U [ M~~~~~~~~~ghts and decorations ln thelThe Canadlan Statsu,~wavle e.2,16 & q q~~~I Cou rtice Guide Recel ves Ali - Round Cord villae eîgteCG. 1~ rsma a.O awa t~s e rs o n a ~~ ~~~ welcome when thev visted a: On Dec. 28th M.ad Ms ntd Ctrh O C i c it l~~ nu m ber of ho m es. sïng~ - ~C avers plan on a t n ng Y r c r es nd t ul Phn 63333good theof errgand appeceseyur hrismai Il ng Christmas carols. Thanks'h wedding rnofle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i ~~again, girls, it sure was ap- i ece, Miss S heybo n y e s eal o n x e k Mr. nd n. G Muphy h~m Huh~,Kingt. utiFriday evening the Christ- Mr. nd r%. . Mrphy.home ughe, Kng S. Estmas party was very well at- Jtmmy and Sandy, Detroit, and will return to tede wth14tale: ac i I Mich.. were weekend guests 0fafter Christmas. tabled had 4 a be sattaceIh lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.ý card table cover which sev- Ilei f~v W. Graham, Jane St. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale, ~~~ eral nioe ieplin Mr. John Miller and Miss;Wellington Street, and Mr. retoe hl lyn cards. Prizes ývent to Mrs. Jon - cDavid, Ajax, will and Mns. Glenn Richards, Dale, Arvilla Barrett, Mrs. W. Park, apen.! fqChrismas wyith the Danny and Anne, Oshawa. Ms ei od r .L forme parents, Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday guests of Mr. and ByaMs. Mre.l Wod aMr .L. Ted ?~er, Prince Street. Mrs. Gordon Findlay and fam- Mrs aneBokTh500 Deputy-Reeve Rundie and lEoike for a pre- draw was won by Mr. Fred gln o pn hitaiCarneron. -Happy Birthday BOWMANIL AMITNCU plan ta pend Chritmas Mr. Peter Vanstone, Lake- a sug oMs.Bsi holidays with her brother andIhadUisritPotAnhrngWley ter rs.wet to faniily, Los Angeles, Cali- is oefrCr ta oiaMs Wl. R. Ceron, r. Vivanto fornia. : ~~wit}i his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Calan r D.Gchi? Çz IIu (9 ,4sa Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray; Byron Vanstone, King St. W. won two prizes. A dainty of Guelph will spend Christ-:Mr. Norman Vanstone, Grad- Christmas lunch -,as served. mas with Mrs. Murra 'y's moth-:uate School, Queen's Univer-, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park ADMISSION I1,0PrCul er. Mrs. Morley Vanstone, and sity, Kingston, will aiso be adM.adMr.RlhBw sister, Miss Barbara Vanstone, :with his parents for Christ-anMrad s.RlhBw ~ec Aeue mas. ers and sons plan to spend be n Ms .Grhmo' Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. For 1eevto.poe6357 Mr.owal and Mr. Grihator' etwkweW1 gî J. Murdoch, Bowmanville. Wilwdl adMn iopublishing early on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood -____________________________ Cobb of Oxford, England, are lt u have the names e an fmiyMssJa gussof Mrs. E. W055015 leae MRobrtsattendcMissheandg LibrySt. North,.riven Christ 'of your out-of-town guests on, eoet tene h og insand New Year's. o rda f this week and also' isnFrraewdiga ,your visits out-of-town for Pr rdtDc lt Congratulations and bf8t;Christmas. If you are having' Pr adt Mr.st. ' Jý wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. Peter;New Year's Day guests from'M.ad rJ Cavers - 9 Kowal Sr., R.R. 2, Bowman-la distance, we would also ap-,pa oten aChimse hile, who celebrated their preciate this information. Dial Party on Tuesday at Mr. an iq ý Mrs. Jack McFarland's, Tor- âth wedding anniversary onJ -303. TMA Sunday. December 22nd. onto. Christmas Day they P b:s Mr and Mrs. David Kerr of wl eget f1l.ad~ Congratulations and bst Fort *William and Mr. Donal w . Mo 'uetony, Oshan wihst M.adMr ,FakKerr will be with their par- I Mor,1 nai ttwMrs. Norris Reynolds, Lou-Ann Reynolds, Capt. Bishop and Lieut. Hanewich Sunday, Dec. 22 Mr. and Mrq -E TI G Moane 15 Otarl St.,town ents, Mvr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr Cvr tidd hita whn quietly celebrated their for Christmas Mr.aDonald ____ 55th wedding anniversary on Kerr, who recently graduated 8l tCutc ntdsecuaeen afrhrPrya h oec r and P , q Tuesday, December 24th. , in Geology from Lakehead OWd hr.Lonnay eDcc ll Anwordsinof pralse a .C hristm as iree Custom Mrs. John Gorton, Toronto. , ' Churc. Lo-Ann Reynlds'er wok inGuidng. apt.Mr. and Mrs. David Ali- ', 1 Miss Susan Ftcher, Queen 'University, Port Arthur, andreceived her AIl-Round Cord. Bis'nop in presenting the cordiGdedM.ad r.JckR" UnvrstKigtaad is fusroetuwii from a She is the dauighter of Mr. andito Mrs. Reynolds commended oe ak t Ery lm sWelsh and faml~' Bowman-,~fO Cahy thr loqi oro uoe ilcommence Mrs. Norris Reynolds, R.R. 3.:Lou-Ann on a job well done. ville, Mr. and MrsTimeL. utie College. Ottawa, are with teaching dutles in JanuaryatTeGdeafltCutc Mrs. Reynolds very proudlyi le r.adM thi aefs r n r.iowcOt t h udso s orieand family, Richmond Hi]]. r Arnold Etchen, for Christmas 'Co. opened their meeting with pinned the cord around he Vacant lots ln cities and:Mr. Russe]] A lldread, Toronto. Ci holidays. A pre-Christmas family get- Lieut. Hanewich reading a!duhe' r.~frsso hita re dr ae,~ilb hita a~~'! Mis Tns Hu he. t. Mih-togethen was held at the home poem "C r t as . G id s he The meeting at this tire forestheofChstmwo w ees d u Me s s i al g , T Sot . M 1 o n . Wan dington GSt . on shoe fo rm atin t kpac u d s te f r i st m ashpas tyaforth e 4 t w sh e st bw e m. emin atur M r and rs h ar ieystrs DAathY i m e of r.an Ms.G.F.Jaierepeated their Promise. Horse was then turned over to a Mn faiesre ringu of Mr. and Mrs. Gog Y"~ hoetso r .anw d aM s .with e n es av D ce b r 8 h. T os ad e presntatin. A Brow- G uiid s. A skit "Twas the 1 W eddinl bels are ringing A tYOU t(,îr parnt Mran Ms Gen atending xwerp Mr. and Mrs. nie.HahrHscatase Night Before Christmas" wasI$ i ect and fell thei:r wn Ire, in the Village."'t .0ad o ecptrea littie of ýMrs. M. Birlekiand Miss B. wings. Capt. Bishop then cali- Lieut. Hanewich. An exchange p Il taek oreles Chrintan hoirit ndMrs. Roy MuryariglierV yad ,eîJaiLO liaysn",' Bicklp, al of Canton, Mrs. C. ed tupon COMM. Fulton am4icf gifts followed. A lovel f ' At such 'a time we Iftl am:i 1xieb gieandf r.the'ir ~": REHOBOTH L. Upper. Peterborough, Mrs.lotu-Ann's mother; at 'this ltinch "'s serx'ed tn the girls e;: aorsleswi ad o nd Mi tn .R.,on Chistas JW.Moore of Oshawa, Mr. time , om.gveLu This ivas donated il the Par-iv the custom. cf the Christmas retvo .. . on hritma"ý Christian Reformed and Mrs. C. R. Plekle and Mr.i-- _cnt Committee. Thank you le ýtree got started and how we!Day. Limîted, senyurrget ' ChurcliadMsh.G.BclTw.Mas halidia's. Mr. and Mrs 1adis. .u l care for the tree of our M an d~ Mrs. Genep Roherts ýVwt h whtt16 Scugg SteelDr. arnd Mrs. H. W. Rundlel(Dr.) Lee fiackham of Toronta Capt. tIien read a Chi'istril ch . ~ oe hsoiasb'lcetaTn n., aresndiChatChriot-, ia (]*I &/,tf ofPittsburg. Pa., are visitingll be with bis parents for.essgeta he irs ad ues. ima hordys nd g, 'r. Min.fster: their parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Christmas Mr. D. Rackham's' The meein closed with iteCîita recutmb-Dywt ir aetaya vt Rarha. ndDr.an Ms.parents, Rev. and Mrs. w.rpraver and Taps. . gan with the primitive wor-,an Mr.Tm hils nd4 . 'jr,1I Rev. A. Vandenflerc, H.B. Rundie for the Christ-i Rackhamn of Oshaa', and Mrs. A cake was piresent d to ýýi f re ht a rv- aiies. nc, apnes ., R.A., B.D., M.Th.J. LeWitfl, Newcastle, willialso Lau-Ann v.v presidient of Par- t' 1 SJo yen i1tepr-C'itinera. iuý ac, n be Christmas Da getsa Ht0 -owever, I rather imagine'!Mr. and Mrs. Len Tiiocctitt,:v CHRISTMAS DAY St.Day guests attcetRCommitteemers. Evelyn . that the tree as we know it Haliburtan will. be home for jPopriyfrusal y 10:0 a.. Cthe ackam ome.Reyold. ~today is of Christian origin. Christmas with lier parents. M, 10:00devltie we teofest, wl b avn heirn "GOOD TDNG ? T I D I N G S u r~~~ I wY 4,ï h a rned a n d su p p ressed m s f m l g t c in e . 6 h 0F GREAT JOYrow" , io Y tey Paadis Play was per- Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm ie - ,lg 10:00.A., B. D.J E. Griffin, Oshawa, and Sunda Servces Rv. H A runer, ormcdin Erope.hiplaPtoyb wit Mc.hne Mr. 4 o i. 7:30 p.m. Organise4'î h lv odth ir ofither inembers of their faIn-D î IVte cratin of Adam and, . 10:0To0od ourA.RC.iAl R otury Truve og e ,mare iervand their expulsion from' Bk oGdHu eLet's naemrv 1Paradise. i '~ C K L B9:45 a m n.-w i th fo lid a y s a n ! l.G a d o f E den \va s :cav 08 ÀA )nerîoc u, Ro c, e4OH E 'S reLIetd ivfr r ý .For Old Appliances11 ,,0" ,Everone wlleil11:0 a.m.îý GO EEN S 1,; roi1.nde1dw hy alighted andi. The large audience ln theI Town Hall Auditorium. . toe This trec, knnwn as the Para- through 'TEBG2" _________________Town__Hall Auditorium on: Tlckets are obtaîniablp framods re asdslydi -'Thtirsday, evening. Dec. 12 th res, ident Bill Thiesburger, B() I1 A NVI[1,Y[,F, honi: cn prod hen S T A T E 8 M A N thr1IýMenoe the scnthPlayv had to be pecformedi C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S ~Sne18 -~ tocoîghl' e.jayd te seondTravel and Adven1-ture Series TRINITY UNTED CHURCH presentation o f this season's Chara Seatyeaisi OPEN HOXING IDAY ,~socrolsoPoe6330 RotcyTrx'l ad dvntreor anyv of the local Rotarlans. >, < It isas ossible that the ______________ Secies. 'he A meci c an ~flrst Christmas 'trees' were' __ ___ Minister- Rev. Gearge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Rocke" with an informa-: branches~J~ of hawthorn and,~........- Organist- Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., tv n it omnayh cherry that were hcought in- James Forshee, a ]eadingUS sieadorditobom t' * * ** * * * A. C.C.O0., A. T. C.M. lectucer and Motion picture Crsias tie. indsblomad travelogue producer. 4 "' nciglihors ue ocmee . ,tis SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1968 neoun pae c . it n nte osewo" 11:,00 din atrdth neet~ ~ cou Id provide the largest mas ,r. docf his udinusual fheim nd o-of blooms. The modern ever- ducedthisunusal flm, nd s green trees may have been THE MODERATOR'S MESSAGE everyone present continued to nlr~later snbstituted for these - .< Telcat y D. ob. B MLu. e raptly lnterested as they 4 'branches and decorated.. ' , llstened to bis, graphic accotint LI~ In .1604, Dr. Tillie in is boc ~- CHUCH CHOL o ths np hil thy wtch ~Yule and Christmas wrote: ed the colorful pictocial presen- taton whchnotony dpiA- j"At Cbristmas they set up ir,ý 9:30 ar. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior tatowihntol eittPrees in the parlors at Stras-!,~ 11:00 - Beinner ed the scenic splendor of these > Ybor.adan hereon roses 110 .. Bgnesgreat North American Moun- ~ctoto aycîrdpp tains, but also saw fascinating Acrs, opplos, afes, old pfou ______________________________--l_____and mnuusual places, and!NA swcets, etc." î watched some exciting ad-, ve nturces. Mk Bv the middle of the fine-.l Th R loutees sl th century the tree bail H E A R D A I L Y - 9 . 0 5ea. m . Toe Aoc k yY b e c o m e a p a r t o f t h e h o l i d a y Radio Pastor eia om h pn o hsýdcaoratianq ns mes-t rpa cnv . rNvKIfrr r oti nnt. hey exan t.edi ontis n n ot "snow-covered peaks neac, ae1~~ ,~ home. Foc this m'asan they r ,height of more than ")on 14G, ~..ar-e ela idd as thry are feet. Thfe.,e Include the ilagîat f ir hazard than the fmous Eirrt Peak. Long W11' fis antri pines. Acornmentatnr said. of hK itira f nesh tm'ee, 'lcy houimg W@ welcome the opportuityt ihyu u red 19 Other hlghlights o the film bîîv htt ed o the groiind. l fAcademv, Central City, ami V W '00F anot__ the United States Mint at'-V enve o ock Here's wlishi'ng YOU TRN to thank you for your patoaei h at .Io National Park was pictred asy forward to serving you ag nI RA ,ýZe a holiday that's filed witl i Yun corespondent wi'slirs, Rod rat flocks of Bighorn UiEdoradsffoCanJ sheep. admayapnetp erietpopiy n go 4dian Statesman, and ail wh flowersfi.a 4opeiy, god helped ta make Tyrone col-*O J fIL a acntn o ac1 nain, and Statesman readers aJàond wh fim epdtonrd rbe os'ide %vild hoi-ses at 41 a vei'y Merry Christmnas andlertosadtrlecttoeetemmescth ST. W DitSrthewre vey anxous t 12 NON UNIL 6:0 P.M presentatioji off ythe Rotary aLA î aliappy andsmaserocf ew ni Tra~~elbainand d etrure ees wwuuu oni e.aîdacSS l C71~ ill bo e'eciaen Panroraafa the Whesdhyelp of theire onZ Il- l ,À%J,,J.., d be rafseýn te peat nakte Afle o h udySho cI~~li ~ ittheeoulyin oua oeMNAEET&STF r and iipated. Th evohiD- BOWANVLLE Adir. agreattrvll Ter and BWMANVILE v Sana Clou Cn site HRIESTM 3S5412 FR RSEWTIN ffeeey o rnotae publfctse a ý r a hlping ive oui tefts.- S Thrlad A veng, Jannry qLD ES SA mnes.randhoesareS.S.clas Adaih, a geigt t'clk nd the4 atr lsadactvsst h i std nsH N 2 -5 1 O