Lions Club Members ~Id Enjoyable Party e Uwmanville L i o n q, tary Sehnol provided an ex- i a~' annuel Christmas din- cellent program oImsia foi pry en Monday evenng entertainment. The 'choir dir! 0( Iast week ini the Lions ected by Miss Mary Ruth Ot.- Community Centre was a de- borne sang a numbe i lo- eidedly enjoyable event. A'ly Christmas selections. ItI deliclous dinner was servpd Was introduced by Bruce Iwlth thec Hamipton Ladies Lush, a director of the club, CIub ts -e caterers. and President H. R. (Budi The e 7 Choir of the, Moses extended his persoa M. J, Senior Elemen-,:appreciation and the In' t m-thanks ta Miss Osborne and the choir members. Santa Claus with Ed Leslie) a past president, beside the tail Christmas tree, playing the part to perfection, pre- sided over the e:he f~ OSlIWFL MflC The winners in the Hockey 1IRI L VID Drw1wre:Janary83h 481 r 8-R len Fry and Harold Michel- OF son;January 1lIth, AI Crowe~ Diret ToontoLino922 1 and Connie Landereux, Jan-1 Listints needed by a Firm Ron McEachen; January 18th, Al Rundie and Steve GUI. whha pove Rcor cfSals.These tickets were ail for k1,&I tor courteous service.: NHL games ut the Mapie Leaf Gardens. The winners of the Loýcal Representatlves: Ovhawa Generals Draw for Un Raill. owmanville 623-5211! the January l2th game were 1 Ired Beaucage, gowmgnllle Bob Venning and Jackc Mani- 623-3711 tic. Oshawa Area Office: North 401 Park Rd. Cloverleali Manaer - Frank Smith, Oshawa 576-0330.ý il il il ,goodwili to men. May this Christmas bring the peace that mil the world yearns for. SEASON'S GREETINGS te ail our friends and business acquaintances from ¶Jack and Pearl icr ~arnet Ricard Helen McDonald Dick Metcalf WiIf Hawke Lloyd Atchison Mac McDonald Wayne Marchant JAci RICARD Ltd. Realtor BOWMANVILLEI Law., Order or- Repression ? 'A large part of our population is quite clearly ready to substitute police club for dialogue.' by C. Warren Reynolds President of Ronalds-Reynolds & Co., Toronto-based national advertising agency, and Chair- man (and first Canadien te hold the. office) of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This is a digest of his speech at ABC's annual meeting in Chicago. The plain fact is (and the critics neyer seem, ta face up to this willing- ly) that without advertising footing the bill, it is conceivable that we could be left without a newspaper or a broadcasting station other than those run by gavernment. If that ever hap- pens I suggest we will ot only face the absence of choice as consumers, but as citizens we will be confronted with an absence of freedom, of any kind. A free press depends on paid space. Dernocracy cannot work as a system unless the populace is kept inforrned; and this information must flot anly be delivered as objectively as possible, but must be subject to as many di- verse interpretations as there are men of independent views to give them. That is why the editorial column of aur newspapers is the voice af the con- science of our blood and state. And if it is ever silenced, darkness will-indeed have fallen. What I see happening before me are trends and influences that seem. to me to be a complete menace to free speech and free institutions. Like ail democracies, this country rests on a f ree dialogue between peo- ple. Pleas and counterpleas must bath be heard. It is true that dialogue can be irritating, frustrating, and down- right maddening. A large segment of our population has now landed into this state of mnd 'and is quite clearlyi ready ta desert its part of the dialogue( and substitute the police club and the1 jail. What is disturbing ta me, and what is worrying me, is the threat ta free speech that I sec emerging in auri time.1 Opinion is polarizing at two ex- 1Sponsored by Btremes, and between them moderation and tolerance are threatened from. bath aides. I Cen understand, and allew fer, the extreme irritation that the mere ap- pearance ef some of the young demon- strators and pratestars arouses in us. Nothing wauld grieve me more as a parent than te have my children go down that roed. Nothing would dis- may me more as a host than te have nome et these characters In my home. But nothing would dismay me more as a citizen than te see their protesta iand questions enswered solely by au- thoritarian suppression. And make no mistake about it, that is what a large 1body of opinion is advocating taday. Some radicals cali it law and order. Really it is violent repressian et an unpapular minority. It is ail too easy, should disturb- ances erupt, ta crush them in -the name of law and order. We must neyer forget that, in the long run, a democ- racy is judged by the way the majority treats the minority. Those whom we martyr today be- came the heroes o! tomarraw. But that is no reason for us ta do injustice taday in order that aur pasterity may do jus- tice tomorrow. Free speech la not printing what we believe in, what we think is the truth, what we think is loyal, and what we think is decent. It consista et the al- lowing o! opinion that we think is wrong, that we think is false, that wé> think is disiayal, and that we think indecent. We are the professionals In the art o! persuasion. But has net aur comnmu- nication been se preoccupied with rais- ing aur standard o! living that we have by defauît failed ta persuade aur audience that there is a standard for living together ? It is not government that can do the job; it is not the church, though bath are needed. The battle for morality, for decency and toleration, the defence af free speech, can only be won on the battlefield that ia each one a! us. .No gadget . . . no power . . . no0 agency ... ne government grant ... no corporation . .. can win this battle for me. As I look ahead, I realize I must first win this hattle in the arena o! my own heart and conscience. SClub 15 Senior Ci i zens Enjeoy Annucil Christmas Dinner 1The annual Christmas din-,candles and poinsettia plants. ner of' the Senior- Citizens1 The dinner apened with a was held Tuesday, December'warmn welcome toalal preseni lOthat the Lions Centre with by Mr. R. Gilbert, Presideni over 150 in attendance. They4o the Senior Citizens, failow- iwere registered as they ar-led by a toast ta the Queen rived by Mrs. Roland Coombes! and the singing of Grace, and Mrs. Tom Gatcheli, both!Alejydtedlcostr ýmembers of Club 15. jkey dinner catered ta by Ty- The tables were decorated, rone U.C.W. Club 15 mem- with silver and gold trees,I brs were dinner guests of Lthe Senior Citizens.' Et After dinner entertainment twas provided by a choir of tboys and girls frorn Vincent -Massey schoal, under the dir- ,ection of Mr. R. Heydens, musi c supervisor for the Bowmanviile public schoois. They delighted the audience with the following Christmas sangs: To Bethlehem, Echo Carol, Carol of the Little King, Ding Dong Merrily on High, and Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella. After the program the Pre- sident at Club 15, Mrs. Gea. White, introduced the mem- bers af Club 15 and presented the Senior Citizens with four new card tables. Mr. Walter Woolley ledaIl present in a sing-song of Christmas carols. The remain- der of the evening was spent playing bingo. Prizes were won by Mr. Corden, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. L. Cryderman, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Hubbard Mrs. Armistead, Mrs. Adams: Mr. Sexsrnith, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. NichaI san, Mrs. Cowie, Mrs. Rivers, Mrs. H. Bell, Mrs. Dceley, Mr. Rabbins, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Johns. Mrs. Black, Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Chittick, Mrs. Brough, Mrs. Gilbert, Mvrs . Cax, Mr. L. Nichols, Mr. Ad-j ams.? Punch and Christmas cake were then served by Club 15 members and a smaîl gift given ta each Senior Citizen. A very enjayable evening had corne ta a close. At Club 15's annual Christ- mas party held on December 17tih, it was decided ta hold Our annual Stay -At -Home bridge on Thursday, Febru- ary 27th. C. W. League Xmas Party The Catholic Women's Les- gue's annuel Christmaes Party for the womnen of the parish and their guests, which wes held in St. Joseph's Auditor- ium on Tuesdey evening of! lest week. was tremendously enjoyed by ail who attended. The president, Mns. Delbert A. Hendsbee welcomed evcry- body and extended bestt wish-a es for Christmas and the New Vear. The Reverend F. K. Malane, the parish priest, and the Rev. J. Moloney, the I. assistant prieat, were special guests. The treasurer, Mns. Bert Payne. was the convenar for the dellcious "Pot Luck" Sup- per, and there was an arrey o! deliciaus meat entrees, side dishes, seladsaend des- serts. nhe specious hall was et- tnaeively decorated for thej event. and a teil and glisten- lng Christmas tree domina t- ed the scene. The tables were erranged ini an X shape and were enhanced wîth a beau- tiful Christmas acene arrange- ment which includes e sleigh and happy couple, driving amidst snaw between houses and a church. and lightedj witb feU red tapers. This.. CANADA 12 MONTHS 6 MONTHS U.S.A. 12 MONTHS - -$2.75 --$700 arrangemnent was doniatot The Canadien Statesman, nowmanffle, Do& s. .in& the CWL by the late Mars. G._ M. Linton.A n Mrs. John Murphy and Mrs.A, l I~ D D ~ a a L. J~. Boisvert, bath of New-!,Ushu 7À1rO ,stir n uLTScom~ tonville, were the entertain-1 ?9id ment - convenors. Charadesi 0, SM 1 . k and games were enjoyed. Mrs. Egan Rietmuller was the"1rl J~ IV 1 9 planist for the two musical W WW w W UE, .151 si ors games and the prize winners I a eotdtdyta aweretMrs StartdChis. the Canadian Automotive Mus- It 19 also expected that aI a pat pesidnt.and rs um at 99 Simcoe St. S. flntiumber af groups will take' Tom Holdaway, Newcastle. îOshawa continues ta draw ap- advantage of the leisure timel MULTIPLE LISTIMI SERVICE A sing-song of favouriteiproximately 80% ofi ts tour- availabie during the Christmas canal. was enjoyed. The ar4ists from outside the city. The season te arrange a specil rivai of Sant.a Claus, whOweekends continue te be the tour of the Museum. Any OUheWCc & District presided over the gift Px-lmost popular time for out-ol- grouP wishing te take a spe change, was greeted by thettown visitors ta tour the Cana- ciai tour wouid be well advis:d R a s~.b r singing of! "Jingle Belis".i dian Automotive Museum. ta contact -the Museum te R d aW bB w George Charland gave a won-l Commenta from these visit- make these arrangements. derlul Impersonation o! Santaors indicate that they feed that Claus. the Museum la fnot just a col- lection of automative relics but, on the contrary, lt tellis OBT Â Ythe full story o ea utmtv industry through disp]days per- MRS.HAROD ~.GRAY taining to the industry as well TR.HedAhOLDMr. GAYod as historie automobiles. p,~ Thy.e d49 yfrs, Ha7oduP.e Visitors during the past f St., Bowmanville, occurred weItlh Msueicue w sudenl atMemria Hopi-ýpeplefrom: Prince George, r suddnly t Meoria Hosi ritish Columbia; Ottawa, Ont- tai, on Wednesday, Decemberi arin; Hartland, New Bruns- 18 06.wick; Westchester, Illinois; Daughter of Mrs. Celia Chicago, Illinois;. Blackfold, e t Christie and the late Mr. Aiberta. George Christie, the former, It is honped that the attend- Elle Madeline Christie was'ance to the Canadian Automno-S u 7 sifi born at Woodstock, NewItive Museum will increase k0 Brunswick and received her[during the Christmas Season COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK AT education in New Brunswick.»»5 people plan family outings In 1937 she rrarried Mr.',during their free time. Take Our Large Selection Harold P. Gray who survivesEFxît 70 off 401 Highway, just Fresh Cut Finest Quality Eightcen years ago Mr. andl45 minutes east of Toronto. Mrs. Gray maved from New! The Canadian Automotive L E T Brunswick te Mapie Grave, Museum continues te operate C L E T and for the past 12 yearsiseven days a week from theSpcdHmHm aai hg- -esided ln Bowmanville.ifollowing hours: Monday - Sie a onSlm >ceased was an adher-IFriday 9:00 - 5:00 p.rn. Satur- Lvrus Bowmanville Baptistlday 10:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Lvrui ...urch, and her chie! inter-land Holidays 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. (Fine or Course) ests centred around her homneDuring the week much ofSmke and family. Ithe attendance la made up ofSI cd am Surviving, hesides her bus- school children touring the Smok.d Bi band, are three sons andtw'o Museu m as part of their studyBf daughters, C r ei g h t o n an~d of transportation. The balance Polish Sausage Marguerite (Mrs. George Bry-iof visitors include other organ- Pork Salami ans, bth f CurtceGerldized groups and the casual in- an) oho orie eaddividual visitor. Popperoni of Maple Grove, Joan (Mrs.- Gary Bromel]), Bowmanville,, ETC. and Gary. at home. Also sur-! FINE QUALITY As vial ag viving are fine brothers and' MONUMENTS AND S le Lage sisters and five grandchildren.! MARKERS Slcino The funeral service wasl CHEESES - RYE BREAD) held from the Morris F un- ASK0M ABOUT v oral Chape], Bowmanville, on o (RULABOU Saturday, December 21st, and S(RFR ASSORTMENT PACK was conducted bv Rev. Grant' BROS. LTD. already slired on your Gordon. Interment was in' ,i EJ platter, ready ta e u Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 'ept Palibearers, ail nephews, jiwà4onthe table. were Messrs. Phillip, Larry SI and Raymond Patterson, Ro-ý bort Gray, Donald Thornton ~ nfvIBohr and Daltýon Christie.StfodB thr FO OD PLINCS Monuments Y S R I through IIE(HMOFUAIY SW« STATESMAN BoxITD HME0F133IY CLASSIFIEDS 39Duds oxE Wib [ 133KE . LI Phono 62.3-3303 IP3hoDnas t. E. h668-35D MA5ET . GET CASH TODATPhoWhty6832 e le, e- w. ln the spirit of the Christmas season, we tak@ thought of our many fri.nds, with renewed appreciation to our patrons for their loyalty and trust. May thé holidays hold Ai good things for you. FRANK 21 KING ST.* W. REAL LIMITED ESTATE BOWMANVILLE OFFICES IN, TORONTO OSHAWA BROOKLIN- PORT PERRY LINDSAY ORONO PORT HOPE Qbe %anabiarn 9tateman lk:'s ffoatkq lut# .foi fio isn !' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS AN EXCELLENT YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS GIFT. ORDER A GIFI SUBSCRIPTION TO.DAY!,w SUISCRIPTION RATES ~be 4f tanbau ttm4n P.O. BOX 190 - BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. r- -r- --q ývb ý - --m d' 2 7)400eop,