Tota Ove $1750.O rTwas the Night Before Christmas by Jlm O'Neill, Smlths Falls Record-News IL.C.W. Tea Resuits So Goodj'wstengtbfrChimaad ltrohte [N4ft1veryone Stood and Sang 'Praise God from Whom Ail' Mrs. K. Sumersford, Presi- MIrs. E. Colwell in Brazil, Ghana in a -village of 2000- dent, was in the chair for the with the hope that they will 3000 people, building a cern- Christmas meeting et Trinityarieteei iefrmnycnr.Mtralwe U.C.W. The Thank-Offeringarv tee in tm frrupitdy ete Materimere Tea results were se reward-, Christmas. Please save stamps supphied by tvhe ovenen ing our president asked aIl te for the Leprosy Mission, ny- people lived in. a house in the stand and sing "Praise God Ions for Korea, and used village, ate the food native te from w.hom ail blessings:Christrnas cards for Brazil. the country, and worked flow", followed by the U.C.W, These may be left in the S5.5. aîong with the village people theme seng "Joy, Jey down* i Hall any time. January aP- in building this centre. John my heart." The total is now pears te be a busy month withshowed excellent pictures et eover $1750.00O and gives ample U.C.W. Executive meeting on' the summer activities, which, * reasen for praise and thiank-' JanuarY 10th, General meet- along with his cornmentary, Fgiving. The success ef this ýing Jan. 21st wýith installation brought the story "Crossroads ; venture could onîy corne of officers, and Jan. 29th the Africa" very clearly te our about by aIl the women ef congregational pet luck SUP-2 mincis. The Ghanains were v i 4our cengregation supporting it per and meeting. exceedingly hospitable and n such a wouderful fashion. John Twist, B.A., oui- spe- generous te the greup and The minutes were approvedi. cial speaker for the afteî'noon, the porsonal contacts made 'Z~. the financial report given was introduced by Mrs. El- during the summer were very F <~YN 4and accounts passed for pay- Mer Cox. Me is presently at-: worthwhile. Mrs. Austin Wood * ,mnt Rhlcal astaentending Queen's University thanked John for bringing May your hohidays £ clip sheets and calling lists and he cornes te Lis to tell us this worthy project te our be truy blesed Kgiven the -varlous uinits. The ýof his surner spent wilh Christmas meeting. wrhp I itein reporting read a Ca." This is a volunteer ini- ,ervt vscnutd b stery whicb reminded us te eednoranzto tr- Unit 10. Christmnas carols be more thoughtfl etfour. ed by a mani in New Yorîki were sung led by Mrs. K. N i iSshut ies. Thea Lierature Çeýi:Yu T spread ino Canada! Sumersford with Mrs. Rabb B~uty Salon ~ nin broughht toou~r atteinAeia-W2:t 1j~ ~JÇ~ od~ ~kZ~tn BOWMANVILLE library are there for al te They were locatr'd in srnall Mrs. Orville Osborne gave theil rd. A parcel of now bocks groups, in small villages'rmeditation and Mrs. Ralphl -~~u-- unhave been sent te Rev. and throughouIt Africa. Most pro-, CanpbeI1 read a very appro- -e( ts were of a construction1 pria te poem. 4nature in rural villages)ý Tea and a social hour con- Baby, nething was happenin' - Real quietsville, Dad ! There were ernaments strung round on the espresso bar And one dangled from Arthur (Like that's my guitar.) And our sweatsox were hung because, man, like I mean, We hoped NickN Baby would soon make the scene. Mether turned down the sound On the hi-fi and then She curled up on the floor with a volume of Zen. And the pad xvas real quiet and peaceful and still - Then suddenly BANG - it was GANGBUiSTERSVILLE. Man, from way out in space camne a pow.erful roar, That was so loud it biasted us right off the floor ! 1 lest all my cool and my console slamrned shut, 1 was se bugged I dropped my best stereo eut. Like I couldn't feature what sounded that %vay, Se I forgot my turtleneck, shades and beret. And I ran te, the window (my knces were both quakin') Like I stuck my head eut to observe what was shakin', The snow down below on my sad old Dodge Three Make that heap look like a Jag XKE I Iooked up in the sky, and what scene did I dig, But eight wild baby elks and a ('hrorne-plated rig. A fat Iittle pilot with a Gabby Hayes heard And a big tenor sax - Wow, like man), it was wcird, His frarne was ail cevered with red, white and fur And 1 thought that he looked like a swýitigin' Ben Iiur. But lhat fat man was wailini', like 1 don't mean ma-ybe, So 1 knew in a flash hle was o'd Nic&ky Bab. "This gig's behind schedule," 1 heard irin exclairn«. Then he called ahl his elks hy a real cainip name. "Go Ringo! Go Tonte! Go Flash and Sahu ! Go Batman ! Go Bogie! Go Mutt 'n Jeif ton !" Then down they a]] pranced. seven tons on the hoof, And it looked like a discotheque ont on rny roof. Nicky made for the chimne', and flashed a big grin, Yelled "Geronimno Daddy" and POW, heoJollinb. ~d', acin c on I meeing ___ cioud cf dust. *I-i.s grab bag was se stffer,1 thought il,.ol ut Nort umb rlan Du hamThon marn. like a flipped when hi, cpened tha, ial And said "Look what l'm fixin' te lay on you, ýJack." He had eneugh jazz equipment te stock a whole band, Health Unit Report A solid goid trumpet, a cool baby grand. TheCharma ]' aton nd he edial Se we got up a combe- Zowie il, was kicks! North umberîandci Durham ; Offîcor of Health is pîeased te And old Nicky sat In and hoe blew some great licks. Board of Health :help In thîs way. Assistance We playod set. afier set until dawn's oarl.y hright, Cobourg. Ontariolis given in this programme by And it, soundod like Birdland on Saturdav night. Report for November, 1968 1the Northi.tmberland -Dtîrhamn And then Nickv said "Cool il. liko baby, this is it, Communnicable Disease 'Tuherculosis and Health As- O1 70 diseases reported duhr- sorlation. The sun's coming up and this cats got to F;plit," *ing the month, 47 were chick-' Durham (.'ounty wîîîil have ' Sne.o Oued up our socks and we- thankod hlm a lot, enpox and 14 mumps. The its programme cf hocaf tostingil And hoe uttered 'Shazarn" aur] teck off lilie a ý-hot. balance were whooping cough, b inCe spring of 1969. In the Me jumped mbt the fireplace, gave eut, with a \vhistle, iGerman measîes, salmoneliosis, moantime, considorable lm- An lsestag Àpli aoidflmsl. 'dysentery and meningococ'cal bmunization has been done bv Ahn laed stprignh pbugikeansd fue el rm ssîe. , imeningitis.' the nursing staff in some of hnh opr bhshgvadwohadhmsot Twelve rabidi animais werel the schoois In this rou nty. Ap-j "Up, up and aa, and hie rpallv movrd out. reported hy laberatory find-! prcxbmately a sixth cof murs- Asie sailid mb orbit, hlled."Ile Ho ! Ho!T ings during Che month -- sixî ing lime was spent on clinic MryCrsmst Iadt i o( skunks, tihree bovine.,w ox ek Y es and one canine. Rables var- Audiometry cine fer preventive treatment b Hearing tests were conduet- l f five persons was dispensed i ed in Port Hope, Cobourg and te the family physicians. 'Camphollford, and In Bright- During the fiî'st i1I months'on, Mulrv P ope, Aînwickj ~ ~ot 1968, a total of 47 rabid an- and Seymour Townships, ~ ~'Imals was reported. as foi]Ows:1 A total cf (980 tes ts were car- ~< skunks 17. foxo" 13, bovines 9, 1 riod out , ndicating that 20 de- V dogs five and one each for cat, i fects wr stihi present, six herse and sheep. The maeit new dopfeets were found andb were from Darlington and six retests were found te be c-s Seymour Tewnships. normal. Tluherculosis i;nvironmental sanitation j There were 86 per-sonsR ouieanu ispcin x-rayed at, the four chest cli- les l'ld 0 Bwmavile. obcf funeral homes and embalm- Hope, Camphellford and Co-inrom aencssr de Tho FEmbalmers and Funeral bourg. Neonel cases woreb Dirertors Art for reoewa eti diagnosed .Pprsons receling lcne oerieAt h drugtheapyfortho reamen 14promnises within the United ~~ '~~~y c~f poephylaxis cf tubercuiosis,;Ctn iswe'bnpc.e1n 4 attend these chies for super- r vision and provision of theleotdo.a eteae quacy and saoitary conditions necessary drugs. N of emhalming rooms, drainage During Octeber and Novem- fclte o ipsic lis ber 1917 students were giveni aiiis o vpsi fnis a tuberculin test and of these' entilation, receptacles andi b convenincl i n s t r u ni e ots,; inel nine or 0.4% were posi-ifosadwasanacme- itive. Six ef these hadt receîv - fdti ad wlsTnhccm ed B.C.G. vaccine and twe datioand equpment. Te camefro anohercounry.renewal cf licences was recem- __________cameended fer ah stabcoshtents _______This is a very low percentage mne o i salsmns and Indicates Chat the tuber- The tîsuai late tali]rush by ~culosîs centrol programme in home bulgcotractors te ~this Health Unit aiea bas been have private sewage disposaii successtul over Che years. svstemrs installed prier te PuleHealth Nursing freeze.-up necessitatedi 126 In- To our friends and patrons The public healtinrsings pertions, 14 re-iiispectionq of! we ishyouthebes duingtheprogramme continues te lbe the installations. and 43 Iayout.s wews o h etdrn h same throughout.Cheo wo roti- fri proposed Installatitons. The rntîrii fpiaeswg ties, although there is anme contru tnoms ris dseour- disposai ssesl ietr colming Christmas and New Year variation In tm fIm iz-aofo in sufficient staff te carry these after the grnd is frezen. t. G;eneral Remarklq The heaf testiîg programme 1)r. Ilorner aund Miss Flax-r JEFF EY S UPER TTE 0sunarlycomnploteri in Nort.h- man speut, a verv Ioteresting: JEFFREY'S SUPERETT Grade 2. 9 and Healtîi. Ottawa. Miss M. Brad- 83 LIBERTY ST. S, 1 t aei n ail scbools. The fordi, Direetor cf the Home eachers and hil staff are Services Department and Dr.b aise tested, if prevteusly thi- B. P. Harris, Assor. Medical 13OWMANVILLE berculin negative. The prof Offirer' ot Heaith were very ,'.1 eft tîiberculio test er x-ra', is heîpfuî in discussing geriatrIcý _____ ---------------------_ a rquiemet of the Board of programmes being carried on i ~~' ' SMrs. J. Sadleir, public health, otî31nrse, Cobourg, attender a i oeeday seminar at Peter-! ' horough Civie IHospital on Tu- VIibe rruiosis and Respiratory . , , ., SDiseases. This was under the a uspices of the Peter-, borouîgh anr] County Tuber- ' f culîisi Association and Mrs.~ SSa lier's atteîidaîîce xvas nmade possible through the North- b1 un îblerýlatid-DlJuîliarnTubet-cul- estis and] Ilealth Association, Miss Coogan, assistant suîper-b Viser, and Mrs. Minaker, pub- ý ~ Il lic health niurse, Port Hope mu Iloffice, were at a four-da.y Il 1111 l Ilcourse held at the Inn on the IIJ ~ fl ~Park, Toronto, on the use ef Thscus vshî]b hRegist.ered Nurses Association ef Ontario, for ail nurses as- sociated with tearhIng. On- tarie health grants are avail- able for- nurses attending suchj courses. The Department et PhysicalA Medicine, tUniversity nt To ron- te, held a seminarInsec Christmas brings thoughts of old 1~dsres nTrne hs -was atteîîded by Ms roe od ties ad ai *,, **SThese cou ferences are under r friens, god tiesan ailthe direction et Dr. C. M. God-i frinds gowhoIn16an194hl m = s. .G d lv fo t'" best in life. May speech clinies in Cobou.rg for. .a.s n Ythe chiidren of the two coun-I ties. this Christmas add richly CalteM. Marner, B.A, MD.,D.P.H., to your store of happy memories. anf tirer eat ___ OÂawa mi Let us rejoice in the Message of the Season. COLLISS ELECTRIC Shirley and Jim Colliss and Staff BOWMAN VILLE p ve gather together with ffiends and loved ones Dmes, may we remember the real mcanitig of> e us . .and inay ourhearts bc fd1edwith joy!, PkdLd elId. il W. J. Henry and Staff U TO PICK UP OUR GIFT CALMNAR SHOWROOM OR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Il fi mm KEDRON TheCanadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Dee. 25, 1068 (Intended for last week) ing on her accordion. and Mr. Orvel Jackson. Erect On Saturday aft.ernoon the! On Sunday eventng the Ked- ed in a framework of century' IKedron Junior Sunday Sohool ro his it r e ld cedar rails, It wifl speak of' classes enjoyed their Christ-! Densham as guest soloist, pre-! Cth mas party in the Lower Hall.i sented the cantata "King F or-1th true meaning of Christ- nhe chlldren entertained theirI ever, sung In a candlelight 1 mas to church-goers and casuaL pirents with songs and poems setting. The music was con- passersby for many ýyears. ,end enjoyed a lunch and a ducted by Mrs. Grant Hunter i There will be a Communio~ gif t from the hands of Santa and accompanied by Mrs. Ross Service on Christmas Eve beil - Cl aus. Lee. glnning at 8 o'clock at Kedrni*' 1 In the evening the Senior A new Christmas Meature at United Church with ReZ-,, iSunday School pupils present- Kedron United Church 19 the Kenneth Deer and Rev. Allan ed skits and plays before a ca- creche erected In front of the Barnes of Columbus takinSý pacity crowd. Rev. Kenneth church on Saturday. The part in the service. A Watcý-.-. i Deer entertained at both con- figures were cut eut with the; night Service at Columbùs, certs In the guise of Tiny Tim, assistance of Mr. Ronald! United Church on New Years - singing "My Here" and "'rip- Werry, Mr. Douglas Love and! Eve wIll also be shared by the0 tee Through the Tulips". Mrs. Mr. Bob Presser. The paintingi two cemmunities. There wilt Deer conducted the singing of was done by the Sunday be refreshmetL served in týhe« Christmas carols, and Patti School classes of Mrs. Doug- Township Hall prier te the Resnak accempanied the sing- las Love, Mrs. R. S. Bishep 'service. 1 oDd