14 'r*eemaiiad & ttumin. wmanvflle, lqov. 13, 1ion Births Coming Events Coming Events Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale [Articlesfor Sale For Rent Work Watd RaEtaefrS e IBARt--Eric and Phyllis (ne Entertanment, Castie Hotel, Plan ta attend New Years Many, many thanks ta thase CEDAR pasts, ait sizes, ais INSULATION, blawing meh Lu1dom aatmn, A A &trorig) are happy te announce Novemnber 15 - 16. E r n e q tI Dance, Centennial Hall, Queen who were so kind te me whileused lumber. 263-2721. _ 46-1 lad, with rock wol mk erviTcOeadaom arne nt, A th af riviofter tnea.46-1* Street. $12.00 per couple. I was ln St. Josephs Hospital, WTRfrsl n dlvrd lhpguaranteed. F ree es and40 app23- nces 4'c' ni bing&HeIiO Jon . tii. safe arrivai of the-ir - -Stoneman-.-Bruce*Gerrow Orchestra. Re- Peterborough. frS' n eiered. es.Harry L. Wade, .4.62-6. 46rLm.RELETT LMTD d.aughter, Catherine Lynne. 6 Scbaing Training by pvies.Btyron 461 Cal Ciff Pethick, 623-2313 eiae. 843 LOVELY two bedroom apart- Phone 6M372 lbs. 9 ozs., at Memorial Hos- Oshawa Diving Club. For In- freshments. Bar p iee.BtyBon 6138tiPhone Newcastle 98-431 ment In quiet building, al:3 elRALO Itl o ynnile o ovr- or aio,62-28. 461For reservations call 623-3555, ---- 43-tflevcs up ideurt eý5N so S. Crital, 1o 8.Anv46-3, MaNovem-formatso, 623-725. 46-TWO 7.50 x 14 go tire, --erv---ic-- ---- -- r th198.Asister for Awua metng0fCat-623505.463 ayweexrTVs urspcil SlW rsposit $25. Pone 623-5888.____ _ 4Fan t omnll Bevrîe. Secal hana AnChinawmeeDtins ofay,§t.thanks to the Communlty of mnunted. Phone 623-3400.'RCNIINDTtwrj e upid eui~yd- ~ omnll Dra. Ewert. Spear, Sylvester wright Union Cemetery, 2 p.m. -onsAl ChWdSlmfrteloeyhsei4-Ifan rotors (trade-ins). 40, 50 44-tf PTRLU~SPoe6331 and the staff of maternitv yo.1 tte eeey 52nesday, ngcan rc0.8e- . hair.ANTIQUE ogag dwok-ecant odiin. hWanted to Buy CONSTRUIOBWMNLE:8rae liner. 46-1 CritaBaaradTaGet speaker Mrs. Margaret[ Bob and Joyce Rhude. ing condition. Phone 623-2947. TV Supply LImited, 723-81,31. - -. Brick - Block itnlrikhm.01 etdwt ______St. George's Anglican Church Row~e. 'ropîc. "Old China 46-1* 3"- 4672* 50-tf PIAleO, ln gond condition. adFrpae -c.bt.Cnrlylctd g. Nvebll,. NteewcastledsfoeowrsPhne62-366 - onitin.d aw P _____ POWERL-Ronald and Bertha l, NwateNvber 30, Patterns"; Film, Refreshments. M icr hnst ea FRIGIDAIRE 30,eeti SË washer - rts motors apartment size. Telephone, APhon1800 n62$10 are hppy o - p.m 46- Admssio My sncer thaks t rel- UE pas rs,623-7037. 46-1 Poe6325 m$100.te 46-1ceth stove., excellent condition. Simplicity, Thor and i down. Euchre PartysonewtarvilleaPlan t ttend -Faitl--and cards and visits while I was ln46*1appliances, nationally adver-putodfehrNahd.RR.3Bwmnil 8 brt1h of a s .on, G r RoayldHall, November 15th, 8:5 Winter Fashion Show at St. Memorial Hospital. Specal CB RADIO, Stewart chrome tised line of furnture. Paddy's1 ticks. M. Flatt, R. R. 1,__3-f A T 0 OW A VL E November 8. 1968, at Memorial p.n,. Everybody welcome. Paul's Church Hall, Thursday, thanks to Dr. Miklos, Rev. snaredrum, stand, sticks. Tele- Market, Hampton, 263-2241. IBethany, Phone 7Jr 13. 46-11 SEPTIC TN ih3pe ah aae flos pl1t a1. Bowmanville. a, Ladies bring lunch. 45-2INov. 14. 8 p.m. Sponsored by Hayne and nurses on Medical phone 623-3719. 46-11 _____ 42-tf1 PUREBRED and grade 11o1-Akng$290 Ony440 brother for Linda, June and Stda' hitmas Shop- IBelnsLde'Wa.A-For FIVE h.p roto tiller, 18" 2"½ --- - - heifers for expert, first ,U~PN on ai:Gog aDk Phyllis. 46-1 * ping Party, Tuesday, Novem- mission $1.00. Refreshments. Mien Gray. 46-1 h.p. lawn mower, 12";pakrLvetc Fr'lea2seodcaf Ni alon, OMNVLE 4bd ber 19, 1968, from 7 -9 p.mn.lProceeds for St. Paul's U.C.W.li cabinet. 623-2837. GRADE- -É-Hoîsten hefers-due 986-4246 Blackstock. 46-21 T MPIN VIINBrc ndHl!Free coffee and donuts. 45-2 Tickets on sale at Brysons, I would leikers, due eEeTv 46î wis t anauce hebith f Dace Sturay NoemerSmoke Shop. 45-2'thank friends. neighhors andi STUDEBAKER evce I DcmeradJanuary. ,Tele- POETYWNE -Priv Phone Newtonvlle7625 ons 1 etd erair relatives for the lovey flow-oandiusedcpars. Graham's phone 98-4420, Blackstock. ate buyer wants small farm, CalilCollt ron.Gag.Pedri- their daughter Patricia Mae 116. 9 - 12, Legion Hall. Music Geaie o h oeYfo-arague 41-26322. G 43-tf .phne686 * with house or minimum 40 a.AknU$500 al an Octaber 3lst, 1968 at Me- by Royal Ambassadors. Priz- In MemorLiam 1 ers, cards and gifts 1 ~ci~d- --- -- acres to build country home..;0t sialst p o irgiBwnvi luei . Bar. $250 a coupng.meÂorx' hile a patient ln Civic I-bs-1 SACRIFICE. truck camper. 100 HEREFORD stock< calves Bowvnanville - Orono area.A K ofor ear rnonv Dann home.pia and since returning fits most inodcls, sleeps five, ajnd 1 1.,2-year - old stockec Rolling, scenic with view of, FRANKK AT 1'N:6 cr a hm.Your kindness w 2 275.00. Ponst3245 eers and yhfes rvt ae N gns ahstl- Tec Anne, Cynthia. SpeclaRI thank.s Snrowflake-Bazaar and Tea. who passed away November deeply appreciated. ws hoe 2 -2945. sale heeerFifers.aPriate lke-iaent s. Cte ash rtsette rnhnih2 oe.Bi.Sra ,teDr.nit taff. 46.1* lNewtonvllle Sunday Schooil lth. 1964. 96 ___________________HalFrdstaovmbrf. Awa46-t1uhta-1mn Kay Beggs. 46-1* RUMMAGE sale, Knox Christ- day at fanm. George A. Me- c/o Canadian Statesman, P. ~ ETCTN em~ al fie Deaths ~ 1 p.ni. Adults 35c, children 2,5c.l a tear Sict hns oaltoeian School, Scugog Rd. North,1 Gowan 778-2213, Havelock. ý Box 190, Bowmanville. 44-4 j ISALTO RV-N RSARN Dets145-21 For one we miss and love who helped at the tume of the, dyNov11,1 - . edlie. 44 -RR SWANVIE wt l YLE,-Suddenly at R.R. 2,,ý C.N.T.?B. Sale of Work, Aber- TesO de a o hdt loss of a beloved father and46i 100 WESTERN and Ontario, Hl Vne OSNA CLS qares'lvn - I te. ereAQUNIYo 2x82x6623-720PicdaExelntroer Bowmanville, an Monday. nethy's Store, 55 King xW.,, h udnwyyuhdt ~nfte ereAhinAU- TY1 x,2 ,stockers, sald privately every uiUY experienced gas sta- $500.Cî: fie Nvnbr1,16,Ack2, adgo, Speclal thanks to St. x4John'10s 6-Isýsýhusay antmeb Novembere2 114 1umber, 10 cedar postmeTh28,daya(anytimebyeap-wtionroperatoran983-998e. 4perSTORAGE8BUILD8NG:6N1 Lyl inhi 78h yar son of Christmas gifts for everyone. Weawasrmebr n oannas, Rev. Frampton and 200 clean brick, $10 the lot.,polntment). Ivan Johnson, f AKB R ES wt ce.Sprt fie wonder why.d Mry(Mn-46 Morris Funeral Chapel. 1623-2675. 46-1, South Monaghan, Bailieboro RESPONSIBLE full time f so n )e l e .Jo h n vand M ay ( M un- I 46b-3te Yro n o u fc bhin d Seam any Ju n e an d A u stin S tep h en s T O P size tulip b ulb s, a sor ed i.939-68.55, 15 m iles n o rth of a e he p or r t u a n w o k L B R N R - F UA E S ri e to s l. C l: G r e ln ) ye.rrs eri c a el d Chateaedlus a r on S to achîngdhearts j 46.*!colors, $4.50 per 100 at Cana ýPor Hope on H ghway 28, 2igood wages for right peson, CLEAN EDV nD hi heMori Fuerl hael an Snt Cau Paad. at jThat loved you most sincere,___ tion Flower Shop, 33 Division imilles east. ll-tfPhorte 623-3602 or 725-0277. PLUMBINGRPARSTAGBULI:7.0 at 2 a'clock. Interm ent Bow - 1885-2527, Rowe Travel Phn e j Tha t n yer shal orn e ear. 1w i re thanks to all those ,St., 62.3-5577. 46-1 . E I T R D h î r b su A E r f m l ic e 61P O E H MP O q e t o i h a . A k n AgnwhFrpt oDan ea. jnered tte m fte-RGSEE afAa tdý AEo eaekthnhelp,' 263-215 2,0.AkfrJn ud manville Cemetery. 46-1 !oso enmtePrt Hope. 46-1 --Lovingly nemembered bywh elp01a ea heme fthe n PAIR of snow tires with ims, colt, 6 months, chestnut with'era uis4-10pn. Ayane wishIng to go ta Grandpa and Gnandma Bannes.1 grandmother Margaret Steph I17.75 x 14, Chev. or Pontiac, aise blazle, sired Ibn Conna wek No. gnenl utis,4 -11P-0.fl, BMalxdd43s An ar600x1new ie.Tle 55 or oeot ffu Permianent position. Apply3-fbnao.Pih i$200 wa on Wednesday, Novemberl, to, Nov. 25, Nov. 30. Dec. 4 -I1-eavysege. Jean Williams, Rev. 1,phone 623-7654. 46-1 dation huniter brood mare'63"AsfoJa d.orn 6. 1968, Orme C. Miller, 2011and Dec. 9, Phone 885-2527,1 DADSON In loving memony War d Morris Funeral 'MILD table turnips, $1 a2nd Goldie No. 7542. C. Jemmett, - 4,M.Gae452 A N S&B MMPLGRV: rme Centre St. N., Whitby (forni-1 Rowe Travel Agency. Port!Of our dean daughten, AaChýa pel 15bse nwxda16nerdon hn ade 11 EAEqulfe kep Iiusband of Grace McClelland,l~ It is a lonely life withoutyu n auy.4- 2-71afe .4- vnings only. 45-4 and payable and to be able to, SALES & SEIC bah Asng$370Cal -dean brother of William., a1igfr BOYAnd sad bas been each dand ____ - tae dctat-o.-Aply-.42-H-R J1-Odshorn O)rana; Mona (Mrs. Earl Du- n" ow o.1, :0--NW ayMxnihn ntPet s Samuel, Curvp]v Wood Pro-'~ CEFR u- ville. Sunday, Hal. 1 Bow man0 - Fo ali e ,a d h m r o h w s o e p e s m i - sw eater, m otorcycle pattern,l_ _ _ duütý, O rono 9 3 9 .46-1 0 1O ilr vîc eroome vai) esar: udey(Ms.4:00; Monday, Nov. 18 and, Since you wene cailed away. , eire thaes toinends and 3 aî; qarumwthght! PONY. Phone 983-5577. SETICTANKS] D bikhm.Olhae.4pe LL.alfHrafarie.SevicTeBayrNovi1,.700ervice__oviglTreemereab' niNov., ale1inCaptr00an f-te.087-33..4-1an*WATEDWaires, xpn9e8e7-bth3Lagebar. treni wa edi h orsFnrlEver-yone welcome. 46-1 1 officers and members, St preer46-1 .21 ersofTE BFS Chpl omnilo a-mer and ad. 4-1 Pauî's U. C. W., Enniskillen ACODI 32 . Asing 40.00. Trms.Cail Chrayapel, oanlo ntSet- oh d 141*in.iu-* bs, eGERMAN Shepherd puppiepered Oer2 asofJnushrn ýBbe lssfr iit.flw wihcae $0 elcti rgan, 6Is, age. Pleasant working cn iie roat2 Clock Int4- O TRp. IN GO !fOG R'isis flowns ithcase, 100 elet$1c.OPhone 986-4796Black-: ditions. For interviewcon-ct RAMPTON 2328 --THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elockl0f a very dean husband. fath - sad cb Memove riaHosptal, $0. hobtnes23-321. 4e1* rstock. 46-1 * Manager Larry Heffering. ______ 2 OLDEJA'JS-Th Lordtook Sonsêre by te lunir 'erand grndpa, m. Spnce , owmanvlle Cuntry lub, 140 ares. Ecellet, buidings Spnordbyte uio r n gacia W.Spn(ý:Bowman ville. Special thanks BUYING on sellinig furniture PUREBRED English SpringerIPhonie 623-2670 foriinterview. BLPOSE ikcnnc.Ayofrcn hOLENs'uddeLo Cr os- sidereodCommAsk foronJan Oud-d Cha ro omre Growopse way to doctors and nurses of the or appliances, cail Elmer,! Spaniel pups, liver and white,46son pitl, etebooug, o Tus- JUBILEE PAVIÈION ýNavember 16, 1967. first floon. Hampton: business 263-2294- excellent hunters. gond pets.;" ORCETRIL dia, Noeer12g, 168 ohn es-OSH A WA___-tf 1He left us quietly' , Alvin Boyd. 46-1 residence 26-26q5. __33-tf reasonable. 623-7572. 46-MINK!ORRMHAIRSacres Oldejans, R.R. 1. Bethany, Pa ae Ë aeBu et a eovFOM the grower ta you- o aeN aia eurdt t tLvl eno uglw tgd 1yer. eovd u, ln econ@ad ae u lftu ammoyWe wish to expressNlos seeacontamlos, Crs 'TT oîtertAl dcovenenes age 4 yers blovd - breakfast af bacon and eggs on We aie pnoud to own. sncrethnk aOupreca-jDeli *- - _in business for youn____Carsfforarge1\hy te s Up Aknoern .bane of Alice Broenink, dea an akean sausage a Cen- Sn. sr i odsner hnsadapei-apples at Fred's Fruit Market, nbsns o oref pace n t S raueb odtion ta relatives, friends and' 1MHighway aprve roit Wit pomtl fr55 KingStE-1 ton of Mn. and Mrs. Meine tennial Hall, Queen Street, In your ganden of rest, neigborsfor3loraltnibtesof - r MCHNIALY ppavd pft Witefrmtfr S.E-Bwinvle 1fnPhli cob ~ldjnR.R. 4, Bowman- Bawmanville, Sunday, Novem- For when on earth 1/ Aiomfrt evd Rweg, ,ville; dean brother of George, ber 17, 9 .rn. -, 1 p.m. Eveny- He was one of the be.,t messaes of knnssymah an - - 623-5683.s 46.-1 coe, rt. sen-Ved4005Rawhleuh' Lnet10minte frniOsbw 13owmanviDept K-14,-AVh4005eRichelieu 75etpUs BuildnYo--alwPavederoad.rAskingw$14.000. 1 sduigour recent sad be- wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades,16 NO gondtn, St,St. ery intel DR HOUSE G eorgd, B.C.: O s aw , Pd en . _ _46 i a d a m y.6 1 us dr n g t S pecial t ank s t o ter in s, ren ta s, service. B iIl fully w interized. T elephon e ,46-I at 6 %. C ailoffice g e org e W itv oet>, O sha w a, and reee n M orris F u n eral H am ilto n , R ag lan , 1-985-7160. 263-8877. 46 -1* -1 C h o ose r m o u r se ct o oL O L Y b dr m br c lilce (Mrs. Albert Wtvoet). SAUNNYSI1W PARK !LIVING -In loving rnemnoîyC __ ______1-tf-- - WAITRESSES, food sales- we will build tramo irpln 'Weston. Resting at the Mr ,f -____onAthr___hpe.lais,_____edo iepei o ou o G The Dykstna Famuîly. TREKrc rvrerd, Auction Sales liese, expnieed for FInepn'o ou o o ecx unao ihatahd(et ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- IONSTER BINGO 0f oun dea on AtivuSrvicoe, pel. _ enced, taaverfor Fnidayssuppîy fully servicdNHA d aae aoe ic I11e. Service ln Rehobath 4- 48 to 86", one sewing mia-Bo anieActoBanndr Saturdays and/or Sun- approved lots at 1euiu ihbitl tv n v Christian Reformed Church on Thursday Night Novemben 23, 1943.:W ls atak u aychine, one pair nursery drapes, clotmoanily util furh-days. Transportation pial-olbae.4pe ah ao\- Thursrlay at 2 'clock, b- 7:45Tbe love our ears od neds reatvsa u uîeîgb 987-46. T46-1 ,N wcster odte. oaiug Gower Jied wben and If necessary.Parkway CrsettcCa:JnOusor tenment BowmRnville Cerne- F dean,I redrltv-adnig 8742.61 Wood, Auctioneers, 728-1005- Good wages, tips and working SUB-DIVISINRCçAE 0ar am tery. 4-I .REDBARN 'bous for their kind expressions - -fothavt- conditions. Phone 983-5560 in RED__BARN____ond memonies lnereer f ypahfloral tokens adiFORTYl""""' ut tw-723-0976. 45-244 ____6-»Rdnmancekee a rdhlm ng 0f dean recent pass- ,1er installation with al chan- ____jOrono. 44-3*Lierty St. S. - 1~~av. ah Flowers 6O S 1 AeWnA da es lmig ard dn ingter,(yrl)nel antenna and 50 ft. lead-in, W-___RAL___ - AEE- Low Down Paymn ae aa.Axost ei ___ sstr,(Mrte)$48.95;- aiso antennae only, In- WELYjRALETAECRER!Balance on converin .. NOTICE nean. Mrs. Russel Virtue, Tyrone.TepoeIr. Wanted - a full tume male real Terrma at only 8 ý t OOOARA4e NOTICE emenibeed bT stalled for $17.00. TlpoeLIVE'STOCKt neres C,£1LLR. ZII.NI' A Lvinly1e0merN y Special thanks ta Rev. D. 623-2006. 46-31 ý-e-' ate agent for Bowmanvilleroedbikunaww FL' S d Group from Cobourg goîng1 Mother, Dad, brother John, Nortbey and Northcutt Elliott --- --- 4-3 t Durham County Sales Arena area. Experienced manager D. BEERSîvî ielae ral' FO ESadSkilng Iln Switzerland sister Jean and familles. 46-1 Funeral Homne. FEED corn. aIl types, ground arn -Eer'husi:0 ..te belp you plus extra adver- 1 phone 2-23.Bwavil an oeig SEEDS SORE ~ Jan. 25 - Feb. 14, 1969 PTESNIîvn e Leon Moore and farnily, cob meal, high moisture or dry Sellng o- vrhrss, tt7,:wn0 , ipngtomxan1cmmssondobl2grae.Cal:Gerg S.Anton. Zermatt, Chamouix PTESNI lvn e argaret Down and family. shelled, aiso silage can be deîiv- Cavn he t.Cale, Member of most Real - VanDyk 13 fDîIION STREET For further details write mary of a dean son wba pass-j ered or picked up at Brow- Ri Autoerndpro- Boards. Contact, Lloyd G. Le e, jENEPRET BWA IL:Wo Fuerl rrngmets Bob Mann, 142 James Street ed away November 16, 1965. Rewsitaeprssou ie Fnscewasleoaî 'F...,Vie-anden, . lethi eah 5rame otagEIt Funeal Arangment CoburgOntario No mornlng dawns, no night se incee thaksanxprecuýIa- 987-4474.cast44-tfliprietor. 23-tf .IViePsdntH.elh 1 sospital Arrangements- 98-447.____ fLtd., Realtor, 181 EglintonPu b g Hopia Aragm4t returns, tien to friends, neighbors and SAE Noveniber 14, 15, 16. Ave., Toronito 12, ephn Weddlng Bouquets DnaiFdrto fAn- But that we tbink of you, relatives for expressions of Furniture, men's, ladies' andi Bailiff auction sale at Stirte -i487-3333. 45-41I Poe6334 s o hli cobe Duhai Fdeaio o gr-Those left behind are very sympatby in the loss of a dean children's coats, china, ah in i vant's Auction Hall, 33 Halho-neWAN L62%'cd Corsages culture are holding their gond wife and mothen. Thanks aise 1dcndto.Resnbe Street, Oshawa, Saturday, MITNNEMCAI 78 ONTARIO STETçoibikbnao ihfn aniCt~annual meeting and banquet But none replaces you. to Dus. Hubbard and Rowseîî, MariansScn Hn trNovm 16, 12 naon: chest BOWMANVILLE pshidinec. tooni. Nicely dec Flowers on Wednesday, November 20 at jM any a silent tear Is shed nurses and staff on M Silver erfield suites, occasional chairs, eioaypstot sit38t rtd ai nbc ad Phone 16:45 p.m. in Solina Commun- *Wben we are al alone or e v D otedican- 12 a'Silec t ond nvll ovfemtbe hrmesuitesqualified tradesmen in genenal ___ PhonlloM. esod NewFlooronev. D.veNostbeyyn- 623-'1138. 46-141cofmeiableechrmece Asfngl$0.00. As fo 023-141Hall Mn Demon on welave 50ver field U.C.W. and Morris Fun-I-- swivel chair, baokcase, antique mienceolagnuber- orspa2n3n-7ew141ecald u on man, Mayor of Whitby, will much i rlCae o ides CAR garage, 12' x -20' corn- sideboarcis and china cup- of buildings. Must have sev- ACKERIMA hli cobe 62r-577ermentaknd Dron Re onty. O-Sadelye missed y Mon Cands Kolon ndefamul p lete witb door and tracks, boards, marble table tops, fil- eral years expenience in roug E.v..TN Tick57 rnetaadlrablnt.-Sal ms by telphn-Dand4~1 46- 1* cupboard couniter top 24" x 93" ing cabinet. Many other Items. carpentry or related building Tikes_____ jyteeho-Da.461 with stainless steel sink and!cas .s g trade. Salany $2.44 per hour, LOADINO - TRECIGPylsMcobe.6375 We Send Flowers hy Wlre ing 26.3-2325. 46-1 -IWeis to- edag Ternis cs. My0 oulwek.AKlyto: Sand, Gravel, Topio n Anyw bers - ------ -- t-eIexpress our tpr Formca; reenhousuctineer, 723-0501. 46 -1 R!40 avidiow- Bethny 30R 46-tf Wondview Conimunity Centre RENNIE- In Ioving rnieniorysny tbaîîks and apprecia- frame 16' x 12'; 1 ail stove, 1 _ The Superintendent Fui Delivere ~IVT4yI. ~~I4Nof my dean husband William tion to friends, relatives and Quebec heater. 623-5800. Th nesgdautlee PeRieSco --HrWAE Coming Events R BINGO Rennie who passed away neighbors fan floral tnibutes, - -_--____ -46.1* Te nerine aciner Pn idrecOtrol L.Hour aTER EVC elyAn1sn-3926 Cù igEet-- - ',. Naember l6th, 1965. cards, gifts to tbe Heant Fund - will seIl by public auction for B46-1i iII623nta7o56ReaolWae]ere aDk-6373 Next Mvonday -al isdb ie ay SKI DOO the estate of the late Mrs. ___4- 2-76-BWAVLEHrl ota *7524 Euchre card party. Memnlral 1:45 P.M. -46-11se b ifMay and niany acts of kindness Margaret Durrant at 239 KenR-ieain a usorn-6335 PaE Clb o461 ibetysbown to us on the recent Sales and Service dal Ave., Oshawa, off Simcoe E GIEEIN ad e utPhtoM..S SCTT eret . 0lo-passing of a beloved husband EtNetNoINEaIlReINose p.m Dor niz. dmi- OS A A i ng nemony of a dean frallier toDrAEwerI.1S lhold effects, on Saturday,, COST CLERK ApplianceSevc sian 50c. Proceeds Cplpda icnîSpeciltak eD. e Noveniber 23. Ls fatce Chldre's chol nd liic.- 6tfand grandfatben. Herbent N. nurses on the lst Floor, M' -Marine and Rentai1 Commefrcticle andExlsv ChlrnsSho nCipped- or- i n next week's papen. No Reonbiiisoenat CmrcladDosi 41 _____________46-I1 Christmas Fayre. Port Horie Scatt. who passed away No- rie Funenal Chapel and Mn. reserves. Ten roonis of furni- ePoductio EnginentandýR efrigeration - Mikoors- -___ - it Curh Crit-vember 12, 1961. andoductiWalEneiBaeribgîa.d, Phone BERTSERW r W ane - Uneed n, c Wed Mr'. WalajePettrata46-12ST.565ILSON Sale at 12:30 p.m. Ternis, Personnel Duties as-6357 Durham Caunty Junior ian Education Centre, 34Sui snee 1Wt oe The Pti Family. 4 555'-KINGST E. aitWLO cash. Lawrence Harris. clerk; Ias 6 P'armers' Annual Dance, Sat- l'Street, Wednesday, Navember Batful emes foî Oshawa and Area's Oldest and'Cliff Petblck, auctioneer. Attractive Salary and Nights 623-17 HV orfvrt atr u-day, November 16. 1968,î 20. 2 ta 6 p.m. Home baking, Phone Mrs. Truoflnei, 987-4455,Pai BeI I I Sonlina Ha4ll. uicri Te eictssnàcnyrcilrni ea.rWe would like ta expDress 1LrargespSi. il-DOO EA uLER.4-vopn ad eeis Lne H rw r aei tefrCpsm LIGHT Mý U UU'JJ.'.V JJInoIed--cen i tth e MUC vorris Funeral Unapel and .traiter, saw trame, onchard .Two positions are avallable lCSo r CHRISTMAS ~~~~~~~~to the Rev. Harold Turner. COUNTRY and WESTERN spaye n ru br ao 0a1-t1u te ned fa DISLAY$46 1.00 Stnike, SBiox rsor thile' Mn. Howard Bromell and Also POPULAR, reg. 4.98 dition: apple ladder, baskets, exacstok 96-521 Bick& SoneWor D E C3 sta e, BoR7. Bo2an il e. fam ily . 46-1* q ý ' o od d s an d en d s 0o i n s M .e p a d n d p rt n F r o c s CHITMSFIRLNDacmmdtonfr 4nghsda fNoebr,168 ul I h apebusiness, I NDEJILCAL and ai Wailki Beach, lei greetlng i particulains of their cdaim. . ptonCHILDREN'S ALBUMS, onîy er and In the appleng-marta CHRISTMAS LIGHT TOUR transfers, porterage, govern-1 Immediately after the said -M-. and Mrs. James F 9 ec is selling theso useful articles, statua, expenience and educa- TORA O IN TORONTO ment tax, Pearl Harbor Crulse 27tb day af November, 1968, Wood, R.R. 2, Oshawa, wlll Reoref nigKis Na reserve. Terms cash. lion, ta the Chief of Police, Prevents Rui N TNEMSN JAN. 4 - FER. 1 - MAR. 1 adit Tantalu. Tour. the assets of the dcae wiIl pleased ta receive friends,. RcrClangKt Lawrence Harris. clerk, ClI ff During Wintreher 1"HN RN 840 Dhpartint Toronto every be distributed among,..t 'theneigbons and relatives at Sa- Clotho and Brunhes Pethick, auctioneen. 46-1 '13tanl. ____St.,________________ Flrina eodStr parties entitled thereta, h av- lina Hall. Saturday, November'Gui taro, Ampa, Mikes, Banjos, totenio. Bring TYour Car In N1 fra Tne second Çaturday lng regard only ta dlaims Off123 froni 2 - 4 and 7 - 10 p.m., 'Violin, Gultar Cases, Strings, W me oRn aayo is ls os je ays et "Fu mad on" eJmm ning D e.emjbft 2, 1968 which the said solicItrs for lotithe occasion of their 25tb Fonder, Black Diamond Y QfL .t ablaryeffectivera . Cla 196Cons A L T N U ._ ,fflke Tour RemvaU4ons NOW Fe@r further lnformatlort the Estate shahi then have Wedding An ni ve rs a ry. Af Mapes and Martin GOOD workable fanm land' tbl, ffctv Jn.1T199E imaveu disapintment1 t at notice- dance will he held In the hall wtorwhu bIld n $.:7,550. AUl Work Done ype DATED at Bowmnaiville. jfollowing the evenîng recep-1 HOLROYD'S Dhoead8-2or Criped ec this14-2 -_________Applications wll b. received TR V L RT'u1968. S___ _______r FaeerimtOad ncudngNo. 5 IUR ad L VEL URYAN LO EL 2Th day o& OTaber, AECORti&n. apartmet, furniqhed or un-! 1968. Succesfiful aPPlicants toi ,, St.EU, 5.wmauvlle 19 Kug 54. ast, Y Solictors for the Estate off oi--- - SUPPLIES furnIshed. Write Adivertiserj commence their duties Jan. 1,'M rrilFrFi Jon eren Rges, D. Auçttn's nffire hours. 937. c/o The Canadlan States - I199 8 ings.w omni phonie ÙMPhone BoxA7.82 st.antlng Monday, November 2 IIIO TET man. P.O. Box lof). Bowman- r' Poo6333 LcneN.11CO Ofl U~UU.Qé Bowmanvile, Ontarlo. 11, willb. by appointniont PHONE 623-7491 iville, or Phono 623-5352 afterj R. L. BYRON, Town Cierk -~ - 4ea pan 5- 54 f. Pone_623-2 * ~ DEADLINE, FOR cLASSIFIEàè Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. ýISELL-RENT- SWAP -HIRE -E3UY-SELL-RENT- SWAP-ý-4I RE - SUY - GELL-RENT- SWAP -HIRE - lumappl- -qquvo-- 1 1 iSIFIER CET RESULI