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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 12

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. . - -~- i Staesan EwtanileTractor-Trailer Loaded With Bulldozer Catches Fire and Blocks Taunton Road' .ung Aduit BowlingJ December 8. 19698 IR. MacPherson 27 152 Team Standing. L. Patterson - 36 150' Selleck . 27227 29 B. Murphy 27 149' e Smith . 25804 22 S. Devorski 24 14W! ne Bennett 25435 201 D. Chilvers 27 148~ ather Méore. 25220 13'M. Sierhuis 21 146 ndy Beauprie 25293 12;; V. Tennant 36 14591 Cobb 24416 12 J. Living. 18 144f Gamef Over 225 F. Luxton 33 1411 ,Ken Cobb 249. Jnhanne D. Masters 21 1.3q 9iýnett 261-296. Heather Mit-ý R. Salter - ------ 15 118; omelI 27.5, Paul Jordan 236. D. Arych --- 15 12n u reamer 225, RnSel-' The high single ni the nigbtý ck295-235, Ted Harrison>was bowled by Johanne Ben-; U3m-281. Susan Cobh 266,inett witb a 296 and the bigh' sir, Woods 229. Sharlenei triple also went to Johanne à 25-249, George Marshall . with a big 774. The winningý 05. team o! the iirst schedule in- Averages. cluded Ron Selleck (capt.),,' n SeIleck -. 36 241,Ted Harrison, John Luffman,l Cobb - 36 222; Brenda Murphy, Faye Luxtonî Harrison - 33 221 and Susan Cohb. Congratu-! . Woods 33 21 1'lationsl Marshal - 27 209' Derember 15, 11969 Cain -- 33 2n9 To start the second scbe-ý jbnTucker - 30 f18 dule Sharlene Cain came up! Cry eameri. 16 98, with the higb single o! the! Ifl Crai ---- 24 198 oight with a 284. and the' Creamer _ -- 33 197, higb triple was bowled by Palmer __----- 21 187 Ron Selleck 7.15. -i --uf--- -- - 3() 19-1 Team Standinzx SCobh --- 9 195 Bon Selleck 312.1 41 Lugtenburg ----.6 193 Johanne Bennett .13252 41 bi Judge ------- - 24 1 V Heather Moore - 2989 31I tBennett - - 36 182 Joanne Smith -- 28.92 i Smith 36 192 Randy Beauprie 2921 ci )l annone 19 131 Ken Cohb 2788 0! SPeebles - 33 175: Game« Over 225 Jordan ------ 33 171 Bon Selleck 269-266. obo' SBanks - ---- _ 167 Luffman 239. Ken Cobb 250,< ue«-nne Smnfth . 33 166 Randy Beauprip 258, George; 1% Moore .1- 6 185:Marsball 226-253, Job an n e e Luffman 36 164:13ennett 235-240, Paul Jordan' Mitchell1.16 158 227. Darlene Masters 260,; On Thursday evening, a tractor-trailer driveri by Larry van by a hili wst oF'r h rc xa unn.H~Ca o!ddwt IN I-amburg, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and ownecl by Vance Wrecking the north end of the trailer, bouncinR hlmi off into the north ditch.ýV Company, Solina Road, caught fire as it was turning soutl- off He sustained chest injuries and bru ises and the car xvas damaged :' Taunton Road, east of Zion. Bowmanvil]e firemen were called to extensively on the right side. OPP Constable Donald Stuart X the scene to extinguish the blaze, but before they arrived Neil .1. investigated. SWEETBailey ofBlackstocýk: had approached from the west, his view cut off Doug Crpamer 260, Pete Lug- JohnM Groeneveldl Is progreq-1 SOMETHINGS tenburg 232, Lynn Woods 243-1W sing favorRhly in Port, Hope: 22R, Sharlene Cain 284. WSE YI L hospitai whire h a ugr Averages performed )pst werk. y R. Seile-ck -- - -- 241; About 20 members of thetion bas been evident over and1those respon ie w 1 X gt aeleAsi o oot cf a SHOW K. Cobh 222iU1nited Church V.omen met at over agai n for somp Who had e e hehpycow.s tSunday with ber par- D. T. Harrison 2201thp church for the December lf(e s beauty and menng ai-.11tblseesthin cnfntSI-. M L. Woods --.2121rneptinz wbîch as openedlrmost destroyer! for them in a e ieesei or- Dsciîîsinn wa5 1licld on SiU- Gorgeous Gais . G Marshall -2fl9 with prayer hv the presirdent periods of distress. The heauix er M some stood and held ady mrîgfioigSn S. Cain -20;9 Mrs. Thos. Wison. A bhort of these seenes in color, a7,heaping plate and others sat1'dav ,ý(hool cnCrni g a soilýp3 B. Creamer -- - 198items as the Christmas card!a very dramatir presentation'about bulged Che walls, but m7d of the ClIahr1l dr a î T R A L Tckner 198 iist, iast minute directions for witb its living stor.v. the UCW presîdent mounted J. Tucker 19.5the. pot luck supper and theý The other set waýs calied a chair, welcomred everyone' D.Anlauf -187lcorresponding secretars re- "Hands' and wa.s întroduced and announcerl Christma- - w G Palmner - - 1;36 port of a Christmas gift from'bý, Mrs. Marsh showing a pair cburcb eviewul ebri I * iJ. Bennett------------------ -186 a friend and tbank you notes of praving bandis carved in After singine of grace, the! B ow m anvi 13B Smith ---194 for giits of comfort sent dur- Wood bv' tbe man Wbn played bus-y clatter started and ia,1ted(OME J j PLugteburg 34 in thepast onth.B.oIlcailthe part of Christ at Oheram- tili the meal»s end. Dishe- IG rWT )TiL. Judge -----194 vas answered with a m onev'mnagau. Ail of the slides show- ,ere promptly cleared andý [N. Iarnone --- ----------- 181 nfferiîng for the White Gift tO.ed hands at lwork at manv wasbedi, men remo\,Pd the tah- r.- AT SIM4COE S. Cobb --------------------- 177 'b, sert to the Fred Victor:differenit occupations to sh,ý,les and tbe Sunday Scbool folk 3SHAWA C. Peebles ----------.-- 174 Mission. the miracle of thr'ir ahlllfydtsappeared Io prepare for the P. Jordan 171 Mrs, J. Walter was leadetr and means nr contribuiting b flati-vjty plpY Se i .1. L u fm a il 674 ofIbh(-group in charge of tbe the well heing of tbe world. Geurge Jitîffordi, Suiday FRESH EVISCERATEDI programme and cndurted theincluding the crippled hands Sehool Super-initeudeurl, was A worship service witb Mrs. P. stili able to do their share, mnaster of ceremonies and thc Sîhe!l reading the Christmas'the bands nf the artist vwhose programmine began wi.bthch gq tory from Scriptujre, follow- wor-k is eujoyed hv man '. and singing nf 0 Canada. The play LUG AGEing the first Christmas hyrnn. thio.sp 0f ordinarv folk Wbo doýwas acd without dialogue LUGGAGE rvadtbougbts on the subjectI1ýetter to carrY a needed rnes_-'Fraser, narrator, aud the UCW SPECIAL ON Wht cari 1 give bim poor as sage-. One sbowed tbe hands'choir. The cbiidren, ail dressedi by McBrine Hector Darke read a pocm. "It op Mýarsb's treastîî'<d cross adtiu~itii(ir parts perfecti EEv. ME U iïs Christmas in the land." Mrs.'ainother the claspcd bands o)f Atinîg thie caruls Sung liv the CHUMUUMEU & Walter cilosed with prayer fol-' two races. A storv siide Waslchoir was The First Noel with See Our Large A lIowin g tbe second hymnn and, described by Bisbop Mar-ss.b M1rs. T. Wilson and Barbara R S OY T Selection ! euaS feig hnh odo aywt iuc ign h ecn.peciai guests were Bishopia short spant of life left and'solo "In the field witb their T FRNESH N, OYT Aand Mrs H. Marsb nf Balti-ino more money to give, wbo :flocks abiding" from the Scotch ,~more and Mrs. Walter intro-itook off her engagement and iHymnai was sung by Barbara 4speaker for the aftertnoon.lstili wanted ton have a share final fines. At the conclusion S TEAK 2AkducedlnMst Mrsf sthe eddging. Hrin nst lighsbe1itb the chra ss istinge iesnt ~j ust "i-'erfect rift.o. githey I okerforadt e r enrasgil.frm anohrninpin il n 0CmeAROUND STEAK Aç talk witb keen anticipation source and the rings were setýYe Faithrul. The members oif* * *~ A&mb and were ont disappointed. in tbe alms basin oi ber cburch the cast were: Th, Innkeeper, SIRLOIN TIi S L IP ES accompanying commren-1ohrsie scalyntes-nfr Payne; Mary, Rosemary excellent pictures. Rev '. .and rising suni at Old CrowBarr\. Best, John and Neil Mars andMrs. Marsh served in the Yukon, and of a five Groeneveld, Paul Hoskin, i . ot Timotby church Iidollar bill being beid up withlStaniey Tisnovsky; Wise men: RO A T L Aot Toronto for 32 Years,Otter FtsI the background., Mark Be Rodneyan Lance ti01 A ad during that time began Otter Falls is on the back o! Payne; Angels, Aileen Wilson, LUCAS ARTHUR SUGARi for the Famn1l' làl thenativity play whih con- thebil. Laurie and Nancy Tisnovskx RE K A SNOW BOOTS - DRESS SHOES at lis heginning are playing 'expressed at the presence ni Mrs. T. Wilson and Mrs. M. p the aduit principals and t elvisitors, Mrs. L. Keilog, Mr.Payne. The costumes werei PO RK LO I * * *healingz power ni the associa-,:W. Heaî'ne. Miss Minnie BecYdesigned anid arranged by, tiwith tbe sacredpresenta- kt n MrsMnneMHl ,r. H. Best and Berniece LAD 'S ART SH ESwho bas recentiy publisbed ber Best. The appeararîce nofhe FRES H A M ' H. Moore---------- 1651third book oi poems. A c0opyipayers when there is no dia- Yu FaiyJ. Smith-------------------- 163 ni these was presented to each'logue is ail important.m You FailyR.Banks..--......----- 158[member of the UCW who re-I Attendance awards wcere BO LO GNrA H. Mitchell . --- ---- 56lceived them with pleasure and!presented by George Tuff ord Footwear Headquarters R. MacPherson .--------- _152appreciatIon of this gif t, Mrs. to some ni the cblldren receiv- ri i B. Murphy ----------- I49 IMcHn1m's way ni spreading ing a CeAiPctOfrNbSfrs L. Patterson - 149 happiness. time and for others, 11, 12 S. Devorski .1-1, On Friday evening the UCWjand 13 year seals. D.Civrs18adSudySholcmiel at lusarvdwltb a F R Y ER S DM. MSeruis 146for al t hppyiet-ithe crthe beartjing niofaIl a odgladden! CENTRAL SMITH D.Mses16fraltepol o h o-tehaL faladempty Bel ills Shoes V, ~~Tennant ---- ------ l451munity. The rnom seats aboutý the Christmas tree-. Sinigingzo nIC RA iii BWMAN ILLE J. Living .- 14C9 comfort;ly nt Iowl 5up- Gort save the Qu:eri endrd E CREA M BO M N IL .Luxton 141îpers wheni waitresses mO'.sf this Christmqs concert as n CM N SETED Salter -----------13.9 about. But at least 145 perpie dioubi if did the fil-si. gome CM N E H E i.Arych 11lrie orpt, upe n iebcki h atcentury. 4 NESTLETON 1'estleton U.C.W. tour through Europe tb rpiat Mrs. Bowers was hostess summer. They fle'w nt a sPeed for the Christmas meeting af of 59o miles an hour and a Nestleton U.C.W. which wasi height of six miles, taking heid Tuiesday evening, %vith, a gond attendance and several iSx and a hait hours ta go viitors present. arros. We sfiw the beautîul Mrs Mars eadthe English hedges which are eut lur pase ad tea r verticaily, the main street in ýtu e. Pas ag an a program iS tratford w hich w as o rn- followed, the theme beîng pletely under water at that "What is Christmas". Christ-itimeThornhill, Sctland and ýmas is the art of giving. ; a' un' tae.Pae song nf love and cIharity. itoby Brs' ottage. of us is a candie in a window hold- o! nt es to m y of u ing ouir world together.iwr Ws oeilss cottage and two aunts in~ an ýChristmas is Sanlta,oran-unl fMsWyee. e wer to selfishness and r ea sed l fMr.W ged . W ; an gred'sAw the Mediterranean, wine and it is friendship and thelfarmers in Italy, and an Ital- givlng of one's self. This vas, ian home where the shutteri interspersed mîth Christmas adjust from the inside and carols and closed with prayer.îact as storm windows ai well. The minutes were read, In Switzerland we saw the treasurer's report given, and ski resorts and dog sleds: in two cards signed for ili mem! -Io]land the beautitul wefl bhers who have returned fromt kept cemeteries, and hay on hospital. Subscriptions wereitripods in Germany. tiken for the Upper Room. Mrq. Mairs thanked Mrs. The meeting closed with the Mart'n and a v'ery daint.v Mizpa bendictcvn.lunch was served and a social Mrs. Martin of Blackstock houir enjoyed. Mrs. Jackson Vien showed ver ' ynterestinjz!exprt-s.w.d appreCiRtiOn to ail and edu1cationna' slîdes ofnipr for a very pleasant evening. SVOLKSWAGENI AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE Good Selection of New and Used Cars RASE UINE RD. Pickering Car Centre Ltd. BASE LINE, AJAX Open tii 9 p.n. Fridays MOTOROLA COLOR TV WITH SOLID STATE COMPONENTS AT 17 VITAL POINTS FOR... SPACE AGE RELIABILITY!1 "QUASAR" Color TV (ALL TRANSISTOR)1 MODEL CU8è35D 25"" CONSOLE Genuine Mahogany or Walnut finish 1839ýell M1YLES RADIO SALES COLO-V' -IGS & SERVIE SILVER ST. BOWMANVILLE Lr:.i.u:-.I-j. ilie Meat 'Market WLY FRIGID LOCKERS) !IJEPHONE 623-5578 BOWMANVILLE i! this Week GRADE "A" [EYS 49 lb s NAMS - -85,c ERS IBY THE 1/2 PINT HOUSE, SIRLOIN S - - - m 1b 89C ROA5T --l.89C -~~ - lbs. $'L80 E, SHORT RIB, FRIME RIB lb. 69c CUREI) CHOPS m - lb 75c ROASTS é» m lb,59c - - -(3 IL pieces) 90c -~~ --l37c UA73CALO LICIOLJS MEAT WE HAVE FOR YOU M 942-1881 If 14 401 HWY. Lloyd E F49 KING ST. W. SILVER ST. e

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