Newcastle P.U.C. Joins Plan Chairman Stan Graham of Newcastle Publie Utilities signs the plan for a eô-operative electric service and marketing program as Vice Chairman John Riekard, (left), and Tom Messenger, Manager, look on. (Ontario Hydro photo) United Sunday School Classes Present Christmas Pageant Newcastio--Members 'of the Angel Choir, Denise Tufford, Shepherdesses, JennIier Gray, Nèéwcastle Unitedi Sunday Shrley Hamilton, Mary Mc- Arley May Munne and Mary 6chool Classes presenteci thein Ivon. Cindy Gamroci, Shirley Paterson. Chruimas Pageant Q n Sunday jAluin andi Christine Selby; SI. As the baye and girls walk- ening, entîtleci "TIfe Light of; Francis, Gladys Aluin: Follow- ed down 1h. mIcicie aile of a Christmas Carol". 1 ens, Lori Darling, Tracy Emb- the church, ihey lit their A welcome anci Caîl ta Won- ley, Donald Tilîson andi John candîe irom a lange single *bip wms given by Rev. T IHoar; Martin Luther, Mark cancile placeci ai the front. ;Smih. anc the congregationITlison; Followers, Calvin AI- When their canai wam aven and Junior Choir joînec i n ilin, Steve n Allun, Diane Emb-I they blew out the canciles they jdnting sevemal canai selec- ýloy, Nancy Allin, Bob McIvor carrieci anci taok thein place tiens befons the pageant be- and Kim Storks; Fathen Jean ln the choir lait. At the enci tan. de Brebeuf, Bob Northrup; Fol- of the pageant, li thep layer, Takngpar I tis ea'slowers, Jenniier Munno, Deb- ne-lit ihein candies. Ptl was pageant were: Narnatar, Han- bic Shearen, Jackle Adams, most effective, andi wiih the ed Pédwell; Mary-Lee, AnnelISandra Kean; Negmoes, Daleicdean speaking voice oi the, Hoa; Jsep, Nrma Tiîso; FPowell, Ruth Paterson, Peter inar-alar, il was easily iollow- F Moa; osph Noma Tll- n Smith andi Darreli Darling; 1 d. I'AM______________________________a____ ___________________________________ n ew The Newcastle Cenotaph 4_'C1ýjcS: anualcia! ancÀ Çtut-ras Dx'W, making ti yuch a Àuge succeSS. Newcastle - To our shut- Special thanks are extended ins at Memoral Hospital over io Mrs. Ernie Alldread and the holiday, we -extend te Mr . George Chard Sr. who te ihsfrased e .Chrstmu k and dnt thedlcouth covery. They are: William ,Chistascaks, ndte heBarchard, Mrs. Joy Bonham, J. &nderson Smith Co. Ltd., Albert Clark, Mrs. Margareli jvho donated the lovely jewel Farrow, Mrs. Rhea Gray, Wil- catses. liam Harrison, Robert Hicks, .The money raised from thil Frank Simms, Mrs. Lois Shorti innual draw will be used forijand William Vanderwori. 4he maintenance and upkeep ~f ur eauifu Ceotp' Ms. E. Haigh, of the Lodge b'e weut lawn of the Commun-. usn oe copne r' Mrs. R. Dennis to hier son's .aty HalL home for Christmas. Mns. Den- .î This year'm wlnners and nis' son and wife are Mr. and -those Who drew the names are.Mrs. Elmer Pollard, Courtice. :àfollows- lst prize. a Christ-MisBtPoelw hm cake wonby Gorgefrom Kingston Gerieral Hospi- .Wrlg9ht, Bowmanville, ticket tai to. spend Christmas withj ,tlrawn by Greg Gray; 2nd her parent s, Mr. and Mrs. Stan, rbize, a Christmas cake, won Poel byR. B. Rickand and drawn Mr n r.Ter awo -by Jerry Christie; the 3rd IM. n MsIlryGawo 1prize, drawn by John Whincopj and Terri-Lynn are visiting .was a mnan's jewel case won with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell -by Gond McPhee, Oshawa*, the over the Christmas holiday. luthand final draw, made Visiting with friends in the 11y Bill1y Couch, was for the 'village Is Miss Marion Fisher,, Iady's jewel case, won by Flan- Belleville, who was a guest ai once Anderson, Newcastle. ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan 1306t Wrt.a Father Time is here la remind us that a New Year is soon ta begin. Deepest thanks for the joys of serving you. Crago's Beauty Salon NEWCASTLE Te Our Maur gocci frienis and austons ri we «xtend Our gratitude. W. loock orwarf te serving Yôu ln the New Yoar wit h increaint mutual pleasure. Rest wiahes te sou. FLORENCE TILLSON, EDITOR MARK and DONALD TILLSON, STATESMAN CARRIERS One Greetii Was. Missec Newcastle -- Apologies extendeci ta Crago's Bc Salon for the oversight cs by unknown moans. Craga wae the finst, somne mgo, te ho in touch wll] asking ta have theiri Christmas Gneeting printe iheir customens and fi: They did net fonget. ai was ihoin wish te extenc i plument. af the seasan, as have donc for a numbe yeane. Howcver, somnew] somehow, the greeting did appean, and il was no fau theirs. W. trust tis exj ation somewhat justifiesi veny gooc Iintention. Also, among somo of persanal greetings wae di isfactien aven thein being Ing printed sa laie. Othec 'the Statesman office feel that next year', pers grcetlngs shouici andi wil pninteci aheaci of the busJ greetings. This was the yean thai 50 many pers gneetings were pnInteci, anc 'live andi learn. Community n - -*mn uDWIIIn MWONDAY LADIES 200 and Over K. Mercen D. Neal B. Major-- R. Couch D. Langstaff J. Ard ---- M. Taylor F. Wright J. Patton J. Hutton -__ J. Allen ___ H. Couroux -__ P. Lunn- R. Kelly C. Pickering - --- IM. Henderson ---- ----- TUESDAY MEN 2.15and Over G. Simpson L. Taylor- M. Henrv. J. Bruton R. Good W. Flintofi ______ B. Burley T. Waltan ___ D. Gooci G. Watson - J. Cunningham---- THURSDAY MIXED I 200 and Over B. Lewis 'castie 'H. Farrow G. McNaim - FRIDAY MIXED (P Li'loa!D 200 and Over T. Embley -Powell andi family. B. Adams r When Santa visiteci the' S- Powell ---- cchildnen ai the village on Sat- L-. Pearce- _ -urday aitennoon, he was well R. Gooci__ ,i receiveci by a long line ai veny M Winter ýexcileci youngsîers, many stllG. Zwicn tuncentain ai what ta ask for, B. Crackle - --- but al veny sure Ihat lhey had M. Biffet been very, very gooci anci R. Nicholson---- t would be deserving whatever E. Embley - Santa packed in hie bag for M. Henry 1î lhem. At the sa'me lime SantalIH. M. Munro 1 was expecteci hene, there was Rickard Sanother lange galhening ai' A Hoogkamp- -chilciren ai the Bowmanville A. Peance ---------- 1Legion walting for his arrivai. G. Gayi Many ai aur Newcastleoyoun G . NsGtray - siens atiendeci the paty ther E,. uey tt---- Ail in ail, whcreven Sa nia was M Haley he was welcomed by al the l Mcraen- ichildren. I S. MCAllin----- IA note of very greal Inter- est to several throughoul thef SATURDAY Boys 'villaRge Who have been inter- ~ 175 and Oven jesteci in having a bus service1 T. Wallon ---------- along the lakeshone roule, was G. Forget - recently receiveci fmom Mr D. Rickard- ýDon Denerno. He announces D. Huber - .... that such a service wil soan H. Vandenstarre be under way. There was a. G. Murphy - ----- hearing on bis behali helci ln! A. Dubeau- --- Toronto in Octoher. The de- D. Shearen --- -- cision was favorable anci the W . Forget bus route will be stanleci in P. mt ~adL. jinay. wael1iur ail aven-' _ _ 'tisements andi announicemenîs.1candy anci pop. They haci an Charter pivileges aise have exchange af i gus among the been granteci. othen Scouts, and remember- We extenci tbanks te Mn. j ing othens. Their ducs when! H o k y A t v ie P. Lovekin, Port Arthur, wýho collecleci xere given ta the o k y A tv te ifollows with Inicresi the newsllocal Lions Club ta be useci. Newcasle-On Friday even- ivictary ta Bowmanville. inth Salsmnani hoinIWl hi efn ok ing,, Dec. 20th, boginning aIl There's' always actinac ,turn sent alang an Item afin-I On Boxing Day, Scouts and, 6 p.m. andi going through until , excilemoent when the mighty teresi te us. Jamie Lovekin, 1Cubs gai together ta enjay a' Il1 p.m., aur local yaung hockey Micigets take ta the tce. These grancison ai Mn,. C. R. Love- iskating pariy ai the local1 players playeci an home tce. beys, whether It's aur own kmn, Newcastle, bas fia n horne'1anena. Tbey skated from lwo, There wvas a fair turnout oi local lacis an the other leam. lat Part Arthur ionthie Chistito three p.m. and laler enjay- :fans, but it is hopeci, once the Fail seem ta bave sa muh mas holiday. Jamie is a studenllýed hdft dogs and a drink. There Christmas Season is aven, anci energy ta work off they ai- at Redrice School, near An-lwere 30 boys who attendeci. wuth hit he hustie and busile 'ways maniage In same part af: doyen, Hampshire, England.IAssisting ai the party werclthat keep masi ai us an theF the game ta bare fists anci 1 We trust ho anci hi. family will1 Scout leaders Roy Hopkins and, go, there will be even langer neally gel Into same heateci Ienjoy being logeiher aven thia. Vern Martin, Cub Leaders, attendances. iighi,. Ih's ail part ai the Yuletide. ifrom "A" Pack were Mn.. Finst an the ice were the gamne, yau'll see il in any pro Mn. anci Mme. Imwin White-iFlorence Tilîsan andi Miss Atams, who playeci an excel- gamne televiseci, but when heaci, Port Hope; Mn. anci rs 'Cathy Blaker, wbo were alsol lent game, winning 4-0 aven they're broken up and leaveý 'J. Gaheen, Bowmanville, wenê assisteci by Norman anci MarkF Bowmmnville. Sconing for the Il ai that, it shows they can1 guehts aif Mn. and Mns. Perey JTil]son and anc father. Gardon. homo team wene Danny Allun, e lyfretI l s ut as faut1 Tamblyn an Sunday. FDancey. Il was a fun timn,,' Bnian Hoogkamn, Paul Quin- aâiti begins. It was a gooii 1Miss Mary Bawen, Lennô enjoyeci by ail. ' ney andi Donald Martin. dcea gane mIl through untill ville, Quebcc, is viiig with F Unfortunalely, thons are: The Pee Wees toe, playeci h: final iew minutes before ýrelatives andi iniencis in Ibis those who can'tloonk without' excellent hockey, winning 3-Iîthe fight wa roen u, ncil 'district during the Chisma. louching, anci whcn they' aven Port Hope. Sconing fonth final whistle soundeci, each season. iouch, hey up andi walk awayI Newcasibo were Kenny BoydFanhevr ly sokhnd Sunday luincheon guessaoixiith that which lhey are with two goals andon for with te ter lIayew acs Mrs. Manie I. Ganîshao were meanlta look al. We nefen ta, JIm Barchard. a close lame, but yet another Mn.. Sam Powell anci daugh-i course, the mIssing lights, The Bantams inied Iin cvery loss for Newcastle who were, ten Donnene, Mn. anci Mns. JacklEvcry ycar Il grows warse, way possible te slnk some defeateci 6-4 by West Rouge. Crago, Mn. Eric Wicks, Mn.lanci soon, I'm ainaici ail oui-' goal., but nathing they dicij On Manday marning our Ronald Powell andi famnily, Mn. door lighling will- change tae provec Iin ihein laver. Whule Pet. Wees tnavelleci ta Ogha-I andi Mn,. Russell Powell anci ndoon lighting. The nesident i they playeci a sponting game, wa whene they playeci Oshawa ifamily andi Mn.. Dana CoultenIdeconate their homes, trocs anci they lait 6 ta 0, giving he I he large arena, a nemi treat, Downsview. F buildings for the beauty ai,'s0 thaught mail ai the puay- Tim Gray, son of Mn, anci sharing wilh athers the atnac-, e 'I rs, who hadn't belones non thei Mn,. Gardon Gray, was home tive design» eneateci by them, iPrreseni 'I..,ocI inside oi the Oshmwa Anena. aven part of hie Chniutînas but those wilh sticky lInger. This gamoe went te Oshawa 3 haiidmy, from Carlton Univer-Ijuat can't wlk on drive bvII 1 oi sity, Ottawa, ad haa incelanci admire Ihem, ihey have il M em ory>' VI The Atome playeci an home fiown la Vancouver for the ne-Ita go andi steal them. Whelhen icee Manday evening, winning mainder ai bis holiday. Alsa!they use ihem or sei theni or! t vî S 1 2 aven Lake Vista. Scon- Ihpenn G r masly wer hith e umean tasi he aay, e W k Ing for Newcastle wene Danny ,theGra famly ere hei the an tos thm awy,ýQuinney with anc goal andcl caughter anci hen husband, Mn. thoy havent anything betterl Newcastle - Mns. Marie I iwo for Don Martin. O n Tues- cid Mr@. Gary Turner a! New. te do. It's too baci someone Gantshone, Mn.. Sam Powell 1da morning they travollecid castle, NB., Mn. andi Mns. Don Jcouidn'î nig up their lighls inianci Mn. Eric Wicks presenteciOawa where they met St. Bnackett, Leamington, Ont.., such a way ta give these sly te the Newcastle United Paul's temm, Ioslng 0 to 3 In andi their daughters, Mary cf characiers a jolI on two, but Chunch on Sunday, December a very weUl playeci lame o! ,Barrie anci Beth of London, then one would suppose. Ihis 22nd, a Memorial dlock in gosdcl ean aporteuinnship and !The Scouts celebraleci theun type would îimply go homnelmemory ai Iheir sitter andi teamIke fa h Ion, Scoring for Christmnas party on Mandmy, andi stay up thp entire night wife, the late Minnc Wicks, IPfwcastle worm Nanny Sheilda iNecember 23rd, enjoying long thinking up sanie new,1whosse birthday would have '4-th two goals and1 Danny 'gaulesdeuta hioe. made, low prmnk ta puIy. been Christmas Day. 1LJ in wlth one. ati u mma q) " '-J .- a-m-.-a- m- "0U 1961 PONTIAC 6 cyl., automatic- -- $250 1961 PONTIAC 6 cyi., automatic - -- $250 1961 AMBASSADOR V-8, automatic, power steering - $400 1961 SPRITE - - - - - - $300 1961 CHEVROLET WAGON gond motor- - m $200 1960 CHEVROLET WAGON gond motor . . . $106 1960 AUSTIN runs wellI- 0s a- .0 0. -m $1501 1959 DODGE WAGON V-8, automatic, power steering s$ý0 - 1959 PONTIAC runs well s s s - $100 W. have taken in too many cars .. In order t. comply with new government regulations thoe units must b. " Saf.ty Check.d" . . . W. haven't the timne. Ali cars offer.d "AS IS"" 1 Many worth three and four times as much. Your own mechanic can certify most of these cars in an hour or two. FIRST COME ...FIRST SERVID 1 AMBASSADOR 219 KING ST. E. NEAR LIBERTY STREET W BOWMANVILLI *~~~~~h N EW O N IL E r Statesman, BowmnanvMle. Jan. 1.1969 N E WO NILE efors f urgroup. %eportswredl Instaflod by Rev. T. of various other activitis ne=r and apprecletSo Duning the last week of decorated tree, much to the Mrs. Bill Wade and boys. through the past year were was expressed to ail former school, Grade@ 1, 2 and 3 were s6tistaction of the children. With Mrs. Agnes Burley recalled by the President and officers for thoir work durlng treated to a bus trip ta Fantazy Thoe responsible for the en- were Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- the Social Committee Conven- the year. They, ln turn, thmnk- Land in Toronto, courtcsy of tertairnent certalnly menit an Ewen. Gary and Grace-Anne, or. A donation ta the Greater ed everyone for the co-opera. the Burley Bus Company. expression of appreciàtion for of Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Europe Mission Is to be sent. tion and support they had re- Teaohers Miss Dale Irnlach their Urne and effort. Don Vinkie hkyune.. ee dceîved. and Miss Pet Vanna were The DeSmit fami][y wore ail Mr. Raymond Bruce wa ank o otswrera g assist.ed by Mn.. Ruegger, and home for Christmas. including with Mr. and Mrs. Haroldd a picture taken by a Unit Leader S. Marteli pro.; fl Mrs. Tisnovsky, in looking Joanne and Paul, fromn Hamil- Gibson and family, Bowman- member, of the Interior of our senteci the worship service as a fter the children, who report- ton.xvill church, was passeci around. follows: Hymn, "Joy to the :1 d having haci a fine time. With Mn. andi Mn. C. H. With Mn. and Mm. Lloyd'Discuss ion t urwd egandistn g ld;scpt reading, M11ant. Mr. and Mns. George Staple- ILane wene Mr. and Mns. Clysdale were Mr. WillIisFan- the se 0f t onbutre Chis t- Mas ilgan; Mr.ea sol,"SI0en1.. !Saeton spent a day ln Kingston, Charles Gray and girls, Mr. now, Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Blaine wa. card;, burt e nqis aeH Night ' Mrs. areil elo, " Qutreentywith Mrn. d iMn .andi Mrs. Ted Lane andi son, and Kim. mae ulut ard or nesareadHoly Night oMf. Agnsel; - ,Harny Stewar.LegofOrno adsonBary .aused Wat.al0Oooadon any With Mn. and Mns. Jack1 papen. The Nominating Com- Mrs. Burley; prayer, Mns. Et-.~ Mrs. Dinner guests with Mn. Richmond Hill. Jack Kimbaîl and famlly were1 mittce reponteci ail offices fi- genton; Chnistmas verse, para-ý time and Mrs. F. Gilmer on Satur-i With Mr. andi Mrs. L. Peck Mn. and Mrs. Bill Kimbali and1 ed. except that of Vice-Presi- phnasing awoll known IOC91 th us day were Mr. and Mn.. Jimand family were hier mother, Vicki, Port Hope. Mr. and dbent, as follows: President. couple, Mn.s Brown, hymit- usual Gilmer and family, Port Hope; Mns. Tresise, of Oshawa, Mn. Mrs. Don Bright, Oshawa. IMrs. M. Caswell; Secretary, "Corne, Ail Ye FPaithful". The'ý. ed for Mr. and Mns. Phil Gilmer and and Mns. R. Robinson and Mn.. R. Farrow and Mr. Mrs. S. Marteîl: Asst. Secre- benediction was repeateci and",. lends. family, while Mr. Raymond Chenyl of Starkville. iReg. Fals wene in owa. tary, Mns. M. lli;Tesn te aos.n hl uc oci it Gilmer, Islington, was a Sun- Mn. andi Mn.. Walil aceo ville with Mn. and Mn,. Jim er, Mn.. M. Vinkle; Press Sec- was prepaneci. Then ail set com- day visiton. Boughen wene ln Orono with Farrow and family. retary, Mrs. V. Gilmer; Plan- down to the gafly decorated theyI The Sunday School hall was lher mother, Mn.. S. Gordon Mrs. H. Trnim was in Oshawa ist, Mn.. V. Gilmen; Assistant tables and enjoyed e haif hour ýe of filled to capacity on Monday andi Mn. andi Mn. Adam Stec 'with her daughter and family, Pianist, Mrs. J. Best; Unit of good fellowship as well as vhere, evening, for the annual Christ- andi famlly. Mn. and Mrs. Simpson. Leaders, Mesdames 1. Farrow,, gooci food. Numbtns wene Idlnt of s T..onerove opermn eth Miss A. Nesbitt waî th~e Mn. and Mrs. Sidney .a3rown 0. IHenderson, M. Stacey, 1. drawn for the gifts. on the lan of T.gnm itJ. Cnaa"guest of Mn. andi Mrs. Les'and daughters were at Mark- Boughon, J. Best, M. Elllott, festive troc, aften whlch thep er'nýror with "s.F. Glmer a thel and family of Onro. hamn with Mr. andi Mrs. Doug- J. Stacey, M. Joncs, G. Staple- gathering dishandeci with heit -. ianot rs . elm wrdandthe Mr. andi Mn.. Jack Elliait las Wagg andi family. ton, B. Hendenson. Thezewishes to one and ail. .upa snno n el nimary Cai an d Donothy wene ln Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompklns lisat-wer flloed y eciatins1 wth r.and Mn.. Wray wene with Mr. andi Mrs. RalIph gssat- wre om llowe hy ecfatyons it . Tompkins and boys, Port Hope. ~ ers frm lin ie, atySuls With Mr. and Mrs. Don r Bown, Robent Sharpe, Doný With Mn. and Mr@. George 'Elliott and girls wene Mn. and 1toa, Brown, Glen MacDonald, Keith! Stapleton andi Keith werc Mn.. Mn.. Ron Burlcy and sons ýsonal Searle, Shefly Bnown, Michael 1 Dora Smith, Newcastle; Mn. Bruce andi Bob, andi Mss Judy 111 be Wade, Evelyn Staccy and Raci-1 and Mns. Launie Stapleton andi Campbell of Taranto. iness ney Miles, Interspersed with1 Beveniy of Ajax. Mn. and Mrs. George Hend- finst vocal solos by Michelene and'W en ac n. lno rson, Port Hope, were wIthý -sonal Vicki Harris. Next came alIBrown were: Mn. and Mns. Mr. and Mn.. Arnold Wadeý d wc! skit by the Intermediate girls, Trueman Henderson and fam- and Grant. a gnoup oi Christmas carole îly, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hend- With Mn. and Mn.. S, .J t by the Sund4y School, and a enson and family, Mn. and Mrs. Lancaster wene Mr. andi Mnrk rU. pantomnime "Blue Monday", Jim Gilmer and family, Pont Jack Chanci andi Johanna OUMU by the girls. Hope; Mn. andi Mrs. Raymond Lynn of Newcastle, Mn. and! The snryCas ned in a Trim, Mn. and Mrs. Ross 1 Mrs. Carrall Nichols and fam-g À th riay lssede n ;Brw«and family, Mn. and IIîY of Wesleyville, Mr. and o i M M m 0. ,~ A M sang, follawing which evr-Brw'___r - l-. Ganrth Jiggins. Port Hope, l i M M M M 1OU E anc joineci ln singing une oadi Miss Glcria NichaIs, Toronto. favorite "Jingle Belle' anciAd~ ~. With Mn. and Mrs. B. F. -who should corne bounding ini/Nj.j..o.inted to Elliott were Mm.. T. Jones,, Mn. but Santa Claus himsef! Inci- a nd Mn.. Wayne Elliott, Mn. 275 aly cevd ote ht eme, nd e wS andi Mn,, Russell Elliott andi 275ceiedfro. imetotim, nd! ew Sepa at family, Oshawa; Mn. and Mme. 258 read by the ohairman, telling , Robent Ellioti, Mn. Bruce 249 what progress Santa was B ~iElliot iJr. 46making in hi. trip towand our ýJ.I"/iI ~Mr. and Mre. George Eliioti 245 village, se it neally wasn't suchad agtrar oiaigOrpoesoa untcnqiclpty&-W t:> 243 a surprise, when he finally At its meeting on Decem- 1end u tn e lriare hidaigOu rfesinlcone cnqikIpte -Wi 2341 made Mt Afien grcetîng everv- ber l7th, the now Peterbor- i un lnd hswe.6835 231i one, jovially, he proceeded to ough - Victoria - Northumber-, Happy New Yean, cvcryone! affairs in good order. 217 distribute ail the gis to ahland and Dnam R homan1 Newtonville U.c.w. There is no obligation te investgtethiS-- 217 willi ng belpens fnom the gaîy Boarholmcdepaw rathe cho i T he Christmas meeting of confidential service with us. 210 _ ___- or inmndcto fthadni- Newtonville U.C.W. was held 21 ??9U119TTT ptentesta ts:Mr. nGeogeinnthe Sunday School hall, 207 WESLEY'~'a.VI.LL muv taf: M.o Wed nesday night, Dec. 18, 201Hickey, Business Adiit a pening with words ai wel- 20,5i (Intended for last week) Ion, and Mn. Felix Fox, Assist- crefo rsdn .Cs 23 As Christmas nears thase atBsns Imnsrtr well who reaci a short uoemn, ho have been away ai school Mn. Hickey, for the past! "Think It Over". "Sileni or for other neasons, turn to- nine years, han been Business! gt was the first hymn 4 275 wand home. Sharon Thorn- AdnIstraton forth Peter- STE N 'e wichm O I o 269dye s om fr ar o te orug Spart S ch o o ipreviaus meeting were nead v zTRLNG z 7ST 260 holiday irom teaching duties Board. Ho hias liveci al his by Secretary J. Best, and fin- mmwe ý 253,in Scarborough. She wiil be life in Peterborough andc' ancial report given by Treasur- 249 1 leaving again an Christmas previaus to his work with the i o M. Vinkle. A motion was 246,I Day for a holiday in San Board held positions ini local'pseatoiigtepy- TRNO-32BySre 244 Juan, Puert~o Rico. Linda Industries, ment of $101.06, out af the BARRIE - 351DuflIop treet 240 Thorndyke is home fromn Wat- Mn. Felix Fox han serveci genenal funcis, towand the ORILLIA - 73 MissiissgeStSreet. Eut 240'enloo, and Eaniy Ashby home with the Lindsay Sepanate washroom Installation, o u n 235 irom hi. machincry course at1 School as socreiary-ireasuner Centennial Project. The So- 225 Guelph. He ha. completed the for the pasi 19 years anci ne-, ciety now lias the satisfaction Memboe Canad* Depesi Insurance CoPpc.uV first part andi now wili be cently as is Business Admin- 0f knowingthe entire co st, working ai the practical side i istratar. Pnior te thîs hg held 1$2,101,06 ,ha been completcly of8 aiis education. I a supervtsary position ln the paici,__through the combineci 238 Mn. anci Mns. Ken Ashby ne-'Lindsay Post Office. 92turned lasi Tuesday from a The new Board is pleased 225 three-week vacation in FlanI-1ta announce the appoiniment' 206 cia andi enjoyed the balmylof two such expenienceci mon. 1weather, alihough It waq ai little chilly when ihcy lbut THREE DÀAYS' ONLY I - 253ý Mn.. Harold Barnoweog1 26the funeral oi Mrs. Ade 245 Gray (nec Hallowell), ln Bow- f 244 manville lasi wcek. W ins Ra nge 243 Miss Gwcn Fond was a MIE H aNi 238 guest ai the wcdding ai Bey- A omnilar w a, 23g 1 enley. daughter of the Han- ABom viearawmn 24ourable and Mrs. Matihew Mrs. Clane E. Aluin, whosc hus- 233, Dmnan StvnLesybandcisi.a semi-netireci farmer- 2,33 ai ont r, dSteiunday ven- was'the winnen of a new edec! 233 1ingPor Deemer2lsat. a -tnic range donateci by Ontario PCML 228' Christmas ohurch service Ho itert hedcooking tdeSE 22 ashelci in ibis church with iosrtoshiidnn h 220 speciai music by the choir.I Roalig.lua Wne 219 i music i. always epecial ar 219, but for this day there wae Mns. Allun heici the ticket USFI ST 218 more of IL. The congregation which was drawn follfJwing 216 1 was surpnised but happy ta the final daïontration an jS m FI m ST 2136 sec John Groeneveid in hie mc- the imet night ai the fair. Thei 2101I ustomed place, a short two electrIc range was delivered'JNci - - 207weeks aiten an operation In and presenied ta hier by W.JA NUARY 2 -3 -4 204ior Hope Hospital. Pýiv. IaniRex Walters, Manaer o) n- 04Munro's sermon vanieci iram lana Hydro's Bowmanvilie I T CT f 203 the usual pattenn but still, Area.darfam, bogtthe message oi the A praminetdifreriU T S E CARS (No Plates) Inarae ono ai Ms.1who lias shippeci fluici milk for MI i w- - * mu i 9-unotapn iiraw !s Huge Success - i i A il L 1/ I di I / ..................................................................................................~ i i