14 The Canadian Stategman, Igowmanslllne, Dee. 4, 1988 Present Diplomas to Bowmanville High Schooll's Honor Graduates At BHS Commencement on Friday evening, many Josephine Burt, Dianne Cook, Mary Jane Walters, Nancy Smith, Doug Evans, Guy Parks, Larry Simpson, ikwards were presented including diplomas tb the Janice Black, Karen Kramp, Elizabeth Peter; back John Paterson and Obie Rypstra; absent, Gary Bail,j honor graduates. Those present to reccive them were, row, Henry Pokorski, Brian Peters, John McGuirk, Alice Brinkman, Bonnie 1 Chisholm, James Cobban, front row, left to right, Lauirelyn Welsh, Roherta Karen Spencer, Susan Elliott, Elizabeth Braden, Mari- Jamnes Cully, Jeanne Hubbard, Randy Sallows, Verna Craig, DianeHoar, LorraineWhite, Rita Vande Meent. lyn Smith. Bonita Beech, ,Jill Niehols, Jennie Stout,J Wichman. were Mr. Ema uth,,e,,salMrs Prng angthe y rs. Met-a Moffatt. Mrs. Elean- 'lovely solo "Others". or Train. Miss Mary Jewell, Ms oru asne e impressive Ceremony Mrs. Anne Stephenson. MrS. , station d taked her, BeByHearyeVirW S t. f, lo h 'n Ing:VM, Duam Cdhate for ec- hpe n t h oo n M a k n t la i nGay. Mc. Wilson Prjng Solo- Duam Batrfor eetn1 --ate- M a k n t la i nVoaBarton and Mrs. Nellie her to this higth office and al welfare ef the Order WdedyDcme those who had braved the bad1 The Worthy Matron, Mrs.t, BHS.wlbehlg As Mrs. Mercer and her weather te attend the meet- Helen Couroux, presented Mrs. ' Parents' Night" for parents oficers retired, Mrs. Nellie 1Ing. In her acceptance speech Dorothy Mercer with ber Past of Grade 9 students only. Be-ý uram n . . .solo a e appropriateishe sajd she hoped teobe able Matron's pin and Mrs. Lolacause your children's educa-ý The Officers-eleet were es_- me ability and tact aÉ ber Mr. Wilson Pring. wltb his: tion is most Important- during1 A large number of mem- lowlng names of those taking corted into the Chapter roor Im mediate predecessor, Mrs. Past Patron's pin. 'this age of machines and pro- bers and visitors attended the ýa part.in the rerernony: ln -b'tb nti r- Mercer. and the Past- Matroos'T gress we Invite ail parents te Installation of Officers of Dur- St-allxng G rand MatronMr. b h ntig Grand ai-,o Durham Chatr Se Te mmediate Past Matron attend. n.ssal who then presented the ofbpe.Sei-- and Patron were escorted t-o harn Chapter No. 181, O.E.S., Edna Anderson, P.G.M. hI-incmgWotyMtnMr remarked on t-be amount- of teAa hr hysged TeGiac eatet held tI t-be Florence Nightin-'stalling Grand Patron, Mr. iHelen Corux, atrthe ÀIta. benevolent work done and ap- lth l-e regiseretheyBie T0f u.arane dearspet gale Centennial Temple, Nov.'Clifton Moore, P.P.. (Oshawa); "yTs"wsbatfI peals answered and stated ter egit-hlnth Bilf 12th, Installhng Grand Marsbal, Mrs. sngb Mr.Voai Chapter was becoming known' At the close of thbe m _t assembly or Grade 12 and 13 The Wort.hy Matrmn. Mrs. Leola Thrasber, Grand Execu-Sugb Mrs. C oou Barton, frtelgeaoiscnn.Ms NaClwl 1- students on Monday, Nov. while Ms ouoxwas in- irbte the large mountsonk-.fisng Mrs. Nor Clwvte il. reh-get pekr a Dorothy Mercer. closed the tive; lnstalling Grand Chap- vested xith the badge of ber 'ILibuted toe th godworks.festhebnqt haeno, wivitedail MI' th T hogus spakern was regular meeting and declaredilain, Mrs. Gladys Walkey, office. The Worthy Matron I sbi oetbt ewl - -ebnqe alebc a r Bo rentwho iverLiaisnf Durham Chpter opefforethfoi-.;Trenal. UntGendsityab flx-e Cap.r pn ortbeP.. ls-aligGrndOga-was cscorted from the AIt-ar1 have a year ahead as success- decorat-ed with maple leaves Peterfoiog eeremony of Installation. She ri st, Mrs. Elsie Alldread, P.*M r and r. Coucoux present-: graciously welcomed the non- i lnstalling Grand Warder, Mrs 'her , haboqe f -sswe mav continue te follow the ýdelicIous buffet lunch. uinveî-sities ln general and mnembers and exp]ained sorne'Audrey Martin. P.M. Instaîl- froîn hmsebouandteorfaroses principles of our Order. r Special guests of t-he ev7ell- -lwrdrnn usiosfr froi hinsel an ther fmil..!ing were the Worthy Mat-con's warded by' the students. of the work of the Order At!tng Grand Sentine], Mr. Frank Later ln the ceremonv, Mrs,. Mc. Harcv Freeman, Worthy, family. c di oru. Te U."I tr'vl thfics t aen hd m itses d hecT vra . P .P o a w Fbo--,Barton sang How Great. Thou iPatron. spoke briefly, tan.hec hiusband, their daughters leNball team traveller!te -oNap-r offcer ad rmmites ad i MrsblMrs Noa olwll Art" as the Chaplain recetv- r ing the Chapter foc entrust- Marie and Lynn, their son, anee on Sat-urday t-o partIci-. Invtted Mrs. Edna Anderson, P.M Psi Mton n cd lier- badge of office. ing hlm with this office and Ray and hl-, wife. Donna, andti paLe in the CO'SA. Volley- P.G.M., to t-be East.. Ot-her atMa" I n Followtng the Proclamation, said he wouid endeavour to fli Mrs. Couroux's mother, Mrs. hl oînmnt.Te lyt Mrs. Anderson ceati the fol Patrons assisti)in the' EaSt of Offic r. hv the Grand Mac- 'R tt- aifcin t1teMre. __~eywl n aea~o Be.H.Ste BowAmanvilJP I-izîh Schoni Comni Pnc-rmn,t Exercisp,, were he]d on Friday, Novptnber 2'lth. when thp prîzPs and awards were presented. The programn included the followtng : Durham County District High School Board Chau'n atc the Bocard Mr. . M. Crniqhtn Vce-Chciirman .-- - - - ----- - Mr. W. H. Crrmrîn Bn3wrncnvll. P-t SHop* Mr, D. A. McGrnqoi Mi. W. C. Kvpg Mi ' L. A. Parker tPr. 1. T. MCeq, Mr. A. A. H. Strike Mi. W. 1. Ledbury Dorliîqten Mr. Claie Alil" Ms. j- F.'leylatnd Mi.- G. Tubb Mt. R. 1. Faille MLIlbroe!r Ulnited Cu.e Mr. M. Paterson Clmrkp IA'. W. H. C;rim'.n Mr. C. Tanslyn H"'p@ Mr. C. J. Nichais l4ecsf lo Mi. I A. Wigrht Publie Schmml Mr. W. 1. fBrown 1968-69 Teaching Staf f Subjects Mr. L. Lucas, BA..Principa Mr. E. Wolff, B.A.- Vic-Principal. Mathematrs Mi»a 1. Andrews, B.A..... Munir, Commercial Mr. V. Auger, B.A. .-- . Geoqraphy Mr. D. Austin, B.A.. . - .- Science Mr. B. Bal, B.A. . .Gpoqaphy Msr W. Bunt. B.P.H.E., B.A. Mathematits, Physical Education Mr. C. Clarkce .. - .Commercial Mr. M. Colyes. M.A. . -. ........English Mss. L. Dunstal. B.H.Sc.- .. Geography, Home E-conomics Mr. D. Duchesne -. Mathematics Mr. H. lacabs, B.A ....... ..English Mns. M. Jeffesy, B.A --- -- History Mr. M. Kelly, M.A. English Mr. C. Kennedy, B.A Guidance. Saciology Mrs. A. Krakenberq, B.A. French, Enqlish Mis& E. Laycack, B.A- Frejth Mr. F. LeGresley, B.S.A. Sciencp, Agrieultuire Miss C. McGiUlivray, B.A. . HistorY. PhYsical Education Miss E. MeKaque, B.A. ...Hîstoiy Ms. H. MMaster, MA. - ----- .. Art. English M. C. Needhaa' lndustrial Arts M. H. Netten, B.A.Sc,----- Science Mx. F OBrien . .. . Commercial MisP eletier, B.A. Libinrian. Enghish M.P undîs, B.A English. Commercial Mi. 1. Saislield, B.A . Enqlish, Histoiy Mr, M. Stacey, 3.A .Ed. -.Science Mr. 1. Thompson. B.A . -Mathematics Mr&. S. Thompson, B.A . French, Physical Education, (Guidants Mi. M. Turk, B.A. . . Science, Mathemaîtics Miss K. Wells, B.A- Latin, istoîy Mis. N. Wolfe .Hnme Economîrs. Commerial Mr. A. Waadlock. B.A. . Physical Educotion, Economics SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS ARTS AND SCIENCE Janice D. Allen James R. Alhin Beverley E. Andersoni Janet- 1, Austin Carol A. Beilman W. Brian Blackburnî Cat-herine 1. Blaker Constance M. Bradley John W. Budel Karen L. Burgess Joanne E. Collocuitt George M. Connors Barbara E. Crombie Kenneth D. Deboo Robert- C. Depew Richard J. Dewel John A. Dodds Richard D. Draper Robert F. Dustan Robert B. Eis Barbara S Ferris Glen W. Finney Rut-h A. Fhnrtoff Leanne E. Harrig J. Douglas Hayes Sheila B. Hooper RachelleeDf Hunt Brian f. Jones Paul G. Kelly Sharon A. Allun Sandra L Bot-hwell Fredericlk W. Brown Graham L. Burgess Marvin B. Burtîs Ronald F. Carter John D. G Cunningham Ronald S Et-cher Carolyn T. Fair- Jane H. Fesbeck J. Elamne Forrester Carol M. Gibson John W. Grady Margaret R. Grtffin Samuel Hogeterp Thomas A. Jones Albert P. Kerekes Arthur H. KooyV Robert M. Large mianne M. Ledoux George E. Max-shall Dianne K. MeFeeters Douglas M. Mc.Feeters Christiane Kuioll Barry D. Krawchuk Lce K. Lemon R. James MacDonald Lotuise E. Matin Kat-bryn A. Meeki Donald H. Murphy Michael J. Oke Douglas E. Parker Brian P, Pattrick Douglas W. Piper Jerry K. Pot-ter Thomas G. Puk Marilyn G. Robinson Christine Sanwlls Laurie J. Siemon Royanne L. Stackaruk Rodney M. Syer Joan L, Symons; David F. Trimble Patricia G. Turney Wilrna Vande Meent Gerlof Vander Gaast David G, Van Nest. Margaret E. Werrv Frederick S. Whitehand Maureen E. Wood David L J. Wright- Illanite!IJ. W. Mrbean Fredertck S. MeManri Rosemarv A. Merkley Joanne Munneke Bonnie D, Ormiston Douglas Raby Norah K. Roche Judit-h A. Samis George C. Saunder-3 Victoria Schneider David R. Shackleton Kimberîy G. Spencer Gary fD. Stapleton Wendy G. Stephen Jack F. Vandenberg Joseph Vander-veer JIohn D. Virgin Kimberley A. Waddell D. Terrence Waltori James 0. Williams Thomas E. Wilson Bihl P. Wiseman Kenneth L. Wiseman Commencement LADIES' AItXIIARY TO TRP; ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 0F BRANCH 179 'rhi: pl-ize kr awacdrd fo Ihe studint who obtained i bghest standing in Grade XII English and wbo registered in Grade XIII at Bowmanvtlle High School. Winner: Leanne Harris Presented by Mrs. P. Batbgate, Pres. AGRICULTURE PRIZES Thp.se avaî-ds ai-e made to the studients In Grades IX, X. XI and XII obtaining thbe btghest standing in Agriculture.. Wînner Grade IX Linda Stevens Donor: Vaqnston(e Four andi Fped Mill Presenteti hy Mr. B. Vanstone Wîinner Grade X Ga;ry Donior; W. 1H. 1BrowttImplem.rents Presenteti h Mr. W7. H. Brown Winner Grade Xi Châ Donor: Cowan Eqiiipment, Company Presented by Mr. T. Cowan Winner Grade XII K yVantiergaast arles Cat-tran ,thryn Meeki Donor: Duirbam Farmers' Cnuntv Co-operative Presented by Mr. R. Mort-on, Pres. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUF. Awartied Jo the studeit- witb highest- standing tln Grade X Latin. Donlor: The Ladies' League of St. Josephs Churcb Winnier: Gary Vandecgaast Presented by Mcs. J. E. Rand H OME 4,E CONOM1<'S Awarderd to t-be stîîderîts in Grades IX, X, XI êiti XII obtaîntng the highest, standing in Home Economics. Donor: Kinette Club Winner Gradec IX Winnec Grade X Winner Grade XI Wtnner Grade XII Lintia Stevens Darlene Masters --Darla Bacon, Janet Nimigon Leanne Harris Presented by Mci. A. Wiseman, Pres. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION PRIZE Awartied t-o the stutient witb highest standing in Grade XI English. Witiîncrs: Fit-st - Charles Cattran Seronid - Lynri Finnie Pmcesented by Mr. A. Mavin. Pres. MENS ('ANADIAN CLUB PRIZE Awamdcd t-o t-he students wit-b highest- standing in Grade X Histocy. Wtnners: Girl - Cathy Anges Boy - Murray Twist Presented by Mr. D. Gray, Pres. BONNYCASTLE PRIZE Awaî'decdt-o thbe student- wbo bas sbown most promise in Dramat-ics. Donor: Mmi. Maitianti Gould, daughter of the late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie wbo foc maoy years serveti on t-be Bow-manville Higb School Board. Winrîeî-: Jolin McGuîrk Present-ed by Mss. Gould SENIOR LAW PRIZE Awacded b ' vt-be Bowmanvillre Members of the Nort-humberland enti Durham Law Association to t-be Senior Student- who obt-ained t-be bigbest marks in Senior Law. Wînner: Douglas Raby Presented by Ms. A. A. H. Strîke INI)USTRJAL ARTS PRIZES Awar-ded Joint-be stutients in Grades IX. X. XI anti XII obtaining t-he higbest standing In lndtistrial Arts. Wînner Grade IX Ralph Bowmeest-er Dnnor: Industrial Arts Department- Winner Grade X Rick Patterson Wînnier Grade XI Donor: Landes Hardware Donior: Landes Hardware De Witnoer Grade XII Dnor: MrMuIleri Har'dWare Presented by Ms. C. Needhamn )eris Krawchuk Barry Krawchuk DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD PR1ZES Grade IX ------- -- Nancy Symons Grade X -- ---------- -Murray Twist Grade XI ------- - --- ---- - ------------ Charles Cattran Grade XII ----------- Barry Krawchuk Preseuxted by Mr. E. M. Creightoi B. H.S. Commencement Valedictorian -l Diane Hoar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tr'd V:'.w ,wa the Vale- dictorian at the Bowmanville High School eonnîr.'n xerCISeS, Friday evening. She is shown here with Principal 1,cnnai sh-owing for Bowmanville Hlgh by a score of 77-2.5. (;o-3r' cfr.ihe st,aff whle teami School. Congratulations, boys. game. . t e ;îm 4. These two The Junior Basket-ball team The Intramural vollf ir' hI le qpI. off for the chani- def'eated Georges Vanier Hlighiplayoffs are rolling alotiz fiîi 'ionu up. The JuniorF êare School from Oshawa last week Un the Senior Division eiuri h g i he playoffs. Ex er cis es RINSMIEN CLUB AWARD9 Th'e Kiti.xmcner Club Awacds are matie Io the twe stud(enits with the higbest avortage on Grade XII examînations in June of the prescrit year. Ear-h stiîdent is to bave qualifieti for tbe Secondary School Graduation Diplomna, one student from the Five Vear* Programme ln Arts anti Science, the other from thr, Four Ypac Programme in Arts and Science. Eacb student must have written right examinations. Winncî-s: Leanne Haccis Arthuc Kooy Prcseiîterl by Mc. Alex Wiseman. Pres. BAGNELL AIVARD Donateti hyMr,-, M. Bagnellto the student- wbo bals contributed most t-o haskethall anti Rbaheen a member of a tearn for tbree years. Wnner; Denris Krawc-huik Presented bx' Mc. B, Bal BRUC(E COLWELL TROPHY Donateti by Mr. Brucre Colwell t-o t-he student who won t-be Annual Two-Mile Cross Count-ry Race. Winner: Tom Puk Presented by Mr. Bruce Colweli SENIOR RUGBY AWARD Donated hi Mr. James Marc Io the player contributing most t-n Senior Rugby. W'inner: David flafusc Pî'esented by Ms. M. Mackenzie BOWMANVILIE TRACK AND FIELD WINNERS Midget Boys' Champion Stephen i Junior Boys' Champion Douglas Pi Senior Boys' Champions Tom Puk andi Harvey Wil Announred by Mr. W. Brutut Presented by Mr. M. Midget Girls' Championu LynneN Junior Girls' Champion ------- - ....------ Linda 1 Senior Girls' Champion - . Nancv Goo Announced by Mr. W. Brunt Pcesented by Mci. S. Thorr Parker iliams Tuck White Kelly )odwin Tip5ofl B(iG "B" AIVARD Boys. Barry Krawchîîk. Ie Lemion, Douglas McYeeters, George Saunders, David Wright Annotînced by Mrs. S. Thompson Present-ed by Mr. W. Brunt Girls: Coxînie Br-adîev« \, L.xn Fair, Sheila Hooper, Chrîis. Samelîs, Margaret Werry AnltouZrlcet by Mr. W. Bî'unt Presented by Mrs. S. Thompson SCREECH OWL CL'P - COVER OESIGN Winner: Jeanne Hubbard Presented by Carl Haymnan SCREECH OIVL PLAQUE Awaî-dedtito t-be one making t-be greatest contribution to t-be, 1967-68 Screech 0wl. Winnec: Louise Maîîn Presented by Carl Haymnan SUHOOL CRESTS Winuîers: Jeronie Billett, Cari Hayman, Jane Mcbntyre, Janet Nimigon, Leanne Harris, Sheila Hooper Prcscnted by Mr. M. St-acey SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOIR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Gary B. Bahl E. Guy Parka Bonita D. Beech John N. Paterson Janice M. Blac-k Elizabeth Peter Elizabeth J. Bradrn Brian E. Pet-en Alice J. Brlnkmnan Henry M. Pokosski Josephine M. Burt, Obie Rypstra Bonne L. Chishotîm J. Randy Sallows James R. Cobban Larry R. Simpson Dianne R. Cook< Marilyn I. Smith Roberta L. Craig Nancy E. Smith James M. Cuîîy Karen E. Spencer Susan L. Elîioî.t Je-nnie M. Stout Douglas L. Evans Rit-a Vande Meent P. Diane Hoar Mary Jane Walters M. Jeanne Huhhard LAurelyn J. Welsh Rai-en C. Kramp Lorraine M. White John T. McGuirk Verna Wichman Jîli Nichoîs Announced by Miss E. Laycock Presented by Ms. L. Lucas HOSKIN PRIZE The H-oskin Pize is awarded to t-be student with higbest standing in Grade XIII English. Wînner: Diane Hoar Present-ed by Mr. M. Kelly BIOLOGY PRIZE The Biology Prize i.; awarded t-o t-be student with hîghest standing ti Grade XIII Biology. Donos. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries WuxnEr; Roberta Craîg Presented by Mr. F. LeGreâley Thi' Jol iffe Jollifle fi Prizr. in mcnîory rof Ur' lirlirilant Ronald awarded Jo th(> vvîfr i w ruh ighrst standing in Grade XIII f î Winner: Susan Elliott b%, i rdh Mr:; M Jeffery HAROLDJ LONGW'ORT" i INI IEIOI, YSCHOLARSHIP This Scbolarship Is awamdri tri I rn -if< rr XIII for izenerai proficiency. The candidafitiiimu - 'î îdp V: nch and Latin. Donors: Mns. and t-be laie '10v II .. V, wc.in memory of their son. the late Hamotrl VEn -'nme 'ho ser\-ed as Moder- ci ex-hiiiirt t'ei u< I 'nich at Bow\rnan\-idil-vU !iSe lno]. Winners: lsi Jili Nichoîs .?ed - Jeanne 1-ubbardi Presenteti by A~lr. UIruW d i ROTARY CI 9 H Z The Rotary Club Prize is aixarrlrc-1'n filp t'ide-it, v.-tbh hghest standing in Grade XIII suhets îu fir'n r;t class standing in at least JR-c nf <fixi'-z :îet Winner: Diane Hoar Prcsciuîcr hbY.r W. Thiesbuiger, Pres. LIONS ('IA 9 PRIZî. The Lions Club Prize is a Inrer-fix' il urr-tt wîth hlghest standing in Grade XIII \Ilatfîeniatîis. Winner: Douglas Evans Preîzcutr1dhx' Mr. H. Moses. Pres, The Squair Prize. awarded [n the ..t;1,renf \< th the higheit standing in French n Ci-ifhidi-'711I, Donor: The late John Sqtîîair. Est1 . NI '\ -,Pxnfcssoc of Frenciè- Universit.vofnIionîrî. Wînner: Nancy Smith -'-'t 1r.ccdhy Miss E. Laycocic UNIVERSITy WOMEN*S ('LIn1- QV UIVA AND DISTRICT AAPIRI) Winner: Diane 1-bar Pr rc-t-îted t'y M-s E MeKague MCGREG;OR ri,L The McGregor Prize is awarded le tht' studerrîtwlt.h the bighest standing in Grade XIII Latinx anti Engltsh. Donors: Miss Helen MeGrfgoc- anti NMm, Aie-x McGregor Winner: Jili Nichols Prcscnted hv Miss lielen R. McGregor THE LOUIS W. IIPELL IMEAI01IAI, SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship is awarded in rncnion- of lt' late L. W. Dippel wh.o was principal at Bowmanviflr' Iligli Schood from 1929 t'O 1961. Awarded t-o the studrni hit ghcst standing in Grade XIII Chemistry anti nithi- Bl3fogy or Physics. Winnes: Diane Hoar Precert--d bi y Mis. L. W. Dippel] DEI'ARTMEN'I'OF "EDI (XrION This award is madie t-o t-be Graide XIII studcît who tieservea recognition for achievement ti fîild of Caniadian Hist-ory. Winner: Susan Elliott Pi escrrîcd by Mrs. M. Jeffery GOODYEAR TIRE AND) Ri'BBI-,lt(' l'N SCHOLARSHIP This Schoiarship is awacdcd to puprf. of Gradie XIII for genesal proficiency. These candidates rnust include 1Vlathcmatics, Science and a Laniîuigc. Donor: The Goodyear 'Tire & liuhbî-r Coiiî'iiý of Canada Ltd. Winners: Ist - Roberta Craig 3 îd - Jan Black Presented by Mr. Gi cmii bcwSci:r- MONTAGIE UIA'D The Thomas Montague E,,t.3fc î r's i:î~ ; a arde tto thbe graduate ti Grade XIII w îth lî u ie h standing, Winner: Diane Hoas Pciî-'etd Uv Mr. E. M. Creightor VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Diane Hoar PRESENTATION - STUDEN'I -----Ih -- Jcrome Billet-t ONTARIO S('iOI.AJIZS1II1'S Diane Hoar llobnrt, i a; g Jîli Nichols Beatty Entrance Scholas-ship (U. cul 'I'. Diane Hoar Unitedi Counties Scolarsbp ----- Diane Hoar B['RSAI LS Women's Auxiliary - Memoriailn ;l ---------- .... 2 I4TUDENT '01 N('11,I Teacher Advisers President-------- I st Vice President---- 2nd Vice President --- 3rd Vice President -- Secret.ary Treasurer ----.------------- Mi.1) )îilînnpMr. J Sarsfield Jermome Billet-t Gary Preston Carl Hayman - - - .Barry Virtue Kathy McMurter Shimon Vandenburg ACKNOM'LElD<d -NILI'.N The Bownianville Hîgh Schooi w i j,ç luithank ail donors and others who have contrirîljtr' "!,)ftue .success of the 1968 Commencement Lxerciseâ. i.~f. il r' J' AmoaIlaCd bY Mm ~A. Krakenberg Presen ed by 1&. E. WohD' I i 't k r' f e.'. * t ~i. 's '4 f. s.- s.- r