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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1968, p. 5

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p~ j I b>] E NN IS KI LL EN fFoundry Union Holds Christmas Party at Memori'a Rev. J. Lougheed. Durham ion wîth our congregation.Cdageo sale of cards for al, Coflege. Oshawa, who was ac- Please remember S un d ay,ocain and with her sales-! comanied by hij daug't.r Dec. 29th, ivll be a "red let-limanship provides a, generousl ,$ Barbea, was our guest mînis-er day as (1) the Sundayvfund for oui' Messengers. ter on Sunday. His excellent Schnol and Supt. will leadj The very deepest heartfeltj sermon e n t it Ie d "Gosiel' the church service at 10 a.rn. synipathy of our community Which means the Good Nvs nstrad of the usual hour and is extended to Mrs. A. Lead- of Jesus. Grod sent Jes S, h .S. session wilI be with- beater and ber fanil.y in the 11.1 wth the "good news" and! drawn; (2) the C.G.I.T. grauP, death af her sister, the late We ii turn must give it t.' with assistance from the Ex- Ms-s. Joe McKinney of Tor- others. Some of us are letliar-ý plorers. Messengers, and Jr. onto. gic, reluctant and selfish, 7zolBos Class, will present the M dM-.O .Aho Satan. or sin gets in as ia th.-'annual Vesper and Cendie-lwr ussa h oeo ~rin the Bibles first lo- ighting Service at 7:30 p.m.Mran Ms.H.FWoen oyvanand Abel. Contrn-rv White Gift Sunday wàs ab- omnil ..2-frape ta Canstheory we are rfi. servrd at the S. S. Bowmanviile R.R. 2 for a pse- sosbefor aur brother r w ith Supt. A. J W sr esion Chrstmas dinner pa19t kný In Biafra, Vetnam. etc. Wrj îag in the service. Master atra evn . cannot have affluence v:, star- Dale McGill read the scrip-~ Mr. and Ms-s. M. J. HobbsD vation, also we must have ao, turr. Miss Betty Jane Werry visited with relatives and . '.bannier af colaur. creed ir gavie the story which wesl friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- ' -" race. In Jesus' mission n reallv a ses-manette entitied Bryen, Lindsay. e eprth he sought out (a) !h- "A SmalI Gift writh a Big; Mr-. Rodney Irwin, Sumn- v' ."- , pon, (b> the captivatedi, (c): Mpaiinlg"---a true stos-y fa!maerstown, spent the weekend the opps-essed. Refernc'e waspitFîcat. part Indian and ne- at Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin's. Mnade ta aur new inea;r, r.î a nursing home whoý Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick Dr. Bob McClure who hada a arthrîtic, partially blind and Bill, Scarborough, were rnedical mission in his abir- and a diabetic, but gave a visitosewith their parents, ' dant life. We were inspired white gift with greet effec- Mr. and Mrs. S. Peick. by Rev. Lougheed's m«zvrareç tiveaess. The children pIeced Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, to answer Cains question in thrir wvhite gift in a large had Sundey supper with Mr. the affirmative aad acf on -l: w ýhitp basket beneath thie gaily and Mrs. H. Ashton and fam- answer. The Juaior childrprn rlreeoratcd Chistmeas tnee near ily 0ý setired tathie S.S. roam wlîo thp sitar. These are for child- Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Weern. were shown a film hy MrF. rea iai Orillia School for Oshawa, accampenied Ms-. and H. Ashton The choir adred haadicapped children. Mrs. A. L. Wearn tc Tor-onto___________________ ta thé service with two mus;- A very speciel feeture wes where they had Sunday din- ...~..' ________ cal messages from the an- hie oresentation of a gift of nen with Mi'.and Mrs. Jim ___ thems, "Advent Hymn' ad fl. from the Messengers Swain, Don Mils. 'Away in a Manger". group by theis- treasures- Ms-. and MŽs. Ros o- On Saturday, December l4th, at Memorial Park, are shown here, front row, lef t to right, Ci Next Sunday will have rthp Master Brian McGifl. One lands, Scerborough, Mr. and chlldren of the Foundry Union (Steelworkers) wîere aches, Marty Adcock, David Adcock, Cha: speciel Christmas m e sa gteif their leaders, Mrs R. Ms-s. Howard Bradley, Meple ertertained et the Christmas party when gifts were aches, Joey White; back row, Donna Ac from Rev. J. Lougheed wiýli Rriwvaa directed the presenta- Grave, were Saturday visitas-s handed out by Santa Claus. Some, of the recipients White, Charlene De-aches. Photo some extra speciel numbprs tian eeremony. ivit.h oui' M.ýwith Mis. E. Page. by oui' choir. aad M. treesu-ers- l Ms-. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Sunday, Ja.n. 12.,1,969 il evWpara receiving the gift Ms-. and Mrs. Castenay Gra- ad t Lougheed wilI condurit her Much apprecietion is due to ham. Purpie Hill, Ms-s. Fran- abentlti Sacrement of Holy Commuln- Mrs. E.- Wright who isincis Bounty, Port Pers-y, were R e ret o nRv '.e w s birthoftara sn Monday dinner guests of Ms-s. rttoasn MF. Toms. Receation Activities - Christmas Recess - Start In Jans. 1969 and Keith Swan ane goal wauld se Is, p Ds-. and Ms-s. Clark Werry. CTVT while Allen Junkin and Gei'y he sts-essed thet lJohn, Elizabeth and Peter,FAITY AS CL S'6 SAR Murphy each hed aneaesssthulnabec Etobicoke, wene Sunday guests Minas- BesketbalI Lord Elgin December 13th Jenuas-y 10th The Stars goals were scored Jesus as ha said sc Jof their parents, the E. Boys Gym Lard Elgin Decembes- 131 esy8th by Mîke Cos-nel and Butch hed the ldee thaý Werrys. Boys Gym Ontario St. Decembes-1l7th Januas-y 7th Stephens while Max Johinson SBt taes eri Ms-. and. Mrs. Jim Kinsman BalletOnaiSt embr1hJnuy8h had one assist. Beu Chrhave pea y ~~~ ~~~ and girls wes-e Sunday tee nei t eebe 8hJnay8h In the final game the Mt. Jscorisng othl guests ai Ms-. and Ms-s. 'Bruce Square Dancing Ontes-io St. Decembes- l8th January 8th Roaas defeated the Generals carsn Wl Downs, Oshawa. Beton Lions Centre December 18th Januesy Bh by an 8-1 count. The Mt. M-.A ats ilSyrnpathy b Ms-. and Ms-s. Baton & Tep Town Hall December 2lst Januery 1 lth Ray s goals werRcosMac,' Stuart amb andfarn-lyDave Cgolell with îwa and Joh-n. ay a c 0tatLabad1aiyo Drame Was-kshop Town Hall December 18th Jenuary 5th oJeahn Zeeland. rus on th asn of hei' ittle ne- OilPainting Lions Cents-e fecernber 2lst Januas-y 4th goal and ane essist, Makes-k Religiaus IBowmnville Fus-n. Finishing Lions Centre December lOth Januas-y Pth Johnson two goals end one couta, MokEu. t( Ms-. and Ms-s. Kenneth Int. Decoratlng Lions Cents-e Dcme 9hJnayPhasst, Dave Johnson ana goal,h Idealacce~ot ~ orethtmner KenHo menana oal ad Kenorne Saturdav ail Idel ace,,ýr.vfo tht nw Lamb, Oekville, wes-e visitas-s Teens Basketball High Schoaî December 21sî ,ranuas-y i thlRow' one goal whîîe Wayne sC>me tiine with hi part,) dres et aiMs-. and Ms-s. L. Lamb's. Girls Gym HihSho eebr2s aur 1hSehnadBl ue a t Buffaloaend ri GL - IVR .BAK1M.and Ms-s. Keith McGilHg colDcme-2s ausy11 hea n i ua a Vittos-ia. GOD -SLER -BAKand boys had Sundy tee Figure Skating Jss. Asena Iecembes- 18h Januay Bh neassist. The Generals goal Miss Catheri~ne G L ITT ER G L O V E S a w ithMr Lyal Brack, Bow- Swimniing Pine Ridge Sch. December lBth Jantdary 8thiwas scos-ed by Paul Raycs-aft. and Ms lao -and - I Ms. and Ms-s. Dave Bath- Christmas Concert Guy while Joe Bennett endi In the gaine pi o n Dec. Plow Lodge at Ci WHITE EVEN1NG GLOVES ae nd Nancy, M ap1 le The Belon, Tep and Ballet Tam Woolnes- and Steve J 1 2th, the Rayais defeated the visited wilh Miss Grave, were Sunday supper Christmnas concert will be hel1d each hed one assist, meiRodiansas yer2- score b They on nd Mss.evse guests et C. Stainton's. an Fsiday, Decembes- 201h, atil nmHcky ýRoals goae l ee scoSed-b lé audth - SEE OUR SELECTION OF .Ms-s. Laura Carsosn, Le- 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall I h i Banta Hock e le r BnGdfs-ay WilouMhbkeSad- cas-ed for with lots vonia, Michigan, spent a week auditorium, 40 Tempes-pen ntefss atmgm h e-edCrsWlogb ahna camplaînts.S I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1with the C. Averys. Sts-eet. Pleese Note: Partici- lesdeetdhePresbpikduanass. playing cards a Lîn er e Mw nd Ms-s. Adam Sharp pants In the concert should be a 4-2 score. The Flyas-s were In the second encaunter, the PJ hngTVad le y D u a b y ith C r iTh nd B m e r diels- s l w s H m ST M S i n g r i e -accomai î d M r. Ralph V ir- etth~e .Town H all at 6:30 p.m . l d b o g T m l n S e e C r i as a d B m e- ~ l ooece n n Part at r. ad Mr. J ce ns and Has-nets pleyed la a Davey ane assisl eech. Thelwes Ron King, assisted by Bill husbend In Dows- PoT O E$ 4 8 Pmml' fTrno -0 o .Prtsgaswr scos-ed bylWsight. sew the beautiful Il Re.$.0 SPECIAL Mr. and Ms-s. Keith Cryder- Inthie second encountes- the Wayne Hicks and Dave Eymaný man and girls, Zii, were Blades and Stealers iaught ta while assisîs went ta Mas-ris=X visitons et Mr. and Ms-s, L. a1- tie. The Blades goal was Meedows, John Whiteman andj KENDAL OPE Steinton's. scos-ed by Don Cowle assisted Mas-in Wind. OPEN Mr. and Ms. R. Howe and by Gs-dy Robson, while the In the second gme the We ae really getting lots Braves deieaed the Pee Wea ai wintes- this bafore t""famîily wes-e Sunday visitas-s Staes-es goal wes s rdby AlSasb 52cut h hita.Snaocsc EVENTNGS ( IAet Mr-.and Ms-s. Thomas Dick- Tom Eymen. Bavsas ye 5-2coa.ed C nsts. Sndfzery, auhr sec- '1 ii.,1 ugBraves goalnwe o-ad bond Msthof zaro wate et t'NTIL 4 Ms-. and Mss Murray Ax- In he fisst game ai Satus-- assist, Paul Dillon two goals away In the middle of lest P.Mfalrd and Melanie, Oshawa, day, Dec. 141h, the Barons and and two assists, Kes-sy Noble week wban we hed the was-m IP.M. ~~~~~~~~~wes-e Sunday tee guests ai Cliýpprs played a 3-ail tie. n oledaaassDa pî n an odjb 4 8N 1N r T.F_ BOWMAN VILLE Ms-. and Ms-s. E. Wrigbt. The Barons goals were sco-ed Kno a goal.h e SitDar sPwandt snw. GWehoebh Ms .Tm a eetb asn, g.CmbelKols ol h Saswsntsnw ehp h F. Tms es reentby al Pssat, im emp als wera scored by Rab Christs-as halidays will be Seaon's y'ccfls-lper guestof Mrs. Edna advisn Conboy, while Jahn Simpson one and ana assist fine. ~aa Master Derryl Muller, Osh. each hed ana assist. The Clip- Grant Luxton two assîsts. now and avaryone Is aÉther awa, setafwdy ihpr goals were scored by In the third game the Hus- busy buylng Christmas gifts as- Ms- nd M-s. E. Wr-ight Richard Harper with two and kies deieeted the Panthers by meklng them and p1prn Bob Bickle ane, whileDn a 4-2 score. The Huskies goals ion the big day. The toe Farrow pickad Up aneasit werle scared by Doug Bragg, appear to be doing a rushing In the second game the two goals and ana assist, Steve business. Kings shutout the Penguins by Watson two goals and ana Ms-s. Bus-wesh and has- sister-I SU GETINSa 2-0 count. The Kings goals assist, EsicMartin twa assists ln-law, Miss Burwash af Cao-' GIFwes-e scorad by Deve Brown and bave Tabblaona. The Pan- bous-g vislted with Ms-. Arthur ,&T iuT P A M A eand Tes-sy Sargînson. tbers goals wera scored by Thampson. L %#In the third game the Ranis Robes-t Wilson, ane goal and Ms-s. G. Cathcart, Miss Cath- lu ~defeatad the Flyers by a 5- one assist, Gary Milîson anaes-rina Stewart and Mr. and CY score. The Rams were lad by goal and Mika Bis-kett, one Ms-s. Jack Carscadden attend- : l l Doug Hutton witb two goals assist. cd Handel's Massiah an Satun- RED£ B.Sc.Phrn- ~~~~and one assist, Frank Leachbdyeeig hswshl C.TIPPIN S c.he B0 WMAIN4 VILLE two goals and aneaessist, Don Midget Hockey hday teveiC hisa s hreld Ricard ane goal whîle Doug la the fis-st Midget gaine, !,ha Chus-ch et Bowmenville. Il E ndg n d John LabaîtCa u ks deifeetathe Pi e asp+ir-d bytD-E Gif tg A tor lmAli Stars Ghutout the S Wings by a 2-0l score. The ChnlN.5frona Stars goals wera scored bv IT N U ChnlN.5Evening Bars-y Livingstone and BillI ) Cologne YARDLEY I ai Leamen whila Bsian Marlin. ___S___________ -VA_1__1__R 0Frum Gary Nanilsz, Ralph Cryder- .. LONDON ~ St Pee Wee Minor AGF RMTI lAT. I ,In the fisst gamne the Mas-- oons defaatad the Bruins by a LIyu aoieiiko h' aehn KODAK CP 3-1 count. The Maroons goals Ltyu aoiegr nwse oehn CPEPLRID were scorad by Gary Ovenden . Special ... give har a Iovely Winauer .vatch. *ffMTI IOCLR PLR i two, Dan Leamnan on What girl could resi$t the irresistabje chas-m of IN TA ATC ", B NO UL RS J BIG SW INGER goal and ne assist each, and these faming beauties ... avishd with CAMERA KITS 3 2.5 CAMERA Cs-aîg Cneighton, ana assist. diamonds, they say everything there îs to say. $ 2 . 5#T h e B ru in s l n e g o al w as a d m r . E c s a t o g t u s r s i n c frm$88 o 24scos-ed by Danois Bembea. admr. as- atcgtflePesno from Now $21.49 ~~~~Special $26.95 sisted by Bruce Syes-. Yu oeadMs raue i In the second gamne the yu oeadms raue ih MANY ORE GFT IDAS - SEE NOWRanger-s swaMped the Cansa- Left to Right: awif95 Ranges-s were lad by Bs-ad FREE FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM Mone as ithfour gsza and - Rihee ad a M iszontgal and ( >it yvr roll of Black and White or Kodacolor lef t Rad Vn ac s anerr goTal and h o pers f w ley .j lmWowa..a'.," Bill White one assist each. FRfEIDERIK' S PHARMACY In the third gamne the Aces WMNIL U.67 King St. E. rom ie n earsfoght ta a 2-al tic.eTIe Acesgoals were scos-- FREEFIL - FEE ILM FRE FIM -FREEFIL edby Rusty McQuaid and FREEFILM FRE FIL - FEE ILM REE ILM RandY Wilkins wbiie Jimn Lewis picked up ane assist. TIse Bears goals wes-e scas-ed b3y Steve Jackson Md John 31 aorinna Des- s-main Des- ccock, Kim that Joseph ýo take good ha wauld give Jesus Who eopie. LaIe-, Sente Claus oniused witb orna childran .t Jesus and re the sae. ce we need Sente. The le Shepherds Flocks" with playing the cDonald and wos-king for Button for he collection. aster came bas- spendlng as-r dauglitar relatives et le Stewart Faste- taok Dthe Golden 'obourg and Mabel Pet- i Patte-son. ,sidents wall sta et and Some ware and others cvanythIng rbrick visit- bas- daugh- as- and ber Thse Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Dee. 18, 196 IThe Orono News Ms-s. Graham Campbell, Ms-. Mr-. and Ms-s. Os-ville Chal- and Ms-s. Wayne Hooey and lice attended a Dinner Pauty deughtes- Jil ai Tor-onto et- on Sunday et thse home of Mr. tendad the Tannant Family and Ms-s. Clendon Chalilce, Dinnas- Par-ty et thse I.O.O.F. Mlllbrook, in honor of their Hall an Sunday. parants Ms-. and Ms-s. Milton Mr-. Cames-on Perraeult, son Cliallice of Millbrook who ai Ms-. and Ms-s. Las-ne A. waeecelebrating their 58th Perrault af Oshawa. îos-merïîy adding Annvray oý ai Os-ana, was s-acently bs-ens- gratulations.nivray.C- fers-ad fs-arn Bradford ta the Recent vis-s wllth Mr. and Auras-a Branch af thse Cana- Ms-s. Wm. Robinson wes-e Mr-. dian Impes-lal Bank ai Com- and Ms-s. Basil Clements and mes-cc as accountant. infant son Paul of Petierbor. Mi'. and Ms-s. Las-ne Tra- ough, Ms-. and Mrs. Frai* gun2na ai Oshawa wes-e Sun- White af Bethany. day dinner guests af Mr-. and Ms-. and Ms-s. Day. e rs-lo Ms-s. Keibh Tragunna and of Nablaton spent thse week- Ifmily. en w ii e nnrý-hnL Iii- m,.sanc farnily, and an Sunday viultecl ber gs-andpas-ants, Mr-. and Ms-s. Harvey Aiken etMli. brook. On Thus-sdey, December 19, the C.G.I.T. as-e havlng a suppas- meeting et thse home ai Ms-. and Ms-s. Mas-vin E. J Mn. and Ms. Milton San-ý do-sn iColumbus, Ms-. and IMs-s. Ivan Sharp ai Enniskil- len, Ms-. Cecil Robingon were noon dinnas- guests ai Mr-. and Mis. Wm. Robinson on Tuas- day. Ms-s. Wrn. Cabbledick is staying with ber neighbors Mn. and Ms-s. oscar Adams fas- e iew weaks. Calvin. "Saasan's Gs-eetings." îsview and IgIsIs. IF YOU HAVE THE MAN WE HAVE THE GIFT 1 Any man on your Iist who rates a gift . Is sure to like what you find here SHIRTS SWEATERS WINDBREAKERS PYJAMAS JACKETS You name it. .. we have it! et MENS WEAR BOWMANVILLE ALNCE ST. N. & 0" ': , eoa£ia6lj do

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