MMhe aadian Stteman, ewuanlfeD«.. 20, 19U amd $4,70,000 fer tomple. r .~b moc g~..,.t tAon of new Victoria Park IW rri3 D ri<k~teyaaaedwt ~~ "'i ~~~~~' ~centre. Expenditures for the hoertrthidpa. SOrono Junior Gardeners ~rimat yer ai OW.0ia0d atChristmas h od okdn Cpornmencing witli the Octo- avto ry nhligd, ber lat, 1988 payment, tetre e ohl hmo quarerldY divtdand r a ohde apTtctv tnceasd fom 16 to 18 cyrentsmn n h ery tg HoId Their Christmas Show per'shae yronueA prew uYea lcahojosfr h Dhopeleathelco- above ail, noboitevihg up t TIU Orono Junior Gardon- Church. A good crowd enJoy- Flcky ]»Vos, Jacot Schoen- Gas purchased 700,000 com. cholca wohd rumenlyee the rnstdiuut ass dm IidId theïr Christmas Show ed a deliclous pot luck supper. maker; Sr.-Dele Evans, Diane mon chares of thie Union Gaz through Tihe SalvatinArysfrach~c nevasrc On Dec. IZthet Orono United Head table guetta included Barntt. CArol Barnett. Company of Canada, Limited, Harbor Light Rihbîtto r fscea ________________-Mr. and Mns. B.Long. Mrs. C. Clana 6. Gift Box: Jr.- at a cost of $12,846.000. prgam for alcohoit pn ftenaI 50achlc Billingt.and )kMn d iMr. T. Kathy Lycett, Cathy Millson, As anticipated. gas deliv- lastg Christmas lncmltih eereevdh avto Stevens of Ha.rwood. Janet Schoenmakor, Sr. - eries have begun fromn the sobriety. For the 1is neA ryHro ih te Mns. T. Fairbrother welcom- Yvonne Schoenmaker, Donna completed Great Lakes Trans- 20 years, the holyseonadasyar 0wre fc. ed eviryone preumrit and Chalîce, Dale Evans. mission Cornpany's new pipe. real meanlng for tsmn.atr1 dlcre. thanked the. ladies who halp. Clama 6, Christmas Corsage: Uine from Alberta via the ed pregare and serve the. Wup- Jr.--Janet Schoenmnakor, Kar- cfUnit dquate.Tisasue 4 per. unh&aima exped the en Atkins, Cathy Milison; Sr. us f a adqu 45 uppiy o ap c atiofthe Orono Jr. -Yvonne Schoenmnaker, Laurto naturei gaz ment our fore-E RCH RTMS Gardners to te Unted chmi, Dae Evns.sesabie roquirements, the rn-ER Church fer the use of the is ,Aiml aec Chnitia Eduatin Eig. o <<>s.:*Jr.-Janet Schoenmnak- monthly meetings and thr-w er, Jennifer DeVoS, Karen i shows eaeh year. Atkins, Sr.-Carol Barnett,De lp N w Foilowing the supper. MM. Yvonne Schoenmakor, Launie e loN w 1 Fairbrother weim presented SohmId. wlth a pot of beautiful yeUlow Clama 8. Christmnas Card: Jr. M n M d 'muns and a glft ln apprecla- -Cathy Millson, Janet Schoen- M n-M d tion for ber nine years as di- maker. Ksthy Lycott; Sr.- rortor of the Orono Jr. Gard* Daie Evans, Yon Schoen- en6onne Blood Vessel eners.maker, Diane Barnett. Four menibers c1 the Bow- Best-kept Year Book, wlth A new type of mîn-made manvilie Kiwanis Club judged cîrdcvrDl vn the many entries. Ti eut Most Original Arrangement by sciontisti and mnedical re- were as follows:sngnaturai atras searchers, shows promise for Class I. Dining Table Ar' Yvonne Schoenmaker porions suffering from harden- I rangement: Junior-lot Kat.hy Mns. Fairbrother congratu- " oeC m otbeT n aSrtce Ing of the arteries and other' LycJaet 2n ar en AtIn lated ail the members on the i-YvJanet Schoenniaker; Searor fine work shown An their on- In tests conducted b a -Yon chemknCrltries. Ms .Seespeot medical teamatArnOho Barnett, Laurie Schmnid. ed S .evn rvice Dl.lomaA'rtoDon- 0 nd"ev cDpW masUio Don City Hospitai in cooperation Junior-Byt Ca& . redneratSpnitna Challice andWyeCou vier f5 5 wlth research scientists of The toou wndrl aat2. omkr aefor Deconation: angwr i t rRegirnent to H ave Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- te o ur w o n d erSeniJrot o O rono Jr. G ardeners. p n ,s a l b o d v s e s h v p..e" etAtki Yone; Scen, anerc m Trophios donated by the Bow- g- functionlng perfectly An yrseasEvannes. hemke.DlemnloKwal lb ere " dogs for more than four and EVass . Mantel Arrange- presented as follows. w-N ew C e O si 1ii v e ami ,, ah1~0i~ts ndhrl W .*Il. Brown ment JunorneatJi Lyett, Can~:r Barnett Lieutenant Colonel Leo P. succeeded by his Second-An- 1955, follown live yeans' "Resuits of expermts o H p orHldyi rvn ucs JSatynilo n, l BafrnotDon- oîtPoits n Anua FanSqupet n rChaol aloSchDonShostalePEns.I AnlTIggelers, CD, commaîîdîng Command, Major Nîcholas M. service An the Rgiment'î 1913 date with the new mrtery,' oeYu BOWMANVuip Len naCalcLul cnd. So-leEns officer of the Ontario Regi- Hall, CD. Major Hall has been Cadet Corps. He prognessed calied an Eloctroloun, have',r BOW ANVLLECliii 4, Christmas Wroath: The Four C's Award-Cathy ment An Oshawa, announced Second-in-Command of the through thie nanks ana was been just short of phnomen- Svrlwreaths and decor- iinquish command of the Regi- ary, 1968. The change-of-com- tenant ln 1959. Following this Sharp, head of the Akron City Agens o Deaers W t a~i~O~mthe show were giv. ment on January 5, 1969.- mand parade will take place and subsequent qualifications, hospital research team. ,i.TR 'ons 'mcident t.Jh' Colonel Tiggelers will be on the drill floor of the Regi- he heid a number of Regi- "While corrective proceduresl Age ts oreaer ___e e __th_________St.Jon' ment's Armoury on Simcoe mental appointments, Includ- have been avaîlabtie for theBO AN LE Convalescent Homoe, Toronto, Street. Ing that of Troop Leader, larger artenies . that s,ths to take orGots ferMr.DEvn to o thesHm n epts Colonel Tiggelens and Major Battis Captain An "A" Squad- over one-fourth lnch indim toewthe Home md reportS« Cors theatf adptenswr Hall both have long service ron, Regimental i Adjutant, ter - this is the flrst Indica- S..d CornaY the tff nd atet re with the Ontario Reglment. Regimental Train g Offlcer, tion that surgeons may be able! frThei.ll e skn es tue.d Colonel Tlggelers was born 0 f fi1 c e r Commanding "C" to replace sections cf the amal- flxM teer o iitdThe r. Gcrde hnen o ted and educated An Venlo, Neth- Squadron, and the Regiment's 1er artenies and veins, which: Ale M Sewrt& onLiitd hêr loiicefredonaktio: he- erlands, and from 1946 to 1949 Second - An-Command. Major make up most cf the vascular "Sed Gai Spcilisi"manîll Kwans lub Ms. . served wýith the Royal Nether- Hall As a graduate of the Re- system.", E. ranSeiait"MAnilsoin, G l ube Dary, .-lands Marine Corps. Ho saw serve Office' Staff School, Temaoprbm np- GtE ilson, Orch ards andCr- ,overseas combtsevceA teKingston. In civillan life, h ao rbe npr Ailsa Craig, Ontario Gîs'3 Red & h it S t d or n- D tcas ernie n was Major Hall s a member of the fecting artificial blod vessels Excellent opportunity and commissions - to soul -Canol Barnett, Press. Sec'y, awarded the Far East Modal. Pulc eaiossaf cf Gïr en saldeter aseenp "Early Hybrlds" for your area, - duringt the next R.R. 1,Oon.Ho came to Canada An 1950. oral Motors cf Cana Ida. H o Astindeofcyto cauepaid- six months. If Interested, please contact un nt once bi , and enlisted as a trooper An married, with two ch.delTteing cf blod ho el aind lettr, tatnt eactaddesslotandconcssin, own the Ontario Regiment An Oc- and lives at 193 Meadow Road, The hat n ood vessel hall shpan ontdstneandreto so l ettober, 1954. In 1955, ho was Whitby, Ont, a icoatlningonthe essel wall tono dieI o iei ilg rnîe esleyvî lie ..appointod an officer cadet, The official take-over of the wltforion s eenncytfo eommuity.and was a member of the Regiment will take place on continued transmission cf JRegiment's Command Contin- Sunday. January 5, 1969, with blood through the vossel. ydàla tt gent, Canadian Officers' Train- the formal change-of-com- flydro P antIng Corps, from which ho was mand parade scheduled for Many typos cf synthetics; *'-commlssioned a second lieu- 2:00 p.m. An the Armoury. have been developed te dupli-, îo B L'Ia'ea ,,.tenant tri 1957. cate this property An artificlal i VFoloBng om m sîonng Reviewing Officer will bo blood vessels, but none has w Cnsrutin o te noose ~. 2 olonelTggelers ba1s seod ,Bigadier-General G. R. A. come anywhere as near as L 01CommondTgeeshssre -~ ~ ~cntnuously wlth the Ontario Coffin and thie Regiment's odeasneydvepd Ontario Hydro power plant at ~Regient and bas held a full Honourary Colonel, Col. H. J. peîyuretliano that has bioolec- Wsîcyville may ho delayed by r ae- range 0 f regimental appoint- okwl eo aae ihti rpris-eeti rp j'1,4at least five years. J/(\? mns o eaeScn ankin g officers from a nm risooeyrsmln ~N~NWE>tE Onaelo Hydro anouncodinf te rCofo ilho orre . HAgh um etic proetes - olctnipop- OntarioHydro nn-uber efother tereggment inand found An human tissue. ff,4f 7 eclsthat coantucrpaton May your hoIidey 1965, then assumned command qfrm trloegon ead- .The Electrolour blood vessel wouda on0 nuc0erkplo ant, t- of the unit upon netirementquroswîb.Aatndce is mado of polyester velour pu wth a3,00ougklaPowatt Lut- be br fh wifh the of Lt. Col. W. C. Paynter. CD, fabnie with numerous closed EVER. Huron and a coal-fuelled plant lnVn,16.H sagau op iigIsinrwl. 2iha2 . .00,0 utu t gIOo f riendshipl ate of the Miltia Staff Course Consumers' CGaS This te fashoned inte tubes 's rg awet f in- rei alaiColonel Tiggelers Is marnied Adiameter and about one inch!Y U A D O R its wth 200,0 ctutatjAnKngtn.oe-gt c neichA alwaVsGerg Gathercole, chairman A A& d LT to the former Ruth D3st0ofln length./"U A Af 7 D lt c. cf Otani Hdr sai Ah.Wes Utrecht, Nethelands. They 1 Keport The outslde of this fabric15e~V / IL DX'/J plae ure to wsh ofeOvarioe """"-idthebes- E D A have two childnen, Patricia, 18, tube thon As sprayed with the SCHU levleplant wudb used FAIRD IJ and John, 15, and thoy neside Tue Consumons' Gas COM- bio-electnic polyurethane, An-i our frends te b~tfor future expansi~i~on ta. oNel. at 801 flrock St. South, Whit- pany's annual natunal gag suning that the artificial blondj Hydro had to acquire suitablo oen cli by. sales te September 30, 1968, vessel simulates tho functions i BR R 6,3-289 atCritmstm.locations for power plans earîy oenMll Major Hall joined the On- totalled $117,374,000, showIng of voi and artenies An 1ie 6 omnîl at C avoid costîy competition tarno Regiment as a troopen An a 9'1 ncrease ever sales An human vascular systom. with industry and other n- ~ 97 teresîs. 4 Earnnngs per common ahane Aneliable source said that were 95 cents, up from 86 thr would bo no possibility', cents the previous year. cf the Wesloyville plant being '~ The l2Oth Annual Report, stanted before the plants at .... mailed te shareholdons Mon- Douglas Point and Bath were i day, showed gross revenue completed. from all sources at $126,405,- 000 up $11,432,000, a 10% n- BERT S OW DENPART-TIME ENROLMENT crease over the previeus year. ELECTRICTRLE ATT N 'W Total cf customens An ail TRPE T TRE[ categonies showed an Increase Mr. Mr. Brt Sowdn i;,= ... -----------cf 12,315 An the 12 months, Mr.& M. Bnt nowenThe number of part-timo e reaching a total of 367.826. Ron Glazier students enrolled An the regu- i. V1 ~ c&it and region," ho said. "and 9~ gas te Consumens' customeni N ndicates one cf the ways In abas decreased by 13%. By ,w'sh hat which this ls being done. " contra3t, the Consumns' Prie@ wih h0 f the 280 pant-time stu- Index bas nceased by 25% jdents, 195 are taking finit- e> iAn the same period. the beatr courses, 58 second-yean The report alec noted that thevOIybt courses, 21 third-year courses, largd volume fuel usons - awane and six fouth-year ceouries. of the continuuing public con- Thore are 153 mon and 1271C cern about air pollution - are ~< * ~ flY b.YOUY wemn- sudens enolle switching te clean-bunning . The most heavily attended natunal gai. This trend h cex- cotrseshare 12 Psychoiogy, pected te accole rate as the at Christmc where 112students are cei-pulcone autiro- roild, 8.9 of tîcm An one pulc onen botai Pî mr lution i urban aneas contiues azid lx dcxys t:king Sociology and 43 Eng-teulnspanes ish. net 5 tdnt r usons and health authonities t O O isr nata25stdentsare. A cheery hello to each of you from are recognlzing the virtually to 00of 0! r egi sere d idvn et y osulphur froe composition of cf suyBjcaicluding Amtry- the staff ca n aemn of natural gai which buras with- Economies, French Su Ies u s rsld atra Georgraphy, German. Greek 'by-product.' end Latin, Hlstony, Hlapanic Ths total of Consumere' osophy. Physies and Palitice. U me.. again increased An 1968, fram au n er In ttus academnie yean, Trent r u i 24.477 An 1967 ta 25,205. has increaed the nunîber cf M G e o a d a Ninety-eight per cent of Con- Mv orris aiécon and avening. lange- lnCanda and Cînadians hold ,PRESTON TRM"LTPOR tud en wo mmat.Uxne95ING ST. W. iiîres outtandig. OMNIL MO IG&SOA I :0D.oldApr- i l l iw cd tram $6,439,000 ln 1967 to TmD MORRIS DNMRI 50 i. acy cotr4, HareWaiYê sîZ $,711,000 An 1968. Capital afftrtbd l* iJniveruty and SOe OWMNVLE expenditures fon the. year BOB WILLIAMS for wio ho buaés es drc e $31,000,000 - $20.300.000 1 requleet.t crib t*for distribution f ac iiit At, into hepoeuu bid. o*$6,000,000 for rentai equlp t _ ~1 i Nf y j