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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1968, p. 11

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tIL.a Aud lIr Pmj Ma. rmée Tihion, Editr /FPI 1 o adj/.-j t Phonle M7.4213 Newcastle Holds Impressive Remembrance Day Service D~.:d rU..n..c Dre .. rrcie eriewere Sunday supper uest of!son, Cotîrtice. - ,.~ ii ~ ývieMn and Mrs. Robent gmeron. Mr. and Ms ôn. J. were Fniday evenmng visitons er gueteof Mr. and Mr'*, ýHel M o day t C notao!e Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parkin-iobert Cameron. , A brief but moving service was held ai the in the program, from left to right, Sam Brereton, Mý.I Cenotaph an Monday ta mark Rernembrance Day. Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Edmund Majer, Rev. T. H.{ D.1 Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs helped swell the Smith and Rev. Robert Hayne. D. crowd of citizens. This photo shows thoseparticipating Estimated Cost $87,000 per Year the Hall Board?"' askedth I reeve, to which Miss Frith replied that she would. Mrs. dMadelîne Williams, secretary, iof the Hall Board, was pre- Sew ge ystm Dscuse asked by the reeve whetîher liams replied that this ton At Spec ici!Council Sessioný' emsestined"o h waemethingussoe o! he w Newcastle -~ At a special ceived tram the Ontario Water $208 a year. make the suggestion to the meeting of council on Tuesday, Resurces Commission on the After considerable discussion1 counicil, or do they make the Nov. 5th, representatives of same matter, indicating that Reeve Cunningham expressed sugestiweont at ilbo?" Kilborn Engineering Limited their estimates of the cost council's appreciation of the!Wlw o'two I o discussed their survey o! a over a 40-year period of an information and advice thaLmen, and there are already gewage systemn for Newcastle adequate sewage systemn for had been provided and sug- more than men on the board," with municipal officiais, I- the village would be approx- gested that the matter be was the reeve's reply. "But cluding Information on the Imately $87,000 per year, or given much additional consdjýthe nmen are doing a]right, 1 entire projeet. an average annual cost per eration before taking any' don't think you should con- Information was also re- hause using the service of action. sider that a problem," was Mrs. Williams' answer. Harvey Partner, Orono, was present at this meeting ta tjew y Ap oined C uncilorpresent blueprints and copies ppointo the members of council as I A I L.stalling a new furnace in the Community Hall. %Atends Fierst ,Reguuar aveeunge ir Dept. report was Frak Harwho reported Newcastle:. The r eg ui1 a r! held on Moriday evening with,Joan Frith, newly sworn lotoî that one truck attc'nded the matly Counicil meeting wasl ail members present. Miss~ office on November lst at- Cobourg Fire Prevention Par- tended her first regular meet-i ade during October, twa ing as a Councillor. Minutes practices were held, and one of last regular and one special alarmi answered. Also four meeting were read by the men policeil the village dur- Îlewc stieClerk, Glenholme Hughes, and ing Hallowe'en night. special meeting that Reeve cillor Frith asked that a let- Douglas Cunningham officiaI- ter of thanks be sent to the rt/ welcomed Councillor Frith firemen ta show their appre- c 'oc aclad'M£ erson a-41' o office. ciatian of the job well done. Speaking on behait of the' "I know they were paid for Newcastle:- Mr. John A.1 At the Lions Hallowe'en Newcastle Public S c h o o Lit, but 1 feel tihey could also Calvert, Stratiord, Grand Mas- Party held in the Community BorSceayE archard, be thanked as thcy did such ter f te Od Fllos GandHallforailthechidre ofbrought it to Council's atten- a gond job." Lodge o! Ontario, spent a le* the village, these were the to ha 4beenoate idin thr p buivdinemiswr days visiting with Grand Con- win.ners cf best, or comical hacheol sne teening tdsay Tom essne brou ductor Harry and Mrs. Wade costume, under five-Michael sho ic h pnn a o esne while making his official Vierhout, a Black Bear, Cindy in September, and as more Christmas decoration bro- visita tn Odd Fellows lodges Kelly, Mary Poppins; five are expected another class- chures and prices for same ta In this area. years-Danny Simpson, Robin room is being used and an- counicil as requested at a pre- other teaoher has been hired. via'us meeting. "I have always Mrs. J. J. McCandless and Hood, Alex Burrows, Old "We may need ta borrow been one ta want to see the Mr. and Mrs. Shieldon Mc- Lady; six years-Robby Simp- fromn couincil very shortly. village lighted at Christmas, Candicas, ail o! Strathroy, son, Huck Finn, J en nite r and T say this now so that it wouldn't look like much visited Mr. and Mrs. Chnis Westover, Clown; seven years ucabexptigtan wthtso dorinad ]Brhadan uc nwi 't-aleDbaLnaDbs know why," said Mr. Bar-1 therefore 1 would make a mo- over the weekend. Aunt Jemima; eight years- chard. In hîs reply ta the tian to have Mr. Messenger Hockey Mothers remind yo Marty Lowry. Pirate. Fione reeve's question as ta how start rîght away that they still have several Burrows, Maple Leaf; nine much longer the present the nid dpcorations," stated boxes of candy that they wll and ten years-Maxwell Bur- Board would be in power, he Councillor Fred Couch. be only ton happy to sell you rows, Pirate. Sandra Keane, answered that they, the pre-1 To the question of the new as stocking stuffers. Another Witch, eleven and twelve sent Board, are to make up' stoplights, 'Til be starting on deiightful treat is the choco- years - R o g e r Cobbledick. the199bdeadgvth os fi4 hn omrw, latebarbeig sod b th Ginham Gil, ad Ssanestimated numbers of houses was Mr. Messenger's reply. Guides. The Scouts are now Malkewicz, Hunchback: 15 ta that may yet be built. "We'l1' 'I'd ike ta say that while, out selling Christmas cards 16-Rosemary Westover, Gene probably still be going for a wve've experienced same dif-, and for another Christma, Dubeau, a Comanchero: teens tîme yet, we are now tryingi ficulty, we will be making buy, St. George's Anglican -Cindy Garrod and Ronald to prepare ;orne of tîhe ans- ice at the arena .Just as soon Church are holding a tea and Lowry. The Most Original wers ta questions suhmittted as the parts arrive," said bazaar with several items for was Susan Malkîewicz as a by this new plan." said Mr.ý Councillor Alfred Gray. 1I everyone on yor ist romn hunchback: most comical was Barchard. knwtepolar nder-ý tîhe eldest o h you ngs Michael Vierhout as a blackknwtepoearwn yanet. ,wthtebtcope TomMsegr aae norpoei ign i, The motta here seems t e er htîh e oul temesegrMnae fl h ing , utphoe'ris ingg ah bu nwan vod e .ben1W)d ndCnde hP.U.C., xvas instructed on tetie u er on u bynwadaidterus. aibeiof Wth Commissionellto1best a.nd we want ta get start- Another big evening is10! who were Mary Poppins and ba conilteConmsio n b-ednghtwa. the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a pann tg, it thlMs eae m'planning to hae eectrici There being na further: Lions Club again holding' In Bowmanville Hospital cables buried in new su- business, the meeting was, their monthly ane.Wth this week are, Mrs. Illian divisions, the same as nnw~ adjourned. thne. atteanc e wngeach lAiken, MÎrx. Olive Allin, Mrs. bcing planned by the Bell dane. omea! he heareEvelyn Bell, Mr%. Mary F09- Telephone. type scats have heen remnov- ter Sr., Ms. Margaret Farrow, ed to mnake more room foWila Hrisn Ms. - Twa letters were rèéivedj C m u ot tablas and chairs. 1fIf YOu ise"amHodgào n, ilimtry, rôtel IngelT élép~dhone. orpld Co m n y e!rôm the Edillliam hone. anc baév«'tbeen tt a any o!thesel Otto Ktrklié, fDavid Mc. netéir tôsathat whlch hè gala &flairs. plannoitîo A t- K.night, Mre.Flôra aiî eà thav inrsion hto avBowling ten te ex Oé.Mrs. EUlen. Rudeil, Mrs. Joan remain there until the spring Comin' Events Stonehouse. ad M&-Oieo! '69, the ottier dealing with I 00 NDA OvDe _______________________ md ruts w'hich they state B 20*Mnd239e Newcastle L ioans ClIuvb The main corners of the will be properly répaired toe Mjr -- 3 Marithlv Dance. Community village will take on a npw; the satisfaction o! the village i - gtf213,! ]Hall. Saturday. Nov. 30th, 9:00 àppéarance with the, installa- One. letter tram the D i. angsaf2lI3 p..$4.00 per couple. Spot tion n! overhangîng stop harm Co-Op was received inr'~ - 21 prizer and lucky draw. Bar lights that should be quite an referénce ta the village affer- * orox2W9 privileges. 46-1 imnrovement. ing ta purchase a piere na! --land tram them. This was ta, TUESDAY MEN -- be demît with at a aer tîmp,'. B îrîey ------ ---.---- 264 and council would hear 0fR od- - 21 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCNOOL itheir:answer then Necasle'h aGor_2412 Communîty Hall Board ask- ýJ KBahl n222~ ing for instructions an theirlE. Taylor ______2089 O P N I Gduties andi management 3sIG. Simpson _20____ such wa5 receiveti. Alttr; J.Cunningham 200 somne discussion among the'ý OPEN HOUSE 'councillors It wax decided to WDESA M oV M B R iand have both the board and' 175 and Ovcr îMOVEM BER 14thp 1968 the coundil give their viewsi.Tr --- 0 W and pôssibly corne up withýW Rahm n- 1881 sorne new rulea. There arei OFFICIAL OPENING * * 8:00 p. in. two vacan nt asnow on the' TURDY IE Ne Day cen< Moni Brai scou the resi< f ath, earIl bran eaclh vidu had War G. G M.1 P.h R.c E.c J. c A.]F E. P M. 1 J. R B. C P.1 G.1 P. 1% B. 1 W.' G.1 D. 1 T. J. 'V H.' A.1 P. B MTLD and MELLOW - CUSTOM GROIJ"dD - OFC LOCK COFFEE 1BAG N Vigorous and Winey Costom Grud BOKAR COFFEE Cheek 'Mis Low Pricel A&P INSTANT CREANI BOLD DETERGENI Hoinz Btrain.d ( Meat) BABY FOOUS ChoeS Quelity Cream Style AYLMER CORN Ried Rom. TEA BAGS OumNE P 41~ Reg. Prie# $1.07 - SAVE go Bety CrockerReg. Prie pkg 41c - BIJY 3 PACKA&GES , SAV*E 2M. T s¶99< PIE (RUSI MIX 100 EA T U E PR IC EI B e.f, ChioIoen or Liver 2 , O ff D e.4 R il. Pr "e 4 i m M5 e - SA V I 5 M e OZg JAR -S 79,e PEP DOG FOOD 8 Tm89,e Re.Prie, 2tins4c A VE1* FcleRoyale <White or Coloured) Reg. Prie.*pkg3Me- BAVElie '- 99< BATHROOM Tissue V2& 69< Reg. Prc. âge - BAVE 6o Gren Giont. Reg. Prie* 2 tins 51c - BUV 4 TINS, SAVE 18. EKOE PKG O 68>$ PEAS LARGE SUIE Ze89< LEG QUARTERS CHIC K E NBREASI QUARTERS PARTS WHOLE GRADE A VISCERATED -2-3 LB. AVG. FRESH CHICKENS CuA frow, E" .of SosimP6mm or T6Ç R""e CUBE STEAKS SHOuLDÉR OR ÊautI- PORK CHOPS SUPÊR-R;IGHT QUALITV, SKINLUSS BEEF LIVER 50% MINCIED POAK, W0% GROUP4O CH4CK MEAT LOAF -o"M0 MAPILE LIAF t$1.3 9 WIENERS vAcRm pAa è53 RED BRAND, FRESHLY MfNCEO 1659,é GROUND CHUCK è79< FROZEN. IMPORTEO CENTRE LOIN lb 7" "1Wý LAMB CHOPS RI LON , 5 9'e X BRAND, BLICED 14, 167 9, BEEF BOLOGNA '9 Frs risan e eo ls NDffUWA, LARESIM, NMa 1 GAE BANANAS rl2i la 1 The Canadian Statesman. gowmanville, Nov. là, 1088 il 3-LO RAC 1.89 SAVE 24c LAVE 60 "y£ " 1-6 bg75c 3-6"a2.19 FOR COFFEE OR TEA l-oz ar 7 9C e e-Rg," e-Youre s Bu 4>M- HALVES '1hk m (UT UP 3 lb 1 pm RLOMA, MARSHSEWESS, NO. 1 GRAM SME«s. GRAPEFRUIT 1Of«79Y Au. PUCS lTmISAD JAIANTM <uOM ~SATIAX? ,MNBMM U1& ,1968 1 rwcastle - Remnembrance ServIcemnen stood on guard et son. with Mns. Gladys Belsey i iwas1 obaerved at thé the Cenotaph. wea ring thé Ilaying the wrenth for the ttaphln i Newcastle on berets of the Canadien Legion. Province. nday !nornIng. There were Sem Brereton. a member of Two minutes silence was Amnies. Guides,- Cubs end the Bowrnanville Branch of followed by the playing of the its who arrived lni uni- the Canadian Legion. welcom- Liai Post and Reveille. The m. and as the Urne to begin ed everyone and thanked thern Canadien Fiag waa lowered service greww doser ather i for attending this service. He and raised by Edmund Major, dents. young and old, briefly remlnded them of the prayers were affered 1 Rv hered and stood facing the! television specti which was to Hayne, and thon 0 Candai it of the Cenataph which1 be held Inter ln the evening and God Save The Queen ier had a smail remr- on eveuits of the war and lead-1 were sung. nce a! pappies laid ln front,: ing up ta this present day Re-, The service was short and, h with the names o!fhIdi-1 membrance Day. asking themn simple, but it couldn't have uals tram Newcastic who 1 I they couid, to watch thiÏ 1 been any nicer and there was' 1died ln the two World. pragram. no need to have i t longer. rs and Korean War. Ex-'R RaeiHyn , Thoe who remember the wur George's Anglican Church led ee ogt u t nyo Glanville 22,1, n the hymn. "0 God Our 1this one day, November llth, McNair 202 Help ln Ages Péat" and then that we meet as a body tai MicNair - -- 2011 gave a reading af the Sc i decarate the Cenota ph. and turc. bow aur heade with mlxed FRIDY MXED I Re. T H.Smit cfNew feelings of sadnessanmd ap- FRIDT MXED ev.T. . Smth f N preciation. Each year, as more 200 and 0,cr csi United Church asked mnd more of the younger Al.lin ------ ---- 297 that the 124th Psalm be ircadeldren attend this service. jood~~~~~~~ _____-27rsosvl.standing ln complete Innocence Couch ______ 252 The names ot the fallen were of batties. destruction and loss Chard____ 2441 read by Reeve Douglas Cun- of lives, our thanks should bel <upery 246 ningh-am. Those who died raised even higher ta thosel Perrin~ 225~ during 1914-18 were A. B.1wohv oeo eoe HIenry- 2201BIome. E. A. Couison, P. C. who _ave _____n____re Rickard 216 Gomme. G. E. Howard, W. W.r~TT Crackle - -------- 910'Jose, W. E. Lockhart, D. M. , L N A L Kidd - --------- _---- 203 McDonald. G. N. Noden andi McNair 202. D. W. Parker. Those lost dur-i (Intended for last week) vlcNair ___ 201 ing 1939-45 were Alfred Ail-1 Mrs. Sager, Steven and Sha-i Hoogkamp 2011 dread. Glen Brooks, Murray ron, Seaforth, spent several Pearce ------ __ 20i Butier and Donald Powell, and days wlth Mr. and Mns. G. _____!l n the Korean War, J. E. Bel- Bernard and family. Mrs. SATUDAYBoy sey. Sager is Mrs. Bernard's sister. SATUDAY OYS I Several wreaths were then Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett, 175 and Over 'laid. The B us in es s men's Gerald and Doris. Janetville, Forget ---- 282 'Wreath was laid by Ray Goode, Murphy 282,iwithn Mrs. Pauline St.orks lay - Fluber __- 240 ing the wreath for the Publi CtCahToa Walton 2--- 20 School Board, and HowaTrd lCahT0a Wincop .- -- 0 QinylyigtewrahfrFo l ppine Vandestarr 203the Lions Club. The Town! Wright ------- -____ 202 wreath was laid by Reeve Cun- Dubeau _____ 2001ningham, the wreath for the 8 T A T ESNMA N Barchard ._ 184 Canadian Legion Branch 17;] C L A S s i F i m D 8 rnîlson___ 1841by A. Mclvor. and the wreath Phono 823-3303 Rickard l771 from the Ladies' Auxiliary ta, Shearer .___ 176 i'Branch 178 by Mr&. Gwen Gib- Il_____________ Sale! A & P Coffee!----ný*mb%««-- 1 . M@Md aud 1%... 1 Ji yadermi"

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