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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 10

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' 0 The Canadian Etatesman, Bowmnanville, Dec là, 198 Municipal Bd. Hearing Over Control By-law Held In Mon vers Township Hall Bethany:- W. H. J. Thomp- on August th ta regulate the from May Int to November Ist son. representative of the On-isize, and specifications of and that many cottage owners tarlo Municipal Board. pre-1 buildings whjch may be erect- now want to spend weekends sided for the Hearing held in'ed or altered within the towvn- or holidays at their cottage the Manvers township hall at ship and to regulate the use,. in winter time. ]Bethany on Wednesday to minimum frontage and lotIl is company also objected consider the township's appli- size that any building ori ta the requirements of 750 sq. cation for approvai af a by- structure may occupy. 1 ft. for a summer cottage, sug- Iaw passed recently. I re the bylaw prohibits' gesting that R minimum of Due ta many changes ini the1 construction of any buildingf 650 sq. ft. wouid be quite ade- ~ Manvers township area, the doser than 50 ft. from the!quate. H-e aiso said he thought Municipal Council have con- street or road allowance lIne; there shouid be a difference sidered It advisable to impie-: the minimum frontage of anylin rating for lakeshore cot- ment certain contraIs overi lot shaUl be 100 and the arcs tages in comparison I.o those aize of buildings and lots of the lot shallflot be less1on rear lots, within the municipalitv. Af-I than 15,000 ft. (required fort Roy M. Lethbridge, Toronto, ter discussion at variausl septic tank approval by Board, has owned property on Lake meetings, a hyiaw a passedý0f Health); al single fam:lYýScugog for some 23 years and and ane storey dwellings shall has clone much to develop the have a living space groundj property. Mr. Lethbridge was1 Now Available floor ares of at least _1000 sq.1 armed with a petition of 661 f1 ..and il storey and a haîf inames calling for reconsidera- for or' two storey dweilings shah ki0fl oof certain aspects of the "have a living space area of at byiaw. "This is detrimental least 1200 sq. f1.. 11 further to aur civil rights and privi- Festive Season provides that the liveable leges. The clause concerning floor area of a cottage which part Year accupancy shouid is used for a period flot ex- be eiiminated. We pay taxes ceeding five c o n s e c u t 1 v e on a yearly basis, no);t part- months in the period May lst time. We also psy schoo to November lst in any one taxes and have no children year shalI be a minimum of attending schaol. The onîy 71750 sq. f1.. and it shahl be a hing we get in return for aur Denis Stewart checks hrcach of the bylaw for any- money are roads, and some of mlindla iew ane ta occupy or ta rent for them are flot in very goodamilo dlarwe- occupancy any cottage for a condition. W hudhv Iperiod exceiing the said five sccess ta aur cottages ail year months period. round. This requirement of Richard Lovekin of New- 750 sq. f1.. is out of ail pro- * castle, solIcitor for Manvers~ portion." township, explained the in-' In conclusion, Mr. Leth- tent of the bylaw. bridge said "Ail we want is A deiicious Wilson Heaslip, Reeve, ex- quiet possession of our hoid- Non-Alcoholic Drink 1 pIained council's planning for ings. We have an interest in the future. the rural Council and their "The bylaw under discus- problemns and wish ta co- Quart sion is flot just for the needs operate, but think the bylaw 7 3 of today or tomorrow, but for should be revised and madle the yesrs ahead. The Influx more lenlent." I R of summer cottagers have Mr. Lovekin queried, "Since made certain changes neces- you awn property here, are ~ . Gien Rae ~sary. We have tried to antici- you flot concerned for the « ?1>':;: pate aur needs. Tax revenue future? Would you rather live es necessary to keep up the in an area that is controlled, D i yfor winter snow-plogig r ae ihthe atht Phoe 63-544 schooling, etc. Ireal estate values are becom- Arepresentative o! Sand- ing so high that there are 98 King st. W. i wood Estates Ltd., Toronto, bound to be more people owners of praperty in theý waxting home accommodation * * township, rcquested clarlfica-r ]n the country. You state this 4THE BOY FRIEND" tion o! the bylaw. by]aw Is a detrjment to civil He said hîs firm objected rights, but any bylaw re- who's "The Boy Friend?"to h iignt'ea o stricts certain rights and pri- ~ tages designated as being viieges. When a summer cot- tage becomes a year-raund home, a large family could Agnt o eaer Wdpurchase what hshtet Agentsor _Dealers_ W anted only been used bya eid couple, and then the township ~ ~~ to take orders for would be faced with schooling Stewrts"Eary Hbri" Sed Crns for the family." ______"aryHbrd" edCon Rev. William Piercy said for he was concerned for the el- - deriy people of the township Alex M. Stewart & Son Limitedd feîtifts bylaw was "Seed Grain Specialists" spproved it would be an sdd- ed hardship for senior citi- ai zens. "One-third o! the pre- Ailsa Craig, Ontario sent househalders need no Excelen opor4nit an comision - a si jmare than a grounil floar ares EacelleHybida"ortuiyourndreammissron t elei fo!600 sq. f1., fot 1000 sq. ft. "Eary Hbria" or ourare - urig te nxt Those seliing farms within six months. If Interested, please contact us at once by the family would be bard hit letter, statlng exact address, lot and concession, town- t ship and county, distance and direction from closest b*~tterqieet o town or advlse if you live In a village or named building a home for their old conimnity.age. In case af fire destroy- zens could flot afford ta build a new home under these new regulations. For your winter reading pleasure ..I "PerhapsIf th-e suggestion of smaller hom s n appli- cable throughout the entire Lanvas & Steam township. provision could beLyiFnnde Canvas Steam made for ~~~certain zoned areastrnptshpedfo er ta protect the interest of thetrnptshpedro thi elderly, or those not in too FenelaPattions. affluent circumstances" Another shipper, Adams of Waer.t Pie'rcy also felt that Ohio, shipped eight or ie on Q u te W a ers tere shauid have been more carloads from Burkçeon. publicity and citizens given a Pincywood Plantations own- The story of the great era of shipping on Lake 'chance ta air their views be- cd by Dr. Breslin also shippedl fore the bylaw was passed by severai carloads as weii as Ontario and the men who won, and lbt, their Councîl. transport loads. figt wth heeleent. hisSecndEdition by Solicitor Lovekin in reply Mr. Alan Argue and !riend, figt wth he lemnts Ths Scon stated that the suggestion re Oshawa, with Mr. L. Argue Willis Metcalfe contains:1 zoned areas wauld be dis- and family over the weckend. crimination. 11. would be quite Mr. and Mrs. David. Gatch- * Sipwec Ma ofPrnceEdwrdillegai to establish a bYlaw ell, Oshawa, were Sunday * Shpwrek Ma ofPrine Edardspecifically designed for rer- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. County tain age graups. He further A. C. Stephenson. stated that ail Council meet- Ms .Sals saa ings are apen ta fthe public visited with Burketon friends * Stories of ships wrecked !and there had been na secrecy on Sunday. f rom 1741 to, 1965 last rprton0 h y Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowery, In hs cosig reark MrMr. Frank Pomery and others * 88 pages of pictures of ships, sailors 1 Thompson thankcd those who atnsI ed ernlsbt Sunda and lightliouaes had aired their views. 'I was a~ nikle nMna rs a d c sto ersa very Merry Pckerng Nuclear Power Sta- l Christmnas and a HaPPy and Prospcroijs New Year ton will b. closed durlng the ry from yonr Directors: Robert Morton, Presfrent; Christna.s Holiday from Dec, a ftowrd uanril, Vce; ainTurer,~ AUS, 25th ta Dec. 2MthInclusive, t Ilowrd uantili Vic; Sm Tuner Sto Alin, and on New Year's Daty, jan. di Ken Henderson, John Rickard, Everstt Cryderman, Il 1969. I Joh Kux nd onad ic~..Mr. D. E. White, Public Re- q' JohnKnoxand onal Bleie.lotions Officer «for thie Nuclear n' Ahd your staff: Ern Spry, Angus Loucke, John Stone, Station, announced the boIt- e day closlng and said tI¶at the 3c aryWelab, Dom Mercer ad Gord Morton. contre would b.i openi to vz- P W. WlU b« CJosedChlbtosgDaye Decembec2=h. tor", as ugual, a..oher sys Boxing Day, Decomber 28tbh IêOw Year'mDay, jom 1frO ýMs- amVo I4:00 p.andho lut.Janary iidwe wIb . cbsedfor foctakig. ay m*ke artngement~r for w Ist.Janary2adwe wll e cose fors#4cktmg. orate tours by cal» tg In er ____________________________________________ Toronto 28ý-5781 si Giant Wire Wrap Machine at Honeywell Plant soperation of the quar-ter of 7rap machine, Keytape devices manufac- ponents are attached ta thc tured at Honeywell's new Bow-ý boards by Universai insertion manville, Ont. plant wili machines and the boards are eventually be manufactured1placed in frames ta go through alrnost completeiy from Cana- thc flux, preheatIng and wave dian companents, Jack Shaugh-1 soldering stages. Before In- nessy, plant manager, has dis-Istallation in the equipmnent closed. 'they also go through a de- As the first of the Keytape greasing cip. mnodels rolled off the assembly The main assembly line Iný Une Honeywell officiais wcre the 20,000 square foot plant isi seeking still further Canadian suppied from a series o! majorý sources o! supply in lîne with sub-aýssembly areas. The onlyl the campsny's "Manufacturing comnponent that is pre-asscmb- in Canada" policy. led is the magnetic headý Iloneywell's main Scarbor ýassembly.1 ough plant Is aîready fabricat-! With a backlog o! arders toi ing the cabinets, ventilatingýfill that were swaiting Cana-! units and some power boardsclian production, and newl used in Keytape. 1 rclers comlng in In excess of! Introduccd carlier this year, forecasts, two areas are ai-ý Keytape devices are designccl ready adding. extra shifts. ta replace the two-stage kev- These are the wire wrap mach- punch ta tape operatian n0ine, which will have ta worki computer installations. Honey-!three shifts, and testing. Maxi-' well is the only computer mum output of the plant at manufacturer ta buld andIuiie present time is between market a data preparation 140 and 150 units per month,ý device which transcribes source1 but this figure is expected tao data directy nto computer- icras greatly withn te ready magnetic tape. I next year with the plant fiql1- IncîdedamonIth ing the requirements for Key- Inel ded mong the ophis- tape clevices for the Australian ticated manufacturing equip- and European markets as weîl mient used ta make Keytape Isa l ndin a wire wrsp machine installed sCnain at a cast of approximateîy a In the near future the plant' quarter million dollars. This lwll be producing 36 variations~ machine ironicaly is directed o! the device ta increase Its by programmed punched cards capabilities in bth on-line because information înputý and off-lune applications. lacs not require Keytapd1 - Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances throuth STATESMAN C L AS SIFIE D PhnI2l30 SAVNGSCORORAIO The wire wrap machine t nevertheless aperates at a rate1 of more than three times that of hand wiring and makes a uniformiy perfect solels connection. lees For saidered connections on printed circuit boards a wave saldering aperated is utilized. After quality checking, com- some hand wiring Friendship Club NoMsIts Annual, The annual Christmas dim- ner and entertalnment o! Trinity United Church Friend- ship Club was held ln the Sunday School rooms on Fn-. day, December the 13th when 57 members sat clown ta cmn- ner at 5:30 p.m. Units 8 and 10 U.C.W. serv- ed the dinner and pravided the dessert and E. W. Bradley thanked these ladies for their contribution. Mss. Mary Cale conducted the meeting lncluding a short business period after which Miss Margaret Allen led a sing. ýsng o! Christmas carols. Mrs. George Brooks, the correspondmng secretary, read the namnes of! members who were absent awing ta lllness and who had been rcmem- bered. The devotional period was conducted by Mesdames Bill- ett, Brooks and Gilbert, Mrs. Gilbert rend the 24th chapter of Matthew. Ms.Blllett's toplc was the slgnificance o! llfts and with reference to the 4ifts that the Wise Men brought ta Jesus. Mrs. Brooks closed this period with prayer. The entestainmcnt period consisted o! a solo by Colin T'aylor, "Have Faith ln God", a salo by Miss Margaret Allen entitled "The Birthday o! a King". Mrs. A. W. Harding's contribg.tion was a piano solo, '«The Holy City". Mrs. E. W. Bradley gave a reading "The Young at Heart". The Christ- rissptit was exempifled in s'hoIrt, and amusing sklt en- itled "Post Office" by Mes- damnes Cole, Tate and Marris. Rev. Mr. Harding conducted a qulz cont.est which provided much amusement. Ail o! the entertainment was much en- jyed and appreciated by thoise present. It was announced that the iext rogular meeting would b. sld on Pfriday, Feb, I4th and vould take the form o! a Val- ritine Party. Mr. Ward clos- 'n hexelpg wlth the bene- Police Report Shows 321.SIIgrs. Overtime Du«rin7g No vember The Police Department Re- thefts. The value of poprt~ port for November, which was stolen was^ $695. T"he"Iue presented ta Town Council by o! gopryrecavered trdate Police Chie! Bernard R. Kit- was $207.95, ney at the meeting heid in the The towpoiehvwr- Council Chamber on Monday 1cd 3,239 hours o! overtime and evening, Dec. 9th, showed that1 total court time a! 321.5 houri 1,583.5 man hours had been during the year to date. In utiiized during the month. November the police overtime In November there were 30 here amaunted ta 321.5 hours,, motor vehicle accidents, and The police cruiser mnileege ta six persans were injured. The November was 3,172. There charges laid during the month! were nine days absent through were: under the Criminal vacation and six days absent Code Il, Liquor Contrai Act through Illiness durlng the four, Highwav Trafflc Act Il. month. There were five parking viola-, tions and 10 meter violations. During the manth the town Memorial Hospital police investigated 263 com- plaints and there were 15 sum- l e vlyRep r manses served for other forces.' Two investigations for other I forces were completed. Week o! Dec. 9-15 Inclusive During routine checks anc Admission? -7.1 of the premises was found Births-4 maie, 5 female - --( Insecure. There were three Dischsrges ----------- 90 tinoccupied house checks, Major aperations 13 During November there were Mnroeain ____3 twa housebreaking occur- nooprtns3 rences, and three shopbreak- Emergency treatments-84 ing occurrences, alsa seven, Vislting hours 3-8 p.m. daily ThiningofSeing? FINANCING IS THE KEY TO SELLING YOUR PROPERTY SO IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE To Llest With (entrai Ontarlo Trust Because we have the MORTGAGE FUNDS to seil your property to your advantage (ail Our Real Estate Dept. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 623-2527 « JENNIE DeJONG - Res.: 623-3510 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & IIM i j' Mx - b ff$-w THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IANEXCELLENT YEAR-ROUND 1ANCHRISTMAS GIFT.I ORDER A GIFI SUBS(RIPTION TO*DAY! jý SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANADA 12 MONTHS *6 MONTHS U.S.A. -PIo.sBox 190 -B0WMANVILLE, ONTARIO - - -$2.75 j cl ISI r &vol

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