rlh. Canadian statesman, newmanvtTe, Dee. 23, 1088 ELL RE T -SWA H RE- - - - SL - T WAP- - kIR Births Cards of Thanks CmngE ns FoRetWr W td Rei- - -- --- _____ ns o en ok atd elEstcrte for Sle Real Estate for Sale DENNIS-Mervin and Irene Sincere thanks to frlends and Turkey Shoot to be hedaP 1 TMNT, ground floor, (nee Knapp) wlshi to announce neighbors who were most 'The Acres Restaurant, New!centa.Poe6350.A. B A A R SJonFDW h W rkRelEae the arrivai of their son Michael thoughtful during our recent, Year's Day, startlng at 1' Jon_.___ 52-1rnkRel stl Tdd, 2 lsý 14 ozs., at Memorlal sad bereavement. o'clock. 51___u bng&Haig-ALETT II ]Hsitl Bwavil, n51-2t n Mr eabatr LOVELY 2-bedroom apart- Pu bn &HaigREALETT I ED LImITED HositlBownavlleond Dance. _Tyrone ment. ln quiet building, ail Poe6372 urday, December 14,' 1968, a 52-1!ICommunity Hall, Satu rday, i services supplled, securlty de- 3' Nelson St. Bowmanville REALTOR REALTOR parents are Mr. and Mrs. H.1 To my many friends and Dec. 28. Round and square, posit $25. Phone 623-5888.38f1FrnSt-Bomnil21KgS.WBwanie W. Knapp and Mrs. Marielneighbours many thanks for ýbes yMdih 9fBVNAVLEPoe6331 623-3393 Dennis, Yarmouth, Nov aitheir lovlng thoughtfulness ln - --j 521* ---GROUND floor, heated, two 4ARSwt 0ronMrie saaadDisrc Scotia. Speclal thanks to Dr.1edn Crsmscrs oM NTRBN Obero,3pe ataat- A O BDY rik home. 011 heated. 3-pce.1 Real Estate Board McKenzle, Dr. Spears and Ma- ail, Season's Greetings. THRDYNGT 'lc ent, in the quiet Octagon, bath. Frpae an s-16Ace-OswaAe teritystaf. 2-1Esher Clydal. 5-1 Sponsored by the Junior No children. Appy M. Irw n, Phone 623-7411 ng $16,500. Ask for Jan Oud- 2 storey brick 9 room ouse, .< P~ PASCOE-Loran and Betty I wish ta thank relatives, Chamber of Commerce Port Hope, Phone 753-2370 or 4-t shoorn. ban41 0 trago ol announce the arrivai o'f their tors, nurses and staff for their _____OSTEAWR -t LOU______S____brickWANILE 4bhroomet.490(ne011e ae hesd rind ndneghors Ba-th-EEPAIlO 63-51.521AEERLOres bic hm. iOhetdhBah-walstd t , ems z hl nHl atdroom. Centrally located. Ask- Ace-Ohwara son, Dale Loran. 7 Ibs.3 ozs., kindness and help hien Plan now to have New Year s HlVne CONSTRUCTION îgs8sowt 400dw.2soe rc oe ag ~ et Memorial Hospital, Bow- Memorial Hospital. Season'sDinner at The Acres Res- DMSI epwntdt rc lok-SoeBnce1850at %.4Ca00 oic. bars, tondsbriakmostm le inanville. December 20, 1968. Greetings. ta ura nt, Taunton Road. Serv- eI~ Tha ks to r. K. Sle on and L na Hea d. S2 l~~~ g din er fr m 1 ~ -ive in fam lly hom e. Phone and Fireplaces paveci road frontage. Excel- 1~ ________D._.__________ena ____52-___ ___nr rom12 oo BRIGHTON: Two new 3 bed- o.$5Oo-Trs Maternity Staff. 52-1 8 p.m. For reservations tele- 62-35 _ 12 hn 2-76roomn brick bungalows. 011 Mr. and Mrs. F rancis phone 263-8421. 51-2' BABY-SITTER wanted for1 Nash Rd., R.R. 3, Bowmanville heated, 4-pce. bath, with love-j 154 Acres- Kendal Hiuis Area Death.sGenereaux (nee Zena Ander-- -_ _ ___- New Year's Eve. Telephone 39-tf ily fireplace in living room. 16 roomn home, barns 30 x 70, son) sincerely thank their Wove omu yCnr'623-5610. 52-if Asking $17,800 each. Ask f or 30 x 20. Implement shed, LEWIS-Suddenly nt 20 1' many friends and neighbours MO SE BNHRE'S-VO-UR -KEYT SEPTIC TANK Jan Oudshoorn. pn.Lrepvdra rn Thursday, fecember 9, 1968,1 following their recent mar- I fIG T'yPUM ITNTG~ Odei Str et. owm nvlle, o fo the lovey gfts eceied .i. .ion ay he I COME - MA L T DAY 1J~ M ±ri UND R CO STR CTIOTRag.T$ION: - T rms Fred Lewis, aged 84 years, be- niage. 52-11j7:45 P.M.' Dept L-140-HY, W. T. Rawied ofhMCyo.eLtd.lSpl eedm.l with caro. 3 I 4 AcrsLeskard ihtru dear father f Louise (Mrs. l We wish to express sincere j RED BARN Q-05 Richelieu, Montrea, lNSge l o v e d h u s b a n d 0 f M a r ym e n:Le w i s , _ _ _ _ _t ed.i lP h oeQ . i x u r 8 6 2 5 2 e s . C m p e d n a f w . s r m . 8 r m h o , l r g Arthur Hockett) and Annie: thanks and appreciation to I O S H A W A Gnlmn r neetdi hn etnil 8-52wes barn. 5 acres bush. Asking! p (Mrs. Glen Gordon, Oshawa.j friends and neighbors, Dr.' 6-~jtewrdfmu alihCî olc UL OODR 3 bed- e$400-$.0 on Service was held ln the MorrisHubbard, Bowmanville Area R Line on a 30-tf ronbikbnaosI Bow- 1,0AceSokFm j Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville,î Ambulance and Rev. G. ' ,!!vle.A ou p iia on StNrdy at3:3 p(m In-iadnt-timennesbansîsprs- RANKBK manvill t ou pecic-Excellent brick homle, large terment Bowminville Ceme- sions of sympathy at the time BINGO en meFr onStudy t3:0p..In o frkides ndeprs1MONSTER BINGOaesed e re CookBRNV tosCalofie barns, 2 silos, excellent soîl teyn5-1oursaay ghtevmet 1, adCaaogewihTrnhiq160 ACRE FARM: with jstream. Carrnes 500 cattle' Harold Gray and family. 7:45 Namgh ful etis SEPTIC TANK large streamn. 7 roomed home. i Located near M illb ro o k ROLPH, Vera Evelyn -- Sud- 52-1 - INSTALLATION Barri. Ausig$700.al'$8 0 Terms. denly at Memnorial Hospital, RED BARN Address-- R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE HarCot. 25' Acre Parcels - Oshawa Bowrnanvllle. on Thursday, Sincere thanks to mv many City --. ------ NO SUNDAY CALLS NXIOUS TO SELL: 75' December 19. Vera Evelyn friends who sent flowër j Od S H A WV A 6-tfP1ov,--acries rî adWit tem Wooded land on Shirley MacDonald, Orono, Ont., e- cards duning my stay inM-6t 2-21trsodd yr n od erSrceS.Go 1 n2-1 - - - - _ îRoaiding esimco S T eGood. loved wife of O. W. Rolph, rnorlal Hospital and agaîn in 52-v. ________ Partlywooded. Hyradbudj00-Tem dear mother of Barbara (Mr5. I!Toronto Western. A special ROXAE TOURS NtiesFO George VanDyk. 10o Acre Parcels - Kendal HuIs Wm. Carman), grandmother of1 thanks to Dr. Ewert and nurs- Notices .r c land. Frj Michael, Mark and Lydia. es. the Lions Club, St. Paul's FLORIDA SUNSHINE TOURS Brick S. .tone vvOrt' UNDER CONSTRUCTION. cnc oddlad r Orono, Ont. Rested at the: Chuirch. Durham Growers' Jan. 16 - Feb. 8 - M1arch 17' Golden Crisp Fish and Chip 4 bedroom, brick bungalow.î $4,500 - Terras. Barlw Fuera Hom. Oono.Stoage.andto D. WApril 9 - 24 Days Store hours for the holidayFie ServicFea from.Orono niteda et.ard Iosp. itlîkinson peroal sotd jseason: Open Mondav, Dec. Frelaces Completed 'in a few weeks. Sctîgog St., Bow.%manvjlle Seric ws fomOrnoUnied n Wsten osita. eronllyEsoredPniced at $24,490. Ask for Jan medaepssion, three i Church, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Wllfrid Carruthers. Nassau Cruise Optional 23, 24th closed Dec.2.26 CALL Oudshoorn.sýess open -Dec. 27. 28, 30 and 31. OXFORD bedroomER Interment Orono Cemetery. 52-11I CALIFORNIA CIRCLE TOUR Closed Jan. lst Only. 51-2 AND BRICOM:KLAYERS jg, ot60x 00 $6,0 -- Iw5s2-1tankmyreaties_'Fb.17-_Mrc 1 -ANDay STONE MASONS ern conveniences with smaîî 1$2,500 down. 1ER. oetaGae -n finsh an ny elab ivrsfor Personally Escorted INTHE SUPREME COURT PHONE ORONO 983-5606 !'barri on 41/2 acres in Bethany.1 Orono WERR. Rsett Grce--En-lfrendsandneihbous fr OFONTRIO33-tf Priced at $15.000. Terms. tee nori ttefml Pae fitrs:Clrd! NOTICE TO: GEERLCali Ross Davidson. 9 roomi 2 storey brick, lt residence. Ritson Rd. N., Ked- pathy shown to me while I Srns atLk i EEA Spîgs aI ak iY, Reno,'I 133 x 2010. Well treed lot, HEARTS AND HOME ron o Sauray.Deembr 1,was lni Memorlal Hospital Sani Francisco, Los Angeles,. ARTHUR RAY GIBNER IWE L DIN G SE R V ICESI NEWCASTLE: 8 acres of large rooms, garage. $20,400- 196,ostta rdacrer 21t,jBw 'ýi1 hna r îHollywood, Sari Diego, Grand, TAKE NOTICE that a Pe- Ail Kinds iland, suitable for building $4,500 down.Hoecnsma w1dow of H FletcherWerry, du tinDr.spital. Stut for CanynieaTommyerSkinnercaofonean oundlond0.aAthrfo moter f MssWila WrrNurses of First Floor for their, Travel Airconditioned ýhas been presented to thisý MOBILE EQUIPMENT George VanDyk. sr Om rsoreylu in Hoekspial.B fin H OPTLFRSC HLRN oot RN, laene nd*Hrodsincere consideain ai 'Washroom Motorcoach Dri Gbrer n hegrunsadSPcssarty ith.excellentbuildings. Large '$15500 - TermsTH CoN.rtClbencheadPetitiorierraiMablandaoilerrsandbnPressureegrourdsDAIRY FARM: 300 acres ýsiding home. Lot 65 x 165.esnto 0hsIdigaomllf.Tmmwsbrnw ao- Kedron; dean sister of Frank Merry Christmas to ail. For information on above tours, of mental cruelty and on the aIl Wrk Garteeybrnwith csletbeileigs anrge1550- Bulk ssnil o isl Batty, Brooklinr. ln her 93rd Ms ai e Vries. IPhone or rt ruid hAteehsilner etd tteAmtog 21R\V prmnn radw 0 h 6-88or 723-6840 t an costle Slo naer j NBcatiegenital heart contioplooyseoiadrqie Fuera He. OsathAwamsthTgmly0fthelateMr.1mariae63-8aor81fyor or____723-68_____4-12tavedbaIr ilod, etc.ewcsti RO E[praen rekon fth 812Pve anyr, t.Loveîv,! 1 2 storey, 7 room home surgery. A team ofseaitaomeeii.oerto n om funeral service tri the chapel, TefA T fth at r AVELoern now withome his largmlotcloseU caooolendpithac HnoPoriAul Mondy, Dcemer 2 at Ann ette Franklin wish to, VE AGENCY desertion for a period exèeed- -mdm8roe oe s-lrelt ls osho n petîtiori-m BA23at 1N0ES ing $78,000. Caîl: George Van- 'shopping. $14,000 - Terms.' help other childrenlkeTmySuprteHoioisnuaCrs. p.m. Intermient Oshawa Union tharik the relatives, righbours, 35A Bloomsgrove Ave. ing five years and the ptio-BRE & Y M -y mos compoign by ednyorctibint:THHOPAIFR Ce mnetery. Ini lieu of flowers, friends for their visits, flow- Port H ope 885-2527 I e a o ic n w o PLUMBIN G & H A NG D k Cal 623-3393 SC nrM < ercrs etr;D.Sle osshe now know your SALE~S & SERVICE BOWTMAN VILLE, 4 bed-1 IC CHILDREN, UIEST V. lifFui, ntd hrc ~ter, nurses and staff of Medi-,- __ - - h24AHOUR OTARIO Cae ndwUnid be aprcîtedcal Floor, Memorial Hospital, - ___ __ ~~--~ It hasbeen ordered thHOR 'fis bunaw with 2 at D. ..JTA1O Canada, w_____u2-1for hei kin cae; v. . Articles for Sale ' service of the Petitiori for iBre evc roorn. Garage. Paved drive- Mander Rafuse - 623-3605.: ________ ____ ____ T u r n e r,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i D iv o r c e a n d N o tic e o f th e s a id S E P T IC T A N K S A N D w y. A sk i g $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . C a l: ' K C TI o c k n - . 6 2 3 -5 0 5 5 A -t uri nr Rv. Frsandimt for ORGAN fr sale. Telephone Petition by this advertisement TILE BEDS Ofafi e. Pat Yeo - « . 623-30Ï77 L n I a a ~ U Flow ertheIngwr m nvst ls rid cmfor- 6 3-3245.521-!hl be good and sufficient PHONE DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Joe Barnoski - * 723578 - Fl w e s __ __ig or s S. a l' U C W. - -521s havic of the same on you.HA P N 26-2 8wt vey m d m l in Pa l P ero - 723-5832 Unit No. 6; Northcutt Elliott jWATER for sale andeid 6232313 If you wish to oppose the HTYRON 263-2508 quters. Eell oenuriovengRsPalbrt rsono983-5332L CARN TIO FueralHoFuneralnnes HomeClfforth kind3-313esaeitiCaolif CliffhothPethick26326538uaties.Peceltnttunnvor Rof Gyour Owish other' old _ _ _ _wn n h ie fter3-t rcdat$500 al:ofc reavement.e rane, 4j served on the Petitioner or ber STORAGE BUILDING: New1 Andy Sutch Orono 983-9119 S E E D S S T O R Ell rank in, W illiam table top, good condition. Tel solicitor and filed w ith proof O R CH ESTER FIELD w t c e . S pa a e o fc . 2 11 Ty ohe om a nv le a ie l re i e n g t, T ea u e HoueHery HIe ad en iphone 263-2242. .5-10f such service i the office O CHAIRS - Free Estimate Piced to selI. Caîl: George 33 DIVISION STREET nis Francis. 5 2l* §iTDEBA-k-ER--S-erv ice, new 0 f the Local Registrar of this 623-5252- nfAuxi ia eguo wthega vE Fuea ragmnsaduscd parts. Grahamn'slCourt at the Court House iVan-552 aneIdia L I etEthl hacelonea Fuerl rrngmens j Memoriam arg,41-6323. hnMAPLE GROVE: 5 roomed ,1vv a'decoraion. Aovenons Hospîtal Arrangements Grgj1-6323.43-tfICobourg,O n t a rio, wti hts posyhm wi i unc.4-pce.jc M to rn n o alsuer with all therdto-IP twen ty days after service on p sry wt olfmnc. MRKetainokgi atgt WedielBoiuetg fumm-I mIl bath AskN o selin fusable ai bythepflictingsfSt was preparedbth.- Akand$3,70.îf 0fuabl the o auxiii dgearyixnthaaspd Cosa esfrled, Bert Holland, whoior appliarces, cal Elmer , u b h ubiain 0 this j'logS, E o m ni J nO dh o n f Bowmanvillle. For details, servedi by me mnbers Corsagespassed away December 21,Hainpton: business 263-2294_ notice. ____ 32-tf Jn u sh'r.Phone Frank Real Estate Ltd., 178 of the Royal Caain pr aed nd eve e d- spect tfhou eeto for Dioce- TRICE LAKE: 40 acre famm,62-3.512ecae andCnt1966. residence 263-2695. 33-tf I o 1s62o3-3393~LI> bikhme 1 eae,4pc.dcrain eme et ihsfo hit Floer -Eerrememuered LJy Annie HEAc h PttonfrD oc JACKcURG SS 1 bicmhoe.l. Sheed 4p also 5-2ex.on Ph,.Fone 52- 1 * H VY duty table saw, takes and Notice of Petition ah thej011. BURNERS - FURNACESi bath. Terrifie lake view De Yuletide dcr hooJoncas. 521' o 0 ldsadandîsaid officeorth-j ther auxiliarv to aIlhemembemi 623. 141 ' or 10~' blad s, s an d fîce se m îrig andC L E A N E D P av ed ro d . A n x io u s to sel.F r mfh 'SCOTT-In loving .meo esre, esmtr ooiI eal of d orap Crippled hanIS fcethve pa u al f' a ndtiNenen r or a d:ar mother and grandmoth- acnditon, s$50ss263-2056.:idfiling da Anser asafMBINGREFAIRS ILL:3 bed- FrmStock .s er of he ronoBacl8CmaeSa 623-5577 ' er, Mrs. Herbert N. Scott, who 52 l* the Petition may be set down DPUPNEROMPTLPa taîl Cbrisbasctreegc , ,residt ofit- blwn ealg23211ihdme.mo.Nieydc PICKED PreOPV acheallCrsms t h eln, nh pk ftefn WeSed loes y ir wasedawT e. jt, 99.1 NSLTIN,t- lowigmt-!o ern wti hr orated. Pto nbackyad ecdaloto1 We63-21F51erî y WIe niacPato ieydc elpoeClet263-2721 Anwer oderful memomies of oeso, wt okwuu'. Wokofsc eal at the sîuuîngs ýalAdes sparkled with glisteigo- oko h uiir n h dear, manship guaranteed. Free ~f this Court at Cobourg and P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville AkMa$2,00rgwillamn.Te a 4 6aLs b i p g u a r a n t e e d .. a rFm e el F u r F a r m r a e î . T e t b e c e ' e p i i e h e i n =1________ reasured still witb a love estimates. Harry L. Wade, 'the Petitioner may proceed toi ________ ______ Licence No.* 151-C-68 aondwt ~& ~ Y __ re fi s 1~ our he jPhone Newcastle 987-4531. obtain a decree of divorce _Christma3-tf Phylis cRo bie ________s____________ 1.____ hearts heis living yet, 43-tf without further notice ho you. ENEPRET Aftcr Houri Please Cail: Chnî fstimarscetrepcs an'nchre fteSpia 6 2 3 - 7 1 5 9 j -I f es-= - -a n d t v y ee C h it a r c k r . D a . h i n r 5 w r ,I would like ta wish al W ov d be to de ry RECONDIT10NED TV towers W ee s c ere s gaie ,-Phyllis M Robie - w623t-7e1a5r91a i rs Y îti e ce tepe c We loved herand tbeylywererlighted breehallgrlnghted-with tnd gbeentiful ftîends, neighbors and rela- frget. ýn rotos (trade-ins), 40, .5 details of the same may be P1 mbn'n'- eed; to gepr u te Itva v r Ma p p e r . Chisma i fa mily. e by the a d 6 ot tutrs; al nobtained fmom the sâaid 'Reg- P ui bi g H atng Rosi Davidson - B a y 3R IVT21-am cleto II SCl1' I b ]vHsapy M er Ch i Sco ttvr rmembered0 oo9srucurs,1* instrar's Office at The Court Poe63.50 Wesley Anderson 349-2669 PIAnTE sho buy etr 'about $550. ConstabeJA. ah as,1roay. LiyKig 5-* -- -- --excellent condition. Oshawa House, Cobourg, Ontario,.hn 2-50 at obyprivate stamnp'LegaeOPiresgtd. jcedbCoadSthHt Lily ing. 52---- lTnSuppyvLnihed, 723- 131. The address of the P etitioner 78 O N T A R IO STR E ET G eorge V anD yk - 623-7437 collection. _Write A dvertisers of ur ister Mable. Dec. 25th, I - 1 _ _ 0t is 63 King Street West, Bow- BOWMANVILLE Harold Coutts 725-2649jdie y R nl are iî. H a sitd b s Happy ew Yea ta a 1ý1n brothe, Alvi,4USE .Merry Christmasanad aà 1 j Ivî, SDwasher parts, rnotors, manville, Ontario. P.O. Bx190, owa iFrnae 4 4 onunie-rsdn HlaH i myjDec. 26t, 1967. iSimpicity, Thonraand Moffat STRIKE & STRIKE, 38t5an2B x o m n l ckstmes ndfrens.aplanes ntinalyade- 8 in Sret esRoad, Oshawa, wenhi ofryadCmdeAau. Your Wahklms Dealer, Thought.s today, memnories applance, rationaiyavr 8Kn tetet We List Photo M.L.S. control, and left tiebgwy Orr ennngBlacstoL- orever. ,tised line of furniture. Paddy's o mnilO trnd EcuveI Or VninBlcstc Evr2eem ed ubert, Market, Hamptori, 263-2241. Solicitors for the Ptioleand and2Excl;evndIofutahi ae ho he fot ond SseGaa a _______ argaret and family. 52-*î __ 42-tf z__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2-A c d e tG W B uo , O P -. ~-FEED corn, ail types, ground Auction Saes AAine evc - ncoih ehce ontbeth neiametcovnr We would like t- wish our STACEY-In loving memoryi cob meal, high moisture or dry l omria n oei Financial bora a Memry ~~~hnCmmercialndndjMabested .oe odefîmto rélatives, friends and neigh- 1 of our dean mother and father, shelled, also silage cari be dcliv- WEEKLY Refrigeration - Mîlk Coolers - - Round-Up At 4:00 p.m. OriSidvadSIaan rce 15rsa ery hrstasan aMael. Who passed riwav De- ered or pic ked up ah Brow- LVSOKPAE hone BERT SYER MO R T G A Gne E 1Arty Ne YMe a d cember 25, 195.9, and Avn iwFamms, Newcastle. Cal tDraVnivQ1.A _ , *- Ihna'se ctureeceheav26îo.9e of EnA + ---t-cu--iator, M-F. tracta r Ller N. Ta un aionnt _________ w plw, hon 62-759 OsawaTownUne Th ca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NM ar ar t S sa ________or____________________ A P A N Z ý t ff hroad a d s s a n d b N u r in__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r_2 -1_ j ud s ho u t en fe bc o nr t r ng h , ___nta io____________________________tig ted itine ab utof0 A LastingTribute Fr Sale î'ev;reeuNo. 0,Cocksbut - 5-! ent ff1he-dd52d yMargretSusa Trman Permanece and --ni-yshockers, sold pivately every 1F.tb12:2 p.No. 10, j orkn- mmdton f eno sgetThursdav, (anYtime by a p-bae duili. Cocksruutt side-rake, ___ontblKnRut Jobtin fo eno"ristiet 1- 1Jther accident occurred on ihe in%,estigatcd. Izn.Rs oe aé,1 MutLawn South6865, 15 m Biles noithrof emwggindwith akos,; Ltlie lduaFORD PARTS Tauinton Road a short distanCe' On Monday ah 6:50 rn sioners weîcome. Oono'Sot MnghniBlleOro. - o.,ahtwo Tao Buiidone.'(Kimoag hy Me -43-10 43ml0I 1 Park Port Hop on Hghway 28, 2 imotor, hammer milI. Spray DREAM H U E pist lltpso eilsThes divers involved wrý1h a 401, three mile M ernoria miles O P O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M aste r ma îure spreader, bale Choose f AM OUr SEle to r ep is t i y e f v hce 1 hs w s a t o cr c Ii n K m .a e 4,lf h od ---ona Bronze Memorials -eîevator, grain auger, snow we wîîî bulld froni your plan.saGib SnCo Gary Shmyr. age 19, R.R. U"fCutc.adsrc Pel-tf i ofomoouriselectdonttrcc GIEIC upile(Ru~rFor eourtenus advîe pleas Xan6Yo t blade, Chair saw, new: 4,0001on your lot . . . or we can' 181 KING E lHampton, and Rosario Spira,'broadside. Mr. Kimo, w IEI Supis-(ubr Vstthe PrkOffice Wj----- Ren bales hay, 1.000 bales shraw, supply fully serviced N.R.A. hn 633a3 oma l e g ', 09CaotStreet, Osh'!suffered several broke bj s ) m a i l e d P o s t p a i d i i i G O O D w o r k a b e f a r m r l a d i 2 0 0 0 b u s . m i x e d g r a i n , 1 , 0 0 0 1 a p p r o v e d l o t i t b e a u t f u l 5 1 - t f a a T t l d m g 0 t e t o 3 d o h r i j r e . I a i n n sealed envelope with 732 3 withhorn without buildings bus.Ban1v You, the buying i 1cars amounhed t0 approximaie.ýin Memnorial Hospital.Dmae 4 * ' ce ~~~~~ ~ 6 t is . S x s m l s 5c7 2 - 6 3P h o n e 728-72 18, 40- tt pu li , ho ld p a o a t n a K a r s e tA K R A y $ 0 0. C o sta b le B ru ce T il - o M . K im o w 's ca r a m oe simples $100. Mail Order -th-----Iis "ery.. Important au tio SUB-DVISION son irvestigaied. t ab u $20 . osl 91.T8. ailon.-Rnt. C.. iarn KNG oranwould likesaewr yuhvanopr-1ECVTN -snivs pt. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -o T18 o.Rbe 5 o al jar n rtobdomaat aewhn o aea po- .-At 2:00 p.m. on Sundav two tan investigated. 1c ment, aIl services supplied. ford catie and a good lire of 1Lw Dw Payment IL -IN - TRENCHING toaoua200.CoraseRt Avail ble Pone 23-5.14. 5-1 ftwo mles7Ast Highwayo. urtnA i l4e rn. today Fou2n 0f ~ P~ et u1abcfo mf arm. 2Opachnrypriawepe Iaaee nLOvnet 1A dGaeTpSi n h rvr novdwrjnIs otn fh Fo n R O d~~ avalable'TWO:bedom houe or apa n re No reserve. Sale ah Terni. at only 84~% interest.1 FUI DellveredWila 1rpçMce.e-,3,41HgwytLbry one__d I P23-7o)nete 623-5a1 .D.14. 52nyprlan jb practîcaTh vhicp eftth r No 2 3Hl-7150. 52 e.1em Yeened lB E R S l2-R ur WA RurVIgenth1am .J meMc p a o 3.01 Hi hw y h ibJt S1p ti fop1Ha rs.perty.ti onR id.R as n bl R tWednesda3,yet a v.Da - ilaJ ed a ou $. 521Phono1.23885 agecloer.Sls aae. ?bu 2-23, tavn 6355 OW ANVLE g otee w asws osal Rta ne 'tle DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE~ 1 ý51FIfH is CET nantia