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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1968, p. 15

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j j f? ~ 7 ~ ~ h m n uru n m nMiss Shirley Mercer &nd I Enian Fôuter were ta St. iIra Catharines lait Sunday and: ]Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Financial MAPLE GROVE and farnfly, Toronto, spenti HeId in Bo m nilI $3 1 ,4 0 0J a kt r J . H y TRANSFERRED TO Jc W. Frank Real Estaie M OR T G AGE Mrs. Rose Faux, Birken- 1x.J.Hy November 12, 1968. driven In a veryertcmn:a.Dra tet BOWMANVILLE AREA? ~ Tr~ Dr LIMITED head, England, who has been Mri. Mary Luxon returned! ner. At the riwybig ar iosi 3 uo This custom built home is, R I'..C A R D REALTOR M 0.. N E Y visiting this summer with her tramn visiting ber daughter ini Magistrate R. B. Baxter west Of towniL-aofthSretOsaWSfnd$5 ituated n a e ttaciv Lte,,R ati 21 King St. W'., Bowmanvilll.ý If you have invested In a niece and nephew, Mr. and PotHp n sfeigruhpresided with Crown Attorneyiroad. The officrcagethadcotrsendafr home itnis.probabla the best Mns. R. K. Pingle. sister-in- bte.G. F. Bannycastie, Geredrvr Evans,an Topsnilea psesono qr tw i ck623-3393t collateral you have. For ex- law Mrs. Louise Hodgsr. ea-ywofa or ntoPolltt acting as duty CaUfse1 who was hiding n a dth fo uy6lo sal o h a a w -tor .f r i ckth o u s e ta h dM e m b e r O s h a w a a n d D is t r ic t a m e , b s n i s e u t a IBI Rt t c h p f o m t c p w g n 62 - 5 3a Pe y u ig t i q iy a ew ate ( h i h a ntfre a iain and as since for Legal A d. 'far away.bu ig a or e of ih an dtonbe garaeont an tched 63203Real Estate Board Seaboard Finance most home- Newcafor4 e arshehadn'te- gonexamatonthe Bwmnan-i William Miles, Arnldu owe The police OIm a bedrooms and a famiiy i-aom Coleman St, Bowmanville TbcoFrs ýwescnoti lower cently returned to her homeiville hospital. and Carl Crowe were charged service stationepoycarwenaardoeuinvhh wihson ielae eprt:Interest rate than ia possible in England. She enjoyed herl Mr$- Wm. Hloy was hostess[with Illegal possession of lqurjftnsubjected oscci-teacsdwsapsegr clining roam and deluxe kitch-, x 100' lot. Gond condition ' ped, excellent producers: o esnlla.Ada ii nCnaavr uh n alCoewt aeless gapaltra enCPbads opltlynw.trueot.Cos obu in.ieaboard you can horrow un Mrs. Gardon Spicer, former Brown whose max-nage ta Mr. driving. Hearings will be 0oV-lCrown AttorneyBncs-itboteo wiky r For furiher details, please $20.300. 138.25 acres M.B.R. - S 70'0001t' 80% of th au"fyu nn Gray eetymaking ptba Contact MARGARET DOWE at Park St., Bowmanville ý30 acres M.B.R. - $ 75:06001 property, or in some cases even Baden, Gemn, rcnlyduff Presbyterîan church on Arthur Rowe "'as charged ators ta, keep epots"Acageudratwsi '41 ace .BR $8,0 more. Sec us for cash today. visited Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Satui-day, November 9,coe 5h wt keig DnaPar ogon 8A b-a asdsiso gia 576-2421 Storoy and hall, 3 bedroom,67 cesMBR -85,00Mnir Pingle. lis the son of Mr. and Mrs. liquor for sale. Joe Victor, act-ISimcoe Street,SutsaaJmsLne.Ax.Ong hoeOWEuetS & COCKSr 20AcesOon Ae Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Mai-- rhie IIoy. ing as bis agent, asked for rpIoaded guilty fiareaprclofaninDlngo hO E C C Sfome npuiet-nsret. Nt ti- 20 cesOan retin retux-ned home an Sunday Mi-. and Mrs. Dave Foster, adjournment until December driving October .Sewsh rce LTD. schaols. $14,500. 8 room brick homo. ahl con-ý lm sSai alter a very enjoyable trip ta Brett and Tara who have li- 10. The same date was set for represnted byTo JemnadmdeIcofitbe it R A T R ished, 4 car garage. Good corn P.O o 7 visited his brother in New Langstaff's house moved on liamn Hately, James and Doris $50 and casts,orsvndypctrtugtt ititw. Bowmanville. Modern 3 bcd- lai-m. Gaad gravel deposits. BOWMWANVILLE, ONTARIO Westminster, Vancouver, Mi-. Saturday ta make their home Jeffreys, Gary and Pearl Lane, and an automatcsseso nyasme otg u a 460 KING STREET WESTi roomn bungalow wth garage. Excellent value at $50,000 Phone: Charles Martin, also thoir in Bewdley. INorman and Gertrude Luxton, of license for thremnh.rao abheei a en 9)shawa, Ontario .Two bedroam basemen apart- Terms. mn62-36son Mi-. and Mi-s. James Mai-- Six tramn Kendal attendedlJohn Osborne, Lloyd and CntbeR .Kuisae sda wlig h y 46-1 mn $75 monthly Incarne.! 195 Acres - Stone House tnadfml nClay h eainetmeigi adaSanocagd ,CntbeR $18,500. Li n aiyi agrter-lgmn etn nSnr tanocagdas: holaid the chrgatrfo-ja sad tshld e50 8 room, 2 storev stone house, Alberta. Orono last Monday evening. faund-ins.loîg e-cadrvniasqi-fetna-a.Wnth C o u n r y H meCe n danHr ys a eam ee r i i fieM i-aa n M rslR u s e l i G i m-,T h e y , t hefa m m t teMr .a d R o n l d H r p e , RRu s4sa n d v e r o r r t i c m a n n r f - a rnthei n s p c t a - a d l t . e d h h a Peler Kowal, Jr. Attractive bungalow withiview. Lai-go bai-ns, spring, on l F INA N CE lett, Mi-. ai-d Mi-s. John Nor- planned that Kendal and Shi-Jjack Leland Chambers, R.R. oast end of towm t h vr oe enocpnsa h REALTOR foi-ced air ail furnace heat. 3 paved road. $60,000 - Toris. ris and daughter Susan, Mi-. loh churches be closed wecagdSpebndea rdews on h bidn hrewsds pce. bath. This home is In i 193 Acres - Kendal Hilis CO MPANy adMs o a--blMs the people go ta Newtonville.26hwt causing a disturb- condition af thedietar isd aîmd GENERAL INSURANCE nico condition and the 159' x Ve,3srns oo FCND IIE Judy and Mr-. David Barrabell Newcastle and Newtonville ance and wilfxîlly damaging a ranted the chagn h~- 62Kn i .BwavÏ.180' lot would qualify for V.! rame house, large bain. Three attendd the Barrabell famil.),wre ta be a two point ci- gaxbage can, the property aI opinion of the ofcr L.A. $14900. Caîl now. ýroad frontages. Must bo seon. 46-1 gathoring held in Odd Fol- cuit taken by Rev, T. H. the towii of Bowmanville.' William Wicken.BleiiFN ULT 623-2453 Newcastle jOnly $48,000 - Toi-ms. lows Hall, Orono, on Sunday. Smitlh of Newcastle. The Bath wex-e romanded until next was fined $25 andcssirfv AJA X -ec rat44 - Fo r o ad, ea l s h3 a r p. b ectng al y, 44;cre Hor e F i- B arrab îl n e e d h r considerable court a rece pt show ing pur- obtaining liquo r h l n e Newy d coate - b dro m 'eaed, 3 b drom unglo Rolling scenic land near M Cullough who are to be discussion about i. We have chase of a new garbago can age. Constable H. C o, O P bungalow - partial roc. roamn, 1with aluminumn siding, carpoi-t.i Leskard, 8 room home, newly1 A meeting was held at the marriod tihis month. got oui- church well fixed up, af equal value, laid the charge ctbr1'(R L\* ** TV tower. $21,50.00 -Toi-ms.171' x 165' lot. $14,900. diecoi-ated. Bai-n 30 x 70,: church on Monday night ti o mnyfidaoMsspti afne ewkthn Constable R. J. Kouhi toldi when he was caletanauoTAFR COTRTICE - No. 2 and! Fillng- Station and Home jStream. $3 1,900 - Toims. discuss the realignment com in- a St. Pierre will be pleas- have four lovely windows and the court he was called La thelwreckers' at Ked.Tw RS.LD Truhl' Rd. Stoxey an halE, Bus~'spot.showig goo, 7 Ace Genlemans Reteat mtteo'spropoai fo the nit-ad ta kow tht shehaavben woudahav had fift gîvo vicinty ofJack' Smok Shopai-t Hpe ara monchaegd fjî aluminum siding, approxim-!gasoline volume and repeat! Located noar C obo urng. ed churohes in this ai-ca. moved ta Memorial Hospital,!if this Lalk of closing hadi not adtepo alo h e ttesm iebdaray ately i/ acre. Must be seen.!business. Two stJybikBatfl 0ro rc oe Mi-. Douglas Kemp, Mr-. and Bowmanville. corne up. Mrs. McLean, Toi- adthjoosalinAher-atte ae i $17,900-00 - Toi-ms. home with aIl canvenionces. Four full bathrooms, stane tire: r.Jh-eshpadM- Sympatby of this cammuni-onha doad a $3500 maing nthatto-nces wtem e aismiar fns KENDoL a15e acesn villagenero- place. Bai-n with horse stalîs. and Mrs. Don Weish attended ty is extended to Mr. and organ ineroyofhrbs Lacated 4ineste eertono ArcutreMselves and damaging a garbage 152 Baseline Wesi n aod Springs and buish, 7 acres mnanville. Full p__e$250 Swimming pol $55.000 - h eeaina giut r M. Bibi Colville and son and band. It was stated that thelcan ~He was told by bystand- Edmondson, of ueSrci SifodBohr Clere; n avd on. $-,00,Trm. ers.meeting and banquet at the other relatives in the sudden ministers' salaries ae ta beers that wo pipe lino workers bth 19, were gvnssed cbered: aneStoad.9$7.500sT-i-ms. Toi-ms Royal Y ork H otel, T ronto, passing of the fo im e -'s uncle, ncrease dt by $700 for n xtlhad done it and le t the scene. ed sentence for on y ar a erMn unl -Tex-ms. GenerbelrStoreal6mAcre- etn i last week. iMi-. Alick Lyle, on Mandav. yeax-. A meeting is being held Latex- in the evening ho was, they pleaded gilyotht WHITBY -- 808 Henry St. _, Thnrivlng business In a town' bdro auinm si- Mx-s. Sam Buttery and Mrs. Mr. Norman Wright, Mrs. ln Newtonvilbe Nov. l8th b caîîed to the samne ai-ea wherelof two whee~l dssadto II age4 beiuloc. rdoble, too. saccoain udes li01 ýinglarge.lo, arnomatic 1eee2.E. Twist attended the Wo- Norma Bradford, Enniskillen, the Officiai Board of this cii-- the Lwo accused wore found'white wall tii-sad heE rnany extras tahIst. Must ho now. ýCan handle 170 beef cattle.,men's Institute convention in Miss Marguerite Wright, Ston- cuit end the Re-alignment and charged. from James Trimberosab o 3 ;Sra ie onpoet.Toronto last week. ey Creek, wore Sunday caîbers committeee. Sa, tihink up an- A charge of creating a dis- Kouhi laid the chre(olw 1 udsS.E.Wib seen. Anxious La soîl. Nestleton $60,000 - Terms. Mi-. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- on the former's son and wife, other solution. Lui-banco laid against Johnliflg bis investigaino h' Po BOWMANVILLEî12 Park-ý Two storey home with con-: Kendal leton and Ruth attended Con- Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Wright Mrs. Ken Archer, Lianne Somerscales, Centre Streetitheft from the Tibedie'6835 galow srs an bd sres Vbin 1,.room homo in village% Good Sma vocation at Carleton Univer- and family, Base Line. and Bruce of Toronto and was dismissed. A similar Beila; mnyexi-a. 24000, ea hoe.Tred otJ~ sity, Ottawa, on Saturday Mrs. Maud Densem, Mrs. James Simpson of Bramalea cag gis ereBin____________ -enms. rono Commercial4Pr00.rt,!for eL-hore. P-cdt d hnM- rcSakeo --Lillie Wemyss, Torante, wei-e were down ta their summor Evans, Flying Dutchman Motor - Newly' renovated 4 plex at $9,000 - $2,000 down. ceived an honours B.A. de- visitai-s wîth Mi-s. Roy Van1 home bei-e for the woekend. Inn, and Rober-t Thompson, 29 PARKWAY CRES. 3aatetbidn ii a 1 e - Kea Hi :gi-ee. Camp, Base Lino. Mrs. We- A bus load af Public school .51 King Str-eet, West, resuited, bedroomn - tinishied i-oc. room store on the gxound floor. Ex-ý Scenîc parcels an paved rnd. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and Van Camp for a longer visit. dents and a few eider folks fine of $100 and $6.50 costs', and en exeptona hoe. cllet Ivesmen. Aking$4.00 Tenis 1tamnily weme Sunday visitons On, Monday, Mrs. Chestei- enjoyed the Ice Capades in or one month each. Evans and~ a2 4 d 0 0d o n - e x c p i n l h o o . c l ensn e t e n . A k n $4.5000-.T oi-ms. 1 w ith M i. a n d M rs. W a lter M rs. B ra d ley , M r. an d M rs . T o io t a T h u rsd a y n ig h t. T o p o e e a s h r e 243000.0 SToi-m S 4.0 0 oim.Sc g g St, B wnavandla k u n, D n Miî.Knapp, Oshawa, vîsited their A car load of W . I. mem- w1 o s m n iq o- w ie8~M 23 AN S. - Sory 1nd Nine Acres + Stream i 3 bedroom bungalow, attach- Mi-. adMs letTy osnMs il.e ms tbr a ne nattend- u ndorge n ech ined $50i hall. Storms and screons. 3 n r.AbrTa-cui s.Lle ey abeshdpandoated nrg ndahfne$, berom-wllkpt 2,5 10 3 hedroomn home. 3 pce. + 2 ed garage, lot 60 x 200, gond 1 loi-, Galt, and, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. Van Camp's, Base ing the W. I. convention but and costs, or an additionaL, pc. at. cr arge G od ga-d n an. 1,00 T im r c is c~ Sheburne, Lin. the weather was so unpleas- seven days.LS S-w -~ -Terms. t~lowiing stream. Two acres arranged. were Friday, and Saturday Mrs. Win. Laird accompani- ant Thursday max-ning that~ y-i alr hr re RS E FORMER BiAg DMt. NE T OEScop- t ch pie A kn $7,. Business Opportunty night guests et M . and Mrs. ed by her sstex-in-law, Miss they decided n t ta go. ýcook at the Voyageur, tLd the FR SH M HoALLcommriglt. . -Ee T oims 12 unit motel on bu5y'L. Welsh. They were attend- Susan Laird, Oshawa, visited Rev. T. Snelgrove ook the court that the hree youths E $35,na0-0commeril rpety- Ten Acres - Stream 'highway. 30 minutes tram ing a Junior Fax-moi-s pi-ovin- theli- sistor, Mr-. and Mrs. service as usual an Sunday entered the restaurant late o - -K. W West edge af Bowmanville.' Metro. Soparate fram units is cial directors meeting at Sa- WelIie Pearson, Peterborough, morning at 11:15. He spoke aSnayOcbe-0.ndoer ALCAN HOMES - Telephone Excellent viow overlooking the a lai-go modern duplex for lv- lina. on Mond.ay. memarial service for those Sed aymeal. er 2i ntrctions for appaintment. The newest tow'n. 30' x 40' stream. Good ing quai-toi-s and/or i-entaI. Mr-. Glcn Blackbur-n andi Mr. Tom Pearson, Base w.ho had fallen in battie. fi-rn hem emplayers were at in osgn ndcofor. eeswimrning area. $19.000.Toi-ms. Situated on 4 acres of land Miss Joyce Andersan, Kempt- Lino, spont the weekend in They gave their lives foi- us the fi-st sfgn af trouble Lo cali ihese beauties today. i7 with Stream. This would bo ville, w'eie weekend visitacs Guelph. so mie should do something teOPFu-Lmssewn BO~ 33 ROW ST - enrahy1 ho7e Andonnre side c xceienta aporate rtifrd Itîac r.und Mrs. Farewell Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Brow- foxr them. The or ag the ou n Furted the outhst _________RIE______________ In e -Exceptional buy -,4Lhocessindon ntlai-ke Twp. c ouplt o e. Aing 7Blackwth urn.e-Satui-day supper n~edand family, Ingbeside, very pleasing selection "In stsuhadsrbMA ELEFIXTA EN 4I~WCA - Ti-ms. Hous trailer ad some impe- toi-ms.John Kinghorn and famihy, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bi-ownell Foster playing the ergan. We btteohx w sdoseeRAYT-A EMA WCATLE- NRTH ST. monts included. $35.000. 1 Orono Miss Leslyn Chamberlain, and family, Base Lino, on wex-e glad La sec moneoeut Lo lanuae and er ued bsve BE LSS n.~v~ id - .1 bedrorns, bun-1i Zion, Mi-.. and Ni-s. Leslie Sunday. Sunday sohool and aiso max-e.lanstgeade . auiv . OPP galow,. Fully andscaped, îm- 10 Acres - Creek 1 om tryadaIatWlh i.adMs o isCrl roacuhate condition. i Nice woodsy lot, Ideal ror in excellent condition and wilI esln i.LiiyWlh o adlGenaM- acuci who came ln answer ta the J weekend retreat. Gaod accoss. î cari-y for $100 per- menth, . Tox-nto, spnt U.C.. met Wdnesda After 8 p.m.: $8,500. Terms. P.I and T. Ahumînum sîdîng ,-teweedwt h o-eeiga hehm fMs al on w enbLls theweeen wih te or-evein atthehoe o Mr. nder the table and followedlHA i 1). A. MaeGregor- 987-4267 Building Lots lot 65' x 165'. Owner must 1mC"'UAIU G o hrrm Sewat CharlsiRg.Ello, wit s ah the car uei Waverley Rad,ý 623-5868 We havevluent a i-calrne teartinchrge wtl PeKwlI.63588 W aeara gond selc- 1$15,500. Is neistuil vuau a JJjijjjf is. L. C. Snowden, Mrs. 15 present. Mrs. W. Mercer 9 - Pes5Koai - 46-11 tien of building lots in Bow- Imdaeocpny .E-l adMs.H iy aetedvtoa n h manvîlle In pay teir respects. I __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ ma viie O an , ew asleO on M-. an N-s vnc n J ck ide ma ate de t e Intiut B bl r adng M-. llot S mp th i e t nd d o hean sHi.udBrara.Gdlelyr, la-garikdom i s n er i Hg.shl on co ve ti n agaTusvyeei tv hee u b ho in t e iser an b ot e a danmd ___the__ _ Nursing Home us a caîl. excellent condition and well1 Tuesday attcnding the tuneral in TorOnto.1 beautiful and i nt er e sLjing ies ef the late Mns. Virtue and _____________________located ln Orono. 3 bedx-ooms, service fox- their aunt, Mns. Mr. and Mns. Leslie Colla- slides she had taken on hon ta Ni-s. O. Miller ln thein No. 1 GOLEN ELO LYNONURT anr asWilf Hawke - - 983-52741lai-go kitchen, living reomn,lIRose Bailey.cut Sda chironLre wek tpt G-L sudden loss. the Kindi Dha IlwreSuda aler o hr Iles'tiptoGra àccommodation fIa r Senior Lloyd Atchison - 786-29591dining raam and beautifull A number tromth village Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Memox-- Britain and Europe last sum- Mr-. and Mns. Wayne K A AA - Citizens. Rest home rates, Wayne Marchant 62324lag faiyrm which sj attcnded the Ai-misLice Dmn- iliHaspital, also Mrs. Everett mer. They went fromn Lon- Dundas, spent Sunday with MI pensionens wehcame. Omana ik eeaf * '2-'95293 eectricaliy heated. panebhed Inom at Millbrook on Thursday Hoar, Bowmanville. don to Brussels, down the their cousin and family, Mi-.' B A N__________________________ 983-5639. ckMtaf 6359 and has Indirect lighting. Ask- night sponsored by the Mill.. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Ci-r in River Valley withisadN-.JonBkr 431 G m e R c rd * 6 3- 3 7 in ri e $ 7. 0 w t 1c- s brook Legion and Ladies derm an, M r. Jim Cryderm mn, beautiful m ou nitainous Sc en- Mn. vG rry Co nish, 'K .*A 'C . Frei h H e e c o a d 6 3 3 1 r n r ai Flo rid a o, i J lc i Hele M cDon ld - 23-391 Orono Ai-ca'Auxih ai-v.M r. K en C ryderm an, M iss Es- y. They visited H eidebu mg, Ke p v le, spent the ln g,Ï l I L lf UE ~ 'Mac McDonaid-- 623-3911 3 hedroom split evel brick 1Mi-s. Thomas Jennlings, Ni-s. ther Cryderman, Master Ralpb The Black Fox-est. Innisbi-uk, weekend with his parents, Mn. SPINi lVI Molm fl1 -46-1 :and stone custom built homo I Carl PorfteosNi -sva-zndi-a oeSna vs-Sîzugan onteDn-adMsriny o-ihc S ~~~~~~~~46-11nother, Misr oli hllc. U.C.W. Novembex-meigsarsi ni next June. "I Lhink the pi-osent councl~l-z -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-- - --------- w l h e d n N v. 2 t in A C rist mnas cake c ntest w as as done an excellent job 6 - u.1 the church at 8:00 o'ciock In- answemod coi-iectîy by four undor Mayor Marks. I'm vm lBtî fstead af Nov. 13th en account ladies. A very -61 uc o-iyb' o oigL o-SVE ~ISV I REM E IES O R HE 'OM M N CO Dao the Board Meeting being was enjeyed and a vote of tinue and hope we geL some f Shehd at Tyx-one cburch an Lhanks was extended te eun anc who can do as good a job 1Nov. l3tb. hostesq.loi- botter." e RED ROSE ISAT ~ j 9 1-u -. There was a good attend- .M. Lunn expiess-e con:~E Ea M a ,,ance at the Remembrance Day cern about the xrgional gov C O F E LONGSe An uULTy Mr._oy________IssueHe_________t' Gr-aham presented the wneath. LN A L a very Important stop which1 ~. Rev. David Northey preached desex-ves vex-y serious study SV 0 the Remnembrance sermon. Mn. and Mmi. Wmn. Johnson and which shouhdn't he "push- BAYR OUNCE . M r. avni d M s L. Falls, in a. Janètville, were tien ou ncia b m y Wayn Blckbrn, ewcstl, Ms. Fetcer nd M. Jck othprovincial and tederal weeStra vnn ii-Jhsn saa eeSn ôiis esaid bis 20 year 10 î 8O.M-.adNs.Er b Mp-Srd ay nnd isito Pns ad et in t auil epatenscthe 606UMO GREAT .25 toW30o110 son, BowmanvIlie, were Wod- Mn. and Mmi. Paul Vàneyk city. Ho belleves present ne- suhlbm SIZE e4 40 OUNCE*V VA LUEI 5 75 CAN nesday- visitai-s of Ni-s. A. and famiby were Sunday atter- creatIonal facihities are good RADIATOR FLUSH WasherAnti-Freeze WindshiIdWasher Arctic Wiper Bled. RADIATOR PURGE Mn. and Ni-s. Jim Joncs, ents, Mr. and Mmi. W. Vaneyk. impx-oved funther aLibI. I' R A rernvesrus prteu win- fatues ,/àde-ces s i quckl puges Scarborougb, visited Mx-. and Mn. and Mns. J.* C. Cook1 A chanter member ef the1 remov s ru t - rote ls w nd- fea ures ½ - e-ic s as it - quic ly p rges Mrs. John Jon s and fam ly were Sunday upper gu sts o f Oshawa Taostmastexs' Club, W IE1L C D î E T from cooling sys- shield, even at gallon capacity; wipes for blizzard and cleans chok- on Sunday. the Smith's. he's aIs o an avid skier who"wIfeEs M.Russell Ormiston, Don- Mr. and Ni-s. Bruce Bakereaey tm a nd i m- 35* below, when nozzle, jets, foot storms. For curved ed, hot-runrîig aoiewin, Enniskillen, were and Pamnela, Teoronta, wo reBREA proves circulation. niixed with watei. dome and hose. windshields. radiators. Sunday supper guests of Mr. Surda guests of tbeir parents, He resides at 206 Switzen iBRE all.De liwas indeed cast'two daughters, Sandra, 9. and 24-ou-A ILie r EXTRI CAH aCARR BON S CUPON Mr.Dou Blakbur, Xmpt-overourcommunity this pasLt Susan 2. Lae vlspcit te eedaiwe hnitwas leanned iÀ- li1 hshome. Teda tnoon ta r. M.and r.LodAhoMtl Virtue, Tyx-one, hadj e Cs Today 1Ronald and Ray, wre Sunday uddenly passed away and CAM dinner guests ofMrs. Ruth temoVTurdy h scodFo ldAplane Aikenhead, Toronto. sbeck came when Lbe word truhY RGEMn. Charfie Garrard attend- came ihat Mrn. Orme Millier,- 7-C Aed the Armistice dinner, the Wbitby, forxnerly Of the New S T AT ESUMA N (HOME O ULT CE T A World War, vets at the Legiona heant attack and died sud- 01D) AR E 160 Ch rc S., ow civileHall, Bowmanville, on Satur- idenly. A number vîsited the Phono 423-3302 lday night. 4Lwo funeral home& in Bow-' _______

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