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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1968, p. 7

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Mr. and Mis. Ken Buckley, when she received her Second- Madoc, vlited w1th Miss ary School honor graduation Mldred Wlllmott, Church St-..dIplam-a. on Monday.1 Mrs. R. R. Nicholson bas Winners of $2500 each In returned home fram Chicago, the Littie N .L 200 Drawi ni., after vlsiting for seven 114t Saturday wee Don Spich- weeks with her daughter and er .il Clem HewItt. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Mâster Ronnie James, Lon-' Maya and famlly. Mrs. Nich- don, Ont., has been vWsting his oison, while away. was a gucst grandparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. at the weddlng of her grand- Win. Allin and Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Carolyn Maya, and S. R. James.i Mr. Gregory Brown, which Miss Susanne James, Wil- taok place ln Brattleboro, Ver- lawdaie, spent a few days îast mont, at the School for Inter- week with her grandparents, national Living. Carolyn and Mr. and Mis. John M. James her bridegroom arc now sta- and uncle Rick. tioned with the Peace Corps in Mr. nd Ms. NrmanGilBrazil, South America. mare o! Lefroy visîted friendsl Miss Aleen Aked of Toronto ln tawn last week. Mr. and motored ta Bowmanvillc last Mrs. Gilmore formerly resid- Thuiisday and was accom- cd In Bowmanvlle.j panied back ta Toronto by Mr.andMrs H Jazenan Mrs. E.V. Hoar and Mrs. fMr.y0ftand roy . wanere andGeorge *W. James. Mrs. Hoar cernt iofSitathrs. .janzr- and Mrs. James were guests cens partMr dMrs ai ofMiss Aked at her Toronto Senprents, Chrchandtreet. residence for a few days, and Surersord ChrchStret. Mr. Wm. James of Montreal, MISS KIM Masters af LInd- during whlch they wcre her say, formerly af Bawmanville, guests at the Durham Club spent the wcekend with her dinner meeting In Toronto. grandparents, Mr. and Mis. E. Miss Aked and Mrs. Snell J. Fairey, Liberty St. North. drove Mrs. Hoar and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Rundie James back ta Bowmanville of Pittsburgh, Pa., spent the Ion Sundy United States Thanksgîving weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham and O IU R Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle. O IU R Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, CHARLES E. MORRIS Donald and Richard, Torantaj The death of Charles Ed- wvere recent guests of M.r. and ward Marris, aged 79 years, Mrs. M. Richards, Marc, Sctt accurred at Memorial Hos- and Michael, Jane Street, and pital, Bawmanville, an Tues- attended the Santa Claus day, November 19, 1968, fol- parade. i lawing an Illness af eight Mr. Bill Marrison has re-imonths. turned ta the University of1 Son af the late Charles and South Carolina, Columbia, Louise Morris he was born ln S.C.. after spending U.S. Ventnor,. Isle af Wight, Eng- Thanksgiving halidays with land, and received his educa- bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.i tian ln England. On Decem- Morrison, Concession Street. 1 ber 30. 1917, he married the With the Festive Season fast former Venetta F. Standing appraaching, many readers who survives. willbe ntetaiingoutof- Mr. Marris first came ta town guests ln their homes, or Bwavlel 99 eun will be away vîsitîng rla_ ing ta England for military tives and friends. Please ]et service in 1914. He served us have such Information for with the British Army, in the Publication in this caîumn. Hampshire Regiment during Dial 3-33o3. Warld War I from 1914-1919 and came back ta Bowman- Miss Elizabeth Braden, Wat- ville ln May, 1920. erloo University, Brian Peters, The deceased was employed McMaster University; Miss by the Bowmanville Foundry Karen Kramp, University Of Ca. Ltd.. and had 48 years Western Ontario; Miss Jeanne service with the company, e- Hubbard, Miss Mary Jane tiring just two months prior Walters, bath af Guelph Uni- ta ihis decease. He was a versity, spent the weekend at member of Branci 178, Royal their respective homes. Canadian Legion. Miss Lorraine White, Wat- Surviving, besides his wlfe erloo University, spent the Venetta (Eva) are a son, weekend with her parents, Mr. George, and three daughters, and Mis. George White. Con- Mrs. Rager Meadows (Franc- cession St., and attended Bow- es), Mrs. John Baker (June). nanvlle High Scihool Com- and Mrs. Wm. Slaght Jr. ,Mencement, Frday evening, (Marion), ail o! Bowmanville. Also surviving are 16 grand- dchildren and three great- REHOBOTHgrandchildren. REHOBOTHThe funeral service ýwas held Christian Reformed from the Morris Funeral C ha p e , Bowmanville, anc Churci, Thursday, November 2lst, and1 was conducted by Rev. K. J. Scugog Street Frampton af St. John's Ang- Phone 023-7216 lican Church, Bowmanville. Interment was ln Bowman-a Minister. ville Cemetery.s 1 ev. A. Vandenflergr. à A service was held on Wed-.j Worship Services 10 amn 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday .6:30 p.m. "ýEveryone Welcome", St. Paul's United Church Minster : Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organlst - Mr. R. Metealf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 9:45 am. - Sunday Schoo 11:00 a.rn. Sacrarnent of Baptism ]Infant care durlng Service 7:00 p.rn. C.G.I.T. Vesper Service TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organlst - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SIJNDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1968 11:00 a.m. "THE HOPE 0F ADVENT" Rev. George K. Ward CHUJRCH SCHOOL 9:30 11:00 11:20 a.m. - a.1n. - a.xn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior Beginners Primary and Kindergarten 8:00 p.m. - Discussion Meetings at the homes The Salvation Army (Bowmanville) Ct4ristmas Ket t/es and Ct4flristmas Car0 //ing The famillar Cheer Ketties of the Salvation IArmy wiIl b. on the streets of Bowmanville fromn Deoember 6 to, December 24. Door to door carolling wilI also commence and the canvasser may b. recognized by their Salvation Armny uniform or by the red plastic box hearing the Salvation Army Shield. Donations may be mailed to The Salvation Army, c/o Captain David Peck, 20 Centre Street, BowmanvMle. Eeteipts will be mailed. Dl e. Last Sunday evenmng a large congregation attended Bowmanville Baptist Chu.rch ta hear the church chair present a niissionary cantata. The cantata, entitled "Let the earth hear His vaice", included bath standard and cantemporary hymns. As well as the chair num- bers there were also solos by Miss V. Sadler and Mrs. A. White andi duets by Mrs. C. Hayes and Mr. C. Jensen, Mrs. D. Lesage and Miss D. Lesage, andi Mrs. C. Hayes and Mis. J. Prime. The choir was directeti by Miss £iet ters 070 Pontypool, Ont. November 30, 1968. Mr. Foster Russell, Editor, Sentinel-Star, Cobourg. Re "Pontypool's Gentie People" Dear Editor: Most people were disagreeably surprised ta read in last week's States- mnan that you were the one who com- pased and had printed the editorial under the caption "New Post Office". When Mr. Clifford Fallîs and I visited your office in protest we were treated caurteously but were led ta believe this article had its arigin in Durham Caunty. If you had admitted then some local people would not have been blamed. However, we are very glad that yau saw fit ta write the letter. In a former letter ta you I tried ta show you what the so called "Gentle Peoples"' grievances were. I did try ta show the readers that we don't like ta be called a dead cammunity. The article did not help ta heal any bad f eelings that might exist with any other villages. The one holed privy got a lot of pub- licity. I amn one of a few that visits Pontypool daily and did flot know it existed. As a member of Manvers Coun- cil I know we have contacted Federal Provincial Health and Welfare Organi- zations re aur "shanty" problem. Ouri Chamber of Commerce and ahl citizens are cancerned. We will work ta have something done bef are we lose aur identity as "Manvers Township" (via Regional Goverument).1 Before I go ta the part that hurt in the article, I want ta tell the people I have known the Russell family for rnany years and had a lot of respect for them. In earlier years I have looked at a lot of curves that the Editor pitch- 1V. Sadier and accompanied by Mrs. M. Taylor. The .narrator was Mr. D. Jensen. The above photo shows 1from lef t ta right, back row, D. Jensen, C. Jensen, K. 1Lesage, M. Prime, L. MacLean, A. Laird and G. Dallas; middle row, Rev. G. Gordon, Mrs. Hayes, Miss D. Les- age, Mrs. M. Gordon, Miss V. Sadier; front row, Miss S. Prime, Mrs. M. Jensen, Mrs. J. Prime, Mrs. D. Lesage, Mrs. A. White, Miss E. Vondracek and Mrs. M. Taylor. Jle 8clîtor eti for Millbrook. I stili look at curves. The clasing paragraph states that "John Payne andi others playeti the fife andi drum. and carried the Orange Ban- ner high. True, I amn praud andi fot ashamedti t say I did. I will agree we have lost a lot we worked for. I believe in tolerance and love anti respect people who, differ with me. I think as Orange- men we have ta accept this. I have matie myseif unpopular in showing my feelings on occasions with my Lotige, church, Conservative Association and Legion. As anc who serveti four and a haîf years in World War II - United Kingdom anti on the Continent, I learn- ed that my buddy was a good comrade. In conclusion I might say Foster, that you might give the citizens of Cobourg a pep talk. I visited Cobourg on July 6th. Our Lotiges didn't have a Fyfe anti Drum Bandi but we did hire one of the best bandis on parade (Canadian Legion Pipe Bandi, Bowmanville). We tried ta and titi have a respectable showing. In the parade we saw only anc lawn with glasses of water for thirsty marchers. There were na decora- tions, saw twa f lags flyîng. You talk of heritage. In the future I will take a second look before visiting any large centre for a celebratian. Thousantis visit these towns andi spend plenty. Try and be at least good businessmen. This is not a personal beef as I was fortunate enough ta, have a grand place ta, stay. In conclusion, I think that this is the theme sang of the "Gentle People of Pontypool" : My country right or wrong If wrong ta be set right If right ta be kept right But my country right or wrong. John Payne. Cartwright HS Valedîc tory by Beth Johnson W4 ui sE ta la 1 ,a Lt ni Mlr. Paisley, Mr. KytA chers, parents. fellow grac tes and students: The grac tion exercises are always ai ýportant yearly event fc nesday evening by Branch 178 Royal Canadian Leglon. Many beautiful floral trfl. utes from friends, relativee anti arganizations attestedti the esteem ln which the de. ceased was held andi, as wei', a Bible was presented ta, the faniily by Local 2375 o! the BowmanvIlie Foundry la his memory. Palîbearers were Messrs ]Rager Meadown, London, Ont.; Bruce anti Paul Meadows, Terry yand Gary Baker, and John Bruce. Bowmanville, a]l grandsons of the deceased. Fiower bearers were Messrs. Murray Adams, Frank Wool- ner, Bob Muttan and Baden Plagie, ail Bawmanviile Foun. dry employees. In the Editor's Mail November 23, 1968 Bethany, Ont., Dear Mr. James: How long is thls siliy feud about Post Offices ln Beth- any anti Pontypool gaing ta, be kept up? I am quite sure no anc ln a ur village Is in any way concerned as ta whcther Pontypool bas a new Post Office or nat; but we do re- sent the comparative state- ments regarding our village. In his letter, Mr. Bradley of Pontypool refemmedt ta ur Post Office as fommely be- ing an aId blaclcsmith uhop. This Is not sa. Our neat hIttie Post Office, centrally locateti on thc main street, was originally bullt by the late Jasiah Preston, M.P., as an office for his grain-buy- lng business. During his term as Cierk of Manvers, the township business was conducted from this same office. Later, the clerk's office was moved ta the township hall. We reahly are prouti o! aur Post Office anti its histar- ical value.- Yours truly, Mrs. FRuby M. Jackson. NESTLETON Mi. Tam Lawrence, Water- loo University, mat'ored to Port Perry Tuesday evening and attendedtheUicbanquet in honor the Ont. Champion basebail team. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, Peterborough, visiteti Wcd- nesday andi Thursday with Mr. andi Mis. George B'owers andi attendedth te Womens In- stitute cuchre party at Black- stock. iU. and Mrs. Gerald McGili, Yelverton, were Sunday even- ing dininer guests with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. anti Mis. Frank Glasbergen. Mr. and Mis. Douglas Fallis and family, Bowmanviile, en- joyeti Sunday afternon andi evening dinner with ber par- ents, Mr. andi Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mi. antd Mis. Cecil Wilo woee Sunday evening dinner fuegtâ with their daughter and soei-in-law, Ti. and Mrn. Norman Lyons, Lori and Ainne, at Uxbridge. Mirs. Stan MeNeillie, Toronto, was a Saturday visiter with the Milsons. Congratulations to Wanda Cooledge and Cindy McCall Who "«flew Up" ta Guides on n Tes and Bazaar Reeve Lawrence Malcolm o!ficially openeti Court Lady Snawblrd's s e c ond annual bazaar on Wednesday, No- vember 27th. The aine tea tables were weil patronized and Uic home- bakling. dry goods, knick- knack a nd touch-and-take tables titi a splendid business. In Uic lucky draw Mr. Fred i The Canadian %ttemman, Bowmanvllle, Dec. 4. 1968 Baptist Choir Presents Missionary Cantata theba oemmnity On Saturday evening, No- vember 30, the local basebali team sponsored a da.nce in the Foresters' Hall. Tickets were solti in ativance to mcm- bers andi their wives and Mr. and Mis. James Lawmence, who sponsor the team, were inviteti guests. The highlight of the evening was the pre- sentation of individual tro- pihies by Mrs. Lawrence. On these werc engravedtheUicyears 1966 andi 1968 at which time the team won thc champion- ship in Uic league. In well chosen remarks, Mrs. Law- rence oongratulatcd thc team for their sucoesu andi for their sportsmatnship a n d wished Mistakes will happen in the best a! regulated families. Being locked out af Nestie- ton's burglar-praof homes has become rather prevalent. One faxnily, minus a key, gained admittanice by means of a lawn chair for a Iadder and a screwdriver ta remove the screen and raise the window. Another family had a little more difficulty. They cntered thirough a basement window and to their dismay the door sito the house was locked. Climbing out was a problem tao, but no mishap occurred, by perseverance they raised anc af the. windows. Congratulations to Mr. Law- rence Malcolm who was ac- clainicd reeve at the nomina- tion. At time of writing this iu election day and an anxious and busy tume for ail the can- didates. They are ail gaod men andi the losers will show tolerance and good sportsman- ship. Ail caninot win. Mr. and MmU. Ross Curtis, Orillia, visited with Mr. and Mis. Bruce Heaslip and were Sunday evening dinner guests. Being faced with a diet af corn 'silage lu no fun. How- èver, with good lungs and wlth piercing cails for help, the victim was soon released by the quick action ai a near- by neighbor. Mr. and Mis. Jim Irwin, Leslie Jay and Kerry, Mr. andi Mrs. Armour Irwin Jr., ail o! Toronto, enjoyed mid- day Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Vine and family. In the evening he Vines were dinner guests wilth Mr-. andi Mrs. Reg. Middleton 'A SUN-FUN HOLIDAY IN... FLORIDA By Luxury Motor Coach - No Overnight Travel 0 15- DAY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL December 21st to January 4th. 0 16-DAY TOUR Departing Jan. lSth and March l5th. Optional Cruise to, Nassau * 21 -DAY TOUR Including Mardi Gras, New Orleans February 2nd to 22nd. 0 10-DAY Mid-March Special to DAYTONA BEACH Mar. 14-23 For Information and Brochures Contact Jury & Loveil Travel Agency 19 King St. East Bowmanville Phonee 623-3182 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY,, DEC. Streaks 'n' *,ps oz l WAMPOLES 1 r Hair Color by NestieI f Sugg. Iist 1.70 - - 1*44---.-A . Sug i1.50 J l 72 m C 24%BUFFERIN Pain Reliever e. everyone in this comniunity; gaodbye ,ta Cartwright HIgh Coia Capsules, Sugg. list 2.99- 1this is readily apparent from1 School self . As we gradu- nh shinlng faces in the front 0flf eralz o ot n S r raws right back ta those peaple ate we have been In beingth at n ne agrshr a SA IT ug it11. . . . w ho are w illlng ta stand in Part af this scho al w ith its ad - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ order ta be present this even- vantages af small classes andIh2 ing. But each year, this pro- a fine rapport between stu- IU ... R zo s2 gramme has a special signifie- dents and teachers. It eveun Gillette R z Blades Cance to thase far wham it is has the ariginal answer ta LO really a Commencement. Ta- today's problem of student ADJUSTABLE 3 PIECE SET night symbolically marks for power. A familiar atmosphere. f us the end af ane periad Of unity af spirit throughout the Sugg. n. ila iour lives and It Is with mixed student bady and a trusting Sugg. Ilt8e i istoeyears as well as look tion almast unique amang e 76 .» forward expectantly ta new modern day schoals. And If __________________________ experiences and obligations. yau daubt that it pays off yau Our first impulse is ta look have neyer been ta a CHS s, spci andmomens-mthe mph artunit e otankthesCart- K ENX"O TQ E d ba aon t es-e t montge f ramanigsw ht. Forthese a- KENX"O TQ E o e Il of recapturing the Bi-School wright Board of Education.2bo e Track and Field Traphy, aur We realize the difficulties and feeling of pride and accomp- work that must be involved F c a i s e - lshment hIaur yearbaok, and in maintaining the sela. F c al T s u s 6 n the gaod-natured rivalry and Whatever may happen in ihe n assorted colours........c -sense of competitian among future we want ta assure you 6 the "hause" graups (although that as far as we are cancern- tao ha ve listened ta us some- ed It bas nat been in vain, tmes one might think the Ta aur- parents thanks are goad nature was wearing a also due - prabably long oer- B A lIttie thin). due.- We have accepted gasvaur Super Dry Anti-perspirant Tonigiht the best memaries birt.hright aur homes and se- B A are the ones we graduates curity, the support and guid- shared tagether. Naw that we ance af aur parents and the are galng aur separate ways pleasures and privileges of aur 1.9vle.7Vau we look back ta thase wild time. We have even been 12 au and wonderful spares; we re- known ta complain bitterly for 1.17 fr15 member thase magical people when we were expected ta 01 who could niake chalk brush.. meet certain obligations in re- the trays and who could make yau understand us better than 0 crickets jump down from the we understand o u r se I ve s. ia-dfo light fixtures. And there Please accept our thanks andi L f A MP a t broken dentures were those encauraging souls we ask you ta continue ta wha kept telling us we would stand behind us. do well an a test - especiafly Because for every end thereI when it was one they dldn't Is a beginning and If tanlght SmaI If L arge ganes lo ine! ar e ch- seorkne in ter b us ies rldz 2 hav taowrite! clakwrdaoser s aecapter a ur lvesze 1 19S 2 e2 0fnesa icu e ur ac -Wr an nthe usineadyapening ers - Inevitably, first and fore- gaing ta Teachers' Coilege are most we remember t2he wark ta universlty we are meeting they gave us ta do, but we new and interesting people, alsa remember the interest finding even greater appor- PRESCRI PTIONS they inspIred and the gaad tunities ta make our awn de- times we had In many of their cisian and getting a better look classes. We appreciate the at the warld we live In and extra efforts they made on which one day will be ours. aur behaif and the intercst Sa tanight aur ematians are AE they shawed In us. Hunian as ones of pleasant nastalgia for %E we are, we haven't always ad- the past, gratitude ta aur par-£ mlitted this even ta ourselves, ents and teachers and antici- but we wlsh ta express Our pation for the future as we go thanks to ail oui teachers farward armed with the CHS throughout the years - those motta "per appera ad astra". 5 KN T here tanight as well as those -By Bob Johnstan, Ontario IG S. W absent In body if not in spirit.; Schalar and presently attend- Tonight we are also saylng ing the University of (Toronto. M ICRIN Oral Atspi FDS Deodorant Bath 0ïl KOTEX 12's - Sugg. Eist 55c Sugg. list 2.90 Fenminine Napkins RICHI GUARD yGlet Spray Deodorant Sugg. uaLt 99c73 C DON' FORGET OUR WIDE SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS I.D.AREMEDIES MAcGREGOR e DRUGS e - - PHONE 623-5792 Howard, Caesara, rccelved the pole lanip, Mrs. B. Mason, Cacsarea, thc blanket aind Mr. Ross Short, Port Perry, the ash-tray stand. The ladies were weil pleas- ed with the patronage they recelved and they are ta be congratulated for the excel- lent wark tfhey are doing for the "Cancer Fund" andi for 1peid for from. the procpeds cg the dance, were presented by the oach, Mr. Fred Thomas. Music for dancing was pro- vided by Mr. Earl Bowers' tape recarder. Wives of the basebail team served a de- licious lunch and a social trne was enjoyed. HOLIDAY SPECIAL t. New York (ity DEC. 26-29 Travel by deluxe Motor Coach, equijbped with air- conditloning and washroomn facilitiez. Accommoda t 10o n reserved for 3 nlghts at the Hotel Taft, Ideally located in the beart of Broadway. For Information and Reservations Cail Jury & Loveil Travel Agency 19 King St. East Bowmanville mi 6 os. plus a z.O for le extra were l' ----l L 1 m Ji 1 The cnineti suhchcs 1 - 1.49 value for 1.19 . z ----97c

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