I. J 7/17 ~* ~ I ~ L Ott4tn BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1. 1969 - -'- '-- - -7 .--- - «, IOF - 'k'J J.pyIN u.I.>Lj.Lb1 n1 a len;th d4 centedi length rned lune an11 over M.adMrs. Clare E. --Alin, RýR. 4, Bowmanville, trlWne Fair. ti being presented by Rex Walters, receive the Moffat electric range which Mrs. Aluin won (right), Bowmanviile Area Manager of OntarioHydro. r the cooking demonstrations at the Royal Agricul- The range was donated by Hydro. ~'~een H dro tili lesChoose Director e.ve Hy ro U iliiesBd. of Education "Join in Co-operative Plan .............. To Pro vide Better Service Seven municipal Hydra Util- comrnissioners and officiais their customers. Ities In the Bowmanvîlieara rsent ta assist in settlng up Tom H. Bennett, P.Eng., have joined together to pro- the electric service develop- Marketing Superintendent, of vide a dynamnic, co-operative ment plan. Ontario Hydro Ontario Hydro's C e n t r a 1 electrlc service and marketing officiais attended the meeting Region, acted as chairman for progrm for their customers. to heip wlth organization the meeting. He outiined the Te program was developed plans. new association's objectives..... ~... nt the first annuai meeting of 'This is the second area In and lntroduced Frank J. Dob-..... these utilities held at the1 the province where municipal son, Ontario Hydra's Centrai Carousel Inn, Oshawa. It was 1h3 dro utilities have unitectiIn Region Manager, who spoke attended by some 50 commis- a mutual plan aimed at pro- briefly. sioners and officiais of the viding incesn srve o (UNT PAE WO partlcipatlng utilities. 'lhey cesn evc a tUNT AETO were: Ajax Hydro, Bowman- ville Public Utilities, New- castle Hydro. Orono Hydro S ow Ple ih a Pickering Village Public Utili- S o il d H " h a i ties, Port Perry Hydro andi WhtPublic Utilities.ashad-J4am W FakTo wa bPubli Utiltiies. soha- B adak ho Bad Storm -Mts rea The Northumberland and If itlIs any comfort to those1 that in Orono one store even rha onyBor'fE Service at with aching muscles who have1 deiivered groceries by snow- cation none latwk bendlggng themselves out mobile on Saturday. As a that W. Frank Thom has been Post O fficeal weekend, nelghborlng Osha- matter of fact, aithough this is appointedi as the director of iwa and Toronto are in just as being written on Monday af- education for the newly formed, 1 bad shape as Bowmanvilie. ternoon, the snow is stili plletd board. O n New Year s The heavest snowstorrn in high around the town and Mr. hm sat peette Pu Office Service on hlgh winds, hit this area with drlveways and sldewalks. dary achools In Peterborough,' New Tear'. Day, JanuarY 1, a vengeance on Friay nlght, To make matters worse, Victoria, Haliburton, Durham 1969:pilhng the white flakes hlgh In there is no relief In sIght as and Northumberland counties. 199: -town and throughout the rur- the weatherman forecasts the He has held this position since The. office will be elosed ai districts. possibiiity of more snow to his appointment in 1967. &U day. Overworked kings for sev- corne. Previous ta this he was dis- l. There wIlI be one Streetj eral days were those who The town's works depart- trict inspector for the same Letter Box collection ai I own snow removal equlpmen ent has been gaing strong area. 5*06 p.m. and tnose who have snowmo- nlgt nd day, with their He is a graduate of Queen's Mai] w1ll be despatehed bls had a field day. Noth- efforts being hampered by University and the Ontario Col- as follows: West 6:00 p.m i ýng much else was able tol cars parked along thc road- lege of Education, having spe- East 7:00 p.m.__mv ev been In formed 1 sides. __ _____cîalîzed in mathemnatica and physica. o f Mr. Thom was principal of Cof C Announces Winners O 1941 to 1953; Renfrew District, Collegiate Institute from 1953 ta 1955, and Brock Coliegiate Institute and Vocational Sehool Van Painting. Competition from 1955 to 1964. At the meeting of the Bow-12nd prize $15, Steven Morri- for completion of this proect. HI ni cc ruanville Chamber af Com-' son, and 3rd prize $10, Ian' President Lawton stated d I n u s Zn ce Directors heid atth Whillans. ithat it is most gratifying ta gDutchman Motor Inn' Six posters wvere bentered find that ail reports have in- Ign to Shooting tly, President R. G. in the competition by B0w-,dicated that the Santa Claus "vrton~ announced the win- marivilie High School stu.i Parade here, which was sj~n o rso ogRne Vndns h os utbewr sored by the local C. ofoCn., O f O ~roflo Bo ting Conteat as follaws:, turned aver to the painter 1 was very successfui. and that Fprize $25, Paul Bridges,! for his recommendation, andý the floats were particularlyi An lnquest will be held In ___________- -- r ten he decision of the dir-,î interesting and attractive. Helj thc fatal shooting of an Orono TRJANKS FOR GIFTS ectors \vas mnade. added that the Bowmanville boy, Durham -Northumberland rThe meeting was informed Kinsmen Club was the win- C r o w n Attorney Geoffrey Stateamnan staff express- that membersh!p letters for1 ner af the Trophy for the Bonnycastie announced today. appreciation to Mrs. o C. 1969 will be out before Ja'nu- Best Float in the 1968 Santa The shootlng occurred Nov. 16 ton of Enniskillen, Dyks-1 ary lst. They were aiso told Claus Parade.inh byshoenOro Food Markiet and Carson1 that the Department of High-1 Bus Service to Toronto and resulted In the death cf tof Northcutt Ellott! ways has instailed the signs.-, Resumed Murray McLaren, 1l, son of -.1 Home whc> orovided1 that were requested, and the; A letter fram Colonial Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLaren. i .s refreshments for coi-- Board of Directors of the C. Coach Lines in answer ta the! Mr. flonnycastie said a ten-G eaks Just befo4e Christ- of C. is awaiting the crestsv t C. of C.'s communication ask- tatIve date for the lnquest has £.rom the local service clubs1 (TURN TO PAGE TO been set lor nîld-January. M~ Mayor Issues Optimistic '6 9 Forecast Greetings for the New Year from the municipal, federal, and provincial governments were extended today by His Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Russell C. Honey, MP. for North-. umberland - Durham, and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for Durham. County. .M.v-or of-". . oumal Ua% In his New Year's message for the people of the town Mayor Hobbs reviewed some of the accomplishments of 1968. "First 1 arn happy to recaîl a major and progressive achievement that was marked by the opening of the new Court, Police, and Fire Station Building. This is the first such building in the town that has ever been especially planned, designed, and built for these specific purposes," Mayor Hobbs pointed out. (TURN TOPAETO BITS wPIECES WARDEN - The annual election for Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham wiIl be held in Cobourg on January 2lst, 1969. Two candikýtes are already in the field, Reeve Roy A. Foster ù! Clarke Township and Reeve Donald M. Lang of Ck van Township. This is Durham's turn for the wardenship and it couid be an exciting one as regional government îegot-'týons will be well underway, NEW DEAL- An ad vertisenien .t ini this issue gives details of the town's new arrange'iments for paying property taxes. Instead of paying four times a year, with a discount for paying the' most of the taxes early in the year, taxpayerà will now pay every two months, or six times a year. Read the advertisement or cail the Town Hall for more details. t t t t CAMPAIGN - The Canadian Bible Society execu- tive reports that almost $1,000 was collected during their recent canvass for funds. They were most ap- preciative of the efforts of the volunteer canvassers and also grateful to the many donors. tt ~~t NORMAL - This edition of The Canadian Statesman is being printed and mailed on Mon- day, Dec. 3th so most subscribers should have it before New Year's. Next week, regular publi- cation will resume. Incidentally, the office and plant will bie closed New Year's Day, and the day following. The frontoffice will bie open Friday, Jan. 3rd from 9 a.m. until noon only. These somewhat irregular hours will provide bolidays for the staff who have been working extra to publish the Christmas and New Year's editions. BLOCKED - Drivers of town snowplows would do well to learn where the Bowmanville Area Ambu- lance headquarters is located on Queen St. They had been working during the night of the big storm on Friday and early Saturday morning when the ambulance received an emergency eall, the drive- way was completely blocked. Ambulance owner Don Harvey expresses thanks to Constable John Bird who took bis caîl for help and somehow managed to locate a front loader in a hurry. The ambulance was soon on its wayanswering the emergency.___ ,Min isterial Assn. Spon or Annual Week of Prayer lin St. PauI's StartîngJan Annually, the Bowmanvle olge 6f MonF nii4ree4lfoc htrchegw te MnsealAscainspon- ognition ?I- 2astoral service1 masse for this rally. sors a week of prayer services in0Quj ,Otrjo and Penn-! One of the special features, the first full week of JaiiirL vivai 'and his leadership of these services wili be a Ail of the Protest4ant 'denorn- in the Board of Evangelism unique 'Question and Answerl' Inations participate. land Social Action of the Pres- perlod. Those present wl be This ear he Rev. Dr.!'byterian Church In Canada, given the opportunlty t rt Mari&no DiGangi wiii be the Gordon Coliege honored hlm out questions on the Bible speciai speaker. Dr. DiGangi 'with a doctorate in divinity. and the practical application Is North American Director of Dr. DiGangl's ministry of of the Christian Falth to mod. the Bible and Misslonary Fel- preaching and teachlng, broad- ern living. These wlU be Col. iowship. He prepared for the castlng and writing, Is dis- lected and answered by Dr. mlnistry at Brooklyn Coîlege, tinguished by a ciear and firmn DiGangi, spontaneous and un. Westminster Theological Sem- commltment to the Christian rehearsed. inary, and the Presbyterian, falth. He has travelled wide. The services wlll be held à _____________ -j y. and ministered in India, St al' nte h rch,' Itay nd Mexico, as weilias S CPu rlU i t reet and ,SIlv Quankdahand the aUnitedierofCucStetad V and thegestts er Street, Bowmanvllle. Tho services will begin each of thé Whiie pastoring the historie four evenings at 7:50 p.m. 0fnt Cli mate anChurch in Former Bowmanviiie resi- Civil Rlghts, and on the Board dent Alian K. Knight Of of Administration of the Na-.______________ Fiorida had a quick change tina Ascitin fEvâr .11 of climate laat week that must have been tough on the constitution. On Wed- nesday, Christmas Day, he received a 'phone eall from his sister here, notifying hlm that her husband Dick Met-. caif had died suddenly that morning. lie waa able to book a fliglit on Thursday and Ianded here Just as the area was receiving its first rugged taste of winter. It waa 80 degreev, when he lefi Fiorida. Quile a change! He bail no trouble getting a flight north, everybody was going the other way, but experienced considerabie dif- ficulty bookinz the return fliglit for Tuesday. Sign Co-operative Plan airman Ken Hooper of Bowmanville Public Utili'.ies Commission is sign- ýlan for a co-operative electrie service and marketipg program as Manager VanBridger, (seated lef t), and Commissioner BillN orrison, right, and Ivan Hobbs look on. >Ontario Hydra> photo)î tauliai i sbuciatiu n v angi~c- icais. He has also served on the Executive of the Canadian Coundil of Churches and the - Council of the Evangelical Feiiowship of Canadýa. The mission of which he is now , North American Director sup~ ports more than 150 surgeons, teachers, pastors, nurses and theoiogians in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Lebanon and the Middle East. Dr. DiGangi's theme through the Week of Prayer Services wili be "Adventurous Pray- lng". The organist for the week wiil be Mr. C. Evans and guest sololsts wil Include Miss V. Sadler, Mrs, L. Ayre, Mr. J. Churchill and specil music will be provided by other churches. The services wiil conciude Friday evening wlth a Youth Service. Many of the Youth Groupa from the 11ev. Dr. 'N ickets Scurrce Ne w Yeur's F (heck Friends fi There may stili be a fe w- tickets around for area New i Year's Eve parties, but most i-eip Sarita's of them are sold out. Possiblyl the best bet for anyone want a io oateda party' is ta aado~n whom may have been plan- ning to go, but are now laid An Interestlng toti bui low by the flu that ha's bit corne to Iight frein the En- this area quite hard during i nsklllen are&. Auiiareàtlyr. the past week or so. In s'on Christmas Eve, mmu. understood that the residents bers cf the Ennllmeu of Maple Grave area not oniy United Church S anda8y have flu running rampant bu t School toured the Vlbaehs it has been accompanied by Cawnig ai bornaiser. tbuw mumps. 'sang carols. Most of the customary dan- Residenta were no ape ces will take place at Bow- clative of their efforts te manvilie Country Club where, they contributed à tetal of it is u'nderstoood, quite a few $17.00 to the carder. wbe of the patrons will be appear- donated It toe i.DWs ing in formaI evening clothes. ville Chntier et the Lions Club, the Legion, Santa Cilas u a the Fiying Dutchman and C of C tredu .4 others. Lavish preparations Lawton rected tiig«-. have been made for the gala erois gift and .p events that wiIl welcoýne the the Parade C mntt"' New Year. aincere appr.ca, IL' I -1 j "<i 'f - e . g . 4*~'g'4." ~ i re 11 quet of 1 Mr F typoolv -for heri 12 Pages Presented With New Electric Range Services Start at 7:50 p.m. 'fi 15d Per cnnv XTIMRVP 1 1