CI<ussifiêd ~ ~~~~~~The Canadianstaemn omnflDc1,1 ]et saefor Sale L.hristmas Banquet B rings! Pr0 incive o t:r, saidht.tce hmsxo i e e I ~ ~~~ ~~ped a t a s ri ce t nm s i h e John F. DeWith jFueal Ia REL STTFIMTD is High School Board'sHeldwin Bowmanville teld htwould W ndalso IELETT MTD-yhe pulled f n ettÈ4frsnec.H n I (CLTRriminai Division> sleep. DHe statedhehcourttendndgchhe ladsnoghueou105sl14.bêHey 6233111 to 1 4 1 t1 r i Dcember 16 ~ 17, 1968ie was westbound on High- happen if they reported this to drinklthest ftewn Sre.SUh.cagdw 14 Frank St. - Bowmanville a e ram On Monday Judge R. B. giving when traffic was Defense counsel stated that at a service cnr.Secr lae o ~t o S aig Ic ~ ~~~Batten preaided with Asslst- bumper ici bumper ail the the three accused were pay- "ouare tekn fPradwr eaddutlti BRIGHTON: Two new .3 bed- The Mayors and Reeves OfIpointed administrator of theiNovember l9th In the serving angton Atorey K. Sttungbr ay dta Ton o.lhesheong $40 e ehittona utnd snwehvratm opul am ae '"On Novethmbertmunc 22nd Aingri-e bord as Legal Aid duty icounsel; on with the car ahead his vehicle they had nopeiu eords dik"crmne one hre 1t Jea .4-ce. bath. with love- area were guests at the Dur-! Thanks were expressed to "Osny, NdovR.B. axtr struck from behind by They were r'nianded o Baxter. "Becuin epeG fI±place In living roomn. ham County District High the staff of Durham board culture boys frorniGrades 1l with Crown Attorney G. F. ~edie yMr rno.teronbi oJnay1 like you manyincn e*t gBokn ilb e, Asklng $17.000 each. Ask forSehool Board's Christmas din-lheadquarters In Bowmanviîle. and 12 spent the day et the Bonnycastie, Mervyn Kelly asj Damages were $128. Cr5 o r-sentence repot.Apie are deado au hi.! nas. Ja udhor.ner held at Clarke High School On the advIce oi the Advis. Royal Wlnter F'air. Repre- duty counsel. examination r e vea le d Mr. bench warrant was issued forjwas. UNDER CONSTRUCTION:. lest Wednesday evening. After-i ory Vocational Commlttee the sentatives frani Trent Univer- Ernst Hadorn, King Street, Droy hied two pieces of pIy- the arrest of Robert Cleghorn. Convictionbrgtafie Q~LT Split level wlth carport. 3' wards the final meeting ai the Durham County District Hlgh slty spake ta students ai Millbrook, was fined $35 and wood protruding frani the Ni oehGdt 65a 7 n oto ee OUET N berom.Cooedbtrombor wshed School Board declded ta ask Grades 12 and 13. Grade 12 of $11 costs, or seven days. upan trunk a disance ai 12 ba 18 Gadardoste oet, 462rrfanos d$y5 and a re rhbt AER fixtures. Completed tI a few Aiso present tI addition ta the new Northumberland -Dur- B.H.S. and neighboring schools conviction for careîess driv- inches. Quebec, ploaded flot guilty of ing hlm driinayheei weeks. the municipal officiais and1Iham Board af Education ta attended a showing af Fahren- ing September' 7. Investigat- "This could be very dan-1 having caro and control ai a Canada for ani er sc % BUILT TO ORDER: 3 bed- board members were the mem- 1Iimplement the following three, heit 451 at the local theatre. ing officer T. Holdaway esti- gerous ta anyone In the backimator vohicle while impair- ond charge-.i]gîpsesin(U k roon brick bungalows In Baw- bers af bath the Ca-ordlnating'recammendations for Courtice1 The temperaplece Is on the mated total damages ta the seat because they might bel ed by alcohol or a drug. -brought a fn i$0ad ~SAPR tnnil.A-y pcfc-Secondary Schooi. EglhCus.Comne1w oice n'ie t 90 mao, arned Judge Bat- Cntbew.Co, costs, or an dîinlfieRO.L» Innil.A orEducational Commlttee and EgshCus.Cmec-tovhle novdt$9(.ipldw CntaeH. okOP tios. al: ofie. peific- the Advisory Vacatianal Camn- 1 Icl ment Exercises were held In Fredei-ick Youngman said ton. I'd n mittee, L. Bakerc. 1 1.Pentland eprovi1sion forithe boys' gymnasium on Nov. owsd ignorth on Itold the court ho was instruc- days and eacata ih A C R F A M : ith B a k r, n d o ul a n, ~i ~ t g s w ldi g a d e g ht 2 9 th . A n o te o f th a n k s 1 s p a ss - H ig h w a y 1 15 t 3 :15 a .m . a n d R a m n a n e s ' C l i e d t a in v e stig a te a c a r p a rk - l q o r 1 6 0 A C E F R : w t B a e , a d P u s n a r c h i t e c t s , l a r c e v e l d ln g b o o t h s , e s t l I . a t -e d a l a n g t o t h o s e w h o h e i p e d l o c r v , W i b , w s e n te'a h a k " e r g B Barn. Asking $37,000. Cal' the firmi fBarne'tt and Reid- 16bd et abta0.00 ntet te rcaramf ort fai onyRad1 we ichargied wit~hcarelessWaere oaiad igwa 16bugtan ont hi f,,s drivî16nge hs1 aerevRadad ihwy63 King Stret, lae ul Harry Coutts. or, archltects, and the baard's this equipment Is an absolu te teprm re adedfothtaae car was struck fram behind following a six-car piieup o1401. He found the driver! tv af assulng Ade- ANXIOUS TO SELL: 75 office staff. necesslty for the Mcuain emwr addott l by the Hadorn vehicle. The Highway 401. Convic t ionslumped between the steering' Steele Novemei3 v-~ afodDohr acre rolln lad wth trem. he afeerl xvs bautfuly Pogrm a Cortie.~ pupils on Novem'ber 29th", Mr. accused explained that ho brought a fine ai $35 an diwheel and the door in an im-'dence was thtS1le gd Partly wooded. Hydro and decorated in a Christmas 2 o akasotbt1h a-Lcs' eh caorsOr svnday. paired condition. On the seati 18, left the Crnto e- teléphone. Available. Ask for themne for the occasion, and' CakeHghSholPrn i- saw otrar to ud.-fUU Geore VaDyk.attrctie Yuetid cenre oas or Hortcultre ano-iCpaleiG herscool ni bis appie hs raesto sd Constable T. Hoidaway, beside hir was a part glass' taurant iwith ami ed UereVNDER COSTRUCION ties adornode tabe.nte JunioorrMaculine Shanho pta .Decmberps 5tInh, denly which caused thernita OPP, was westbound about1 of wine, a part bottie of rye,! at 12:40 ar.. tie nUc II 4 ber O NST RiC IN gvndeliccosdéain oisaiousa nrlen nlock and pull ta the lbtitob10:10 p.m. on Thanksgiving, an unopened bottie ai beeri sidewalk they, eecnrn- o 3 bunglow usturkey dinner wltb givent serlous cansideratiananforp'rstatedletoft enralmerit a nh Caped n a fewck ebksga lotrdtinlfiigsadSeptember 1969. iDecember lst was 355. andite other car. ws iHotRa wcch!ano at rteofwn.'d anume i oî%31 uds t .- ht Prlced at $24,490. Ask for Jan. anrtswas prepared and serv- ta pravide a portable class- was 95.4 per cent. Faculty Avenue, Toronto, was cbarg- whicb precipitated a sories a araf odnctbl the. oreuetth wbor ta atndnc n oemerhilim ieot.6Stvnhher acas eendhm w fl]btte n vie ee ecorin o telagd 81 hnoWhty 6-.5 ed b Mrs PhllssCharranroom for the Commercial De- absences amounted ta six and ed June Il with contravention roar end collisions. The offîi.-nbbforbhndheri;GgB'aigjmpd im OOME HME al od ad be r sf. Pyisjhat partmerit In September 1969 a balf days. ai two Darlington Township cor took ta the median ta ern conveniences wlth small' At the board meeting fol-: as autllied by Garth Gilpln af He aiso reparted that on b~as .A .Srkaodbigsrc isi barn an 41/2 acres in Bethany. lowing tbo dinner a commun-1 Cburtice Secondary Schoi. November l5th the Clarke Township Solicitor, was pro- He got out and went back to, Prtced at $15,000. Terms. 'cation from the new North- J A ltter fram G. L. Diifiin Hlgh School Commencementseur.Bidna atosdtrmehwmnymbl Caî RasDavdsn.umerlndDubamBordaiAssistant Deputy Minister of was held, and ho thanked witbout a permit cost Mr. ances were required for the NEWCATLE,8 acrs aiEduca tion, whlcb wlll take Education noted that an In- Board Chairman Crelghton and Rîdeout $50 and oosts, or 10 injue.H simtddmg NECSL:8ars office noxt rnontb, was read. rasrgnubr fahool ail the ather board mombers days, and using it iht ict the first car hehind hlm at land, sultable for building This d irected that a commit- Boards are empîayîng non~- wha atterided for their cari- yard under 40 foot in width, $75, to the second $800, ta t.he lots. Asking $25,000. Ask for1 e opsda omrmm raesoilpronlticr tributians and support. an extra $10 and casts, or third $500, ta, the fourth George VanDyk. b ters ai the DuframeCunr i nn -tisructional erea ir "A group ai Grade 13 stu- two days consecutive. Ho said $2500, ta the fîfth $2500 and! DAIRY FARM: 300 acres District Hlgh School Baard ho the school system. dent sited "Open House" et ho was waiting for a dîsposi- bi the sixth $1000. wlth excellent buildings. Largo !iormed ta act in a consultative I"ome h eda lee the University af Waterloo an tian from the Commlttee ai Tho driver ai tho fiithý bari wth tale leaer.Buk cpactvta he ew oad ly asitnstthe sîwofibs Navember i6th. The Durham Adjustment. Building inspec- vehicle went ta Memorial 1 tank coaler. Silo unloader. îuntil February, 1969. regard- and ta serve other Institution. Comuny atUnit hfr relcan ta haes aré en, a ml t he Hospital, Bonsandviepath Paved barnyard, etc. Lovely, lng the new budget. This lor learnIng, business and in- muiair a o rd or orcevdacmlitha aeain n J modemn 8 roomed home. Ask-. spécial committee was thon dustry, tbe calleges ai applied 1Matbeats TeDepam ento u tcîedon ot 7 Bri on-en wtha rctuTronto sku ll ndELE Ing $78,000. Cal. George Van- appolnted. atMn ehnlg ll aifer Breakfasto srctdonlt roe wt afacuedsul n Dyk. Cocrawsvicdb -'ores and cngrant illoas students ta tbe Queen's Uni- Front. chest abrasions. Two skçid BOWMN VLLE 4 ed-or sp asaout ed e- coudrs-sadl atechnlans, us-versity' Mathematics Weekend A case ai careless drivlng marks from the sixth vehicle, FLYCOE BOWMANVILLE 4 be- ýassistantsrsaboratory-adi-vseltchice abs- on Navember 22nd and 23rd ýlaid against Eric Brorison, 18 driven by the accused, meas-1 DINNERfos rooms. 011 heated. Recreation !board with the schools Ini such sistants, Southway Drives- Octaberhe 14iceho ured 135 foot. sed. b roni Garage. Paved drive-ý a large area under Its contraI.1sistants: n. oraiaa s1lltdteofc a uvl asdsRsdFa ymond Saunders explain-jBCN 7 Rev .A otro lreWood Praducts Llmlted. OnII A A way. Ak g$25,000. Rev RaAlFstr i lak "Thesedpoa lntbe Novembe _________Grade__10_______ ed that ho and his _________________________ g no'Townsarhiplmet wtb enthetendd e sowing afwore returning from the East 1- Office. Tawnibp sald he newfoard dpom w nt ho r 9th, Grade 10.stu- wit 2hoes Brr. tramwas a trend oi the times. Hoe a school board but the3' , "Fadenhe51 attn the oyaCoI ast. Ho pulled out to as yasFahrREnheit.451FLORIAthELLRoyal CASTLETON: 64 acre tarmi hoped it wou]d not get away bo an Indication af spocific TtteBwan a. I police cruiser' driveri by' and pond. Asking $35000. Reeve D. Lang ai Cava n tanrgfradft evc "The Departmental Consul-,apml iion hn saw C I position. It Is expected that'tntinGudnc1vsle the h cars ahead and reaiized WleorPn Temms. Caîl: office. Township foît the new board toachers cari benefit fromISchool on Decemnber 2nd. A!- K IÎýMI' too late that they were flotF DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT, was too far away from the skilled holp wlth audio-visuel sRntisdtoh Casc' und-U/ ./ moving, but stopped. Ho ap- ~ ~~F f wlth iovely modern living igrass rmots. "But porbaps we iar lahoratory equlpment and Csoonutanhisîted the Clshoies plied bis brakes but was un- 0 ,I ~y quarters. Excellent turnover are a little aid fashioned. We2hr sitnc3hc fOiTe emeamntan eac aso wt h10si-R Priced at $65,000. Caîl: office:*t imes."ho sad. onDecemeristaandsiîMary1 Damage ta the two veiceles iîpie-up. ______________ STOAGEBUIDIN: Nw e ie. e ub lareaiPr orvie ntiDecember l3th " Mlrun!riWaelRadt STRG UIDN:Ne roie na collision at King4 tre0 Phillip Garrod, Newcastle, wCO wlvth 7 acres. Separate office. 1 Hope congratulated the mem-i "It is assumed that where Witherspaon's report stated. on Tuesday amounbed ta iess pleaded gilty ai impaired Prled a eIl Cai:Geogeber aith DuhamBord hasuch an assistant Is employed, Courtîce Secondary Scbool thn$0.Tedi e ss tedriig and was fined $75 and VanDyk. aifered their nameq for eîec- more effective use may ho Principal J. E. Speers' report cr novd eeBmadcosts, or seven days. There UN ITA STORAGE. BUILDING: 7800 tion ta the newboard. mae i h srvce o h owed that enroîment in O- McLea ag 24, ~was an autamatic license sus-S NK T NAL mq. foot on hlghway. Asklng their experience. she said, the prafessional teacher. Careful vember was 895, and attend-1Orano, a.nd Fredertc SAnpension ai threo months. 1200 AsfoJa Od-future of education in the ýcansldoratIan must be given ance during the manth wasldrew, age 46, 84 DarcyStreI CnabeHlwyOP ihomi United Caunties was In good the pupil-teacher ratio If the 96 per cent. Staff absences Toronta. Constable Le1iad was checking a liquor viola- ands. os aizeducaionis a h stb-the period totalied 22 investigated. tiori In the Town Hall, New-' MAPLE GROVE: 5 roomed 'Tbanks were oxtonded O R ANd" ndahafdas home with ail furnace. 4-pro.; board members for their serv- The DeptutyMinister's letter ' A Committee ai Headmas- ThD o wr' vndrv n oi cstie ho vhicer oud bah'sig$1,0.Cl:Ires ta education through the also potnted out that It is the ters met at Courtice Secon-Do Contrai Officer George as rmavhcootie .Jan O dshoom . year. furction i noriprofosianal dary S haaî o Nove br owen collided witb a arked Th o driver was racing th.e,Y R A C A L E FC A P A Jan Odshorn. yars.funcion o nonprofssionl day Scool o Novmbercar an Monday tI front'ai the motor and pulling away ta-'OR AC PL RICF LAKE: 40 acre farm, A. A. H. Strike rmade a assistants ta hclp and rot ta l8tb bo discuss same recam- post Office on Neprn et.Teofcr rik one 01 eaed 4pc.presentation ta Alex McGreg- replace tbe teacher, who willI edtasaiteHl-eni eprne ward thewetThofir, G E oe ric hoerrificl akedvlpe. or. the anly sorving member ho in the classroom tI charge iRepdo fte ass e nn a teet h e ftefloigfo hr oB ýG E N P I C f;M% d raadTe rixi u ak sdie. wobsbe ntebad itecaa retac Rriu enota ctve. ss the arked car is oClarencSae manville, observed the erratic sOW-Bonthabaranvihile Damagtr errcu, e ta terivn Mtecniina 5o.2-s A U BOWMANVILLE: 3 hed- slnce Its Inception 28 years aga. lratviyaiIltms mariville Rotary Club had its two vehicles was minor. The the driver and laid the charge. Tn rum rik'iA presertation was alsa Bawmanrville High Schaol noon meeting nt the school onlf corner af the Saper car's Cîaytan Murray deec- 2 s3c 2 Tins rto rc u g l w w t.l n rade ta M . A. M acLeod, ad- Principal L. Luc s' report, dat- Novem ber 2th in the Girls back u p r w s d n e a d a t,5 C m ro à r e , Pi kSA E 1 oAV ished me. oom. Nlcely dec- ministrator, by E. M. Creigh- ed Doceber 3rd, stated that Occupation Roaru.teritdorathvnws rngaed4,paedgiy % e.Pation Ihakyrd.ton'. chairruan af the board. 1erirolmen t at the end ai No- "n ededathecm e rideted.o ftevnwse1g gd4,peddgi "On $20,000. Askeberforo Me.edMacLeodarewasrvcon erat- vt,«ig$000 S ia McRoble. I . cohavîg been 1 vember was 602. One stîident 4th, Syour Principal attended nri-br1.Tefewa Vitli cobe lted 1__EM*_____ v be ap- was transferred In November, a Seminar on Individuel Mînr amage wes sustan-br1.Tefews $50 and ALCAN HEAVY DUTYMI Afe Hus laonaI:ae retiremaent, and the aver- Tlmne-Tabling and the Non-_ ed by to cars that collided casts, or seven days. and theme cent Toaher' ahson O Coutice Secndam Scon18 Sunday et 4:10 p.m. on was an automatie thmee- RPIC E C A Phylis Bog lea- 623-7159ameantedtan16 days.96prGa School in Etabicoke. Elgin Street, opposite ta No. months' license suspension. FOI*W RA W e sle y A n e rs o n - 8 9-2 6 6 9 E.M c aun ed a nd6 M s . M . e f- e c e r th8 .eT-hel ri v e . rs w r a y A .13 9t a c c l e d's v hC. L e w st- < A X E7 s s o t Ross Davdson - Bethany 3 R 2 H o also reported that M i Coencem e n twie d o l r , d i e s w r ar . C n t b e K . L t n P , ent as eld n Carkage 23. 39 Chumch St., observed the erratic course of W esley Anderson - 249-26691OE. ry a te ta bn g s taf Jf a- a"Agriculturee , 39 thstudentsv hile Wet- AV 1Haroifdte Cochngttaf at 725-26tre49 dntset-Elgn.Darnage ai less than bound an Highwray 401 and12ze c a Rol GeorteVanD u-r$I3-437 IndedK instn. TherHame on November lPth and Ori driven by Stanley T. Smegal, ped the driver and noticedi Hanrousor -2690 UUID W ii0 cnoisgrl iGa e 0Noveruber 22nd. The Senior ago 4.9 387 Eulalle Avenue, bis condition. W. Lit Ph to M L.SSa BiIL l I E - P RK RD. E nd i spgint a rday st B nck A ssem bly w as on N ovem ber Oshaw a, and one drive n y R na d J meacen, agedF OY O RH O P NC N E N N E C4e0Poee1ilae AR-2th, and the Kinsmen Band Oswald Richmond, age 58, 123 16, Eniniskillen, was convict- H PI WeLs ht L.. jmembrance Day Service was ai Lindsay put on the Pro- li tet hc alde ne icrls rv n May 28U and Exclusive DrctTratn in92-90.&d nth os'gmnsum gam n odyDcebr-rda nS-vr t bt-oian ied$0 n esso N E EYnI HT TLL 9 O'L C i in tLe: - ii a a V oJutns, i.dLI- Chestlasy.Mrs. Ka Porter was thon pre- William Spencer, 1044 Kingan 'etiu Sng iIn" ndrhe iecon iilBily,76osadRnd' Th ly"The Llttlest Shep- sented.a>Tho mombers ai the Street, East, Robert Madsen , .~ bord" was tocrsotd b ast attend Rev. Gilchrist's 73 Orchardview and Robert the enbs% the childrenlBible Class and weme: Rick Cleghorn, address unknown,Lag aio the Church;Group underiMorrisan, Nancy Gilchrist, were charged November 14Seetn te direction ai Miss Nency Kemry Noble, Bannie Morrison with robbing Randy Begg. RILLS -SAVVS -SANDERS i Gilcrist. Ttwas the .1oyof and Daid Gilçhrst. 1The On th av8 e f ter on-Sleto ETC. who0 es nut an the hillsl. ai i a Manger" and ot guilty ai robbery buti when he met two traveilers Their Fiocks". The play tbld elected trial tri the local1 s e a c h i g f r l s t h e c , " h l l W a c h e g u l t y a i h e f o v r a d !M A P L E L E A F e S p c a z e n SPORTING GOODS on their way ta Bethlehem.!us the stary ni Matthias, the1 court. Au v nmrIPIf A SKATEG OS Those two travellers were, of 1Innkeeper, and hi. wife, Jes-, Constable T. A. Yardy's re- i G RDE A-1 IURKETales oss e SKATESstomy goos or ta tell how Isaac Jwhere Mary anid Joseph camel was on duty in a shack soil- meets the Wise Mn, and fln- ta fnd lodging. Jessica believ- irg gas et the Spur Station ally visits the erude stable In ed the One bari In their stable at the corner ai Towliîne CAPONS o Meiate aira Road and Highway 2. His. ~,11:)u j~1~ hs histjL% ta eight. ad were: Gary and'too concened witb money ad wîth him. About 3:40 a.m. the! ou R 1~~~~Ssa cisir Kevir and matemiai things. Ho found jr'a chs e;i four accused wore observedi H C EN E S Sandra Noble; Judy and Rai-ý the Book ai Isaiah the prom- at a pey phono baoth ai the nie King, Cynthieard Suzanneliso i Hs Comirig, and flnally west side of the service ste- Md oyu Bail, Sally Bradley, Evelyn sanie 30yars lator did apen tion lot. They came acrossbai A S E c j~i~! îo> CESS RIESWoudstra and Patti Morrison, his heerttaiid life ta make the shack wkiere Begg and'AM Mary Amin Gilchrist. Francis room for the Babe ai Bethie- Rutter eeadakdt Tighe In troduced each scene. hem. Theplay closcd with the corner wsiere ad ked twa ATTRA,'.rInra, Idal Prtie TOYS AND GAMES The choir assisted throughout duet "AsLtely We Watched" whlle inside for aeep wtrckPICD o teplay singing "O Little surg hy Mrs. James Gilchrist waitiandgett rcr BICYCLES - TRICYCLES Town ai Bethlehemu", "While and Miss Nancy Gilchrist. The ta aeadgttercr BICYC ES -TRICY LES Shepherds Watched Their oganîst was anc ie a ur Young Alter joking and talking TO OG AN -SLI HS-W GO S locks", "We Three Kings'.[Pople, M.Cry Kupers. a- for all an hour the ovr ~"Jav ta the Warld". journed ta the Chumch school subjeet ai receipts fmom gas THE TOR THT SAES OU O)7R9 Aterthe nlav. the chirroom. Miss SheIly Bell played sales for the night. Wen toid sag "Keep Christ In Christ-,two camaIs on the piano " hti ol oa bu mas". Mms. Kay Porter's classCome Ail Ye Falthful" and $100, they dcmnanded it and holding the different symbols1 "On ce In Royal Devjd's City- removed it from a gmoy metal (HOME 0F QUALITY) f_* s t e x lmwhich are placed on the Christ- ianid these weme sung by Patti box-$ il in bis a.nd eight or mas bree toid us how theyýMorrIson and Cynthia Bail. nine dollars in change. They F 77KIN speak ai the Deity and Work' The evening clased wlth the aiso lifted $18 or $20 frmmFO O. D IM A RK E r W BW AN LE tKIGS.I.BOWMANVILLE oi Christ for us on tho Crm~. presentation ai gits and the two 'youths, rippod ftho Mrs. Fln Callan. Mrs. Linda'candy canes ta the members peY phone from the wall o iMocatadMs hrno h hrc coiteboh n lc fe