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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 15

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sent the residents of the Golden tiemn xdMe .Lr 'sCnda ttsaEwavfe ~e 3 B PluhLodÈe at Cobourg. IO rigan r ar h aa N E WO NfLE Several priz e u w e:Rbokprvie fformth. isR PO T ou r u ngvrtous ri~s. mugie s s pplIed & o .4 fternoon and evening. Nesbltt on Wednesday. 1 alternoon, wlth Rev. and Mns. ea, Ms.:H.T i~8fd Mrs. W. TAi* * hee alngig 0f Giod Save the Durlng themnhc oe- i U lOpltdOtta ____________________----'__R. C.Whit.e. Muin, t he latter celebret- ft ~ e I S' 'l+a Queen brought the meeting to ber, Newctl Deacrntume fnvtitonae BobHeneran am hoe ng her lOth wedding annl- WWWUUUnstiute a close. Tihe group served a Investlgated ieBekm eigcrldetcnenn~ Frlday evening from London Apecltnntoth os dainty lunch and a social time 12 Thefta, osRbey h aito fteodbn University for teciiîa prcaint the Christas BA31PMIV W.- 1. Imas ucan d tea were enioy- was enjoyed. Attendànce, 21 Theft otfiv oo eiie pcofrud.A dfee~ holIdays. was expremaed by Mn.: A. Hapo Woe' ntue ed. memberu and one visiter. and two asut.Drn hs£~rahl o e ue Mr. and Mno. Bey. Monder- uc'atrti oniu December meeting was held Ia netgtoso alu o rua snadamlofB «luc.frm pt. o . .n vpe enldtheewr 6 nni-wshrgrst Bn n so ad amly0fBwman- ________ In the C.- E. building with 23foHa tnW.I BETRANY W. L atu sarsut0 hs Pnosworeev1i ville, were supper guesta, Sat- attendirig. Mrs. Allun, preai- , neiatuofure. Afv nnln hneshv rcle TOWN 0F AOWMANVTLE urday. wlth Mr. and Ms. VFed dent, was In the chair an'd BLACKSTOCK W. 1. Th Bethany Womnenls In- v iHenderson and famlly. Sb .ARfV ILLIE opened with Ode, Coilect and * titute met in the United Sc&ltRpblM.Rs sai ae h dte Katy lîoî eneraledprayer. Rol Cali was red ai The December meeting cf Church Sunday Sceol hall Neal; China several of her girl friendseta ia Great sadness came te thts verse fnom a Christmjas card.lBiackstock Womnen's Institut.on Monday nig!ht with Mrs. M. elh d-he tatAtinasimer0 pyjama Party, Frday evening 1cOmmunty when Mm. 1Ajdrew Mrs Armour received at took place in the Township Addison Scttpresiding, n el mt;Nra n avaateita h ekh Th ulyý H ln ! ag ftue c r rs.Hall Dec. 4th et 8:15 p.m. w th The roll cali a ns ee France, Mrs. H ry R ly e ev d a s l m n i o e Annual Christmas Party, ofl Mr. and Mrs. Sld HallowelHn rm Egad n the president Mrs. H. Baiiey by each member teiling of a whchbyqitaeThnue. Satndy lgt I PrtHoe psse aaylaOtllaPotratpasedarun fr il o te ar. hnC tahtrditonmnthir Mrtraomadintniosngconirfet Ui. e hé "Idalia", was atended by the week. Many fnends vislted sca. Mrs. Hunt vîsited her soni Aften si.nging the Ode, the family, aima a gift to be sent andEnlhe cna,"T1 Take notice that following local people: Mra. C. the chapel In Bowmanvlle, and family here last aummen. Collect was rend In unison. to residents cf The Golden mapnW Burley, Mins Pat Varma, Mns. Sunday, and also the funeral and was a gues Ioeo orMntwrera n p Plough Lodge at Cobourg. AdHuron Crl n eme hqes n fte ae D. VinkIe, and Mrs. Mel- servicesahproved. The correspondence Mrs. Thomas Jennings gave dChn isîa tm u fCn-ftte nursilcna of Bwnuavall intnda a castrut aslo l Saletonmi, M. and Mrs. B. dM. adMs Bn c Mrs. Allun gave us a report consisted cf a letter from the the financial report, rendvtiChranIistas.adf is.cudbco- Imprvemets snîtr~ swera ap lote anle iSken, Mr. and Mns. E. NeMr and cideOhw on the Ai-ca Convention. Mrs. Golden Plow Lodge and thank minutes of previaus meeting,M Fk Wtcod elh1k Improvementssanitary seers, appurtnanceYeoSkgaveglier.minutes.and Nell' anducnotesnfrOshaw' Yeo gfvtitedmstutisutddtheeafuentesonro"Cook-ofcthns. nanbueeuc-ecntt aod "Cok-would era and bouse service connections on 'various iWebster, Mn. and Mrs. Becrt were recent visitona; wîîîhber treasuren's report, $10.00 te Grade 9 and 10 students who ing For.Christmas", The Fed- e a contest o AVstfoicekhm streets, dscrabed in ~ A belo! Tompkins, Mn. and Mrs. L. parents, Mn. and Mrs. Warren be paid te McDonald Insti- had neceived pnizes fram thc erated Nes Tc Godn iioa"Ifouecve nymi:f inensMispcil. Monlepatyf h cst M. ndRob-alae tute, Guelph. Collection for Women*s Institute at the Com- Plough bulletin and discussed Duning the(oilhu ir hsntrcnatyu oa upon the land aDutting directly on the work. !Boughen acompanied uy Mrs. Inson" attended the service In dn Plough reiet was mecmet The trasre'sSafety maue o ee-wl ne A. Wade visted Mns. R. Fan- Port Hope last week ton Mn. $12.00. Motte was given by report was given by Mns.tnasadccis.ang hem brs vt Tohuddanslt-w 2. The estinated cot of the wrk is $17750 of row I Pot Hope and District Delbert Fshligh who was Mrs. John Bason, a eadingi Perey Van Camp. Roll Cali Mrs. Lawrence Staples gave MSanta laus which $4,870 is to be paid by the Corporation. Ho1 tb Tusayeelg el nw eeadhadon hisas was answered by a gift fan comments on tie program iha rffnAad~ The stim ted cost per foot fron age is $ ,50 the y delivered the W .I. gifts M . and M rs. Charlie H o t, c tion, w as ably dea t w ith M rs. H . Shortridge ha 'give -than te eceive." fruit and o e s a e ve n e snaa il d a d~ plus the coat af a house service connection. for the Lodge. Tooï,wr ueh îî o by Mrs. Allun, and a paem charge of the pragnam r. The members joined in sirg.mmer o!Ms Teotesnuednattl f3 The special assessment is te be paid in 20 Miss Joan Walkey is home mother, Mrs. F. Stone.,"Takè Time". The Dewell S. Van Camp gave therpyig a number of ChnissîmasISpenceley's n r.Ble ciet netgtd equal rnna pr fotalet n h siae from Kingston for the holiday Mr. and MNs. E. Shier, of brathers deiighted everyone te the mette, "«It is reî canaIs, with Mrs. Wilson Smith's gr'oupa anua at erfotfrnag s 37 ets saon ornohd dinnen ath'Mr. with two vocal solos by Da- blessed tb give than receive:'! Heaslîp es pianist. * Mrs. Addion cotxpe- DnnliHldaSasn annual fro tage is 6.7 cents.M . and Mrs. Ted W atts Lloyd Hallwel's, Sunday. vid, "Drummer Boy" and Mrs. Raph Larme, one ofi The program was chaired sd li th ano te mmhp olef, t difc lt l e and ng ll were Saurday ev- Wednesday evenlng of ast "Christmas", arcompanied so lhe leaders in 4-H wok, tlad1by Mrs. Belle Smith, who to!d bers la the hats gruafn ue a dik fen ind. I 3. Aploaio nl b ade by, the Corporation e gvisitons wlth Mr. and week Mrs. Jlm Stark was very nicely by Douglas ai the o! their work, ndegt a i ngna oe o ur tic intenestingmeigadyums rnlaeyu ta t e O taro M nicpal Boad f r iS Ms ae hostess for the Siloh U.C.W . piano. Thank Yeu, boys. God her 17 girls who ad finishd Christmas u.stams. Interest- annaunced tihe J n ay m c-tcr a o e ht o e lm approval of the undertaking of the work and Rev. T. J. Snelgrove chose wth le meeting In chage of Save lhe Queen was sung and -the course "Wrking Wth ing items cncening Christ- ing will be 1eda e aefdikcudb h rld o for ils Sunday mornlng topic thie Presîdent, Mrs. Cari Todd, a veny funny conlesi was ledi Wooi" demenstracd ith e i n mas traditions in aiher lands 1 when tie prermwl e-Dah ralftneo iey any owner snay within twenty-one days after ý"Snta or Christ for Christ- heing prcceded at 6:30 by a by Mrs. Allun. skirts, with Leanne Danreil wene given by Mrs. Emery~ turc HomeEcnmsadknwn tht ou er e the first publication of tbis notice file ivith mas?" while tiechCoir~s offen- deliciaus buffet meal. It was Tic grace was sung and a giving tiecocmmcnlary. Mrs. Smith, En gland; Mrs. C1ar-Ilthene wiIi be( eosnîaJsosbl o il e e. th lrkhsobetont hewr bi' Ing was Fneemnan's Anthem followed by tic distribution o! variefY of cookies and Christ- Sh~ortnidge tanked the girsence Rwan, Ily; Tic Sovieton making snwce. 'n hita 98 inetkn Witi Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Str'sbatifuI troc. Rev. MHarris on Sunday were M. Snelgove took charge o! the 4. The Board xnay approvte cf the work beiag ;and Mrs. A. Green and Mns. devotional portion and a num -_ undertaken, but before doiag se il 'may Marjory Blair, ail af Westport. ber of canais were sung witi . appoint a tirne and place when any objections i Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs Mrs. Lawrence Farrow lead- were suppen gucats on Sunday îng. Mrs. Rosa Todd gave tice~ ta the work will be considered.I with Mn. and Mns. F. Mend- sertr4 eot ih to-'" ersan nd famly. îeasurer'g report by Mrs. SCHEDULE A Mn n r.Bi aeadBrennan. Thc ladies enjoyed boys had suppen with Mn. and iMns tr' hospltality' and Sie Mrs, Harry Wadc, Newcastle, tic "appreclation was expresse Street Froem To Inches Sunday. - ~- Mrs. C. Vandenbeng and Mr. by Mrs. Todd. Lovers' Lane 100' E. of Centre 250' E. of Centre 8 R. ,'Bruce attended a Christ-î' First St. HIghS. 228' c. f Hith 8 mas geî-togeîîer at lhc home S LN Third St ia-hst 258' W.of HIgh 8 of Mr. and Mrs. Duidley Jenk- S LN ]Brown St. Queen St. 255' N. of Queen 9 nna acrfa udy Mn. Dave Denault entered The C.G.I.T. will iold their....... Founth St. Ria-h St. 150' W. o! Hua-h 8S Memonial Mospital on Sunday annual Vesper Service next evening ton tests and treat. Sunday evenlng Ia Eldad First Notice.- December 18, 1968 ment. Church ah 7 o'clock. Eveny- IOn Wednesday evenin g, thus one welcome! R. L~ BYRON, 'wcek, CBC Festival wlll pre- Mr. and Mns. Randy Fraser sent Its houn-long tribute tawcre In Noth BaY on Tues. Town Clerk. 'SirErnest MacMillan featuring day, atcnding tie funenal o! the Mendelssohn Choir Festi- thein cousin Ovila Lepage. -val Singers and Toronto Sym- Mn. and Mii-. Ernest. Hocka- Spiony. One local boy, ah least, day attended tic benefit card wiiî be amang thie 200 singens Panty In Klnby for Mn. Don ýIn tie person o! Mn. Fred Ransberry. Graham o! Newcastle. Hisl Mn. John Broome, RIcky, parents, Mn. and Mrs, Ai! Deug and Karen, Tyrone, and Graham, wene among tic Miss Doreen Marner, Sauina, audience In Massey Hall lest wenc Sunday guests wlth Mn. November, the evening tihead Ms Lloyd Broome and TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE 1program was taped ton future family. showing. Fred expects ta ne- Mr. and Mns. Bill Ashton, I ur ho Germany la resume hlm Miss Pearl Leach and Mn. M studies, early In January. r Munray Flett were Sunday ff MM...Mrs. Arnold Wade and suppen gucats wti Mn. andfo L U M Grant. wene Sunday visitons Mns. Loren Pascoe, Oshawa, NO IrEwlth Mn. and Mrs. Ray Mock, iMn. and Mrs. Tom Baker Takenotce 'r -jCOshawa. iand famlly attended the j j . 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town MaY we cxtend Compliments Mn. and Mrs. Everett Cnyd . of Bowmanvillc intends te construct as local o! lie Season tethie Editor erman wenc Sunday suppen improvenients watermaia, appurtenances and 'and ~taff, as well as tealml oun guests wihh Mn. and Mrs. KenG 1F T bous sevic conecionson arius trets, fricrk, far and near. Menny McMinn, Oshawa. hou e s rvce on ecton on va iau srees, Christmnas, cvcryone! M n. and M ns. John Knox described in Schedulc B helow and intends Newtonville Women's Insti- and Nancy, and Miss Brenda ta specially assoss a part of the cost upon tute met ah the home o! Mns. Anderson vlited Mn. and Mns. the land abutting directly on the work. C. Ferguson, Newcastle, Thuns- Grant Down on Sunday and day, Dec. 12, ton thein Christ- attcnded the chilstenIng of L. The estinated cost of the work is $12,720 o!f mas meeting.1 Michelle Patnicia in Vrooming- I whch$,60 steb pidb teCopoaio. President Mrs. A. Wade aon United Chunci, Sunder- Saive! 6 S n e m'Eeti whic $7680is o, e pid y te Crpoatin. opeed iththe Ode, Marylland. Rev. Newton Reed, son The estimnated cost per foot froatage is $5.00 Stwr ouled and tie Lr' f our former minIsher, Mr. plus the cost of a bouse service coanection. Prayer, after wiich oecre-, and Mns. Fred Reed, offiletcd. ~'~ The :sp :: :::o:e za:: t is :e p :s.in20 iaye asuendn:iT. : n-1Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowdon S. ,~LRYACN (dTr xia,! pel ut.-gto eqainulisanet n h sia e rson gave lhe minutes o! the1 and cIlîdren wene Sunday sup- L AuiR<iy _ anua at prfot rntgei 4.0cnt. eor.Charles Langmaid and fam- L out of snow amy xr ag 3. Application will be made by the Corporation present, te ho sent la severai Recent visitors with Mns. N. instantP P heini to the On tarie Municipal Board for its imembena wio are Ill. ThiC. Wohten and family have chute; t i s fixgri tr;10rttn approval cf the undertaking cf the work and Sunahine Committee tu look- i been Mn. Jesse Van Ncst, Baw- cht; i Pstinadutmn; 6 1 any wne ma witin weny-on das ater Ing aften boxes for the "shut- manville, and Mn. Melville the cler by is betin tenth-oe davork ben ar i.b.d...e.e h Bnetn wn upe ct ITown o! BetiloIcm". Sic cm- .. 1.. I mpsized that material gifts wène not enougi, wc have ho 'Proctoru.Sli-,<'-O. learnnho Rive ounselves. LADY TORCAN IShletland-L.wyt' Fre.u.Wheeling'etnhu. 0ON F BOWMANVILLE i Mrs. Rae Paacoe brought thoug s nd old of the hs- L ~D RHair Dryer CL AN R tC ~~~~~~~~ k. AI II I Atory of many o oun beautful AUuoeM DryIR The meeting closM EeTi witi 088 23- 88De luxe 11/2 p. time- ,o crae cnaand Citake. * M pfmaye reaand akmte at Salon-stl sed-egaver with deep-cleang- GA B G O L C I NLest Monday evening thie 15utylei ons C O L L E C TI O N ac¶ei Crit-drer ColtohihinItOetC Complet. liiatedspnig SinScolhlterChit Y0.Cotohmas Concert ln the. Commun- 2-sPeed iOtor; 54-oz. héat contre a ci -£Cdessory kit Included THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION IhY Hall with a musical even- container1lIIke a hat box. 55o at this low pricel jn nethie direction o! Mr. wt,3 9 vls CHRISTMAS DA&Y WED., DEC. 25th . i oprte bh.Ju rITa" i CASH AMP CARRY BONUS COUPONS I ad a fully musical evening. or tSanta arrîved te add to tie BXN A HR. E.2eaiayment o! &Il present. liPPYFOt EOXIG D Y TURS EC.26; their Christmas Concert on MIL. 601 i Saturday evening lnthie Solina - ~~~~~~~~Community Hall. Rev. A, .E ________ ANHA E WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25th PICKED Up TUESDAY, DEC. 24th Cnemawell was chairman for CRDTAD the program, assisted by Mn.ChrhS.B ma il '.gus -wn., THURSDAY, DEC. 26th - PICKED Up FRIDAY, DEC. 27th SpevinendIeml.onathecpao- grain. and wms very muci en- lAJIMAi 1 !îoyed by ail present. A vIsit M 'STEWART, Spp rovleSancoiedtemeo p- * 80 o e T fFlY ening w1thgiltzfor al t.

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