You g Auscin Panthers played ID a 3-all tie.l eaTwirlers Do WeiI jn TTomirBtsE gTlsH A N Yr- Conahn andDougHenning. while David Eyman and Johni Mrs. Earl 'V teitspn e fttn o Whiteman each picked Up one the weekend wihv 1tv~i GadlwSho 111 o to r C ity B at o n C o n tes were scored by Ron Piper one Mrs. Harry RlvadMs Ahnsm e l oladoeassKen King! John Neals are ttnngteLetr otbteutw d About 500 Twirierg from ail 1 Team, 5th Twirlettes, 6th New; Lovekin; 10 yrs., 4L inyone goal, and Gary Mlilison'Royal WinterFarnTonths cetvbnpeutd pat !Ontario competed liTwirlers. McCune Il yrs., 5th Kathy on oladoeassw Oshawaon Saturday, Nov. qth 1Novice Senior Team - 3rd Blake. 1-1 yr.,ZnaShrryKery imr ad icaelCutt- irl lb h rne pau ed ut the Eastdale Colleglat.Centre-Ettes. Davis. Birett e ad Mehaslt. CPeseteytoGra-Hew ub Thei2 were entries from Otta-, Advanced Senior Team-lst Intermediate Solo, 7-8 yrs.- Brete a îeass. Sympathy oftteCmnn- i colb r n r.W WaqFeterborough, Kitchener, Starlettes. 3rd Sharon Farrow; 9-10 yrs. Midget Action ýtv is extended t r.Jh enr celt omm C. t, Guelph, London, Ham- Flag Twirl Team-lst Teen- 4th Carol Ann Sandberg; il-12Th frtMiet am o Odaninihsuen ethrteheshoopngS. Ilton, St. Catharines and many'ettes. yrs., 2nd Irene Rietmuller the day the Generals edgedlof her husbarn.Anïbrtme t,16. other cities as well as Buffalo. Novice Militarv March, 7-8 Intermediate Solo. 13 yrs.- tePn ige.ho yB of friends from ehn-t N.Y. The event which lasted yrs.-lst Sharon Farrow, 2nd S5th Janice Manning; 15-16 yrs. 5 to 4 counit. The Generals' itended the 1uea evc1 M.adMs cel o ail day, featured Fancy Drill IJil Stocker, 5th Nancy Riet-'lst Gayle MeNally. goals were scored by Larryl held In BDwavle 0;iil a itn eebt Corps. Dance and Team Twirl.t muller. 9-10 yrs-Barbara ' Advanced Solo, 15-16 yrs- Allun, Bob Harness, BrianhThursdav omrreiet o avr Military March and Fancv McGuIrk 3rd: 11-12 yrs., th '2nd Patsy Blake, 17-20 yrs- BugeswithJonon herMs.Nom Strutt In the morning; Open Irene Rletmuller. eo hrlMCne t on Championshîp. Solos,.fluet. Advanced Military -Ist . Major. Babokpce poea-te r.Toa hi omrhm itit Two-Baton, Flag and Local Patsy Blake. 4th Cheryl Mc-, Juvenile Duet-Ist Kathyl. it The P.R.S. gjoals werei Members ofth L.BAjr. cei, or tJnt Championshîps were In the Cune - 15-20 yrs. . Blake and Janet Lovekin; 2nd, anord b otn assist, Pugsleld a progriveitnetfrPbi eol afternoon. Senior Solo Parade Major- Irene and Nancy Rietmuller. tw ~oega and one assst, Mc-le The contest was sanctioned ette-3rd Patsv Blake, 5th Junior Duet,-5th Roxanne one.golaaydoin the Orange Hall onght.i bv the National Baton Twirl- Cheryl McCune. and Nancy Moore. Quiggin o ~ ne oac n id oa sdorehsn for nut lngAssciaio an hoteses Boys' Miltary--2nd Ralphý Flag Twirl, 15-20 yrs.-lst ~'.i dB b c PTopo n oetBonPoa were local twîrîers' parents. Harrison, 3rd Johnnie Gra-,. Patsy Blake. one assist. - . second prizes t1 isWnybro ~er. Ms cel with Ron Kopas. Douglas veIle. Two-baton Twir-Ist Patsy . In the second game the Bon adBýc ~l'tefre ee atn a Harvey and Mrs. Henning as' Novice Strutt-7- 8 yrs.. Blake. ContsdfatdtowaucsFn andswnteîck'amsctace tBta chairrnen, and Irenie Harvey Ird Caria Phillips; 9 yrs., 1ist; Oshawa Twl Queen-2nd by a 4 to 2 margin, with goalsdo rz.TeBar fTute n aRs director. Adjudicators were ' Janet Lovekin; 11-12 yrs., Sth Patsy Blake.gon to Doug Crough, D oug Mr.n PaerpnthcTe colSff revr Elaine Jacobs of Buffalo, Joan'Elizabeth Aiderton; 13 y rs., Many thanks to the Twirl- Parker and Keîth Swan whîle weekend in Peeb1 ugh rtru o hsgf hc Cousins and Betty Lyons of Janice Manning: 15-16 yrs..:.ers' parents. to the Eastdale, et Mouitjoy picked uP! with Mr. n Ms.E.MJwlheudinte coo Stoney Creek. Phli HrtGayne McNaliy; 17-20 yrg., 3rd' Custodian Staff and to al Who onandt h Cncs ol îyn uioim and Marilyn Sharp of Hamnil-, Joan Major. he]ped makie this contest a '~~wr crdb ikSak l n ton, Joy Twonsiey and Soniaý Advanced Strutt, 7-8 yrs.- success for our wonderfulý ton and Steve Forsey, while, Olberico of Peterborough. . st Nancy Rietmuiler; Il1-12 young people. Thank you one, Bruce Simpson picked up one, Local twirlers who placeri yrs., Sth Irene Rietmuller; 15- and ail for a wonderful day. *.~assîst. were: Mi"s Oshawa Teen Twir- 6 yrs., 2nd Patsy Blake; 17- Watch for the "Tartan In the final gai-e of the lerPaty Bak, 2d. -10pt20 yrs., 2nd Cheryl McCune. iTwirlers" In the Gre Cup MutRassam-. . (rom lst, Cheryl McCune; 3rd Novic.oo7 r 3r3aae0ntrdy v$~.. ed the Banitam Ail Stars by' Nancy Rietmuller, 4th Caria 'in front of the H.M.C.S. York "l«a8toicu.TeMun Gaye McNlly. an8 tÇt1 ourit.ahe Mole GayeMcNaly.Phillips; 9 yrs. 2nd Janeti Navy Band, on television.. Royals' goals were scored by Moto Cit Swetheat-. ~, David Johnson with Iwo goals Ann Sandberg.;NWTVI L and wo assiss i ue 3 Novce eenTaent-..err . two goals, Dave ColweIl onle ' ' Davis, 2nd Debhie Butler. Mrs. M.adMs av tpltn o pto!tertr -i-"i-, . .' goal and two assists, Mark McCune present.ed trophies on Mr n r.RySaltniI pt tterilrti ..... Johnson one goal and two behalf of the Tartan Parents 'with Mr. and Mrs. Glen ciement weather, a good crowd '~ assists, Philip Broo e one goal, Young Novice Talent--Jan- Stapieton were a mongth turned out for the annualan Ken Rowe and Scott Bur- I et Lovekin, 2nd Kathy Blakeguests at the Davman Min- bazaar and tea, In the Sundayý esoeass ah o h 3rd Caria Phîîîîps. Mrs. Biake ema wedding In St. Joseph'siSchool hall, FrIday afternoon,l i BantamAil Stars, John l'amSe u hismsGft o n ina presented trophies fromn the Church at Duoro, a week ago sponsored by the U.C.w blyn scored while GuyJon e ou Tartan Parents. last Saturday.Cr'ta eoain n son and Donald Smith picked Other local wînnpr.ç: Juv-' Local people attending the: novelties helped to provide a .. . up one assist each. enflieDrill Corps.- ltSalr 'FstviofMsi rvie right. and interesting at- - ,tSalr_"FsivI fMuic roidd Deserlw r S e il Kidettes, Capt. Michelle La- hy the St. Catharines Citadel mosphere, which ail presenit mont.; 2nd Tartan Blutes, Capt., Band In Port Hope Unitedi seemed to enjoy, ind Most 0f - T R IL pa'ClgeTie ae Cindy McCune. Church, Saturday evenîng, the articles on dlsplay were: T R VI payPru ead adLto Junior Drill Corps,-.Ird Tar- Nov. 9, lncluded Mesdames B.i sold. As usual, the bake table andede frlaPiwek tan Lassies, Capt. Janice Man- Jones, C. Brown, M. Jones and 1 was an early attraction, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Littie: i4.50 au 27 au hIng. F. Gilmer. This was in oh- waS cleared of Its delectable aend Sudayev aenig dineny$.0OI 2 Senior Drill Corps -Tartan servance of the 84th Anni- offerings In a matter of 25 e Sna evigdnerO l Treenrs, Capt. Chervl McCu7n.vrsy fheSlaonA y minutes from the time Rev. T.1i guests at Mr. Ewart Robin- Drun, Line--2nd Whithy Drun, In the town of Port Hope and Sneigrove declared the affair' sn. Corps with the TatnLsis ncluded several organ solos o0tiil pnBWonxre yniMKaOk Color Guard -lst Tartan,'by little Nancy Dickinson of stand proceeds were close to ville, visited lier parents, Mr.:B x d C rst a a d LassIes Flag Bearers. Zion, quartette and solo vocal the $200 mark, with several Lti Rde ruwh eertlhsls îrha nOtbr8hand Mrs. Jack during the Etonomy BoSeclPakle Juvenile Parade Ccyrpf---2nd numbers as welî as greetings articles that were unsold, to seems to be enjoying the sounds hc's making on the banjo in the above photo. He1 weekend and also Mrs.R c j CgssaeFml Saior îdete. B rbaa en- fro Rusel C Ho ey m.P e fe retintege. .C W ai the son of Arden and Carolyn Braun, Lam b's Lane, town, and grandson of1 Kay was a guest with themn. 50 for 1.25 ei nA s r m n fle ati.M.adMs ire adn A number from here attend- Mrs. Doreen Brown, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Rodney has two grea-ganfthrs resHiOme Fll spenda fw s Junior Parade Corps l1st returned home last weekend, ed thendater, 'rartan Lassies, Capt. Sherry after an enjoyahle trip of sev- . Clahe Commencement at the Mr. Wm. Gili of Milîville, N.B., and Mr. Justin Brown of Kennebunk, Maine. dayle alt wek wieth Mrand w nly 29919 50fr 19 eral weeks duration throughýCak High School Audi- ___ Photo by Astor Studio Mis. Harold Little, Camp-' ,!Ivenile Diance Twtr¶ -2nd some of the Southero States.i torium on Friday evening.- -- -------- belîford.FA IY AC Riettes. Senior Diance Twirl! Dinner and evening guests; Some of those comlng from a * Mr. and Mrs. Don Staple-i -2rd Starlettes. wihM.adM .Gle' distance were Heather BiEst ý~U M UA ii ti d r- l t Sa. r av . o stasiwteh nr. a M garaF a lîs Mer. lI tuu ~' V ~on. N ew tonville, w ere ,Sun-:t Tiny Tots Tpan. 6 nsq. andion Tuesday were Mrs. M. and Dorothv Elliott from 1daMrs. .Todd.2 rolslieryGifmWrah- rol Fo 2dW nedy o'leuheof aaaFlsMrHenderson tram Western, at MrandMrs A.Graann 2ndWedesdy Jystars, 3rd aind Mrs. P. J1. Rowe. Janet- o:on Further plans for "The Boy , tars shiît.oit the riams bv a The third contest saur the . canl, OrlliA spendh oiTsu 6 el 2Gf ad -tloy CaleTes. "111e:d s ndMss ndSm ns. or - i Mr. Reid Wood attended hf, Friend"' were discussed Wed- 2 tf0 Oscore. The North Stars Caniaians set bark theBrujinq weekend at Mr. Sid Hallo- Pu it Rb o lun e ol- e T e Aj. 1 .ax v n d i sh n.Mad r. Hav iOdd Felows Rally at Strat- lnes;day. N v. 3th, at the goals were scores by Jim Sar- by a 3 to 1 verdict. The Cana-! well's. Undr -4t Aj x uxT nle O Uone f elc me fordi on Saturdiay. Samuels. The rhearsal sche- ginson andi Paul Sobil who dins' goals were scored by' Mr.' and i M s. Bruce Todd 'eàrso, aanu -jyivia niuersonl--- 111 uiu laiiyuruuix Messrs. Don Vinkle, Sîd'dujle was set up and the duties also picked up on assisi. ,Roh Shackleton and Rrdýietknu esdnei 8 .41nning $25 each. lHospital, Toronto, and Is con-Brown. Pat MacDonald aîîd:and responsibilities of the In the final Atom ccoruiitr.Jarvis while Allen FrkandI',hetaen upoeswidec tin 981au I iMrs. Maurine Walker of valescing a i oe Truemani Henderson returned various departments w e r e of the day the Raidcrs defeat-i Ron Knox picked up oneas had under construction here SNACASPRD PCA ETR 'WinnipgMa.babenvs- Mr. and Mrs. Glenholmehome on the weekend from outlined. In attendance were ed the Flyers by a 3 tb 1 score.i sist each. 'nie ]one Bruins'! during the summer. g iher cousin, Mrs. F. S. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Waynethe hunting camp. Margot Samuel (producer>, The Raiders' goals wcee scnr-1 goal was scored by Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. Don Hart, Jim! Pl lIps, Fredenick Avenue. Purdy, and Miss Tina Hughes Mrs. C. Burley and Mrq..ý Roy Higgins (director), Ross ed hy Don Chlis with tmwoBamber assisted by Paul Reid. and Mary, Toronto, were din-, ~on' foret he Sntaattended the weddlng of Mr.fion Vinkle spent Wednesday 'Metcalf (musical director) ,jgoals and Darreli Knox with Bna cinnrget eetywt rîC IcU , Claus Parade is this Saturday Hughes' niece, Dr. Sheila Kath-with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Helen Nelles and Jean Billetti one, while Genald Mornîson 1 otefis ataiae and Mrs. Orme Falls. 2l.BxCooae n ofcin rnornlng. We hope the weath- leen Hughes, to Mr. HarryBurleY and family. Cobourg. (pianists), Wynne Wonnacott picked Up one assist. The Jle n tefrtBatr a Mr. Roqs Todd visited hls er warms Up considerably be- Wlim Omn ol i hr ere 12 tables in plav (stage manager), George Vice ýFlyers' goal was scored by? reatrda eBrvsd-atrM.rdTodwolsO Iy $ 6 fore hen.Toroto ~ Novmbert Comunity Hall, Friday! (business maniager). J une! Peter- Willoughby. h us~a~t been a patient In Port Hope r 8th. 1 core. The Braves were led1Hpia iat Mr. Larry Piper. Ontarlo h A lecer nQueenof the season, winners heing: Shrridan and Ted Samuelb bco iggreteRen er ol n alMr JLlewHallowellere Did MIn ittreet, returned home îast Street bac! a nice surprise lasthlgh lady1. Judy Brown: high (publicityl. Basdfae h annDlo n ah sit ~nSna vnn inrget Friay romOshwa enealSaturday when they receivedgent, Richard Weirmeir: 10w, ils ym(laB. yar3 10 0 sce. the Bars' I toDle arpeten Aitwo. Way tn at Ivnin Cells.Weinit yu o ore iian bowe ro Hospital and! is recuperatîng a long distance caîl from theirlady, Mrs. Mary Morris; low ' Agrs y lg vl ega,;wr crf yGr tM.BinCsel nicely. grandson, Barry, whobac! jusigPnt.. Wayne Searles; door Agrs y ls ~ilb ol eesoeIh aySpyrnour and Paul Dillon one, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Auistini arrlved back In the Unitedprlze. Mrs, W. Milligan. anondunted, stantîng Novembert Winners of the Lions Club States after spendlng a yeai Mn. aocnrs. Gîo Stlt, in thp girls' gym at th~ e ith tone land ephen ,15 aI.anheKevin. WTesleyvifile F'ist- Mr.Ge tplp(o Hg ooo.Ti laoi o wt w oasadoisit T i eon aebc k.e er parent.s Mn. and! Mns. Hockey Draw, Oshawa, Jr. In Viet Nam. He wlll enjoy t- attended the Chnistle -whetfor Othpr assisis went Ion Je n edged the Huskies by 8!Monley Robinson. 4'A', are: Nov. 17. Jack Childs; month'i furlough and! thenstooe weddlng. Saturdlay aften- girls 7 to 13 inclusive. Time Benett, Tommyý Woolner awd slim 2 -t'OI1score. The Flyers i Rev. T. J. Socîgrove bad al Nov. 24, Karl Brunt; Nov. 26, resume more training In Suthnoon In Port Hope Uoited P1 a.m. ho i1 a.m. Fee $2.00. Richard Sweechman. goals were scoredc hy Chi special message for Remni Jon Hancock. and NOV. 30, Carolina. Church, followed hy the ne-i Boys' Basketball Tro the second zame the Tuirn(-r and! Randy Baker1brance Day, Sunday afternoooo, MnJoaMsnckiesly M. enr Holden. formeception at the Idalia. (Lord Elzin Schol) Acesq edgzed the Rangers hy a:while Doug Tamiblyni and and Mrs.'lew Hallowell wasl MfWtr Om sntai, aU!n ises AdMi.Bnrdor frmela Mn. and Mrs. Melville Sa1m- BFoys' basketball league Will 2 to I score. The Aces' goals Da)le Cowle picked up one as- organist. Nanc Neby, oroto, ereHospital, BowmaEnvllle, Mrs Is were among those attendlngi be conduicted, starting on Fni- wecre sconedi by Rustv Mc- sist eacb. The lone Huskies' Sevenal from Shiloh have1 67 King St.E.6324Bomnil weekend visitors wlth Mr.1 Holden and children, Billy anc h odn WdigAn-dy oebrlta h ui n Randy Wilkins'marker came off the stick of'been attending the meetings REDLVR Masn' Ms. us, eft last Satunday fa: vensary celebration for Mr_. Lord Elgin School gym rom*0 The Rangers' goal was scorediSteve Watson. iregarding the future of the L. C. M arso , M.ganStree . ,aS ks s tb Pmrkand Mrs. Clarence Beatty af14 p..m. ta 5:30 p.m. Age groupiby Bradley Milncr. In Ille final Bantamn gamesevice. ____________________________________ L. . Mson Hih Sree. jawh Mrs Honldens miliesElizabethvllle on Saturday 17 ta and under 12 as cf Janu- Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Murray Tis Satrday tey wfalll ev aftennoon and evening. On jai-y lst of thie cunrent year. of Guelph were weekend visi- Pemnbroke for TaiBC Sunday Mr. and Mns. Arnold Fee $2.001 per person. tors with Mrs. Murray's moth- where Mr. Holden. who ha' Cinnamon of Peterborough Boys' Basketball er and sister, Mrs. MorleY been apaplnted admInistrato. were supper guests with Mn.ý (High School> V'anstone and Miss Barbara of the hospital there, wîî nd Mns. M. Samis.1 Basketball league for boys, Shop and Save in November. Relax i e eb r Vanstone, Beech Avenue, commence his duties. Mn. and Mrs. John Wilson' 13 ta 17 years of agye inthel. Every Sunday 6:30 p.rn 945 arn. - Sunday School1 arganizatic>n of a ModelnTrain;~AY AHTA i "verynelm ome" 11:00 a.m. Goodyear Lge, lu is invited te attend a V u "E vj Public W ormhlpim eeting on W ednesday, N o . 0 E N ,d ' H A R O K Ta tnnt 27th, in the auditorium of thée, U10 0 F Wnant care during Service.i Beits fi2 Public Libcary, Temperancel Machine Shop ----- - ------ 47St.. Bowmaîîviîîe,, at 7:30 p.m. m EARLY!Sor evrl-uad Banbury ------------- 42ýganding this club caîl the Re-iln ac rpan TRIN TY NITE CR RCH Power House---------- 36 creation Office at 623-3114. TRINIT UNITE CHURC Molded Goods--------- 36 Th Atom Hockey sa N LDS A T, C C T I N Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. jCnacels ------------------ .64 hBson on s . ov. lth, theh a-ICU E. P RYO KT L AN Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B. A., 1Millwrig'hts ----------33 2 tao0 win aven the Penguins., Oasigs--in the --ague t.hGengoalntin. orth B- 3OORM O F A.C..O.,A.T..M.There were' three white- sans wene James Biggs aoc! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1968 week as Machine Shop dowr- In the second encounten the ed Office, Belts belted Fan Clippers cdged the Giants by 11:00a.n Belts, aoc! Benbury avenpow-, a si, 1 ta 0 count. The lotie ""SPRITAL W ESTING ATCES" ered Power Hause. ail 7-. tally was sconed by Marty; SPIRTUALWRESLINGMATCES" Crackers over MoldedI Goods Preston assisted by Bob Bic- '5-2. aond Mill Roomn nosed oui kle.A L Rev. T. H. Smnith, Newcastle Mllhwrights 4-3.! The third game of the day' There were thnee 300 games saw the Barons defeat the CHUCHSCHOLwitk Geo. Brewster leadingiKings by a 4 ta 1 score. The CHURCHSCHOOLthe way with 363, W. Hately Barons' attack was led bvý 311 nd . Pper304 iPul assnt iththSA L ESle 9:3 a.. -JunorIntrmeiat an Seior W. Hateiy really rocked Joseph Whyte pîcked up thej -11:00 a.m. - Beginners, the pins for an 875 triple, other manker aoc! Lenardý while I. Brown bac! 744, H. White picked up one assist., 11:20 a.rn. . Primary and Kindergarten 'Bromeill742 and K. Piper 776.1 The lone Kings' goal was scor- 7 KING ST. w . LA DIES' W EA R BO0W M AN VILLEFI A Onytnhidden score win- cd by Randy Masterson. rersý B. Henning 177 and A. b I the founth encounter in