w a. N w LJurham ivemoer Zý uggesrs Celebrates First Birthday bf th abut fur ; 1:ý ths sold by auction. Her family bought many pieces, lan or D micili@ay Cae Ibought her bedroom fur- rilture, a hand carved suite le made in the old Bowman- ville Furniture factory, and evidently sold in the Fur- L e isniture and Undertaking es- statement was preserited ta It was mv honour and privi- "The committee brought In commolv calle B aell, the QI~rî Legisiature last lege to serve as chairman ofiits findings and final recom- OmnycledBle h wek \Iy Alex Carruthers, the Legislative Assemblv Se]- mendations before the 5th try, and a son Mr. William M P murham. ect Committee on Aging'session of the 27th legisiature (Bill) who died in the BotN- %M peaker: In speaking which exerted sorte three: ]ast year. These recommen-mavle Hsia abu to this resolution, I would;years of intensive and concen- dations were followed, with- four yileasg. Lice to inform the Legisla-!trated research and study in-' in a short period of time, byThs uiea fuitr ture that this matter has a' ta the aging needs of auri a statement of the Ontario Ti ut o untr ____________________________________ as been moved many1 ---------------- ---- Hospital Services Commis- ' ' A sion. And the Commission's ~~* times. but yesterday as I Sstatements, Mr. Speaker, felu shoved the heavy bed a ~well in step with the com- screw-nai 1f1 out and the mitee' rcomenatins~ .,~ericlosed card also. it was ! xi mtte's rcomendaion infolded and the nail put that it supported the needi hog tehls fiy, for a prepayment nuacltrghheoes othrme Notice the Year 187 the principle, orn, anscome Z Thad of payment, for domi-.......'0$.batflwing dcu- ciliary care service. pyet teous messge. It was fold- toa ail ur lopal for these services, which arej iiti h edbad frequently requ'red for a pro-Toofheeedomst langed period of time, Is pri- 7, weePark, ,Toonaforth rlei patrou anu ~ marily the responsibility af1 ec o h the individual, aided by such Goereo f taia tet tbeir tobeb ontl 4 assistance from government as otherrset antarisplthein ~ eronl set alo.Prower's furniture store Il " Domiciliary care involves,I . window was bough ym Ifor the most part, a segment l uci ad u t th laf of population in its dec1iningi uMr. and Ms.Jnt Arthe i- t yea rs, when the loss of health Mr.hadGalraithn f rumi- Fairway Food Markefian ned ses stne!hlGlbihofDu- and indt e, sstfs, ita'. .. . . . . more Farm, which is the moun tathe ossof scurty~stone bouse down Richard's Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin and independence. both for sd-ie js at o - .:u..U.p%,»> > ~>ithe individual and depend-I SwsidSchool, Kingest ofn i<C~ left this small, unfortunate The Bowmanville Mu- meinriy ehv ridd seum may be interested in Cher tainl we he r vidr ned1thiS. If SO, would you send f h m i heter i s rnce it t a th em w ith t i maiprotctoffordedputheore- Little Christina Lynn Yeo, shown in tht above photo, has two happy events of explanation. I believe but we have lot rovddo this week, her first birthday on Monday, December 23rd, and a visit from od ou have an old-time se- the care of our aging, chrni-Santa a couple of days later. She is the daughter of Roza]nd and Nelson ïeo, tion in Your newspaper and cally iioe n ey-ondlEdmanton, Alta., and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boss Bourne of Newcastle IfaYnt to ariteetUp neither arcintereste "Thse eale re hrnicl-and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Yeo of Bowmanvi lie. Her great-grandmother is Mrs. Grace plaeetritam. ly il] and require past-hospî- Nlo fToot. ____ Sincerely yours, tai extrnded care. They can-1 (Miss) Mary C. Galbraith. not return to their own homes!iI ~ at this point -- and t then r Be hy ENEL same time, they are not cov- E sura ce lan.~5 5(Intended for last week) "They are, in tact, caught, f Ifý' GIPin Anniversary whchýMr. and Mrs Don Griffiný tp iatns viciulcurrem nt w O n G o deihiv rs ryand Mr. Terry SmItb, Oshawa, ý They !oIIowIed tii h ufc taynoet~Btay-O ud',Dca otpo tnHth- Grffinebr gthay r FdS the urfae etany omen. iSamIs' on the occasion of Mrs. Star o! B thIdheiî have any at the present1far the aged.itM n r etnis a h onetsno Mrs. M. Cendene and cblld-! Star of B thleblemmoment- and the few paîtry "The cammittee also urged .Hutchîinsan celebrated their Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutcbin-i ren, Thorold: Mrs, Mrs. Doný possessions they have are!ta h eea uto isGle edîgAnvrayson of R.R. 1 Bethany. Ferguson and ebtîdren, Niagara - . . nd fond a mssageot ~ ikeIl' ta be taken away fromiamend the Hospital Insurance with a famîly gathering.M n i ucîsnFls r n r.Mry~ À, ern!and Diagnostic Services Actý The actual wedding da~te are members of the Bethany Allen. Clmuatne Love. May you and yours find " Ail this because no pro-l in order ta per-mit extendediwas December llth and the Uie hrchadhvea-peColusmbsfail dier this same message in the joys vision has been made for this coverage for a greater variet\ý quiet wedding cercmiony tookiways been progressive farm- at Mr. Rod Slmpson's. tye1 f 1iii ocae f short and long-term careplace at the Presbvterî«aniers in this area. In 1928 they Mr. Milton Tamblyn, Orono ý of the Christmas season, 1968. M "The final recommenda- needs. Manse in Millbrook with the took over the Hutchinson and Mr. Russell Ormîston, En. tians of the Select Committee,! "This province may be foi c- Rev. William Lee officiating. famîilv homestead, wbich bas1 niskillen, were Sunday visitors 5s in dealing with this matter, ed into a program of Medi Mrs. Hutchinson wvas the for-j been listed as a Century farmý at Mr. Wilfrid Bowman's. 'called for immediate exteýn-~ care by the present Federalimer Laura Kellett, dau-rhterý in Manvers township. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephn jç'sion of Ontario Hospital In-1 Government, a pragrami that Of Mr. and M rs. John Keilett,! They have onie daughtcr,,son, Whithy, visited et Mr. PRSRPINP A M C surance coverage to assist aur1 will' require the people 1f_______________ Mrs. Lewis Staples (Irener Lee's aged people ta be cared for, this province ta cantribute A R.R. 2 Bethany and fîve Elae5- eihe en) sitls r n pf unpmllinloraseantr, weth r tbere was a gond attend-! ,'~ etber n hositalsor laap- $15 milion ore pr yea'~< - grandchildren, Erie, Velma, atCucuny.Dr 67Kin St. E. 623-2546 Bw;;le àpraved nursing and convales-! than they will get back. Un-, Saon adaan uryac tChrh udy u- OPEN HOLIDAY HOURS NEW YEAR'S DAY Xcent homes until they can beder Medicare and the Federal S î.ing the hr svietr' returned ta their own homes1 Equalization Program, Ontario ~OTe eevdmn it was a presentation of white or be transferred ta a borne taxpayers will be required ta O 0ram ,the i vedamiy and friensIGi o ee lugh ly odg ettCa- - ntribute $275 m illion for r mnd a fa md l aq a co m- bsI o urg. A p lo h offeing w as Mdcrreceiving in return' me lqe4 onbug;l pca feigws apragram worth an estimat- memorate the occasion fo presented by the teachers and ed S,6 iln rogramjr lexamrruhr, ... pupils In Sunday School for W wh160 mthelon. Al P verAm ng those tram outside the Fred Victor Mission, with wbich the fce e r g aea , points attending the celebra- several envelopes for the in five years hence. tion were Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Biafra Relief Fund. 1!ard Kellett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy The U. C. W. held their, "With the finest rnedîcal Kellett and their families of Christmas meeting In theý Insurance plan in existenci ...I Oshawa: Mrs. Elmer Clark church basement with Mrs. .; nedMdcr.Tene in' (Irene Kellett) of Port Perry: Fe ai rsdn.Ms J1.e'e thCsdprovincaeleslThe rea in Miss Laura Hutchinson, Pet- Rod Simpson conducted the, erboraugh: Mr. and Mrs, devotional period and Mrs. of dorniciliary care la licens-ý .aa.éîyHuci -.ed nursing homes or similar0 lHarry ucison, Toronto. Dan Lee and Mrs. Elmer Lee ~ facîities.The extra cost is III&/ ' Mrs, Ida Kennedy, a sister~ ragd aCrsmspo "Xestim ated et $90 m illion b ut V Io t e gr o ; a be t ca~ s inh e ss waes d sen e d- lwould complete the ful care A Abr eltt rtes a hemmesetr s&.' pogrrn oraurcitzen. 4ndtained as their guests the ~ A e brde ere nabl toladies of other denom inations "Teexedd nurne ;k, attend.inhecrnut. ;.coverage 15, of course, Mr. Te il' ny com'ih omunity. Speaker, the most logical ap- 1 §ioin in extending congratula- f/ ~î1'~ ~could well be la the formIDf ....... a prepayment insuranc'e plan for the care of domicile per-1 4 ~~~~sons- a "Domcare" insur-i.______________ ance plan, if you wisb. a"This method could be useA' ______ Canadian Statesrnan, Bownanville, Dec. «25. 1968 We wish to our many friends -and custorners a '4joyous holid4y Golden Crisp Fish & Chips 22 DIVISION STREET Along with good wishes That surely beur repeating: A beauatiful, Merry Christmasl Y{airstyltiqg Mr. and Mrg. A. Greig and Staff BOWMANVILLE ' opta] Services Commission,11111 It has manv desirable' qualil Mes. One af the most important is that it would fit1 in readiiy with the arranze-i ments beiniz plaaned for the We Ontario Hospital lasurance e- and the O.MSIP Plans. at "Ai aur population figures tt grow, so do aur figures i every other respect -- includ- GIGR L iag domiciliary cases. D 0f LUBSOD 1967 there were 2.978 aomi-1 OI A eiliary cases in Ontario,.O thi.q total, almost ane-haîf, or CU SD 1,116 to be more exact, were witbout domniciliary days cases that were not covered' Mr. by insurance. These are thej Public Bowmanvi'lle people 1am speaking abOLit. n.Loa ;QoIt; e rmtt a takpupt heton cause C o m i si na. M~ publi Utioiotibs C0f aur chronically d persaýns and ta provideaforl them. And in my opinion, thei simple and most effective I system can be nane other' KEN HOOPER GEO. VAN BRIDGER i than the Domeare system that Isuggest. It s a prepaymen Cbairm.angove rnment plan which is crtain to provide satisfactarvï i protection for aur agî.ng peo-~ iple in Ontario." 1 Qreig 's