Public School Gracluates Receive Their Certif icates at Commencment Exercises Thoe taking part ini the entertaining Operetta "The Christmas Thievei" prnd M te Juanu fliI met. te the Commencment The Canadian Sttouma, Eowumnfl,~ 3 md PllIpMetraIjiér, the. gWr Class, declared how proud h. aud boy with the htghest pro- was of them naw, and as they ___________ _________ flclericy lni grade aeyen. 9zw continued ln furthering their - were prusntsd by Mrs. Paul. oducation, he was mure ho Ine Stot-ko. would be even prouder of them The Squalr Prize for EnIgluh 10 years from now. 1¶ie ev- was presented to Charlotte enlng wii clossd foU<owlng the *'. Broreton by Mr. F. LeGrWshy. slnging et Qed $av@ the Queen. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS BEST WISHES The Holiday Soison Th-e John Scott's Grade Eight Graduates who were presented with their certificates 'N nn r of te imo ed lBettie, Su s an Malkiewicz; the Rickard Award for -ltr Jessup; Louis, Grant Hendry; with hIs presentation, that L~ JJIr PolpopDaleBarrtt:Jlrl, aong with Mrs. Brereton re- jf fI Stephen Selby; Sheriff, Billcivîng an award 23 years ago, Wagar; Thieves, Bob North- "I too was given an award, 45 rup, Philip Metrailer; Emily, years ago. That goes back a Cindy Garrod; Kitty, Jennifer long tîme". Munro, Tina, Karen LaCombe; Widow. Jeanne Michels; Child- TeMnoAadwspe 4 re, Haold ouvir, Biansented by Mir. Munro to the Hoogamp Jae, Crisianstudent he thought contribut- Here's sending you a Seiy; aroerJeaett wa- d the most, by work, be- Christmas g r e e t i ng har, Chris Trop, Aimee Brere - aviour and spirit throughout yth warly wihens ton, Louise Steeves; Reader, h rd ih er n h Stephen D r y de n; Woives award was made ta Gary yutebs.Tak Sammy Glanville and Ger- Majer. for your patronage. main Ladry;Jams, Afie The Lions Science Awards AULI1' Adair;JaJeAam; were made by Lion President - Polly, Angela Lemnick; Mary, oadQiny eevn Shirley Hamilton, and Elsie them were Charlotte Brereton Se aI" h pp Lorie Darling, with many and Reg. Freethy. speciyS o p Sother Young voices niaking up- The Storks Awards were ----------- the choir off stage. ~. In his remarks following the Splay, Mr. Munro gave his thanks toalal the pupils taking part and for tlhe effort of the teachers, Messrs. Brown and » ~~~~ A McMahon, and to Mrs. H. M.t CU LtK IO ~ Munro and Mrs. C. Cronk- wright. "There are other M teachers In the background, Staking charge Of scenery, , makeup and costumes. and Shelping at rehearsals, but these four teachers however, I'm na-ing as they have brought the play ta you." Be also - - ' thanked the Hall Board for ~ The littlest angel is As the star of Bethie- ~'~ making the hall available that ~ evening, and ta Grant Wil.ormesg himafo te s o hs ouci~ carryingou mesg hem guided three wise equipment and bis help, and~ of good che to m ,matespitf finally toalal the parents who and neighbors Crimaladyut Sattended and supported their fred many blessings. effort. ~ail over town. Sincere T u utmr S At this time of the evenîng, th ksfr ouadFied .......................... ast year's grade eight class anpatronage. were asked ta corne ta, theMryChita Platform for their certificte HA OL nCBhLridsta Charlotte Mary Brereton was this year's winner of the WilrmotGod edal of promotion. The names HA O DadBLan Stf that was presented by her mother, Mrs. Margaret Brereton who won the same ercaldotythPrn- CO HToms and Sons Mt. awar duing er choo yerspal, and certificates were V awr d rn h rsco lyer.awarded each student by the "à------- Vice-Principal, Lyle McMahon, the Commencement Ciass were----- Gayie Adair, Darreil Barrett, -Public School Pupils Present Charlotte Brereton, A n n e Clar, DareRDarling, Kathy gg Ds Rche, DrcyDubeau, Diane Embley, Reginald Froee« fine Operetta "(hristmas Thieves bthk, ennIterrNay, Alberta by Florence Tiflson delivered with as mucli plea- Lowry, Gary Majer, Rbr Season's GreetingS, Newcastle-Heartfelt thanks sure by them, the actors, as it McLean, S h i r 1 e y MeLean, ----iand appreciation is exede as received by us, the audi- Glenn Murphy, Wanda Pacey, un1. With every good wish for a the students and staff of ourlIence. No part was too littie Patricia Parker, Karen Peel, ±mll ora Joyous Christmas and a Happy Public School for the time and1 that It didn't add something to Larry Perrin, Dale Powell,rr friends and neighbours. them in front and behind thelgreat that it couldn't be David Shearer, KImn Storks, Brilan, Marie and Dayrell Rowe scenes in their one night per- handl d well by the actors. In Mark Tilîson, Norman Tili son, Duririg this merriest 52-1 formince of the Operetta "The the audience, students not tak- John Whincop, Marsha White,1 saooftey rw - -~~~ Christmas Thlev'es". ing part in the performance Margaret Wilcock, C a t h * y sasno heyaw We would liko ta wish ali Above, I said their effort, lattended ta watch and admire Wright. Donald Wright and,. ihfr o i h As we celebrate His Our relatives, frionds and, but ta those of us sitting in the1 their schoolmates, performing Victor Young. holy birth in a humble neighbours a Merry Christmasi audience, we agrecd It seemed1 like professionals. Even the This was the largest gradu- spiritual blessings of manger, let us rojoice and Happy New Year. ýso easy for them, these stu- youngest pre-schooler lost flo ating grade eigbt ciass ta date, Helen and Charles Aquilina 'dents af Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. interest, as so often happons with 36 students In ail. peace and good will. anew at the promise and Family. 52-1i Their acting and singing were witb a younger cbild. The only The Wilmot Gold Medal wasan odrf Sflaw may perbaps have been presented ta Charlotte Brere- Fred Wind and Staff Christmas. Sthe empty chairs left vacant ton, by ber mothei-, Mrs. Mar- by' parents unabie ta attend. garet Brereton. "It is a great .RIK R U 7»1.., The evening was their los8, honor for me ta give this. R D'S B 1W7as I am sure they would hear award tanigBtA.becausetthi following this play, comphi- soaward ws g i en aue, ______________ Ieto a w nerfu tmeof ments on the entire program. 23 years ago. Then it was yeu a rontank. Aoufor Each actor and actress did awarded for the highest pro- your atMrnage. istanddo! h- is and ber part as a star. ficiency mark In higb schooi, -haa aMer Çhrstms I ~ -However, while hesitating ta now however through the 64 imention one student above years It Is awarded ta a grad Lorne and Wilda Johnson any3 other, there Is aiways one eight student". f~ this performance, thers Was sented the Hooper Music Prizewadestn aundI Mr Pui Srk pr- , JOHNSON'S - ecpto. D YOP la-te Ann Clark and David DRUG STORE great deal ta the evening. With The Coleman Public Speak- ---- ----------lis flack face, black wig and Ing Award went ta a grade - authern drawl, most of bis seven student, Dais Barrett, ~wuuqw time was spent keeptng out and was presented by the !f work rather than doing his Sehool Board Ch alir ma n, isae adhslie er r.GereChr.dIf this boy ~aInaAeàî~ I~ Hffappy Hofil , entetd In comIcal fashlon with does not m:ke a publie spe:k- ad Mytemaigo Toor ai its ability ta add bis drawl er, ho will certainly ae i In this season of can- To or Faily nd antics at just the rigbt fine actor." ho said. Aplaces. Even his classmates. The McMahoa Sports AwarddY canes,hol w hon Dale was introduced at was presented by Mr. Me-, mist]etoe we pause the first Noel light up Hee' o gthat you rnay the end af the play. stepped Mahon ta David Shearer. d'This j to wish you and your your heart with ever- Here's hoprng a~tut front taward hlm applaud- award bas been given always fheyYl- lsîn ecgo find ail tho things you ve i ng oven houder than the audi- ta h oesbwngfamily' a cher ue atn ecg I Ronald Munro, Principal, sport, and that's what David Doreen and Gien Happy holiday!wec ederyetatc p-l. Carolyn and Gordon cerotta, and before the first A man who gave many years JnsFakRs u tf scene was presented, 0 Canada ta work on the School Board. ELMH URST NEWCASTLE Garrod, and Family 1 w au sung. and stihi sliowing keen interest HOE iG R G Takinig part In the Operetta In the schooi and In students. N I EGA AG - 1 wero Jo Katie, Ruth Paterson; John Rlckard next presented -huJ-------~aa~ Communlty and R. lai'Mxd -3317i ve R. Good ____ ___ 2961 L. Pearce _______273 A. Peace _________27 R. Nlicon _____ 264 B. MAl _______254 S. Poadll ______ 241 S. PA eldams _____239 M3. Adarnu _______ 231 M. Pwere_____ _229 . Zwl r ________ 220 S. Alla ..________ 218 . Embhy ________206 J, ihar ______206 M.c Winle ______ 203 Jakor mes_______ 202 M.rdeGry 200 M. Hry Bys172ad00e G. Sauray 240-15 n Oo IJ. Mrhy- 231 Wr.ghl .... ______ 228 W. Fanetaro207 . Forget -_____ 207 M . Tiorget 200 D' . TlS on _______ 120 T. Sharer_______ 182 T. Wicau ______ 182 D. Rickad _______ 82 D. TiHsu n_____ 176 13. flber 176er a e eryCistas -owlea oy Merry Crisîmasnr. - Gladys Ménagers. On Thursday, about 26 girls and boys ln the Junior chais at Satina Public Sehool, jaurneyed by but toe'visit the Christmas FaIryQand ini the Automolive Building at Exhi- bitlon Park In Toronto. Their_ teachot-, Mrs. Kelly, was asaist- cd by Mn. L. Broonis and Mrs. W. Hills on this very enjoyabhe outlng. Several Satina young people took part ln the Festival af Christmas musi c by the pupis of M. J. Hobbu, Senior School ,on Tuesday evening. A large 'number of parents and frlends atlended this very special evening of fine entcrtalnm.ut. Miss Nancy Knox was a guest of Miss Iris Kôezulab at tbe chrlstèning service for ber littie sIster, Nalalie, which took place In St. George's Rrnan Catholic Chut-ch in Oshawa, on_ Saturday aflernoon, and was also a dinner guest wlth the Koczulab'u followingIthecre- mony. Ber niany fionds wtt! b. very happy te boit- that Mns. Frank Gilbert was able te re- but-n home this week aiter spending 12 weeks ln Baw- mnanville Memnorial Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Reed vlited Mr. and Mn. Frank Westilake on Wednesday aite- noon. Congratulations te Mr. Ted Br-ome on bis winnlng hi. Senior Swimniing Award aI IPine Ridge Sehobl durlng the Mrt. Ken nez and Mr. Don Wesblake frcm Univensity cOf rGuelph, and Miss 1begg il- son, University of Terônlo, are spending their Christmas vacations with Ibeir familles. We are vît-y glad te hein that Mr. Dougl]as Lynde atr-ny ed home mcom Oshawa General Lopial on Tuesday and wish hl scomplete returnt 14>good health lu the very near future. Misses Janet and Heathe- Million are spending a iewi day, holiday. witb their sunt, Mn. Murphy ln Toronto. On Tuesday aiternoon. Mus Pearl Leach invlted ber neigh- bot-s ln for a Christmas tea party. A soeW 1heur wau en- joyed during tbe loveiy lunch- con snd a Jelly exehange of "Me-ty Christmas" greetinga. All thme bleuings oai- Chrismas uaion la wlshedth EdItor and Staff and ail lth Statesman rendors. 0" CAOU TOBAW tàrougb 874TE8NM4 CLASIou-nO AND FAMILT 'W. I .- -. It ig our wish that this holiday season will bring peace on earth ..good will toward aIl men. Quinney's Barber Shop Moendai' Ladias - 2»mad Over R . C o u c b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 9 5 D. Langslaff 273 J . A r d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 8 9 F . L u n n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 46 B. Major _______ 230 B. Partuer ______ 298 M. Taylor .______ 235 J. Allen ______ 234 J. Martin ______ 233 H. Couroux ______218 D. Meret- _______216 D. Neal ._______ 209 G . C o u ch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 205 C. Pickering 204 I. Brown - 201~ Tuenday, Mon 22aMd Over - B. Burley- 276 G. Cûwling 276 M. Henry _______270 J. Bruton _______ 208 G. Kimball_______256 W. Fliatof _ __ _ 255 R. Good ______ 255 B. Farrow _____249 G. Watson 24g B. Glanville - ----- 231 Newtonvilie Ladies 175 and Over A . V o qe ls . . _ _ _ _ _ 2 5 5 L. Sutherland - - 238 A. Hollen ______ 227 LWillemu ______215 J. Haill ______ 205 G. Hughes . . 2n2 H . W iile nis _ _ _ _ _ _ 190 M Tuck. ___-189 W. ftahnie ______ 184 M. Harr-uis _______ 177 I. Storey .- 175 and Over M. Couch ______274 J. Chard_______ 243 H. Farrow _____233 A. Dubeau ______231 G. MoNair ______226- D. Ibbotson ______2231 B. Glanvihi _ __ __ __220 R. Powell -______ 218 GxREETxprIOg That you .mray have a' fun - filled Christmas, together with friends and loved ones, is our wish at this time. Touli nd Don Van Tassei Queon's Hotel, YOÏZW tJ May the real love of' Christmas be yours to now know, just as it was a long time ago. FRIEDA and JACK; JEFFREY Honey lUoIlow Restaurant MDRYCIRISTmAS " n To Our Family To you and your iam- and Friends: ily, Merry Christmnas! And thank you warm- We're joining ly for the pleasure of in sending having served you. greelings to o îs AR rS ail. May peace BERNARDS be yours. GARAGE Marion and and taffand Fami IHAY-OIA Santa season'sý ne and- and joy' Fred le Iy- Since Christmas is a time for friends ta remember each other, we'd like ta wish aur customers a very happy holiday season. To Our Customers k Garrod's \~ Coffee Shop As the Christmas glow adds to, the spirit af the season, we lhink it a fine limne ta thank ail aur cuslorners for their very loyal and friendly patronage. A Merry Christmas ta ail! Newcastle Cernent Block Season's festivlties re- mae& Meajy to! ,sprit- these occasffls brlng jo: Florence and Bruce TiIIson of Dy il - =.-i May Christmas this year be f illed with peace and content- Ment for you. and your family. ALF and VICKIE GRAY and Family c6tw ( Qwtàtq 11L-