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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1968, p. 15

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Çourtice S. S. Activities by 'SUE RODESKY Many Courtice French stu- score of 25-22. It waa a close! dentsJre indeed looking for-, game although Our boysshow-, war a cold and snowy ed their superlor aiiand' W1tfa~they will have the' came shlnlng through. OPPoruni to pack their share Triday everilng proved to be ôf sfowballs and join ln theïanother successful night lori fun at the Quebec Winter Courtice as over 600 students.i Carnival this year. A note of crowded toth ke gym to at-' thakaj: xtnde t au fnetend one of the beat dances Fren*~ epatnint ~orar-the sc4iool had ever presented. ranglng the trip, whIch should; During Intermission a name. take place sametime ln Febru- was drawn from the magazine ary. And as, a speclal re- sales box for the presentation mninder t6 students - be srurei of the beautiful portable tele-' tô brlng thosé extra pairs of vision. Tom Leadbeater was Woolen socks as well as brush.. the proud winner, Congratu-; Ing up onl your French "pour: lattons, Tom! The Stitch in les faites joyeux!" Tymne then conttnued to spoon IAst wCek, anather vlctory, out the fine entertalinment. %vas scored by Caurtice as ouriuntil the merry hour of113 0 Senior Boys' Baaketball Teamn when the dance camne to an enýd dcfeated Bowrnanville by ai'and the masg af people slowlv ~ fi]ed from the gayly decorated' 'N gym. When's the next dance", 0W vaiabe December 20. The band? Just I 'watt and see! fo ENFIELD A deliclous Non-Alcoholle Drink Qurt73C Glen Rae Dairy i Phone 623-5444 go Kingst. W. AUTHORIZED SA 401 HWY. BASE LINE M Pickeàring Car 942-1881 Open tii 91 Saturdays BACK SAT STARTS 8 AAM 5C Champion Arabian -Stallion Takes Part in Santa Parade 19 && v qw bjqw%40 1 math., 1 7-Pc.. SET WITH HUTCH ---$175 DIVIDERS: Bookcose Style ---$40 Other Models » -»-$20 GOSSIP lUNCHES - -» - $13 Large Size STUDENTS DESK, 48 " x 18" $35 RECORD CABINETS, CHAIRS . . . and other household articles foo numerous to mention. Custorners pieue use back door. . . buy directly frorn the manufacturer, slightly scratched. WOODLAND PRODUCIS NEWCASTLE Ample Parking .- .Corne to Back Domr Evea more Important, meth- ads a! teaching and study should be reviscd. Clasroomn lime should be devated ta dis- cussion, homewai-k hours ta in- dependent reading and In- vestigation. In Ibis way, the valuable qualities o! Indepn- dent thought and intellectuel discipline would o! necessity, be devcloped. wnere ne suu~.aieU in i I youUI'. Perhaps sanie o! you have met the beautiful "Ait Heidelberg" o! which the last stanza la:- Und stechen mich die Dornen Und wird mir's drauss zu kahl, Geb' Ich dem Ross die Spornen Und reit' Ins Neekartal. Translated and adapted a little: "When I arn waundcd by life's thorns, and flnd the outslrl. wnlr tua u-nlq . retur *Howevcr, before such a te the scenes o! those happy , ystem ca be made workable, ycars and find refuge la theirl students, teachers and par- memories". ents must be reae 'ta assume Sa may it be wlth yau ail. much greater responsibility - _________ for frcedom witbout a sense o! lndivtdual responsibillty qulckly degeneratea Into an- OBITUAIRY archy. Parents "Il have ta instfil ltt their childr n a JORNW OLDEJANS genuine lave and respect for knawledge - and sucb atti- Funerai service for the laIe tudes are best taught bv ex- John Oldejans o! R.R. 1. I ample. Teachers will réure Bethany, was hcld on Thur&- baundless energy ta commuai- day, November l4th, from the cate entbusiasm for their sub- Rehaboth Christian R.c!armed ject when the spectre o! exams Church In Bowmanville. wlth! can no longer be used to mati- the Rev. J. Nutma offidlating.I vate study. As for the stu- Mr-. Oldejanis, age 41 years, 'dents, they wIll flnd that the who had been employed as a new system for' which they maintenance supeMvisr with agitated requires much more the Tipp Construction Co. Iaelf-dlscipllne and deternIlna- died suddenliy in Peteborough The Canadian StaternMa eowmanvtlle, Dec. 4, IOU OBITUÂRY MSRS. RUSSEL VIItTtTE The death of Mrs. Russel Virtue occurred suddenly on Tuesday, November 5, 1968. at her reaidence in Tyrone uni her 7Mt birthday. Daughter of the late Wil lam H. Mêmre and Rhoda M. Moore, the former Myrtie! Moore was barn at Tyronel and was a lifelong resident 2i Tyrone and vicinity. She at-1 tended Tyrone Public and! Bowmanville High Schaols., On April 9, 1924, she married Mr. Russel Virtue whb pre-ý deceased ber.1 The deceased was a mem-ý ber of Tyrone United Church and of the United Churcht Women. She was a mnemberý of the choir and was chu rchi organist for many yéars. Sheý was also a member of Club 49,1 Mrs. Vu-tue i s urvived byl a brother, Leon o! Tyrone.1 and a qister, Mrs. Margaret Down of Lakefield. The funeral service wqas held on Thursday, Novemnberi 7th, tram the Northcutt El-1 Ilott Funeral Home. Bowman-j ville, and was conducted byl Rev. D. Narthey. lntermentý waq in Bethesda Cemnetery. Many beautiful floral tok-, ens attested ta the high et-! teemn in which the deceaçédý was held. amang which wrr, those from Tyrane United! Church and Tyrane Unitedý Chu rch Choir. 1Palhearers were Messrs. i.Jon Moore, Paul Moore, Wm.' Down, Ralph Vu-tue, Ai-chieý Virtue and Lai-ne Phare. GET CASfl TODAT FOR OLI) APPLIANCES throuch STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS T'hone 623-2202 Announcement Tennie DeJong Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corp. is pleased to announce the appointnient of MRS. JENNIE DeJONG to their REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT .ipecilizing in service in the Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle and surrounding areas. Mrs. DeJong has established a record of achievement in service to Real Estate clients and will have available the financiai, facilities of our Mortgage, Department to assist those who are interested in the sale or purchase of Real Estate through our Bowmanviile Branch. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, were- Sunday guests a! Mn. *and Mms. Hoskin Smith, Hamp- MisLinda Harris and Mr !Gordon Boyce. Peterborough, J Evisted at the Prescott home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smnitil jand famlly visited with Mn. and Mrs. Paul Espie, Seagrave.' îMr. Stewart Samis wasa rýweekend guest with the Okes at Blgrve.One of the high]ights of Bowrnanville's Santa He was high point performance Araba th Rol Mrs. Neil Smilth, Misses Joan. IC]aus parade was the fine turnout of saddle horses. Winter Fair this year, winning two firsts and one Ruth and Marlene Smith ofi Columbus, Gardon Griffin, A-l hi one, near the front of the parade, is Ga-tyr, ai fourth. Over the '68 show season he won The Ail Round bei-t Samis and Ian Griffin three-year-old Arabian stallion owned by John R. Engiish Saddle Championship. At the rear arc, the' were Sunday evening dInner Bilida, R.R. 1, Port Perry, who is ridden and trained Campbellcroft majorettes, followed by the York-Italian guests o! Mrs. R. Griffin.b Mn.Huh eaonth Rv.Y Mary Ruth Osborne, In his f irst show season he1 band. and Mrs. H. A. Melow, Mr.lwon seven trophies and 42 ribbons, 12 of them firsts. and Mrs. Warren Smith, Mur- CvcHoptl n iray and Gernet of OshawRaiii optlo November were dinner gucats at G. Bow D 12th, 1968. man s. Sunday. fllowing the I IIL 4 d r s He was born and educated baptismal service In Harmnony - ENIn1'1i tiIlr* D' and had lived nearý United Church when GarnetiL> E 0t6n0oHtepat1 yas *was baptized. Several from V ie i H d d e s ehad seorvted for f10eyears I hee atendd th Duram L iv las an Engineer with the Mer-; !Fédération Banquet In SSaUna by Diane H-oar catMrns n a loa Erie owmanwas aong'skllled cabinet-maker. Keen-ý te rc Bawmannws among,41 Sayin,,, goadbye Is always aipurpose af guiding students ta lion ta learn than did the aid!l y Interested In astronomv, hie, Achievement Night held t i difficult task. and si avera realization of their humani one. Let us hope, that, when waa member of the Royali Oirono. Saturdaynight. ;years of cauntless occasions'and ntellectual potential?" ithese demnands are made, we Astronomical Society of Cana-' ________such as tanight's there hasý The answer in the minds ofl and aur successors will have da and a member of the evolved a standard repertoi1re I rsivl oe n oethe maturity and strength 0f iChristian Refoi-med Chiureh at aof conventianal phrases andstudents and teachers is an ita respond posltively. 11Bawmanville, also assisting in' £~uaDa rELU sentimients suitable for in- 'emphatic "No"! Thsh. narte iemany functions of the United JV I J II <lusion In a valedlctory ad- If . thîs, then, Is the case. departure from the usuall Church et Bethany. S W A G E dres. 'Thus we <'an cornfort- what do students gain from. subject-matter of. a valedictary He Is survived by his wife, ably avoid mention Df un- arshos e h r address. But before I proceed I the former Alice Broenink,' A~LES& SERVICE ýpleasant realities and expres-lorshos e h r wo i are n15;hs sion of genuine emotion. graduating tonight have spenti ta other matters, I wish t omemridi 95 i over a dozen years In thei make clear the fact that thisI parents, Mr-. and Mrs. Meinel Good Selection In keeping with this tra-iOntaria educalional system. is flot an exclusive attack on vilde; t ofbRas.R. e orge. of ew nddition, I had originally Intend- i In those years we have acquir 1 this school or Its teachers and villens, bomevileorge Uscd Cars cd ta omit any reference ta ed a. rather Impressive mel-i1students. As we ar-e 8o fondOdeaRih ndBC. w the present wldespread andi anger of facts and proceduresiof saying, the fault liesflot often spectacular agitation for In several specialized subject with the Individual but with sisters, Mrs. George Witvoet' reform in education. But sni areas. We know the gi-anumai-l the systeni. But while noAl(Penny) 0f Ohe , And) Ms.' ettempt ta Ignare a malter Ofo!faone or two languages (which an e sehool or teacher or stu- eto Wtn..Aic)0fWs such Immédiate 'cancern toalal we can't speak). We knaw dcnt is responsible for the ex- tn of us here lis unrcalistic and,,i lots of lawvs and definitions In listing situation, only individu- Burial was In Bowmenville in the end, f utile. '1herefore.! the sciences. We niay have ais can effect the necessarv re- Ce metery. I wish ta devote part of this ffirly detailed knowledge o.f f0 in. Especially now, with, Palîbeerers w er e Edgar, supposed valedictary ta a dis- some history. Perhaps we canidecreascd regimentation o! Beer, Glenni Preston, John De- gen~e cricua ad cam poceureWitt, James Spearing. Ralph AVA cusion a! he probera la en quote a few lines fromi'PetnadBr eit eral an-d Its effect an B.H.S., Harnlet. individuel Initiative Is much Preston__andBert_________ I mut ak taches ad pr-. endncei~- ntelecual m o re Influential than any leg- In prtiula. Bu wht Itellctul Ide- slaivercforms. My wish, LD. ~ ~ ~ et intaaccept In lieu o! the .gained We my heavle w n ' sr. htom1ces usuel wcl worn wards Of give 'answer!i ta spécific mae, ltonomy .S.wiiely 0IleAf.L. *~U thanks a wlsh thet you may iquestions - but ca we foi-au- itS .lxuw.gx S C n r t e find sufficient reward in aur 'late the questions themnselves? thtftuesu ent n ec-~~IIE C nr ' ' future echievements. Remili-1 We know whether wecanc 'sscrs may realize mar con BAS LNE AAXiscing toa, I cansign ta futurei a math exam mare easily tass1plee the potential of the BASE LIE, AJAX letsure haurs when Individual a Engllsh exam but do w 1ycars they spend here. Imemaries may be exe'mlned know aur own Interests and iPcrhaps, though, I have im- p.m. Fridays quietly and reflectively. abilities well enough ta de- piied that this graduating class tii6 pn.Let us Instead, cansider this cide on a specialized ficld o! gained little o! worth fi-arn aur question. "Does oui- sehooll higher study? One may have 1 association with B.H.S. But system fuifill adequately its, j-ed Shakespeare but are aur what I have said ta, this point - i own modes a! expression lucid was dIctated by reason andj and artistie? And finally, we belief and there was a facet1 may be able ta do a chemistry o! that asocaioiitl cn experiment as autlined in the nectcd with such piospia ANNUAL text - but what has happened abstracts as reason and belief, ANNUAL the naturel curiosity and 1 which will remain vivid la creativity we possessed as i memory long asti the physics childi-en- Sametime, sanie- formulaeiad Iregular French iwhere amid the forest of facts verbs recede Into blissfui for- and mn ks the purpose af gctfulness. We will rememberf b é ducation bas been lost and nat the bai nar the incom- f U students, much the poorer for loyful : the fiendshlps farm- it. 1cd (iiat only with each other THE CANADIAN SI Perhaps then the sa-called but with oui- teachers), theISA EXEL T vibrant spirit of cooperation SA EX LEN Y student radicals" wha main-thtmdwokbehepo tain that high schools and uni- htmdwokbehep-CHITA 1 versities are 'i-relevant" have accts (whethcr scholastic, ath- RITA a valid cam plaint even thaugh1 letic or otherwise) that wc teir tactics for remedying the farmulated and completed ta- situation may be questionable. gether; and the laughter R E D O O R SKA L Ei Society is n:t static, it îs con- (especially t.he laughter) tliatOR R A tinually evalving and chang- ehe ootnI hs al ing. Therefore, ils Institutions. and classroomns - and evea oc- S B C I must hange.thm vs The:: are thebnds that S B C I changs.7tat .will always associate us with 1 csshould like ta suggestat B.H.S. and wîîh cach other.! students i high school should'It is nat weakness ta confcss Ui. - ALL ARE SERVED 1 be int-oduced to as many fields thcm ni srngh !chr a! human endeavour as pos-acter ta rcpudîate them, for sible. Specializatian i-an came thev are a récal and functional later when the studeat, on the part o! our i- ves basis of bis wide general l eeaesne ie aa SO F Fknawledge Is able to ea n Thee re one ln I intelligent decisian as toc1 t eil m by Scheffel, Ia which oai-ca In which bis life's work the poet, now mlddlc-aged, ne- " ,,- OF ~~w e. trsIn mcmory ta the city ~n1n gwm FATESMAN l'EAR-ROUND GIFT. iGIFT MION SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANADA 12 MONTHS 6 MONTHS U.S.A. 12 MONTHS * - -$2.75 - --$7.00 P.O. BOX 190 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1~ j FINANICING IS THE KEY TO SELLUNG YOUR PROPERTY S0 IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE To List With Central Ontarlo Trust Because we have the MORTGAGE FUNDS to seN your property to your advantage when it's time to seil '(ail Our Real Estate Depte BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 623-2527 JENNIE DeJONG - Res.,: 623-3510 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST&SAVINGS (ORP, REAL ESIRIE DEPT: OFFIE2--52 RES. 623-3510 ry bit , 1

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