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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1968, p. 12

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The Canadian Statesman, flowmanville, r ,Speaks at Rotary Luncheon former TeachE Says Developii Need HeIp. No% customC fGini's Ha-cïir Fashion. 2DIVISION ST. BOWMANVI r- - r ~ To ail ou W'~;;ronsgood friends an parn... sincere wishe çp wx-for a very Merry Christmas Jack Burgess Plumbing &Heating BOWMANVILLE + (27~ ý* t4 4»9 k4 4 4 44.1pf Greetings to cil our pat rons . .. if's been ci pleaisure serving you. Merry Christmas! WILLIAMS ELECTRIC Phone 623-5149 43 Prince St. Der. 25, 1988 It ad Inthose areasof ner[at Owerd. where 1 was toi DTD t'jl G. Sowden. Mrs. Hughes andL esttoCandawhee aritechGeography to senior 1 FVLLLIJ.LIJI'IMrs. McMilian. hnia a keitsetatn, ac.Tussuen! Congratulations to Mr. andý A letter fram aur foster j Ceylonw iea, h aribban hment af 350 male Ibos. Thei ried- an Saturday. Mrs. Leeled that aurhoy had quit school 'ee.~ COmonwalt ca rlb e nhast governmentl Is the one was the former Phyliss Me-i and entered an apprenticeship Were the chief recipients. 'that requests and places per- Cullough, agtro M.adS ehad ta decide an anoth-,u D ner bi-ate ai id an- sannel. Becatue af the num - Mr. St ney M cCullough and er c ld r. H g e p k j l u 3 f r?, r 11in B ia fratC ian aid was focused In the erous channels Involved and Bruce is the son af Mr, and tai us on ber trip ta Michigan'GD R A Na !rly years on such areas as because the local situation Is Mrs. Bruce Lee Sr. at the A.C.W.W. held in the' food suPPlY, power develop- sametimes not studied closely; Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, summer. She showed slides, ment, resource surveys an the adviser may find that he Ajax, were Sunday guest.s of also Mrs. D. Horner displayeci n g N V T O S euationariu.alya te handicapped inth assist- Mr-. and Mrs. Ted Fitzgerald. jOemd decorations hand the supplya eahr ndwi a te palm. Wiley was guest speak-; The minutes were read and equipent. er at Burketoni on Sunday. He appraved. Mrs. Ross Beatty UNuimet."This was the situation In was muoh appreciated, having had the 4H1 Club exhibit se ~~> v*Te last example of Can- MY case. nhe Principal, wOQeXV retu adian aid named has always was English and taugbt egieor Pry gd hegveu a com- num ber of years. Next Sun-! ment on it. We also saw their benemphasized. Peetday;rpy had no idea that I Lugee wllb EU~UIV(FROM PAGE ONE) be rsn ahwsday Prof. Luhe l aosad h vole sit power." Mr. Bail said, and he agreet e oeadmr ab atdt i col back again. and jumpers which they hadý addd hatth Caomo Panemphasis on technical assist-! had no need of a geagraphyl Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, made. Lunch was scrved and as edth et the Colbora- ance. This Includes the send- teacher; accordingiy for- the Orono, were Sundav night Mrs. L. Muldrew had one of. ing abroad of advisers, tech-; first three months at supr uws fMr.W hrjelleset tion In 1954 af the counitries. nicai experts and professai-s. i 50 per cent af my teaching was I Bpr gt. fMs.W ejeld ewhschrai aboe entond.and the bringing ta Canada af spent atempting ta teach two; Mr. S. Ramsay with Mr.~.'" .For eiglht years following foreign students for training Congolese French speaking stu- and Mrs. Ralph Iron, h tb Several attended the funeral ~ t. rI. nception the Colombo Planî and Instruction In Canadianr dents, English. These students 1Mr-. John Cousins, Oshaw, owmte a ile anTs A. r n! w as Canada's anly bilaterai 'educational and technical insti- were an scholarslhlp ta Ni- spent the weekend with M r.. aid pi-agi-ar and It stili con- tutions. gei'ia. Chester Hoskins andd Mi-. and Parents, Mr. and Mi-s. S. Hal-'y tnues ta receive a large par-; "In 1967-68 expenditure for "The situation improved the! Mrs. J. Sinclair and famlv. loweil had lived in Elizabeth- !'y Stion ai Canadian funds. Dur- this type af aid amounted toi next term when the principal' Mrs. Fred Tabb cellebratied vleanme iyasao L.~ in g the fiscal year ending 10 per cent af ail assistance,! went home ta England an her birthday party t, March 3lst, 1968, af the $202.7 rendered thraugh blateral leave. Mr. BýaIl said. He told an Saturday, Dec. l4th, with' __ millions in direct allocations. agreemen~t,; Some 850 ex-te lb ht under the bilat-r 15 guests, neighbors and S TARK VILLE ! Colombo Plan cauntries i-e- perts and advisers were serv- eral agreement the hast couni- friends attending. She receiv- Yhita reig amount Indian and Pakistan tutions same 2,600 averseas and hard furnishings, and he Lunch was provided. > r eeived $132.000000,a(hs).a r a I1Cn da nt- ty age d t r vd o sng e a y b a tfl pes ns a E ey n !V- receved$s1tu0,oo. , s were receiving ed uca-, added that the bouse provid- This is the gladsome Season M rs Between 1958 and 1964. tion and training. ed for him and bis family was And irthink ofIfÊthe H IiI Canadian aid 'vas extended ta ' From 1964-1966 1 served In In tihe school compound. BrLZ BE HVL E n rethin iteHl incud te ariben egonEascîî>ii)N,,ý,ria, now knownr "In addition ta the provision 1I WenGad sent to us lis Son V5 EV~. fJthrough the Cmowatýas Biafra, Linder thue Externall of Iousing the hast govei- iSari-y ta hear ta r.'nagl agGowl n Assstace rogamCOm i id rdgrai. wa poted1 mnt asrequired ta pay fori Henry Sheppard is in the bas-j Peace on earth. ILE monwealth Africa thi'ough 'b 1teFdrl Mnity 0 h rve iteavsr n ia.rAlthough the warld seemse ROSS JACKMAN& STAFF the Special Commonwvealth Education at Lagos ta the bis dependents within the hast On Wednesdav afternoon the, upset wàktib.African Assistance Plan, the: Government Secondai-v School country and the transportation Wonien's Institu te heid their And Uts ways we do flot V$ I French speakin g states 0foa h is p erson al ef ects In th a t ec m er m etin g at th e h om e ; k now , ~O D R N W Y A ' A l ~ jNorth and West Africa and: Mlaf Mi-. and Mi s. Ross Beatty. We have oui, Living Saviour R E N W Y A l CORSAGES EA s > Latin America. Naw Can- 4 Sliyadtasa-iinrThe President, Mrs. Quantrilli As cameteidnslg o. 1 adian aid ispratiallrun-andethetiing log go.PHO E 23-36 Is pracasts aaandfronite has presided. A gaod number at- May this be a Mer-y Christmas, H N 6336 verai as ny cou tr 15 elg-country were pad for by the' tended. The oll call was For al peoples near and far, Ible for deveiapment asistance. aainGvrmn.Oe Oui- F a v o r i t le Christmas1 And Peace prevail throughout 9) "Canada's External 1960 ' salai-y was based upon the Recipe". Many good recipes;' this land, ~ 162 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE off~ice was established in Aid0. salai-y that ane wauld fiairn-r were given' Oui- presidentIA-s r ame ta wise men ledý A 198its name was chang- aly hvereciveehd aOure-visitai-s, Mrs. T. by Bethlehem's star. . i _î- i ed ta the Canadian Interna ~ .mie nCnd.A vr ~ tinal evelpmet Agncy.~ . seas living allawance was also T'he Hon. Mitchell Sharp, ~ provided. Secretary of State, In expiain- . "Cantracts were signed on a X'i ng the change. pointed out: y . two-year basis. A leave of 'T -en years ago aur afflua' aid on mnt wa povde""th fprogram xvas running at the d4g n othwa rvdda h 111 level of $73.000.000. Oui- Ca- m enn" 'O'" o the fi-st contract year. i el lomaPa earos ih~.' .~I u-case oui- leave was ta - ilb the n eationsth nd sath , Zurich, Switzerland. For ad- east Asia was in Its seventh r e ves in the Carbbeantno * year of growth. and we had r just begun ur assistance ta . lmate there Is fot as dii-r 'vith$3,000,000We had flot the other regions where adv s- Y begun ta help the English- IT g. speaking or the French-speak- 1"Oui- con tract ended In June 111[ , MAS tir g nations of Aft-ica and we 1166 a~nd we leit Nigeria at VQi~5 hdno plan for Latin Arn- ta i Shortly atrad id erica. Oui- contributions ta the country was plunged into - ýmultil2teral agencies w e r e l eodmltr op es slightly more than $6,000,000. .massar miliftaeIyboup and I- 1 uhbas happened since. ally these were ta becomeI rMi. Sharp cantînued 'This îsomeaui the chief causes for 1!~ yeai's pragram wili-un in PA E O AT the secession ai Biaf-a fi-arn exeso! $350.000.000 extend- the federation and the traglc e ieInan effective, ca-ordinated " GOODVVLL TO MEN Nigerian-Biafran war. ~ oirn taAsia, Ai-ica and "Cnadian aid ta Nigeria Latin America. One dollar in Ucotnebtastae ta seven will go ta support the 1I i-RO Eastern Nigeria under the In-r pragrams ai the World Bank, Pain ters & Decorators ternatianal Developrnent Ag- 4. the developmen t agencies 0i encybsbe tpe n h the U.N. and the newîy creat- 18 Mill Lane advisers rernoved. Having liv- ed ]ending Institutions. Te dI iar ndtuBtIo activiis Bhchw r ~~OWMANVILLE e nBar n agtIa I~aI~. vive in th name aeinvi- I arn sympathetic ta their volvd Inth ýnam, ofciviiz-cause, although I ar n ot i ~aia tia a- no langer aid with .-.. cent agreement wlth - tscnoations af hand-out t 1<atis aý,nd hand-up but ai-e Interna- . the tactics.sevIg tinldeveiopments In the abraad pi-avides many Inter- truest sense ai partnersh V . esting experiences, and pi- Th e aefroradmin- vides an excellent background Istrating agency reflects aur when teaching the geography ;~ ~ V T'W" dedication a purpose'.oa W est Africa," M i. Bal said. T Î r ~ ' " "Canada's aid programs con"nt- dcd hedvlp sit o! multilateral and bilat-"nti ea hedvlp eral assistance. Through mul -1~ntosae ecigfra tilateral aid Calada is con-eerfaberrtesfprOfss tribtingneary $3,000000They cannot take their time f~b u Bank. O! hehsvescrgh bo u s a n this year. The largest amount, ae n hi ouaini gra hs little more than $15.000 000 raesad herpoultonI goes ta the International De- growing mucb faster than velapment Association, the ours did wbile oui- ecanorny soit-boan agency o! the World utxIsoen o pt hf . tin t eeng their people. And in Ws/iflah /a verca /l zed nations Canada provide"nmnsites ain trsavr nrr ûiblS tii- s ta IDA by t e i dust-la. ~ th1eir Industry does not pro- îa, littie mai-e than five per1 vide enougb jobs. fa eg e Ca1.nada 1Isaso cantributing .sareresaurces must be used $075 million ta the UN De- -.ta have people fi-rn stai-va- - * ~ rgm cr-eato! T hi piogars .tîon and malnutrition toa -mal -rilhilC WC. velopment Pi-agi-ar. ThnsU T gthe largetstofteporm Vu,- not for growth tamorrow. The« canrd ouct under UN auspices ~ '. develpng nations need help ,av taeinmt iltligs ai is fnds i-eIf they are going ta mave lidevoted ta technioal assistance Mabead in the short tirne In'w a csr u and feasibil ty studies . ... w ich they m ust pr g -ess If in r a i g y w c a m a u e a r . -S o m e o t h e r m u l i la t e r a l c o n - , t b e i - e a b0 1 t a1s r v i v e -Lpu-ru isaiyear, snowung an mnefotwith some 6,500 F' 4zIncrease ai $38 million aver the 0" aaI a servlng a b ro ad 0 1967-68 pi-agi-arn. :under their auspices. "e as Postrnaster Generai "7 nIncreasing - foreig afI support bas gone ta Can - *Eicnsiuesls stan , onall adiarn University Service Over«4, aione per enthai Cnada'sf r!sea s (CU SO ), a private bod'ygr s nai al p d ct Th uatestechniai, an otherV~,. jgavernrnent prarnised ta boost e..2 *pos.tsecnay calanstitu -,- ilthis figure ta one per cent by Iý os-sconar shol Isttu N1970. I leave the question ' 7 tions and bas nearly 1.000 vol-wih1yu 'are we doing . conracs O tw ver Venouh ?" Mi. Bail concluded r iotat n 40 countries. ~Dr. AlnB. Sylvester mav- 4 "8) Assistance and encouredavoea thanks toMr. Balil r- agement in the creation ln'fdr vl)elIhnigars. canjunction with CUSO ari To frhselgtnn drs..r, Canaian xecuive ervie iPresident Blil Thiesburger ex- j Caadin Excutve Srvie *pressed bs personal apprecia- Overseas (CESO), a non-profitOu intthgessparad orgaizaton dsIgnd tomakepresented Mr. Bail with a gift available the service af top 1 eet ibsvstt ranking Canadian business and Nfari.y ath e me club. vsi t Iprofessianal men on short i1 The hockey draw winners Iterm asslgnmnent ln develop F were Stewart McTavish, Presi-r -'Ing caunt.ries. Frîens "9 Grnst rjcsad dent Thiesburger and Dr, A. orga~niztios tlnpietandasW. Harris. President Thies- wel asdontios t arasur Best Wishes burger donated bis tickets toa stricken by disasters.1 praceeds given to the club'sI r"HIowever, the bulk ai Cana-.I communultY wark. Don Mur da's economie assistance ta less ray was the raffle winner. deeipe cuntries Is granted *Guests at the luncheon meet- under direct partnershîp be' J ry & U uai igweeSfferenJ.E twere anaa n idviua VV Closs, OPP, and Henry Dyks-1 gavei-nments. This I j a. BowmnlIe; I-rne Mac-'KNGE sistnce 1 Tave Agecy ewton, Enniskillen; George «'Ois assistance given ln î Scotch, Toronto; H wrI IG ST.E 1967-68 appraximateîy 80 per MauelandKe Makle aI a Icntwntt cutre Bowmanville Smith, Bob Witzell, Percy; mnent's Policy to concentrate----------- braadAtRed ot Bowm an ville ~'"?.and happy, easy, safe motoringi We take this opportunity to thank our manY friends for their loyal Patronage during the past year. LIBERTY (ftso)SERVICE Clarence Beaudry & Staff 114 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville 4

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