Bd Women Teachers Pick .5UIl Bowmanville as SiteI For 1969 Conference Bilef study ieolOnt on the the church and the scho0l WaS gtrutture of the Organzatlon, deplored by Rev. Vernon the dut4ea of Ita Officers and Touar of Madoc, who remind- = the U ic fning of prôgrams ed his audience public educa- weheld et the reglonal con- thon graw eut of the concern ference et Madoc of thé Yed- of the church and that one eration of Women Teachers' building once served both. Association of Ontario. Other speakers Included AMOng those from the Osha- FrnTae urntdn o wa area attandlng were: Mrs. nank TataoruCentendent of Ruth Grey. Mrn. Bonnit Mc. Mis fr etr H rin and Donald, Mrs. Içathleen Hutch- MssCana Bailey o! Peter- Ings, Mnt. Datne Doner, Mrs. borough, who spoke on the In- Ailce Sinclair, Mrt. Glenna terlm s c h o o 1 organizatian B"y, Mr,. Mry Outram, Cathy committees. L.agdon, Gay Knapp nd Mrn. The membens voiced con-~ )Cthleen Moncroft. cern that the best Interests Puture confenences are plan- cf the pupilg ha served ln the rmod for February, April, May county systam which cames 1« and June of next year. An Intoaffect ln January. [t was j Invitation to hold thé 1969 hoped these hoards would be fall conférence ln Bowmun- nterestad ln and aware of the At its annual meeting recently, Jack Nesbitt of Ville was acceptad. unique problems cf Individuel Cutc eodr colwseetdPeîetc Thé ldélng ap etwen sudTets nd tachrs.District 22 Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federa- tion. The newly elected offîcers are, from left to rgt O .S .S . .F. M etingTreasurer Garth Gilpin of Caurtîce S.S. 3rd Vice Elecs Jak NebittHonor Former Port Hop President Dist. 22 ~ ]W- Micel enlak, DPI RO. thunkad the members present f-"~ - District 22 and wlshed them aIl continucd» .'»a success as teachens and as - C..... -instrlct 22 Annuel Meeting membars o! the O.S.S.T.F i v#8 held i Courtice Second- Jack Nesbitt, newly elected «ya School on Octobar 26. 1968. president o! District 22, pre- t)'- . TDe Meeting was attended bY sented a gavel toi the autgoing I &bout 100 secondgry school president Jim Watson who bas techerg rapresenting some 20 served In this capacity for the seeondany schools in District yeans 1967-68. Mn. Neqbtt 92;' Représentatives from the also Introduced the newly pmvincial executive Of thaeialcted executive officers for <MS.T.F. Included Mn. Wilk- the years 1968-69. lagon and Mn. PRichandson who Te late reads as follows' ve u a rsureeepe n sat President Jim Watson,j eusmatersneeIng clani- Thos. A. Stewart Secondary fmalion. School; President Jack Nes- ames Speear@. principal Of bltt, Cau rt i ce Secondary Crtice secondary âchool, School; lst V. President 0 Ivaly welcomned thé teach- Charles Pawers, Thas. A. Stew- and exPraused a feeling Of art Secondary School; 2nd V. csperation and fellowship of Presîdent Paul Forban. Co- '4 raet bourg Colleglate West; 3rd V.. Soeaof thé Items on the President Douglas Dawson, aigenda wera as follows: Presi- Brighton High School; Secre- dento'sreport, reports o! the tary Jack Thompson, Bawman- vanicus chirmen, election of ville Higb School; Treasurer new exacutive officans, budget, Garth Gilpin, Courtice Second. resolutions te héè presentad ut ary Scbaol.-j "' e.. tbé Annuel Assembly next Fallowing new business, thej Marcb, election o! delegates te meeting adjourned et 3 o"clack. thé Annuel Ausembly. -- ' Followlng thé noon meal an' award o! merit wus presened Memnorial Hospital '" to Mrs. Mabel Anderson for L Reor lier outatanding work ln 05 ve~I , -N ~ ~ ~ ~ S.T.F. affairs dating buck ta - 1943. Harold Mumby, pin- Week of Nov. 4-10 Inclusive - cpal 01 Port Hope HhghA - - - . School. rene téu Ar dmissions ------ ------ 77 endat thesam tie rcale irLs--4 male. 2 !emaIe the trials and frustrations of Dischargs ------86 téachers during those fra Major operations ------ il tive years as member frmae Minor operations ---- 32 O.S.S.T.F. Very much moved mergency treatments 118i zy the sward, Mng. Anderson Visiting hotirg3-8 p.n. dally "Ilnvest in stocks? -Who, me?" Buying stocks le flot on/y for the weatthy. You teo cari bonofit from our experienced ànd aggréssive trading opération specializing in high performance stocks., Why nôt give us. a ll? Our aim is to make your money make monéey. BARCLAY & CRAWFORD LIMITED Duinn EIebishod 1902 37 King Street East, Oshawa Telephone: RA. 3-3423 BRANCH MANAGER-Mr. Douglas R. Armstrong toris Old I WerP. tn th Con v 6th. is on we re poem ~Iencoe dow, ped'. * tape some iwhich Hallo, ducte MeE Save servec Mrs. venor. 'E During the annual meeting of the District 22 0.S.S.1 tice Secondary School a special Award cf Menit was Anderson, forrnerly of Port Hope High School, for her c S.T.F. affairs, dating back ta 1943, Port Hope High Mumnby is shown presenting the award. Bowmanville Wl The regular meeting cf the Bowmanville Women's Inati- tute was held in the Young Peoples Hall of the Salva- tion Army on Thursday, Oc- tober 31, with a good crowd in attendance. The meeting opened with O Canada, The Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. M. Wiseman presided. Mrs. Wiseman welcomed the members and guests. Special gucst was the Districtý President, Mrs. R. Davis. Ani article on the origin o! Hal- lowe'en was read by Mrs. Wiseman. Mrs. I. Munday, sec ret ary -treasurer, rend the minutes and correspondence and gave the treasurer's re- port. A letter was read from Mr. Holdcn, cf the Bnwman- ville Memorial Hospital, perl taining Io the gift o! the« Bowmanville Institute te thel Hospital. Donations were giv-1 en to the North-West Terri- Business Direclory Àccouniancy RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. flALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & 'CO Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby. C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. C h i r o p r a c f i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 ElginSt., cor,_ofHorsey St. 8 1%@ Ctn*dun a titige*n, nUwmifivf, Nov. 13, 18 MRS. GEORGE lHEASLIP The Heasir ber hoi day, 0O Dau and El former was bc ceived boro F Say Cc marrie( Janetvi operate At thai homeà Remi passlng busbar of Ott4 say, G onc d (Mauri ton; 10 sister1 of Scu Lottie, old F Flenr' ýpruleci.andu LMheuNr-- ~Phone 623-5509 K~ing Farm. Arrangements Office Hours: By appoinimnent made for a bus to go -__________lu____ hv. Central Ontario Area .a ention. Wednesday, Nriv D e n a 1iu" Thp Christmnas ;meetin1 i- )Der. 5th and ticketsl DR. W. M. RUDEL. ?on sale for the dinner. 75 King St. E. Bow- :ý is to be an exchange, Office Houri : i.0 fts.9 a.m. to 65 p.M. ifts. j ~Closed Saturday a O7 )Il cal] was answered. Office Phone - little things in everyday Re-, Phone NewcaLLETTE that lead. to good citizen- -RC-CA-TV 75 King St. E. T i enrMsC.owe 9a..t program was in charge Office Houri : HTGUARD wvas on Citizenshîp. The Closed Saturd m Dwju.j ,ô, "The greater part of Phône eau is the desire to pré- ~ YY~ was prepared by Mr. . D . - "13U1 eron and read by Ms., office TSugg. rst 2.51189 k.Mn. Bl&ck cl6séd with1 100 Liberty 8 Lrse on the fifth Hôrse. Phoz- Oftice HôUA I sDavis. the Distrirt Pre* - a t. was the guest speaker. DI 0 spoke on Citizenshp. ShaCtzesi t. r f 7ILpODIAHRUUD -dependent living, of the~ Office A28 RU ge to stand up and ha ted and to be generous mont. IWt1.92 Smg. BI 2.22 ur time In helping other 0 e. It ix flecessary for us Cles Pici. of 12 Me of 1 evelop our skills. Life is sred by what we put in,- 1.49 1.79 by what we take. She Id with two poems, 'Pre-I- and Example" and "A! 5uccess'. s. C. Downe3y read fso n ram A Roadside Wiry ,Tha Apron String Snaf ai Mr. Hone brought I the tapes of nId time n the ih was much enjoyed(ence we'en contest was # Mal- Pd b.v Mrs. C. Dow4 Miss meting closed wîth Bon- I the' Qu'. c Lord th uen 7ucCae 5 KNG STRE id by thé group in Cre K H. Couch, soc1iaXnother Sdeath o! Mrs. George [p occurred suddenly at me ln Nestieton, Thurs- ctober 26. ihter of thé late Walter ' izabeth Fleming, thé rLillian May Fleming )orn at Hillhead- and re- 1her aducation In Rea- Publie School and Lind- 'ollegiate. In 1921 she ed George Heaslip of ville, and until 1962 they zd the family farm. t timne they purchused a and moved to Nestieton. aining ta mourn ber g, ln addition ta her nd are three sbns, Lloyd tawa, Kenneth of Lind- 1ordon a! Port Cr dit; daughter Helen.~- 0 grandchld,- Ruby (Il' rbor LCREE M 4F? King i Si. u t 1.1 gieiMAMLANS StaMFPy3. Sua Us L ENS "ufALr rL&t :$lit1S u it 1.2 COic. 99C 29 --- s AYLMER PEAS 5 m YORK STEW 3m M. SAUles cuwtu - M 000 F000 7- 1 MATE R AiNEý -y-,-lu. ICA SHORTENING Sug. Iist 73c 5 itts PAPER MATE TEMPO PEU FREE WITN GILLETTE -,*Super Staiulm Stoli y.BLADES hRg. 2.04 Wftu for 1.45 ~ ~1m29 ti1111 IIk'41Ia I11,11 IN~~ hulm 11,11.11 k model 202No. VICKS eo""7No HankSC Hankscraft sir& F% É% r% FORMUL APOR IZER FULL STRENG list 9.95 COUGH REýml 6@95 11 m2ui iL, q, MIIII il ' c McGRE, PRESCRIPTIONS umi CORN I AI U 'Riz" iRUN emmr mo i CEs IFu. MR SMw l141AU5 TISSUE 4 1 WHTuNA 3m BUTTER 3 du ,OONTIANISOL »M 108L Cm[UIJPma C60KIES3 gtI TOOTH BRUSH 4-~ AlI -SIA- mi u 2 m il GRAPEFRUIT NUCT RED0 OR WH ITE12 1 VALENI ORANGES :uf MUSNROOMS 590 LETTUCE ~ -5 JUMBO GARROTS 1' cooKING ONioNS a ic 1 250 ML" COFFEE RICH PANTYHOSE CHOCOLTE3àu arIG wuiîc £ PM lIA un cuit s ' ille IGA Foodliner _ýOWMANVILLE :ET WEST 1 1 -L ad Ditit21Fdrto OBITUARY School Nominations ci D strct 2 FeieraionROBEfLT HENRY STRON §ff The death occurred sude ly uesay Noeme ,Wi Il be HeId in Orono4 M 1968, at the famnily residelice,, Public Sehool electors foj wîth the meuit that ettheS' ci 1174 Somerville Street, Osha- th~emutehrem ilplismy wa, of Robert Henry Stron ncîaîte o lak1 end up with having both He was In bis 67th year. . Township, H o p a Township! elected members i their own Rorn Nov. 21, 1901,n and Newcastle wIU be held 1In municipality. Manvers Township. Durham Orono in the Township Hall At the present time thîngu County. the deceased was mar- 10 Moda, ovember l8th. are rather quiet in the field rled November 4th, 1926, In! Nominations of candidates but it i5 expected that at1vi Oshawa. A resident of Osha - from the three municipalities ýtywilnceewthrta wa for 28 years. he moved will commence nt one o'clock next week or two. From n'te there from Enniskillen and and continue until two o'clock grapevine we can expËti et pnior to his retirement worked in the aftennoon. If more t.han least two running from Clarke, for General Motons for overi two are nominated from the but this lm not definite ut this 25 years. He was a membe r 1three municipalities an alec- time. -Orono Times. of the General Motors 25- tion will be held on Monday,_____________ Vear Club and of Local 222, December 2nd, when poils UAW. w ill be opened In the thnee Cet Cash T dl He lm survived by his wife.1 municipalities from the hour the former Greta Solomnon and!of ten o'clock in the morning two sons. Harold of Bowman- until eight o'clock in the ev- For 0ld Appliances ville and Gerald of Oshawa. ening. Thera will be 10 poils' He was predeýeased by tW"Oiin Clarke Township, seven threuth daughters, Olive Marie Iln in Hope Township and three, 1948 and: Mrs. Georgina Gil- i.ýn Newcastle Village.STAT38MAN bert In 1957. 1 C L Aun Srstood that Also sunviving are a s1ste,! eleci C L A S S I F I E D S Secetay ackThopsn o Bomavile HghMrs. M. Wotton of Black-:tors may vote for any Iwo! Phone 123-3303 stock: two brothers, Edward candidates at the electin_____________ School, President Nesbitt, Past President Jim Watson of Bowmanville and Harvev'- of Thos. A. Stewart Secondary School, Peterborough; of Hampton; nine grundchild-ý lst Vice President Charles Powers of Thof. A. Stewart ren and three great-grandsons. Secnday Shoo, 2d Vce resden Pal Frha of Thmemorial service wu ' -. cor SecodarySchol, nd Vce Pesidnt aul orha ofheld at 2 p.m., November 8thj iIw on Cobourg Collegiate West. n____ t the Armstrong Funeralj question. "How do you like IH oe.tOsaw nCermetwus rve neyer heard e e c e orneighbor?" We were toldinM ntLw Ce te. it is not so easy to replace themn in real life as in a game o - o d le oýh v Teacher ~home, neighbor joftheRyd"'T and hi .cf ..z. November meeting hRd anysls'e Sthrough support of mýission- smaîîer number of parents .., unles, te the world. After thej death of Jesus, disciples con- present than usual and an r 't tinued te preach the gaspel, attempt ig to be made in In-i Seven though arrester. We crease attendance. The workl ' should say with Peter "We accomplished benefitq every-; ought to obey God rather than one's oilîdren so let us fI111 man". the gymnasium for the De- Mrs. Carl Down contin e mib meeting. our study of China. With a Mmesi eswr a globe of the world she showed celled a nd replaced with the Show close we are to China, requireenttatuy nt-an only 53 air heurs. They are vote or hold office whout still people we could com- teds 75 % of the meetings' municate with. Many must during a year. iY~ sillbeChistians. lo i Card parties to commence, we ne ally think of China to aften the New Year. daAs a swarmlng mass of Penny Sale with the themej humunity working together In Chnistmas Shop ut the Pen-! colonies - As Individualists ny Sale" is to be held on1 strong for family or as a December 7. Proceeds ta, go!i schelar, wise and tolerant - towards tumbling mats for' The Royal really doesn't have any salesmen- Whyaccpt ommn-m? Pos- s of the children in the' h sibly because of corruption in gym. yO hvers$endependenu l thaen insne od. other forms o! gevernment, President, Treasurer and Oridpoecelt s1uth nuac u they felt it couldnt be worse Seoratary were returned toi clients need, not just what a COPOep o tba.Snce Nand might be better. Will they office by acclamation. Elec- keep this form ef government tion for Vice-President and, Ghni aycipnïs ecncos o or finally discardl Lunch Convenor will he held yt h es folof #iem The bemefits mre Mrs. Down closed with et the December meeting. atyus thoughts fnem J. B. Phlllips. Several Girl Guides are t U ous "ec -~~~~ When we say If there Is aGd help serve lunch et the PennyYs erpeetteRy~hsac .OP why doesn't He do? W aet anter"ots but our first concenm i yo forget how much responsi- Badge". iR bility he hands back te, man. Messrs. Arthur Thompson STUART R JAM ES ROYAL How few are wtlling te work and Garland Cathcart gave within Aquiz on hina arod the Kedal are to make our prayers cornelan interesting talk on the GE RL N RA E MS1! true. The Kingdomn of God lm early life and happendngs2KIgS.WBomnle wihnyou. AqzonC iaaodteKna ra Office 623-5681 Residence 623-5493 Mwas Interesting. ___ Lunch wag served. U.. held recently at Cour- presented to Mrs. Mabel . ctstanding work in O.S.- Schoo1 Principal Harold ..................... l 1 illilk I"