Breslin's Fali and Winter Fashions Shown By Attractive Models Curling Action Unde rwa otPerBtt e by Queenie Fletcher wna tenl t The 1968-69 Curling Season ~Nov. 13, sponsored by the ýfrom Bowmanvllie.Terrn so httedyhdbe at the Bowmanville Curling Business Girls Section, saw a had Effa Stainton ice o-hgl ucsfladta Club got off with a bang dur- packed house enjoy to the fulI othy Pocock secondadBbyitnenaeetwudb ing the second week of Nov- the smart new fashions for MacNejll lead. Marz cnoh roig ember. There was a great deal the coming season. Whitby, skipped he1 ik ~ Mr yr h oilcn of activity, and as il to set Then, on Thursday, Nov 14 Helen Brinnlng vcNravnradhrassat e the scene with wintry weath- thr.wsaon a 'Lde Butts second andPhliWl-ohadtlolateth er, there was snow and chineeds1.ofhsthetrcisitors, whlle t wincis to prove it. hlhgOpen Bonspiel.Ti attd lioron e adt tid rz Lry efrig an l menstate thirschd-clubs, Whitby, Port Perry, The 11:,30 a.m. crwswteCrxuswsofca cr. * ule on Tues., Nov. 12th. The Lindsay and Bowmanville. Ice filled again, andaantekeewieSilyRbo ladies gathered at the club in The visitors found the club at- host club made ltsl rtihanBeVntoeokdatr the afternoon, but didn't real- tractive and the ice ail that a two game highwnchlethpresAseiavoeo *. ly get started. This' was be- could be deslred. In the 9:30 up by Normna Gaysipanthnsentoalwohpe S cause there were many new a.m. draw the two-game high bier rink; Viv Cwn ie aetedyascea Smembers who had toe*be w4în was taken by an Oshawa Shirley Robson, scnad Adls u ltlat ie taken out on the Ice for in- Curling Club rlnk skipped by Ellen Ormiston, 1ed lkcriggtudra nF1 struction. So, It turned Out to Rhea Mann, wlth Beth Kemp, from Port Perry,skpebydyvnngwtavryoo : be one of those friendly get- vice, Thelma Kemp second M. McCoy, with 1.Crwttrotfrtefrttm.Ti ~ togeherswhen few tonesand Jessie Lawrence lead; a vice, J. Goode secodadAceue rvdt ems were thrown, and much curl- two game high win by a tean Cox, lead, took secodhnr oua atsaotoogl chatter took place later sipdatraeyb ienwieaoegm lhwnejydb hs h ate. S,.....- over the coffee cups. Osboreand Mnalon J ames whetao onraKnne.sitd S~But It was good to be backObreadMro aeett om S~to see the familiar faces,. and to enjoy the lovely clubhose. . Announcement was made that the flrst schedule for the ..~ . ...~ *.\k . .. ..~ ladies would start on Tuesday .. :* ~~~ ~ **: Shro nWeesNovv.nngO P EIN A very successful Fashion0 P E N Shw nWensdy vnig pulingoffa 5-4 upset victory over Walter Frank Real Es- IFRIDÀAY NOV.2N16 ....e In the opener, Steve Burns enjoyed a six point spree, fir- in~g four goals and setting up e r two others, Ted Fairey added a pair, the other Bryson's marker golng te Bob Ellis. Mutton & Gould, after former!v of the House o trailing 3-0 at the end of theFaie .sw, first, came roaring back toeecmsyut eert h pnn The Fail and Winter Fashion Show held on two consecutive are pictured above. Reading from left to right: Miss Ginny Osmond, league-leaders get two back evenings under the auspices of the Bowmanville Business Girls Mrs. Arthur Hooper, Miss Laurie Little, Miss Verona Cruess, Oshawa: to carry a 5-3 lead into the of her new BeautySao * Curling Section, and St. Paul's U.C.W. presented an excellent array Mrs. M. Eade, Port Perry, formerly of Bowmanville, Miss Mary third. of the season's attractive styles from Breslin's Ladies Wear, 7 King Ruth Osborne, and Miss Wendy Anderson. They were photographed Jerry Lewis notched a pair Street West. The seven models who appeared in bath presentations on stage last Wednesday evening at the Bowmanville Country Club. going to Jim Coyle and BryanciL .g ~ (I~ h I YoungàAduit Lge. YO UTH BO W LIN G of the fial 's gol a ve~5J~~J L f1 J S ocalr.1.7r11 <na 1 November 17, 1968 Bantam Girls J. Pearson 575 Walter Frank, after the Real- FreeCu wih achShmp'-a ~~ù r e rs o n a L Joanne 16653 ~~~~~~Carter 5, Sellers 0: Taylor R. Tice __ - 564 tors had led 2-1 at the end ofre u. w 1 ac S am o an S t un l D c mb r 7 6 Team Standings 5, D. Piper 0; K. Piper 3, Junior Boys_ the first and 4-3 after twoi Poe 623-3303 Ron Selleck 17762i 18' Yeo 2. Jensen 5, Marchant 2; periods of play. MAKE. YOUR CHIST A ____________________________Smith___ 16999 15 Teani Standing Coombes 5, Roberts 2; Simp- Gary Akey and Randyl Joan ent 65 3Taylor .4sn5 Preece 2. Donaghtie bagged two ol E ER PO Johanne Carter __ 29 Tearn Standing apiece for the winners t set. mdn EW YA' PONMNSN W Srtree lsWebbinga treewndilum3mor3303. tig.Ju Heather Moore ..16479 10 K. Piper 23 Simpson -1----3Mthe stage for Chant's winner. wteethoidanjy in Flria tre1330. Randy Beauprie - 16873 8 Sellers . 20 Coombes. 39 For Frank's Winston Van- John (Nicky) Mayberry Of, Ken Cobbl ------- 15645 8Yo -____ 17 Roberts 3~______ 7 stone triggered a pair, singlesi 7Kn Huntsville lu spending a few!Kingston, Jamaica, who are High single of the night D. Piper ..«--1 arhn ------gin oRa rmbead .W.(o-e---a--eat enr)Phn 2355 aays with ber cousin, Mrs. A. attendlng Upper Canada Col- was bowled by George Mar-K High Single Preece 20 Bob Fairey. E. Billett. lege, spent the weeed lhshaîl 300, and bigh triple was Piparer-- -- 18e1 en2 Mrs. L. Wbeeler of Provl- 'Mr. and Mrs. M. L.Reig,.taken by Ron Selleck 741. J.C tr -- -191-H-g-----n-le deneR.., s ges o!he KngStretWet.High Double G. Jensen - -- 268 niece, Mrs. D. Pollock, Conces- His many 5Ges and vr J atr1- - 6 .Sipo 6-0 so'Sre.iR. Selleck------- 237-256-248 K. Piper ------------310 W. Coombes -___ 224 so'tet acquaintances will lie happy T. Harrison 240 Bantamn Boys M. Roberts 214 Winners of the Little N.H.L. te learn that Mr. Howard L. Woods -- 251 Welsh 5, Brooks 0, Wood-l D. Lobb - -----_ 213 200 Draw last week were Tom Pickard returned on Tuesday S. Cain ---- - 299 ward 5, Sudsbury 0; Coombes High Triple Pearson and Sylvia Anderson, last week from Sunnybrook D hles28223 ok2 .Smsn---661 Winnlng $25 each. lHospital, Toronto, andi is con- D naf26Ta tnigM oet 8 Mr.Murn 1le valesclng at bis home.D.Alu-----26 TaStnigMRoes58 ÀWinipgMan.. he a benvî of r adMr.Glnol N. lannone -239 Coom-bes- 38 D. Lobli 552 ,iinie. a.,hs en iit r. lnhleB. Smith 226-225 Welsh ---- 3 G. Jensen--- - 552 ~gher cousin, Ms .s uhs r n r.WyeP Jordan 240 Cook ------ _ 21 Senior lMxed League UP~iips, Frederick Avenue. PudadMs iaHge . Beauprie 273-262 Woodward 17 Lewis 7, G.oodwin 0; Bro- b1on't forget, the Santa attended the wedding of Mr. G. Marshall 300 Sudsbury 13 meil 4, Brock 3; Chittick 7, Claus Parade is this Saturday Huhs1 icDr hiaKt-K. Cobb ------- -- 246-281 Brooks ----- 12 Bouwmneester 0; Bradley 5, rnorning. We hope the weath- leen Hughes, to Mr. Harry R. MacPherson . - 230 Single Selleck 2; Good 5, Etcher 2. er warms up considerably lie- William Osmond Doyle in D. Sudsbury----------- 178 Team Standing foete.Toronto on Friday, November Averages M. Reynolds - ----- 157 Brock ____46 foe ae peaedt rpot8th. R. Selleck- 241 High Double Selleck 42 RCS EF TIE O W at re layPip eot' The AI Fletchers on Queen K. Cobli 225 J. Welsh ----------298 Good -__________ éhtr. rurnehOetasto Street bad a nice surprise last T. Harrison -_____ 224 M. Reynolds ------_ 280 Chîttick _______35 ,Sredayfrom Osehoameneal Saturday when they received G. Marshall --- - 212 Junior Girls Goodwin -____-351 Hosial and IOshaareeran a long distance caîl from their L. Woods ---- - 209 Bromeil 7, Brut 0; Tice 7, Bouwmeester ___ 30 Hsiaan srcprtn rnsnBarwohad jus-t S. Cain ~ 208 G. Dadson 0; Mountjoy 5, D. Bradley 24___ ~ ~ ,Saio Winners of the Lions Club States after spendlng a year B. Creamer ____ 200 Team Standing Lewis _____22 w B I list 1.2 Hockey Draw, Oshawa. Jr. in Viet Nami. He will enjoy a G. Palmer. _____- 128~ Tice ------ ____- 43 BromeliR 21wwSug 41A", are: Nov. 17, Jack Childs; month'i furlough and then R. Beauprie -__ 197 Mountjoy 41 High Single21t P f' Nov. 24, Karl Brunt; Nov. 26, resume more training In South D. Creamer- - 192 D. Dadson_______ 30 R. Leal ------ 286 B y c e à Jon Hancock, and Nov. 30, Carolina. D. Anlauf ___ 190 Bromell 30 W. Lewis 279__ Mr.k Tom sonUnvrst Mr. Bernard Holden, former N. lannone ------ 185 G. Dadson 22 N. Goodwin ____257 rm MfrWeTeo ntMao, andveMiss Administrator of Memorial B. Smith . 184 Brunt --------21lD. Brock - ___255 HaB R*ECK fCRE*M E R ~79 ofWsenOtro n isHospital, Bowmanville, Mrs. C. Peebles .----~ 181 H-g---g--M.-a-sa--269 HUNE WUWxss___ weekend visitors with Mr. Holden and children, Billy and P. Lugtenburg --- 180 J. Pearson --- 226 R. Good ___ 295 aonsarnsMranMr.Susk, left last Saturday for J. Bennett 180 S. Davey--- 215-213 High Triple L. C. Mason, Higb Street. a w e Ks visit In Pembroke L. Judge--- 175 W. Mountjoy 212 R. Leal ----~ 722 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray This Saturday they will leave J. Smith 16 .Wieed---------19-R.-ice----- 2070W. LGood 694 Sg.lsH or __3 JER G EN S LOTION(~.its. 7 of Guelph were weekend vIsi- Pembroke for Trail, B.C., P. Jordan 1662L W itehd i2l7 W. ELceir ____-6584 tors witb Mrs. Murray's moth- where Mr. Holden, who has J. Luffman 161igh Tiple----R---- 1 . BEtcher650_ _7 3 er and sister, Mrs. Morley been apopinted administrator H. Mitchell 1,17 G. Marshall 666 Vanstone and Miss Barbara o! the hospital there, will L. Patterson 52 DUi R. Bouwmneester - 675 jlt Vanstone, Beech Avenue. 'commence bis duties. R. MacPherson 149E R Spray Deodorant ug Please remember to let S I was announced last week IM. Sierbuis -___ 149 tif B wling S ECR ET.9 ______ ,ave Information regarding ~ n~aIjjigadD hles ___149 1 &Ble your visits out of town, and o! Manufacturing o! Canada Limr- 1 S Devorski 148 November 1St]h LEe 11:00 a.M. jaeRenls 3 2541 hDjgr12,EneRbrsWllma Coombes 218 Sugg. last " l ~ kA f u a~ Il Ko e elo e . McGill .Io, 228 ,17, Helen Ovenden 170, Gwen Maie Lema 21 l 1**15,*M Everone etcoe" ublic orshlp , H. MeLaughlîn 24 224 Molly Hortsman ___ 210 1.9-0s .w J . B a le n _ _ _ - 3 0) 2 1 5 em a T i s 1 66,S h r l y r u by16 7T e a r n S t a n d i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. ____3__15_rgTppn 16 Rb Points PinsL D, Taylor ____ 30 214 Woodward 164, AI Brock 162, Gibson ____ 19 16044 TRNTY UUED.UR H~ Dickey - .30 213 Carol Ritter 162, NoflTI Wood- Reynolds __ 15 15600 C.Brunt__ __ 30 211 Stan Carey 159, Pat Marshall Foter -__ l 46 Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. L. Wearn 17 211 158, Rita Nolan 158. Kevin Mitchell 7 13201 Mr.Wilim M FndayB.., D. Wood____ 30 207 Chipman 157, Barb Chipman Richards ___ 6 14107 Organlst - M.WUa .Fnly .. J. Coombes 30 206 154, Ann Schwarz 152, Peter Lobli 6 13942Or lA t ep A.CC.O, AT.CM.R. Rotbwell ___ 30 205 Bumna 149, Mazo Archer 137, Stack -___ 4 13251MRN A.... ....A. Martin-_ __ 30 199 Lorraine Marshall 135, Nancy _________ R. Laird -___ 30 198 Morgan 134, Marion Macnab SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1968 B. Carswell - 30 198 123, Bill Hawkins 122, Elleen : RyDvy 21 198 Blackwell 119, Stella Hawk- Commercial 11:00 arn. D. Reynolds 30 197 ins 109. Spares: Sheila BrockPRS ITON "SPIRITUAL WRES LING MATCHES" . Mosher - _ 30 196 165, Leon Dowdy 162. H R S R T O S-.~,' L Y L.I "SIIULWETIGMTHS B. Coombes 27 196 Team Standings H ckev Leaauea DD R. Bromeil 24 194 I Lx n Pinsz E A Rev. T. H. Smith, Newcastle D Tennant - 30 193 Team Pins Pts.theAWob Ralph Davey 30 193 Clayton Morgan- 30903 55 BUB' tl h odin 5~- CRussell 27 193 May Afldread - 30500 43 the Commiercial Hockey La- -I CHURCH SCHOOL IG Shackleton 27 193 Bill Nicholson - 30438 43 gue as Bryson's Smoke Shop à LXJ 9:0 .r. JnirIneredat ad eno C. Mils ___ 3o loi Ron Brock_ 2971)5 43 continue then' winning ways. DR G 11:00 a.rn. - Junior ntermeiae ndSei F . Beckett 30 191 Gord Ritter .- 29687 43 Sunday morning at th~e Me- R G M.iBcket 30 189 George MarshalL.. 29899 36 morfal Arena, Bryson's re- 11:20 - BPrinmr dKidrgrenLamn- 27 187i Betty Westlake - 29851 36 mained undefeated by defeat-5KIG S.W 11:0 am. > rimry nd inergrte FWotten___ 30 186j Ray Westlake 30017 311ing Mutton & Gould Sheli B. eaan30 185iBob Marshall 29663 28 7-4, while in the second con- W. Caig 24 82,Glen Prout 27807 28 test it wua Brooks' Supertesi 4 rhe Canadian SUteamar4 BowmanvMe, Nov. 2o, IM8