Uined slkrt and styled with ai side-r pepnel caught by a self-material bow. They wore srnall, white cushion 'mums in their coiffeurs. and car- ried bouquets of white carna- W eddin7stions with red roses. W e di~ s fMr. Terry Devitt wsbs' usihers were another brother' ofthe groom, Mr. Larrv De-1 îitt, and Mr. Warren AldPrI brother of the bride. The reception was held in the Centennial Nýightingale Temple where the rd' '4vVTTT ALDER the officiating clergvrnan andmother received %erig Mr. Wm. M. Findilav played claret velvet, sleeveless "A", Floral arrangements of pink the wedding mulsir. "The solo- linle sheath with mnatchingi and w.hite carnations formedi ist. MINrs. Sam Black, sang Th, iackpt, velvet hat in the samei an attractive setting in Tri- Wedding Frayer and My shade, white gloves and blacki IhitY United Church, Bowma;n- World. ahoes. She carried a black , ville, on Saturday. October Given in marriage bv ber baghi re d ihasryo 12, 1968. when Miss Patti rahhitebrde reafo-carnations and red' Louise Aider. daughter of Mr. raoser, the bide ware a for maIl ength gown of frost- roses.Thdi eîgrom dsfohr' and Mrs. Ronald S. Aider. and white satin with Bateau neck-asitdnreivn n fo Mr. John Wayne Devitt. son, line outlined with Venice lace the occasion chose a green of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devittiý flowýers. The wrist - leghma n dress ensemble with ail of Bowmanviîîe, were leee 'r rme ~ ith ngfeathered bhat, com- united in marriage, matching le, animd w ,hplemented by mink -tan e Rev. Georg K. Ward at iques end.helace ap-'gloves and shoes. Her corsage. Rev.Geoge . Wad wzýpiqu. esdefnedthewaistline. was of Talisman roses. ---A detachable chape] train ac- JOHN F. c ented the sliçn skirt. andý Before leaving for theirý ~... her two-tifer, shoulder-lengthi honeymoon in Muskoka, the veil0f hit tule lluinIbride donned for travelling, TH feil from a floral lusterlan orange wool moat, brown 1!headpiece highlighted withiand orange Paisley sleeveless' r Esheer petals. Her cascade brn'rsmatc o-a, Geneai Isurace ntis.Don Mills. Geneal nsurnce Miss Diane Siniiih wa- majdý ALL CLASSES 0F o honor and Miss Jane Gra-ý The bride. who attendedý PERSONAL and ham and Miss agrtM -1 Bowmanville Public and Highi COMMRCIL LIES au wre argaet 0t~Schools and is a graduate of! COMMRCIL LNES au erebridesma îds. All t Contat : weré classmates of the bride the University of Toronto' JOHNMrMlIAN t te Unverityof oroto.Dental College, is a Dental' JOHN111MrM623-3950 the Uneivesiy olTont o.Hygienist with Ontario Coun-! 623-111or 63-350 "he woe idntial gwnsof'ty Public Health. Pickering.I 14 FRANK STREET, ce-rise ribhed Benberg fabric. ýThe groom, wbo is attending! BOWMANVILLE The gowns were e mpire1teOtroCleea d- BOWMANV_____________ waisted. falling to slightly A-teOtroColg fEu - __________ ~ j et onToronto, is a former BowmarvillePublic and Highl ,,School student and gzraduai-, No big su m to"Sock-Away . d with aB..dge rm Waterloo University.i w Honored guests at the weri-' ofor Ch ristm as! ding and reception were the! groom's grandmathers, Mrs.! John Smart, Edmonton, Alta., !,nd Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Tnwn aind the bride's grendmother.ý LAY WA YOU RMrs. Norma n H. Taylor,Tw. LAYAWA YOURMany parties were held in 1 onor of the bride prior to - CHRISTMAS GIU SI NOW ! 'her marriage. A ooffee partyi- was held at the home of Miýq. I Ernest Marks. Oshawa, with' ONLY Mrs. Victor Kitchen and Mes. O YTurner Smith co-bostesse. Miss, Fat Gill gave a miscel- 0 ~laneous shower, assisted byý co-hositess Miss Ileane Rah me., oulovaDiamei which wes attendedi by for-, La Ptitemer bigh school friends. with he fi of 2Mrs. Ernest Taylor, aunt of: liantdia'mnds.the bride, assisted by hprý daugbter, Mrs. George Ma, Lellan, bpld a miscellaneouis, sbower attended by relatives i of the bride. A dinner party1 for the bride and groom,1 RESERES Aheld et the home of Miss' RESERES AMargaret Moreau with Miýss Mm M *~iaDiane Smitb a.ssisting, wasq M, ýfollowed by R "Mis and Her" "" ..~JVA çthower. Family members et-1 - O Vtendied a presentation partyl heat the home of the' sulu-a 23groom',; grendimother. Mrs. A.' One o AmeicismostE. Devitt, witb Miss Helen1 popuer watch styles.J Devitt, aunt of the groom,, 23 ewes, seIf-wnd- Get the hostess, when they xvere pre-: shocii.res sant. sented witb a matcbîng can<ý I t wa e p o f,$5.5so . , Jum p on inister set and TV trays. ývreser BUt Pre-Christmas Special 200/'o DISCOIJ ON ALL Bulova Watcl, Purchased During Wee4 NOVEMBER i 3th to BUY NOW AND SAVE $ $ MARR JEWELLERY & GIFT 39 King St. W. Phone 623-5463 1 Bowmanville (FORMERLY FRI 71 KING ST. W. TELEPHON Special t T-BONE, WING, PORTERHOUSE, STEAKS ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN Tip RO, HAMBURG m- ROASTS BLADE, SO DE VON BACOI PORK LOIN CF FRESH HAM Rt FRESH PICNICI BOLOGNA-- FRYERS IL.37c CENTRAL SMITH ]CE CRIAN COME AND SEE THE DELICIOI malJs >t STEPHENSON . CAMPBELL, Exchange Vows in Trinily United Church I eowman-iflo Legion lfall on 'The Canadian Statestnan, Boewmanvfie, Nov. 13, 1ffl Saturday eventng. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane. were celebrating their 34tb wedding anniversary over theUN D lg t e o t îweekend. dining out on Sat-U e ga R p r 'urday night and entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane aneC dany. Ondn te,.it wa.Si n .T W m n sClub son o Oroidnto dne. wSuan- annlversary for the latter couple, alsa. Mr1 There were 18 members th.at her preseince at Waterlo4 Mr. andMr; Jini Adams i and guests present at the had helped to influence her were dinner guests. Sunday. regular nionthly dinner meet- decision ta return to High with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry ing of the Bowmanville Busi- School this Fal. Adams. TorontD. iness and Professional Wo- A brief business meeting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley of1 mens Club at St. Andrew'sfloea h.c ia ln Orono were Sunday supper Chuich en October 17th. olw .athi.fnlpas guest.s with Mr. and Mrs. C. For the past several years, were made to attend the Re- Brown. we have sent a girl High giona.l Meeting at Cobourg on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- Srhool student ta the Ujnited Octaber l9th, at which tdnie,ý son and Carol were visitors, Nations Semninar at Waterloo invitati o uhldeted1969 Sunday. wlth Mr. and Mrs. University. This June, Miýsivtto o dte16 Ray Mock. Oshawa. Rochelle Hunt of B.H.S. wý Regional Conference in Bow-. Sunday dinner guests with our delegate to the 6th an- ravle Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer lnclud- nual U.N. Seminar. and she The meeting closed with a ed Mr. and Mrs. Rager Leush- gave us a very interesting remindeir from the Program ner and daughter Carol of report on the business meet- Convenor. Ma r ion Jeffery, Niagara Falls. also Mrs. M. T. ings and social activities that that aur next monthly meet- Leushner, who is spending sev- took place at Waterloo Uni- ing on Thursday, November eral days here this week. versity. 2lst, will be our Birthday A couple of bus loads of Rochelle thanked the nmem- Party. A special program ' s shoppers went to Yorkville bers for giving her an oppor- planned, and we are looklng, Plaza on Monday fromi this tiînity to attend the Seminar, forwaird to a good attendance. district. and we were pleased to bear of members and their guests.. Women's lnstltute&s regular, monthly meeting will be etl the home of Mrs. G. McCul- lough, Nov. 20, 2.30 p.m. I A meeting of the 0fiiaI ry %CleartersC/nucàle_ bers of the Re-Alignmenti Committee. wîll be held In the Spruce Up Your Home for Sundav School hall. Mondla,.,' h oia iNov. 18 at 8 p.m. teHldy Annual Bazaar Court Venture L1892 C.OF. held their Annual Bazaar on - iSaturday, November 2nd, un Nightingale Temple on Queen, Street. it was opened by 1 . D.D.H.C.R. Heleni Twining of Oshawa who congratulated Convenor Dorothy Porter on Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Devitt, shown signing the register in the above snd the lrayadiework anld. photo, exchanged marriage vows in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on that t'hle memnbers of Court, Saturday, October 12, 1968. The bride is the former Miss Patti Louise Aider, i Venture gave generously t& daughte .r of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Aider, and the bridegroom is the son of Cancser lJosan bso ovn Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devitt, ail of Bowmanville. !P_ _____ d the Tearooni, Sîster Heleneý ___ Wallis the Apron booth, Sis-i versity, London, over the ter Betty Westlake the Home Autu n W e dingweeknd.Baking, Sister Shirley Brock.1 Autumn edding w q Pat Varme and Mr.,Candy, Sister Dorothy Bord,- teacers hn ttended Teach-1 ters Dorothy Porter and Jean' ers' Convention In Toronto' Devitt the Penny Draw table. lest Friday. 1 Mrs Marjorie Wilson sold Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender-,tickets on a beautiful babyl son and Carol were Friday ev- doîl. dressed and donated by ening xisitors with Mr. and 'Sister Helenfe Wallis. Mrs. Ait. Perrin. The following draw prizes -'Glen MacDonald ente.rtain- were won: No. 1 Barbara' ed several of his young friends Smith, cookie jar: No. 30! at bis birthday party, Satur- :Helene Wallis, silver tray: yday atternoon. 'No. 32 Helen Nicholson, tee' Recent visitors with Mr. andI table clotb; No. 35 Linde, Mrs. Geo. Stapleton were M.IMsesn îdvss No. 44 A Allan Martin, Port Credit; Mr. Joanne Sudshury,, set of four and Mrs. Harold Whiley, Jini coffee mugs; n. 51 Merg' and Glenna of Avening. 'Perris. pillow cases; No. 54ý Bob Henderson was homne AI Osborne, long silver ,tray; Sover the weekend from Wet.er-1 No.fi0 Pat Thiele, cups and, loo University. bringing hbis airs o.76JanBuir, -~friend, Gary Rîvers, Newcastle, "hathrnom set: No. 90 Alfred with him. Brown, cutting board and potý M r. and Mrs. Del Merrill of odrUN.22Mr c « ;,.- ~ Cempbellford visited bis aunt.'urcipr o 1 ee J Mrs. Bea Joncs during the'1 weekend.Ovenden, lingerie set; No. '145ý Kim nd KnGle' Barbera Mecdonald, blenkel;, spen Satrda aftrnoo etNo. 273 Diannp Sallows. neck-! lace set- No. 301 Muriel Ten- their cousin ShelIy Tompkinsnatpnkbnk:No 5 birthday party.Mr. Kmie d M,-~Mr TiK 1ib1 nopaci. ixrand ........ . . . . . .. . .. . ter. .MNo. 474ViJoe an Jen- ve yu The marriage of Miss Joyce Mary Campbell, daughter of VAnow! ,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Camp-' bell, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and Mr. James Lewis Stephenson,! son0 of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Newcastle, was: solemnized in Newtonville i United Church on Saturday atternooni, September 28, 1968, Pt 2 o'clock. Arrangements I.'. of white and pink 'munis formed an attractive setting «' for the ceremony. Rev. Ted Snelgrove offi- Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Stephenson, shown In! es iated. Mr5. F. Gilmer play-. the above photo, chose Saturday afternoon, Septemberý' esedth wedding music and 28, 1968, at 2 o'clock for their marriage in Newtonville~ accompariied th e vocalists,! United Church. Formerly Miss Joyce Mary Campbell, of i Charles and Gloria Gray 1 Given in marriage by h ler, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 2 rdfather, the bride wore a floor~. Camnpbell, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and the groom is the son' $ ~~soie styled with lace spvs ~ r.Sehno fNwate andaccented by appliques of' t'he lace rose-design. The ap- p liques also encircled thî- N W TONVILLE neckline and hemline, adce ' C obnono Oo Mrs. Don Stapleton and fani- flon-legth train of ae whichfeu rom te "1was a dinner guest, Anni- ily. Ihighighte theversary Sundlay, withM.ad Mr. Arnold Wade with Mr. Ihglgtdtegown. Her, î Jim Gilmer. Port Hope, attend- shoulder - length v e il was; SHO P caught in a floral cluster! roses and wvhite carnations.i ed a basebaîl banquet at Belle- a of Truman Young, sistpr ville one evening a week ago. Bowmanville headipiece. and she carried ao the bride, was matron ofý Mr. E. MacDonald is a cascade bouquet of Topaz, honor and the bridesmaid.s' patient In Memorial Hospital were Miss Bonnie Gilmer and where he underwent surgery, Mrs. Bruce Donnelly. Miss"last week. Connie -Young, niece of the' Names of those Rttendlng eat M rketbride, was junior bridc'smaid, the Annual Area Convention M eat M a ket :'d Miss Lana Colli-er was!of the Women's Institute held .IGI LOCERS)flower girl. AIl were attired!at the Royal York Hotel, last injade green, A-line. formai-' week, included: Mrs. A. Wade, NE 63-578 BWMAVILL legthgowns fashioned with Mrs. M. Samis, Mrs. T. Sand- lace inserts down the frontlerson. Mrr. S. Lancaster, Mrs. lAIand back, and short sleeves. W. Milligan, Miss B. Milligan, Teheir headdresses were jadeý Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. M. h i W e elk green bows, and their cascade' atsoe bouquets were of yellow rosesl Mr. Mark Karkis returned SIRLOIN and 'mums. tai Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mr. Robert Stephenson, cou. rnanville, last Monday. O in of the groom. was best, Mrs. Alf Grahami, New-j lbnp n and the ushers were Mr.1 castle, and Mr. Mlo ibl lb 8 9- Peter McCullough and Mr.ý were visiting friends in the Stanley Cobbledîrk. Mr. Kelly. village on Wednesday alter- Reid, also a/ cousin of the noon and were supper guests groom. was junior usher. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer.' A reception was held in' Miss Allie Nesbitt returned ýA ST M M lb.8 9 Newtonville United Church! home Monday, after spendlng 'aIl. The bride's mother re-, several days In Toronto. iureivrd weaning a light blup Mrs. Laturie Cale, Bowman- 4 1bs. $1,8 0 %hpathdress wilh gold sequinIlleG. M cu cll er collar, and black accessorieq. er s a sculomehatbla 'RT~6 9 The RMERI Yc n grooms mother assisted He lst a o e wh w ee ad- )RT RI, PRIÊ RIB lb. en receiving and wore a' ito hs h eeaad cream-yelow drss it h!cd prizes nt the recent Hal-: crary-eloma(re, d lowe'en party In the Sunday N ~ lb 6 9yc matching jacket, yellowan School hall, wbere the judges, brown feathered hat, and, were Rev. T. Snelgrove, Miss l brown accessories. Both worePat Varma and Mr. Bobý I p - M lb 7 ,5c orchidhcorsages. t on their, Wendy Rei, Jery honeymnoon, a motor trip, Stacey, Shelly Brown, Janie DA STeS M M lb 5 9c arouînd the Great 1,akes, thp1 McHoim, Jo- Anne Vogeis, bride was wearing a blue' Billy. Bickell, Cindy Brownw, drsmatching hat, and' Ronalld Hendersori, Kimi Har- lb ~~~i black accessories. A corsageriBlnoesJeySfas of pink and white carnations Carol Stapletan, Greg Wade. '~l. ,complemented her ensemble. Blaine Gilmer. (3 lb.,, pieces) 90c rlhey are residing on Mill St., Some of those wha have 'Newcastle. been or are away hunting are: The bride. who attendedýMegrs. R. Hall, T. Henderson, CA PO S lb a%# C Iewtonville Public School, S. Brown, S. Stacey, Don C A O S lb;~Clarke High Scoinol, and Mr- VInkle, B. tryadRn HALF GALLON iLaughlin High School, Osh. Green. 'Mue latter was suc-, -awa, i bookkeeper. The ceasful I bagging a buck and' 7 5 lgroom attended Newcastl a good sized bear, we under- Public Sohool and Port Hope! stand, white hunting In an MU MEAT WE HAVE FOR YOU ýHigh Sehool He is employed, are& north of Peterborough. with Cape Construction Com- Bruce.MacDonald vtsited his pany, sister Marilyn at Western Uni- Peck visited Mr. and Mrs. BillIdea Clark et Bethany, as well as fery, Blue Mountain dish, No.' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer., 496 Dot Bond, aâh tray; No. Lindsay,. during the weekend. 571, Susîe Graham, canister Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- set; No. 581. Georgeann Gra- ton were weekend visitors ham, towel set; No. 601 Les-: with Mr. and Mrs. Harryl lie Lawinger, gold pillow;, Stewart. Kingston. No. 616 Susie Graham, pillow' Mr. Roy Smnith returned cases; No. 662 Mrs. T. Westý- home from Florida on Satur- lake. casserole; No. 712 Phyl- day where he bas been visit- lis Goodwin, set of glesses. Ing Mr. Jini Nesbitt. No. 727 Mrs. MCMahon, after Messrs. C. Ross and F. Gil - shave lotion; N.o. 599 Joan 1mer were among the World Gibson, door prize,. ýWar 1 Veterans att.endinig the Baby Doîl drew was won banquet and entertainme.nt lnby Mrs. Mabel Deviti. i Bring your : DRAPES, BLANRETS, BEDSPREADS, ETC. to us for expert dry-cleaning. COME TO 1BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd CLEANER BOWMANVILLE- CLEANERS- 94 KING ST. W. 623-5520" «IWe Specialize In Shirt Laundering i I See Our Exciting... New Wallpapers (Imxiorted and Domestie) ULTRA -MODERN PATTERNS - DESIGNS AND COLOURS See Our Varied. Selection of Sample Books including: LANCASTRIA - SANDERSON BIRGE and WALL -TEX FABRIC WALL COVERING BUNDLE LOTS CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES 1 ABERNETHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPERS 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE i I -.1