Y-v 2 'The Canadian Statesman, BowmaiwflMe. Jan. 1, ) Patients in Nursij Given Yuletide T' Spécial Christmnas entertain- Sineafram the Chris ment and treats have been Refornedg Church v isai provided for the patients in Strathaven on Wednea uurIng homeés here, and the evening, December l8th, ems are most attractively presented a splendid prog 4cated for. the' festive of Christmas carols for. YJtde séeon. The nursing patients. The following e% bomes .operators, church or- iug the Strathaven pat.i ganizaUtin, friends and others also greatly enjoyed the% 41. have been busy with their of a large musical group fi plans to enrich the patients' St. John's Anglican Chu .mjoyment of Christmas. and thefr singing af favi . Strathaven Nursing Home carols. 3iss been beautifully decorat- The Salvation Army B .4 by the proprietor, Mrs. J. gave an enjoyable Chrisi Çliilds and her staff. The en- Concert for the patients trance hall, large sitting raom, Strathaven Nurslng Home cOrridors ndal h patients' December 22nd. On Chr zooms are bright with exquis- mas Eve the patients were lIe décorations, and there are lighted by the memorable Ohristmas trees in each ward. tertainment offered bye -The main Christmas Tree nity United Church Yci et Strathaven la in the spa- People, and their lovely si clous sitting rbom and it do- ing af carols, hymns,j jKinateà its attractive sur- other beautiful approprJ â,oundings. Under this tree the sangs. igts for the patients were On Saturday afternoon T : aced and they were dis- Childs held a hospita ,buted on Christmas morn- "Open House"l for relati ng. Bach patient waa well and friends of the patie 3>essed with fine and well especially and aiso for' sosen présents. A wonder- public ta see through them gui Christmas dinner was pro- planined and oomfortablyi ï ided by Mrs. Childs and her pointed new wings. An Sxceflent kitchen staff. Tur- count of thils and the n ey with &il the fixings, pud- wlng wifl appéar Inn i hWo, mince tarts, and Christ- week'u Issue of the Stat as cake were aei-ved, and man. ecarated and enhanced with Mrs. Childs was hostess lvors. hier staff et a lovely Chi ID ELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITI OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE o PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., 1 i BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE SHAWA 728-7527 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE I1~OTICE a4 ke notice that ~\*The Council cf the Corporation cf 1he Town of, BowMaiÈlle intends to construcl asflocal walein, ppurteninec and 7'o se rvce conneclmành ontrvaripus ifreets, descnibed in Scbedule B below anàtip.4~s ta specîally assess a part cf the coulst -. the land abuttîng directly on the work. ~ 2. The estimated coul cf the wonk lu $12,720 cf which $7,680 is to bei paid by tb. Corporation. The eslimaled coul per foot frontage iu $5.00 plus tbe coul cf a hous service conneclion. The special assessment is to b. paid in 20 equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per font frontage lu 49.0 cents. The estiniated coul of a houa. service con- nection is $165. 2.Application will b. made by the Corpi te the Ontario Municipal Boardf -approvel cf lbe undertaking of the o any owner may witbin twenty.one day th. finst publication cf this notice fili th. clenk bis objection ta the wcrk undertaken. 4.The Board may approve cf the work undertaken, but befone doing se il appoint a lime and place wben any cbji f..,Mthe work will be considened. ~ SCHEDULE B str IThird1 1'ouit Includ Firat -From To ýigh Street Elgin St. Blgh Street 250' W. of Elgin nection te the existlng main ai Januany 1, 1969 R. L. BYRON, Town Clenk. 40 Temperance St Bowmanville, Ont poration for ils >rk and ys afler ile with kbeing kbeing it may jections atermain Sîze n Elgin ;reet, tanc. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILL MUNICIPA GARBAGE COLLI THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE C WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2,GARBAGE WILL BE PICKED UP THUR. * * SPECIAL PICKUP 0F XM NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. - AND SOUTH SIDE 0F KING ST. - 'r'> 1989attend. We had. don@ this for them when they had their party on December llth). Il "December lBth, the Calv- League L mnet tes from the ChristianRe IIynomDecembr 9th, Caroller fsW h t e Girls' Auxilliary aofSt. i e W h John's Anglican Church, under te direction of Mrs. Charles re a m e t etties, sang for the Marn- by David Goheen t stian mas party held ln Memorial wod rsdn December Bowmanville Whiz 'Kldsb [tPark Clubhouse on a recent Public Carollers from Central îaîîed to pick u w PulcSchool brought joy te w points,. sday evening. A dellcioua supper, Marnwood's reaidents, and De- and increase their excellenta and which had been cooked at cember 24th Carollers fromn home record yesterday (Sun-tg gram Strathaven was served. Con- Trinity United Church Young day, December 29) as Milton t the tests and games were enioy- People gave a wonderiul pro- Juniors, the league leaders, t myen. ed, and prizes awarded. There gram at Marnwood. deieated the Whiz Kids 8 ta 3p jents was aiea an exchange ai gifis. d"On December 25th al et in a game played at the local visit The magnificent decora- Marnwaod had a happy Christ- arena. from tiens af ail parts of Sunset mas Day. On Christmas Eve Milton who had just cam- t ýurch Lodge Nursing Home, Church presents were put under each pleted the same series ofP 'orite Street, are most effective, and of the four trees. We h ave games that Bowmanvllle start h there is a tali Christmas tree four trees In four areas for on Wdedy(orgmsl i Band glistening w it h ornaments conifortabie grauping, and te edeysd ayfur ame nu-p tsatd Sunse n h living ro.gv oto ml family standing game. They were ledT s a SusetLodge patients enor- atmosphere. yRcCoew srdtoR eon mously enjoyed the visits of "The presc.nts were given bynRck ae s ored ontwo trist- several groupa from ehurches out by the nurses on Christ- goalsan asstdo tw de- and organizations, and they mas morning as soon as every- others. i en- expressed their appreciation ane was dressed and brought The game started on a h Tri- of the wonderful programns ai ta sit by the trees. The tra- strange note as aniy ane nef-w iung carols and Christmas music ditional Christmas dinner was eree showed ui at the arena p ing- given for them. served et noon, wlth tray but before the period was com- a and Mrs. Meta Read, the Ad- favors by the Lionettes. Dii- pleted, the other officiai arrlv-R riate ministrator, was in charge of ferent tray favors had been ed. It was a gond thing because a the special arrangements for sent for the supper trays by a N'lI!5 Christmas Day as the pro- gopo aolrS.a ýable pietors, Mr. and Mrs. Adams C.G.I.T., and se we were very M Lves were iooking after the fes- w cil remembered by theg an t a * townsioik indecd," Mrs. Cob- [ens tivities o their new Nursing ban said gratefuily on behaîf weli ing Home in Port Perry, 0 aP- which was previously owned G ive x ote ac-- by the mother of Mrs. Roy new Woodward, Bowmanvifle. I iext The rnany gifts for the M oa Lt- patients at SunsetLodge were is A t R ecreali frmorning. A splendid Christ- ft UOs ist- mas dinner was prcparcd and (FROM PAGE ONE) A large audience in the pe served to the patients on "Secondly, Itlsl extremeiy Town Hall auditorium enthu- Mv trays bright with Yuletidc grattfying that we have béen siasticaily enjoyed the Dance El decarations and favors. The able te sel ail the town awned and Twirq Demonstration held Pa menu incuded roast turkey industriail land for new indus- on Friday evening, nlecember ue with al l tc traditional savor- tries. Then we were able ta 20th, by the Recreatian De- ite ies and side dishes, Christmas procure an additionai 70 acres partment under the direction Lc pudding, Christmas cake, and for further Industrial expan- of Miss Irenie Harvey of the Mi swcets. sion. Harvey Dance Academy. Miss: Marnwood Nursing Home "One oi the highiights ai Harvey Ia the teacher af the Qu The Christmas season for 1968 was the opening of the majority af the students who Tv the patients at Marnwood Honeyweil Products plant took part in the recitai. Her azj Nursing Home was marked by ý'*r'. 1 predict furthcr expen- assistants are Miss Patsy Blake in niany enjayable festivities, en- sion by this firm here starting and Misa Susan Connors. The T'A tertainimcnts and treats. The early ln 1969," Mayor Hobbs instructor for the Saturday ] praprietar and aperetor. Mrs. forecast. Ballet, Tep, and Batan Classes Ba William Cobben, whcn askcd .Our purchase af the laun- for younger pupils is Mrs.y about It by the Statesman ta- dromat situated an Church St. Shirley Fowlcr, and her as- cil day expressed her eppreciation and ai the Smith Beverage sistant is Miss Brenda Hen- ' and said that she and the staff propertyealsu apo enn.An -would like ta thank ail the adequate and up ta date park- The dclightful program was jc( people who contributcd ta ing facilities." the Mayor opened by a Dance Twirl welI ley Christmas month for Mern- pointed out. E woad's patients. "Advanccs have been made ai enmjrfcosI e «'I- I alay hert-armngduring the year towarda plan- albe ao atr nbn "It is aias 'hocawarmin ned regionai government. efitting the people and the B a gin ta corne ln esking if and Major steps have been taken communities af Durham Coun- ter, when we would like te have at joint meetings af the area's ty in 1968..Va the carollers came. The Spirit municipal officiais toward reg- "1969 wiii bring new prob- Bal of Christmas may be submerg- ional government and ln pre- lems, ncw challenges, and new gra cd much af the time, but when paration for it. responsîbillties particulariy as Hal the young people came ceraîl- "On December i9th we met they relate ta the ncw concept I Ing ta the nursing hame, It Is ln Whitby ta go aver the Re- ai expanded municipal gaverai- cý-, there al ight. bright and port an Refuse Disposai in the ment, but the year will brlng Fai shining". Mrs. Cobban deciar- area covered by the Central for the citizens ai Durham COC cd. Ontario Planning Board. This Caunty greater opportunities Cat "Gaing over the records of is the first survcy on the for shering in the inateriai son Christmas at Marnwaod I North American Continent prosperity which the country's and realize that wc have had quite taken rcgarding the probiems potentiai wili pro'" uci. Grc a time. Wc got off ta a late of refuse disposa]. This study "In extending 'New Year's de: start, because the wholc place was made by James F. Y 'e.c- grcetings tea al citizens may Bat was belng rcdccorated, and wc Laren, Limited, Consiidti'ý I express the wlsh that 1969 and had te wait Vntii the painters Engineers, TorontoaVsd Lon- wiil be a year ai great promise Pli left before we couid begin ta don, working under-the direc- and fulfiliment," Mr. Carruth- fine bang up the lially and mIstie- tion oi the Central Ontario crs stated.T tac. Planning Board. ----bei "We managed ta camplete The repoit indicaes that a Bat t'- decorating before the flrst form af land refill wauld beA nu e Bar carollers cane; and It ail looks most advisablc for this area. n u n e Kin beautiful. Wc Xîcean ta tra- This vould mean joint pur- Lee ditoni ecoat*n, red.chase of equlpment and lands A ! Tru paper beils, baliy garlÏrids. fer this purpose by the muni- w oW* eU 4g Sus Santa Claus and bis elves, and cipalitîes in the aea covered Ter. mistletce lu the doorwaYýs. by the Central Ontario Plan- <FROM PAGE ONE) Ton Againest tbe new white paint ning Board. Variaus points ing for resumption ai the ser- chaE on the 1873-style woodwark, concerncd wlth entering an vice fram this tawn ta Tan- A ail this wvas mnt effective," agreement ai this type wiil be onto and return stated that nes( she pointed out, and the States- discussed by local municipal titis bus service between here folk man staff beartiiy agrecd. cauncils ln the nean future. and Toronoa as been resum- we. "DurIng Navember and De- "With Town Council mcm- cd. Passengeirs wil be pick- as cemben the ladies from Trin- bers working tagether ini 1969 cd'up et Don Boe's Sheil Ser- wbc ity United Church Women there wiil be many advantages vice Station et King and Lib- Riet (Mrs. T. Rebder's group) have ta be geincd for the taxpayers erty Streets et 10:30 a.m. and Bar] been coming cac]h weck ta heip during the caming year. I ex- wiil arrive iToronto at anc the residents ai Mannwaod tend the scason's greetings and 11:59 a.f. ci make Christmas decorations. my bcst wishes tealal the peo-Snowmoblle Queen Content 30u] Mrs. Jucin Cale had ail kinds oic oi Bowmanvilce for a Happy Due ta the fact that the cenv ai ideas for simple, pretty New Year," Mayar Hobbs stet- dcsired number af favorable beai things for banging an the cd. replies have been rcceivcd, anc Christmas tnec. Then on the Russell C. Roney, M.P. Mrs. Freda Krarnp, secanded Mis- 1Bth tbey hed an aiternoan "1968 witncssed the grcatcst by Councillan Keith Shackel- 68 Christmas party during wbich politicai success story in Cen- ton mvdta sdn wir naina ati Inw ae spart - urne employment for ners... ca Parlamenteny Secretaryyin members ai the casta or crew Lawt dicates thet 1969 wIll be equay as tbese are students who ne- NOqas year for me. k quire summen wonk. This cott, "'Canadians enlokto 1969 metter wlll be funther dis-tn wfth pride and hope. The cuuaed et the Februany direc- sciq L Canadans generated by tors meeting. WdIn 5adeb - tiane, and fiualy Pierre Ellott KenI Nicks, Chairman ai Tho EC T [O NTrudeau bave given us reason the Committee in Change af Tep1 ta feel mare praud and mare Arrangements for the Annuel Kim positive as we step Iuto the Meeting ai the C. ai C. stated Debi :oLLECTION future. Let us shape aur des- that plans tor thus annuelem tiny, not only for ourselves but event are progl'esijng well. Prm a. ~for the wonld, ta the maxi- He ncquested that the price Char! Ist 1969 lO mum ai aur capebilities." ai dunner tickets for this be 1er,1 "I trust that you ail enjoyed set. Following a discussion Smit e Merry Christmas, and my At was moved by M. Prestoni, was1 MSAY, JAN. 2nd very best wishes go with you seconded by Arthur Hooper, A ta all for e Happy New Yean,"1 thet the tickets be $4 eech, drew. Mn. Honey declered, and this motion was carried. Trimn Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. The tneesurer's repart was I Tal *"The iret full year ai Cen- as toilows: Bank balance and 5 ada's second century la; now Januery 1, 1968 was $1,10OJ2. IITa . - hstory, and as we look beck Total receipts were $1,702.75. dance kA> îREES mi retrospect aver 1968 we Total expenditures $2,655.64. Bne -note the significant develop- Bank balance to date $347.63. ant ic ment which continue ta, make Mrs. Knamp, secandcd by Mn. an aiý JAN. Sth Ontario the province ai oppar- Preston, moved that thc ac- decidE tunlty, a develapment In which counts on hand amnountIng ta perfoi Durham County heu shered $74.75 be pald, and this, wes ande fully," Alex Carruthens, M.- cennîed. leua. JAN. 9th Y.P., atated todey. a President Lawtan i ne- The "The establishment o ou-presented the local 1.C.f C. Connt ty boards ai eduîcation, the et the officiel apening the assisa T, STEWART, Supt. provinciaily sponsored indus- Haneywell Contrais ant, ane trial Incentives, and the basic gave a repart ta the m ~ghcart tax exemption program have of tiîis succesuful <vent- The ft5 ,w -r~ ,'- jeiorméd by the Wedncsday Juveuile Corps, campased ai tajarettea, Kathy Blake, Susan Cindy Ward, Janet Tawnsley, kis, Cathy Passant, Teresa Lori Ford, Sherry Locké, 'eyue, Iréne Rietmuller. Marg- Sharon Farrow, Carie Phiilips, jete Haskell, Debbie Dem- Jili Stocker, Barbera McGuirk, ter, Nancy Rietmuiler, Janet Kathy Blake, Susan Ëllis, ýovekIn, Barbera Henning and Cathy Passant, Teresa Payne, [ichelle Lamont. Irene Rietmulier, Marguerite Patsy Blake, Oshawa Twirl Heskdll, Dcbbie Demiter, Nan- ucen 1967, and Oshawa Teen cy Rietmuiler, Janet Lovekin, 7wirier 1966-68, gave an amn- Barbera Henning and Michelle zingly intrîcate performance Lam.non t, presentéd a remerk- na bnilient sala Strut and able performance that was 7winî. bath weii timed and intereat- Next there werc charmin g1 ing. laliet Performances by the Ail the members af the large oungsters ai Mrs. Fowler's cest appeered on stage for the lases. In Ballet I thase tek- ýeffective finale ta, the fine1 g1 part were Manica ByIýsme, show. Vien presentations ai Lmanda Bylsma, Clere Colley, gifts frorn ai] the students as odine Patter, Patnicia Towns- exprcssi.tns ai their affection, w, Lynn Greenham, Cheryl esteem and eppreciation were 'lisandNany Cnnius. made ta, Miss Harvey and Mrs. ýili an Nacy Cnrius. Fowler and alsa ta their assist- The loveiy uitie dancers In ants Miss Brenda Henning, allet II were Shelley Doxa-iMiss Patsy Blake and Miss r, Robin Winsncr. Marlon Susan Cnos an Heningen qnd Amy Chow.[ onos aliet IllI was a duet dancedij racefuly by Joyce and Donne ýano.ft 1 Seven ~Wednesday New Til z>andra Locke, Bobbl Anne îirey, Donna and Sharon H d t ao. Il In Group 1, andHdo athy Braoks, Christine Wii- n, Starr Fernili, Natalie Tnirn (FROM PAGE ONE) id 'Monice Pickard, ail ai The chairmen steted tha f ropI gave an excellent anc oi the prime objectivesa moUsrtono ychoie the ucw association la ta mtonstretioni synhnoJnet estebiish unlforrnity ai can- ton atwdloing the Janet ditions af electrical service d~n Kethy,<Lovekin, the Firs lce Wl1 %ers, prcsented aad s.-ktn aprch a ie Due ti caine ¶çýýr1An-\ad ~r cammittee was ýr ots nb the mcm-a Bgnnr appoinýied ta direct the pro- ra i heSaurdy egnnrsgram, , Doug Tideman, ai ton Class, Sharon Lawton, Bowmehviile Arce, wes nemed nrbera Aune Hayes, Brenda chairman. Other members ai immenley, -Lori Feirey, Tare the commlttee arc: Jae Mason, ýe Aluin, Diane Brawneii jxHyr aagr ar 'dy Moffatt. Cathy Parks, MalyPrtLar yry xsi AnnserTownsleKCetg, Supenîntendent; Walt Steeves, ýrriAnneTowsgey Cahy Ontario Hydro Central Region )mlinaon and Teresa Cayley Consumer Service Supervisai-; amcd ail the spectators. RySith, Ontario Hydro's A srie ofsoos y te Wd-Centrai Reglon Marketing Su- ;dcaY Majorettes and the pervîson and Harry Simpson, [aowing Strut and Mardi Whitby Public Utilities Man- ýre ail decldedly Impressive ager. At the end ai die meet- weli, as- enjoyable. Tiiose Ing officiais of the seven utili-* an took part were Nency tics and Ontario Hydro repre- etmulier, Janet Lovekin, sentatives signed a plan which. Sbara Henning, Kathy Blake wouid provide staff assistancel d Michelle Lamant. from Ontario Hydro ta act, as Cindy Kowel, a taiented resource personnel Iu the con- ung vocaiist and daucer, me- tacts wlth customers. ied greet applause for lier autifuIlly tirned solo dance dsang. Irene RietmuIem,ý !ss Oshawa Sweetbeant 1967-, presented the wonderfuln IrIng act that won hier this, dely cantcsted title. 'he Second Yeen Saturday aun Twirlers, Terri BabIch,ý aulne Meacbim, Sherryn ýengrass and Lynu Canaux n ve e pleasiug dispiey in periT W4 ,unison. Then the BeginnersTO W N < on Olas I composed of~ Ily Gould, Anita Nihili, erry Monnison, Canssie Wil- iDcbbie Nolen, Canal Bra-, 1, Julia Turcott, Shelda N O kson, Karen Jazkoski endtN aise Gruytens also perform- a Twinling Act with markcd 7he Canadien National Juv- U le Duet Baton Championsl 968, Irene and Nancy Riet-ýI lier gave a splendid dispiay the outstandingly spectacu-ý number that won them this! W A at chempionship, and they re accorded much appleuse re the next entertainers, and ,vcd ta have acquired a A ovnec ýrb sense ai rhythm endý sacnvnec ing. First was the Begin- system of tex billing thi sTep danced by Sharon1 'ton, Tabi Hooper, Debbie, wbich taxes mey be paid. a. Linda Bird, Julie Tur- and distributes the PaYme Netelie Trim, Wendy For- Valenie Fortin, Susan peniod. asier, Manica Pickard, )bIc Sewier, Moue Mosher Teei a cn Jacqueline Mosher. Teei neoo ie peppy dancers lu the. dates wilI reduce the ne Il Vear performance were tmoayfici' A fu 1Nichoils, Katby Nichal., imoa nnsg ra Reshotte, Annette Ad- savedl by dicontinuing the end Lynn Canaux. The mn ftxs nary 'rap was danced by mn ftxs rity Conway, Nancy Wl-1 Anne Auger and Barbera Teanuto h th lu a preseutetion thatTeaoutfth welll paced sud graceful. the pncvious year's total te elcented tria, Marie Au- tbe final instelment falling vs, Susen Ellis and Wcndy nwere delightiuil In Grade ap, e memorable number, Whcn Council heu i v '-'(y the tWo teams dccided It would Hemn. Milton came back and be goteet ery nant h e ore t oer nstupbingT ro t ae more et erynonta h e cor ith Dong Het us doingoro yt Ted Hood. Graham Hem also along the boards lnstead 01 scored an unasslsted goal ta Junior Fermera from Dur- ir<: playing hockey, which bath completé Milton's scoring for hem Couuty will perticipete atif teems are capable ai doung if the period. Bowmenviile final- in the Annuel Conférence of anc they want ta. Milton was able ly got on the scoreboard as the Junior Farmers' Associa- Eci to score three goals aiso I the Mike Donoghue sconed an un- tion ai Ontario in Toronto on Toi perlod, with Rick Cale pick- assisted goal. Harvey Wiliam. Jenuary 4th. Twenty-elght con ing up his finst ai the senies also scorcd on a perfect pesa Counties and Districts wili be Cr3 Graham Hern and Steve Bas- from Larry Devitt. representcd ini Publie Speak- i tead were given the assists. In the third stanza the two ing, Music and Square Danc- Peul Kitchen also scored and teams decided it was time ta ing Competitions.F hée *as sisted by Barry El- fight again and there were James Coombes, James Cry- hiot. The final goal of thé many combatants on the Ice. derman, Ken and Brian Knox peniod wes scored by Kip Graham Hemn opened the third will participate In the Maie Tuckweli wlth an essist froni on a pesa from Rick Cale as Quartet. Rick Cale. he out-guessed Doug Hayes. Oe 00Jno amr The second period saw the Paul Kitchen aiso scored and Oe 00Jno amr two teama retunn ta a form ai the assista went ta Barry El. hockey as bath teama were not lot and Phil Martin, Bowmau- as chippy as Ini the ifirst. The ville came back ta complete players picked up mînor pen- the scoring in the game asi O[9ts and1 eities inatead ai the majors. Larry Dcvitt scorcd, with the' Rick Cale apened the scaning assists going ta Gary Wilson SPRING - On Christnmas las he was set up by Grahamand Kim Rogers. Spring arrived in town. Twi a good time in tbe garden and Mrs. H. Robinson, RR icers and Twirlers were stili eround. Probabi robin was getting blasted1 kassuading ber ta leave theirN ng uemonstratuon teras soonl. ion Dept. Recital Iw_ TICE nlun. 4ih i4i -m aillaven Ontaria wiil tend thc day long Confer- ýce ta be heid in the King dward Sheraton. Hotel lu orouta. The progrem wiil )nclude with e dance in the rystal Baliroom of the Hotel the evening. DR OLD APPLIANCI througb STATESMAN CLASSIMIDS Phone 622-2203 £Piecesd's Eve the f irst s3 Yo robins wereh nat the home R. 4. On Frid-ay, A Jy by Saturday , by bis mate for wamsou theili4t TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE Tae notice thet 1.The Council of lbe Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvilie intends ta ronsîruct as local improvenients sanitany sewets, appurteflalces and bouse service connectiuns on vanious streets, descnibed in Scbedule A below and intenda bo specially assess a part of lhe coul upon the land abutting dinectly on the work. 2. The estimated cost ai the work is $17,750 of whicb $4,870 is la be paid by the Corporation. The estimated coul per foot fmontage is $.50 plus the coul of a bouse service connection. The special assesanient is ta b. paid in 20 equal annuel inutalments and the estimiated annuel rate per font frontage is 63.7 cents. The estimeted cost of a bouse service con- neclion is $200. 3. Application will he nmade by the Corporation bo the Ontario ýMunicipal Board for ils- approval of tb. unlentaking of the work and any owner mey within twenty-one days afler tb. final publication n cf Ibis notice file wilh the Clerk bis objection ta lbe wonk being, undentaken. 4. The Board may approwe of lbe wo keIng undertaken, but befoiMepî r«g-,-m4 appoint a limne and plaçewheiian bections ta tb. wonk will b. ilonsidered. SCHEDULE A Street.. From Lovera' Lane 100' E. of Centre Firat St. BIgh St. Third St. HIgh St. Brown St. Qileen St. Fourth St. High St. To Inches 250, E. of Centre 8 229' W. of Bigla 9 258, W. of Rlgh S 255: N. of Quesa S 150' W. cf Bigl a First Notice - January 1, 1969 R. L. BYRON, Town Clenk. 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. adir and a sby the 0F TERIM BILLI NG se ta tb. taxpayen, Council heu eslablisbed a ilt will increase the nuniben cf instelments by This belps reduce tbe amount cf lh. instaînient ent of taxes more evenly aven th. 12 menth )my ta be gained also, as the earlier instalment aed and as a consequence, neduce lhe ccst, oit irîhen amount between $2500 and $3000 will b. epractice of allowing a discount on the pnepay- einterim billing will b. based on 50 per cent cf axes and wlll b. paid in Ibre. instalments, with jdue on on about lb. 151h day of February. ;prepared and approved their annuel estimales al taxes after deducting lb. inlenini 50 pen cent, iments making a total of six instalments by vili b. mailed out approximately att1h. end of ?ili be given as to, instalment dates wben thes. R. L. BYRON, Town Clerk. OF BOWMANVILLE y,. .eading Milton 'Durham Jr. Furmers iz Kids aDrubbina To.Attend (onfqerenole - 1 FO