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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 11

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-~ -.- - .- - ,- - . -- - . '-- - ---. -' - ------ çYeocia/and1 tersona/ Newcastle - With their!portant message lias reachedY bad luck nnw behind themn,ius, and it eads: "Will arrive, the Newcastle Memoial Aenajra the village of Newcastle at 1 Oened Its doors for the first 2:00 p.m.. Sat., Dec. 2lst. Hop-ý sktng of the spason on Tues- ing ta see ail the childmen then, Clay evening. This was free at the Community Hall, signed, i publiceskating which praved Santa Claus. te be an evening of great funi The Decembem Institute, for the cmawd attending. Hoc- meeting was lield at the homej key lu once again in full swing o! Mrs. Florence Fergusonj and for the girls, registrationýwîth 2.5 ladies present. 'rhe I for figure skating will be heid'mol] cail was answered bv on Saturday aftemnoon, at the naming thieir favorite Christ-i amena. Children and adults mas caro,1, and gifts whereý will both be weicome ta jaîn brought for the eiderly peopleiî these classes. which wili bé at Golden Plough Lodge, Cob-; taught by Annita Churchley, ourg, who would be celebrat-' Part Hope, a professiainali ing their Christmas party theý skater and teacher. ýfollowIng evenirig. The prog-1 Mm. and Mrs. Perey Tam- 'ram consisted off carol singing,ý blyn have recently celebratedýa solo, '"How Great. Thou Art".i another wedding anniversaryiwas sun g by Mrs. A. Hughes., their S3rd. We extend them!A display o! 10 cards of! best wishes and congratula- l Christmas buttons was shown; tions. They spent their anni- by Mrs. Marie Gartshore. i. ' vemsamy, Sundav, Decemberi These were arranged in des- t 15th wlth thcir 'daughter and'ignls off a wreath, Christmas' hem husband, Mm. and Mrs. trees, large star, the Threeý Jack Goheen, Bawmanville, Wise Men, telephone messages and enjnyed a ]avely dinner. frorn around the world, 1967' ATTENTION: A most im- Centenn l card and even good Y aId Santa with his suit madeý of red buttons and belt and Hockey Nevisboots were made of black but- 'Hocke Newstons. On the cards were nianv buttons with crowvns, roindeer,l< >Newcastle - The Midgets hells, round red ones for cran- travelled ta Stoufiville Thurs- bernies, round white ones for; ayevening and played an ex- snow halls, trees and poinset- Qellent game a! hockey, losing tias, jingle bel] buttons, canal-ý -in a very close game o! 4-3. ers and manv othens. After thel Scori ng for Newcastle were cards were examined, the lad- j Rickey Stephenson, Bill Mc- ies were asked what the timeý CÇullaugh and Glen Murphv. on the two dlocks, with Miss'. ' On Friday evening, Atoms, B. Milligan having the correct j'ee Wees and Eantamis from answem and winnirîg the prize., 'Yjewcastle aIl plaved an home There was an exchange o! giftsý AND SOME COMFORT TOO. . -VistOhw.Tecos h'a evdadejyd e gainst teams from Lake aften which a delicious lunchý Eighteen month aid Mona Blackett of Don Milis, -'Vistntarsoawa. ThehAtoms ttheEwargserved andtennoyed. f0rst o! aur teams ta win a Cubs celehnated their Christ- Otrowsrse ote mrec eateta game, and their first game ex-cmas party on Monda v ening.'Th HoptlfrSk idenTrnow nse te be played, won 2-0. Goals Games were enjoyed and car-ý swallowed a safety pin. Doctors removed the pin and 'wer scred by ann Sheld ols were sung. Sandwiches. -litte M aria was soon an hem feet again. But while she and Donald Martin. Ia the cookies andppwr add agecond game, Newcastle îostou nd opwrhadd was hospitalized she needed the attention - and com-J 'ta Lake Vista 6-2. Scoring for gifts kept everyone in fifot-o!ansendMsFlrce arelwshppy the homne team weme Tom Mar- delight as tbey opened their ta assist. The Hospital annually provides almost 50,000 tin and Neil Vanderstoop. The parcels. Folio wirîg this, the such emergency treatments. YOU can help the Hospital 13antams, taking ta the 'ce tOoledr as ota mll for he irs tie, layd w~ lades psse ou a maî maintain its record of service with your contribution 1 'but fought a losing battie o! gift and wse vroeMn\ bita.IiAPct the annual Christmas campaign. Send your donation! ~7-. ut e nowwcl1 ecthe best six were namced. Thcv! ta THE HIOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, 555 themn do better aftem a few were Sjxcr Tommyv Couch, UNIVERSITY AVE., TORONTO 2, ONTARIO. practices and games.SeodrCli lnad The Town League aiso got CuSeconde Cix-inAlli arand ut derateonwe hayventing,Lowr-y.Ronald Couvier and j~I) l~ bu edt ehv ohnlWadc Shields, These boys will EU I W W N ta rep o rt an this. W e only en - he treated ta a ga i-e off.1ho ixl- T h a d n E p o e s w h ! S d y S c oI e si n t courage evemyone ta get down'igtefrtngtbe te, the aena and see ail theseig h ftt igtbak t TetHdadonvxitaion e sb Sudy cholssson Cuibs. The next meeting is ta aetn a niaio a23 teamus in action. Also ta see beeveryone ta attend a special h o ukspo ede toryorsef.thebeutiful, h leld an Monday, January ChmlstmespServiceon Dcc. 22 't; li fe ref teba :lth 1969. hitasSrieo' c 2teCommujnity Centre, Sat- ?nodern and warm aena we, s-l'ke' at 1:30 -. urday night, was a huge suc- MOw have. Te see it le ta boast Wintles fOf tHie oI cv ,bault It, ta visît it once wilMtesDa id nSt'- neaan ermn es, with .50 or more sltting - wijýVthes Drw mde n Saur- One aginwe emIn yo,! daovn toa a oua tiful meal and *~hae yu rtumang gai an daycveingat te aenawerthis year, as ln the past years,ý the number doublecd for the i Dax-. MekeY, 67 NelsonAtee., tapla forfirep safe holiday.i Christmas entertalamient al- '9lam*e games for aur Ato)ms, Toronito, winner or the bulfyet, 'Don't place your Christmas t erwards. Pop- Wees. Bantamns and Mid- donated hy Woodiaud Products, tree where iL wili dry Ont, Pnogmam startcd about a geLs will ho played on FridaY and Sandra Franchi, Newton- quickly. keep it well watered, p.m. Mm. Alfred Garrard was eveninges rtarttng at six p.m îvillewlnncm o! the Jewei Case:ýand neyer leave your tree MC. The flrst number was Fans ore a much needed and donaited by Jamps Anderson îîghts ona while ouL visiting.i Merry Christnmas displayed byý weccme part of any game. Smîith Co. The Hockey Moth-1_ ,sn amea type tree,ithe ets and th.,oiown ~me ut ar'l an sty lae. rs re mst pprciatve I poLlIghts on the floor tujrned 'children: David and Steven ~'7hen yau see these boys inithe donors and tnaail whn 'upward ta the tree arc recom- Narish, Debby, Tracy, Kim and action, you'Il want ta stay for hetped in an 'y way ta make mnended. It isn't wise or s;afeý Randy Pollard. Daug and Deb- ail the gamnes. this daw a success. . ta use iigbts on this type off bic Paterson. Alan Asht.on,1 In Memorial Hlospîtal thisitree. Choose a safe place on'Darline and .oan Topple, Season's Greetin-gs!week are: Mrs. Margaret Far,the floor, away fromn where: Sandy Jones, Phviiis and Rog- ',row. Mrs. Mary Foster rpol might wallk and trip cm Johnston, Neil Blackhurp Ta aOur Friends and Neigh-, Mi-s. Rhea GraY, Robent Hicks4Iver the cord. A !e\v minutes lanked hv Sybil Graham,1 bars : Sincere goad wishes for Harry Jase, Mrs. Jo *-ce Me- 'extra cane In protecîing votir Danny and Tisa Voss. Leslie! a Happy Holiday Season. Cleninan, Arthur Pritestly, Ms an and inved ones is worth Max' and Jlennie Payne. whal John and Wilma Scott. Mav Rohinsan. Mastýer Jametisthe time that it takes ta check; ail followed In the sangs. Jingle 31.1 !Windr and Master Bnian Wamd. and re-check, .Belis. Budolph and Away In a Manger. Ta finish off thev Im arrhed amaund ln a dmi11 REGISTRATION FOR bvile hiowlng on their Christ- EBENEZERmas toy low-olits.i FIGURE SKATING LESSONS ~ Ebentezer 1*T* e r aThe second number wag a paoselection ol yBar. l Sponsorpd by th he Decembher gei rie Gamma rd. NEWCASTLE ItECREATION COMMITTEE meeting a! Ebenezer U.C.W.1 Rev. NoJrthey shnwed twoi began on Thursday ex'eninz,ý films, nc on Christmas Fan- wiIltakeplae aitheDer. l2th, with the singing ai tasY and the other a real 1 NEWCASTLE MEMORIAtL ARENA bhymn 60. President Mrs.-El-,Iwilier sport, a hockey game.ý SAT RD Y, ECMBE 2stmer Down read a Chri.tniaz Alan Ashtaon favored xith' SATU DAY DEEMBR 2st edittio, ten iskd R-ý'SoleOfa!SAnta Claus Is coming front 2:30 until 5.00 V.m. comding Secretary s'e. oug ta town and Tludolph. The Oke ta eadi the minutes of Ladies' Band then tok over Children and Adulte Weleomne - $6.00 per persan I the September general meet- wlLli several alid ime selec-i Lessons hy Prafessional Teacher, ANNI'rA CIJRCHLEY iug. These weme approved as ions. Those participating j !Te Canadian Statesman, gownmanvMle, Dee. 19, 1088 Kids Sure uont Have if Easy ICampaign Against Fraad by Gwen Murphy 'to split and be brought in. no varicose veins ln their legs S a t OO f Well, let me tell you sorne-1from walking to echool, as a S a o Pay O f a I IfIhear one more nid-timer ýthing buster, III bet my kidsrniatter of fact they loved it S y I !say that "kids sure have Itiwould be happy ta do thosebecause It was their awn andý The Unemployment lnsur-ýfigures for July 1967 are la easy gettin' an education these-same chores lnstead of the two1not a huge concrete structure ance Commission's stepped-up,:brackets. ~'days", sa help me I'm apt ti hours or more hômework that full of rules and regulations drive against fraud le paying Atlantic region $ 10,949 <$10,. ~forget mny respect for the olderithey have to do". !either. The children of days Off.37) ubc$806$3,21 - generation and bust him right ýf Sin the nose! I My kids are away from homnepast took part in keeping n . Quebe$.06 (3398) 'nine hours each day which isjtheir own grounds neat andC a nuuae yCi! n~i 1.1 $141 ~' orn onnow yo hae liabout the average time for a attractive and had a certain', msine .M D nhsPaifies$4, ($ 8.573); l heard that famous line at oflCýworking man to be away.ýpride in doing so. Well. old'othn, newly ainte to thePaclfic$6.750 $497er I time or another, In the years We thydntgthmtimer. things have changed and'StiflFbray Ovpa ens eecdfo _Ègone by there were no such until five o'clock at night waiCmya elfc it this 1968tadii amtafbu hewoe o ndta $8n,749, things as warm, comfortableimed hyhv ahc oe g shr asa ihcnetainon împrov-198 aotd ta $.79 tire o tyhav t hak1oden ge s eretast ethoetatonvetgaincmpared to $69.341 ln July sehooli busses and you had toaround outside and hoop and You and I will have t tr d n bra hcso16-Ti ersnsa n wakayhr rm totholler a bit? Oh, sure they getýthese preciaus memomies in the themet f $0, six ile to nd romschooIa week's vacation at Çhrist-'gardOfl of our heart. dcaims and the total o! detect- cesdoepyeto 2, as soonmsilou ma and are eces ed overpayments, or payments 408 detected, or 29.4 per cent- iwhereupon a ona oia n two whole months in' These big schoolsar es-Te vrgeorpyn# rec1 oe hr eeof benefit which had been bas- Thjvrg vramn rahdhomt brn eeco the summer but I think Iisary ta the age we are livinged on dIaim statements that per case o! abuse detected wau eceta he nd ood Id be a littie difficuit ta'in and there is a golden starecannat be substantiated, js$74 in July 1968 as against $51 c ram ail their fun into those of knowledge awaiting Young-'rising significantay. ' in Jtily 1967, an increase of famlly and E. Lyons visit-ifew short weeks. It seems ta store these days if they have,'ts adtasywhte45 per cent. ed Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyon, ime that kids aren't supposedithe stamina and the desire ta the principal factor le lnitiativel Thero has been a distinct Totrnto onSunay.ta have any fun anymoe go out and get It. For some o ur part, or a stmong publiclupward trend in the fines im. ~iMr. and Mns. John Patte Admittedly, this new mod- ofl eabeuiulpt reaction againtn d be"iposed by courts on diehonest 'and Bill were Sunday evening ern education has its goodileadlng to many avenues o said a UIC st fusmnd bue.claimants. In June 1968 five îvisitors et Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ectspakesman.t ohrsirio trswthu oto Trewln's. points. The parents are get- xiigthnswie aohr Both factars are certainlyiPia emwtatoto 'rwns ting onlightened every even-it will mean simpày havn apaving atat"a ie wr moe o Mrs. A. Thompson was an 'in ýe p o erytýcthe lyn apr."!f ie.weImodfr ovmngh gesaothIbonMm g fahenavdtebeage u nto arsta athas t py ttntontaw u ad engstckwih ooJprison erodAri 1taabse b caians.capae Earl Thompson, Bowmanvllle, ~3,16,teewr 7.plhtrepio em ih an oeih get ! hep children are learning.!much homework every night. 623' inv'estigatians on claim,,out optian handed down ln 'adu vnghtMr. . sm ond. a Seaking for mysel! I find it!The choire is theirs, It is there as'compared ta 44,629 for the June 1967. Owng t a cr . .Os ond.we ath ' wonderful opportunity ta if they want it. but by 'goll Y , sami ei d l 9 7 n th i h f t e p s i erong Sunaychurch ywat-le nwmatend- Ownýhy ae ahvetewil verpayments detected hv months of the pilot aperation., ae Snco or hite GiftSevicewhat part of the world, which: power ta go and get it' formai investigations inta cas'- the UIC is naw pushing ahead wasratersmal. Ii hyashas changed since I went ta es where statemnents made in an a larger scalp cantrol opera- were Christmas hymns, sheets ,ho Thcuillae eu aims were suspect amounted'tiOnl, wth invreasstgtaffs ad- for he hlt Gif Suday ul new schools ta attend', ON U T I to $413,908 from Apt-il 1 ta ected ta ivtgton d fore tedWhiteadig wuas ei which have wel-kept grounds,' ON AU T July 31, 1968, as compared toiextensive use of new criteria. bySrley Td Rainb. s 1v 'excellent teachers and trulyý T hironn adntey aab.r e tiMagodsud r. and Mrs. John Johnstoni$357.,484 for the same period - C.Ghe.T grls andtHrad- teuca ttion ut, d on' u nâ-were Sunday supper guests of of 1967. This represents a 15.8i C.G..T.girs ad teirlea- edcatonbut do't et nv-their daughte r, Mr. and Mrs.' per c'en t increase in detectedý ers called at the different one tell you that they rn' J. Rider and family, Port overpayments. At the same' homes ln Haydon on Mandaylworking for it! ls ces eutig n nlgt ndsag evra Crist;- I know of one cammunity Perry. tim ecs ere dslting * avorpayndnstsgwereediscoie623-3303 .mas camais, which were muchiwhere they had their own1 m.Wo.TdadJh, The average averpayment~ appreciated. Ischool and instead of bravingITyrone, and Miss Sandra Gib- detected in the four month' fer Congratulations ta Mrs.l the snow squalis ta get ta the! son, Orona, were Sunday siip- period of 1968 is $99, compar-! iLeslie Graham who celebraled' comfortable warm basom a!' per guests of Mr. and Mrs,.,dt 8 o h qiae :her blrthday on Tuesday. :the yellow school bus, they Robert Camnemon. ed ta $81 or Thesequivaent - s 1-aydon Correspondent wish-1 simply staed home in thei Glad to saY Const. Rot. an average increase of $18 per U es the Editar and Staff o! The 'winter and continued their, Gibson is coming along verycase, or 22.2 per cent. Canadian Statesman a Merryleducation in the sprlng. They nicely now and trying ta In Ju]y 1968 overpaymentsi Christmas and a Happy NewIgot their learning and wereýlearn the art off using crut- ýdetected 'foi' the five regionsi Year and also ta ail the read-!able ta take their respective ches. Hope he'u be home into which the UIC operation ers of this_ column. places insaciety. They haveifrom hospital soon. ýis divided were as follows. Thel Aftr the nstllaion hya 'Grham and Mary Ellen Chris- 362 wax asung. - ,tne Mrs. L. Coverly and Mrs. B. TheLais Rand favnred Peare tnk charge for !h,' ith Christrmas sangs. Thirteen lodjy's ee ivestent romdevntianai. Mrs. Il.Covperiv a! the Yaungstcrs recited A tocjy'sbes învstmnt romread a short poem entithemi'Happv, New v ear. "Whal do Yau xvant for ý Santa appeared and as~ Christmas?" After the read- u1sual Was the favorite item ing o! a Christmas medita- a!o the party faer ail the chfild- STERLIN TRUSTStien, hymn O62 waesutng. Tiue; ren, ts he rhatted with them, ST R IN R S Softering was receivcd and wil handing mlut the bags:of whothe reil ren te orip !Sun day Schmon. othSfon Lread2r, vterscsi- M. and Mm. Gardon Dud- TORONTO- 372 Byturest 16.-Hm Luke 2,lver Burlington, were Sunday' TONONTO- 372DunlopStre t.1. Hy& 3 a ung., rs. dinner gusto of M m. and M i',. ORI11LLIA - 73 Missîssaga Street. Es ICoverly then rmd a slection Arthur %ead. cared uWyeur lll *jougeeta iprayer. m.Ry aeens M.emb.,: Cgnad. Deposit Inturmnce Corpoation A delieious lunch cf sand1 Mr. Milton Tomhivn. Ornn; wiches, reltalies, eQhe, _ ten,; yr. Rususe,, Ormti wr and Christmas cake 'brOught'Sut1dov dinner gueest fMr.! another ekalçevenjng etadMme. Lloyd Ashton. i M itll .ji oya« CIO".flMr. and Mm. M. Pollhrd a44 A.. e ng roeri REYNOLDS (1 8-INCH WIDTH) MAXWELL HOUSE (24e OFF DEAL) Reg. Prce $1.59 - SAVE AN EXTRA 10e AT AUP INSTANT COFFEE lu1 49 OCEAN SPRAY, WHOLE OR JELLIED. Prie. Min2% - "UY2, SAVE CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 uwz 4 9, 1. Reg. %rSe 9c - SAVE 6 FANCY Q4JALrr ROYAL PRRNCE, FANCY QUMJTY FEATIRE PRIME WHOLE YAMS 39, Christmas FROM ALL 0F US AT A'PI 4 ag.. m2 fins 45C - MW '5, AW1.& A&P BRAND iTOMATO JUICE CHOICE Q4JAU [Pi'm A&ndJucPEACHESyPr omcxr n" Low MM 3 e IBIx-sl, FUAIPWH CANADA GRADE "" EVISCERATED, FROZEN TURKEYS OVER 20 POUNDS 1 6 TO UNDER 20 POUNDS Maple Laf Braiqd, Pure Pork sumoWRnad, Vacuum Pack SAUSAGE MEAT i45ý WIENERS suor"~ grand, pur% coen 4 ok*NSaple Leaf Brand, 8Iit-ed Pork&Sausage m-;w69i BEEF BOLOGNA 5, 4 u I BUY QUALITY' Btr &A&f"SOWNl lUPIR-tO*i "A"O TURKEY CANADA GRADE -À," EVSCERATED FRESHMOT FRESH FROzE TURKEYS OVER 20 LDBBle Tc le Lu 149<1 531 [Feh Fetv rd7Be. e-p JANE PAR ER, SOUTNERN R.g p riu neS - AVE 10 0' PECAN PIE 'i 5 ORANGES JANE PARKCER Chriatmaa Pavozris, MINCEMEAT PE4 PIE 5 9ý DOZIaEN JANE PARKER l1'Z'-LB PIEd S4- 3-LU 1R11G $2,79 FRUIT CAKE Rfl$ 3.99 d'9 PAR * PRODUCE ITEMS EFFECTIVE TMROUO$4 TUESDAV. DEC. 24 A&L OTMER PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, DEC. 2lst p e 1' 'I r e r i j A&P's OWN SUPER-RICHT BRAND YOUNG b3: [Jorie P(irker [--')Uysl lm r lm MQ PORTERNOUSE STEAK OR R OAST09 WING STEAK OR PRGASTlb SIRLOIN STEAK m m

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