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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1969, p. 3

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r.., y i ~ ~ r ,~ v bagu ofea=dY efor the rî children attending Sundal %/Ç)eclclin I~ te aur shut-ins and fruit RntyMere !Buehool. Boxes are t e send N OT - BRO'WN 1 bearer was Master Dale Cur- BrucetMeer.Weart end o enhnce BahlyufTtis of Pontypool. nephew no, in t h eatet c Arrangements. ef white car- the bride. Foods, Toronto, for weekly nations nacd BlYuf The reception wa held et rcipes te he sent te the lad- Presbyterian Church for the Ballvduff Hall where the ies o! the W.I. Mrs. Manders marriage on Saturday after- bride's mother received In a tonk charge of the recreation nonn, Navember 9, 1968, et 3 sheevehess dress of gohd wooî period. She had us naming o'cock cf Miss Evehyn Marylwith silver fleck, and corsage some important Cannadian Brown, daughter o! Mrs. et pînk carnations. She was men fi-cm a group if pictures. Brown cf Pontypool and the:assisîed in receiving by the None o! us got them 'aIl. A late Mr. Howard Brown, and igroomn's mother who wore a con test of making 'only ane Mr. Ralph James Hoy, son cf leeveless dress of turquoise word' from a group of letters Mr. and Mrs. Arcbie Hay<ýtaffeta with matching jacket waS net just what it seemed. Pontypool. ;and corsage o! white cerna-iThe naming of articles in a Rev. Fred Swan officiated ,tions.1 bag by feel was rather mis- andthewedingmusc wsIAs the happy couple lefto edn on purpose. The ladt- played by Mrs. Lilian Rich-itheir honeymoon, the bride' es had ahso an excbange o!f4' i ardson.. was wearîng a green, seeve-' Christmas gifts. A tasty lunch Given In mariage by hon heas, straight dross in crepo, was previded by M rs. G brother, Mn. Wm. Brown cf: with matching nylon jacket.! Cathcart and Miss Stewart. Nashville, Ont., the bride wore Mr'. and Mrs. Hoy are residing A oe of thanks was tendered -. a floor length gown o! white'in Pontypool. !ta Mrs. Mercer. nylon net aver silk with fulli The bride attended S.S. No. Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- ski.rt. The neckline was ;cal-13, Cartwright and Lindsaylaux. Marie and Lynin spent loped wjth sequins and poarls, Collegiate. She la emp]oyed etý Christmas with bis parents, ....... ta the weistline, and the gown'the J. Anderson Smith Co., jMr-. and Mrs. A. Couroux et was styled with long lily-:Newcastle. The groom, who is Cache Bay. ,'* pointed seeves. A cluster head- an emplnyee cf Gai-net Rick- i Mrs. Mary Luxon spont the ,~. piece af thi-co white flowersard, Bowmanville, attended'week with hei- daughter, Mrs, ~ ' ~i' craught her short white vei,ýBallyduff Pubriic School and' Loi-ne Martinell et Port Hope. ý and she carriled a bridal bau- 'Lindsay Collegiate. Foi-n aise accnmpanied bier. quet o! red roses. Prior Vo the wedding theý Mrs. Alva Swarbrick spent Mrs, Herbert Curtis of Pan-ýbride was given twn showers'Christmas with her grandson typeol was mati-on of honorýat the homes of Mrs. Roy Mi-. and Mrs. Freddy Annder-- ,for ber sistér and was attired Strong. epo, and Mrs.:son at Oshawa............... In e *s,laeýess, straight, street Wm. Foy, Kendal. Guests with Mi-. adMr, ~ lerith dresy, ni pink crepe ac-, Guesis werý pi-sent from ýGeach were Mn. and Mrs . cented b , a thi-ce-quartoriPeterhorouigh, Toronto, Wind-i Suteh, Kim and David, and length Plyk crepe cape trim-seor, Kendal, BowmanvillO. Pon- Mi-. and Mrs. Wayne Foster med with[ fui- around the hem-'typeol, Omemee and Orono. for Christmas. line andýhighlighted by a bow Fellowing the recoption, a Mi-. and Mrs. Car] Lang over the left shoulder. She dance was held in the Ponty- staff, Linda and Debbie, and wore white shoes and gloves. pool L.O.L. Hall fer adl the Mis. Janet Langstaff were and pink flower headdress friends and relatives. i guests with Mi-. and Mrs. adorned with pink veiling. Her, - Jack Nec] and family. bouquet was of pink carna- T'-ý.~1 Mrs. Wm. Mrcer spont tloni.IS.t.NiAL Christmas with r Mrs. Paul Sterling, Windsor,! Vance Allen, and hi a sister cf the bride, and Miss mah sexedd t i!y. We wero very serry that Mr. ad Mr. HacherFosteri Dopxna Hny. Pontypool]. si'sterMi.ndMsHtceF . Madelon (Mrs. Bill Madihiý 16! the groom wero brides- on thoeasn f r.oe had the misfertune Vo falJ- maids. The flower girl was mother in Vugifla on Sun-,adfacueaboeijtoc Miss Carl-Ann Sterlinlg o! day, Dec. 15. They left Mon-'anw Windsoi-, niece et the bride. day te attend the funeral andMsssDcohyanwhi- ~'h brdosaia wre reseste taydow fr ahil. ev Mercer and Brian Festerl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James Hoy, shown in the of vellow crepe, in the samo Miss Kcthy Turansky came pn Christmas with Mi-. and'aoephtweemrried on Saturday aftcrnoon, Ityling as that worn by the borne from the Western Uni-' Ms eorente. bv hto em Inatron e? honer, and yelclow vorsity at London, Tuosda M!Crims Gogestoi-cor. I November 9, 1968, at 3 o'clock in Ballyduff Preshy- flower headdresses with match- Dec. 17, foir the Christmas hoil«! end Mrs. Roy Little, Marie terian Church. The bride is the foi-mer Miss Evolyn' ngshort veils. They carried days. adLn eeM.adMs ayBon n h Ibouquets of yllew carnations.:Mi-. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- aon Lynnwero i.adMs ayBon and the bieridegroom is the son of Mr.î The flower girl wore a short.' nux, Marie and Lynn, andRone inra-dSerii and Mi-s. Ai-chie Hoy of Pontypool. _______ pink frock and pink headdress!jMrs. W. Mercer were dinner, Wa yne Bailey, Orono, Jim In the same design as wern gucats Sunday with Mi-. and!Clil Newcastle, . H hytesenior attendants. Her Mr.Ra Couroux et Hemp- :W ~t adnHiIad E N N IS KI L LE was cf pink cerna- tOn. Iý Barbai-a Corfe of Baiieboro.- __-Te Chita Sundy tions. Ail wnre white sboesi Mi-. Roy Sleep la spending M.s. Mahel Elliott is iTh Crsta Sii n dy and gloves. 'lie holiday season with his Memorial Hospital, hcving et the Degeer home. moiring church service left Mi-. Neil Hoy, Pontypnolj itrsednecsi Toronto., ufrda e- c ns leiMi-. and Mrs. Stan Cawling, nothing te ho desired by ali brother of the groom, was best: Mn. and Mrs. Alec LittleerySna onn n Salem, were Christmas Day its woi-shippors. Oui- guest' mnan and the ushers wcre Mr-. cnd daughters are sponding c ihpesueW oeguosts with Mrs. Irene Tebb minister Rev. J. Lougheed de- Lai-ny Hoy, Kendal1, cousin of-the holiday at their homo in se eln etraan and famil. ivcred a meat encouraging the groom and Mi-. HerbertýKendal. We wish them aa ia Mrse andfeeling br g Mr . r.WyeBakadispigsrmn tth Curtis o! Pentypool, brother-I welcomo. M- n is o ong i.adMs an largend nrgatiron te the in-law o! the bride. The ring!l The childi-en of Kondaliman and daughters and Mr. hurn, Newcastle, were Satur- largecogreghih ation ha th and Mrs. Dan Black made day supper guosts of Mr. andsntaywic weehn- q*school put on a fine Christ- their Christmas visit Vo Oril- Mrs. W. Blackburn and fam- Pd in its beauty by celai fui mas concert in the school, lia Sunday aftei-noon. Mr. and ily. Christmas floral arrangements Wednsda eveing Dec 18Mrs. Peuh Grant visited withi Christmas dinner guesta !(ytoo ui wmlcla- Mi-. McCoy introducod the of tîsta) and the usuel gayly de- prgan then ah oth n- themn Sunday ove. IMir. and Mrs. Alfred Gkrrard coratcd Christmas troc. The pi-agi-cm inrue thon each o Guests over the Christmas l and famîly were Mr. and Mns. ch'oir director and organist ~ vos Theteacers i-e o e' with Mi-. an.d Mrs. T I Chai-lie Gairenrd and Mi-a. L. Mi-s. Chambers led the choir 1 icongratulattod in gtting uI Jck ere tMi-.cndMl, Griffnin a "Carol Sing" and proces- such a fine pi-ga-m. Congrt- Lis ar uttel MichaelToGanyo, Mi-. and Mrs. Tem Potts stonal et the beginning of the ulations te the pupils alano. Mi-. and KelM roTohnHrriono were Christmas suppen guests service as the choir came up1 Thene has beon consider-ai and Mhrs. Jahn H Bafrriso o!Mi- and Mrs. J. Potts mnd the aishes with their uniform able cold weather and snow as ahrnef-mBa ford il~v and Mrs. Meti. gcwns brîgbtened with a pi-et- storms before Christmas thie te.;;û?t ' i~: nd Mrs. Grant Tbomp- ty Chriatmas corsage. The ya.The blizzard on Sun- Lindsay o Un' y e 5 pen-eih son, Harnt,Itpn, called on bis choirs thi-ee anthems were dy, ear. 2,md i S- d ingte b lo .~ hoewKith gi-endmother, iVrs, A. Thomp- ,Sang o! the Angels", 'This dany Dec. 22, mad hait a or- S lo-r n sabo hoe with son duning the C hristmes Christmas Tide" and '"9Away ~ i~~i~.l ae hmto-aotthic wekseeson.' in a Manger", with a pleasing snowbcdturned -o."lIfioni the Trent University in Mn. and Mrs. David MDrrow sala part by Miss Sheryl Ash- TJWsno ha trli t rian, Peter-borough. and David. Hamilton, Do * Iton. The 1%essengei-s and their during nigbt and put quite a j Miss Catherine Stew artan omStraw$id e- .1erMda A.JWorî IruTeoWte Gsno Sevic'spn hita ihM- ekwoad, Mn. and Mrs. Walteriand R. Rowan occùpird tht', TwsheldWbiteymoGift Si9e MKelvey and Miss Maiion Leveridge, Tyrone, w er e wcKendld unda y tmoRningiiiMcKelvey. Thursdav cahIers et Mn. and D T.Ke nl Chr.Hbye p Rev. Mr-. and Mi-s. Bill Hny and l'vrs Arth'ur Trewir's. usiness uirectorl Srogroe. o soko0fson were with ber sister neer Mrs. A, Thompson* spent - the Shepbords seoing the sign port Hope. in the sky and fclawing it to i- Ch ristmasmoday wth f.aniy _______ Bethlehem ta 500 the baby" .n Ms aradCahCst .m d a ndth' Jesus. Mrs. G. Cthcart told 1 cart aid M. Arthur Thomp- Bowmanville. îakMinRA J DYN Mis îîeestngstry son wero gucats fer Christmas MR.adMs .CAYte.edIAcceNten aVt!mY itre!ngsor fwith their aunt, Mrs. Bur- cahredand Mrs. WMab urnol- C burtre c Stet M sBelueh Ritz and ber stui- wesh et Cobourg. ln, alleon Tes ay. ____93__rc Sret dent Mureta cnd their life in igSlMi-Tesa. 623-3861h Rhcdesia. The choir sang mren r.Fe on- Mn. Bob Joncs, Lakehead mnand girls frnm PontypoolUnvriy PotAhus WM. J. H. COGGINS i r 'Awcyin a Mnger" it Mi- and Mrs. Bob Uic-iy or rhr 5 Cbartered Accountant 'Mrs. A. Poster pleying the visitod . sponding the Christmas bh- 1ibrlS. . omevle organ. Following the service, Yuga hitm eove days at his home. the Suda Shol chlasîwwhile bis sistor, Mrs. Ken MmadMs alTomp- Phone 623-3612 nfl Spai-ka. hem huaband end 311 were ie thei Chistmas Bue Oshawa,an Ernest snand CYnt!nia, Mr. Donald WILLIAM C. HALL 0 any patonS ;r sterCrsmscn onmThmpson and daugter-in- .om sur mny par 1ns ret has ath e Csacell- ounman o! Bowmanville law, Mrs. Dorney 'rlompson. Chartered Accountant !The W.I. meeting was heif prtCiitmlwth te.Bowmanvilhe, called on Mrs. 361/ King St. E., Osbawa ut NS time Tuesday eeig e.1ta Mi- and Mrs. George Bonnet A. Thompson on Tbursdey. Telephone 7259-65.39 S U IR p the homne o! Mrs. W. Mercerie! hitdywr eso hm Mi-. end Mrs. D. J. Camero BURROWS, SELBY & CO S TUA T Ilin charge o! Mrs. E. Cour-I hrdy eeChita a iner Cbartcred Accounitants '~~~IL5' I~~~ Theme ai-o quite a number get !M.adMs ere 33Kn tetWs attende . -he 'xplorer girls and femily were Mrs. F.I .mLOopmacy r teck a part in the service. Toms, Enniakîllen. Miss Nan- Coe audyadSna Sunday Schaol will be beld cy Johns, Mn.. Will White, Poo6355 et 12:30 and church service et Hampton. DR. E. W. SISSON 1:30 p.m. Mn. and Mm.. Wayne Pig- L.D.S., D.D.S.F Guestsaet the home a! Mi-. gott and Andy visited Mn. and Office in bis home e and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ron-' Mrs. Jim Piggott, Tyrone. 100 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville9 aId and Ray. on Christmas Mrs. A. Thampson spent Phono 623-5604 Day were, Mi-. Russell Onm- lest weekend with Mn. and Office Heurs: iston. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Mrs. Earl Thompson, Bow- 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily May 1969 truly bring the ýSharp, Linda and Janet, En-Ijmanilleid-. RyPtesnCoe Wednesdey - Saturdayd brotherly Ieve. one seeks: Ashton and farnily. :and femily called on Mr. and 67 King St.E.,Bowanville Mi-. an-d Mrs, W. BakunMns. Bruce Gallagber, Ajax, Office Heurs: )to every one of om= ioyai and !amily held their Christ- on Thursday. 9 arn. ta 6 p.m.0 Aewms gatibeiing et the Haydon Mrs. A. Thompsen receîved Monday tbrougb Thunsday fi ,patrons,A Joyous e Yeu., Community Centre. Those et-, a phone oeIl fromn Mn. Victor 9 Vo 4 p.m. Fridey c tending were, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Toronte, on Saturday Closed Saturday and SundayF Farewell Blackburn, Brian, morning, saying bis mothen Phone 623-7662 Mi-. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- Mrs. Smith hed passed awaya leton and femiiy, Salem. Mr. on Saturday rnornirg. Victor Insurance and Mrs .Walter Blackburn Smith taught schnoi et Hay ____ ____ and famîly, Don Milis, Rab- don befere geing to Maple DONALD A. MaeGREGOR ci-t Blackburn, Oshawa, Mr-. Grave Vo teach. Victor and Lite, Auto. Home and Mrs. John Kinghorn and bis mother were quite fre- Insurane'E fcmiiy, Zion. Mi-. end Mrs. quert visitons e! Mrs. Thomp- St King St. W., Bowmanvllle! Wayne Blackburn. Newcastle.lson. Sympathy, la extended to Phono 623-5962 a Mi-. Glen Blackburn, Miss Mn. Smith in bis bereavement. 1 JnYce Anderson, Ottawa. Sympathy to the Straw- O iom eiry k Guesta o! Mr-. and Mrq. bridge family o! Norwood, 0__p____o me__fry Roy Graham and ramily crn heving lest their home b)y KEITR A. BILLETT, OD Christmas Da ' wei-e Mr-. rd fi-e on Christmas monning. Optomnetrist BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Tom Patta. and Mi-. and Mrs. Strawbridge is a sister 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvlle 1V Mrs. Leslie Gnaham. Mi-. and o! Mr. Walter Loveridge, Ty- Office Heurs: By appointment Mns. Walton Rahm. Tyrone, rone. The Strawbridges lived Tehephone 623-3252 L NO MILK DELIVERY JANUARY lst or 2nd were caiersat the Grahamj nertb o Haydon a few years Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fi-i.L Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and Strawbridge are staying witb Wed and Set - 9 - 12 0i farnily spent Christmas DaylItii. Loverid4e family, Tyrone. Thursday evenings t front pews for thé early part The Canae of the service and were kemni- ly attentive to trhe Ministér's true story for them of 'hit mas i IMia', which was a!mT r n t o right down to the festive Christmas dinner of curry and rice served on a large banana leaf as each guest sat "like aAn nual Ent< strated hy Rev. Lougheed. The theme for the Christmas mes- sage was "Behold I bring you 1 V which shall be to ail people"-. Visitors attending the service Hubert M. Hooper, Super- the school were Rev. J. Lougheed's twO intendent of Pine Ridge School Presiden sons Richard and Peter and who is also Secretary of the on behaif bis brother. who iasà H.S. Bowmanville Rotary Club, pre- Rotarians principal. also four filled sided last week at the annual David Cai pews with every memnber Banquet and Chrlstmnas Party ary's Youl from near and far of the im- given by the Toronto Rotary tee Chairr mediate family of Mr. and Club for the boys of the of ahl ari Mrs. L. Wearn. school. The Toronto Rotary event. H The S. S. session opened Club bas entertained thé boys Bob Wall, with a delightful organ pre- there In this way ever since Naylor, ai lude of Christmas Carols by o ther mer Miss Sheryl Ashton. Two jun- family were Christmas Eve!mittee. ior pianistsa ccompanied the visito'rs at Mr. and Mrs. F. A delici hymns. viz: Miss Sharon Wer- Holroyd, Hampton. 1 with all t ry and Master Brian McGill. We wish Miss Darla Lamb lectable de Supt. A. J. Werry welcomed get well wishes, she is having the audito: two new littie members in the her tonisils out on Monday. Pine Ridgf Beginner's Class who are Christmas Eve for the faim- charge of Jimmy and Brian Carnegie I ly was celebrated at Mr. and serving of and reside with their foster Mrs. Roy McGill's. The aud parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang-, ton. Our teenagers and pre- maid and family, Solina, were. teeners sereinaded the village Christmas Day guests nt R.1 and commun ity with their an- McGiil'o. i nual Christmas Caroiling un-, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright,1 der the direction of Supt A.' Beverley, Barbara, Leslie and' w J. Werry and Jr. Boys teachiers Brian, Maple Grave. Mr. and' Mesdames R. Howe and K. Mrs. Ken Wright and Kený McGill. Proreeds are to, bel jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne' given to the Bowmanvillel Wright, Oshawa, were Satur,! Santa Claus Parade Fund andi day evening guests with E. the Biafra Relief Fund. Mrs. Wrights and Mr. N. Wright. Tomns assisted by several Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGihll young mothers entertained anc, boys wpre Christmas Day. the young carollers ait her guestsata Mr. and Mrs. Ray, home with a lunch of Christ- Vanmeer's, Providence. ,mas dainties after their sing- 1 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, ing tour. A lovely Scotch col- Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickeyi lie dog escorted one group and Velma, Miss Laverne Or-; from home to home. Npxt is- chard. Bowmanville, Mr. and: sue will report amount of Mrs. Dave Bothwell and Nan- donations. We cannot report cy, Maple Grove, were Christ-!I next Sunday's special service mas dinner guests at C. Stain-' to catch the early publication ton's.i of this worthy weekly but Miss Margueri te Wright,i ask our readers to watch in Stoney Creek, sp e nt tbpý anticipation for next week's Christmas bolîdays with ber: issue,. family, E. and N. E. W7-right's. Mr. and Mrs. Brucre Reid,~ Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa,!f Linda and Bill, had Christmas was Sunday guest with theý with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wright famîly. I1f Reid, Harold, Ont., and vis- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dlck-1 ited Mr. an-d Mrs. Doug Reid, son, Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Campbellford. Donald Tordiff and Marcie. Christmas Eve guests with Oshawa. were Christmas Day:ý Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton guests at R. Howe's.i were Mr. F. Worden, Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper, Davidson, Cobourg, Mr. Sam were Monday evening visitorsi Pankhurst, Ashburn, Mr. and at Ray Taylor's, Bowmanville. Mrs. Keith Worden, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and and family, Haydon, Mr. and family were recent afternoon Mrs. Earl Trewin and fainily, guests of Mr and Mrs. Keîth were Christmas Sunday guests Wilson, Oshawa. at Mrs, F. Toms. Miss Shirley Norton. nurse- Mrs. F. Toms spent Christ- in-Training, Oshawa Hospital mas Day at L. Slemon'S, Hay-p spent Christmas with E. Mc- don. C Nair's. Mrs. J. Lyon and family, PE Mrs. E. Page had ber fam- Courtice, had Tuesday lunch M A~fI Ily home with her on Christ- witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. mas Day. Mrs. Norma Bradford, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, N. E. Wright were Monday Oshawa, Mr. Joe Rekker. t ea guests et Mr. and Mrs. Maple Grove, Miss Elsie Oke, Wayne Wright's, Oshawa. Miss Phyllis Marshall, Mr. A family gathering was held and Mrs. Murray Marshall, on Christmas Day nt Mr. and' Mr. Leon Doby, Bowma.nville, Mrs. E. Wrîght's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borland, Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, were Christmas Day guests at N.Y.. Mrs. Connie Gîlman,; C. Avery's. Geneva, N.Y.. is visiting witâh Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton the E. Wright's. ,were visitors on Christm-as Mr. James A. Werry, Mr, iDay with Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Mrs. H. J. McGill, spent A at, Stunset Lodge, Bowmanville Christmas wîth Mr. and Mrs. i~ ~ and Mi'ri rs.. Ira Tt'avell John Borrowdaje,, Oshawa. * at Oshawa General Hosp1ta1.ý Mr. Tom JlEnckin, Port Per-1 SUN also with Mr. and Mrs. C., ry, Mr. lhgMrs. David Stain- Graham and Mrs. S. Rodmnan, ten 5)id Deanna, Cobourg, Mr., Oshawa. and, Mrs. Keith Cryderman' I We are pleased to report and girls, ZMon, Miss Doris' that Mrs. E. C. Ashton enjoy. Stainton, Orilia. were Christ-, ed and appreciated ber holi- mnas Day guests of L. Stain- day visitors and gifts which ton'@. included several potted plants1 Mrs. H. Staintoi had Christ- Adults with one from Enniskillen. mas with Mr. and Mrs. Ar< -, U.C.W. and other families. Lowe of Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry Miss Winnifred Cole, R.N..', and family, Sudbury, i s i- Willowdale, Dr. and Mrs., ing over the holiday with Mr. Clark Werry., John. Elizabeth! and Mrç. F. W. Werry who and Peter, Etobicoke, Mr. and1 ail] ad Christmas dinner with Mrs. Allan Werry, Sandra,,, Mr. a'nd Mrs. Ted Werry and Sharon and James, Mr. and1 supper with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Grant Werry, Susan.I Np Bih] Werry, Orono. ScotI, Wendy and CaLrolyn, Mr.R.J. rmsto, r. ndwer Crisma.Da+glst a Kathy and Gordoin, Mi55 ~, U Sheryl Ashton, Mr. and Mrs.'[t ýF. Beckett, Miss Marie Beck-4 t e d n %T ett.wereChristmas Sunday~ ~ gucats cf Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mr. an'd Mrs. Wm. H. Bates.; Beckett, Oshawa. Il Flett St., town, quletly Miss Ruhy Virtue. Toronto, celebrated their 40th wedding; is spending Christmas holi- annlversary on Sunday, Dec.i days with Mr. and Mrs. R.,22nd. Rev. Shires officlated' Virtue. let their marriage in St. John's1 Mrs. F. Tomq attended the Anglican Church on Decem- ý Golden Wedding Anniversary ber 22, 1928. of Mr-. and Mrs. Harry Edger- The annIversary c o u p h e ton, Port Perry recently. alse were guests cf bonor at a sup-' called en Mrs. St. John, port per party given themn by their Perry. .Kre family In the Rib Room cf the! - Rev, and Mrs. E. J.erv Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. Those" and family, Hamilton, Mr. and att.ending were Mr. and Mrs.1 n Mrs. Len Player and beys, Wm. Par-ker (Reva) and theli n children, Wendy, Michael and i Bowmanville, were Christmas Debbie, 'Oshawa; Miss Wilma'I Liv supper guests at H. Ashton*s, Bates. Whitby, Mr. and Mrs.' Mrs. Mel McCune and girls, Bill Bates and son Kevin of! Oshawa, were cahiers. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H.- Mr and Mrs. Grant Werry Jobst (Lydia) and son Robbie - and family were Christmasî of Calgary were unable to TH D ay supper guests at Mr. and iattend,f H Mlrs. Etigene Sewel Courtice.I Mr. and Mrx. Ken Nlchols.i Mr .and Mrs. S. Lamb and town, joined the party hater-, rmily Mr-. and Mrs. R. Lamb &t the home of Mr-. and Mrs. and Lesley, Mrs. Grawbarger, Par-ker. Because of weather M4r. anid Mrs. Ailan Wray and conditions, Mrs. J. Nichols, Tl family cf Bowmanville, were, town, was unable to b. pres- Christmas Day guests at L. Cnt. L.amb's, Misses Julie and Jan-1 To mark the happy occasion,: ice Wray i-emained fýir hohi- the happy couple were the, da vs. ýrecipients of many lovely, Mr. and Mms S. 1 b atidcarda. ilowers and gtfta / - -~ ~ - - - f . tdlan Statesman, BowmanvMle, Jan. 1, 1M6 farians HoId ertainment fr e Ridge Schoo? ýopened in 1925. fully decorated In a Chrlstnii it Bill Thiesburger theme, and Yuletldedecor- of the Bowmanville tions also enhanced VhstbZs ;extended greetings. Mrs. L. Wiseman and Mrs. C; arveth, Toronto Rot- Detinger were In charge of thé th Service Commit- decoratlng. They were asBist rnan. was In charge ed by Mrs. Smale, Mrs. W rrangements for the Hall and Mrs., M. Harrison. [e was assisted by After the Christmas dinnef ýBob Lardner. Peter a fine programn was enjoyed. nd Jeff Mark: h Dave Saunders, Toronto, à =ibers of thisc- well known western entertaiqt' I er, gave a fascinating display 1ous turkey banquet of rope tricks, and a demonJ the fixings, and de-istration of bull whip skiU$;, tsserts was served in! The 79 Pine Ridge School boylj orium. W. Roche. the who are remahnlng there dur*u ,e School Chef' was in ing the holidays were eaek the preparation and given a transistor radio and a ýthe excellent rocal. box of chocolates by the ditorium was beauti- Toronto Rotartans. !igRIGvOU graoe bfo oar rIuda S OWMAN VILLE, CLEANERS a OIT 84 KING ST. W. O23.552d. m " «We Specialize In Shirt Laumderlng' I@WMANVILLE IUARY PHONE 623-5589 MDAY TO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 TO JANUARY 4, 1969 :or Love of Iv y"ý Sidney Poitier s$1.25 Students 750 Children 1 MID-NITE SHOW 'Pcture Mommy Doad" and :urse of the Voodoo" A1l Color - Aduit Entertainment )AY, JANUARY 5 ONLY - 7:30 F.M.L "Ceorgy ir' y l' - Lynn Redgrave THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUIJDAY, JANUARY 9 to 12 4e Green Berets" John Wayne, Jim Hutton Aduit Entertainment TRURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 - 19 ith Six You Get Eggroll"Y Doris Day, Brian Keith THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JAMJARY 23 - 26 he Biggest Bundie of Them Ail" Raquel Welch, Robert Wagner also, JAMan (alled Daggr"" Aduit Entertainment rHURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 - FEBRUARY 2 (e a Little, Love a Little"" Elvis Presley, Michele Carey - SPECIAL MATINEE SHOWS JRSDAY, JANUARY 23rd - 9:30 a.m "Shane" :1' Y 4.7 4., 4. à. r..I ~-,-- IURSDAY, JANUARY 30.- 1:15 pi&. 'iery V" 7ý > .-ï 500

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