarted to, play a close-cbeck-j tying the game up, as Nichais ing game, with bath teams bad two men off on penalties. flot having rnany good scoring But they just couldn't find -223 chances. At 9:01 ,Leaver with I L the range. With only one -209 his second o! the nigbt, mav- D E IT minute remaining, Nichais -206 cd Bill's two up on Ken's. At ______________ with a player in the penalty 203 the end o! the first period the box and Legion with their -202 score stood 3-1 for Bill's. I GenriIsrne ga-edrot lyn i In the second period il was eealIsrac mgaender out, plaing ix Pins Kcn's turn ta score quickly1 ALL CLASSES 0F best chance, but Rogerson 12743 and at the .31 second marki PERSONAL and spoiled their chances as he 12245 Ken' again puiied ta withini COMMERCIAL LINES scored in the empty net, ta 11890!ane goal of Bill's on a goal icontact : put Uic game on i.e for thc 11795'scored by Burns. Two min- JOHN McMILLAN Nicboi5 Motor Club. In this 9773 utes Iter at 2:51 Ken's had 63311o 2335 game there were nine minor 10169 the score ticd at 3-3 on an-ý 14 FRANK STREET, penalties called, Nichols had 10835 other goal by Burns. The BOWMANVILLE four and Legion were assessed 10185,score stood ut tliis until the'1 five. Only three o! our bowlers Jim Murphy reached the 700 mark, name- Mike Murphy ly, our Smiling Don Wright Peggy Haynes 773 for high triple; Whistling Maurice Annaert RosWright 746, included high Ernie Perfect_____ single 305; Keith Yeo 719. Teain Standinte Joli _________21 Dunn ______17 Averagès Pete Dobbins ____ 249 Dave Reynolds 245 Don Wright _____ 243 Doris Joli------ __ 242 Maurice Annaert - 234 Rus Haim an _ _ _ _ 233 Ross Wright --____ 231 Shirley Bickell _____222 Ernie Perfect -____ 222 Lucien Annaert ____220 Bernice Buday 220 Mike Murphy 21.1 Norm McKeen _____211 ind Bob Reynolds; back row, Albert Saan ____209 uglin McGill, Terry Malcolm, Keith Yeo ----- _ 207 ,Levi McGill, Scorekeeper Hector Ballentine 206 Ryly;absnt Go. cotJim Bruton -- ____- 206 RyGiey bsnGe.SctPegy Haynes _____205 IcGîll. Karl Bickell ______204 George Bebee _____202 Jirn M urphy __ - _ __ 202 Sa the hockey fans can be- Linda Crossey 202 corne m are familiar witb the Helen Dunn _______ 201 men bebind the Junior Hoc- Helen Reynolds 201 key League, each weck we Barb Buttonshaw -___200 wili be putting the spotlighit Ollie Patfield 200 on these men. This week the Over 300 Games spotlight draws a bead n Ross Wright ------------ 305 Peter Stacey, aur score keep- Over 250 Games er. This fellow as been with Hector tallentine -_ 281 the league for many years Dave Reynolds - -280 and bas done a great job as Jim Bruton -___ 271-25.3 score keeper. Peter is no Helen Reynolds - --267 stranger to hockey in this Don Wright -- 266-260 area. He bas played in aur Keith Yeo -- - 266 local town leagues, been a Bernice Buday - 265 member of the ex. and a Doris Joli ______263 coach of one o! the Sunday Pete Dobbins 261 morning league teams. Also Peter was assistant score Peter. keeper for the Oshawa Gen- Foot-Note: The hockey ln erals in Oshawa. If we had the league is improving great- more fellows like Peter, bac- ly eacb week, sa oome on key in town would be the hockey fans drop around be- best. Wben it cornes ta hac- tween 7 and 10 on Sunday k-ey or any other spart yoti nights and give these boys will see Peter close by as a vour support. The. more fansL fan or wnrkinçý w;",-, there are the better the boys Keep up the god. work, play hockey.1 KNOW that there are new Provincial laws gov. erning registration, driving rules, equip. ment and insurance for ... motorized snow vehicles For information inquire at any Department of Trans- Port office or write to: ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F TRANSPORT Ferguson Block QUsMIa ParK Tmt ANOTHER REASON MOST PEOPLE LISTEN TO... BILL BRIGHT su ----- il K.- 1 1 SPORTOPICS COMMERCIAL HOCKEY We don't know if we are likely to get ln t 1MbeWth tic sporta-wrlteru association or net but we have requested to mention that ln the Commercial Hiockey Le4e "B.U.B.'i the word." i. t t 1t t CURING SEASON STAIRTS NOV. l2th That'u a pretty sharp paint-Job they have on theteelast Uic Country Club, and you may rest assured It wil .e plenty of use during the 1968-69 sanon. Curling gets underway in the men'a division on Tuesdjay night (Nov. 2th> wlth regular action slated fo1~ jdy and Thursdays each week. Separate schedules fo3reate ight mean that you can curi on either nlght If you shoutci deaire. This should make It a lot better for many people who can't afford the Urne for two nights, but would 11ke to curi once a week. Any men wishing to curi, shouid contact Larry Hieffering immediateîy, because the rinks and schedule are belng made up, and there are practica.ily no openigs availabie right now. tt t 1 "tt NO "HOMERS" THEY Weil you sure can't cali the Bowmanville Whiz Kids «homners" by any stretch of the imagination. Sunday afternoon they inoved into Georgetown to hand the previously unbeaten Raiders a 5-3 defeat. That was the locals' third wln inaga many starts on the road, while at home the Whiz Kids have dropped both games. Tonight (Wed.) et eight o'clock, the Memorlal Arena should be the scene for one of the top attractions of the young season. The saine two teanis go at it again, with Bowmanville hoping to treat their supporters to that initial home ice victory, and Georgetown ail out to avenge the ion. blemish on their record, thus far. The Whîz Kids play ln Newmarket this Sunday, and then have two home encowiters corning up with Newznarket backz here next Wednesday (Nov. l3th) and Streetsville providing the opposition for a two o'clock Sunday afternoon clash (Nov. l7th). t i. t t t BASKETBALL BEGINS A gratifying revivai of interest has resulted la the Men%. Town Basketball League being able to continue la operatiôn. In fact, after three weeks of practice the 1968-69 geason offlcially got underway last night at the Bowmanville Higli School gymnaslurn. The same four teams are back, lncluding defendîng champion Stephen Fuels, Hooper's Jewellery, Whyte Upholst. erlag and Coronation Cafe. Although the flrst league contests have been played. additionaî basketbailers would stili be welcome, as action continues on Tuesday nights, seven and eight o'aiock. t t t t 4 t O.M.H.A. PRESIDENT The 35th Annuai Meeting of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association was held at the King Edward Hotel ln Toronto on Saturday with Scotty Morrison, referee ln chief of the N.H.L., the guest speaker.' The sports editor apprectated the Invitation to attend, but we were unable to do go. However, we'd like to take the opportunity ta congratulate Gord Hawes o! Whitby, convener o! minor hockey in this area for sorne Urne. Gord, Who also has many years experlence at the executive level, took over as president of the O.M.H.A. for the 1968-69 season.