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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 1

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Santa Claus Greets Many Acimirers ~.;r~~V W?&? r 't '-s.. - e e CourbceieaLi o,,aPrles VOLUME 114 18 Pages Town Taxes WIII Be Paid at Ba-nk Trwo New (onstuhies Abouüt 10.0 Objiect to Lengthening of School Year Both With EXperience ' ' .. IIired on Prhtion ~" &~. After considerable debate and a recorded ý "'.. ,7.......".~'., vote at the meeting of Town Council on Mionday ' evening, it was decided on a motion by Coun- cillor Roy Nîchols, seconded by Reeve Annie Oke, that after December 3lst, 1968, ail taxes are to be paid directly to the Bank of Montreal Branch here. Resuits of the recorded vote asked for by Councillor Robert Dykstra who spoke againstle the motion, were as follows: Reeve Oke yea, Deputy-Reeve E. J. Rundie nay, Councillor Nichols yea, Councillor Dykstra nay, Councillor Glenn Fry yea, Councflor Leslie Coombes yea, Councillor Prout nay, Councillor Keith Shackel- ton yea, and His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs nay. The resuit of the recorded vote was announced as follows raresman Clerk-Controller Robert L. StatemanBron: "Five yeas and four nays en the motion was car- To Pub Iish Council was, discussing Pol- ice Chief Bernard R. Kitney's report and recommendations on the hiring of two new con- Mon day uptae n ReeOk The annuai Christmas "Moved by Councillor Nichais. This morning about 100 students at Courtice Sec- recently by the Minister of Education, It is underMtôcd Greeting edition of The seconded by myséif, that start- ondary School staged a protest march for several houri that ini several other centres students also- staged prt. Canadian Statesman will be ing on January flrst, 1969, ail outside the building. They lowered the Canadian flag tests, includmng Toronto, where the main mardi' tock published Monday afternoon, taxes be paid directly to the to haîf mast and waved homemade placards but the place. Many of the marchers returned to classes dur- Dec. 23rd for distribution Barnk of Montreal, King St.,, before Christmas Day. Dead- This was rather surprising vast majority of the nearly 1,000 students remained in ing the afternoon. Between 50 and 100 students 'at Une for advertislng in this because the motion was made their rooms for classes. The marchers were abject- B.H.S. also staged a protest of short duration 1thi. newspaper will be. Saturdays (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ing to the extension o! the school year as announced. afternoon. The Bank of Montreal parking lot has been a busy place the past few Satur- day afternoons as special permission was granted to Santa Claus and bis attrac- tive helpers ta locate their special buts there. A steady stream of admiring young visitors bas kept jolly old St. Nick busy an-d bis belpers have handed out many candy canes. In this picture, Susan Ritter, 5, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ititter, IR.R. 1, sits on Santa's knee, telling him what she wants for Christmas. Helpers Brigitte Pflanzer, left, and Donna King are ready to hand out the good- les. Santa will again be on duty this Saturday, and will welcome young visitors al afternoon.--- Pays $30,000 Town Buys Pepsi-Cola Plant Fo 1More Parking Space ýým-teg"adopted at the open meeting. Deputy Reeve1 $30,000 for the firm's pro- Town !>Yuliell mêiietint iield E. -j. RundIe, seconded by pertY at 124 Chûroh Street be en Monday evening in the Concillior Robert Dykstra, accepted and this building Couneil Chamber showed that and land purchased, also that ini effeet three coundil meet- lfoved that a letter ot appre- council agree to the offer of mswere held on December ciation be sent to the retfring the Vance Wreckmng Company There was the regular Public Schooi and Durham ta demolish the building meting reported in the County District High Sehool there for $1,740. This land Statesman, then a council Trustees "*ho have served wiil be used ta provide need- meeting in camnera, and then the education needs of Bow- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) an open council meeting. manviile so lond and so well."1 The lirat and regular coun- yhswscrie nmu. BUSH FIRE AT HAMPTON cilmeeingtha evning was Cauncillor Robert Dykstra' Shartly after lunch today, adjourned on a motion by then moved that an offer to Bowmanviile firemen were Councillor Glenn Fry, second- seil dated November, 1968, called to a bush fire in Hamp- ed by Councillor Keith Shack-1 eltn. hismoton ncldedmade by Smith's Beverages,iton. No report of damage has elto. Ths mtionincldedLimited in the amount ofibeen received. the decision that after ad- j'ourrnent, cauncil recess for 10 minutes, then reconvene A with press and public barred. W n w r o e t C This was done, then council met again publicly, although .-. .. . .- - by then neither the press nor Su. members of the public were there as those who had been present had lef t as directed before the 'in camera' meet- . Ing was held. According to the minutes during the council meeting in camera, "discussion too ak place on meetings in commit- tee and the membership ofr . eçrnittees. Councillar Leslie C o es, seconded by Coun- cil'Keith Shackelton, mav-..... ............. ed that there e rh ds cussion similar ta that having JiMt taken place, after the next meeting of council.............~< Counoillior Fry, seconded by . Councillor Roy Nichols, then ~ moved that the meeting in camera be adjourned. i .4 Council__thon he]d a short _ I C.S.S. Principalý Cails Meeting 0f Parents Follç-Wlng the proiest by between 70 and 100 students, mostly of Grade 9 and 10, at Courtice Secondary School on Wednesday, a mieeting of aIl their parents bas been ealied for Thursday evenlng si 7:30 at the school when the situation will be discus- sed thorouthly. Principal J. E. Speers tlid Tht Stateaman ibis afier- nooc. that ouly a smaillMin- ority of students had taken part in the dlsplay. Grade 13 studeuts prepared a state- ment deplorint the march- ers' metbod of protest that wua read over the publie addres system. It advlsed theiu that mch action would not b. helpful and that they wirNd rather sec a petîtion pa-pared. Principal Speers aiso upoke Libomathat the administration swa dien<whatcver was pos- to PU»ttheir vlews ud Uoft of the teachers ami ther studeata to the ors~IIbI.d Uitatlt W" au 17drly Protest. bandlcd QfIotY bY the staff, with no The New Year's edition oif tbis newspaper will be pub- Iished the following Mon- day, Dec. 30th. Deadiue will again be Saturday, Dec. 28th at 4:30. Subsequent editions will be published Wednes- days as uuai. In order. te provide The Statesinan staff wlth holi- day. te make up for the overtime connected with these special early editions, the plant and business office will be closed on Christmas Day, floxing Day, New Year's Day and Thursday, Jan. 2nd. It wll reopen on Friday, January Srd. It will be appreciated If correspondents make a spe- cl effort to send in their copy as early as possible for these speclal editions. ver Design < .~ ~ .'7 ,. .'r'. . .'.,...'... ..~.......... ~ .. '~4»4~s.,". .'~L.'~ .'. ...... .. .'~,~.'-r"~~.. 1' .. Steve Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrison, Sunset BIvd., and a Grade 12 student at Bowmanville High School bas won the award for the besi "The Boy Friend" cover design. He is shown here with the completed artwork that will be used an the program cover for the show ta be presented here in February by the combined efforts of the Drama Warkshop and the Rotary Club. Rehearsals have been underway for several weeks and everything is shaping up for a wonderful, enjoyable production. BITS mW I. HOME - For the next couple. afid hockey players who have b on Sunday mornings at the Odi Hall on Queen Street, will ha The Sunday morning feasts 1 until after New Year's to er waiters to enjoy breakfasta families. t. t t t -1 CRAZY - It is difficuit to fil of booze is doing it or if soni absolutely wacky. Last wee mail boxes were knocked oi tossed here and there ail ov( Marnwood Nursing Home rep escape exit light was stolen a orative lights have been taken town. We've even heard of a $10 bill in a local store that a bad dropped. He knows who she knows who has ber $10, bi day he'd made no effort to i Merry Christmas and Joy to t t t l WHITE -- Along about this ti doesn't have to shovel it will be jusi won't seem right if we d Christmas. If il stays dry it ceri better travelling over the holi( youngsters on holidays certainl in soaking wet from playing in t t t t Urges Members to Forget Differences PIECES Councillor Pleads for. oLwek~,the. Litizens. been having breakfast a IdJ telow eat eehee l f r 0 vec m dv o a Fellosetenia frlt ve c e C have been called off nable the cooks and at home with their F cn o m n ile D t A strong plea for comibined that the year 1968 is drawing igure if an overload efforts by the members of to a close and this wil be ie eolearegong Town Counicil in 1969 for the the iast council meeting fr1 Le popleare oing benefit of Bowmanvile and 1968, 1 think it beneficiai ta k about 50 rural its people was made by Coun- look back for a fewmoetA ff their posts and cillor Robert Dykstra at the to, ponder over sinom faurA er the countryside. meeting of Town Council on accomlishents and failures. 'ars tat hei f re Monday evening. In a short ope ntt tk o r is ta s ec- ir address he firmly urged coufl- muho of y our te. SasFe Fid Crsmsd c cl ta dispense with petty very :ncouraging develop- kor broken ail over differences sa that the chal- ments took place in the year i man picking up a lenges to be faced during the 1968, industrial-wise, and re- oba iwoman pensioner coming year will bè success- garding regional governmnent, day the woman is and fully resolved through united etc.. We as a whoie couneil M.I action and resultant achieve- or in committee have held a Dur eut Up until yester- mnents attainod. great many meetings toata- grN return the money. "As we must ail be aware tend ta business for the bet- Péd the World. terment of Bowmanville. Hou cons MANY HAPPY RETURNS "As has become apparent Ing ,ime, somebody who Congratulations tai Mr. Ro. during this year, 1968 we pi commetingthatit land Baie, 46 Concession St. seem ta have differences of Hou com entng hat E., who celebrated his 84th opinilon. If it was only' that, assis on't have snow for birthday on Manday, Dec. 16.1 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) tainly will make for day season and the [y won't be coming u d e e f r C ism Funds Needeafor Chrasm a%. the stuff. FIRES - Bowmanville's firemen have answered two calls from the west end cf Darlington during the past week for, of ail things, GRASS fires. These are expected during the spring but cer- tainly flot this time cf year. And they were both burning quite furiously and could have caused considerable damage. *1*~ i + t t OPEN - Stores in Bowmanville xiii be open until 9 p.m. f rom now until Christmas eve when they close at 6 p.m. They'll also close at 6 on Saturday night. Sa, have fun completing your Yule shopping, there's still a good gif t selection available. t t tI t t TOURNAMENT - The Memorial Arena wiIl be a busy place on Saturday and Sunday when 16 hockey teams from a wide area will take part in a Midget-Juvenile hockey tournament. Games wiII start at 8 a.m. Saturday with the two big final centests for the championship scheduled for Sunday evening. Admission is only $1.00 each day for ail the games. Corne eut and sec some exciting games. t t t - t t WELCOME - The Statesman extends a welcome home ta members of the cammunity who bave been away attending universities and other educational institutions. We hope for them a happy holiday and a good rest after the trials and tribulations of exams. We also hope none of those c9mlng home from the U.S.A. will bring the Hong Kong flu bugs iiith tbem. We've got enough of aur awn variety around without adding any new ones. t t t tl. t CAREFUL - W. would aiso urge al motorists te be especially careful while driving duriug the holiday season. The sehool children will b. wandering the streets on vacatio aund y would want to become ïivolved li n acIdont at t bis time of year, te spoil theïr Christmas season. lncidentally, the -youngsters wont b. returning te achool until Januar Sth. wring '69ý AP Announcs ýpprovaI of e.deraI Loan Hlu Warship. Mayor Ivais )bbs, received word Tues« y from Russell C. Honey, P. for Northumiberland and irham Countioe, thet -ap- Dva laI given ta a $105,235 Leral Loan ta the Oûtarlo ising Corporation for tie istruction ofa public hous. eproject ln Bownianvllh. Provlded under the National ýsing Act the loan wl Ist In the construction of 14 (TURN TO0 PAGE TWO) Ms Baskets As of Wednesday, neoning, The Salvatton ti> their Christmaa Fqgd for the . n.o41,M er., date over 70 fazu»t.s r r&thi e fo z.c0lv4 tributed early non week b Me f»*Mt iMt~ than R isul"wtthheir oont bp Loo aç t4ii to The. Salvation Army, 1'oi0.o here on King St. wl- th C0rp Cap4ftez latt in-hro L,.hàè-&ý BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1968 154 Per COI)v -1 = -1 = NUMBER 31

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