Com m unity Bow ling I"Mr--and Mrs F.Peithick.ThCaaanttem ,Bo avilD,4,18 «J/M f&4X"&Scarborough, spent Sunday, Monday Ladies - 200 and over - S. Allin 28R2, R. Good withiM. anNMs.w. 1P over - IL Patton 349, 1L Brown 268t, M.. Winter 256, P. KiddPickr. HWrKldeS On reochesterdS 270. B. Partner 269. A. Chard 1255, M. Henry 241, Gord Gra Mr Hrol Sry Rohete Mrs. Bruce Tllson, Edito Phon 98743 253, R. Couch 250, M. Taylor 244, Gert Gray 235, L. Pearce N.Y., was a recent visitor a3 Chasritmareig ad aeblaldatteås M r* iio,237, J. Allen Z28, J. Rogers 233, A. Pearce 228, T. Emblev M.adMs .Wih. casrt fpsaeo hnmie nusae neoe 213, D. Langstaff 212, B. Ma- 224. S. Powell 222, B. Allii Very sorry Mrs. M. Heard is and bearmng n oeta iewrso reigmyb lir 211, K. Mercer 211, J. 219, D. Crackle 212, B. Madilllin Bowmanville Memorial Hos-J mailed at thetidcls ae Editor Deplores Lack of Interest 1w * "a"i"i"rs 2 unsM 9o p J e t a See yecvend.wsh1stClad3raCas - -- ~~~attendance. With half of theý Tuesday Men - 225 andý Saturday Boys - 175 andý Mr. and Mrs. C. 'tainton CSAada LolanOuofTw6c6 theatre type seats now remov 'over - R. Good 320, B. Ga-oe - W. Forget 217, G. For- and family were Sunday call- USAistertre n ed there is added space to set ville 288, D. Harris 264, B.! get 215, T. Walton 204. A. e"rst Miss Laverne Orchards' Possessions, Nrh eta n U ST Ver l lZen S up more tables and chairs and Burley 260, J. Cunningham Dubeau 203, D. Rickard 22land also at Mr. and Mrs. Dan South AmeriaWetndsSpn ee J u st O ver 3 0 0 C iti ensoon All these seats will dis-12597. R. Nicholsoýi 255, G. Kim- J. Wright 199, G. Murphy 182. Kearney's. Bowmanville. United Kingd appear. bhall 239, L. Taylor 238, M.iD. Shearer 181, H. Vander-ý Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry . m 60 6einf e go J • ~~~~Several Spot Dances. were, Henry 233, R. Suitcliff 226. ýstarre 179. iwere last Wednesday dinner Frhrifrainmyb btie rmyu otatr O ST D a ll TS in thecldOwitg h tse 'uck° innerslNeo le aisut- and1204 en° o M.nd Mrs. Gilbertý Please consul ithhssafbeoem ig by Newcastle Editor There's a saying that you of their own lack of duty. Toe ate drs1mGro M . Haris19 BM. nes ,1 E NISKL LE d.sied ResarrSn Kae gr da ug ite sbrha Sn Menhrtito' n h Newcastle -- In Newcastle. can lead a horse to water, but those losing the election, our iand John Scott, both of New-1H. Willems 186, A. VogelsasWiie e.adMs .dywt r n r.H Monday, Dec. 2nd was election you can't mnake him drink, but thanks to you for taking this1 castle, and Miss Wanda Chal- 185.9 L. Willems 17t3,M. The Sunday morning church:R, Sanderson, Toronto. McGill ida Aey spn h day, giving all interested and:on election day there were interest, and to the winners, lis and Wilson Lamr ohBiga 7 evces had as our supply inl Mrs. Ivan Sharp and girls wekedrwthMailydKoM duty minded citizens the op- very few people out to be led congratulation. .May you get o ilro.Winr fte Thursday Mixed -2001 an t huptrfse. J. Lugheedvisted M sun..BKa Tr-M.nd rs .RPehc, r.nd r.IviCok their vote choose the person or couldn't make the effort,lhave stepped Into this office Wright, Newcastle, who won ville 265, J. Chard 265.a olee shw.NetSndy MssSaonWry was ric snH llsd al aoadMs nu ig it pesons they felt would do theithey'll probably be the firstithan you received from THIS a bottle of cheer; Mrs. Jack Zuluf 237, D. Ibbotson 227 our spteaker will be r., e S undaeyvstro isSsnwr hrdydnrget rtiwr iiosa Dsjob In the position of to complain If things don't goivillage from Its handful of In- Adams, Newcastle, winner of E. Perrin 223, M. Couch 205.kteceraCutieSe-Wer.OfhaMr.anMr.CF.Bnetnd rsC.Ary. School Trustee for this area, the way they like. You just te.rested supporters who did the jewellery cestl adArstFidyhied 0 nay Shoo. s|sinMiasýo ws aShery ston, Hnay Mrshaanr.OdC shoMacrnai under the new county area can't please them allbut these come out to vote. TdDnyOtw, heo a te S.S.forsessionplastonMwsMariguet.Sunay r. ngdiMsn lmRhmadndb r.adMs e board system. Most of the are the onles, the uninterested, The following is the result ithe record cabinet. Mr. and piaedntos o l,mawer bgunra spialhr it fMissandMrie Beckmb ettfmrAaweeStraedeOhwwr Week, the six candidates were the non-voters, who raise their of the election in the village, Mrs. Adams kindly returned dprivat donahtionsfromresta.,s pog orams. WiH nth eae- Mr. ay nd Mrs. SLm re eveýnin dnergessofM. ndgessofM.n campignng n Hpe, lare vicehighst henthe hav folowd b thefinl cuntfortheir prize to the Lions Club Odensr oughout aiedtth area. bers of thou re.unleaseStrarvnn vstrmfadMs.WlaeGini, .Dlo n r and Newcastle, with aillsix no right to complain because|ýthe entIre area. a agsture for them to raise slOv nter $40 wa brased t hoinote tatnte glacefr eet- Mr.handMesers. . anrp Mryls. GraeBainaesntM.D.Fct.Otw. speklng ahethblceetirea inewate WetWr as ot otlVts further fu-nds to be added to Ö'adthrebsc on aeadpaefrDcm h esnes Amladyls ekwt r n .C stnrtre Newcastle estheirdproject.thThealprize§w full hd s ucs bris changed to Tuesday,lChristmas Party will be head Mrs. T. ChantHapn.M.whtem ecasofte onThu rdayteBsolnat t he danjceandThe pr o- ia fly extend their thanks to Dec. 10th at 1:30 p.m. at the ithiis coming Saturday, Dec. 7 J. iA.diWerry entadywtrr ndMs .B r Necadtesonwer well revd eeon8 8o626 eds hveabeenadde the o-all those who contributed in:home of Mrs. Keith McGill. at Mrs. R. Stenger's at 2:00hsdaugrr roinso; r.W by 15 persons. Crmen 2488 20 9 261 amount aied uinbhee-any way. Dont't forget the Offcial o'clock. Jh arwae saa Wll n e o r On M eona, hesae aGreewom1 1 2eni2 02 7 onwhichs a clg ter pr- -At the recent mreeting held Board meeting at the church Mr. And Mrs. Murray Ax- Miss E. KnaprisFa-M.WyeMCry o O nteresteae t as K eyes 10il13 85328 ennfwit $40.aThe eanceroy members of the Newcastle on Thursdlay evening. Dec. 5 ford and Melanie, Miss Bettylcis Goodmn andM.C eevstr ihM. aasrugle bu jut ver300Sttt 6 il behed Nw Yars Ee HrtculurawSciey, onr Hrr wih yursubcr i-grigt adn astr Drrl Aer wee Sndy vsitrsMrsrO.C.Ashon persons made their way t t 7 22 wthaimedn brofic was bestowed upon Mrs. Flor-1 tion for the U.C. Observer to Muller, Oshawa, were Wed.. with Mr. andMsroetMadMs onSe heir plls t casttheirballot Tambyn -1 11 2 45 ktsh ie arebegreservi- ence Ferguson for her 17iMrs. L. Ashton before Dec. 15. nesday supper guests of Mr.!Wilson, Oshawa r.My lmn r tewaos tbad ayt treaenogh aby 1 l 204 ed now seademost of em v-years of faithful and devotedl Deepest sympathy of the and Mrs. E. Wright's. Mrs. R. HoeadMsKo1wr udydn butthosewho houl hae Th finl voesewre:(elet-nmetinvyouagan onthe ame ave lredyebentsokenfor ervce a secetar.hAframcommnityissetened t theThe -H mmbes an ther Keth MGil entrtaied teh tuesstofMrhnd Ms.H been out to vote, the parents ed) Carmen 674, (elected) battleground- with only a few left. I o ed certificate was presented two sonis and their famillies of two leaders, Mrs. Bruce Reid Sunda'y school ls n hi oelEeeea of children being taught in Greenwood 617; runners-up-- In the meantime I am sure Ihv led pknfo your to her by Mr-S. F. Stevens of;the laite Milton Slemon. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Attend.. parents alongwihM.adCrsmsptyfr r.n our public and high schools,lTamblyn 584, Brereton 426, you will extend the same care- ticket, contact either .Fred AHearwood, isetrig4 DierdMrs. Geo.iA.Scott, Mr. and edrt Hoeir acheetday at. Mpr.An Wry u SS Ms K ovry h wl gwaitetvendInthir chid- e followin st a copy. ofuipay era purse yourlpre-x- Mcore dtalsar inn e om election of officers was held,lFrank, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. 30th. Four of the girls receiv- Saturday evenig l eeAgls ren off walking In the rainithe letters being sent each of ent challenge with the earn- igEet with Mrs. Narda HoogkamplIan Gillespie. Toronto; Misses ed their certificates and all entertainied toefrsmnsa twards their school, but the two successful candidates estness you have shown Ining TheNewstl. iee n as president, Mrs. Wilma AlsILouiise and Marj*orie McIntosh, received ste rling silver spoons. Mr. and Mrs.KetMcl's wouldn't make the effort to of Monday's election, William seekIng this seat.thi lae enod ht lin the 1st vice, and Chartes Whitby\ and Mr. Rodney Ir- All enjoyed the day and had Mr. and Mrsn o oeadGTCS OA The ma orinty f0et oes O eafo the village of . all your endeavourt o together yet, of the many APot ucispe wsejoy ýday guests of Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. Grace Bartindale was'Sunday tea guetatLSan-hr b been aotyof tey tiOn muhlgodluck tolyoueo ursMy sixtnceely, attndn. ie.hefFed ng e meeang pit acls ere. a ra im.ý uday tea guest of hoo Mr. Candt's.rgwr.weed iiosain 633 dlid their duty as they have In the future. Margaret Brereton. Glanville, speaking on behalf been doing all these y'ears Perhaps In two years timeI shall have the privilege of of everyone present, gave hisý - - - - ----thanks to firemn and Mrs. V Final Schootl Bd.mMeetingsOver ½Fruits & Nuts Henars Is pecto rdExplaing of Mr. anod rs.Winsocllr, over the weekend, Their chil-iM Hall-Dennis Reportt Plan . ... Hall- ennis Repor Plan and Suniday, joined their parl ents mn the village where Newcastle-What was pos- planation of the Hall-Dennis cent theft at the school. ýseemingly they too had a long sibly the last Public SchoolIReport. In finalizing his re-ý Plans for using one of the!list of friends to call on and Board meeting was held onlport, Mr. MacLeod expressed portables as a lunch roomn renew acquaintances. Monday evening at the school. , to the board his thanks for ý were suggested, but it was Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tillsone7 with all members in attend-1 many good evenings spent'followed by a further sug- visited in Hamilton and Bur-13L anee. The minutes of the last1 with them. "I have enjoyed! gestion to paint the room they lington on Thursday and Fri- ".1 .. meeting were read by Secre-1 working with you, you are to now use and put down a tifl day. It was a good time for °.. RING tary Ed. Barchard, and the be highly commended for you r floor so that. the children may la drive, as You couldn't have•..-.A Principal's Report was givenl capabilities. You are leaving have a better lunch room and walked with pools - of water by Ronald Munro. It was a legacy to the new board yet be supervised in the same reaching high levels through-1 1/2-LB PIECE $1,49 5 LB RN 39 noted In his report that a num- which is solon to take over. building as the teachers. are out the city due to the steady .- - I G 39 ber of absent days were at- I'm sure you will be needed to, in. rai n. tributed to chi ken-pox. O act as a committee when they A motion was carried thatj Mr. and Mrs. Garry Turner, JANE PARKER Reg. Pice 49c - SAVE 13c atdy of monthfirst come In, and I hope you! a Christmas bonus be given Newcastle, N.B., were recent vLember), there were 376 will work with them; it has to the two caretakers, Ted visitors with her parents, Mr. 8- &pils on the roll. During thelbeen my to be of any Gaines and Walter Haiger- ýand Mrs. Gordon Gray. óý(tth 13 admissions werelhelp to you."' man for the "work done over Friends and neighbors In Pi 6 rmade and eight transfers. On Board mnember Mrs. Pauline and beyond the call of duty". Memorial Hospital are Harve PL EIE2l a5 J November 5th the attendan sSok ofrdsicr'p On behalf of Lyle McMahon Britton, Mrs. Mro eVis hdreac d 31 stuenspreciatIon to Mr. MacLeod for who has been having the stu- Mrs. Margaret Farrow, Mrs, with 10 admissions that very aigtetmet'xli h dents work on planting and Mary Foster Sr., Mrs. Rheaý mnorn g puting great stran Hal Den s anothe rne ber epaam t s, oa M ryr l liam rHarrisonhMrU p e r - R g h tQa l t e a i- tÒ hre t tac i teMrs. Margaret Brereton. BorpucaeaSnghr Watson, Mrs. Marion Wood-! pmary section. At this time coffee was Plant Display Stand to aid In ha n ap rgt Several items were noted In served, and as this was to be success of the project by teach- The Hockey Mothers heldi the report, the Public School the final meeting, a cake was er and students. In full agree- thir monthly meeting oný CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND chopped Concert and Commencement baked by Mrs. Brereton and ment, at least one will be pur- Mody, with few attending,i will be held In the Commun- Iced by Mrs. Marglaret Rud- chased and more if funds Money raised from the salesi STEER BEEF it al n eeme 1t. man. In keeping with the allow It. of the tickets and chocolates BE S 2 H lo n s e s eh d o f m a k i C h r t a s h e e , t e I c i n g w s r v M C l l o u ga e x p e s s d h i c e e n r ned uno w t h nR ON SEKoO ATr e nt the start of the school yte coube a were thrrauthorize 1Bamedtof sucathe Cou h seduniformsin todymforn BONELESS BOTTOM CUT P IZ Z AP E --E When sked h a t h !, tebe pad. itime It was known that Mrs. our oe team players havel R1 Z Board's pleasure would be to In the correspondence a card B.rereton, who placed fourth, now been installed - at the Burns, Pure, Tray Pack the Christmas treat, it was of thanks was received by Ihad not been elected. "W' arena. The idea of purchas- madeknon tht tis wuldMiss Hattie Mason, who was should have worked harder, 1nga lock for the arena has g be handledcarsn tebe st delighted with the beautiful I see that now. As a board we been dropped for the timeý BONELESS P R à hoplat set bythe oard.She houl havegottn ou andbein, as undsare athe home n Decmber 3th. wrote that many of her stu- seen to it that the village of low. Mrs. Dorothy Whitney, SprRgtQaiySiisSie nMr. MacLeod Su perin tend- dents still remember to come Newcastle gyot out to vote. We who represents tihe Hockeyi a eau allau did r best ad1fe1 ared y ; n meoe, well considering, but I feel an Orsms eoain Newcastle st i lv esaful ar snrn bavings O n Fine G ro cen es + - hope they will be," replied prizes were worn. The beauti Mrs. Brereton. ful Christmas cake was won A&P FANCY QUALrTY A&P LOW PReE RECGfN There being no further bus-. by Bill Ireland, the Dresden E RE 'N RgPid a M Iness, the meeting adjourned. th thbyMrs. abara Hans TOM A TO JUICE 3 44mfi,1 . 00 CORN CE MSYEd u s9 Our professional counsel can quickly put your Newcast|e the p"nny sedra""SUATHUE e.Pic 3 SV sBLEBNETRg ris7c- AE4 Tere is no obligrdi.n to investigate this prompt Peronf00als Mis oanCalLy e Mr- LECHES AND IS12-FNH WIDT 25-hrol PR39 / M A Y R G ( A R IE - 6 9 confidential service with us. Mahon, Mrs. Mabel WadeFAUEPIE ET RCE 9VREIS EPR Rl Li ewstl:- Snhldante Mliss t,1avowelArmstrong!, JA VEX LIQUID BLEACH 64--o2 pi.stiesbt 4 7 ¢ BAKING M IX S2-8 continue to improve as they Tony Williams, Carol Cald-, have done to date, there soon well, Mrs. Margaret Rudman,i MAXWELL BOUSE - 10e OFF DEAL Reg. Price 85o - SAVE 60 Rg ro 47-- AEG will be no way to describe M. Tonnant, Mrs. Maureen 2t the wonderful evenings being Powell, Thelma Ling, 7 enjoyed by the couples at- las Cunningham, Miss Cora 1-lb. bag ( giantsizebe tending. Newer faces come Butler, Mrs. Florence Tillson, STER LINGTR STSinto the hall each dance, some Mrs. Hilda Cal], Mrs. Dorella STERLNG TR STS/are residents, some are fromn Chard, Mrs. Charlotte Hendry, rdt of th n flh hving Kay AldlreaV ssWen rs.Couch,, WCALIFORNMA, SEEDLESS NAVELS, NO. 1 GRADE CALIFORNLA, FRESH, GREENLREUN ,N.1GAD TOROTO 37 Ba Steetthey've already missed and Hope, Mrs. Velma Parker,! TARRNTE - 35Dunlo Street now they want to be a part Joanne Collier, A. C. Farrow, 54b ORILLIA -- 73 Mississaga Street, East ofhise glaaffdance, "The Ann To dMary Jan ib. R AG EMbitd R OC Grey Cup Dance" was no ex- son, Miss Pat Belsey and Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation ception. The Lions and their Tommy Couch. Ali prizes Ladies, just as the Artificial were donated by members of Ice Association members did the church, the business per- when they sponsored tihese sons of Newcastle, Orono and dances, have left no stone un- BowmanviUo area, as well as